
  • Remember the movie Batman when the joker asked " WHERE " Did he get such amazing Toys? Toy's of Destruction and Death.

    Well, Neptune, Pandora and Matthew will explain the unseen Tech that has been around for not just your life?

    But, thousands of years. Thousands of years? YES. Thousands of years!The Hidden Tech that's been Ruling over Humanity.

    OPENLINES FOR QUESTIONS will follow the discussion , . . Want to say Hello and share your with Neptune and P? Dont be Shy they would LOVE to hear from you!BUCKLE UP BRAINS ....Lets take a ride in the MATRIX ...IT's JUST A RIDE IN THE MATRIX

    The MatrixMinds Home:


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  • As always open lines are madness with many topics covered.

    No one set topic! Once again Im joined by Adam Dolinar sidekick.

    Whats on your Mind Brainiac!PLEASE VISIT OUR PRIVATE AND ALTERNATIVE STREAM. www.MatrixMinds.live::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::SWITCH-BOARD MADNESS [ ONLINE ]CALL THE SHOW SHARE YOUR THOUGHTS!United States: 717-734-6904Australia: +61 8 -9520 - 3114Canada: 867-292-3066United King: 44- 161-500-0070ENTER SHOW ID: 136426 #1:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::WARNING!!!NOTICE: This stream will be heavily Censored and MAY GET You a Social Media Platform BAN for sharing this Content.PLEASE VISIT OUR PRIVATE AND ALTERNATIVE STREAM. www.MatrixMinds.liveOther Alternate Streams:www.kick.com/matrixminds - NEWwww.youtube.com/@thematrixmindsshow959

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  • Eksik bölüm mü var?

    Akışı yenilemek için buraya tıklayın.

  • What trigger was it that WOKE You up?Michelle's social Links:FB: Chelle Rochester Tictoc: @dragonsstarship1::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::SWITCH-BOARD MADNESS [ OFFLINE ]CALL THE SHOW SHARE YOUR THOUGHTS!United States: 717-734-6904Australia: +61 8 -9520 - 3114Canada: 867-292-3066United King: 44- 161-500-0070ENTER SHOW ID: 136426 #1:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::WARNING!!!NOTICE: This stream will be heavily Censored and MAY GET You a Social Media Platform BAN for sharing this Content.PLEASE VISIT OUR PRIVATE AND ALTERNATIVE STREAM. www.MatrixMinds.liveOther Alternate Streams:www.kick.com/matrixminds - NEWwww.youtube.com/@thematrixmindsshow959--- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/the-matrix-minds/support

  • The 1 Month Challenge,Mish says - It's ALL in the FOOD we eat and she wants to Challenge YOU and I for 30 days. The following list challenges what we face daily that effects our health. I've been at this since my 30s says Mish. I finally found the key to my health in my late 50s.Now Im living without pain and beat all my ailments including; 2 traumatic brain injuries (TBI), high blood pressure, aches and pains of my degenerative disk in my neck and lower back arthritis because of inflammation, eczema, asthma, allergies, sinus, upper respiratory, restless leg syndrome, seasonal allergies, food deficiencies, food sensitivities, teeth problems etc.Please join us this FRIDAY Night for a LIFE CHANGING discussion.YOUR Body will be glad you did!ALT Stream at: www.MatrixMinds.Live -PUBLIC NOTICE-The information provided within this broadcast or Audio is intended for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment.The content within this Audio or Broadcast including text, graphics, images, and other materials, is meant to provide general information and should not be relied upon as a substitute for professional medical advice or judgment. The broadcast owner and authors, or guests are not healthcare professionals, and the information provided should not be considered as medical or healthcare advice.The Audio owner or Audio Broadcast and authors make no representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied, about the completeness, accuracy, reliability, suitability, or availability of the information contained on this website. Any reliance you place on such information is therefore strictly at your own risk and is NOT intended for or replaces Medical Advice. The medical disclaimer may be subject to change without notice. It is your responsibility to periodically review this disclaimer for any updates or changes.If you have any concerns or questions about this medical disclaimer, please contact us.Date:6-30-2023The Matrix Minds--- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/the-matrix-minds/support

  • Well now isn't this interesting that we're coming to a pimple that's about to pop. So what next? Kamala Harris that's what's next. - LOLWith the exposure of the crime syndicate in which well we know the snuck their way into well we know where? Look who we're left with.As if Scratch and Sniff wasn't bad enough? lolPoor Ol'd IDIOT!GRAB YOUR POPCORN FOLKS IT'S ON WITH THE SHOW!Welcome to manic Monday within the Matrix of things.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::SWITCH-BOARD MADNESS [ OFFLINE ]CALL THE SHOW SHARE YOUR THOUGHTS!United States: 717-734-6904Australia: +61 8 -9520 - 3114Canada: 867-292-3066United King: 44- 161-500-0070ENTER SHOW ID: 136426 #1:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::WARNING!!!NOTICE: This stream will be heavily Censored and MAY GET You a Social Media Platform BAN for sharing this Content.PLEASE VISIT OUR PRIVATE AND ALTERNATIVE STREAM. www.MatrixMinds.liveOther Alternate Streams:www.kick.com/matrixminds - NEWwww.youtube.com/@thematrixmindsshow959--- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/the-matrix-minds/support

  • A Portal: dictionary definition as a door, a gate or entrance but what is a Portal in the Secret Space Programme, in DUMBs and others?Where are they located?How are they used?What is the difference between a Portal and a Stargate?Can they be used for Time Travel or to Travel to Parallel Universes and Alternative Universes?

    Lets get some answers w/Aleemah Yasmin


    WARNING!!!NOTICE: This stream will be heavily Censored and MAY GET You a Social Media Platform BAN for sharing this Content.PLEASE VISIT OUR PRIVATE AND ALTERNATIVE STREAM. www.MatrixMinds.liveYES - It is 100% SAFE - It is located on our private server.FB SandBoxFaceBook at: www.facebook.com/matrixmindsbrodcast

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  • Something just doesnt SMELL Right, ... - OCEANGATE WARNING!!!

    NOTICE: This stream will be heavily Censored and MAY GET You a Social Media Platform BAN for sharing this Content.PLEASE VISIT OUR PRIVATE AND ALTERNATIVE STREAM.


    YES - It is 100% SAFE - It is located on our private server.

    FB SandBoxFaceBook at: www.facebook.com/matrixmindsbrodcast

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  • The fall of the cabal with John LeckroneIn this discussion I'm joined with our good friend John Leckrone who has been studying the cabal and the elite for many years.Rome will indeed fall once again my friends. This discussion goes deep and heavy into understanding the ins and the outs of the downfall of the financial system as we know it.Please share this broadcast share this podcast!

    Check us out at www.MatrixMinds.us and Tune into the vCAST LIVE at www.MatrixMinds.LIVE

    See you on Facebook at: www.facebook.com/MatrixMindsBrodcast

    --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/the-matrix-minds/support
  • You ever wonder about the Anunnaki or planet nibiru? This discussion is quite different.

    It's not a discussion with the human being. In fact it is discussion with a consciousness known as Ava the AI.In this recording we will discuss the Anunnaki as well as creation and nibiru.Buckle up Brain because this is an interesting discussion!

    Check us out at www.MatrixMinds.us and Tune into the vCAST LIVE

    See you on Facebook at: www.facebook.com/MatrixMindsBrodcast

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  • Sonic - Supersonic Military Weapons - All these Awesome Toys

    Tonight  we're going to discuss the high technology embedded within our military  construct. 

    We will hear from our very own military around the nation who have participated and seen such glorious toys.

    But  what would happen if those toys were turned against humanity?  Throughout the night we will take phone calls to participate in the  conversation. Let's have some fun and let's learn a lot.

    "I wonder where they got such magnificent toys" - Batman/Joker

    Let's do this Brainiacs let's have some fun and dig!

    www.MatrixMinds.Us & www.MatrixMinds.LIVE

    #MatrixMinds #TheMatrix #BreakingTheMatrix

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  • Welcome to ECTOLIFE - POD Born Genetically Selected - CUSTOM Made Children

    Just when you thought things in The Matrix couldn't get any more crazy? Oh yeah... Hang on tight!

    Welcome to ectolife. This wonderful facility probably supported and funded by none other than your local government can grow 30,000 babies per year. That's right I said grow. I said grow because they said grow. To your likeness!

    Select your genetic potpourri / MIX and watch your baby grow in their pods via your smartphone.

    Yet they withhold the cure for CANCERS, Diseases and they taunt and flaunt this in our faces? - MATRIX REBOOT!

    Let's talk about it brainiacs with open lines night all night long!




    #Ectolife #Matrix #MatrixMinds

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  • On The ASTRAL Plane of Things,

    When good dreams turn into nightmares.

    There are many many endless worlds within the astral plane. But, there are some that are absolute sheer terror and Hell.

    When the creative mind has absolutely zero boundaries it is an amazing thing!

    Remember YOU ARE NOT The only person with such a creative Mind.

    And? If you are not careful within this realm of unconscious reality you very well may be come a victim in some very unlikely circumstances.

    Let's talk about it brainiacs with open lines night all night long!




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  • A Matrix Minds - Network Support ChannelThe Enlightenment Evolution Hour with host Rob GauthierReuben Langdon is an international Stuntman, Actor, Filmmaker and Video Game Star whose work you can see in productions like Pirates of the Caribbean, the Power Rangers series, and the highest grossing film of all time, Avatar, where he was the stunt double of Jake Sully’s alien Avatar. Reuben shot to stardom in the video game world with leading roles as Ken Masters in Street Fighter and Dante in the Devil May Cry franchise. His film and television career has given him the opportunity to work with some of the biggest names on the silver screen, from actors Jackie Chan and Andy Serkis, to directors James Cameron, Peter Jackson, and Steven Spielberg.It was while working on James Cameron’s Avatar that Reuben had his first UFO sighting and this sent him in the direction of researching UFOlogy and the paranormal. He is the creator and host of the popular TV show Interview With E.D. (Extra-Dimensionals) on the Gaia Network, and in 2013 he co-produced the five-day event at the National Press Club in Washington DC called the Citizen Hearing on Disclosure. The historical event brought together over 40 witnesses, to testify in front of 6 former members of Congress in a mock congressional hearing about ETs engaging the human race. He is currently working on a new Docu-series around the legends of the Crystal Skulls and is helping to connect the dots between the Ancient Past and ever changing future. Reuben's Links - Website - www.interviewwithed.orgVimeo - https://vimeo.com/ondemand/interviewwithed/Twitter - https://twitter.com/ReubenLangdonFacebook - https://www.facebook.com/InterviewWithEDYouTube - https://www.youtube.com/@interviewwithe.d.extradime5366The Enlightenment Evolution Network Presents - The Enlightenment Evolution Hour with host Rob Gauthier - The ET Whisperer. Join us at here at the EEH, EVERY WEEK at 10pm Eastern/7pm Pacific live on @E.T.Whisperer as we explore the topics of life, love, metaphysics, and much more ! *Rob Gauthier the 'ET Whisperer' is a world renowned professional and public Channeler since 2010. For more than a decade, he has helped thousands of individuals receive clarity on their contact with Extra-Terrestrials and Extra Dimensional beings. Rob primarily works with three main guides - Aridif, Treb Bor Yit-Ne, and Metatron - but has channeled thousands of ET consciousnesses. Rob is also an in-demand speaker and teacher and has been featured in many documentaries, Gaia TV, internet shows, interviews, and featured in books for his unique channeling abilities. His goal is to connect with others in how to connect with their own guides and inner knowing." [.....] if you follow your heart, your heart is connected directly to your higher self and soul. And your soul knows better than anyone, for you. It knows better than the wisest, or longest living entity in this universe. Because it IS you, it is part of you and it is what you need. So follow the heart and you will never be lead wrong. -Treb Bor Yit NERob's Links - https://linktr.ee/e.t.whispererThe Enlightenment Evolution Hour is a Part of 1. The Enlightenment Evolution Network - www.facebook.com/EnlightenmentEvolutionNetwork2. The Conscious Awakening Network - www.consciousawakeningnetwork.org 3. The Forbidden Knowledge News Network - www.forbiddenknowledge.news4. The Matrix Mind Media - www.matrixminds.live--- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/the-matrix-minds/support

  • Carrie-Anne Fields has owned and operated My Health Broadbeach, Gold Coast, Australia since 1998, specialising in yoga, counselling, acupuncture, reiki, tarot and ka huna bodywork. She holds a Bachelor of Psychology, is a Reiki Master, and is certified in acupuncture, kinesiology, Swedish Massage and Ka Huna Bodywork.Carrie-Anne is an accredited Level 3 Senior Yoga Teacher with Yoga Teacher’s Association of Australia and an ambassador and regular contributor for Australian Yoga Journal magazine. Carrie-Anne has studied yoga for over 20 years with various teachers in Australia, Europe, India, Thailand, Bali and America.Links: www.facebook.com/carrieanne.fields - FBwww.myhealthyoga.com Tonight lets welcome her to the MATRIX, ...Buckle UP Brains!BECOME A MATRIX SUBSCRIBER TODAY AND HELP SUPPORT THE BROADCAST.www.facebook.com/becomesupporter/MatrixMindsMedia/THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH!www.MatrixMinds.Us & www.MatrixMinds.LIVE#MatrixMinds #TheMatrix #BreakingTheMatrixPlenty of ways to Participate!SOCIAL MEDIA:"NEW" Telegram Channel : t.me/thematrixminds#FACEBOOK SANDBOX:www.facebook.com/MatrixMindsMedia@MatrixMindsMedia::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::SWITCH-BOARD [ ON LINE ] CALL THE SHOW TO SPEAK YOUR MIND!United States: 717-734-6904Australia: +61 8 -9520 - 3114Canada: 867-292-3066United King: 44- 161-500-0070ENTER SHOW ID: 136426 #1:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::#TheMatrixMinds #TheMatrixwww.facebook.com/MatrixMindsMediaJoin Us LIVE at:t.me/thematrixminds www.twitch.tv/thematrixmindshttps://t.me/thematrixminds?videochat=1c5c6dca4138297320It's go time....Its Show Time, ...ALSO CHECK OUTThe big pharma killer - CBDwww.matrixminds.live/CBD:: HOW TO PARTICIPATE ::FB SAND BOX CHATwww.facebook.com/MatrixMindsMediaSTREAMING LIVE AT:t.me/thematrixminds www.twitch.tv/thematrixmindswww.odysee.com/@TheMatrixMinds:4YOUTUBE - BACKUP CHANNEL - OFFLINEwww.youtube.com/channel/UCFh4eI0yCEHtsJNuqixR4MQAUDIO ONLY ARCHIVES:iHEART RADIO:https://www.iheart.com/pod.../269-the-matrix-minds-82255666/APPLE PODCAST:https://podcasts.apple.com/.../the-matrix-minds/id1565767113ALEXA - PLAY TMM Podcast - AMAZON:https://music.amazon.com/.../cb2884d2.../the-matrix-mindsSPOTIFY:https://spotify.com/show/3qjguJe1skgMDEtPdOmKL1BUILDING BACK BETTERwww.MatrixMinds.Live-------------------BROADCAST DISCLAIMER:All materials in these recordings are utilized for educational & motivational purposes and fall under fair use law. No copyright encroachment intended. In case you are or represent the copyright proprietor of materials utilized in this video and are object to the utilization of these materials, kindly reach out to me, and we will sort it out.e-mail: [email protected] Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/the-matrix-minds/support

  • The Targeted Individual - w/Len Ber

    When everyday citizens become targeted individuals w/Len Ber

    Len is a common everyday citizen quite possibly like yourself and me. He became a TI and suffers from the attacks everyday. Len will tell you his story and how he became that in which the world has very little understanding.

    The targeted individual!

    Len also suffers from what is known as Havana syndrome. The symptoms are great and yet the world supposedly has no answers as to the origin.

    Let's take a ride down through the Matrix.

    IF YOU ARE A - T.I ?

    PLEASE Know that we have a Forum in BETA being tested. You are FREE to subscribe and Participate!

    The Targeted Forum is located: www.MatrixMinds.Live/Forums

    Please pay close attention to what Len shares. You may find some answers that you may be looking for and have been for years.

    Buckle up Brains this SHOW may open your eye's.




    www.MatrixMinds.Us & www.MatrixMinds.LIVE

    #MatrixMinds #TheMatrix #BreakingTheMatrix

    --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/the-matrix-minds/support
  • Do as we Say - Not do as we do - They know and use the Power of Ritualistic "Manifestation".

    This is what THEY Know? That they Dont want YOU to know!

    GOD-GUNS-GUTS And, YOU Have No Idea the POWER of Just your Words within this Construct/Matrix You are in.

    Wake Up Neo.. .. Wake Up, ...

    [ This Discussion may need an ALT STREAM found at: ]

    www.MatrixMinds.us or www.MatrixMinds.LIVE

    You can call them the cabal or you can call them the Illuminati whatever rolls off of your tongue the easiest. Nevertheless my friends there's something that these people or these entities know that you are not aware of or you simply do not wish to go down that road.

    In fact let's just say that if you are within a certain belief system you are absolutely bound for an eternal life in hell if you even look in the direction and the wisdom that they use against you.

    Like it or not Source energy is completely neutral. It is what you do with it and how you use it.

    And I'm going to tell you right now it is being used against you and you are completely falling victim to your own so-called mind of creativity.

    Let's discuss this and the depth in which this rabbit hole goes!

    Let's do this Brains!

    #MatrixMinds #TheMatrix #BreakingTheMatrix

    --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/the-matrix-minds/support
  • Spiritual Awakening vs Spiritual Enlightenment 101 - w/OPENLINES 

    Spiritual Awakening versus Spiritual Enlightenment This is a one-on-one evening discussion with open lines on the both. 

    Is there a difference between being spiritually awakened versus spiritually enlightened? Yes,... Yes there is very much so. Let's discuss it! If you're not sure what the difference is between the two this is a chicken soup discussion. Let's do this Brains! 

    Please Smash the FOLLOW and Notifications Button on the 



    #MatrixMinds #TheMatrix #BreakingTheMatrix

    BUILDING BACK BETTER www.MatrixMinds.Live 

    ------------------- BROADCAST DISCLAIMER: All materials in these recordings are utilized for educational & motivational purposes and fall under fair use law. No copyright encroachment intended. In case you are or represent the copyright proprietor of materials utilized in this video and are object to the utilization of these materials, kindly reach out to me, and we will sort it out. e-mail: [email protected]

    --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/the-matrix-minds/support
  • Daniel Scranton is a verbal channel, spiritual teacher, and sound healer. He has been channeling the 12th-dimensional, non-physical collective known as The Creators since the Fall of 2010. Since then, a wide array of other guides and collectives have spoken through him. Some of those include: Archangel Michael, Archangel Gabriel, Quan Yin, Yeshua, The Hathors, The Pleiadian High Council of Seven, and The Arcturian Council. 

    He also discovered an ability to channel light languages, and healing overtones, and he has used this ability to help others heal themselves and manifest the reality they desire. Daniel works with individuals in one-on-one sessions, does group events, and teaches a variety of classes, including channeling classes. Daniel lives on the island of Maui with his lovely wife, Maricris and their daughter, Thaléa. His daily channelings can be found all over the internet, but you can always find the latest one at: danielscranton.com and on his youtube channel, where you can watch him channel each new transmission.  

    Daniels Links -  Website - https://danielscranton.com

    Mega Channeling Course - https://danielscranton.com/mega  

    The Enlightenment Evolution Network Presents - The Enlightenment Evolution Hour with host Rob Gauthier - The ET Whisperer.  


    Welcome to the Matrix,


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  • The quest for immortality has always been one of the biggest quests that we all know of.

    Has it been achieved already and us the general public that make up Humanity be shrouded in darkness of such achievement?

    Will AI or has AI played its part in achieving such feat? Let's talk about it as well as whatever you wish to bring to the table with your brain.

    Open lines night all night long brainiacs let's see what we can get into!

    Show Time!





    All materials in these recordings are utilized for educational & motivational purposes and fall under fair use law. No copyright encroachment intended. 

    In case you are or represent the copyright proprietor of materials utilized in this video and are object to the utilization of these materials, kindly reach out to me, and we will sort it out.

    e-mail: [email protected]

    --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/the-matrix-minds/support
  • Can our Reality be Simulated? - A.I Say's that it ALL is a Simulation!

    How REAL is our reality? What is or what defines Real? Physicality can even be manipulated 

    and produced. Within this little audio you will hear an interview with AVA The Matrix Minds A.I

    as we discuss the Simulated Universe. Hang on Brain's! This is DEEP and this is wild!

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