Hello everyone and thank you for your patience as I have been working hard to bring you something new!
Have you ever imagined a weekend without sexual constraints or boundaries? A weekend where no one expects you to fit into a mold? A weekend where you can be sexually free?
Keys and anklets, in conjunction with my friend Blondeonthebay, is proud to present Utopia. Unique, curated small group takeovers catering to the cuckold lifestyle, we bring to you all inclusive, immersive events where you can truly live your fantasies and be your authentic self.
We hope you enjoy this podcast explaining what we will be offering and hopefully answering at least most of the questions already running through your head.
We look forward to having you join us.
For more information, please visit https://www.keysandanklets.com/utopia-home
When I first launched my podcast one of my earliest episodes was me talking about the differences between the different dynamics. That was 6 years ago and in that time things have evolved. So here is my attempt to update these descriptions. Please keep in mind that in the grand scheme of things, labels do not matter AT ALL. What matters is that each couple finds what works best for them. Some couples are firmly in one lane or the other while others flow freely between them. That is the beauty of this lifestyle is that there are so many ways to experience it. My goal is just to give people a better understanding of how these dynamics differ from each other in the context of the lifestyle.
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I have known Ms. Coco for several years now and I count her as a dear friend. She navigates this lifestyle as a single woman and she is the type of person who drips authenticity. What you see is what you get. She has an inspiring story that I am thankful I get to share with my listeners because I know there will be many women out there who will identify with her journey. Hers is a story of self discovery, self empowerment and self fulfillment. This is a woman who knows what she likes, what she wants and what she does not want. She is proof that it is never too late to discover your sexual power and seek your own fulfillment.
I don’t know how many women and couples are familiar with this but among guys there is this concept of bringing your A game when you play with a woman for the first time. In other words, you want to “hit a home run” to ensure that you get a 2nd shot. I have been hearing about this when I was vanilla long before I entered the lifestyle. In this episode I was joined by Mr. Mocha and his younger brother who was visiting him at the time and who is also in the lifestyle. The question we are discussing in this episode is should every woman get your absolute best effort or should that be reserved for select playmates. This was a very interesting discussion with each of us taking a different stance. As always, I enjoy bringing you these types of conversations that give you insight into the way that Bulls in this lifestyle think. Enjoy.
A few weeks ago I attended a lifestyle party and while there I encountered this woman and she and I struck up a conversation. I found her to be a delightful and engaging woman who had such a captivating journey. I am always fascinated when I meet single women in this lifestyle, especially those who entered the lifestyle as a single. Being that this lifestyle primarily focuses on couples and Bulls, you rarely hear from single women but they do play a prominent role so I like to share their perspectives whenever I am able to because their stories are so inspiring to other women. So sit back and enjoy the story of how Liberty found her tribe, her voice and her sexual power.
*Please note - this episode was recorded by Mr. Mocha and the very last minute of the call got cut off. The only thing you are missing is both of us signing off so you didn’t miss much
By now many of you know that I have 3 very close friends in this lifestyle who I refer to as my brothers. One of those brothers is Mr. Mocha. He and I talk often and many times the conversation will turn to the lifestyle and we will go into detail and will sometimes have differing viewpoints. What usually happens is that in the middle of these conversations one of us will say something to the effect of “this would make a great podcast episode”. Sometimes we will revisit the topic at a later date and attempt to record it but it lacks some of the energy that is there when we are discussing the topic the first time. Well this time we were able to catch ourselves and record during the phone. So here is a behind the curtain view of what one of our phone conversations is actually like. On this call we were discussing the idea of being able to read the room as it pertains to the lifestyle. Reading the room is a very helpful skill no matter your role in the lifestyle and when done well, it can help you avoid many embarrassing or awkward moments. So sit back, listen, learn and laugh as my brother and I shoot the shit like we always do. Enjoy
The China Shop episodes are my attempt to shine a light on gentlemen who I feel truly understand what being a Bull in the wife centric lifestyle is all about. Drew Marston is no exception. I have known him for a while and he always represents himself in the best way possible. I enjoyed talking to him and hearing all about his journey and his particular outlook. As you listen you will learn that Drew is a man who is living his authentic life and remaining true to who he is and what he is about. What I appreciate most about these episodes is giving people an idea of qualities to look for in those special Bulls who are out there. Enjoy.
Any Splash Mocha event is always a whirlwind of activity. There is always something going on and the event always feels like it just flies by. With that in mind, one of the things I enjoy doing is these recap episodes with one of my brothers. In this episode I am joined by Mr. Mocha and we touched on various topics that came up while we were at the event. As usual, we go off on tangents however, we still keep lifestyle topics first and foremost.
Whenever I attend a Splash Mocha event, one of the highlights for me is being able to sit with my 3 brothers (Pagan, Demitri and Mr. Mocha) and chop it up live and in person. I never set up any type of script with these guys because the conversation just flows so naturally and for me, is far more entertaining and engaging. To set the setting, we were sitting in my room in the company of several other ladies who were attending the event. (I always enjoy having female energy present for these Roundtable episodes whenever possible. I just feel that it adds a little something extra. However, with this episode, having them there did lead to the episode coming to a rather abrupt end because the sexual energy present in the room became a little too much to ignore any longer lol. So for anyone wondering after listening to this, yes….things got quite wild after this was recorded.
On this installment of The China Shop I want to introduce a gentleman who has become a good friend over the years, Mr ChiBlkStud, a fellow Black Bull out of Chicago. I met him several years ago and have been impressed with the time and attention that he puts into each couple he interacts with and really wanted to shine a light on this classy gentleman. I’m always fascinated by the many interesting paths that people take to getting involved in this lifestyle as well as hearing how they evolve once their journey begins. If you enjoy hearing single men talking about the lifestyle from their perspective then this is surely an episode you will enjoy.
In concluding my series on exploring Black Love in the lifestyle I was saving the best for last. In part four I have a conversation with the ladies, the wives, the Vixens. I so enjoyed talking to these ladies as they shared their most personal thoughts and feelings as it pertains to being a hotwife. It’s always a pleasure to hear how women evolve and grow as they move through this lifestyle and their stories do not disappoint. If you enjoy hearing from women who have embraced their sexual power, then this episode will certainly make you smile.
For part 3 of my series I talked to the husbands and got their perspective on being Stags in this lifestyle. It was cool talking to Chad and Dee and hearing that while sharing some similarities, they are both different in their approach and perspective. I enjoyed hearing their response when posed with the question “how do you handle your wife having real feelings for another man?” Some really interesting insights there. And please make sure you listen for Dee’s views on setting rules vs. building trust. It is certainly not to be missed and will surely make you think. I thoroughly enjoyed talking to these brothers and I’m sure you will enjoy listening to them.
I’m happy to bring you Pt.2 in my ongoing series where I shine the light on couples of color within the lifestyle. This episode introduces you to Chad and Vee, a couple who have been together since college. I have a great time talking to this couple and they are hilarious. This is an episode that will definitely have you laughing. Chad is a husband who is the true epitome of what it means to experience compersion. If you want to hear from a man who truly wants to see his wife living her best life, then you will certainly enjoy their story.
We all know that black men are very well represented in this lifestyle but I’ve always been struck at how underrepresented women and couples of color are. With this in mind I have been wanting to shine more light on these couples. I recently had the pleasure of meeting 2 couples who were kind enough to join me on the podcast. I decided to present these conversations in four parts:
Pt 1 - D and Kee
Pt 2 - Chad and Vee
Pt 3 - The Stags, Chad and D
Pt 4 - The Wives, Kee and Vee
For this episode I’m happy to introduce you all to D and Kee. Theirs is a story of coming to grips with their feelings, being open with one another and truly embracing all that comes with this wonderful lifestyle. I hope you enjoy hearing their story as much as I did talking to them.
His Twitter - https://twitter.com/dasecretlifeof
Her Twitter - https://twitter.com/herstaghisvixen
I chose Raw and Exposed as the name of this episode because when you listen to it, that is exactly what R and L are…Raw and Exposed. Their emotions, pain and past traumas are on full display in this riveting conversation. I’ve talked to dozens of couples over the years on my podcast and I don’t think I can recall 2 people who were so willing to bear it all quite the way that these 2 did. Theirs is a journey of acceptance, self discovery, healing and an enduring love for one another. When people talk about the healing potential of cuckold relationships, this is the episode I will forever point them to. So sit back and enjoy as these two bring us all into their world, their struggle and their rebirth.
It’s no secret how much I am fascinated by cuckolding dynamics and the level of mind fucking that is often at play within them. I wanted to dive deeper into one of these aspects, the idea that husbands are (basically) pussy free within their own marriages. For those of you who may not be aware, pussy free is exactly what it sounds like. Husbands who are cuckolds who rarely, if ever, have sexual intercourse with their wives. This is a fascinating subject that I wanted to explore and share with my listeners and help to shed some light on the practice because so much of what you read about it online is pure fantasy. I created a questionnaire and had a group of cuckold husbands respond. In this episode I will share with you some of the responses I received to those questions so that you can hear from these special gentlemen in their own words. This was a fun episode to put together and if you are intrigued by cuckolding dynamics, this will be one you will surely enjoy.
The China Shop episodes are some of my favorite segments because I’m given the opportunity to have these deep conversations with other Bulls in the lifestyle to learn more about their journey as well as their approach to the lifestyle. Goliath is a brother who I have been trying to have on the program for some time now. He is a fixture at Splash Mocha and is never without that ever present smile of his. During this conversation he goes into detail about how he was first introduced to the lifestyle, what kept him coming back and if he ever plans on going back to being vanilla. If you enjoy hearing about the path that Bulls walk then this is definitely an episode for you.
Whenever I get a chance to talk to couples in this lifestyle, one of the things that I enjoy hearing about is how they first met. Over the years I have heard a wide variety of scenarios but none quite like how Cindy and her husband Pat got together.It’s like something out of an 80s romantic comedy (you will see what I mean when you hear it). Theirs is a dynamic that has burned pretty hot since the beginning and it was no surprise that they found themselves in the hotwife space. That’s not to say they haven’t had their bumps in the road as you will hear them go into detail about. An important takeaway is Cindy realizing the power and responsibility that comes with being a sexually empowered woman in a hotwife marriage. This episode will have you chuckling as well as thinking.
In this episode I discuss a forum post I came across on Fetlife. The OP asked if other couples had dealt with guys who had little understanding of the cuckold dynamic. I just wanted to bring my point of view and give people something to think about. If you are a cuckold couple or a Bull wanting to learn more then you will find this episode highly informative.
Abigail and Dustin have the type of story that I hope to hear more often as this lifestyle continues to grow. One person knowing that this lifestyle was what they wanted and the other person not even knowing that this lifestyle was a thing. Listen as she talks about the doubt that she felt about him being serious about wanting to be in this lifestyle with her and how she finally came around to understanding that he was indeed serious. The thing that I really enjoyed about talking to her is her overall enthusiasm for her relationship and this lifestyle. You can tell that it all means a great deal to her. I’m definitely rooting for this couple and I look forward to having them back.
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