
  • Stephanie Powers is an astrologer, author ("It's Just a Phase"), podcaster (Lightworker's Lounge) and artists. She sits down with Julian initially, to talk about his birth chart and attempt to forecast his upcoming season. But these two quickly dive much further into the psychology of their own evolution. Stephanie helps him unpack this last year and all the hardships that came with it. From the devastated acting industry (post-pandemic/post-strike) and the limited amount of work, to going through a breakup with his significant other, and everything he learned he wanted as a result of losing it all. Julian discusses how him and Rachel found their way back to each other. What he had to unlearn from a lifetime of conditioned beliefs and failed relationships. What managing expectations really looks like in practice. And how he plans to redirect his approach to moving forward professionally and personally, in an attempt to give himself more grace and HAVING MORE FUN! Also, a bonus story about when his car caught fire outside the entrance of Capital Records, as he was dropping Allen Stone off to sign his first major label deal. And the serendipitous story of how he and his girlfriend Rachel had dreams about each other before actually meeting, which became the impetus for their relationship.

    Stephanie and Julian share their "WHY" and how they hope to cultivate impact from staying in pursuit of it. If you don't follow her work, you're missing out. Check the links below.

    For EXCLUSIVE shows and unreleased material, go check out my PATREON PAGE: patreon.com/theprecipiceofdelusion, and learn ways to support this podcast there!

    Follow Julian on Instagram @juliangavilanes and this podcast @theprecipiceofdelusion

    Check out Stephanie's PODCAST (Lightworker's Lounge) here: https://open.spotify.com/show/6U6ZXnqteIjAekf6RFjdTy

    And buy her book "It's Just a Phase" right here: https://www.amazon.com/Its-Just-Phase-Journaling-Moon/dp/B09X399338


    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Brandon Ghorley is a singer, songwriter, keys player extraordinaire and band leader (The BGP, Timeshare) from the Pacific Northwest. Brandon sits down with Julian to discuss their 20 year friendship. How he found his voice in music at a young age and developed his character from within it. Julian had a lot of question about faith, and as a man of god, Brandon opened up to about his experience with the church, how music has become a strong component of his spiritually and how there's no playbook for accepting faith into your life, because it just has to be a daily choice. Brandon also opens up about the darker side of his seemingly joy-filled lifestyle by addressing all the fears of inadequacy he goes through on a regular basis. How he combats the voice in his head that tells him he's not done enough yet, and how he looks to his faith to remember that he's on the right path. And that everything he wants is coming his way. They also share a very special song that they produced and sent to Rob Dyrdek when he was producing his biographical children's cartoon, "Wild Grinders." And the song is STILL a banger! Brandon's new Single "Handful" with his band, Timeshare just came out, and I implore you to BLAST it while we still have these dog days of summer! And don't forget to speak good things into your life this week. Brandon says so!

    For EXCLUSIVE shows and unreleased material, go check out my PATREON PAGE: patreon.com/theprecipiceofdelusion, and learn ways to support this podcast there!

    Follow Julian on Instagram @juliangavilanes and this podcast @theprecipiceofdelusion

    Check out Brandon's band, Timeshare here: https://open.spotify.com/artist/4FSCZbMIrQDXQCYwvDVMoo?si=VQI0phNyQqmDo7uHWBB9_g


    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Eksik bölüm mü var?

    Akışı yenilemek için buraya tıklayın.

  • It's me again! I felt like it was appropriate to do another solo pod to bring you all up to speed on my life lately. I was gone for a few weeks because I was in the process of moving, which is a big task that I'm sure we're all aware of. I could have worked extra hard and backlogged some episodes to keep it consistent, but then we wouldn't have THIS podcast to share all about my time and reflections over the past month. The move went well, and we are MOSTLY all settled in. But it was a rough summer to say the least...And I get into all of it with this talk. From losing my apartment, because we were getting priced out, to watching my professional life dissolve in front of me, and finally ending my relationship with Rachel because I couldn't handle it anymore, it all felt like my life was on fire. I wanted to give it all up. I was feeling really lost. And experiencing a lot of personal stress and fear about where I was headed, or NOT headed. I think sometimes when it rains, it pours, and man, was it dumping! But as you'll hear, I took a long hard look into myself and really figured out what I actually wanted for myself. And what my heart truly needed. Which that was to protect my relationship and reframe my sense of self. End this pity party and get my shit back together!

    These moments are always incredibly taxing while you're in them, but ultimately some of the most important ones you for us to experience and move through. I finally feel like I'm on the other side of it, and truly feel immense gratitude for having gone through it. Not that I'd like to do it again, but the value from having endured through that pain and discomfort was absolutely necessary for me. And I'm really look forward to how this new chapter informs my life and my art. Sometimes we have to go through hell to recognize how beautiful life really is. And I think I just needed to get my ass kicked really quick to get a stern reminder that my life kicks ass and that I can have more fun with it, if I just give myself permission to. l hope this episode resonates with you on some capacity. Because ultimately, we all deserve to be as happy as we can be.

    For EXCLUSIVE shows and unreleased material, go check out my PATREON PAGE: patreon.com/theprecipiceofdelusion, and learn ways to support this podcast there!

    Follow Julian on Instagram @juliangavilanes and this podcast @theprecipiceofdelusion


    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Son joins The Precipice of Delusion and discusses what it’s like to be deeply introverted and how he’s learned to deal with the pressures that come with being a stage performer. Why he considers himself a casual observer to his own behavior and how that’s helped keep him aligned with his values. And how important it has been for him to just keep showing up for himself. Him and Julian talk about their gratitude for not being famous people when they were young and how being an artist in todays climate has shaped their intentions. They also explore managing success and how much they really feel they could take on. Son also takes us on an exclusive journey behind the curtains of his experience smoking the venom of The Sonoran Desert Toad. And how he transcended life and accepted death through it all, and realized that it wasn't all that bad after all. Which has allowed him to step back into life (when he came to) with a fervor for experiencing more and seeing just how much more he can create through his new lens of gratitude and fearlessness. Son Little is a groundbreaking musician and his music is a perfect reflection of the journey that's brought him to this moment. We implore you to spend your day listening to his catalogue.

    For EXCLUSIVE shows and unreleased material, go check out my PATREON PAGE: patreon.com/theprecipiceofdelusion, and learn ways to support this podcast there!

    Follow Julian on Instagram @juliangavilanes and this podcast @theprecipiceofdelusion

    Check out Son Little's collection here: https://open.spotify.com/artist/4lujUKeO6nQAJXpq37Epn7


    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Freddy Giorlando is an award winning actor and producer, born and bred in New Jersey (Vinyl, Adulthood, Replica). Him and Julian sit down to talk about what growing up in Old Bridge New Jersey, where he assumed he would grow up to become a union worker. Just not the acting kind. What life was like after having a kid at 19 years old and how he decided to give up his entire youth to chase him dreams of being an actor. How having a kid at that age helped him stay on the course, because he wasn't able to be a kid with the rest of his friends. How he learned what sacrifice actually looked like, and how he became obsessed with building this thing that nobody would ever believe he could. He talks about the moment that his decision to do this went from one of irresponsibility to one that everyone was suddenly standing behind. The proof was in the pudding. He never gave up on himself. And now he has a burgeoning career as both an actor and producer in LA, his son is now 16, and he's only just getting started. Freddy is the kind of guy that you can't help but root for. And even if you don't he'll be rooting for you, because that's who he is.

    For EXCLUSIVE shows and unreleased material, go check out my PATREON PAGE: patreon.com/theprecipiceofdelusion, and learn ways to support this podcast there!

    Follow Julian on Instagram @juliangavilanes and this podcast @theprecipiceofdelusion

    Check out Freddy's work here: https://www.imdb.com/name/nm4772788/?ref_=nmbio_ov


    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • I’m talking to myself this week. Felt like it was necessary to give myself and all of you guys a little check in. There’s a lot going on in my life as of late, and I’m spending some time trying to be thoughtful to the transitions occurring within me. The idea of faith has been on my mind a lot lately. More specifically, the absence of it in my life. And why? How do I learn to buy into something that is intangible? How do I let go of this belief that I am in control of everything and just live an honest life, free of the burden of that same control? What good is discipline if it you’re stuck inside of it and can’t get out. These are questions I'm asking myself and trying to navigate as I unlearn many aspects of my life that no longer feel like they're in service of my growth as a man. Through all the unresolved trauma I am trying to show up differently for myself. As a Partner, a friend, a brother, a son, a colleague and just as myself. This episode is a reflection of where I’m currently at, and how I'm choosing to redirect myself towards a better me.

    For EXCLUSIVE shows and unreleased material, go check out my PATREON PAGE: patreon.com/theprecipiceofdelusion, and learn ways to support this podcast there!

    Follow Julian on Instagram @juliangavilanes and this podcast @theprecipiceofdelusion


    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Rich Henkles is an actor (Blue Bloods, FBI) and filmmaker. Rich sits down with Julian to discuss what it was like at the age of 55, when he turned his back on a lucrative and stable career with his family's business to focus on his original passion, acting. He talks about his 15 years as an award-winning TV Sportscaster/Host. How he discovered that the networking skills he developed as a corporate sales person for his family business worked side by side with landing him roles in TV and Film. And how he took all the skills he had picked up along the way to produce his first show, "Workforce," a project stemming from his creation of Actors' Think Tank, an actors collaboration, which was an offspring of the pandemic of 2020. Rich and Julian talk about the importance of keeping a good attitude in this business. How for just being kind and hard working will get you. And how despite how you feel about where you're at in life, it's never too late to get started on something that gets you excited.

    For EXCLUSIVE shows and unreleased material, go check out my PATREON PAGE: patreon.com/theprecipiceofdelusion, and learn ways to support this podcast there!

    Follow Julian on Instagram @juliangavilanes and this podcast @theprecipiceofdelusion

    Follow Rich and his Actors Think Tank @richhenkels

    Check out Rich's work here: https://www.imdb.com/name/nm9288061/bio/?ref_=nm_ov_bio_sm


    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Brian Sutherland is a TV and film actor (Big Sky, Pig, Z Nation, Walker: Independence). He is a Pacific Northwest boy, like Julian who's been working professionally for over two decades. Brian sits down with Julian to discuss how it all got started. Julian discovers that Brian was the catalyst for him to become an actor, after walking into his trailer, while PA'ing on a commercial shoot in WA, that Brian was acting on, and asking him how he got there. Brian took Julian under his wing and offered him all the advice he had. Fast forward a couple months, and these two were on set together acting in Julian's first move, "Fat Kid Rules the World," directed by the one and only Matthew Lillard. Brian talks about his process for getting into character(s). How heavily he leans into the truth of the circumstances, and how he doesn't really care how it comes across to anyone else as long as it gets the performance across how he intended it to come across. He talks about having 18 agents all over the country and finding a way to break all the rules with whatever conditioned approach acting schools try to impose on us. He talks about his coaching practice and how he tries to get his students to break all the rules as well, so they can find something honest inside their efforts. Brian has become one of the most high profile independent film actors in the PNW and is an asset to every film set he goes on. His work is a testament to his craft. And he is most certainly somebody to look out for.

    For EXCLUSIVE shows and unreleased material, go check out my PATREON PAGE: patreon.com/theprecipiceofdelusion, and learn ways to support this podcast there!

    Follow Julian on Instagram @juliangavilanes and this podcast @theprecipiceofdelusion

    Follow Brian and check out his acting classes @brian_sutherland_actor

    Check out Brian's work here: https://www.imdb.com/name/nm3456797/?ref_=nv_sr_srsg_0_tt_0_nm_8_in_0_q_brian%2520sutherland


    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Tommy Cantillon is a singer, songwriter, instrumentalist and has been a nationally touring musician since he was a teenager. Tommy sits down with Julian to discuss what it was like being so young on the road. Having his older brother manager their first band, "Holden." What it was like to live out of a van, play shows in every nook and cranny of the country and become a real road dawg. Tommy talks about learning how to be efficient at touring through learning the tricks of the road. What it was like to play every State Fair and High school this giant country has to offer. Going through his first breakup of a band. Starting Tommy and the High Pilots, and seeing success. Applying all the grassroots approaches they learned from the early days to build out tours, play big stages and ultimately cultivate a giant following all over the world. Tommy talks about persistence. The importance of staying with it, but also knowing when to call it. The good times and the bad. What becoming a father has been like for his musical journey and how he's managed to keep his passions and his family both at the forefront of his pursuits. finally, how a bunch of unreleased music from Tommy and the High Pilots became their new titled EP, and how it sparked the interest to get the band back together and do a reunion show this October in St. Louis. If you're around or you can swing it, you won't wanna miss this one!

    For EXCLUSIVE shows and unreleased material, go check out my PATREON PAGE: patreon.com/theprecipiceofdelusion, and learn ways to support this podcast there!

    Follow Julian on Instagram @juliangavilanes and this podcast @theprecipiceofdelusion

    Check out Tommy's music here: https://open.spotify.com/artist/67b9QkZPVWgGiC3xDUk2um

    And get tickets to the TATHP reunion show here: www.thepageant.com


    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Brian Charles Johnson is a stage/screen actor and singer who got his start, while still a student at NYU Tisch School, being cast in, the original Broadway production of, "Spring Awakening." The show wound up sweeping the Tony's and putting Brian immediately on the map. He went on to star in Green Day's "American Idiot" and receive critical acclaim from an international level. And after about an 8 year run of being at the top of his game, it all came to an end. And when the calls didn't keep rolling in, he wondered what the deal was. All his co-stars were going on to star in TV shows and other Broadway shows. And he jus stood on the sidelines and watched the bright and shining career he once had slowly dissolve. Brian discusses what it was like to learn to manage his expectations after all of that. And how he turned it all around for himself, after many hears of deep personal work and growth. How he found his path back to the screen. And how he has learned to rebuild his own self-worth along on the way.

    For EXCLUSIVE shows and unreleased material, go check out my PATREON PAGE: patreon.com/theprecipiceofdelusion, and learn ways to support this podcast there!

    Follow Julian on Instagram @juliangavilanes and this podcast @theprecipiceofdelusion

    Check out Brian's work here: https://www.imdb.com/name/nm4811041/


    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Anastasia Baranova is a Russian American actor (Z Nation, Sons of Anarchy, Veronica Mars, Scouts Safari). Anastasia sits down with Julian to discuss what it was like getting started in acting as a pre-teen. The challenges of falling in love with this profession so hard that it made it impossible to be happy without. Julian walks her through the impactful experience of meeting her on the set of Z Nation and how she helped him rebuild his confidence after the show was over, by reminding him that, "it's ok to want to be a star. Especially if you actually are one." She talks about how she came to develop that state of mind for herself, all the negative self-talk that has tried to get in the way of it since. And what it was like to say goodbye to playing the LEAD on the hit TV series, "Z Nation" for 6 seasons. What her expectations were coming off that show, and what the reality became were two very different things. But how she managed to pull herself through and find self-love in knowing that she still possesses every part of that STAR in herself, and how she's now working on the most challenging, yet rewarding role of her life so far--herself.

    For EXCLUSIVE shows and unreleased material, go check out my PATREON PAGE: patreon.com/theprecipiceofdelusion, and learn ways to support this podcast there!

    Follow Julian on Instagram @juliangavilanes and this podcast @theprecipiceofdelusion

    Check out Anastasia's film and TV catalogue here:



    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • EJ Worland is an Australian singer/songwriter whose soulful voice transcends its own genre. He sits down with Julian to discuss the all trials and tribulations of his early years in making music down under. How taking a job as a camp counselor in the states would allow him to eventually move to LA. And how moving back to Australia during the pandemic and spending months, working underground in Tunnels, doing construction and losing sight of his musical vision altogether would ultimately inspire him to get back to Los Angeles and produce his newest EP "TUNNELS" out June 7th. Julian Knows EJ as "RIFF-DADDY," and their friendship is contagious. Make sure you check out EJ's new music this week, wherever you find new music. If you were't aware of him before, you're welcome.

    For EXCLUSIVE shows and unreleased material, go check out my PATREON PAGE: patreon.com/theprecipiceofdelusion, and learn ways to support this podcast there!

    Follow Julian on Instagram @juliangavilanes and this podcast @theprecipiceofdelusion

    Check out EJ's music here: https://open.spotify.com/artist/5nMHRjG7zxYLDC5vIpI5N8


    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Dan Olson is an actor, (Mr. Robot, The Blacklist), filmmaker, creator and somewhat of a renaissance person. They have been acting on stages around the world for well over a decade in plays like, "Antigone," "Jericho" and "The Addams Family, where they got to play LURCH. Dan also happens to be trans. And has been on an artistic journey of themself to explore the depths of their human condition and inflect that back outwards into the universe. Dan and Julian discuss what it was like growing up in a small farm town in Wisconsin, being raised SUPER religiously and contending with hating themself for something they didn't choose. How they discovered a key to repelling their insecurities through becoming an actor, and the liberation that came with being able to live truthfully on stage. At least for a period. And then what it finally took to stop hiding behind the characters they were playing and figure out how to become the topic of their own stories. Dan is on a mission to rewrite a narrative that our culture can finally start to get behind. One that has nothing to do with gender or belief systems or which way we lean--but instead about what make us uniquely human in the face of adversity and pain. And how we continue to find our strength and wonder through it all. A mission that this podcast FULLY supports.

    For EXCLUSIVE shows and unreleased material, go check out my PATREON PAGE: patreon.com/theprecipiceofdelusion, and learn ways to support this podcast there!

    Follow Julian on Instagram @juliangavilanes and this podcast @theprecipiceofdelusion

    Check out Dan's work here: https://www.dan-olson.com/2017/1/4/dan-olson-drama-1

    And Hear Dan's tribute to himself and all those moving through it: "Reliably Predictable." https://soundcloud.com/danol5on/reliably-predictable-final-6?ref=clipboard&p=i&c=1&si=78DF918123504535ADEBF2CC84363E57&utm_source=clipboard&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=social_sharing


    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Blake Lewis is an American musician, singer and actor who was the runner-up on the sixth season of American Idol in 2007. He sits down with Julian to discuss how he didn't intend to audition for the show because of all the other musical ventures he had going on at the time. Being an underground performer was where his heart was, but when he made it onto the show, everything started to change. Especially after he started becoming a fa favorite. He talks in depth about what the experience was like. How quick he was to become aware of the manipulative nature of the show as a whole. What actually getting famous overnight felt like. And what it was like to leave the show as the runner up behind Jordan Spark--and the rug that got pulled out from underneath him as it all came to an end. He talks openly about the depression he had to navigate over the decade that followed the shows finale, and the road he had to take to become a whole person again. It's a wild ride with lots of exclusive stories that have never been told. And it really gives some powerful insight into the machine that is American Idol. A good reminder to be careful what you wish for. Especially the young people out there that feel like this is their answer. It's not always what it's cut out to be.

    For EXCLUSIVE shows and unreleased material, go check out my PATREON PAGE: patreon.com/theprecipiceofdelusion, and learn ways to support this podcast there!

    Follow Julian on Instagram @juliangavilanes and this podcast @theprecipiceofdelusion

    Check out Blake's music here: https://open.spotify.com/artist/4H6tLRh1nuIuVxHtXo68ZE?autoplay=true


    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Spenser Granese (Barry, Fear the Walking Dead, Better Call Saul, The Mayans and Pam and Tommy) is an actor who is on his rise. As someone who also got into the business late in his adult life, Julian and Spenser discuss what life was like before finding acting. How he's learned to let go of what's not in his control, after losing the biggest opportunity of his career. What it was like to get a message from George Clooney saying, "I love you but I have to let you go." How he has approached every new role he's gotten from a place of truth within himself, and what it's been like to wake up the following Monday after wrapping the best gigs of his life and being an unemployed actor again. We talk about climbing the industry ladder and how at "every next level there's another devil." Meaning, it never gets easier. It just gets different. And stressful but wonderful in its own unique new way. Spenser talks about working with Bill Hader on "Barr." How he manifested the role for himself. And finally feeling the pride of being unrecognizable to his own family in that role. Spenser has some incredible work coming out this year, so keep your eye out.

    For EXCLUSIVE shows and unreleased material, go check out the new PATREON PAGE: patreon.com/theprecipiceofdelusion, and learn ways to support there!

    Follow Julian on Instagram @juliangavilanes and this podcast @theprecipiceofdelusion

    Check out Spenser's film work here: https://www.imdb.com/name/nm5372946/?ref_=nv_sr_srsg_5_tt_3_nm_5_q_spenser


    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Cory "HUESTON" is the kind of backwoods outlaw, singer that you'd hear in a broken glass, raunchy dive bar down south. The rich and gritty quality of his voice make him sound like he's bleeding through the speakers. His songwriting takes you on a spiritual journey and leaves you feeling intoxicated. His voice sounds like it's soaked in bourbon and blended with the smoke of an unfiltered cigarette. Fortunately for all of us, his music has transcended it's natural habitat and made it's way into the pop culture. Hueston came to be known to many through his incredible performances on The American Song Contest on NBC, where Kelly Clarkson and Snoop Dogg fell in love with him. He's released multiple singles since then and they have become viral sensations to many. You can see him on social media acting unapologetic about who he is any day of the week, and I suggest you do. He's ascending as we speak and just might be a household name before we know it. Look out for him.

    For EXCLUSIVE shows and unreleased material, go check out the new PATREON PAGE: patreon.com/theprecipiceofdelusion, and learn ways to support there!

    Follow Julian on Instagram @juliangavilanes and this podcast @theprecipiceofdelusion

    Check out Hueston's music here: https://open.spotify.com/artist/5ak6WzG7TJnqL6x6CRYoxP?si=muLsDxwCS2ugve4DAWTwbw


    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • David H. Holmes (High Fidelity, Mindhunter, Mr. Robot and Penguin coming to MAX this fall) and Julian discuss why quitting acting has never been an option, even in the years where it would make the most logical sense to throw in the towel. What it was like to catapult into show-business the way he did. Working with his heroes. Losing out to Jonah Hill in Superbad, and how he learned to finally let go of what was not meant for him. He talks about what it was like to deal with a decade of uncertainty, after a fiery start and how he tapped into an energy that would eventually propel him to find success in all the places he wasn't even looking anymore. Finally getting cast opposite Zoe Kravitz on High Fidelity, and being on a big hit show, only for the pandemic to end it and leave him wondering where his next paycheck would come from. How he's found joy in the survival jobs he's had to take since then. And how he deals with the continuous customers who recognize him.

    For EXCLUSIVE shows and unreleased material, you can go to his new PATREON PAGE: patreon.com/theprecipiceofdelusion, and learn ways to support him there!

    Follow Julian on Instagram @juliangavilanes and @theprecipiceofdelusion

    Check out David's film work here: https://www.imdb.com/name/nm2770519/?ref_=nv_sr_srsg_6_tt_1_nm_7_q_david%2520holmes

    Make sure to LIKE, SUBSCRIBE, FOLLOW and SHARE.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Elise is an actor and award winning filmmaker, (The Ones You Didn't Burn, Partner Track, Bumbld). She is also one of Julian's closest friends. They sit down to discuss what her experience being a woman in the business has done to elevate and hinder her career. How she's avoided quitting even when the signs were pointing her towards it. And how she beat her own scarcity mentality over not booking enough work as a professional actor, and finding a lane of her own in writing and directing movies she put herself and her friends in. She talks about believing whole heartedly in the theory that "a rising tide raises all ships," and plans to keep working towards her aspirations of building a movie making empire and bringing all of her friends along for the ride. Don't believe it? Just you wait.

    For EXCLUSIVE shows and unreleased material, you can go to his new PATREON PAGE: patreon.com/theprecipiceofdelusion, and learn ways to support him there!

    Follow Julian on Instagram @juliangavilanes and @theprecipiceofdelusion

    Check out Elise's film work here: https://www.imdb.com/name/nm7327604/?ref_=nv_sr_srsg_0_tt_1_nm_7_q_elise%2520finn and give her a follow on Instagram @efinnfinn

    Make sure to LIKE, SUBSCRIBE, FOLLOW and SHARE.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Evan is a comedian, actor, writer and producer and director. You may know him from his "Credit Card Fraud Department" or "How To Make Movie Mad Lib" sketches he does on his always ascending social media platform. And although he doesn't care to be associated to his TikTok fame, he very much has it. But he also has a thriving stand-up, acting and writing career that transcends it all. He sits down with Julian to discuss growing up with a mother who struggled with mental illness, a brother that was terminally ill and all the challenges he faced just entering manhood. What got him started in comedy. And how his discomfort became the source material for his work. He talks about getting sober at 19. And all the continuous adversity that he has continued to endure into his adult life, especially after being divorce and being forced to get really honest with himself about what self-love actually means to him. And an event that lead him to discover how important his life was.

    Evan is a partner with and contributing member of the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. After he lost his brother to this devastating disease, he devoted a big part of his life to them. To make a donation and help support all people and families with CF, follow this link: https://www.cff.org/donate

    For EXCLUSIVE shows and unreleased material, you can go to his new PATREON PAGE: patreon.com/theprecipiceofdelusion, and learn ways to support him there!

    Follow Julian on Instagram @juliangavilanes and @theprecipiceofdelusion

    Follow Evan on Instagram or TikTok @itsevanwilliams. You can thank me later.

    Make sure to LIKE, SUBSCRIBE, FOLLOW and SHARE.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Daisha is the epitome of a triple-threat--who started with a back-up dance career that's spanned some of the largest urban hip-hop, pop, and R&B acts in recent memory- Rihanna, Diddy, Pitbull, TLC, Santigold, Janelle Monae, Jill Scott, Ariana Grande, Big Boi, and Beyonce, just to name a few. She has a career as an actress (Step Up 2, The Breaks, The High Note) and has performed as a solo singer all over the globe. She sits down with Julian to discuss the transition she's making in her own life, to protect her well-being. What slowing down has been like for her. How she's figured out how to navigate the feelings of inadequacy. And beginning a new journey into psychology and where she hopes that leads. Daisha and Julian talk about the pros and cons of LA and NYC and decide a decade is way too long to go without seeing each other.

    For EXCLUSIVE shows and unreleased material, check out my new PATREON PAGE: patreon.com/theprecipiceofdelusion, and learn all the ways you can support this podcast!

    Follow Julian on Instagram @juliangavilanes and @theprecipiceofdelusion.

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