Bitcoin Talks é um podcast sobre criptomoedas e investimentos, onde António Vilaça Pacheco conversa com convidados e esclarece conceitos além de relatar o momento atual das criptomoedas.
Your most trusted source for NFT coverage. Follow
@LuckyNFTNews and @LuckyTraderHQ on Twitter to stay on top of the latest news around the industry. -
Leading a business? Tech is the key to getting ahead. Insight Story gives you the insight you need to make the right investments. Brought to you by Kaspersky – the cybersecurity experts.
Com a guerra na Ucrânia a revelar as fragilidades do sector energético europeu, a aposta no hidrogénio saltou para o centro do debate. Portugal começou já a desbravar caminho, com aplicações no sector industrial e da mobilidade, a par da expansão de projectos de hidrogénio verde, que alimentam a expectativa nacional para um futuro descarbonizado e de maior competitividade económica. Um projecto do Estúdio P.
Podcast oficial dos Primos, onde debatemos investimentos, finanças pessoais, negócios e empreendedorismo em português de forma simples e descomplicada.
"O Investidor Inteligente” é um podcast da Casa de Investimentos.
Falamos de negócios excecionais e do que é relevante no investimento a longo prazo.
O nosso objetivo é contribuir para que os investidores tomem decisões mais esclarecidas. -
Há muitas coisas que mexem com o seu bolso e nem todas são más. Todos os dias, um facto bom e um facto mau para as suas finanças.
Aqui fala-se de tecnologia de forma simples e descomplicada! Em cada episódio, a nossa host Sofia Ribeiro vai estar à conversa com os especialistas nas inovações e tecnologias que estão a mudar a vida das pessoas - desde a condução autónoma às casas inteligentes, das apps que nos facilitam o dia a dia às soluções mais sustentáveis. Põe os fones, clica no play e desfruta... vamos falar-te de tecnologia!
Bem-vindas ao podcast Finanças no Feminino. Aqui vamos partilhar contigo as nossas experiências, os nossos sucessos e os nossos erros para te ajudar a viver com liberdade financeira.
Junta-te à Comunidade Mulheres FLI$es aqui:
Segue-nos no Instagram: -
Each season and episode of Think Like A CEO weaves together timely topics and the lessons Gary Keller and Jay Papasan have learned from the helm of the most innovative company in real estate. The goal: to help each listener get the mindset they need to lead their businesses and others.
If you’re a marketer today, you’re facing a lot of new realities, but you don’t have to face them alone. The Think with Google Podcast is here to help you and your marketing team stay ahead in this ever-changing world. From tools and strategies to interviews with experts, our host Tess Vigeland, is heading to the future of marketing.
Um podcast português sobre cryptomoedas e outros assuntos
Weekly podcasts with Paul Merriman. Strategic planning for investing at every stage of life.
Novo podcast do Expresso dedicado às grandes notícias do setor imobiliário. No ‘Chave na mão’ estamos atentos à evolução dos preços, das taxas de juro à construção de novos projetos, sem esquecer as tendências de mercado. Todas as sextas feiras, a jornalista Rita Neves leva até si o essencial dos principais temas, com a análise de especialistas e protagonistas do mercado imobiliário.
‘Chave na mão’ tem o apoio de APPII - Associação Portuguesa de Promotores e Investidores Imobiliários e Vitória Seguros. -
Weekly views on the key news stories from the Hotel Analyst team, covering the global hotel investment market. To read more detail, subscribe at
The American Monetary Association is a non-profit venture funded by The Jason Hartman Foundation that is dedicated to educating people about the practical effects of monetary policy and government actions on inflation, deflation and freedom. Our goal is to help people prosper in the midst of uncertain economic times.The American Monetary Association believes that a new and innovative understanding of wealth, value, business and investment is necessary to thrive in the new reality of big government, big deficits and monetary destruction.Host, Jason Hartman, interviews top-tier guests, bestselling authors and financial experts including; Robert Kiyosaki (Rich Dad), Harry Dent (The Great Depression Ahead), Peter Schiff (Crash Proof), William Cohan (House of Cards), Ellen Brown (Web of Debt), Thomas Woods (Meltdown), Gerald Celente (Trends Journal), G. Edward Griffin (The Creature from Jekyll Island), Chris Mayer (Capital & Crisis), Chris Martenson (The Crash Course), Robert Prechter (Elliott Wave), Pat Buchanan (Presidential Candidate), Eric Tyson (Investing for Dummies), Addison Wiggin & Bill Bonner (Agora – The Daily Reckoning), Catherine Austin Fitts (Solari), Thomas Sowell (The Hoover Institution), Marc Chandler (Making Sense of the Dollar), Gillian Tett (Fool’s Gold & The Financial Times), Howard Ruff (Prosper In The Coming Bad Years), Larry Parks (Gold Wars & FAME), James West (Crime of the Century), Les Leopold (The Looting of America), Robert Wiedemer (Aftershock), Bill Whittle (Rich Man Poor Man), Les Leopold (The Looting of America), Robert R. Prechter (Elliot Wave Theory), Lowell Ponte (The Great Withdrawal), Jack Gerard (American Petroleum Institute), Jeffrey Hirsch (Stock Trader's Almanac), Jim Bruce (Money For Nothing: Inside the Federal Reserve), Kevin Armstrong (Bulls, Birdies, Bogies, and Bears), Laurence Kotlikoff (The Clash of Generations), Shaun Rein (The End of Cheap China), A trademark feature of Hartman Media podcasts are our 'Tenth Episodes' where alternative topics of interest are explored every tenth episode. This provides a diverse mix of programming exploring issues and influential authors like Hannah Holmes (What Is Your Personality Type), Dr. Gary Chapman (The Five Love Languages), Christine Hassler (Manage Your Expectations), Sam Carpenter (Work the System), Chuck Gallagher (Second Chances), John J. Murphy (Zentrepreneur), and Robert Greene (Mastery). Topics explored at depth by the American Monetary Association include Bitcoin, digital currencies, investing, corporate tax inversions, crowdfunding, inflation, the Federal Reserve, student loan debt, monetary policy, economic challenges facing generation Y, solar energy, 3D printing, medical technology, US dollar, currency exchange, plunging bond rates, personal and commercial bankruptcy, the cost of a college education, digital banking, the American dream, capital gains taxes, asset protection, gold and silver, commodities markets, precious metals, investing tips, structural and personal unemployment, bank regulations, regulatory reform, emerging markets, shadow banking, social media, derivatives, mobile commerce, government regulation, housing market, identity theft, cyber currencies, mortgage lenders, investment properties, VA loans, gold standard, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, online auctions, landlord tenant conflicts, tax lien investing, tax law, retirement, contract law, stagflation, home loans, real estate scams, renters, reverse mortgages, foreclosures, euro, European Union, ECB, European Central Bank, the US housing market, micro lending, online security, cyber security, online banking, digital banking, outsourcing, online shopping, Amazon, Apple, Facebook, Twitter, JP Morgan, short sales, austerity, forex, monetary systems, budget surplus, budget deficits, tax cuts, solar energy, consumer debt, consumer price index, property investing, high frequency trading, interest rates, college tuition, cashless societies, credit card debt, credit monitoring, credit ratings, currency trading, refinancing, federal stimulus, financial independence, financial planning, financial literacy, economic growth, economic development, Wall Street, IPO, IRS, Internal Revenue Service, IMF, International Monetary Fund, mobile banking, Elliot Wave Theory, free trade, underwater homeowners, foreign investing, oil prices, entrepreneurship, Equifax, federal budget, Keynes, Keynesian, fiat currency, financial scams, global economy, gold standard, income tax, and foreign investment.
How can data, AI and advanced analytics accelerate health innovation? Which new technologies hold the most promise? What are the biggest roadblocks to progress? How can we solve endemic problems?
Join us for The Health Pulse podcast series as we explore fresh perspectives on digital transformation in health care and life sciences. With a special guest expert on each episode*, we’ll tackle the most pressing issues affecting the delivery of health care and therapies worldwide.
All presentations represent the opinions of the presenter and do not represent the position or the opinion of SAS. -
Bem-vindos ao Podcast dos Investimentos Lucrativos.
Um Podcast feito para aqueles que querem aprender a gerir melhor o seu dinheiro, poupar e investir, e acima de tudo atingir a Liberdade Financeira.
Se os conteúdos aqui abordados são de grande valor para ti, por favor partilha com os teus familiares e amigos e deixa uma crítica (cinco estrelas de preferência), na tua aplicação preferida de podcast.
Juntos, vamos impactar positivamente mais pessoas e trazer mais investidores para a realidade portuguesa.
Muito Obrigado pela tua ajuda! -
No Faz-te à Vida vais poder encontrar grandes nomes do mundo financeiro e de empreendedorismo. Vamos mostrar como muitos dos nossos convidados chegaram ao sucesso que hoje têm e como batalharam até lá.
Want to have the money available to do all the dreams God has put on your heart? Great, you'll be right at home here.
Because we have a different take on money than most financial experts. Kind of like if Chip and Joanna talked about money. You know, down-to-earth, approachable, easy to understand, and even fun.
We aren’t going to judge you for your past mistakes and we haven’t forgotten the pain of being broke so we can relate. We believe simple always beats complicated. And we believe money isn’t the goal, but is simply a tool that can be used to fulfill what God has called us to do.
Success with money. Success in Marriage. Success as a Christian. That’s what we’re after. If you want that too, then you’ll love the show.
We help you spend less time thinking about money while getting better results.
The Seed Time Money podcast is where we (Bob & Linda Lotich) share the mindsets, beliefs and strategies we used to go from being debt-ridden and broke to:
- paying off $400k of debt
- eliminating all guilt and shame with money
- building multiple streams of passive income
- honoring God with our finances
- learning how to save & invest wisely
- having financial unity in our marriage
- giving $1 million by age 40
Occasionally, we interview guests like John Mark Comer, Mark Batterson, Annie F. Downs, Joshua Becker, Jamie Winship, Carlos Whittaker, Crystal Paine, Jordan Raynor, and other Biblically-minded Christian thought leaders as we seek to connect our faith with our personal finances.
And if you like what you hear on the podcast, consider diving deeper with us by grabbing our award-winning book ‘Simple Money, Rich Life’ or take your spouse or church small group through our 6-week on-demand workshop 'True Financial Freedom'.
Find out more at