
  • Welcome back to The Jason Goldberg Is Ruining Podcasting Podcast! Today, Jason has Adam Roa on the podcast and the two talk about all things related to creativity, igniting your creator self, dealing with lack of creativity, and following your heart and intuition when creativity seems far away. Being a creative person is a characteristic we all are born with so releasing it throughout our life should not be a difficult process.

    “Everyone’s creative energy is completely unique and I don’t believe that there is anything more healing than your unique frequency and essence being allowed to express through you and out into the world.” – Adam Roa

    Adam explains that being creative is a consequence of facing resistance from a certain situation; it’s a way out. For that reason, the creative process is sometimes draining and can trigger self doubt (“Am I really capable of doing this?”). But once you push past the self doubt you won’t regret it.

    “Few people understand how much space creativity requires and creativity is the expansion of what your brain is able to put together.” – Adam Roa

    In addition, Jason and Adam talk about what aspects of life help bring creativity to the surface. Self expression, self love, vulnerability, and even getting out of our comfort zone are all helpful for creativity. Being comfortable with discomfort requires being comfortable with yourself, and that’s already halfway there.

    “The world is craving authenticity. We’re at a stage where authenticity has almost become dangerous because it’s got to a point where no one knows what to believe so people are grasping onto things and ideologies and dogmas that are causing harm to a lot of people on this planet.” – Adam Roa

    About Adam Roa

    Adam Roa is an artist, poet, coach, and host of The Deep Dive Podcast. With a background of personal training, Adam saw the importance of not only bringing health and wellness to the physical body, but also to the conscious mind. Through his company The Create Community and his organization Surrendered Artist, Adam helps people find their innate magic & creativity, making it serve both the professional and personal life.

    Key Timestamps

    [04:59] – Adam explains how his persona is a collective of interests;

    [11:18] – Adam’s old personal reality shaped his personality;

    [15:33] – How personal growth & creativity impacted Adam’s overall growth;

    [24:57] – Understanding the creative process;

    [31:42] – How to be in love with the creative process;

    [36:56] – Adam’s visualization of creative process in 4 steps;

    [41:39] – How to let creativity talk?

    [56:35] – The correlation between financial stability, goals, and creativity;

    [01:05:43] – #It’sGameTime: The Even Deeper Dive with Adam Roa;

    [01:21:03] – What it takes to be a creative human being and express yourself;

    [01:28:18] – #OMiG: Adam tells an embarrassing, but liberating story;

    [01:33:20] – Sharing is an aspect of healing (but only if you allow it to);

    [01:45:42] – Making money is good, but expressing yourself along the way is better;

    [01:52:35] – What Adam wants to ruin before he leaves this planet;

    Related Links

    Website: Adam Roa

    Website: The Create Community

    Website: Surrendered Artist

    The Deep Dive with Adam Roa (Spotify)

    The Deep Dive with Adam Roa (Apple Podcasts)

    Adam Roa YouTube Channel

    #OMiG Video: Adam's IG Feed

    Adam Roa Speech: How to Find the Perfect Relationship

    Connect with us!

    IG: @adam.roa

    Facebook: Adam Roa

    IG: @thejasongoldberg

    Facebook: The Jason Goldberg

  • Join your host Jason Goldberg in another episode of the Jason Goldberg Is Ruining Podcasting Podcast! Today, Jason talks about feeling self-love, having self-confidence, and how important it is to practice these actions every day. Self-love is about caring and taking responsibility for oneself, so it’s normal to think we should have these feelings for others. But, shouldn’t we have these exact same feelings about us?

    “It may not seem this way on the surface but self-love can actually be an act of defiance. What if I don’t comply? What if I don’t waste my super limited time and energy trying to fit in? In a world where we were thought to live in compliance from an early age, it can feel really edgy to put ourselves first but that’s a big component of self-love.” – Jason Goldberg

    Lack of self-love not only affects the way we treat our own selves, but it’s also intrinsically related to the way other people view us. The curiosity here is: the way other people view us also influences how we treat us, thus creating an endless cycle.

    It’s important to remember to not live life like we are trying to pass someone else’s test because approval only needs to be met if it comes from within. Do YOU approve YOU?

    “At the end of the day self-love is what’s left over in the absence of self criticism and the absence of self criticism is what comes in the presence of self compassion.” – Jason Goldberg

    Another point that’s worth talking about is the idea that we repeat the same behaviors when we don’t practice self-love. Comparing ourselves with others, constantly looking for approval, seeking permission to be yourself, and outsourcing your feelings are all behaviors that are stopping us from loving the C.R.A.P. out of us. That’s exactly what Jason shares today.

    Key Timestamps

    [0:51] – What does self-love mean and why it’s important to talk about;

    [4:45] – Jason started to rewrite his story by practicing self-love;

    [6:52] – How can you love the absolute C.R.A.P. out of yourself;

    [23:19] – When looking for self-love, remember who’s the real hero;

    Related Links

    A Thousand Names for Joy by Byron Katie and Stephen Mitchell

    Connect with me!

    IG: @thejasongoldberg

    Facebook: The Jason Goldberg

    About Jason Goldberg

    What does an award-winning entrepreneur, a TEDx Speaker, a bacon-atarian (that’s a vegetarian who still eats bacon), a funky sock lover, a former rapper (who opened for the Wu-Tang Clan - YES, really!) and a previously 332lb man (who has since lost over130lbs despite his affinity for bacon) have in common?

    They are all the same guy!

    Jason “JG” Goldberg (so we’re really doing third person here huh?) is an international “Edutainer”, host of The Jason Goldberg is Ruining Podcasting Podcast, author of the #1 International Best-Seller “Prison Break” and creator of the Playful Prosperity AND Competition-Proof Business Immersion programs.

    He has been a featured expert on media outlets including ABC, CBS, and FOX as well as teaching on the Mindvalley and SoulPancake platforms and creating a business in partnership with NASA and the space shuttle program while earning his MBA.

    Now JG focuses on blending his signature mix of simple and transformational wisdom, practical business mentorship, and belly-busting humor to help coaches, speakers and online educators build “Competition-PROOF” businesses full of impact and influence (and have a ton of FUN in the process)!

    As a sought-after international speaker and host, JG has shared the stage with some of the world’s greatest thought-leaders and innovators in human potential and performance including Jason Silva (Host of Nat Geo’s “Brain Games”), Dr. Sean Stephenson (“The 3 Foot Giant”), Don Miguel Ruiz (“The Four Agreements”), Vishen Lakhiani (CEO of Mindvalley), Steven Kotler (Stealing Fire), Marisa Peer (the UK’s psychotherapist to the stars) and so many others that he hopes will impress you if these other ones don’t! ;)

    You can get a free copy of JG’s latest book “How to Build a Competition-Proof Coaching Business” here: http://becompetitionproof.com/ and listen to his hilarious and powerful podcast here: http://TheJasonGoldberg.com/Podcast

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  • Welcome back to The Jason Goldberg Is Ruining Podcasting Podcast! In this episode, Jason talks with Courtney Granberry and Matthew Russell. They share some important opinions on a variety of topics that are relevant for the period we’re living and important for the changes we’re experiencing, both as individuals and as a community.

    “I think everybody should have a right to vote with their dollar, and vote with their attention, because the new economy is attention.” – Matthew Russell

    You will hear all about the “Cancel Culture” and how it has been impacting everyone that has some kind of visibility online. This social issue revolves around what the consequences of “canceling” someone publicly in terms of public shaming and psychological damages are, what really causes it, what the limits between a bad joke or an offensive insult are, who’s actually behind this whole online cancelation, and all the branches of topics that this discussion eventually leads to.

    “It’s always nice to be mad at something and then take a step back and actually think about it. I feel like sometimes you react so fast that you don’t have time to really think about it. So, I think it is just educating yourself, reading books, not taking things personally, and maybe having a conversation with someone who’s older than you.” – Courtney Granberry

    On a lighter note, they talk about their work – with music and modeling, what new projects they have been up to, how they see the future with new technologies popping up everywhere, and their experience with meditation and how it correlates with their lifestyle. At the end of the chat, Jason asks Courtney and Matthew what is the one thing that they are willing to (and wanting too) completely ruin in this lifetime. Listen in to catch their response!

    “If people, for the most part in their track record, seem to be pretty well intentioned people and they slip up and say something that is not appropriate and possibly offensive – and they are held accountable, somebody does call them out for saying it -, do they deserve to be canceled as a result of that?” – Jason Goldberg

    About Courtney Granberry and Matthew Russell

    Courtney Granberry is a Fashion Model who has been featured on brands like Savage X Fenty, Target and more. Matthew Russell is a DJ and member of Cheat Codes. Both of them are the hosts of “I’m Not Racist, My Friend’s Black” podcast.

    Key Timestamps

    [4:31] – Courtney and Matthew talk about the beginning of their relationship;

    [11:49] – Matthew’s background with creating and producing music;

    [13:08] – Courtney and Matthew’s stories on “big breaks”;

    [27:07] – How meditation has been helping them;

    [38:17] – NFTs, new technology and future devices;

    [49:27] – Causes and consequences of “Cancel Culture” nowadays;

    [01:05:15] – Is it easy to cancel people publicly nowadays?;

    [01:10:27] – Matthew talks about the impact of “Cancel Culture” in his work;

    [01:11:23] – Courtney comments on a personal situation involving “Cancel Culture”;

    [01:18:00] – Bullying, bad jokes, and the new generations;

    [01:30:32] – What Courtney and Matthew want to ruin in life;

    Related Links

    Check out their podcast:

    I’m Not Racist, My Friend’s Black | Episode with Jason (Spotify)

    I’m Not Racist, My Friend’s Black | Episode with Jason (Apple Podcasts)

    Episode with Jason on YouTube

    Books mentioned in this episode:

    Stillness Is the Key by Ryan Holiday

    Trust Me, I’m Lying by Ryan Holiday

    Perennial Seller by Ryan Holiday


    6-Phase Meditation with Vishen Lakhiani

    Connect with us!

    Courtney’s IG: @thasupremecourt

    Matthew’s IG: @matthewrussellofficial | @cheatcodes

    IG: @thejasongoldberg

    Facebook: The Jason Goldberg

  • Welcome back to the Jason Goldberg Is Ruining Podcasting Podcast! In this episode, Jason shares some insights on how to handle anger and how to switch from reacting to anger to creating with anger. Anger shows itself in a lot of ways but curiously there’s also a lot of ways we can deal with it. First and foremost: see the situation from a more calm perspective and then ask yourself: “Am I willing to let go of this feeling?” If the answer is positive, your mind and body will instantly start to slow down.

    “Anger is not inherently bad and your feelings are never wrong. The challenge becomes when we think that the feeling of anger is also the most effective guide as to what we should do.” – Jason Goldberg

    Another thing that can help us administer anger is to look at the root cause of it, and make an effort to analyze it: is it going to be this important 5 days from now? Is it going to affect me next week, next month, next year? Negative thoughts only exist in the past or future. The present moment is completely ours. At the end of the day, thoughts are just thoughts, not truths. When sh*t hits the fan, what is THE best next step that’ll help the situation?

    “When we are being puppetered by anger, we diminish our own experience of life and we just aren’t ourselves.” – Jason Goldberg

    Key Timestamps

    [3:27] – Anger is not good or bad, it’s just a temporary feeling;

    [07:34] – How to transform anger into something?

    [16:22] – Neutral-eyes the threat that causes anger;

    [21:15] – How to step away from the Reactor and step into the Creator;

    [26:02] – The difference between anger and rage;

    Connect with me!

    IG: @thejasongoldberg

    Facebook: The Jason Goldberg

    About Jason Goldberg

    What does an award-winning entrepreneur, a TEDx Speaker, a bacon-atarian (that’s a vegetarian who still eats bacon), a funky sock lover, a former rapper (who opened for the Wu-Tang Clan - YES, really!) and a previously 332lb man (who has since lost over130lbs despite his affinity for bacon) have in common?

    They are all the same guy!

    Jason “JG” Goldberg (so we’re really doing third person here huh?) is an international “Edutainer”, host of The Jason Goldberg is Ruining Podcasting Podcast, author of the #1 International Best-Seller “Prison Break” and creator of the Playful Prosperity AND Competition-Proof Business Immersion programs.

    He has been a featured expert on media outlets including ABC, CBS, and FOX as well as teaching on the Mindvalley and SoulPancake platforms and creating a business in partnership with NASA and the space shuttle program while earning his MBA.

    Now JG focuses on blending his signature mix of simple and transformational wisdom, practical business mentorship, and belly-busting humor to help coaches, speakers and online educators build “Competition-PROOF” businesses full of impact and influence (and have a ton of FUN in the process)!

    As a sought-after international speaker and host, JG has shared the stage with some of the world’s greatest thought-leaders and innovators in human potential and performance including Jason Silva (Host of Nat Geo’s “Brain Games”), Dr. Sean Stephenson (“The 3 Foot Giant”), Don Miguel Ruiz (“The Four Agreements”), Vishen Lakhiani (CEO of Mindvalley), Steven Kotler (Stealing Fire), Marisa Peer (the UK’s psychotherapist to the stars) and so many others that he hopes will impress you if these other ones don’t! ;)

    You can get a free copy of JG’s latest book “How to Build a Competition-Proof Coaching Business” here: http://becompetitionproof.com/ and listen to his hilarious and powerful podcast here: http://TheJasonGoldberg.com/Podcast

  • Welcome back to The ‘Jason Goldberg is Ruining Podcasting’ Podcast! This week Jason has a conversation with Oren Harris. Oren talks about the process of breaking free from your identity and becoming someone else. Your personality is defined by who you want to be; changing your personality, although not a very quick process, is totally doable. That shift allows other things to happen such as: going into unexpected career directions; diving into your unknown purpose; discovering the abilities you master; and discovering what you’re designed to do in this life.

    “On a level of mind our beliefs about ourselves, our belief about the world, the perspectives that we are holding can be flow enhancers or flow blockers.” – Oren Harris

    Oren also talks about how to use your flow to prepare for something important. When we have an event coming (or a new experience, a big decision, a dilemma to solve) it is less beneficial to try to see the outcome and control the process rather than just surrendering. According to Oren, in this moment you should put down the desired outcome and ask yourself: “Why am I doing this?”

    “Surrender is letting go of control. Not letting go of a goal, of a vision, of what’s essential, of what’s important, of what your intention is.” – Oren Harris

    To be in this state of flow is to completely let go, including trying to control the flow. When we live in autopilot: always trying to achieve; always doing too much; always attaching ourselves to methods, belief systems and routines, we start to feel limited. There isn’t just one way to do things. So, how do we change this thought process and start allowing the flow to exist? Oren explains that self awareness is the first step: to become familiar with what needs to change is to begin this change.

    “If you expand your consciousness, expand your mindset, and you become someone new - even if you take a small action in that - the measure of its impact is not the action or just the result of that one action… that action represents an entirely new level of being.” – Oren Harris

    About Oren Harris

    Oren Harris is a life and transformation coach, teacher and speaker. Having worked alongside entrepreneurs, high performing leaders, and creatives of all kinds, Oren bases his life and work in awakening the full potential of people. He does so, either by helping with performance or by igniting their flow.

    Key Timestamps

    [4:04] – Oren talks about the beginning of his career as a life coach;

    [19:31] – Oren explains the concepts of preparation and presence;

    [32:03] – How to shift from analytical perspective to spiritual perspective;

    [35:38] – Definition of flow (Flow enhancer VS. flow blocker);

    [54:32] – How Oren handles resistance and creative blocks;

    [01:09:20] – How Oren faced surrender on a personal situation;

    [01:11:50] – Planning and trying to control the flow is quite the opposite of letting the flow exist;

    [01:26:17] – It’s Game Time! #YouAlphabetYoAss;

    [01:32:37] – How Oren sees Creativity and Inspiration burnout;

    [01:52:45] – It’s Game Time! # TheMatrixRecasted

    [01:59:32] – What Oren wants to ruin from now on;

    Related Links

    The Circle by Oren Harris

    Connect with us!

    IG: @orenharris

    Facebook: The Oren Harris

    Website: Flow with Oren Harris

    IG: @thejasongoldberg

    Facebook: The Jason Goldberg

  • Welcome back to the Jason Goldberg Is Ruining Podcasting Podcast! In this episode, Jason talks about Ego, and how we can make it our reasoned guide. Ego can be defined as our self identity, our ideas and opinions about others and the world and our sense of self consciousness – all at the same time. But Ego is also seen as a bad feature in a person and getting rid of it is seen as the right thing to do. What if you switch throwing away your Ego by simply being aware of it? Using it instead of being used by it? You will learn that Ego exists to conduct us in the right direction and help us make better choices.

    “Common knowledge and belief is that the Ego is your enemy. That it works against you, that it holds you back from growing and being successful, that it hurts your relationships, and makes you an arrogant shmug if not taken care of. But what if your Ego can actually be your gateway to, not only your own personal fulfillment but, to actual meaningful contribution in the world?” – Jason Goldberg

    Jason also explains the concepts of FREEgo and FLEEgo. FREEgo as being our sense of free thinking, free will and freedom. Freeing ourselves of feeling guilty for having wants and needs. Freeing ourselves of being ashamed for setting boundaries, having self-love, but also freely being of service and being there for others. And FLEEgo as being our sense of running away, or escaping situations. Fleeing from different things, new experiences and difficult conversations. Fleeing help and fleeing being helped.

    “We hear this all the time: that we should focus on being more self aware. Well, we need a bit of the idea of separateness that the Ego can provide to know how truly self aware we are becoming.” – Jason Goldberg

    These two notions of the Ego are important to consider. To turn a FLEEgo into a FREEgo, firstly you need to be aware of both of them, observing yourself, and noticing what situations they appear in. Only by acknowledging your Ego, you will start making it your amigo. Instead of being pushed away by it, use it to pull you back to center.

    Key Timestamps

    [3:15] – What is the definition of Ego?

    [09:33] – FREEgo vs. FLEEgo;

    [15:27] – How being aware of the Ego helped Jason;

    [18:40] – What are you going to do about your Ego now?

    Connect with me!

    IG: @thejasongoldberg

    Facebook: The Jason Goldberg

    About Jason Goldberg

    What does an award-winning entrepreneur, a TEDx Speaker, a bacon-atarian (that’s a vegetarian who still eats bacon), a funky sock lover, a former rapper (who opened for the Wu-Tang Clan - YES, really!) and a previously 332lb man (who has since lost over 130lbs despite his affinity for bacon) have in common?

    They are all the same guy!

    Jason “JG” Goldberg (so we’re really doing third person here huh?) is an international “Edutainer”, host of The Jason Goldberg is Ruining Podcasting Podcast, author of the #1 International Best-Seller “Prison Break” and creator of the Playful Prosperity AND Competition-Proof Business Immersion programs.

    He has been a featured expert on media outlets including ABC, CBS, and FOX as well as teaching on the Mindvalley and SoulPancake platforms and creating a business in partnership with NASA and the space shuttle program while earning his MBA.

    Now JG focuses on blending his signature mix of simple and transformational wisdom, practical business mentorship, and belly-busting humor to help coaches, speakers and online educators build “Competition-PROOF” businesses full of impact and influence (and have a ton of FUN in the process)!

    As a sought-after international speaker and host, JG has shared the stage with some of the world’s greatest thought-leaders and innovators in human potential and performance including Jason Silva (Host of Nat Geo’s “Brain Games”), Dr. Sean Stephenson (“The 3 Foot Giant”), Don Miguel Ruiz (“The Four Agreements”), Vishen Lakhiani (CEO of Mindvalley), Steven Kotler (Stealing Fire), Marisa Peer (the UK’s psychotherapist to the stars) and so many others that he hopes will impress you if these other ones don’t! ;)

    You can get a free copy of JG’s latest book “How to Build a Competition-Proof Coaching Business” here: http://becompetitionproof.com/ and listen to his hilarious and powerful podcast here: http://TheJasonGoldberg.com/Podcast

  • Welcome back to The ‘Jason Goldberg Is Ruining Podcasting’ Podcast! This week the guest is Ashley Stahl. Ashley is a career coach, speaker, entrepreneur and author. Her book “You Turn” recently got published, listen to this episode of the podcast as she talks about the process of writing it and what it meant for her to get out of her comfort zone to be able to put into words her thoughts and feelings in a way that helps people. Ashley shares that making changes and doing scary things in life can be intimidating but there’s no other way to grow.

    “There is someone out there with less experience than you exactly where you want to be and they just thought that they could so that’s what they did.” – Ashley Stahl

    In addition, Ashley talks about her background working for the Pentagon and how she didn’t feel aligned with her essence working there; how she managed to shake things up and start working as a career coach and how important it was to have the right mindset to make this change. Ashley and Jason also share stories of friendship, compassion, the meaning of having a community that supports you and the value of comprehending your core nature.

    “I think it’s important for anybody listening to say to themselves: ‘Am I working in a career or a job that is requiring me a significant percentage of time to be in an energy that isn’t mine?’” – Ashley Stahl

    If you want to enter the giveaway and try to win a free copy of Ashley’s book “You Turn” you just need to take a screenshot of this episode, post on your IG story, tag both Jason and Ashley and wait to be picked (Jason will randomly pick 10 people!).

    About Ashley Stahl

    Ashley Stahl is a career coach, speaker, entrepreneur and author. With a background of working at the Pentagon, Ashley decided to listen to her core values and follow a career that was meant for her. Since then, she has helped people find their true elements and purpose in life and use it to build a successful career.

    Key Timestamps

    [5:09] – OMiG!

    [7:51] – Ashley talks about her childhood and background.

    [14:47] – What we know in life can actually change us.

    [18:49] – Understanding your identity and the “pieces of you”.

    [24:27] – What is your core nature (core elements about yourself)?

    [33:17] – Ashley shares a distressing story about her and her family.

    [50:29] – How important it is to feel the energy from other people.

    [56:09] – Getting out of your comfort zones and making changes.

    [1:06:10] – How to keep going even if you don’t believe in yourself?

    [1:14:22] – What Ashley actually wants to ruin in life.

    Related Links

    You Turn by Ashley Stahl

    Ashley’s TEDx Talk: Three Questions to Unlock Your Authentic Career

    Ashley’s TEDx Talk: How to Figure out What You Really Want

    You Turn Podcast with Ashley Stahl: Ep. 28: How to Have More Fun While You’re Achieving w/ Jason Goldberg‬

    Connect with us!

    IG: @ashleystahl

    IG: @thejasongoldberg

    Facebook: The Jason Goldberg

  • One of the most important things you can do to improve the way you live and the way you handle situations is to question the existence of ‘magic’ in your life. Is there any space in your life right now allowing magic to manifest? Are you currently following so many rules, tasks and routines that circumstances simply cannot happen to you? Is your mindset so self-centered to the point that there’s no space for anything unexpected (and awesome)? Well, if you answered ‘yes’ to at least one of these questions, this episode is for you!

    “Don’t sit on the sidelines and wait for the world to choose you, or for magic to appear, but, also, don’t step on the universe’s toes and try to command and control everything into creation.” – Jason Goldberg

    In this episode, Jason shares simple steps to take in order for you to create more magic in your life. Allowing the universe’s higher power to take place is only possible by: making room for it and freeing yourself from control; embracing the magic when it actually happens by taking in the insights and lessons; and sharing the whole experience and concept with people that are energetically aligned with you. Oftentimes, the best thing to do is take a step back and let ‘magic’ take the wheel.

    Key Timestamps

    [1:33] – What is magic after all?

    [07:52] – The meaning behind the word “magic.”

    [10:12] – How can we master the magic in our life? (The S.I.S. Method).

    [22:28] – How to let magic come to place?

    Connect with me!

    IG: @thejasongoldberg

    Facebook: The Jason Goldberg

    About Jason Goldberg

    What does an award-winning entrepreneur, a TEDx Speaker, a bacon-atarian (that’s a vegetarian who still eats bacon), a funky sock lover, a former rapper (who opened for the Wu-Tang Clan - YES, really!) and a previously 332lb man (who has since lost over130lbs despite his affinity for bacon) have in common?

    They are all the same guy!

    Jason “JG” Goldberg (so we’re really doing third person here huh?) is an international “Edutainer”, host of The Jason Goldberg is Ruining Podcasting Podcast, author of the #1 International Best-Seller “Prison Break” and creator of the Playful Prosperity AND Competition-Proof Business Immersion programs.

    He has been a featured expert on media outlets including ABC, CBS, and FOX as well as teaching on the Mindvalley and SoulPancake platforms and creating a business in partnership with NASA and the space shuttle program while earning his MBA.

    Now JG focuses on blending his signature mix of simple and transformational wisdom, practical business mentorship, and belly-busting humor to help coaches, speakers and online educators build “Competition-PROOF” businesses full of impact and influence (and have a ton of FUN in the process)!

    As a sought-after international speaker and host, JG has shared the stage with some of the world’s greatest thought-leaders and innovators in human potential and performance including Jason Silva (Host of Nat Geo’s “Brain Games”), Dr. Sean Stephenson (“The 3 Foot Giant”), Don Miguel Ruiz (“The Four Agreements”), Vishen Lakhiani (CEO of Mindvalley), Steven Kotler (Stealing Fire), Marisa Peer (the UK’s psychotherapist to the stars) and so many others that he hopes will impress you if these other ones don’t! ;)

    You can get a free copy of JG’s latest book “How To Build a Competition-Proof Coaching Business” here: http://becompetitionproof.com/ and listen to his hilarious and powerful podcast here: http://TheJasonGoldberg.com/Podcast

  • Join Jason Goldberg and Kent Weed in this week’s episode as they talk about all of the experiences Kent has faced throughout his whole career. They address important topics such as: how to overcome obstacles in life by having a clear vision, how to keep being persistent despite personal and professional problems, how impactful it is in our body and physical health to not feel fulfilled with some aspects of our life, and how to shift your mindset around changes.

    “I’m a big believer that you make your own way in this world, but it doesn’t mean you can’t use connections to get there.” – Kent Weed

    Kent also shares his thoughts on the current situations of television productions with COVID happening, how important it is to manifest your creativity during these tough times and how it all correlates with meditation. You will hear from Kent a little bit about his childhood, his background with TV production (working on famous TV shows like Hell’s Kitchen), and about his transition from having a “behind-the-scenes” type of profession into a more noticeable one being an environmental activist.

    “If we can get people to not be so heavy about everything and not let things bother them so much, it becomes much easier.” – Kent Weed

    About Kent Weed

    Kent Weed is an Executive Producer, Mindfulness Teacher and Environmental Activist. Having worked on many famous shows on television such as “American Ninja Warrior”, “Unsung”, and “Hell’s Kitchen”, Kent started his production business A. Smith & Co. aiming to produce high-quality and entertaining TV programming. Kent is also very active with environmental projects as he currently works with the Water Keeper Alliance.

    Key Timestamps

    [09:03] - Kent’s background and childhood;

    [16:02] - How TV productions are affecting people right now;

    [21:55] - Being persistent and facing obstacles in your career;

    [38:24] - The impact of having a life misaligned and unfulfilled;

    [44:46] - What it takes to have courage to make changes;

    [54:35] - Kent’s thoughts on the afterlife and how it correlates with meditation;

    [57:25] - #MixtapeOfTheMind: Kent’s transition to coaching;

    [1:17:40] - Would You Rather Game!

    [1:21:30] - Kent talks about his environmental project;

    [1:29:05] - Trusting yourself and your projects;

    [1:35:00] - Meditation resources;

    [1:36:20] - Gifts and what Kent would like to ruin in this world

    Related Links

    Water Keeper Alliance

    The 6 Phase Meditation

    The M Word by Emily Fletchers

    Oprah and Deepak 21-Day Meditation Experience

    Ziva Meditation

    Connect with us!

    IG: @kentweed

    IG: @thejasongoldberg

    Facebook: The Jason Goldberg

  • We, as human beings, have a great number of goals in life. We want to be successful, we want to get that special job offer, we want to live in that luxurious house or have that perfect lifestyle… Whatever your goals may be, it’s almost certain you are taking life too seriously in order to achieve them. Think about it: the secret of success is being successful despite the fact that you’re serious, not because of it. In this episode, Jason Goldberg shares with you the 6 most effective tips to take life (and yourself) less seriously.

    “I started seeing that bringing seriousness to the work I was doing, bringing seriousness to my life in general was actually robbing me of the joy of life.” – Jason Goldberg

    With these tips you will be able to recognize the whole seriousness living inside of you right now and you will be able to let it go gradually and naturally. These are powerful proven tactics that will shift your mindset and will help you remember that your problems are not so significant and your ego and focus might be working against you instead of with you. Sometimes in life we must detach things from being “the center of our universe,” and just loosen our grip a little bit.

    “Whatever I make the center of my universe, I’m also going to put all of my energy into it to make sure I protect it from failing or just falling apart. And so that takes a lot of seriousness to constantly be protecting what I think is the most important thing in my world.” – Jason Goldberg

    Key Timestamps

    [2:37] – Why seriousness can block your joy in life.

    [07:25] – Jason’s story on taking entrepreneurship too seriously.

    [10:32] – The 6 tips to take life less seriously.

    [29:51] – A little story on how to practice these 6 tips from now on.

    Related Links

    Time to Think by Nancy Kline

    Connect with me!

    IG: @thejasongoldberg

    Facebook: The Jason Goldberg

    About Jason Goldberg

    What does an award-winning entrepreneur, a TEDx Speaker, a bacon-atarian (that’s a vegetarian who still eats bacon), a funky sock lover, a former rapper (who opened for the Wu-Tang Clan-YES, really!) and a previously 332lb man (who has since lost over130lbs despite his affinity for bacon) have in common?

    They are all the same guy!

    Jason “JG” Goldberg (so we’re really doing third person here huh?) is an international “Edutainer”, author of the #1 International Best-Seller “Prison Break” and creator of the Playful Prosperity AND Competition-Proof Business Immersion programs.

    He has been a featured expert on media outlets including ABC, CBS, and FOX as well as teaching on the Mindvalley and Soul Pancake platforms and creating a business in partnership with NASA and the space shuttle program while earning his MBA.

    Now JG focuses on blending his signature mix of simple and transformational wisdom, practical business mentorship, and belly-busting humor to help coaches, speakers and online educators build “Competition-PROOF” businesses full of impact and influence (and have a ton of FUN in the process)!

    As a sought-after international speaker and host, JG has shared the stage with some of the world’s greatest thought-leaders and innovators in human potential and performance including Jason Silva (Host of Nat Geo’s “Brain Games”), Dr. Sean Stephenson (The 3 Foot Giant), Don Miguel Ruiz (The Four Agreements), Vishen Lakhiani (CEO of Mindvalley), Steven Kotler (Stealing Fire), Marisa Peer (the UK’s psychotherapist to the stars) and so many others that he hopes will impress you if these other ones don’t! ;)

  • Join Jason Goldberg and Aaron Alexander in this week’s episode as they chat about physiology, physical movement, dating, relationships, and all these things mixed together! Aaron shares with us the importance of physical wellbeing and its correlation with psychology, how he started his journey with bodybuilding and strength training, and why it helped him create his identity. Aaron also talks about what he would like to ruin in life:

    “I’d like to ruin not feeling at home. Home in your body, home with your relationships, home with this world.” – Aaron Alexander

    You will learn why it’s important to create a deep connection with your body in order to perform better, be a more empathetic person, live healthier and have a better life. When we truly understand the wants and needs of our physical being we start to develop other things like appreciation and self love. To take care of ourselves (taking care of our physical state) is to know ourselves more and that is the most important tool we have to achieve wellness every day. Aaron also addresses some science facts behind physiology, body movement, stretching and why every individual in the planet could squat if they wanted. Besides that, try not to laugh with the games!

    About Aaron Alexander

    Aaron is a manual therapist, movement coach and author who has helped a great number of athletes and celebrities throughout his career. Having started early in life as a personal trainer, Aaron thinks there is an explicit connection between physical wellbeing and psychology. Check out his book The Align Method and don’t forget to give a listen to his Align Podcast - #1 in Nutrition on Apple Podcasts. Both are linked in the description!

    Key Timestamps

    [8:40] – Aaron talks briefly about the book.

    [11:20] – It’s Game Time!

    [16:19] – The reasons why Aaron started on bodybuilding and strength training.

    [41:53] – Changing the mindset around fitness and vanity.

    [52:49] – Why it’s important to move your body & stretch.

    [1:21:47] – Aaron talks about honesty when it comes to dating and relationships.

    [1:35:57] – The benefits of moving more.

    [1:52:43] – It’s Game Time! (#OMIG)

    [1:55:42] – Aaron and Jason call a mutual friend!

    [2:08:15] – Find out what Aaron wants to ruin.

    Related Links

    Align Podcast (Apple Podcasts)

    Align Podcast (Spotify)

    The Align Method by Aaron Alexander

    No More Mr. Nice Guy by Dr. Robert A. Glover

    Connect with us!

    IG: @alignpodcast

    Websites: alignpodcast.com

    IG: @thejasongoldberg

    Facebook: The Jason Goldberg

  • Do you know those moments when you have a very exciting idea out of nowhere and you get all energized about it and your imagination starts to go to places, but eventually the enthusiasm seems to die because you realize you don’t know how to implement it? Then, the once awesome idea becomes just dumb? Well, you’re not the only one who experiences that. In this episode, Jason gives you the inspiration you need to actually grab the idea by the hand and make it happen no matter what.

    “As humans, we are historically afraid of new ideas, we can feel threatened by the unknown and our minds go into overdrive to protect us.” – Jason Goldberg

    The thing is, to solve this problem you must have the outcome in mind. You must see yourself already on the other side and let yourself be pulled to your vision. More than that, you must surround yourself with a support system to help you put your ideas into fruition. There is nothing wrong with experimenting, trying new things, and being creative but you need to come up with a plan. At the end of the day, in order to think outside the box you have to first imagine yourself stepping out of it.

    “If we’ve never done the thing before that we’re looking to do and we don’t have a frame of reference for what we are trying to create and – probably hardest of all – we don’t trust ourselves to move forward without having perfect information and a bulletproof game plan, then our big vision ends up becoming a big wait.” – Jason Goldberg

    Key Timestamps

    [1:21] – Specialness (You are special, just not in the way you think).

    [8:14] – It’s Metaphor Time! People used to create things before us.

    [11:26] – Involving people around your creations.

    [12:38] – What would your idol do in your place?

    [14:54] – Create something new by creating a plan first.

    [18:27] – Final advice: Worthiness vs. Willingness.

    Related Links

    Prison Break: Vanquish the Victim, Own Your Obstacles, and Lead Your Life by Jason Goldberg

    Connect with me!

    IG: @thejasongoldberg

    Facebook: The Jason Goldberg

    About Jason Goldberg

    What does an award-winning entrepreneur, a TEDx Speaker, a bacon-atarian (that’s a vegetarian who still eats bacon), a funky sock lover, a former rapper (who opened for the Wu-Tang Clan-YES, really!) and a previously 332lb man (who has since lost over130lbs despite his affinity for bacon) have in common?

    They are all the same guy!

    Jason “JG” Goldberg (so we’re really doing third person here huh?) is an international “Edutainer”, author of the #1 International Best-Seller “Prison Break” and creator of the Playful Prosperity AND Competition-Proof Business Immersion programs.

    He has been a featured expert on media outlets including ABC, CBS, and FOX as well as teaching on the Mindvalley and Soul Pancake platforms and creating a business in partnership with NASA and the space shuttle program while earning his MBA.

    Now JG focuses on blending his signature mix of simple and transformational wisdom, practical business mentorship, and belly-busting humor to help coaches, speakers and online educators build “Competition-PROOF” businesses full of impact and influence (and have a ton of FUN in the process)!

    As a sought-after international speaker and host, JG has shared the stage with some of the world’s greatest thought-leaders and innovators in human potential and performance including Jason Silva (Host of Nat Geo’s “Brain Games”), Dr. Sean Stephenson (The 3 Foot Giant), Don Miguel Ruiz (The Four Agreements), Vishen Lakhiani (CEO of Mindvalley), Steven Kotler (Stealing Fire), Marisa Peer (the UK’s psychotherapist to the stars) and so many others that he hopes will impress you if these other ones don’t! ;)

  • In this week’s episode, Jason Goldberg has a conversation with Ollie Gabriel and they touch on many important points involving the music industry. Since childhood, Ollie has been working with music and creation, and throughout his whole life he has been committed to manifest it on different levels. During this episode, Ollie also talks about self trust, intolerance, the significance of supporting other artists, singers and songwriters nowadays, and how he handles ego being in this type of business.

    “You shouldn’t demonize ego. Ego is there for a reason. But if you’re not aware of it, then it can take over.” – Ollie Gabriel

    In this episode you will also hear Ollie’s perspective on the racial movement as it occurred in 2020, the historical and social aspects behind it, and the consequences of that in our society.

    “When it comes to racism and, specifically those things, my biggest worry about the movement - in that sense - is that we look at things on a really surface level and not address the spiritual aspect to it.” – Ollie Gabriel

    On a lighter note, Ollie shares special moments on #MixtapeOfTheMind and old memories on #OMIG. Jason also shows his singing skills on #YourNameThatTune.

    About Ollie Gabriel

    Ollie Gabriel is a singer, artist, and music creator. With successes like “Something New”, “America”, and his EP “Running Man”, Ollie believes music to be a way of impacting and bonding people together. The project he participates in, Music Mission Haus (MMH), is exactly about that. MMH helps other artists to have greater opportunities in the industry by selecting music aligned with themes like injustice, forgiveness and humanity.

    Key Timestamps

    [5:18] – Knowing Ollie’s story and background.

    [17:55] – The beginning of his creation in music.

    [34:40] – Ego, self aware and self trust.

    [53:25] – #MixtapeOfTheMind: Ollie’s special moments in life.

    [59:25] – #OMIG: Ollie’s memories from Instagram.

    [1:08:25] – #YourNameThatTune

    [1:11:23] – John Legend & The music industry.

    [1:24:59] – How Ollie sees intolerance and racism today.

    [1:42:42] – Music Mission Haus and helping others.

    [1:54:25] – What Ollie wants to ruin.

    Related Links

    Music Mission Haus

    Connect with us!

    IG: @olliegabriel

    Facebook: Ollie Gabriel

    Websites: olliegabriel.com | twiz.io

    IG: @thejasongoldberg

    Facebook: The Jason Goldberg

  • In this week’s episode, Jason creates and shares with the audience some great ways to deal with “the new normal”. The new normal (and the new abnormal as Jason points out) can be hard on people that already deal with issues such as sadness, depression and anxiety. Setting your mindset right is a #1 priority in this case.

    “My belief is that, for most sane people, having the choice, you would never choose to be stressed or anxious or fearful. So if that’s the case, why don’t we just choose to be happy? Or joyful? Or peaceful? In these kinds of less than ideal situations?” – Jason Goldberg

    Additionally, Jason highlights 3 quick ways to shift your mentality when you catch yourself fighting internal battles. If you knew that your current sadness and bad mood would only last for a specific period of time, would you still choose not to be gentle with yourself?

    “We never truly know how anything is going to unfold in our lives. You are a pro at living in ambiguity and uncertainty because those are the basic building blocks of life and growth and creation and evolution.” – Jason Goldberg

    Key Timestamps

    [2:31] – What is the new normal? [5:32] – Dealing with hard things (Pervasiveness & Permanence) [7:40] – 3 ways to settle your mind down. [11:06] – Prison Break Question (PBQ)

    Related Links

    Prison Break: Vanquish the Victim, Own Your Obstacles, and Lead Your Life by Jason Goldberg

    Connect with me!

    IG: @thejasongoldberg

    Facebook: The Jason Goldberg

    About Jason Goldberg

    What does an award-winning entrepreneur, a TEDx Speaker, a bacon-atarian (thats a vegetarian who still eats bacon), a funky sock lover, a former rapper (who opened for the Wu-Tang Clan - YES, really!) and a previously 332lb man (who has since lost over 130lbs despite his affinity for bacon) have in common?

    They are all the same guy!

    Jason “JG” Goldberg (so we’re really doing third person here huh?) is an international “Edutainer”, author of the #1 International Best-Seller “Prison Break” and creator of the Playful Prosperity AND Competition-Proof Business Immersion programs.

    He has been a featured expert on media outlets including ABC, CBS, and FOX as well as teaching on the Mindvalley and SoulPancake platforms and creating a business in partnership with NASA and the space shuttle program while earning his MBA.

    Now JG focuses on blending his signature mix of simple and transformational wisdom, practical business mentorship, and belly-busting humor to help coaches, speakers and online educators build “Competition-PROOF” businesses full of impact and influence (and have a ton of FUN in the process)!

    As a sought-after international speaker and host, JG has shared the stage with some of the world’s greatest thought-leaders and innovators in human potential and performance including Jason Silva (Host of Nat Geo’s “Brain Games”), Dr. Sean Stephenson (The 3 Foot Giant), Don Miguel Ruiz (The Four Agreements), Vishen Lakhiani (CEO of Mindvalley), Steven Kotler (Stealing Fire), Marisa Peer (the UK’s psychotherapist to the stars) and so many others that he hopes will impress you if these other ones don’t! ;)

  • Join Jason Goldberg and Mona Sharma on the very first episode of The Jason Goldberg is Ruining Podcasting Podcast! Jason and Mona have a really dynamic and profound conversation about all things related to nutrition, mental health, emotions and wellness. You will learn the best practices on how to nurture your body the right way, how to listen and interpret the signs your body is giving you, how to practice self love and self knowledge on a deeper level, and how to deal with hidden feelings and fear.

    “Your body will take you a lot further once you acknowledge it.” – Mona Sharma

    Mona also talks about the 3 pillars that will help you achieve optimal health – physically and mentally. Food, which we consider to be just a fuel our body needs to keep functioning, but can actually work as medicine once we understand its own true properties; yoga, an ancient exercise and relaxation modality, treated in this concept as a source of movement; and meditation, the practice of refocusing and reconnecting to the present moment - which can be beneficial in order to heal inflammation and stress. These 3 pillars can reestablish energy inside you in a very powerful way.

    “Something as little as a nutrition deficiency can completely drain you. Any symptom that you have is draining energy from you.” – Mona Sharma

    About Mona Sharma

    Mona Sharma is an educator, leader, and entrepreneur in the wellness and nutrition space. She has a recurring role on the Facebook series “Red Table Talk” alongside Will Smith and his family. Working also as a nutritionist and mind/body coach, Mona is the founder of Xicama™ - a line of functional, nutritious foods and beverage products.

    Key Timestamps

    [9:37] – Where everything started for Mona. [17:39] – Mona shares her thoughts about vulnerability. [20:00] – Why internalized feelings can be bad for you. [30:45] – Nutrition & Wellness [34:31] – Mona’s experience with psychedelics. [45:06] – The 3 Pillars of Optimal Health. [51:17] – Listening to your body’s signs. [57:11] – The practice of deep self-love. [59:15] – Mental Health after COVID-19. [1:12:47] – Mona shares a special moment of her life involving Will Smith. [1:21:47] – Understanding Microbiomes. [1:30:55] – What Mona wants to leave as her mark in the world.

    Related Links

    The Black Album by Jay Z

    Connect with us!

    IG: @monasharma | @xicama

    Website: monasharma.com/home

    IG: @thejasongoldberg

    Facebook: The Jason Goldberg

  • There comes a time in every man’s life where he has to drop all the playing around and get serious about his life and his work…For Jason Goldberg, this is NOT that time…

    Join “JG” - transformational coach, best-selling author, award-winning entrepreneur, rapper, comedian, and collector of impressive titles - each and every week to get your dose of “AHA’s and HAHA’s” as he interviews dope people with dope stories who share dope insights to help you be even more…uh…dope! Each episode is guaranteed to expand your mind, touch your heart and tickle your funny bone (with consent of course). If YOU want to RUIN something in the world (aka create something EPIC in a way its never been done before) then you are in the right place!

    Follow Jason on Instagram @thejasongoldberg

    Learn more at www.TheJasonGoldberg.com