
  • Colette Condorcita is an activist, psychedelic coach, facilitator, consultant, and regenerative developer. She has been working with and studying psychedelic technologies for nearly 25 years. Raised by social justice activists in the Quaker community in Philadelphia, Colette has supported individuals in collective healing and justice movements her entire life.

    At age 14, Colette had a life-changing spinal cord injury during an athletic competition, preceded by a prophetic dream. She was completely paralyzed from the neck down with a 2% chance of recovery. Utilizing self-directed neuroplasticity to heal she developed what she identifies as a “Shamanic Neurotype”, a form of Neurodivergence that is similar to what many utilize psychedelic experiences to achieve, and walked out of the hospital.

    Colette received her BA in International Development and Relations and horrified by the U.S. international development model, came to work in regenerative agriculture and social justice initiatives in the Global South with Indigenous communities and has nearly 15 years of study and collaboration with Entheogenic traditions in the Americas. Colette is passionate about the integration of the Neurodivergent versus the Pathology paradigm of mental health and advocates for creating balanced frameworks for her clients and the larger psychedelic movement.

    Episode Highlights

    ▶ The life-changing injury Colette experienced and the Shamanic neurotype she developed

    ▶ Her first psychedelic experience and how it led her to the work she does today

    ▶ The ecological and activist work Colette focuses on

    ▶ Challenges and hopes for collective healing

    ▶ Cultural reflections and personal insights

    ▶ The delicate balance of hope and grief for the world today

    ▶ The questions that come up when working with entheogenic psychedelic technologies

    ▶ The future of the psychedelics industry

    ▶ Legalization vs. decriminalization of psychedelics

    ▶ Grassroots political change and activism that we all need right now

    Colette Condorcita’s Links & Resources

    ▶ Website: https://www.condormedicine.com/

    ▶ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/colette-condorcita-schmitt-89815815/

    ▶ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/condor_medicine/

    Download Beth's free business trainings here: 

    Integrating Psychedelics & Sacred Medicines Into a Transformational Business:


    Clarity to Clients: Start & Grow a Transformational Coaching, Healing, Spiritual, or Psychedelic Business  https://bethaweinstein.com/grow-your-spiritual-business


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    ▶ Beth on Instagram: 


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  • Daniel Giamario is the Founder of the Turning of the Ages Mystery School™ and creator of the TOTAMS Astrology Paradigm™, also known as TheGiamarioApproach™, previously known as the Shamanic Astrology Paradigm™. He joined together an academic background in Comparative Philosophy and Spirituality, with teaching meditation in two worldwide organizations in the 1970’s, and extensive world travel throughout his life.

    Daniel learned astrology in the late 1960s and was part of Dane Rudhyar’s humanistic and transpersonal astrology movements in the 1970s. After a vision quest experience on Mount Shasta in 1981, his astrological vision and spiritual path became more Earth-centered and a shamanically-oriented astrology was born. For many years, his specialty has been connecting astrology to the night sky at secluded locations and sacred sites in an “As Above -So Below” direct experience. He has been a full-time astrological consultant since 1984.

    TOTAMS Astrology has evolved as a rich blend of psychological, mythological, spiritual, and shamanistic elements, specifically designed to assist in the unfoldment of the individual’s life purpose and in navigating this pivotal point of the Turning of the Ages.

    During the 1980s, under the umbrella of The Harbingers of the Turning of the Ages organization, he traveled the world developing his unique astrological approach. This often included a land-based workshop then known as the “Astrological Vision Quest”.

    In the early 1990s the Shamanic Astrology Mystery School™ was conceived as a land-based, nomadic, and virtual curriculum for training counseling and therapeutic professionals in the use of the most important and transformational astrological tools and techniques.

    Daniel’s first book, The Shamanic Astrology Handbook, first appearing in the early 2000s. In 2013 he authored The Shamanic Astrology Divination Card Deck. His second book, Origins of the Shamanic Astrology Paradigm™, became available in 2017. All can be ordered from the Turning of the Ages Mystery School™. Daniel has written numerous articles for Mountain Astrologer magazine and other publications and is prolific in providing a monthly vlog, weekly astrology updates and foundational articles via the TOTAMS website and social media channels.

    Throughout the 1980s and through early 2020, Daniel traveled extensively, teaching workshops in over thirty worldwide locations. His in-person gatherings and live courses resumed in early 2023. The next destination is the Sacred Landscape of the Callanish Stones on the Isle of Lewis in Scotland for the June Solstice and Lunar Standstill where The Moon Walks on The Land!

    Daniel lives with his wife Lynne in Southeast Asia. He is available for consultations, summits, lectures, and workshops. He has an active engagement with mentees and apprentices, and is personally working with many students on their path towards gaining the TOTAMS Astrology certification. He is currently working on updating all of TOTAMS' online courses to the highest standard.

    Daniel’s passions are the growing of the Turning of the Ages Mystery School’s body of knowledge, further evolution of the TOTAMS Astrological Paradigm, also known as TheGiamarioApproach™, and continued research to obtain answers to his life-long question: “Who are we? And what the hell happened?”

    Episode Highlights

    ▶ Astrology's role in understanding time and cycles

    ▶ How we can navigate our life purpose through astrology

    ▶ The astrological cycles and how they impact our lives

    ▶ The collective awakening we are experiencing and Daniel’s predictions for the future

    ▶ The rise of microdosing and astrology's role

    ▶ Historical perspectives on psychedelics

    ▶ What it means to be a seed person

    ▶ The concept of timeline splits and when they have happened in the past

    ▶ The density of the Kali Yuga and how it impacts the collective experience

    ▶ Daniel’s insights into the U.S. astrological chart and the shadows within it

    ▶ The free will you have to align with your life purpose and why people struggle with it

    Daniel Giamario’s Links & Resources

    ▶ Website: https://turningoftheages.com/

    ▶ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/turningoftheagesmysteryschool/

    ▶ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/daniel.giamario/

    ▶ Totams Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Totams.MysterySchool/

    ▶ Unite: https://unite.live/channels/daniel-giamario-460/daniel-giamario-53

    ▶ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7Tgigidwaiz9vw3OQRjS0Q

    ▶ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/daniel-giamario-78a0327/

    ▶ Get 3 Free Months of Daniel’s Membership: ​​https://bit.ly/TOTAMSTasterMembership and use promo code: totamsgift

    Download Beth's free business trainings here: 

    Integrating Psychedelics & Sacred Medicines Into a Transformational Business:


    Clarity to Clients: Start & Grow a Transformational Coaching, Healing, Spiritual, or Psychedelic Business  https://bethaweinstein.com/grow-your-spiritual-business


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  • Episode Highlights

    ▶ The importance of patience and slowing down in a fast-paced, distraction-filled world

    ▶ The lessons Beth learned from her father about patience

    ▶ The challenge of balancing ambition and productivity with the need for stillness and reflection

    ▶ The potential for manifesting money and success through means other than relentless hard work

    ▶ The impact of modern distractions on our mental and physical health

    ▶ The balance between masculine and feminine energies in achieving goals

    Beth Weinstein’s Links & Resources

    ▶ Free Training: “How to Bring Psychedelics Into a Business”: https://bethaweinstein.com/psychedelics-in-business/
    ▶ Join Beth’s Business Coaching Mastermind Program: https://bethaweinstein.com/mastermind
    ▶ Beth’s other Business Coaching Programs: https://bethaweinstein.com/services
    ▶ Beth’s Instagram: http://instagram.com/bethaweinstein
    ▶ Beth’s Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bethw.nyc & https://www.facebook.com/BethWeinsteinbiz
    ▶ Join Beth’s free Psychedelics Facebook Community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/PsychedelicsandSacredMedicines
    ▶ Various Psychedelic Training Programs and Resources: https://bethaweinstein.com/resources

    Download Beth's free business trainings here: 

    Integrating Psychedelics & Sacred Medicines Into a Transformational Business:


    Clarity to Clients: Start & Grow a Transformational Coaching, Healing, Spiritual, or Psychedelic Business  https://bethaweinstein.com/grow-your-spiritual-business


    ▶ Beth’s  Programs & Courses: 


    ▶ Beth on Instagram: 


    ▶ Beth Weinstein on Facebook: 



    ▶ Join the free Psychedelics & Purpose Community: 


  • Laurence Cole is a song elder and ritualist based in Port Townsend, Washington. An abiding thread throughout his life has been a longing to discover when, where, and how human beings have lived in respectful, sacred, equitable relationship with each other and the rest of Nature, and what arts, ethics, and practices enabled them to do so and pass such attitudes and behaviors on to the coming generations. In these profoundly challenging times, characterized by separation, polarization, and the commodification of nearly everything, (and the consequent damage such a culture is wreaking on the life support systems of this world,) the capacity to stay together and work cooperatively as a people is crucial for effective healing and restorative action in all realms. The communal arts of group singing, ritual, and the collective crafting of beauty are primal “technologies” of connection and belonging, and have been the integral bedrock of all viable and regenerative cultures through the deep time of our presence here on Earth. When we take steps to reclaim that heritage, making use of nothing more than what we were born with, (our bodies, our hearts, our voices, our spirits) we can once again experience the bonding recognition that our true wealth is each other and that all flourishing is mutual. Laurence has also been facilitating and offering community grief tending gatherings throughout North America for about 15 years. His primary teachers and influences have been Sobonfu and Malidoma Somé, Angeles Arrien, Michael Meade, James Hillman, Francis Weller, Joanna Macy, and Martín Prechtel. He is an advocate for this work not only for the ways it can bring release and healing for individuals, but also for the ways it can enable a renewed sense of respectful connection and belonging for groups of folks working together for restoration of mutually flourishing community

    Episode Highlights

    ▶ Laurence's journey into grief work

    ▶ The role of singing in grief rituals and why it is so powerful

    ▶ The community and belonging we can find through grief work

    ▶ The primal wound and modern disconnection

    ▶ How we can find hope and healing in a disconnected world

    Laurence Cole’s Links & Resources

    ▶ Website: http://www.laurencecole.com

    ▶ Communal Grief Retreats with Laurence and Alexandra (ahlay) Blakely: https://www.healingattheroots.com/communalgriefretreats

    ▶ Grief Tending Mentoring Program: https://sacredgroves.com/intro-grief-tending

    Download Beth's free business trainings here: 

    Integrating Psychedelics & Sacred Medicines Into a Transformational Business:


    Clarity to Clients: Start & Grow a Transformational Coaching, Healing, Spiritual, or Psychedelic Business  https://bethaweinstein.com/grow-your-spiritual-business


    ▶ Beth’s  Programs & Courses: 


    ▶ Beth on Instagram: 


    ▶ Beth Weinstein on Facebook: 



    ▶ Join the free Psychedelics & Purpose Community: 


  • Episode Highlights

    ▶ An honest look at pricing in the coaching industry
    ▶ The importance of valuing your services and time
    ▶ How to price your services with integrity
    ▶ The deeper work needed to shift your money mindset
    ▶ How to overcome imposter syndrome
    ▶ How to find balance and establish your own worth

    Beth Weinstein’s Links & Resources

    ▶You Are The Medicine, 7 - Week Intensive Program: https://bethaweinstein.com/intensive/

    ▶ Testimonials - Beth Weinstein - business coach for spiritual entrepreneurs and psychedelic coaches: https://bethaweinstein.com/testimonials/

    ▶ {Client Testimonial} Beth Weinstein Spiritual Business Coaching Program: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0sLLPecZuxI&list=PLbUU6MjDDlpbKQJ_vomn5mlCkmaRK8nGc

    ▶ Free Training: “How to Bring Psychedelics Into a Business”: https://bethaweinstein.com/psychedelics-in-business/

    ▶ Join Beth’s Business Coaching Mastermind Program: https://bethaweinstein.com/mastermind

    ▶ Beth’s other Business Coaching Programs: https://bethaweinstein.com/services

    ▶ Beth’s Instagram: http://instagram.com/bethaweinstein

    ▶ Beth’s Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bethw.nyc & https://www.facebook.com/BethWeinsteinbiz

    ▶ Join Beth’s free Psychedelics Facebook Community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/PsychedelicsandSacredMedicines

    ▶ Various Psychedelic Training Programs and Resources: https://bethaweinstein.com/resources

    Download Beth's free business trainings here: 

    Integrating Psychedelics & Sacred Medicines Into a Transformational Business:


    Clarity to Clients: Start & Grow a Transformational Coaching, Healing, Spiritual, or Psychedelic Business  https://bethaweinstein.com/grow-your-spiritual-business


    ▶ Beth’s  Programs & Courses: 


    ▶ Beth on Instagram: 


    ▶ Beth Weinstein on Facebook: 



    ▶ Join the free Psychedelics & Purpose Community: 


  • Michaela Carlin is a thought leader and healer holding space for deep conversations and transformational ceremonial retreats. She is the host of The Psychedelic Mom Podcast and is dedicated to amplifying voices, tools, and wisdom to support individual and collective awakening and healing.

    Michaela is a medicine woman combining therapeutic modalities and ceremonial practices for individuals, couples, families, corporations, and friend groups to heal. She has supported in her transformational work world peace negotiators, global business executives, famous authors, and more.

    Psychedelic literally means “soul revealing.” The Psychedelic Mom Podcast is dedicated to the deep exploration of what it means to live a psychedelic life.

    Through conversations with leading scientists, authors, and indigenous and courageous humans of all kinds, Michaela Carlin connects others to share personal stories, ancient wisdom, and the latest science and technologies to awaken individuals and create a healing shift in society.

    Episode Highlights

    ▶ When Michaela started to experiment with psychedelics

    ▶ How psychedelics impacted her relationship with her family

    ▶ The stigma around psychedelic medicine

    ▶ The impact of psychedelic medicine on generational trauma

    ▶ The broader impact of psychedelics on society

    ▶ The collective healing journey and humanities interconnectedness

    ▶ Insights to psychedelics and motherhood

    ▶ The increasing interest in awakening and consciousness

    ▶ Childhood wounds and shadow work

    ▶ The power of embracing a more authentic life

    Michaela Carlin’s Links & Resources

    ▶ Website: https://www.thepsychedelicmom.com/

    ▶ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thepsychedelicmom

    ▶ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOi4nhUhdZRyAN60V-Gh_OA

    Download Beth's free business trainings here: 

    Integrating Psychedelics & Sacred Medicines Into a Transformational Business:


    Clarity to Clients: Start & Grow a Transformational Coaching, Healing, Spiritual, or Psychedelic Business  https://bethaweinstein.com/grow-your-spiritual-business


    ▶ Beth’s  Programs & Courses: 


    ▶ Beth on Instagram: 


    ▶ Beth Weinstein on Facebook: 



    ▶ Join the free Psychedelics & Purpose Community: 


  • Hein Pijnnaken is the founder of Microdosing Institute and co-founder of the first European microdosing shop Microdose.nl. A Transformational Coach, NLP Master (advanced), and microdosing educator & coach. While growing up in the Netherlands—one of the most psychedelic-friendly countries in the world—he became familiar with psychedelics in his early college years and has used them as transformative tools ever since. Today, he has over 32 years of experience guiding psychedelic sessions and has immersed himself—both theoretically and practically —in the topic of microdosing since 2016. He strongly believes microdosing is an incredible tool for self-development, especially in combination with effective coaching.

    Episode Highlights

    ▶ Hein's journey into the psychedelic space

    ▶ What it means to microdose

    ▶ The two ways that microdosing can impact your life

    ▶ The future of microdosing and integration

    ▶ How to get the most out of your microdosing experience

    ▶ Building a community and ethical business model in the microdosing space

    ▶ The impact microdosing has had on the world

    ▶ Current microdosing trends in the community

    ▶ The potential of microdosing in medical research

    ▶ The future of microdosing and opportunities for coaches

    Hein Pijnnaken’s Links & Resources

    ▶ Website: https://microdosinginstitute.com/

    ▶ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/microdosinginstitute/

    ▶ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/microdosingnl

    ▶ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/microdosing-institute

    ▶ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@MicrodosingInstitute

    Download Beth's free business trainings here: 

    Integrating Psychedelics & Sacred Medicines Into a Transformational Business:


    Clarity to Clients: Start & Grow a Transformational Coaching, Healing, Spiritual, or Psychedelic Business  https://bethaweinstein.com/grow-your-spiritual-business


    ▶ Beth’s  Programs & Courses: 


    ▶ Beth on Instagram: 


    ▶ Beth Weinstein on Facebook: 



    ▶ Join the free Psychedelics & Purpose Community: 


  • Dr. Ido Cohen, Psy.D - serves individuals, couples, and groups in San Francisco. He received his Psy.D from the California Institute of Integral Studies and trained at the Jung Institute In San Francisco. He works with a diverse range of challenges childhood trauma, inner critic, relationship and intimacy challenges, lack of fulfillment, psychospiritual growth as well as psychedelic integration and preparation sessions with individuals and groups. His doctoral study researched the integration process of Ayahuasca ceremonies while applying Jungian psychology to better understand how to support individuals in their process of change and transformation. He is currently finishing a study on the use of psychedelics in couples. He is the founder of “The Integration Circle” and facilitates workshops on the different dimensions of integration and the intersection of mental health, spiritual health, and the entheogenic experience. Ido also teaches with "Psychedelics Today" and is the resident integration facilitator for Doubleblind magazine. Ido is passionate about supporting individuals to create long-term, sustainable change leading to intimate, authentic, expressive, and love-filled lives. In his free time, he likes to find new paths in nature with his dog Luna, marvel at art, write, create, and connect with his community.

    Episode Highlights

    ▶Dr. Ido Cohen's background and work in psychedelics

    ▶Deep dive into Ayahuasca experiences and integration

    ▶The importance and challenges of integration in psychedelic therapy

    ▶The complexities of accessibility and ethics in psychedelic facilitation

    ▶The complex relationship between money, ethics, and psychedelics

    ▶The challenges of integration and accountability

    Dr. Ido Cohen’s Links & Resources

    ▶ Email: [email protected]
    ▶ Instagram: http://instagram.com/dr.idocohen
    ▶ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/theintegrationcircle/

    Download Beth's free business trainings here: 

    Integrating Psychedelics & Sacred Medicines Into a Transformational Business:


    Clarity to Clients: Start & Grow a Transformational Coaching, Healing, Spiritual, or Psychedelic Business  https://bethaweinstein.com/grow-your-spiritual-business


    ▶ Beth’s  Programs & Courses: 


    ▶ Beth on Instagram: 


    ▶ Beth Weinstein on Facebook: 



    ▶ Join the free Psychedelics & Purpose Community: 


  • Episode Highlights

    ▶ What the Kali Yuga is

    ▶ The ancient wisdom surrounding the cycles of the Kali Yuga

    ▶ Personal and collective transformations through psychedelics

    ▶ Ayahuasca's role in transformation

    ▶ The importance of embracing the hard work

    ▶ The need for resilience and inner work to better serve others

    Beth Weinstein’s Links & Resources

    ▶ Free Training: “How to Bring Psychedelics Into a Business”: https://bethaweinstein.com/psychedelics-in-business/
    ▶ Join Beth’s Business Coaching Mastermind Program: https://bethaweinstein.com/mastermind
    ▶ Beth’s other Business Coaching Programs: https://bethaweinstein.com/services
    ▶ Beth’s Instagram: http://instagram.com/bethaweinstein
    ▶ Beth’s Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bethw.nyc & https://www.facebook.com/BethWeinsteinbiz
    ▶ Join Beth’s free Psychedelics Facebook Community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/PsychedelicsandSacredMedicines
    ▶ Various Psychedelic Training Programs and Resources: https://bethaweinstein.com/resources

    Download Beth's free business trainings here: 

    Integrating Psychedelics & Sacred Medicines Into a Transformational Business:


    Clarity to Clients: Start & Grow a Transformational Coaching, Healing, Spiritual, or Psychedelic Business  https://bethaweinstein.com/grow-your-spiritual-business


    ▶ Beth’s  Programs & Courses: 


    ▶ Beth on Instagram: 


    ▶ Beth Weinstein on Facebook: 



    ▶ Join the free Psychedelics & Purpose Community: 


  • Jules Evans is the author of four books, director of the Challenging Psychedelic Experiences Project, and editor of Ecstatic Integration.

    Episode Highlights

    ▶ Jules’s journey with psychedelics, stoicism, and how he became a writer

    ▶ The work that Jules does with The Challenging Psychedelic Experiences Project

    ▶ Insights and research into difficult psychedelic experiences

    ▶ The truth about the abuse and misuse in the psychedelic community

    ▶ The need for accountability and support in the industry

    ▶ The challenges of underground therapy and the risks of unregulated practices

    ▶ The ethics of therapist-patient relationships

    ▶ The importance of informed consent in healing practices

    ▶ The future of the psychedelic industry

    Jules Evans’s Links & Resources

    ▶ Website: www.ecstaticintegration.org

    ▶ Twitter: https://twitter.com/julesevans11

    ▶ Instagram: https://instagram.com/julesthephilosopher

    Download Beth's free business trainings here: 

    Integrating Psychedelics & Sacred Medicines Into a Transformational Business:


    Clarity to Clients: Start & Grow a Transformational Coaching, Healing, Spiritual, or Psychedelic Business  https://bethaweinstein.com/grow-your-spiritual-business


    ▶ Beth’s  Programs & Courses: 


    ▶ Beth on Instagram: 


    ▶ Beth Weinstein on Facebook: 



    ▶ Join the free Psychedelics & Purpose Community: 


  • James McCrae is an author, meme poet, and teacher who empowers creators to live with purpose and turn imagination into reality. He is the founder of Sunflower Club, a global community dedicated to creativity as a tool for personal healing and social transformation.

    As a creative strategist, he has worked with top brands and startups to define and actualize their message and mission. His books include Sh#t Your Ego Says and How to Laugh in Ironic Amusement During Your Existential Crisis and The Art of You. James lives in Austin, Texas.

    Episode Highlights

    ▶ What it’s like to be a creative influencer

    ▶ How James became a meme poet

    ▶ The power of social media and authenticity in building a brand

    ▶ A look into what it’s like navigating the challenges of social media and public perception

    ▶ The power of embracing vulnerability and authenticity in the creative process

    ▶ Dealing with criticism and staying true to your voice

    ▶ The impact of compassionate communication

    ▶ The impact AI has on creation and authenticity

    ▶ Choosing humanity over AI in creativity

    ▶ How AI might change our lives in the future

    ▶ Embracing creativity as cathartic, healing, and fulfilling

    ▶ How James supports artists in the Sunflower Club

    James McCrae’s Links & Resources

    ▶ Website: https://jamesmccrae.com
    ▶ Instagram: https://instagram.com/wordsarevibrations

    Download Beth's free business trainings here: 

    Integrating Psychedelics & Sacred Medicines Into a Transformational Business:


    Clarity to Clients: Start & Grow a Transformational Coaching, Healing, Spiritual, or Psychedelic Business  https://bethaweinstein.com/grow-your-spiritual-business


    ▶ Beth’s  Programs & Courses: 


    ▶ Beth on Instagram: 


    ▶ Beth Weinstein on Facebook: 



    ▶ Join the free Psychedelics & Purpose Community: 


  • Episode Highlights

    ▶ Reflections on the solar eclipse and astrology

    ▶ A deep dive into Ayahuasca experiences and visions

    ▶ The cycle that exists in nature and business

    ▶ Visions of change and the future of money

    ▶ What you need to understand about abundance and money

    ▶ The power of surrender and reframing your mindset around abundance

    ▶ How to create healing and transformation in your own life

    Beth Weinstein’s Links & Resources

    ▶ The True Path Entrepreneur Group Business Coaching Mastermind Program: https://bethaweinstein.com/mastermind/

    ▶ Testimonials - Beth Weinstein - business coach for spiritual entrepreneurs and psychedelic coaches: https://bethaweinstein.com/testimonials/

    ▶ {Client Testimonial} Beth Weinstein Spiritual Business Coaching Program: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0sLLPecZuxI&list=PLbUU6MjDDlpbKQJ_vomn5mlCkmaRK8nGc

    ▶ Free Training: “How to Bring Psychedelics Into a Business”: https://bethaweinstein.com/psychedelics-in-business/

    ▶ Join Beth’s Business Coaching Mastermind Program: https://bethaweinstein.com/mastermind

    ▶ Beth’s other Business Coaching Programs: https://bethaweinstein.com/services

    ▶ Beth’s Instagram: http://instagram.com/bethaweinstein

    ▶ Beth’s Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bethw.nyc & https://www.facebook.com/BethWeinsteinbiz

    ▶ Join Beth’s free Psychedelics Facebook Community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/PsychedelicsandSacredMedicines

    ▶ Various Psychedelic Training Programs and Resources : https://bethaweinstein.com/resources

    Download Beth's free business trainings here: 

    Integrating Psychedelics & Sacred Medicines Into a Transformational Business:


    Clarity to Clients: Start & Grow a Transformational Coaching, Healing, Spiritual, or Psychedelic Business  https://bethaweinstein.com/grow-your-spiritual-business


    ▶ Beth’s  Programs & Courses: 


    ▶ Beth on Instagram: 


    ▶ Beth Weinstein on Facebook: 



    ▶ Join the free Psychedelics & Purpose Community: 


  • Acacea Sherman-Lewis is a researcher, world traveler, teacher and conscious explorer of the inner realms. She is the founder of the Entheogenic School for Cultural Anthropology and Ethnobotanical studies, that is called Divine Master Alchemy. Her goal is to be a bridge between western philosophy and religion and the non western ontological metaphysics of animistic and polytheistic entheogenic traditions through storytelling, research, and exploration of traditional modes of entheogenic use in varied settings. Her focus is to help expand access to and the understanding of mushroom traditions and their link to bettering our understanding of ourselves and the world in which we live.

    Episode Highlights

    ▶ Welcome
    ▶ Acacea's journey into entheogenic studies
    ▶ The role of entheogens in traditional cultures
    ▶ The intersection of science, religion and psychedelics
    ▶ Psychedelics for healing and self-discovery
    ▶ The power of internal reflection and ego death
    ▶ Our current collective initiation
    ▶ The misuse of psychedelics: a narcissistic trip
    ▶ Seeking inner truth as true purpose of psychedelics
    ▶ Misconceptions about traditional plant medicines
    ▶ Teaching and learning ethnobotany
    ▶ The role of entheogens in Acacea’s personal and professional life
    ▶ The future of entheogenic studies: Acacea’s upcoming book

    Acacea Sherman-Lewis’s Links & Resources

    ▶ Website: https://www.acacealewis.com/
    ▶ Instagram: https://https://www.instagram.com/acacealewis

    Download Beth's free business trainings here: 

    Integrating Psychedelics & Sacred Medicines Into a Transformational Business:


    Clarity to Clients: Start & Grow a Transformational Coaching, Healing, Spiritual, or Psychedelic Business  https://bethaweinstein.com/grow-your-spiritual-business


    ▶ Beth’s  Programs & Courses: 


    ▶ Beth on Instagram: 


    ▶ Beth Weinstein on Facebook: 



    ▶ Join the free Psychedelics & Purpose Community: 


  • Dr. Cat Meyer, PsyD, LMFT is a licensed psychotherapist specializing in sex, trauma, and psychedelics. She is also a kambo facilitator, author, teacher of yoga, and international speaker dedicated to evolving the

    relationship we have surrounding sexuality and our bodies. Dr Cat’s clinical work with psychedelics combines her skills, knowledge of trauma, sex and energy psychology. She approaches the work with her clients from a multi-layered and spiritual perspective for powerful activations and transformations.

    She is the founder of SexLoveYoga.com, an online platform integrating various schools of thought including

    science, tantric yoga, indigenous ceremony culture, and psychology designed to help people create a deeply fulfilling, prosperous relational and sexual life. As an expert and published researcher on the topic of sex, Dr. Cat sees clients in her private practice office in Beverly Hills and leads workshops, lectures, and retreats internationally. Dr. Cat is the host of the podcasts Sex Love Psychedelics and Erotically Wasted, author of the book ‘sexloveyoga’ and co-founder of Un.done women’s sensual yoga experience.

    Episode Highlights

    ▶ Dr. Cat Meyer's journey into sex, trauma and psychedelics
    ▶ Exploring the intersection of sexuality and psychedelics
    ▶ Can psychedelics help heal sexual trauma?
    ▶ A rising interest in ‘alternative’ sexual practices
    ▶ Ketamine in sex therapy
    ▶ Addressing ethical boundaries in psychedelic therapy
    ▶ The dangers of therapists crossing boundaries
    ▶ The role of shadow work for therapists
    ▶ The importance of community accountability
    ▶ Challenges around confronting misconduct
    ▶ Benefits of group therapy models
    ▶ The importance of vetting practitioners
    ▶ The rise of tantra and sacred sexuality coaches
    ▶ The need for continued integration and community support

    Dr. Cat Meyer’s Links & Resources

    ▶ Website: https://www.sexloveyoga.com/
    ▶ Instagram: https://instagram.com/sexloveyoga

    Download Beth's free business trainings here: 

    Integrating Psychedelics & Sacred Medicines Into a Transformational Business:


    Clarity to Clients: Start & Grow a Transformational Coaching, Healing, Spiritual, or Psychedelic Business  https://bethaweinstein.com/grow-your-spiritual-business


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  • Tricia Eastman, a lineage-honoring medicine woman and founder of nonprofit Ancestral Heart, bridging worlds rooted in her mestiza ancestry with profound insights from a decade of Bwiti initiations and training. A renowned speaker, artist, and writer, Eastman has been privileged to engage with audiences at Stanford University's d.school, the World Economic Forum, and on GAIA TV's Psychedelica. Eastman has curated transformative retreats worldwide with plant medicines as well as facilitated the psychospiritual program with Ibogaine and 5-MeO-DMT at Crossroads Treatment Center in Mexico. Her wellness retreat center, Hu Azores, is scheduled to open in 2025.

    Episode Highlights

    ▶ 00:00 Welcome
    ▶ 02:04 The essence of Tricia’s new book, Seeding Consciousness
    ▶ 02:20 The challenges and rewards of writing
    ▶ 05:21 What does 'Seeding Consciousness' mean?
    ▶ 06:40 The role of psychedelics in personal development
    ▶ 13:17 The importance of ‘soul names’ in spiritual evolution
    ▶ 14:31 Understanding the role of initiation in personal and collective growth
    ▶ 25:02 Navigating life in a toxic world
    ▶ 31:47 Struggling to make meaning
    ▶ 33:23 The purpose of life: we are here to be creators
    ▶ 35:38 The power of psychedelics in embracing intense feelings
    ▶ 39:07 Developing a ritual connection to your ancestors
    ▶ 44:02 Facing the inner critic
    ▶ 50:23 Tricia’s upcoming plans for opening a healing center and starting a family

    Tricia Eastman’s Links & Resources

    ▶ Website: https://ancestralheart.com
    ▶ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/psychedelicjourneys
    ▶ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/triciaeastmanofficial/

    Download Beth's free business trainings here: 

    Integrating Psychedelics & Sacred Medicines Into a Transformational Business:


    Clarity to Clients: Start & Grow a Transformational Coaching, Healing, Spiritual, or Psychedelic Business  https://bethaweinstein.com/grow-your-spiritual-business


    ▶ Beth’s  Programs & Courses: 


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  • Episode Highlights

    ▶ Introduction to the 7-Week Business Growth Program

    ▶Success stories and program benefits

    ▶ The importance of clarity in your business

    ▶Root chakra and business foundations

    ▶Clarity, communication, and connection: The 3 Cs of business success

    ▶The challenges of psychedelic integration coaching

    ▶Why immediate action is crucial for business growth

    ▶Program details and an invitation to join

    Beth Weinstein’s Links & Resources

    ▶ TheTrue Path Entrepreneur Group Business Coaching Mastermind Program: https://bethaweinstein.com/mastermind/

    ▶ Testimonials - Beth Weinstein - business coach for spiritual entrepreneurs and psychedelic coaches: https://bethaweinstein.com/testimonials/

    ▶ {Client Testimonial} Beth Weinstein Spiritual Business Coaching Program: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0sLLPecZuxI&list=PLbUU6MjDDlpbKQJ_vomn5mlCkmaRK8nGc

    ▶ Free Training: “How to Bring Psychedelics Into a Business”: https://bethaweinstein.com/psychedelics-in-business/
    ▶ Join Beth’s Business Coaching Mastermind Program: https://bethaweinstein.com/mastermind
    ▶ Beth’s other Business Coaching Programs: https://bethaweinstein.com/services
    ▶ Beth’s Instagram: http://instagram.com/bethaweinstein
    ▶ Beth’s Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bethw.nyc & https://www.facebook.com/BethWeinsteinbiz
    ▶ Join Beth’s free Psychedelics Facebook Community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/PsychedelicsandSacredMedicines
    ▶ Various Psychedelic Training Programs and Resources : https://bethaweinstein.com/resources

    Download Beth's free business trainings here: 

    Integrating Psychedelics & Sacred Medicines Into a Transformational Business:


    Clarity to Clients: Start & Grow a Transformational Coaching, Healing, Spiritual, or Psychedelic Business  https://bethaweinstein.com/grow-your-spiritual-business


    ▶ Beth’s  Programs & Courses: 


    ▶ Beth on Instagram: 


    ▶ Beth Weinstein on Facebook: 



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  • Alexander Beiner is an author and podcaster. He's one of the founders of the media and events platform Rebel Wisdom and an executive director of Breaking Convention, Europe's longest-running conference on psychedelic medicine and culture. His upcoming book 'The Bigger Picture: How psychedelics can help us make sense of the world' (Hay House, 2023) explores how psychedelics could transform culture and society. He has a particular interest on how psychedelic experiences can be applied to systems change and improving how we have conversations around difficult cultural topics. He has also covered psychedelic capitalism journalistically for a number of years, with a particular focus on the ways in which economic and cultural incentive structures interact with the transformative potential of psychedelic medicines.

    Trained as a counselor and meditation teacher, Alexander also runs retreats centered on combining practices drawn from cognitive science, the wisdom traditions and psychedelic philosophy to create powerful group experiences. He facilitates legal psychedelic retreats in the Netherlands in partnership with 'Awaken the Medicine Within', co-developed the UK's leading men's work process through Rebel Wisdom and has designed a number of popular online courses focused on sensemaking, embodiment and conversational practices. He has a particular interest in the phenomenology of the psychedelic experience and how we can combine ritual, practice and collective intelligence to expand consciousness in new ways.

    Episode Highlights

    ▶ About Alexander's book, 'The Bigger Picture'
    ▶ Psychedelics and sense-making (and can we really make sense of all this?)
    ▶ The role of psychedelics in society
    ▶ Who should facilitate psychedelic experiences?
    ▶ The impact of capitalism on the contemporary psychedelic scene
    ▶ Dynamic tension between ethical approaches and profit-seeking in psychedelic industries
    ▶ The inconvenience of psychedelics for big pharma
    ▶ Unavoidable truths psychedelics reveal to us
    ▶ Concerns around the earth-based psychedelic supply
    ▶ IV DMT trials Alexander participated in and their impact on him personally
    ▶ Lessons and insights we can gain as individuals and a collective from psychedelic experiences
    ▶ Challenges and divisions within the psychedelic community

    Brian James’s Links & Resources

    ▶ Website: https://Alexanderbeiner.com
    ▶ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/alexander_beiner/
    ▶ TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@alexander_beiner

    Download Beth's free business trainings here: 

    Integrating Psychedelics & Sacred Medicines Into a Transformational Business:


    Clarity to Clients: Start & Grow a Transformational Coaching, Healing, Spiritual, or Psychedelic Business  https://bethaweinstein.com/grow-your-spiritual-business


    ▶ Beth’s  Programs & Courses: 


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  • Melissa Mira is an unconscious integration coach and soul alchemist guiding clients to ignite their genius in life and love. Deeply Scorpionic (her north node riding her ascendant in Scorpio), it's no wonder she's so committed to exploring the depths of the soul and psyche.

    She has been engaging in psychedelic work and soul level transformation for over 30 years. She credits the insights she's received with guiding her journey into magic, the mind and the power of the imaginal realms. She believes music and dance are some of the most potent medicines available and sees them as powerful tools for evolving consciousness.

    Melissa is enamored with exploration of innate human technologies, she believes we have only begun to scratch the surface of what is possible. She's in a passionate 28-year relationship with her husband, Christiaan. Their partnership has endured many of life's challenges yet they continue to find themselves even more in love, enjoying life with their three incredible teenagers.

    Episode Highlights

    ▶ 00:00 Welcome
    ▶ 01:48 Melissa's journey into unconscious integration coaching
    ▶ 02:06 Her transition from environmental engineering into holistic health coaching
    ▶ 03:49 Insights about natural parenting and home birth
    ▶ 07:58 Discovering shadow work and psychedelics
    ▶ 10:41 Understanding the concept of personal sovereignty
    ▶ 16:04 The importance of unconscious integration
    ▶ 18:31 Addressing the fear of shadow work
    ▶ 24:11 The role of psychedelics in unconscious integration
    ▶ 26:39 Overcoming blocks and embracing unconscious material
    ▶ 29:39 Exploring the shadow: personal experiences
    ▶ 32:40 The role of suffering in human evolution
    ▶ 35:46 The potential global impact of shadow work
    ▶ 52:47 Optimism for the future of humanity
    ▶ 56:43 Melissa’s primary mission: healing the heart of the world

    Melissa Mira’s Links & Resources

    ▶ Website: http://www.soulalchemist.co

    ▶ Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/soulalchemist.co

    Download Beth's free business trainings here: 

    Integrating Psychedelics & Sacred Medicines Into a Transformational Business:


    Clarity to Clients: Start & Grow a Transformational Coaching, Healing, Spiritual, or Psychedelic Business  https://bethaweinstein.com/grow-your-spiritual-business


    ▶ Beth’s  Programs & Courses: 


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    ▶ Beth Weinstein on Facebook: 



    ▶ Join the free Psychedelics & Purpose Community: 


  • Madison Margolin is a journalist covering psychedelics and spirituality. She is the author of Exile & Ecstasy: Growing Up with Ram Dass & Coming of Age in the Jewish Psychedelic Underground. Also the host of the ‘Be Here Now Network's Set & Setting’ Podcast, as well as the co-founder of both DoubleBlind Magazine and the Jewish Psychedelic Summit, she has written for publications like Rolling Stone, Playboy, VICE, High Times, Lucid News, and Ayin Press, where she works as an editor curating psychedelic stories and interviews.

    Episode Highlights

    ▶ 00:00 Welcome
    ▶ 01:15 Madison's unique upbringing in a Jewish, “psychedelic” household
    ▶ 02:53 Explorations of Jewish, psychedelic culture
    ▶ 05:38 Early personal psychedelic experiences supported by family
    ▶ 13:44 Judaism and psychedelics: a deeper dive
    ▶ 21:50 Psychedelic use in different religious and ethnic groups, including Israelis and Palestinians
    ▶ 27:40 Challenges Madison has face promoting her new book since October 7th
    ▶ 29:51 Exploring psychedelic perspectives on conflict
    ▶ 32:33 Trials and tribulations being a leader in the psychedelic space
    ▶ 33:54 The dark side of the psychedelic industry
    ▶ 42:41 The future of psychedelic journalism
    ▶ 46:33 Shifting realities in the psychedelic marketplace
    ▶ 51:51 Madison’s book release and future projects

    Madison Margolin’s Links & Resources

    ▶ Website: https://www.madisonmargolin.com/
    ▶ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/madisonmargolin/
    ▶ Twitter: https://twitter.com/margolinmadison
    ▶ Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/madison-margolin-01319324

    Download Beth's free business trainings here: 

    Integrating Psychedelics & Sacred Medicines Into a Transformational Business:


    Clarity to Clients: Start & Grow a Transformational Coaching, Healing, Spiritual, or Psychedelic Business  https://bethaweinstein.com/grow-your-spiritual-business


    ▶ Beth’s  Programs & Courses: 


    ▶ Beth on Instagram: 


    ▶ Beth Weinstein on Facebook: 



    ▶ Join the free Psychedelics & Purpose Community: 


  • Drew Bankey is a combat veteran, medicine man, author, public speaker, and ultimately a messenger of the evolutionary shift we are currently going through. Drew is also the co-founder of a non-profit medicine church based out of Colorado. He is known for mind bending, conscious shifting discussions on some of the deepest questions facing humanity today.

    Episode Highlights

    ▶ 00:00 Welcome
    ▶ 02:07 Drew's background and journey to healing
    ▶ 06:56 The impact of ayahuasca on his personal transformation
    ▶ 07:43 Trauma and the path to recovery
    ▶ 10:14 A mission and vision for healing others
    ▶ 13:56 The importance of inner work and self-realization
    ▶ 18:29 The role of the church in serving community
    ▶ 21:24 The power of connection and hope for humanity
    ▶ 29:00 Self-cleansing and manifesting solutions
    ▶ 31:12 Effects of and respect for Bufo
    ▶ 32:42 The importance of preparation and integration with Bufo
    ▶ 39:06 Responsibility and discernment in serving medicine
    ▶ 42:29 The role of medicines in the evolution of humanity
    ▶ 48:34 Addressing Imposter Syndrome
    ▶ 52:54 Future plans for Drew’s project, Sacred Journeys

    Drew Bankey’s Links & Resources

    ▶ Website: https://www.sacredjournieswithin.com/
    ▶ Instagram: https://instagram.com/sacredjournieswithin
    ▶ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/andrew.bankey

    Download Beth's free business trainings here: 

    Integrating Psychedelics & Sacred Medicines Into a Transformational Business:


    Clarity to Clients: Start & Grow a Transformational Coaching, Healing, Spiritual, or Psychedelic Business  https://bethaweinstein.com/grow-your-spiritual-business


    ▶ Beth’s  Programs & Courses: 


    ▶ Beth on Instagram: 


    ▶ Beth Weinstein on Facebook: 



    ▶ Join the free Psychedelics & Purpose Community: 
