
  • Welcome to the official LEAN GIRL Fitcast - your guide to motivation and mindset mastery for fat-loss!

    There’s nothing quite as tempting as a quick fix diet - promising you the fast results you want so darn badly!

    Only boiled eggs for 10 days? Sure, sounds eggs-eptional 🥚

    Cutting carbs and sugar for a month? YES! Great game plan 👀

    These are just a couple of the silly fad diets I tried (and failed) to follow so that I could lose a few kilos - FAST! We think that if we do something extreme or take drastic measures, we’ll get quicker results.

    So, if you went through 2023 with no progress - all while yo-yoing between one dismal diet after the next…. NEWS FLASH! It’s because this strategy does not work.

    Here is what you need to know: Often the QUICKEST way to a result is choosing the seemingly longer route.

    In this episode we’re talking about the harsh reality of quick-fix diets and how shifting to a long-term vision is KEY in building your leanest bod ever! Today we’re trading in instant gratification to become a lifelong consistency queen!

    I can’t wait for you to soak in these mega TRUTH-BOMBS and make this game-changing shift → starting now! 💕

    Happy listening lovely's.

    Your hosts:

    Angelique Daubermann (https://www.instagram.com/the_lean_girl/)

    Gilan Gork (https://www.instagram.com/gilan.gork/)

    Website: https://www.leangirlguide.com

    The Lean Girl Fitcast: Motivation & Mindset Mastery For Fat-loss

    The LEAN GIRL podcast is here to explore and deconstruct the many mental and emotional challenges we face as we embark on the journey to building a lean body. The purpose of this podcast is to offer practical mental tools, powerful perspective shifts and comforting support to anyone who is on a health, fitness or fat-loss journey. The aim is to merge the practical science of getting lean with the thoughts, emotions and mindsets that allow us to live each day with more joy, health and vibrance.

  • Welcome to part 2 - putting GROWTH mindset into practice!

    (If you haven’t listened to Part 1 → pause and click here)
    This is too good for you to miss!

    In the first episode we unpacked fixed VS growth mindset for fat-loss and how the psychology of making the switch can unlock a powerful new perspective (plus better results!)

    In today’s episode we put this new insight into practice so you can step up into a whole new world of potential! Backed by new beliefs that are going to have you doing things you never imagined you were capable of!

    And for my sucker-for-science sisters 🙋‍♀️ - we’re diving right into neuroscience to understand how to get our brains working FOR US and not against us!

    Today we’re fitting you with a brand-new lens for life (and fat-loss)!

    We’re officially losing the “I can’t” lens and replacing it with “I can” and “I will” 🔥 - making you unstoppable!!

    Push play my girl - here is the next step to mastering your mind for a lean, strong, sculpted bod and vibrant life!

    PS. Grab your cool cheat sheet template here

    Your hosts:

    Angelique Daubermann (https://www.instagram.com/the_lean_girl/)

    Gilan Gork (https://www.instagram.com/gilan.gork/)

    Website: https://www.leangirlguide.com

    The Lean Girl Fitcast: Motivation & Mindset Mastery For Fat-loss

    The LEAN GIRL podcast is here to explore and deconstruct the many mental and emotional challenges we face as we embark on the journey to building a lean body. The purpose of this podcast is to offer practical mental tools, powerful perspective shifts and comforting support to anyone who is on a health, fitness or fat-loss journey. The aim is to merge the practical science of getting lean with the thoughts, emotions and mindsets that allow us to live each day with more joy, health and vibrance.

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  • Welcome to the official LEAN GIRL Fitcast - your guide to motivation and mindset mastery for fat-loss!

    It’s Monday and it’s time to get your head in the growth-game girl!!

    I’ve got questions!!

    How often have you thought to yourself:

    I’ve tried all the diets - nothing works for meIt’s just my body shape - I’ll never be leanI’ve got no willpower- I can’t lose weight

    If these are the subconscious thoughts buzzing around in your brain - I need you to STOP what you're doing right now and plug into this episode, because you've been doing yourself a disservice my queen! 🖐

    The limited, fixed identity you’ve created for yourself could be the very thing that’s been holding you back from achieving those beautiful, bold goals that you’ve set for yourself!

    We’re diving into the topic of a fixed VS growth mindset for fat-loss and how the psychology of making the switch can unlock a powerful new perspective! Get ready to access your full potential → and say hello to exponentially more perseverance + consistency → the magic formula for real lean bod results! 😍

    Change THIS and it will change everything!

    Listen HERE pretty one! We’re about to upgrade your brain to version 2.0 🔥

    Your hosts:

    Angelique Daubermann (https://www.instagram.com/the_lean_girl/)

    Gilan Gork (https://www.instagram.com/gilan.gork/)

    Website: https://www.leangirlguide.com

    The Lean Girl Fitcast: Motivation & Mindset Mastery For Fat-loss

    The LEAN GIRL podcast is here to explore and deconstruct the many mental and emotional challenges we face as we embark on the journey to building a lean body. The purpose of this podcast is to offer practical mental tools, powerful perspective shifts and comforting support to anyone who is on a health, fitness or fat-loss journey. The aim is to merge the practical science of getting lean with the thoughts, emotions and mindsets that allow us to live each day with more joy, health and vibrance.

  • Welcome to the official LEAN GIRL Fitcast - your guide to motivation and mindset mastery for fat-loss!

    Is it just me or does it feel like New Year motivation vanishes faster than a choc-chip cookie left on the counter? 🍪👀

    You wake up feeling unstoppable on Jan 1st, but 3 weeks later… our enthusiasm has run dry and it’s kinda like déjà vu to last year where you lost your motivation mojo!

    Guess what? You were not the problemo!! (You’re off the hook honey!)

    Relying on motivation is a silly strategy → it comes in like a wave and before you know it → it’s saying toodles and you’re left on the sand, sans the pep in your step!

    Move over motivation and say HI to a secret self-influence formula to rebuild your self-trust, self-belief and inner-drive - based on basic human psychology!

    After this episode, you will be geared up (and fired up) with:

    ✨ The tools to inspire yourself into action

    ✨ A brand new understanding of how to create endless drive in your life

    ✨ The roadmap to being the consistency queen I know that you are

    This Fitcast episode will take you from “why can’t I change” to → “Damn, look at me GO!”

    Your hosts:

    Angelique Daubermann (https://www.instagram.com/the_lean_girl/)

    Gilan Gork (https://www.instagram.com/gilan.gork/)

    Website: https://www.leangirlguide.com

    The Lean Girl Fitcast: Motivation & Mindset Mastery For Fat-loss

    The LEAN GIRL podcast is here to explore and deconstruct the many mental and emotional challenges we face as we embark on the journey to building a lean body. The purpose of this podcast is to offer practical mental tools, powerful perspective shifts and comforting support to anyone who is on a health, fitness or fat-loss journey. The aim is to merge the practical science of getting lean with the thoughts, emotions and mindsets that allow us to live each day with more joy, health and vibrance.

  • Welcome to the official LEAN GIRL Fitcast - your guide to motivation and mindset mastery for fat-loss!

    It’s common to start a new year and wonder how the hell we're pressing copy and paste on the same goals we had the year before.

    So the questions on your mind may be:

    What will be different this year?
    What should my goals be?
    How do I practically follow through?
    What’s the balance between being realistic and playing small?
    What is my real motivation for these goals?

    Well gal, we’re about to answer these questions LOUD AND CLEAR!

    In 20 minutes you’re going to have total clarity on how to:

    🎯 Open your mind & heart to set goals from a place of self-love and inspiration

    🎯 Set realistic goals that motivate, not intimidate

    🎯 Use a powerful practical daily tool to create habits that stick like a price tag on a new tupperware

    So if you’re ready to to plug into the ultimate goal setting guide → HERE she is!

    PS. 2024 is going to be your golden era! I can feel it 🔥

    Your hosts:

    Angelique Daubermann (https://www.instagram.com/the_lean_girl/)

    Gilan Gork (https://www.instagram.com/gilan.gork/)

    Website: https://www.leangirlguide.com

    The Lean Girl Fitcast: Motivation & Mindset Mastery For Fat-loss

    The LEAN GIRL podcast is here to explore and deconstruct the many mental and emotional challenges we face as we embark on the journey to building a lean body. The purpose of this podcast is to offer practical mental tools, powerful perspective shifts and comforting support to anyone who is on a health, fitness or fat-loss journey. The aim is to merge the practical science of getting lean with the thoughts, emotions and mindsets that allow us to live each day with more joy, health and vibrance.

  • Welcome to the official LEAN GIRL Fitcast - your guide to motivation and mindset mastery for fat-loss!

    Yeah baby! We’re bringing out that new year, new ME energy to define how we want to step into 2024 with ZERO limits!

    Resolution are cool → but reinvention is how we are set free from playing small and redefining who we are and how we want to live this year!

    What if you woke up this morning with a clean slate?
    The labels, boxes and limitations that you set for yourself no longer exist!

    ✨ Who would you be?
    ✨ What would go go after?
    ✨ How would you live?
    ✨ How would you show up in 2024?

    Us humans have this habit of restricting our own potential and setting goals that fall sweetly juuuust outside our comfort zones. Our minds only allow us to imagine who we can become based on who we’ve been in the past.

    2024 is the year you see your life as a blank canvas → ready to be coloured in shades that you didn’t know existed!

    We’re about to go BOOM on the glass ceiling that’s been holding you back and handing you the tools to create the headspace to BE DIFFERENT!

    It’s time for your very own caterpillar → butterfly glow-up moment!

    LISTEN TO THIS before setting any goals for 2024 because you’re destined for greatness girl!

    Your hosts:

    Angelique Daubermann (https://www.instagram.com/the_lean_girl/)

    Gilan Gork (https://www.instagram.com/gilan.gork/)

    Website: https://www.leangirlguide.com

    The Lean Girl Fitcast: Motivation & Mindset Mastery For Fat-loss

    The LEAN GIRL podcast is here to explore and deconstruct the many mental and emotional challenges we face as we embark on the journey to building a lean body. The purpose of this podcast is to offer practical mental tools, powerful perspective shifts and comforting support to anyone who is on a health, fitness or fat-loss journey. The aim is to merge the practical science of getting lean with the thoughts, emotions and mindsets that allow us to live each day with more joy, health and vibrance.

  • Welcome to the official LEAN GIRL Fitcast - your guide to motivation and mindset mastery for fat-loss!

    Christmas is in the air…

    And if your social life looks anything like mine for the next two weeks… it’s celebration station over here - with countless parties, dinners and festive feasts every other day of the week! (It is also Gilan’s birthday on the 19th of December - so even MORE parties to plan and gifts to buy 😜)

    Now I know if you’re part of our LG community - you’ve probably been working pretty hard this year to build your leanest bod ever!

    This feeling of “EEEEKKKK - I don't want to be out of routine” - can lead us into the festive season with a subtle sense of anxiety! Sudden feelings of fear and guilt rear their ugly heads → stealing the joy like the grinch on Christmas!

    So the question we’re answering on our latest Fitcast:

    How the heck do we stay true to our fat-loss goals amidst all the tempting treats? How do we drop the guilt, enjoy ourselves AND still not let our progress slip?

    Here's the real deal: indulging doesn't mean derailing!

    So, if you’re looking for an answer to enjoying the upcoming festivities in a way that is fun and fulfilling - plug into our latest episode to find out exactly how it’s done!

    We’re sharing practical tools that will make maintaining your hard-earned progress a piece of fruit cake! 🍰

    Listen HERE and get the mindset tools your tired brain has been begging for!

    Your hosts:

    Angelique Daubermann (https://www.instagram.com/the_lean_girl/)

    Gilan Gork (https://www.instagram.com/gilan.gork/)

    Website: https://www.leangirlguide.com

    The Lean Girl Fitcast: Motivation & Mindset Mastery For Fat-loss

    The LEAN GIRL podcast is here to explore and deconstruct the many mental and emotional challenges we face as we embark on the journey to building a lean body. The purpose of this podcast is to offer practical mental tools, powerful perspective shifts and comforting support to anyone who is on a health, fitness or fat-loss journey. The aim is to merge the practical science of getting lean with the thoughts, emotions and mindsets that allow us to live each day with more joy, health and vibrance.

  • Welcome to the official LEAN GIRL Fitcast - your guide to motivation and mindset mastery for fat-loss!

    We’re cruising into the Christmas season..

    And the sound of santa’s sleigh-bells can so often tempt us to say ‘screw it’ as we slip into a 4-week binge sesh that won’t end pretty!

    Common thoughts:

    🤯 I am going to be more social

    🤯 I can’t stick to my diet perfectly

    🤯 I will be out of routine

    🤯 I have been ‘good’ all year

    Sooooo…. I may as well just have a free for all and start again in Jan! The result: We go to town on every cocktail, snack and sweet treat that we meet 🍸🥧

    Come January, we’re starting on the back foot!

    So the question is - how can we avoid this silly self-sabotaging mindset while still enjoying all of the festive fun?

    In this week’s Fitcast episode - we're sharing the ultimate guide to ditching that ‘all or nothing’ mindset - with some practical tools to keep your head in the game gal!!

    Listen HERE and let’s do this year differently darling!

    Your hosts:

    Angelique Daubermann (https://www.instagram.com/the_lean_girl/)

    Gilan Gork (https://www.instagram.com/gilan.gork/)

    Website: https://www.leangirlguide.com

    The Lean Girl Fitcast: Motivation & Mindset Mastery For Fat-loss

    The LEAN GIRL podcast is here to explore and deconstruct the many mental and emotional challenges we face as we embark on the journey to building a lean body. The purpose of this podcast is to offer practical mental tools, powerful perspective shifts and comforting support to anyone who is on a health, fitness or fat-loss journey. The aim is to merge the practical science of getting lean with the thoughts, emotions and mindsets that allow us to live each day with more joy, health and vibrance.

  • Welcome to the official LEAN GIRL Fitcast - your guide to motivation and mindset mastery for fat-loss!

    There is nothing like that thrill of seeing results when we start a new diet. Those early wins? Pure gold! ✨

    But what happens when the results slow down and the consistency queen in you has to step up? EVEN when you don’t see visible signs of progress!

    This can make it seem like the light at the end of the fat-loss tunnel is awfully dim!

    Add a couple jaw-dropping transformations int the mix from your IG feed and you’re left wondering, "What the hell am I doing wrong?"

    It's totally normal to feel a tad bit envious and a whole lotta demotivated.

    So, we’re answering the million dollar question: How long do fat-loss results really take? 👀

    In this week’s Fitcast episode we’re diving into what a realistic fat-loss timeline looks like PLUS getting practical on how to stay on track when your progress is playing hide-and-seek!

    Get ready for some power 💥 tools to manage your expectations without losing your motivation to keep moving!!

    So, if you're ready to transform that impatient frustration into fab fuel for your goals, this episode is your ticket gal! 🎫

    Ready to get fired up gal? Get listening HERE lovely!

    Your hosts:

    Angelique Daubermann (https://www.instagram.com/the_lean_girl/)

    Gilan Gork (https://www.instagram.com/gilan.gork/)

    Website: https://www.leangirlguide.com

    The Lean Girl Fitcast: Motivation & Mindset Mastery For Fat-loss

    The LEAN GIRL podcast is here to explore and deconstruct the many mental and emotional challenges we face as we embark on the journey to building a lean body. The purpose of this podcast is to offer practical mental tools, powerful perspective shifts and comforting support to anyone who is on a health, fitness or fat-loss journey. The aim is to merge the practical science of getting lean with the thoughts, emotions and mindsets that allow us to live each day with more joy, health and vibrance.

  • Welcome to the official LEAN GIRL Fitcast - your guide to motivation and mindset mastery for fat-loss!

    As the year winds down, that all-too-familiar feeling of being 'DONE' might have you thinking about throwing in the towel on your goals and waiting for the New Year magic to kick in! ✨👀

    There are just 5 weeks left of this year…

    Do we wish them away?
    Or are they 5 weeks you forgot were in your pocket?

    Well, we’re about to serve up a MEGA mindset shift that may just ring in that new year energy.. Today!!

    We’re diving deep into the psychology of why our brain is begging to let us off the hook and how we can reframe this feeling to get fired up and feeling inspired to do the MOST with the couple weeks left!

    Listen HERE to not only end 2023 off with a bang, but also fly into 2024 on a high note! 🙌

    Happy listening lovely!!

    Your hosts:
    Angelique Daubermann (https://www.instagram.com/the_lean_girl/)

    Gilan Gork (https://www.instagram.com/gilan.gork/)

    Website: https://www.leangirlguide.com

    The Lean Girl Fitcast: Motivation & Mindset Mastery For Fat-loss

    The LEAN GIRL podcast is here to explore and deconstruct the many mental and emotional challenges we face as we embark on the journey to building a lean body. The purpose of this podcast is to offer practical mental tools, powerful perspective shifts and comforting support to anyone who is on a health, fitness or fat-loss journey. The aim is to merge the practical science of getting lean with the thoughts, emotions and mindsets that allow us to live each day with more joy, health and vibrance.

  • Welcome to the official LEAN GIRL Fitcast - your guide to motivation and mindset mastery for fat-loss!

    Do you ever catch yourself automatically categorising foods as sinners 😈 or saints 👼 ?

    When you grab a pink fruit smoothie - you’re giving yourself a subconscious high-five for avoiding the tempting brekkie bagel, convinced you've made the healthier ‘cleaner’ pick. We just get the ‘feeling’ that the smoothie is going to get us closer to that bikini-bod!

    But hold on a hot minute, what if said smoothie was hiding a helluva lot more cals than the bagel? 😱

    What if…. your beautifully toasted bagel was actually the better choice for fat-loss??

    This is the perfect example of how our 'good vs bad' labels can be misleading and skewed from nutritional facts.

    This die-hard habit of ours is a common mindset trap and if it sounds familiar, we’re about flip the mental script and leave this silly stance in 2023!!

    In our latest episode of the LG Fitcast, we’re unpacking why we judge certain foods (I’m looking at you, carbs 👀🍞) so hard and the practical steps you can take to reshape your mindset to include ALL foods in your diet, have more freedom + get better results!

    Tune in HERE and NOW and let’s build a better mindset while firing up your motivation to get moving on your goals gal!

    Your hosts:

    Angelique Daubermann https://www.instagram.com/the_lean_girl/)

    Gilan Gork https://www.instagram.com/gilan.gork/)

    Website: https://www.leangirlguide.com

    The Lean Girl Fitcast: Motivation & Mindset Mastery For Fat-loss

    The LEAN GIRL podcast is here to explore and deconstruct the many mental and emotional challenges we face as we embark on the journey to building a lean body. The purpose of this podcast is to offer practical mental tools, powerful perspective shifts and comforting support to anyone who is on a health, fitness or fat-loss journey. The aim is to merge the practical science of getting lean with the thoughts, emotions and mindsets that allow us to live each day with more joy, health and vibrance.

  • Welcome to the official LEAN GIRL Fitcast - your guide to motivation and mindset mastery for fat-loss!

    It’s social season my honeys!!

    Your calendar is filling up with festive celebrations, but you might be wondering how the heck you’re going to stay on track with your fat-loss goals?

    And to up the ante - your friends and fam may be eager to rope you into celebrating with all the snacks, shooters and butter-baked treats - eeeeek!

    Panic at the disco!! 💃 😱

    How do we indulge smart - without feeling like we’re disappointing the cooks or taking the buzz out of the party?

    In our latest episode of the LG Fitcast - we’re giving you the confidence to indulge on your terms - while managing the people in your life that may come across like pushy Patricias!

    We’re saying bye-bye to the guilt and adios to anxiety - and giving you a practical strategy to find your inner-zen and navigate the festive season with balance, freedom and fun - all in one!

    So, if you're ready to learn how to politely pass on the caramel vodka AND still be the life of the party, plug into this episode and get geared up HERE gal!

    Your hosts:
    Angelique Daubermann (https://www.instagram.com/the_lean_girl/) "‌")

    Gilan Gork (https://www.instagram.com/gilan.gork/) "‌")

    Website: https://www.leangirlguide.com

    The Lean Girl Fitcast: Motivation & Mindset Mastery For Fat-loss

    The LEAN GIRL podcast is here to explore and deconstruct the many mental and emotional challenges we face as we embark on the journey to building a lean body. The purpose of this podcast is to offer practical mental tools, powerful perspective shifts and comforting support to anyone who is on a health, fitness or fat-loss journey. The aim is to merge the practical science of getting lean with the thoughts, emotions and mindsets that allow us to live each day with more joy, health and vibrance.

  • Welcome to the official LEAN GIRL Fitcast - your guide to motivation and mindset mastery for fat-loss!

    Do you feel like you have ZERO spare time in the day?
    (I don’t know how Beyonce does it - but maybe if we had a personal assistant and a chef… 😆)

    There are a limited number of hours in the day to get through an unlimited number of tasks!

    And what are the first things to slip off the list when we are overcommitted and overwhelmed?

    Our training and nutrition… obviously 😒

    Girl you are not alone, we're all guilty of sacrificing ME time, and that's when food and fitness start to feel like luxuries!

    We know that sticking to our delicious lean girl meals and crushing our daily workouts make us feel like a million buckaroos and actually fires us up to get through our ever-growing to-do lists! So why are we so quick to strike them from the roll?

    In this episode of LEAN GIRL Fitcast, we’re unpacking why we’re unconsciously (or consciously) sabotaging ourselves and sharing game-changing tips on how to:

    ⏰ Quit negotiating with yourself

    ⏰ Actually find the time to prioritise your food and training

    ⏰ Set-up your schedule for more fat-loss, in less time

    So, if you feel like time (and your goals) is always slipping through your fingers, then hit the play button and let’s get your schedule set to get you sculpted gal!!

    Listen here to have your life changed in a matter of minutes!

    Your hosts:
    Angelique Daubermann (https://www.instagram.com/the_lean_girl/) "‌")

    Gilan Gork (https://www.instagram.com/gilan.gork/) "‌")

    Website: https://www.leangirlguide.com

    The Lean Girl Fitcast: Motivation & Mindset Mastery For Fat-loss

    The LEAN GIRL podcast is here to explore and deconstruct the many mental and emotional challenges we face as we embark on the journey to building a lean body. The purpose of this podcast is to offer practical mental tools, powerful perspective shifts and comforting support to anyone who is on a health, fitness or fat-loss journey. The aim is to merge the practical science of getting lean with the thoughts, emotions and mindsets that allow us to live each day with more joy, health and vibrance.

  • Welcome to the official LEAN GIRL Fitcast - your guide to motivation and mindset mastery for fat-loss!

    There is a special kind of thrill and unpredictability to standing on the scale and seeing what the numbers will do today. Each time you hop on - it’s like closing your eyes and rolling the dice!

    What starts off as a great goal - to get healthy, lean out and feel fab - can sometimes become an exhausting chase of ‘never enough’.

    We could always be a little leaner..
    We could always lose just another kilo or two..
    We could always be a little smaller..

    And so we can spend decades of our lives dieting - chasing these unsustainable numbers that are always just out of our reach. We spend so much time, effort and energy chasing - but we never stop to think: Is the juice worth the squeeze?

    Will those last 2kg really change your life?
    Will being one size smaller really make you happy?

    In the latest episode of LG Fitcast, we’re asking the BIG UGLY question: when is it time to STOP? When do you untangle yourself from a life of diets and deficits and focus this energy on LIVING?

    If you’ve been dieting for decades → THIS is the episode for YOU. Today may just be the day that everything changes ❤️

    Your hosts:

    Angelique Daubermann (https://www.instagram.com/the_lean_girl/) "‌")

    Gilan Gork (https://www.instagram.com/gilan.gork/) "‌")

    Website: https://www.leangirlguide.com

    The Lean Girl Fitcast: Motivation & Mindset Mastery For Fat-loss

    The LEAN GIRL podcast is here to explore and deconstruct the many mental and emotional challenges we face as we embark on the journey to building a lean body. The purpose of this podcast is to offer practical mental tools, powerful perspective shifts and comforting support to anyone who is on a health, fitness or fat-loss journey. The aim is to merge the practical science of getting lean with the thoughts, emotions and mindsets that allow us to live each day with more joy, health and vibrance.

  • Welcome to the official LEAN GIRL Fitcast - your guide to motivation and mindset mastery for fat-loss!

    Hold the damn phone! I’ve been checking off my daily fat-loss habits like I’m getting paid for it - just to slip on a pair of skinnies that suddenly feel like jeggings! What gives?

    It’s easy to get hot and bothered when you expect your body to stay on track with the fat-loss plan… and then surprise! A change in hormones and some bitchy bloat swoops in and boom - were suddenly in a bad mood!

    We ALL have bad body image days. But if we allow them to steal our joy, get stuck in judgement and derail our progress: Then Houston, we have a problem!

    The good news, is that we’re totally capable of embracing the ups and the downs EVERY woman experiences on the fun little fat-loss rollercoaster.

    So, on the latest episode of the LEAN GIRL fitcast - we're here to give you some practical mindset shifts to help you:

    ✅ Rock those ‘fat day' - even when you feel a little ‘yuk’
    ✅ Find more consistent joy on your fat-loss journey
    ✅ Move with the fluctuations to find your flow and stay consistent

    If you’re a female - and your goal is fat-loss → this is made for YOU!
    Get listening girl - you’re just 20 minutes away from a new mindset to fire up your motivation station!

    Your hosts:

    Angelique Daubermann (https://www.instagram.com/the_lean_girl/) "‌")

    Gilan Gork (https://www.instagram.com/gilan.gork/) "‌")

    Website: https://www.leangirlguide.com

    The Lean Girl Fitcast: Motivation & Mindset Mastery For Fat-loss

    The LEAN GIRL podcast is here to explore and deconstruct the many mental and emotional challenges we face as we embark on the journey to building a lean body. The purpose of this podcast is to offer practical mental tools, powerful perspective shifts and comforting support to anyone who is on a health, fitness or fat-loss journey. The aim is to merge the practical science of getting lean with the thoughts, emotions and mindsets that allow us to live each day with more joy, health and vibrance.

  • Welcome to the official LEAN GIRL Fitcast - your guide to motivation and mindset mastery for fat-loss!

    Ever had one of those days when you’ve lost control, fallen face first into a family size bag of chuckles - and you’re wondering how the hell to get back on track ASAP?

    The big question we’re tackling today is how to not allow one hungry-girl-hiccup to haunt your headspace for the next couple of hours - or worse - drive you back into the pantry for more treats as you swim in a sea of regret?

    In this episode of The Lean Girl Fitcast, we're about to STOP the madness with a 3-step fool-proof plan to reset faster from overindulging and get you back on track in a flash queen!

    Losing fat is not about being perfect → but rather about quicker comebacks when we fall off the progress pony and feel tempted to throw in the towel! This simple mental reset strategy is going to have you spending more time sticking to the plan and firing you up for faster fat-loss!

    This episode is going to be the lifeline you’ve been waiting for gal!

    So, pop in those earphones, listen closely and let’s get another mental tool safely into that lean bod toolbox!

    Your hosts:

    Angelique Daubermann (https://www.instagram.com/the_lean_girl/) "‌")
    Gilan Gork (https://www.instagram.com/gilan.gork/) "‌")

    Website: https://www.leangirlguide.com

    The Lean Girl Fitcast: Motivation & Mindset Mastery For Fat-loss

    The LEAN GIRL podcast is here to explore and deconstruct the many mental and emotional challenges we face as we embark on the journey to building a lean body. The purpose of this podcast is to offer practical mental tools, powerful perspective shifts and comforting support to anyone who is on a health, fitness or fat-loss journey. The aim is to merge the practical science of getting lean with the thoughts, emotions and mindsets that allow us to live each day with more joy, health and vibrance.

  • Welcome to the official LEAN GIRL Fitcast - your guide to motivation and mindset mastery for fat-loss!

    We seldom find the words fat-loss + fun in the same sentence!

    When we think fat-loss → we imagine sending ourselves to diet detention where we eat morsels of misery (aka: sad chicken salads) in an attempt to see the scale nudge down a gram or two!

    The big hair problem?

    ✅ We avoid starting the diet
    ✅ We require nun-like discipline to stick to the diet
    ✅ We feel miserable and deprived on the diet

    A triple whammy which makes it pretty damn impossible to stay consistent for long enough to make any significant progress!

    In this week’s episode of the LEAN GIRL Fitcast - we’re cranking up the consistency by making fat-loss feel FUN! (Yes - shocking thought! I know!)

    Join me and Gilan (my lovely husband and high performance coach) as we give you a crazy simple strategy to supercharge your consistency, find fun on the journey and ultimately get faster fat-loss results!

    Get ready to learn how to gamify your fat-loss progress and play to win gal!

    Pop on the podcast while you do your pretty face, drive to work or make your next lean girl meal! You don’t want to miss it!

    Your hosts:
    Angelique Daubermann (https://www.instagram.com/the_lean_girl/) "‌")
    Gilan Gork (https://www.instagram.com/gilan.gork/) "‌")

    Website: https://www.leangirlguide.com

    The Lean Girl Fitcast: Motivation & Mindset Mastery For Fat-loss

    The LEAN GIRL podcast is here to explore and deconstruct the many mental and emotional challenges we face as we embark on the journey to building a lean body. The purpose of this podcast is to offer practical mental tools, powerful perspective shifts and comforting support to anyone who is on a health, fitness or fat-loss journey. The aim is to merge the practical science of getting lean with the thoughts, emotions and mindsets that allow us to live each day with more joy, health and vibrance.

  • Welcome to the official LEAN GIRL Fitcast - your guide to motivation and mindset mastery for fat-loss!

    Ever feel torn between living your best life (aka: freeeeedom) and being disciplined to stick to your fat-loss strategy?

    It can feel like a constant game of tug-of-war between the two in our minds. We want to hit up the birthday cake.. but this girl also has some lean body goals! What does she do?

    Can freedom + discipline really exist together?

    In the latest episode of the LEAN GIRL fitcast - we’re decoding how to find balance between the two - so we can experience food freedom and deploy a little discipline when we need to!

    If you find yourself struggling with this mental battle - LISTEN here on how to confidently master the middle way for better results plus more peace in your heart!

    Don’t forget to share with episode with anyone that would benefit from hearing it! ❤️

    Your hosts:
    Angelique Daubermann (https://www.instagram.com/the_lean_girl/) "‌")
    Gilan Gork (https://www.instagram.com/gilan.gork/) "‌")

    Website: https://www.leangirlguide.com

    The Lean Girl Fitcast: Motivation & Mindset Mastery For Fat-loss

    The LEAN GIRL podcast is here to explore and deconstruct the many mental and emotional challenges we face as we embark on the journey to building a lean body. The purpose of this podcast is to offer practical mental tools, powerful perspective shifts and comforting support to anyone who is on a health, fitness or fat-loss journey. The aim is to merge the practical science of getting lean with the thoughts, emotions and mindsets that allow us to live each day with more joy, health and vibrance.

  • Welcome to the official LEAN GIRL Fitcast - your guide to motivation and mindset mastery for fat-loss!

    It’s often on our fat-loss journey that we start to feel demotivated and frustrated when results are not as fast as we’d like them to be. We can feel like our results are playing hide and seek - despite us putting in the work. Ironically - this often causes us to give up… because: ‘this stupid diet is not working anyway’. And then.. we throw in the towel just before our results were about to show up!

    So the burning question we’re tackling in this week’s energising episode of the LG fitcast is: How to stay inspired, motivated and consistent - even when progress feels slow so that we can actually see our hard work pay off?

    We’re about to serve you up with the 3 motivation blockers that are killing your mojo so that you can find your endless source of motivation and inspiration to keep showing up and fast-track your fat-loss results!

    Ready to get fired up gal? Get listening HERE lovely!

    Your hosts:
    Angelique Daubermann (https://www.instagram.com/the_lean_girl/) "‌")
    Gilan Gork (https://www.instagram.com/gilan.gork/) "‌")

    Website: https://www.leangirlguide.com

    The Lean Girl Fitcast: Motivation & Mindset Mastery For Fat-loss

    The LEAN GIRL podcast is here to explore and deconstruct the many mental and emotional challenges we face as we embark on the journey to building a lean body. The purpose of this podcast is to offer practical mental tools, powerful perspective shifts and comforting support to anyone who is on a health, fitness or fat-loss journey. The aim is to merge the practical science of getting lean with the thoughts, emotions and mindsets that allow us to live each day with more joy, health and vibrance.

  • Welcome to the official LEAN GIRL Fitcast - your guide to motivation and mindset mastery for fat-loss!

    Giiirl! You’re not alone if you feel like it’s annoyingly impossible to stick to your fat-loss plan on a Friday night! Why does it feel so hard? Do we just need more willpower? Why do we keep sabotaging ourselves?

    Friday night pizza becomes a weekend food fest and we’re back to square one despite us swearing that ‘this weekend would be different’.

    We feel out of control and frustrated that we keep falling into the same self-sabotaging behaviours that stop us from losing the few kilos we’re so desperate to ditch!

    The question we want answered in this episode - is how do we stop this cycle and break the habit of flipping the ‘screw it’ switch?

    What EXACTLY do we do on that Friday night when we know eating the Debonairs pizza and a bag of chuckles is not the answer - but we STILL do it?

    In this episode of the Lean Girl Fitcast - we have a step-by-step, practical mental tool to add to your fat-loss toolbox to finally BREAK this result-robbing cycle - so that you can finally see those sweet results you’ve been working for!

    Listen here to start winning on the weekends! Yeeha!

    Your hosts:
    Angelique Daubermann (https://www.instagram.com/the_lean_girl/)
    Gilan Gork (https://www.instagram.com/gilan.gork/)

    Website: https://www.leangirlguide.com

    The Lean Girl Fitcast: Motivation & Mindset Mastery For Fat-loss The LEAN GIRL podcast is here to explore and deconstruct the many mental and emotional challenges we face as we embark on the journey to building a lean body. The purpose of this podcast is to offer practical mental tools, powerful perspective shifts and comforting support to anyone who is on a health, fitness or fat-loss journey. The aim is to merge the practical science of getting lean with the thoughts, emotions and mindsets that allow us to live each day with more joy, health and vibrance.