
  • Hello and welcome to another episode of the Perception Podcast with me your host Caroline Partridge. Today I'm joined by Self-love & Expansion Coach Ju Cordina. Ju shares the story of divine intervention, determination and failure that led her to her soul's purpose. We talk about the downward emotional spiral that floored her and how it was her relationship with her mother that prompted her to resurface and delve deep into rewriting her own unconscious behavioural codes. We discuss the 'Mother Wound' or code as Ju prefers to call it, and examine when, if ever, some of us stop blaming our parents for our mistakes and choose to start taking responsibility for our lives. Ju talks about how the laws of Hermetic philosophy have influenced her work and how her latest creation, a prayer group that enables women to honour the wisdom of the soul and the love of the divine came into being. So please join me as look at life through a different lens.



    Ju became a self love coach through a mix of divine intervention, determination, and mistakes, evolving from spiritual curiosity through corporate burnout to breakdown and healing. She reframed the idea of the mother wound instead as ‘mother code’ because labelling ourselves as wounded reinforces negativity instead of encouraging healing. Mothers shape our understanding of femininity in two ways: how they treat us directly and how they interact with the world around them. The ‘good girl complex’ shows up as people pleasing and unrealistic standards, coming from childhood attempts to control unstable environments. Healing requires forgiveness, which means seeing our parents as real people with their own struggles and limitations. Becoming a mother herself gave Ju a new perspective, leading her to apologise to her own mother. Ju's prayer group uses hermetic philosophy to offer a non religious approach to connecting with divinity and self love. Ju believes healing starts with spirit rather than human limitations, she believes in seeing challenges as doorways rather than obstacles.


    "I feel like if I'm being completely honest, it's been a mixture of divine intervention, determination, and probably just a lot of getting it wrong."

    "A belief is just a thought that you thought so many times it becomes a behaviour. So if we keep saying, I have this mother wound, I need to heal my mother wound, you are literally doing the opposite of what you desire to do."

    "The difference between the mother code and the father code is that for us, our relationship with our moms is survival... when there is a fracture between us and our mums, our nervous system literally sees it as life or death."

    "Forgiveness does actually set you free. It makes you feel free because you're not carrying this tie, this energetic tie to something that is such a low vibration that will always keep you, won't allow you to fly."

    "We are a spirit in a human body, we are not a human with a spirit, you know, spirit comes first."



    Ju is a Self-love & Expansion Coach, Podcaster and a mama of one. Her soul mission is to bring women back to their innate feminine power and wisdom so that they stop playing it small and lead a life they love, on their own terms.


    Social Media Links:

    Instagram, Tiktok, Facebook - @cordinaliving





    FACEBOOK - https://www.facebook.com/caropartridge

    LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/caroline-partridge-03131520

    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/partridge_caroline

  • Hello and welcome to another episode of the Perception Podcast with me your host Caroline Partridge. Today I'm joined by Spiritual Practitioner and Wellness Leader Lynn of Tropea. From the earliest age Lynn knew she was different, as her voodoo practicing polish gypsy grandmother always told her, she was the child chosen to carry her family's spiritual lineage. Lynn discusses the seminal influence of her grandparents on her life and work, as we explore the connection between physical and emotional health, how to follow your inner compass and what we can learn from astro-cartography. Lynn also shares her own incredible journey of trust from Texas to Tropea. So please join me as look at life through a different lens.



    Lynn's unique upbringing as the chosen spiritual heir in her family taught her to embrace her differences and trust her intuitive abilities from an early age, setting the foundation for her future work in spiritual wellness. Through her own journey of healing from severe physical illness following emotional trauma, Lynn discovered the profound connection between emotional and physical health, leading to her development of innovative healing ceremonies. Her work at Miraval helped her bridge the gap between traditional spiritual practices and modern wellness, ultimately serving high profile clients while maintaining the authenticity of ancient healing modalities. Using astrocartography, Lynn discovered her soul's destiny line runs directly through Tropea, confirming her intuitive decision to relocate to Italy during the pandemic. Her approach to helping women find fulfilment focuses on creating individual identity within existing life structures rather than advocating for dramatic life changes. Lynn's experience with astrology and geographical energy lines demonstrates how external tools can serve as affirmations for internal knowing and guidance. Her transition from Texas to Italy shows how following one's heart compass can override obstacles, even during challenging circumstances. The integration of multiple spiritual modalities in her practice, from Hinduism to shamanic techniques, allows her to meet clients at their level of spiritual readiness and understanding.


    "Your heart is your compass on earth. If you don't know where to go, close your eyes, close your ears, close your mouth and go into your heart because that's where you're supposed to live from." 

    "The universe will override mankind, it will put the right people in place to assist you on your journey. So when you get that perception of fear that no, you're not going to make it because of human stuff, just take out the human stuff." 

    "Everything that you feel and that you seek is meant to be a part of your external reality, but you have to have the faith and the belief that you are worthy." 

    "I always knew I was born in the wrong country. I spoke those words from the beginning of my life. I was like, I don't know what America is, but it is not my country." 

    "We can study everything externally, all we want, but in the end, when we're taking our last breath in life, we close our eyes." 






    Lynn is a lifelong Spiritual Practitioner and Wellness Leader with over 14 years of experience in the industry. Returning to her spiritual lineage through her Grandmother’s teachings, she provides guidance by navigating internal desires and creating pathways to those desires in external reality. With a background in the 8-limbed path of yoga, a five-year self-study on emotional body cleansing with Hindi priests in Malibu, CA and as a student of Shamanism, Taoism, Catholicism, and Buddhism from world-renowned teachers Lynn encompasses all major religions and spiritual practices as one. Recently Lynn has expanded her services into astrology and astrocartography, after discovering her soul map (natal chart) in 2019, which lead her to the life of her dreams in Tropea, Italy, and is currently writing an inspirational book about her journey.



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    FACEBOOK - https://www.facebook.com/caropartridge

    LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/caroline-partridge-03131520

    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/partridge_caroline

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  • Hello and welcome to another episode of the Perception Podcast with me your host Caroline Partridge. Today I'm joined by Life Design Coach Angela Jackson. Angela openly shares her own incredible story of transformation, from fleeing a home of violence and domestic abuse as a young child with her mother, to teenage pregnancy and then a distinguished thirty year career as a corporate finance lawyer. Angela talks about imposter syndrome, 16 hour work days and the eventual feelings of being unfulfilled that were her catalyst for change. She shares what life design means and how using the modalities of her practice can help us remember who we truly are, to bring happiness back into our lives. So please join me as look at life through a different lens.


    Angela's experience of persistent imposter syndrome throughout 30 years in corporate law, despite being in the top 1% of lawyers who made it to the City, shows how early life experiences shape professional self worth Yoga and meditation began restoring Angela's inner spark, even whilst doing a demanding job Her journey of leaving law after three decades showed her that success metrics needed redefining, moving from external validation through corporate achievement to internal fulfilment through aligned work Angela's study of BWRT and brain science helped her understand her own trauma responses and led her to develop methods for helping others overcome similar limiting patterns Her experience teaching yoga and meditation to stressed corporate colleagues revealed the hunger for wellness practices in high-pressure professional environments In developing her life design practice, Angela found many successful professionals, particularly women, were experiencing the same disconnect between achievement and fulfilment that she had faced Even after decades in an established career, understanding core values and making incremental changes can lead to completely transforming your life and happiness.


    "I felt completely and utterly out of place because I didn't go to the Ivy League schools... Imposter syndrome, absolute imposter syndrome and I was never treated that way by my peers or colleagues."

    "When you work in the city, you sell your soul basically, I had no life. I was drinking way too much just to numb these feelings of guilt, the feelings of unfulfillment."

    "We are entitled to happiness... we forget that because we're driven into performance, performance, performance."

    "School really is a vehicle for creating workers. It's not a vehicle for creating creative individuals."

    "Your future self is going to be dancing and cheering."



    After three decades as a leveraged finance lawyer in London, Angela now channels her expertise into something even more valuable: helping people break free from the mental barriers holding them back so they can create a life they love. Drawing from her own journey of transformation and training in coaching, hypnotherapy, psychotherapy, yoga, and meditation, she brings a powerful blend of corporate wisdom and holistic understanding to her practice. While her City experience gives her unique insight into the pressures facing executives, Angela's mission extends to anyone ready to rewrite their story. She combines practical strategies with genuine empathy to help clients identify and overcome limiting beliefs, guiding them toward a life aligned with their true potential rather than others' expectations.

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/angelajackson.uk

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/angela-jackson-20445a204/ 

    Website: https://angelajackson.co.uk



    FACEBOOK - https://www.facebook.com/caropartridge

    LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/caroline-partridge-03131520

    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/partridge_caroline

  • Hello and welcome to another episode of the Perception Podcast with me your host Caroline Partridge. Today I'm joined once again by creator of vibrational essences, essence practitioner, energy healer, spiritual explorer and co-director at Crystal Herbs Ltd, the incredible Catherine Keattch. In this episode we discuss the notion that whether we like it or not, we are, on a global and personal level, beginning to move towards a process of deep change. Catherine explains the changes that will occur as the earth enters this new phase of expansion, moving us collectively out of the disconnected dysfunctional patterning of the 3rd dimension to the higher consciousness of the 5th, and what that means for us in our day to day lives. We also explore how the vibrational frequency of fear is used to control people, and how our true personal power lies in choice. So please join me as look at life through a different lens.



    Catherine explains that humanity is experiencing a shift from third-dimensional polarity consciousness (right/wrong, conflict-based) to fifth-dimensional unity consciousness, marking the largest expansion of human awareness in recent history. She emphasises that personal power lies in choice rather than control, the need for control is rooted in fear, which operates at a specific vibrational frequency often used to manipulate collective behaviour. True lasting change comes from inner transformation and heart connection, not external resolutions. Catherine stresses this requires acknowledging and releasing old patterns, beliefs, and programming that no longer serve us. Catherine observes that the universe responds exactly to the vibrational frequency we emit. She explains that if we hold thoughts of lack or unworthiness, we'll continue creating those experiences until we consciously change our internal programming. Current global chaos is a symptom of old systems and beliefs breaking down as humanity transitions to a higher frequency. Catherine says this process requires individual inner work rather than waiting for external change. She teaches that emotional pain and defensive patterns must be acknowledged and released for transformation to happen. This process is simple but not easy, requiring us to face stored trauma and limiting beliefs. Personal transformation requires grounding in self rather than external reference points, using heart based wisdom instead of relying solely on the limited perspective of the everyday mind.



    "If you wanted to control people or humanity, all you've got to do is vibrate something in the world that vibrates at fear. And if you're not conscious of what's happening, it sets off your fear and you contract down into this place of fear and then you're controllable." 

    "If you're holding onto a thought form that says I'm not good enough or I can't do it, that's what you're creating all the time. The universe is absolutely exact."

    "Your everyday mind does not have the capacity or the data bank to be able to understand all of what that bigger picture is, it hasn't got the information your heart has." 

    "We've been programmed to seek our information from the everyday mind and the outside rather than turning inside and feeling it in our heart and in our gut."

    "I think people are so wedded to the old because the old is familiar and because the old is safe."





    Catherine Keattch is a creator of vibrational essences, an essence practitioner, energy healer, teacher, spiritual explorer, and workshop leader. She is co-director at Crystal Herbs Ltd which produces a very wide range of vibrational essences ranging from Bach Flower Remedies to very deep acting combinations of flower & crystal/gem essences designed to help us negotiate the current times of transformation with greater ease and understanding. 


    Catherine is currently focussed on providing resources that will support people to successfully negotiate the current times of transformation as we transition from a third dimensional reality into a fifth dimensional one. As we have all discovered, this involves a substantial leap in consciousness, a good deal of clearing, and an uplift in vibrational frequencies, all things that vibrational essences are excellent at providing support with.  

    Socials & Contact



    Catherine Keattch | Crystal Herbs Flower Essences 

    E-Light Newsletter Archive | Crystal Herbs





    FACEBOOK - https://www.facebook.com/caropartridge

    LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/caroline-partridge-03131520

    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/partridge_caroline

  • Hello and welcome to another episode of the Perception Podcast with me your host Caroline Partridge. Today I'm joined once again by Ascension Guide, Direct Channel, Activator and author the wonderful Marie Fleming Grant. In this episode we talk about the wave of activations and awakenings that people are experiencing globally, as humanity engages with a huge planetary shift which first began in 2020. Marie also explains the timeline shift which has set the planet on an ascended course, and offers advice on how to navigate this evolutionary transit. So please join me as look at life through a different lens.



    Marie reveals that humanity has shifted onto what she calls "the golden timeline," moving away from a potentially dystopian future toward an inevitably positive outcome, despite current global challenges. She shares that the chaos and upheaval we're currently witnessing is actually a necessary part of the awakening process, like a wrecking ball clearing space for something beautiful to be built. Right now people are experiencing waves of activation and awakening, particularly in recent months, as more individuals begin to question mainstream narratives and think critically. According to Marie, everyone is making an impact on the planet's evolution, even during sleep, and viral social media success isn't a measure of one's contribution to the collective awakening. She discusses how the programming we've received since birth is being challenged and dismantled, allowing people to rediscover their authentic selves and true potential. Marie shares that 2025 will bring continued awakenings, with different people awakening at different paces and through various catalysts. She describes channelling as a natural process that everyone does to some degree, whether through artistic expression or intuitive guidance. While more light is entering the planet, this creates a push-pull dynamic with heavy energies, which explains the current global tensions.


    "We've shifted onto a different alternate timeline... we're on a golden timeline. The golden timeline means that we are headed for a very wonderful future for humanity. We are set on course. It's inevitable."

    "You're doing a lot on the planet, even when you're asleep... just by breathing, just by how you think, how you're operating in the world, it's so impactful."

    "Sometimes the thing that you're really holding at bay, you're very fearful of, could be the very thing you're actually here to do."

    "For some people it will be more traumatic... like everything's being ripped open. And for other people it'll be more of a soft kind of general awakening."



    Marie is a Direct Channel, Ascension Guide & Activator, who works with Leaders, Healers, Impact Makers, Conscious Business Owners, Visionary CEO's & Entrepreneurs, and those here on their Mission to assist the collective shift.

    Marie is also an Author, Founder of 'The Awake Revolution' and creator of 'High Level Channel International Training Academy.'

    She guides and activates people to drop the old paradigms in life, business & mission, wake up to who they really are, and revolutionise how they think, feel, live and create, to be all of who they came here to be. Book: https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B0B8H967LS



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    Ways of working together:

    The Awake Revolution




    FACEBOOK - https://www.facebook.com/caropartridge

    LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/caroline-partridge-03131520

    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/partridge_caroline

  • Hello and welcome to another episode of the Perception Podcast with me your host Caroline Partridge. In today's episode, I talk once again to Ryan Douglas founder of 'Health Wealth' and host of the 'Health Wealth' podcast. Following our first eye-opening conversation about diet and lifestyle, Ryan explains the root cause of 99% of disease and reveals the main driver of modern day obesity. We explore how food companies hack into our subconscious with the clever use of marketing to create desire for ultra processed foods. And we look at our attitudes towards sugar, proven to be more addictive than heroin and alcohol, and yet sugar laden treats are given as rewards to children. Ryan also offers actionable lifestyle tips on how to improve health and explains why good quality sleep is so crucially important for wellbeing. So please join me as we look at life through a different lens.



    Food companies use sophisticated marketing techniques including sonic branding and subconscious triggers to create addiction like responses to processed foods The shift in food industry practices began when tobacco companies acquired food manufacturers in the 1970s, applying similar addiction creating strategies Inflammation, primarily caused by seed oils and processed foods, is the root cause of most modern lifestyle diseases rather than genetics Quality sleep is more important than quantity, with 6 hours of deep sleep being more beneficial than 10 hours of poor sleep Sugar is more challenging to quit than heroin or alcohol according to addiction specialists, yet it's normalised and given to children About 30% of the population cannot moderate their sugar intake - for these people, complete avoidance may be necessary The modern trend toward soft, easily consumed foods has led to reduced chewing, impacting oral health and proper digestion Seed oils, originally used as engine lubricants, create harmful omega-6 to omega-3 ratios in the body, contributing significantly to obesity


    "Genetics can load the gun, but lifestyle pulls the trigger."

    "95% of what we do and the decisions we make is our subconscious and only 5% is our conscious." 

    "They spend millions and millions of dollars on scientists whose sole job is to make that food as addictive to you as they can do." 

    "If you avoid processed foods and cook food yourself, you're cutting them [seed oils] out."

    "When you actually go into a supermarket, apart from in the vegetable section and the meat section, the rest of it is just manmade stuff that is masquerading as food." 


    Ryan is the founder of Health Wealth and host of the Health Wealth Podcast.

    After becoming disillusioned with modern healthcare, and nutritional advice Ryan set out

    on a personal journey of discovery into the real truths of nutrition and human health.

    Over the next few years he delved deeper and researched further into the topic,

    widening his knowledge and expertise in not only how to eat the right foods for health but

    also the real causes of modern disease and how to reverse and prevent them using only

    diet and lifestyle.

    After optimising his own health Ryan decided he wanted to help others and Health

    Wealth was born with the goal of not only educating as many as possible on optimal

    human nutrition but also working with clients through 1-1 coaching to reverse chronic

    health conditions with amazing results! Ryan continues to further his education and has

    since qualified as a low carb practitioner specialising in type 1 and type 2 diabetes as

    well as a qualification in the treatment of chronic illness through diet and lifestyle.

    Socials & Links:

    Podcast: https://open.spotify.com/show/5WPCw6xCj9BgJkw9bPx0HF?


    Website: www.healthwealthuk.com

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ryan_healthwealth/

    Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ryanhealthwealth/

    Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbM6YD42nDsifaN2HxLMb4A



    FACEBOOK - https://www.facebook.com/caropartridge

    LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/caroline-partridge-03131520

    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/partridge_caroline

  • Join Caroline in the 100th episode of The Perception Podcast! Caroline wants to say a huge thank you to all of her listeners for their support and her guests for sharing their incredible knowledge and content. She also talks about the importance of making your voice heard, why your dreams count and how you can build and continue to live your purpose. 



    Caroline started the podcast almost two years ago on the 21st of December 2022! Believe in your dreams, actively work on them and surround yourself with people who support you and who will lift you up and give you guidance. You don’t need to plan every next step in your journey meticulously, it’s ok to let go and trust your gut and intuition. If we trust in ourselves the next steps become apparent.


    “I just thought I’d really like to make my voice heard and also allow the voices of others who are following their dreams to be heard”

    “If we tend the garden small seeds turn into beautiful flowers”

    “It’s primarily important to always, always follow your gut and allow yourself to see the signs”

     “Life happens and our perception of ourselves changes and we move away from this authenticity that we were born with”



    FACEBOOK - https://www.facebook.com/caropartridge

    LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/caroline-partridge-03131520

    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/partridge_caroline

  • Hello and welcome to another episode of the Perception Podcast with me your host Caroline Partridge. In today's episode I'm joined once again by relationship expert and trauma specialist, the brilliant Sally Baker as we discuss the attitudes around wrongdoing in the media spotlight. In light of the recent allegations of misconduct by TV personality Gregg Wallace, we examine the possible reasons why in 2024, post 'Me Too' that women are still being gaslight and ignored when they come forward to expose bad behaviour and how this crisis at the BBC reflects larger societal concerns regarding the treatment of women speaking out against misogyny. So please join me as we look a life through a different lens.


    Sally observes that despite being in 2024, the same banal sexualised behaviour continues in media, with "talent" being protected while women's complaints are systematically ignored or dismissed. The entertainment industry's shift to independent production houses has created a vacuum in accountability, with neither broadcasters nor production companies taking full responsibility for misconduct. There is a dangerous pattern where women are kept isolated and separated, preventing collective action that could drive meaningful change in workplace culture. The normalisation of inappropriate behaviour through terms like "banter" has created a culture where misconduct is often dismissed or excused. Complex workplace dynamics in TV production make accountability difficult, with freelancers feeling particularly vulnerable and established talent being protected despite misconduct. The average age of children's first exposure to explicit online content has dropped to 8-9 years old, this is fundamentally altering young people's understanding of relationships and consent. Open communication between parents and teenagers about relationships is essential now more than ever, providing safe spaces at home is better than denial or avoidance. There is a concerning increase in sexual violence and coercive behaviour among teenagers, linking it to unregulated online content and influencers like Andrew Tate. Based on her own experiences in the industry since 1977, Sally can see how certain inappropriate behaviours have remained unchanged despite societal progress.


    "It's hugely disappointing. Here we are 2024, we're still dealing with the same banal kind of making women feel really uncomfortable, same banal sexualized behavior."

    "Keeping our children ignorant doesn't keep our children safe."

    "You can't passively consume anymore... we have a responsibility to actually see what's going on and think critically and also act when we need to."

    "It's part of the same tapestry of where men can get away with stuff. And if women complain, then they are derided."

    "It's endemic in every aspect, the weft and wove of our society, and it's not getting dealt with, it's not getting resolved."


    Sally Baker APAQAM

    Sally is a highly experienced licensed and accredited award winning therapist, writer and speaker. She sees adults and young people face to face in London and worldwide via Zoom. She is trained to an advanced or master practitioner level in many of the latest therapeutic approaches all of which work rapidly and powerfully to resolve a wide range of presenting issues, and she leads workshops on resilience, achieving peak performance and how to recover from trauma and PTSD. Through her therapy work she is often in demand for her expert opinion on human behaviour and is frequently quoted in the international press, magazines, BBC Radio and influential on-line media platforms.

    Sally has written several books on key aspects of therapy: ‘7 Simple Steps to Stop Emotional Eating', ‘How to Feel Differently About Food', ‘The Getting of Resilience From The Inside Out' : https://amzn.eu/d/2ArYDFU

    Socials & Contact

    [email protected]



    FACEBOOK - https://www.facebook.com/caropartridge

    LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/caroline-partridge-03131520

    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/partridge_caroline

  • Hello and welcome to another episode of the Perception Podcast with me your host Caroline Partridge. I'm delighted to be joined once again by Relationship and Dating Coach Mila Smith. In this episode we tackle the sensitive subject of how to deal with divorce and separation at Christmas. Mila gives some excellent actionable tips on how to survive as a singleton when everything everywhere is geared towards family and togetherness, and how to deal with uncomfortable questions from your nearest and dearest. So please join me as we look a life through a different lens.


    Through her personal and professional experience, Mila discovered that handwriting letters rather than typing them prevents impulsive sending and creates a tangible record of emotional healing that clients can reflect on over time. As someone who struggled to exercise alone, Mila found signing up for group classes was transformative - the financial commitment and social aspect helped her maintain consistency when she felt like giving up. Drawing from her own divorce experience, Mila learned to reframe personal blame by focusing on relationship circumstances, a technique she now uses to help clients process their separations more effectively. After witnessing many clients struggle with their first post-separation Christmas, Mila advocates for sometimes taking radical approaches like skipping family gatherings which is a strategy she's seen preserve mental health during vulnerable periods. Having worked with families during divorce, Mila observed that children are remarkably resilient and adapt better to new family structures than most parents expect, especially in today's world where blended families are increasingly common. Through her own journey of rebuilding after divorce, Mila discovered the power of local community groups and clubs in forming new friendship circles, regardless of age or circumstances. Despite being naturally extroverted, Mila found that teaching her clients to embrace occasional solitude and self reflection, rather than constant distraction, dramatically improved their healing process.


    "The very first move is the most difficult to make. But when you do, I think you will notice the very quick change to your mood."

    "The moment I admit a mistake or admit a shortcoming is the moment I feel better... the minute you admit that mistake and say it out loud is the moment you start forgiving yourself."

    "Children usually will normalise it [seperation], even if you don't... they heal better than we adults do."

    "Whatever you're feeling, that too shall pass."


    After 25 years in the corporate world, Mila Smith decided to dedicate her time to the field about which she’s absolutely passionate: helping women and men, as a certified Relationship & Dating Coach, find the love they deserve and build a happy relationship. Mila was once a solo mum with a rocky relationship history - until she realised it wasn’t about luck but about choices and mindset. That’s when she took control and transformed her love life. Her step-by-step programmes unlock the secrets to success through proven science-based methods.

    Socials & Contact

    Website: https://www.single-to-couple.com/

    Blog: https://www.single-to-couple.com/relationshipdatingcoachblog





    FACEBOOK - https://www.facebook.com/caropartridge

    LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/caroline-partridge-03131520

    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/partridge_caroline

  • Hello and welcome to another episode of the Perception Podcast with me your host Caroline Partridge. In today's episode I'm joined by Relationship and Dating Coach Mila Smith. Mila believes that there is no such thing as 'unlucky in love' and that our degree of success in matters of the heart is down to good, and often difficult choices. We look at how negative relationships create wear and tear on the emotional and physical body and why falling for someone is easy, but why keeping the relationship going may prove to be difficult. Mila dives deep into the complexities of daring as a single parent, she reveals the number one cause of breakups, and the perception shift needed to create a successful long-lasting relationship. So please join me as we look a life through a different lens.


    Through her experience and research, Mila has found that frustration is the leading cause of breakups, particularly when people's expectations around core values like money, family and politics don't align with reality. Her training with the Global Love Institute revealed that unhealthy relationships cause measurable physical wear and tear on the body, while supportive partnerships act as natural stress reducers. From both personal experience and professional observation, Mila learned that children adapt better to blended families when parents are open about dating rather than treating it as shameful. Based on her successful marriage and coaching practice, Mila shares that whilst attraction sparks connection, lasting relationships require aligned values and genuine friendship Through working with clients, she's discovered that success in online dating depends more on having the right mindset and choosing appropriate platforms than on the technology itself. Mila's research shows that the critical work in a marriage needs to happen before it begins through detailed discussions. From studying relationship patterns, Mila thinks that rising divorce rates reflect healthier social expectations rather than relationship failure. Drawing from both personal and professional experience, Mila advises that healthy relationships require maintaining individual identities rather than losing yourself.


    "There's no such thing as unlucky in love. It's got everything to do with my choices and my decisions."

    "Anyone can fall in love, building a successful, lasting, happy relationship is a completely different story."

    "Even if people can't normalise divorce, dating and forming a new family, I can tell you that the children will normalise it for you."

    "You have to go into dating with the point of view 'I'm looking at them, are they good enough for me?' Instead of worrying 'am I good enough for them?'"

    "We want attraction and passion, that goes without saying... but to have passion is not enough. Even connection is not enough."


    After 25 years in the corporate world, Mila Smith decided to dedicate her time to the field about which she’s absolutely passionate: helping women and men, as a certified Relationship & Dating Coach, find the love they deserve and build a happy relationship. Mila was once a solo mum with a rocky relationship history - until she realised it wasn’t about luck but about choices and mindset. That’s when she took control and transformed her love life. Her step-by-step programmes unlock the secrets to success through proven science-based methods.

    Socials & Contact

    Website: https://www.single-to-couple.com/

    Blog: https://www.single-to-couple.com/relationshipdatingcoachblog





    FACEBOOK - https://www.facebook.com/caropartridge

    LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/caroline-partridge-03131520

    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/partridge_caroline

  • Hello and welcome to another episode of the Perception Podcast with me your host Caroline Partridge. In today's episode I'm delighted to be joined once again by psycho-spiritual teacher and Soul Path mentor Anastasia Gerali as she shares her thoughts on naturally ageing in reverse. Anastasia defines the notion of 'sage-ing' and explains how we can live as sovereign beings as we grow older by resetting our nervous system for ageless beauty, We talk about the influence of genetics and epigenetics on ageing, how dysfunctional patriarchal belief systems play a part in moving us away from being in sync with our bodies, and how disconnection to our root chakra, or strength vortex also creates a disconnect from our ability to receive pleasure. So please join me as we look at life through a different lens.


    Anastasia challenges mainstream ageing narratives, she explains that genetics only controls 1% of ageing outcomes, teaching women that they have the power to rewrite their ageing story through lifestyle and mindset Through her client work, Anastasia has witnessed how cultural programming creates different menopause experiences between Eastern and Western women, proving symptoms aren't inevitable but influenced by beliefs In her practice, Anastasia focuses on helping women identify and release generational health patterns, showing how conditions many believe are inherited are often just adopted family beliefs Drawing from her expertise, Anastasia points to the patriarchal medical system's research gaps as a key reason women feel disconnected from their body's natural wisdom Based on her study of Indigenous cultures, Anastasia teaches that menopause should be celebrated as a powerful transition where women can fully embrace their sexuality and wisdom Anastasia has observed how modern beauty treatments often accelerate ageing through chemical exposure while disconnecting women from their innate power Anastasia's approach to "saging" integrates physical, mental, spiritual and relational detoxification, focusing on the rebuild of the mind and body connection is essential In her program The Glow Up Effect, Anastasia teaches women to become more radiant with age by breaking free from societal programming about becoming less relevant as they age


    "Whatever someone believes and whatever someone subscribes to, the more subscribers there are to a certain belief system or a certain narrative, the more true that becomes."

    "If you believe that the best years are behind you, that's true. If you believe that the best years are in front of you, that's true. Whatever you believe is true for you."

    "Indigenous cultures celebrate a woman's menopausal phase because it doesn't mean she's less desirable... she gets to tap into sexuality and pleasure without the responsibility of bearing children."

    "The body is such an amazing machine. It is always, always working for you. It is designed to heal."

    "Moving away from what you think you should be and into who you should authentically be is the most important thing ever."


    Anastasia Gerali is a leading psycho-spiritual teacher and Soul Path mentor, renowned for transforming the lives of women seeking deeper alignment and abundance. As the creator of Rapid Alignment TherapyTM️, Anastasia has developed a unique approach that combines profound healing with high-impact transformation, enabling women to break free from deep-rooted blocks and limitations. Through her work, she empowers her clients to step fully into their divine potential, achieving a life overflowing with love, purpose, wealth, and opportunity. Anastasia's mission is bold and unwavering: to reach and transform the lives of a million women, creating a powerful ripple of abundance that touches families, clients, and communities worldwide.

    Free Masterclass: Becoming The Radiant Woman: https://anastasiagerali.kartra.com/page/RadiantWomanWebinar

    Socials & Contact

    Website: http://www.anastasiagerali.com

    Instagram: @anastasiagerali


    FACEBOOK - https://www.facebook.com/caropartridge

    LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/caroline-partridge-03131520

    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/partridge_caroline

  • Hello and welcome to another episode of the Perception Podcast with me your host Caroline Partridge. In today's episode I'm joined by human rights lawyer, hair salon owner and founder of 'The Black Hair Society' Sabina Harris-Hercules. Sabina talks about promoting the positive representation of Afro hair in society and her mission to redress hair discrimination and bias. She shares what it was like growing up in 1970s London as a black woman and explains how black hair businesses evolved. We also look at the repercussions of toxic hair treatments, like relaxers, the desire for Caucasian looking hair and why there is such a woeful lack of education and training about black hair when the black hair industry is such big business. So please join me as we look a life through a different lens.


    Sabina challenges the frequent bias and hair discrimination found in education, workplaces and the wider community. She is passionate about being a voice for change. Combining her legal expertise with extensive salon experience, Sabina established the Black Hair Society specifically to challenge discrimination and create institutional change in professional hair education Her decades of client interactions have documented the generational damage caused by relaxers and toxic treatments, with many older clients suffering permanent hair loss and scalp damage As both a lawyer and salon owner, Sabina has supported numerous families whose children faced school discrimination simply for wearing traditional black hairstyles Her work with mixed-race clients and their parents exposed the critical knowledge gap affecting cross-racial families, demonstrating the broader societal impact of inadequate hair education Through her salon work, Sabina has observed how the normalised segregation between "black" and "white" salons contradicts Britain's multicultural reality Leveraging her dual professional background, she's now leading the Black Hair Society's research efforts to gather concrete statistics needed to influence policy makers and transform industry attitudes


    “I also challenge hair discrimination and bias in education and the workplace”

    “It’s unfair because there is unequal access, a hair stylist should be competent in all hair types, we shouldn’t have segregation in the hair industry”

    "In 22 years I've had one person from the community college come to my salon... when she qualified and came to work in our salon, she couldn't do black hair. We had to retrain."

    "We need to reverse the Eurocentric beauty standards... embrace our natural hair, embrace ourselves as individuals with different and unique hair textures that are just as equally important as any other."

    "Knowledge is power and through increasing society's understanding of Afro textured hair, we will help eliminate discrimination and bias."

    "We have to embrace the beauty of diversity, as we do with people, as we do with everyone. How should hair be any different?"


    Blog, Socials & Contact



    FACEBOOK - https://www.facebook.com/caropartridge

    LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/caroline-partridge-03131520

    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/partridge_caroline

  • Hello and welcome to another episode of the Perception Podcast with me your host Caroline Partridge. In today's episode I'm delighted to be joined once again by relationship expert and trauma specialist Sally Baker. In this fascinating and informative conversation Sally breaks down why the latest government 'jab for a job' scheme for unemployed overweight people is short sighted, and over simplifies a deeply complex and layered issue. We discuss the mental, emotional and legal fallouts from failed short cuts to weight loss, as well as body dysmorphia, ageing, the poison of comparison and the pandemic of dangerous and unnecessary cometic procedures amongst women in their early twenties. So please join me as we look a life through a different lens.


    · As a trauma specialist and relationship expert, Sally Baker believes the government's proposed Ozempic scheme for unemployed people is dangerously simplistic, drawing on her extensive experience with weight related trauma cases

    · Through her clinical practice, Sally has supported numerous clients using Ozempic, observing not just physical side effects but also a phenomenon she calls "Ozempic sadness" where suppressed traumas surface when food can no longer be used for emotional comfort

    · Sally's long-term work with bariatric surgery patients has given her unique insight into how weight loss shortcuts can backfire, from severe nutritional deficiencies to addiction switching when underlying emotional issues aren't addressed

    · Drawing from decades of experience treating eating disorders, Sally reveals the connection between obesity and childhood trauma, particularly sexual abuse, which she's seen in cases dating back to when clients were as young as three

    · Sally's expertise in body dysmorphia allows her to explain how modern beauty trends like the "Love Island face" are creating a concerning uniformity, with young women seeking Botox and fillers before they even develop wrinkles

    · Through her therapeutic work, Sally has witnessed the devastating impact of social media comparison culture, seeing how heavily curated images are affecting her clients' mental health and body image

    · Her work with post-surgery clients has shown Sally how body dysmorphia often worsens after procedures, as patients develop a hyper focused attention to increasingly minor "imperfections"

    · Sally's holistic approach to treatment emphasises the need for therapeutic intervention alongside any physical interventions, based on her observation that quick-fix solutions often lead to more complex problems later


    "It works. It does work. Although I've also met clients now, the longer it's around, the more you meet clients who've had different experiences with it. And I've also met clients that couldn't stick with it or didn't want to stick with it, and they haven't lost weight or they've regained the weight they lost as soon as they stopped paying for the jabs."

    "Whatever you get done becomes your new normal... If you're always searching for something to make better, you'll find imperfection."

    "We're comparing ourselves to these choreographed, beautiful fantasies and these women are fantasies as well."

    "These are strategies that people have come up with in really difficult, challenging times in their lives. And they're not great strategies, but that's absolutely all they had at that time."

    "It's an introspective gaze that we see a lot now with the pressure of social media, the pressure of societal norms on women, that it makes women introspective, where really we need to be looking out to the horizon for mental health to have an impact on the world."



    Sally Baker APAQAM

    Sally is a highly experienced licensed and accredited award winning therapist, writer and speaker. She sees adults and young people face to face in London and worldwide via Zoom. She is trained to an advanced or master practitioner level in many of the latest therapeutic approaches all of which work rapidly and powerfully to resolve a wide range of presenting issues, and she leads workshops on resilience, achieving peak performance and how to recover from trauma and PTSD. Through her therapy work she is often in demand for her expert opinion on human behaviour and is frequently quoted in the international press, magazines, BBC Radio and influential on-line media platforms.

    Sally has written several books on key aspects of therapy: ‘7 Simple Steps to Stop Emotional Eating', ‘How to Feel Differently About Food', ‘The Getting of Resilience From The Inside Out' : https://amzn.eu/d/2ArYDFU

    Socials & Contact

    [email protected]


    Twitter: @Sally_Therapist

    FB: Working on the Body


    FACEBOOK - https://www.facebook.com/caropartridge

    LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/caroline-partridge-03131520

    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/partridge_caroline

  • Hello and welcome to another episode of the Perception Podcast with me your host Caroline Partridge. In today's episode, I'm joined by Physiotherapist, Menopause Expert and best selling author Michelle Rowlinson. Michelle outlines how a slew of frightening and life changing symptoms prompted her deep dive into understanding her menopause journey, and how she decided to dedicate herself to creating awareness for others. We discuss the impact on both women going through the change as well as their partners, the far-reaching ramifications of the effect of transition symptoms, and how women are failed in the workplace, as 1 in 4 leave or lose their jobs during this period. Michelle also busts some myths about the 3 stages of menopause, the efficacy of treatment options that are currently available, and we look at the positives of this life phase. So please join me as we look at life through a different lens.


    Through her own often confusing journey with perimenopause, Michelle discovered her symptoms of hair loss, brain fog, and panic attacks were just a few of over 100 possible symptoms. Her experience taught her that perimenopause can start in the mid-30s, something she had never been warned about. Michelle left her successful physiotherapy career due to perimenopausal symptoms, prompting her investigation into workplace impacts. Her research revealed the shocking statistic that one in four women leave their jobs during this transition, leading her to develop corporate workshops. Her deep dive into modern lifestyle factors revealed how today's environment amplifies menopausal symptoms. Michelle discovered that chemicals in everyday products from food preservatives to skincare ingredients, are disrupting hormones in ways previous generations never experienced. Michelle's struggle with weight gain despite intense daily workouts led to her breakthrough understanding of exercise. She now teaches that high-intensity workouts can worsen symptoms, advocating instead for gentler activities like yoga and swimming. Drawing from her extensive client work, Michelle challenges the common misconception about menopause duration. She explains that technical menopause lasts just one day - the pivot point between perimenopause and post-menopause, a fact that transforms how women view their journey. Through her wellbeing stalls and workshops, Michelle encounters countless women struggling with ongoing symptoms well into their 80s. This experience drives her mission to educate about the lifelong nature of hormonal changes. Michelle's work training GPs stems from her own misdiagnosis with depression. She's found that a third of women enter perimenopause without ever having heard the term, leading to years of unnecessary suffering and incorrect treatment. Her extensive research into modern HRT options, particularly transdermal treatments, has revealed their safety and long-term health benefits. This knowledge drives her passion for helping women make informed decisions about their treatment options.


    "I started getting all these symptoms that I just didn't really understand... I thought I had dementia. I thought something was serious going on."

    "We were talking before that you can't get pregnant in perimenopause. And although fertility might be more difficult, you might be more predisposed to miscarriage; you're also more predisposed to twins."

    "Many women call in sick and lie about why they're calling in sick because they're worried about the stigma, will they lose their job?"

    "It's shocking that the British Menopause Society did a survey and found that a third of women still haven't heard of the word perimenopause before they start having symptoms."

    "I don't know why we're not taught it in school. It's crazy. We're taught lots of things that we never use ever again, but we're not taught about ourselves."



    Michelle Rowlinson is a Senior MSK Physiotherapist and Menopause Wellbeing

    Practitioner who has dedicated her career to raising awareness and supporting

    women through menopause, by leveraging her professional expertise to improve

    community health and create supportive environments for those experiencing this

    natural life phase. She specialises in offering holistic approaches to physical and

    emotional health during the menopausal transition.

    Michelle also conducts workshops tailored not only to women navigating

    menopause, but also breast cancer charities, businesses, and health


    Michelle is the bestselling author of "You, Me Conquering Perimenopause &

    Menopause," a book that explores the benefits of anti-inflammatory diets in

    reducing menopause symptoms: https://amzn.eu/d/9annpK9

    Socials & Contact:


    [email protected].uk


    FACEBOOK - https://www.facebook.com/caropartridge

    LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/caroline-partridge-03131520

    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/partridge_caroline

  • Hello and welcome to another episode of the Perception Podcast with me your host Caroline Partridge. In today's episode I'm joined by Lifestyle and Wellness Mentor Sophia Husbands. Sophia talks us through her inspiring self-help methodology S.I.P which focuses on self acceptance, honesty and living a juicy life. We explore unhappiness and how that manifests in our lives, and Sophia talks about how allowing ourselves time out in the Green Room can enrich our existence. Please join me as we look a life through a different lens.


    Storytelling and writing has always been Sophia’s way of dealing with and processing life. As her younger self, it was especially helpful when she was suffering from anxiety. Whilst people can offer valuable advice on our situations you have to remember that a lot of what people say is their own projections. Life is not linear and there isn’t one way to exist. If you can learn to trust in yourself and listen to your intuition you can live a more authentic life. It’s human to look for validation from others but we have to learn to trust in ourselves. We have to be honest with ourselves and what we want and need, this includes setting the right boundaries with others. Often if you are unhappy with your life, it is because your core values are being compromised. Society programmes us to put others needs above our own but it’s not selfish to put yourself first.


    "A lot of us when we’re stuck in a situation can become comfortable with the unease of it, being unhappy”

    “People project their own stuff, it’s nothing to do with you”

    “It’s important to be comfortable in your own skin…the best person I can be is be myself"

    “Having your own value system is important”



    Sophia Husbands is the founder of Single Important Person® (S.I.P), a holistic methodology empowering individuals to live life on their own terms. Known as the #GoGetter, she's an entrepreneur, mentor, author, and storyteller whose passion lies in helping others achieve their goals and dreams, offering 1:1 training, e-courses, and innovative techniques like the Green Room. Her approach teaches people to let go of unworthiness and embrace self-love, leading to more fulfilling lives

    Her professional journey has spanned roles as a change consultant, law lecturer, and career coach. As a thought leader and change specialist, she advocates the mantra "Happiness starts with you," taking a holistic approach to personal growth.

    She's also the author of the book "Be Happy," further showcasing her expertise in helping people find confidence and joy in their lives.

    Book: Be Happy

    Socials & Contact:

    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/iamsophiahusbandsuk/

    Twitter/X - https://x.com/sophiaworld

    Website - www.sophiaworld.co.uk


    FACEBOOK - https://www.facebook.com/caropartridge

    LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/caroline-partridge-03131520

    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/partridge_caroline

  • Hello and welcome to another episode of the Perception Podcast with me your host Caroline Partridge. In today's episode I'm joined once again by relationship expert and trauma specialist Sally Baker. Sally breaks down the not so obvious downside of online dating, the red, amber and beige flags to be aware of, exactly how the phenomena of ghosting, cuffing, breadcrumbing and firedooring diminish our self esteem and ultimately mental health, and the ramifications of the Covid pandemic on dating trends. She shares why you shouldn't start dating in autumn or winter months, and discloses the dating trend that is throwing online dating sites into mass panic. So please join me as we look a life through a different lens.


    Online dating platforms are seeing a downturn in subscribers due to user dissatisfaction with behaviours like "breadcrumbing" and "ghosting," which negatively impact self-esteem and mental health. There's a growing trend towards meeting people in real life through shared interests and activities, providing more authentic connections and context. The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly impacted dating trends, relationship dynamics, and people's overall approach to socialising. "Cuffing season" occurs in autumn and winter, when people lower their standards for companionship during colder months, often leading to spring breakups. Slow dating, which gained popularity during the pandemic, involves taking more time to get to know potential partners before meeting in person. Meeting people out of context through online dating can be risky; using intuition and being aware of red flags is crucial for safety. Doing personal growth work and developing self-worth before dating can lead to healthier relationships and better partner choices. Shifting focus from internal to external landscapes by engaging in volunteer work or group activities can improve overall well being and increase chances of meeting like-minded individuals.


    "What's happening in the world of online dating is that all of the dating platforms are seeing a downturn in the number of subscribers. So their business model isn't growing exponentially as it was. It's diminishing."

    "My first word of advice is never do it in autumn and winter. It's too cold, it's too dark. Wait till spring."

    "It's about having, having a big life, and having a big life. And you're right, lots of people are, their, their friendships. Groups are established and those people are often in couples and I would actually encourage my friends to pimp for me."

    "We've become very fearful and we've made our lives much smaller."

    "When you shift focus to the external landscape, and that's the world around you, that's connection, that's when you thrive."



    Sally Baker APAQAM

    Sally is a highly experienced licensed and accredited award winning therapist, writer and speaker. She sees adults and young people face to face in London and worldwide via Zoom. She is trained to an advanced or master practitioner level in many of the latest therapeutic approaches all of which work rapidly and powerfully to resolve a wide range of presenting issues, and she leads workshops on resilience, achieving peak performance and how to recover from trauma and PTSD. Through her therapy work she is often in demand for her expert opinion on human behaviour and is frequently quoted in the international press, magazines, BBC Radio and influential on-line media platforms.

    Sally has written several books on key aspects of therapy: ‘7 Simple Steps to Stop Emotional Eating', ‘How to Feel Differently About Food', ‘The Getting of Resilience From The Inside Out' : https://amzn.eu/d/2ArYDFU

    Socials & Contact

    [email protected]



    FACEBOOK - https://www.facebook.com/caropartridge

    LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/caroline-partridge-03131520

    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/partridge_caroline

  • Hello and welcome to another episode of the Perception Podcast with me your host Caroline Partridge. In today's episode I talk to actress and campaigner Freddie Stabb. In our conversation Freddie shares how as a person with a disability, she has navigated the world of acting for over 30 years. We discuss tokenism, how the representation of disability on screen is a powerful tool in shaping society's perception of disabled people and how that representation can be limiting and unrealistic. We also talk about the trials and tribulations of the casting process for actors with disabilities, and why casting able-bodied actors in disabled roles should be considered unacceptable, as disability is not a costume. So please join me as we look at life through a different lens.


    Being bullied as a teenager for her disability gave Freddie the determination to pursue a career in acting. ‘Disabled blind casting’ is a disservice to disabled actors, studios and people working with disabled actors need to recognise and understand an actor’s disability to make the right accommodations for them. Freddie’s lived experiences have allowed her to correct and amend things in the writing of her roles to make them more accurate and realistic, often educating those she works alongside. Writers and studios still aren’t daring when it comes to casting disabled actors, they are frequently given smaller parts in shows, they are rarely the protagonists. If we can cgi able-bodied actors to having disabilities, then why aren’t we doing the opposite? Disabilities aren’t a costume. If disabled writers start to be recognised more and are given opportunities in mainstream media, then we will begin to see a more accurate representation of disabilities on screen.


    "You wouldn’t believe I’ve done half the things I have with my life”

    “There’s this disabled blind casting which is kind of unrealistic”

    “It’s really important to be able to educate the people around you”

    “There seems to be a big fear around disability (in casting)”

    “When is someone with a disability going to get a main role in a regular series”

    “My disability is not a costume”

    “If you have confidence in yourself as a human being it becomes easier to pass on the message”



    Having worked as an actress for over thirty years, Freddie's most recent work included 'The Witcher' Netflix, 'Breathtaking' ITV and 'Stephen' ITV. Her theatre work has included understudying for Liz Carr in 'The Normal Heart' at The National Theatre, 'The House of Bernarda Alba' at Royal Exchange in Manchester and projects including corporate, voice over and documentary presenting. One of her highlights was working with Mark Rylance and Johnathan Moore on 'What You Will', a pop-up Shakespeare project across London during the Paralympics in 2012.

    She has been a vocal supporter of disability rights in the industry, working with Equity on their 'Deaf and Disabled Committee' over the years and is on the steering committee for Actor at the Centre, a campaign group who are working to return 1a Tower St (now 7 Dials Playhouse) to a home for actors by actors as its original purpose. Freddie is represented by Nicola Bolton Management.

    Socials & Contact:

    Insta /FB /X : @freddiestabb


    FACEBOOK - https://www.facebook.com/caropartridge

    LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/caroline-partridge-03131520

    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/partridge_caroline

  • Hello and welcome to another episode of the Perception Podcast with me your host Caroline Partridge. Today I'm joined by Tracey-Jane Hughes who describes herself as a listener, and listening trainer. Tracey-Jane shares how the discovery that she wasn't a very good listener hit her hard, but how that realisation subsequently altered her family communication style for the better. We discuss what good listening looks, or rather sounds like, the important distinction between listening and hearing, the dangers of not listening to ourselves, others, or our environments, and how technology is impacting the art of listening. Tracey-Jane also shares actionable tips on how to listen on a deeper level. So please join me as we look at life through a different lens.


    True listening involves all senses, not just hearing words. It requires being fully present and attuned to the speaker's energy, body language, and underlying emotions. This holistic approach to listening can dramatically improve communication and understanding in all relationships. Many people believe they're good listeners but often fail to give their full attention, especially in today's multi-tasking culture. Recognising this gap is the first step towards becoming a better listener and improving communication in all areas of life. Technology, particularly smartphones and noise-cancelling headphones, can hinder our ability to listen to ourselves, others, and our environment. This disconnection from our surroundings and inner voice can lead to a reliance on external sources for guidance and decision-making. Effective listening involves hearing without prejudice or the need to immediately respond or fix. It's about creating a space for the speaker to express themselves fully and reflect on their own words, which can be a powerful tool for self-discovery and problem-solving. Listening to oneself is as crucial as listening to others. Many people seek external advice or validation instead of tuning into their own intuition and inner wisdom. Practicing self-listening can lead to better decision-making and a stronger sense of self. Improving listening skills takes practice and conscious effort. Key strategies include stopping to focus, looking at situations from different perspectives, paying attention to gut feelings, and taking moments to breathe and connect with oneself. Good listening is foundational to effective communication in all areas of life, from personal relationships to professional settings. It fosters deeper connections, better understanding, and more meaningful interactions. The ability to listen without immediately interjecting or reinforcing potentially harmful narratives is a valuable skill. It allows people to process their thoughts and feelings more effectively, often leading to their own insights and solutions.


    "Listening with all of our senses is something that I believe is what listening truly is."

    "A lot of us will hear something and make up what that means to us. So there's already a disconnect."

    "It's not for us to fix others. It's for us maybe to reflect back, to listen and reflect back what we hear in an unprejudiced way."

    "We forget that actually we need to practice. Talking about listening is so, it helps us, I think, reflect on our own, the way that we move through life and our own journey."



    Tracey-Jane Hughes inspires people to listen creatively, enabling liberating lasting change in every part of their life. She empowers people to have the courage to listen and supports them to explore, be curious and start enjoying life despite the chaos, confusion and anxiety that is often the reality. She believes in the power of possibilities and nurtures potential through her loving, compassionate approach.

    Book: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Passion-not-enough-enterprise-sustainable-ebook/dp/B07QMRPMK7

    Socials & Contact:

    Website: tracey-jane.com

    LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/traceyjane

    Twitter: @tracey_jane


    FACEBOOK - https://www.facebook.com/caropartridge

    LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/caroline-partridge-03131520

    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/partridge_caroline

  • Hello and welcome to another episode of the Perception Podcast with me your host Caroline Partridge. Today I'm joined by Roger Hartley founder of the Bureau of Silly Ideas. Driven by an underlying sense of altruism and a passion for the absurd Roger has made it his mission to bring the genius of silly ideas into the mainstream and goes on to explain the ethos behind the Bureau and its seriously silly work. We talk about how subverting the everyday creates the space for magic to happen, and Roger recounts some of the Bureau’s exploits, that include rampant robot wheelie bins, harvesting the pheromones of success whilst masquerading as event sponsors, and working with the UN. We also look at how silliness and eccentricity are at risk in the wake of cancel culture and how we can push creative boundaries by blurring the lines of reality and illusion. So please join me as we look at life through a different lens.


    Roger started by creating a space where people could come to an environment with resources to do things, even if they didn’t have any formal training or means. Raised to believe in giving first, Roger has always approached much of his life altruistically. Society and culture put pressure as we grow out of being children to also grow out of being silly and this is to our detriment, especially where creativity and joy are concerned. One approach Roger has implemented is working as a sponsor, it was a different way to curate a 'silly' story and bring silliness to an event. So many adults have forgotten how to play, but we need to recognise that life is about more than being serious and working hard. Cancel culture is making artists, creators and ordinary people scared to push boundaries, stifling creativity.


    "Silliness for me is the key to free thought and eccentricity and where the glimpses of genius come from”

    “I was raised in a way where you think of giving first”

    “They dilute stupid into silly and they’re too different words in my head”

    “When you remember something that you’ve done that is brilliant, you created a pheromone that’s associated with success”



    Roger is a celebrated public space maverick who creates inspired madness on the

    streets of the UK and beyond. An experienced creator, performer, producer & maker he

    has worked across theatre, film, music, stage, television and Outdoor Arts. In 2002 he

    founded the Bureau Of Silly Ideas. As Artistic Director he has devised street theatre

    experiences from remote-controlled wheelie bins and stunt clown shows through to

    large-scale conceptual artworks called 'SuperFictions. Often a guest lecturer and

    masterclass leader Roger has also been a Leverhulme Scholar, Ted Talk presenter and

    is currently a member of the Hard Art cultural collective & Guardians of the Arches.

    Previous Directorships include Big Oriental Squid Inc and Bio Organism Substrate




    Socials & Contact:

    Tweet: @SillyBureau

    Insta: @bureau_of_silly_ideas

    Facebook: /bureauofsillyideas


    FACEBOOK - https://www.facebook.com/caropartridge

    LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/caroline-partridge-03131520

    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/partridge_caroline

  • Hello and welcome to another episode of the Perception Podcast with me your host Caroline Partridge. Today I'm joined by Well-Being Alchemist Wendy-Anne Steer. In this episode Wendy shares how she felt compelled to explore alternative healing modalities after her own experience of suffering, and recovering fully from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Wendy talks about the increase in the incidence of female clients suffering the effects of both ADHD and menopause, and how during this phase unprocessed trauma can appear. We discuss the harmful effects of over-identification with personal labels and dismantle the notion of single solution healthcare, rather that we can be fluid, but consistent in our healing. Wendy also shares actionable healing tips for when we're feeling anxious and overwhelmed. So please join me as we look at life through a different lens.


    After being diagnosed with M.E, Wendy struggled with finding her identity and what this meant for who she was as a person. She knew she didn’t have to be ill forever and this positivity is what aided her through her recovery. It also helped her discover healing methods in alternative health care including meditation. Healthcare in the UK isn’t focused on helping you live a healthy and fulfilling life, it’s too focused on a single solution, and it doesn’t look at people's health holistically. Grief alters anyone’s world view but it can also shape a person's evolution. Identifying too much with a label can become unhelpful and hold you back. The impact of chronic stress on the body outweighs almost any other lifestyle factors in your health, physically and mentally. A therapist or practitioner isn’t there to solve your problems for you but to aid you in finding conclusions about yourself before you do the work.


    "I have not stopped learning, I have not stopped evolving”

    “NHS, it’s great at keeping you alive but it's not great at helping you live”

    “Grief plays a massive part in your perception of life”

    “I’m not depressed, I’m ill”

    “If you’re exposing yourself to constant stress you are tearing your body to shreds”

    “I just adapt to who is in front of me”

    “You need someone to facilitate your wellbeing”



    Wendy-Anne Steer, known as The Well-Being Alchemist, has dedicated the past 20 years to the relentless pursuit of knowledge in well-being and various healing modalities. Her journey began with a deeply personal and transformative experience: at the age of 30, she was diagnosed with M.E./Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. This unexpected challenge put a sudden halt to her career and marked the most humbling and educational period of her life. After enduring three long years of suffering, Wendy made a complete recovery, a triumph that fuelled her passion for helping others find their well-being balance. Nature serves as Wendy's sanctuary and source of healing, and she and her family reside in the serene landscapes of Lincolnshire where she continues to inspire and guide individuals on their paths to well-being.

    Socials & Contact:

    Website: https://thewellbeingalchemist.co.uk

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/wendy.alchemy

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/the_wellbeing_alchemist/

    Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/wendyalchemy/


    FACEBOOK - https://www.facebook.com/caropartridge

    LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/caroline-partridge-03131520

    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/partridge_caroline