
  • On the 115th episode of The Richard Robbins Show, I sit down with Dr. Don Wood, author, speaker, founder & CEO of the Inspired Performance Institute and creator of the patented TIPP (The Inspired Performance Program) method, focusing on helping people resolve their trauma and get their lives to a place of high performance.

    Dr. Don Wood has dedicated his life to helping thousands of people live a better life and overcome the effects of stress, anxiety, depression, trauma and addiction with his neuroscience-backed program, TIPP.

    As entrepreneurs and sales professionals, I know firsthand the stresses of everyday life. Call reluctance, panic attacks, addiction, depression - we all have trauma we must overcome to live a healthier and more fulfilled life.

    Inspired by his daughter’s Crohn’s diagnosis, Don began his research into trauma, theorizing that we should be looking at the root cause of our ailments rather than diagnosing and medicating the symptoms.

    In this episode of The Richard Robbins Show, Dr. Wood and I talk about the importance of analyzing your trauma and understanding how to treat it without the use of medication. Dr. Wood shares his insights into the correlation between childhood trauma and safe spaces, why patience is the key to healing and how healing your inner trauma can improve your physical and mental health.

  • On the 114th episode of The Richard Robbins Show, I sit down with an individual who truly inspires me. Anthony Brown’s story of overcoming adversity is a testament to what the mind and body can achieve.

    In 2009, Anthony was struck by a car and was in a coma for nearly a week. In a flash, his life was decisively altered. He woke up paralyzed on his left side and unable to walk. But this isn’t where Anthony’s story ends, this was his beginning.

    One month later, Anthony gained the strength to stand and in just 6 short months, he played his first round of golf. Smiling from ear to ear, Anthony tells me, “All of life’s obstacles and the biggest problems you’re going to face, can be overcome by just getting up, and putting one foot in front of the other. It’s really that simple. You just need to take that first step”.

    Anthony got his real estate license a year after his accident and has been helping his clients buy and sell homes in the Dartmouth area ever since. Today, he is on his way to achieving Chairman Club status, Top 10 in Atlantic Canada and Top 200 Teams in Canada.

    This interview was elevating and educational. Anthony shares tips on how to succeed in real estate (start by checking out what the top agents in your office are doing!). He talks about making 500 deals a week, does a live roleplay and offers advice on how to get out of your own way to be a more successful version of yourself.

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  • In the 113th episode of The Richard Robbins Show, I sit down with a world-class athlete, entrepreneur and fitness industry disruptor, Whitney Jones. Whitney is the driving force behind the Lean Life Challenge, a 90-day health journey that I recently embarked on and found it transformative for my eating and exercise goals.

    Owner of Pro Physiques, Whitney has been competing professionally since 2010. At 34 years old Whitney competed at a local Arizona show as an amateur. From there, she moved up the ranks to compete at a National Level and in less than 1 year, received her Pro Card establishing herself as an IFBB Fitness Pro. She has now competed in a total of 35 Pro Shows, always placing in the top 10 in the world.

    Whitney is a single mom to two amazing teenagers and the first-ever mom to hold an Olympia title. “This has provided me with an amazing platform to help inspire women of all ages to continue to pursue their dreams without putting limitations on themselves,” she says.

    In this fantastic podcast, Whitney and I talk about the importance of counting your macros and why knowing what you put into your body directly affects the output in your life. Whitney shares the secrets to living healthier, how to enjoy the grind of a healthy lifestyle and stresses why balance is key to your long-term success.

  • In this episode of The Richard Robbins Show, I sit down with Grammy award-winning musician, Barry Goldstein, whose expansive musical genius has brought him to the forefront of using music as medicine to heal the body and the mind.

    Barry has literally written the manual for utilizing music beyond art and entertainment. In his book, The Secret Language of the Heart, his focus is on how to transform your life with the power of music.

    Using the heart as an internal metronome, you are able to control your state and influence your body during moments in the day. Barry believes you can navigate your mood throughout the day by installing certain curated playlists into your day-to-day living.

    Barry also touched on the importance of choosing the right type of music in your online videos to accurately reflect your purpose. These musical signatures help viewers connect with the source material better when the music matches your intention.

    As a special treat, Barry will take listeners on a live, meditative journey towards the end of my interview with him. This is just a taste of what he offers with his services and something I will be experimenting with in the coming weeks!

  • In the 111th episode of The Richard Robbins Show, I sit down with longtime RRI Coaching Member, MAC Member and friend, John Hripko.

    John is a highly accomplished real estate professional in the Calgary, Alberta area. Founder of the John Hripko and Partners Real Estate Team, he has amassed over 40 years of experience in the industry and the National Association of Realtors has ranked John in the top 1% of North American realtors annually since 1991!

    In this episode, John and I discuss creating revenue opportunities for people who know and trust you and think outside the box as a real estate professional. John touches on property management opportunities, lateral diversification in your business and how he manages to run a multimillion dollar business while also taking 4 to 6 months off a year!

  • In this episode of The Richard Robbins Show, I sit down with a long-time RRI coaching member, Darin Germyn, who has consistently ranked in the top 1% of all agents in his trading since 2017. Darin is also a former president of The Fraser Valley Real Estate Board and currently sits on the Board of Directors with the Canadian Real Estate Association.

    Darin began his real estate career at the young age of 22 and for 17 years, he has been delivering outstanding service to his clients and community in White Rock, BC.

    With a laser focus on wanting to be “part of the solution,” Darin is undeniably a lifelong learner and continually seeks out new and innovative ways to serve his clients and the industry.

    In this episode, you’ll learn about business models that work in our industry, automations to make your business more efficient and how to schedule your time so that you are living the life you choose rather than one that is given to you.

  • Knowing your purpose in life can be one of the most difficult, yet rewarding, discoveries you can make. On the 109th episode of The Richard Robbins Show, I sit down with a trailblazer who has made a living helping people discover their WHY in as little as 15 minutes.

    Dr. Gary Sanchez is an international speaker, author and inventor who also studied to be a dentist. He succeeded, created a practice and by all accounts had a very successful business and life. But something was missing. Gary told me, “I had a great What, but I didn’t know my WHY.” So, he was left feeling unfulfilled.

    After discovering that Gary’s WHY was actually helping people discover theirs, he founded and became CEO of the WHY Institute and created the Why discovery tool, WHYos.“I figured out that there were only 9 different WHY’s,” Gary told me. “Once I saw that, I was able to help people discover their WHY in about 15 minutes.”

    Today, Gary has set out with the goal of helping 1 billion people worldwide discover their WHY.

  • My next guest on The Richard Robbins Show helps companies and audiences stay ahead of the technology curve. A worldwide speaker focused on innovation in the tech sector, Amber Mac is also a bestselling author, Co-Host of The Feed on SiriusXM, and President of her own media company, AmberMac Media, Inc., an award-winning content development agency. In addition, Amber has delivered keynotes and moderated sessions with Tony Robbins, Malcolm Gladwell, Chris Hadfield, among other notable leaders.

    Considered by many to be the go-to expert on anything tech, Amber sees opportunities everywhere and encourages people to look at the AI phase that we’re in right now through the lens of opportunity. What’s the opportunity that exists right now and how do I not miss out?”

    On episode 108 of The Richard Robbins Show, Amber tells us the three most important things to focus on as an entrepreneur, gives some great examples of how to implement AI into your business and lets the audience know why consistent communication with your clients is the secret to continued success regardless of advancements in AI.

  • On the 107th episode of The Richard Robbins Show, I sit down with a woman who was nicknamed The Negotiator by her father when she was just a little girl. Today, she is an instructor of MBA Negotiations at the Schulich School of Business at York University in Toronto and has dedicated herself to empowering Fortune 500 clients and diverse audiences across the globe to become better communicators and negotiators.

    Fotini Iconomopoulos, author of Say Less, Get More, is an expert in navigating high-stakes negotiations and has made a career teaching her clients, audiences and students how to become better negotiators.

    “You can negotiate and not only protect relationships, but also build better ones, if you’re doing it effectively,” Fotini says. She continues by saying that curiosity can be your most powerful tool while sitting down with another party, “Who is sitting across from me right now and what is important to them? If you haven’t considered the person on the other side, then why should they engage with you?”

    In this episode, Fotini and I talk about the evolution of negotiation and why a present-day approach is necessary to getting what you want. Fotini gives real estate professionals insight on how to approach conversations with their clients, pinpoints the importance of knowing your clients why and she explains that it can be just as powerful to listen as it is to talk.

  • On the 106th episode of The Richard Robbins Show, I sit down with a man defying the conventional idea of retirement. Today, at 68 years young, he is still the Broker of Record of both Royal LePage ProAlliance Realty and Performance Realty and plays in a band that still tours North America (in his spare time).

    Mark Rashotte, a 40-year veteran in the real estate industry, lives his day-to-day life with the energy of a person 30 years younger. Last year he purchased Royal LePage Performance Realty in Ottawa, Ontario, and is now responsible for 700 agents under his leadership.

    Despite his success in the real estate industry, there is another passion that has consumed his mind and heart - music.

    In the 1970s, Mark and his band played 250 shows a year as a pop group, playing across Canada and the United States. Their group named ‘Photograph’ was signed to Capitol Records and released an album in 1981.

    When the band dissolved in 1984, Mark explains that his transition from music to real estate was more seamless than you might expect. “You are an independent contractor,” Mark tells me. “You’re out working, keeping people happy and it’s a service business.”

    40 years later, Mark is still heavily involved in both music and real estate and has no plans to retire anytime soon.

  • On the 105th episode of The Richard Robbins Show, I sit down with a man who has found incredible success in the real estate industry and, even more so, at home with his wife and 11 children.

    Mark Burke, a 20 year veteran in the real estate industry is a 2nd generation agent who learned the ropes from his mother. Before his career as a real estate professional, Mark found himself on the sales and marketing team with Coca-Cola, increasing their gross profit by 50 million dollars annually for their Canadian portfolio.

    Despite his success, Mark switched careers because something had become more prominent and important in his life: Family.

    In this episode of The Richard Robbins Show, Mark and I chat about the importance of family and why it’s crucial to achieve work-life balance. Mark gives us his perspective on how to approach a pricing conversation with potential clients properly, the reason for using locally-specific real estate data and why authenticity could be your greatest asset when it comes to doing more business.

  • My next guest has been part of the RRI organization for over 20 years. His dedication to this industry is palpable and what he continues to provide to his team, his clients and to agents across the globe is admirable.

    Nathan Dart, a 2nd generation real estate professional has been selling real estate in Maryland, D.C. Metro for 23 years.

    He has graced The Richard Robbins Show podcast with his insights once before, sharing his secrets to building the perfect team on Episode 25. It’s undoubtedly a worthwhile listen for anyone looking to transform their people-dependent business into a system-dependent one.

    In this, our 104th episode, Nathan and I evolve the conversation and focus our attention on a new technology dedicated to revolutionizing the buying and selling experience in the real estate industry. This new property technology company, Final Offer, is a negotiation platform that offers total transparency between buyers and sellers.

    “The buyers are winning, the sellers are winning and the industry is winning,” Nathan tells me in this very eye-opening interview.

    On top of that, Nathan and I discuss the ongoing antitrust lawsuit with NAR, the future of real estate negotiations and how technological advancements in AI will influence our industry immensely, in the not-so-distant future.

  • Is there anything more important to entrepreneurs than mindset?

    In this episode of The Richard Robbins Show, I sit down with Professional Certified Coach, Prosci Change Practitioner, CEO and Founder of The Momentum Institute, Vered Kogan.

    Vered is a mindset coach with a deep passion for helping individuals release the mental and emotional obstacles that prevent them from achieving their goals and successfully adapting to change in their life.

    “Oftentimes, change fails because of the human resistance to change,” Vered tells me. She continues to say, “It’s not because there’s not enough time or money or the idea isn’t great. People actually don’t resist change; people resist the transition.”

    In this podcast, Vered explains why the transitionary moments during a period of change in your life are important to focus on. We talk about why negative emotions are powerful opportunities to learn about yourself and we discuss how your mindset can be trained by playing a quick, fun game.

    As an added bonus, about midway through the podcast, join Vered and I in a live and interactive meditation session that will bring your feelings, intentions and awareness to the surface.

  • On the 102nd episode of The Richard Robbins Show I sat down with a man who not only has 30+ years of real estate experience and is in the Top 1% in Canada for Royal LePage, but he is also a highly respected coach and member of the RRI team.

    Bill Parnaby has been a licensed real estate agent since 1992. Working in the Caledon area, he has maintained his #1 ranking for the past 15 consecutive years.

    When I asked Bill about his success, he simply told me, “I do everything I can to keep people away from me.” He explains that, “I mean that in a good way, I keep people serviced well enough that they never have to ask me a question.”

    Bill’s philosophy of Serve Don’t Sell has helped him maintain a loyal clientele and has seen his business flourish. However, it wasn’t always like this. As Bill puts it, “I used to be a goal chaser.” He did more and more, never hopping off the real estate treadmill, to the point that he was burnt out and wanted to quit the industry altogether.

    That was until he switched his thinking and started operating his business differently; not chasing the money but instead, serving his database and his community.

    In this episode of The Richard Robbins Show, Bill and I talk about the importance of mindset and how changing his perspective changed his entire life. Bill shares his strategies for effective marketing, offers insight on what the top 3 things agents get wrong and how to fix it and lets us know why committing to a schedule is the best thing you could ever do.

  • On the 101st episode of The Richard Robbins Show, I sit down with a longtime friend and colleague within the real estate industry, Phil Soper.

    Phil is President & CEO of Royal LePage and Bridgemarq Real Estate Services, the largest real estate brokerage firm in Canada, with over 21,000 agents across its businesses and doing roughly $146 billion in property sales in 2021.

    With decades of experience in the real estate industry between us, Phil and I share our thoughts on what to expect in the year ahead in terms of sales, pricing and interest rates.

    “If we were talking about the American market, our faces would be longer. It would be a more dire situation,” Phil tells me. Due to the conservatism of the Canadian banks, we find ourselves in a much safer position moving forward in terms of financial stress on Canadian homeowners.

    In this special episode of the podcast, Phil and I are discussing today’s real estate market. We talk about what to expect come 2024 and theorize a few possibilities for the Canadian real estate market. We talk about the similarities of 2008 to today, why home prices could see a surge and why immigration is the key to Canada’s strong real estate industry.

    Interested in hearing more of Phil Soper? Check out episode #2 of The Richard Robbins Show that I recorded with Phil in 2019.

  • On the 100th episode of The Richard Robbins Show, I sat down with a friend who has lived two lives in the real estate industry.

    Mark Arnstein, a 27-year veteran as a real estate agent, began his career in the beautiful city of Vancouver, British Columbia. 8 years later, after growing a substantial business and clientele, he packed up and moved to Toronto with his wife.

    It was quite the adjustment for Mark as you can imagine. “You take a big fish in a small pond but drop it inside of an ocean, it takes a while to adjust,” he tells me.

    Instead of feeling sorry for himself, Mark dedicated himself to understanding this new landscape and learning the Toronto market. “I became a student…I needed to understand the market and know where the value stood.”

    Mark dedicated himself to doing two open houses a day over the weekends and began to geo-farm an area that he now dominates 19 years later.

    On this episode of The Richard Robbins Show, Mark and I discuss the 3 crucial steps to successfully geo-farming an area. Mark shares his process for picking an area, budgeting, frequency and how to get a 10x return on your geo-farming investment!

  • Creating a brand is one of the most difficult things when starting a business. Your brand holds so much weight, as our next guest describes it, “It’s what other people are saying about you when you’re not in the room.”

    Juliet Wright, Founder and CEO of Tally Creative, is our next guest on The Richard Robbins Show. A Brand Stylist who focuses on empowering you and your business, Juliet is the leader of a dynamic team that has pioneered a groundbreaking methodology for brand development.

    “Often times to get a brand off the ground, or a company off the ground, you need someone to believe in you and see that big picture,” Juliet tells me.

    Today, Juliet tells me that Tally Creative focuses on inspiring belief, activating potential and elevating excellence, taking a company's brand, marketing and advertising to a whole new level.

    In this episode of the Richard Robbins Show, Juliet discusses the importance of knowing (and living) your values as a company, and why having a solid foundation rooted in your values is key to your success.

  • We would all agree that there is nothing better in life than having a wonderful partner. My wife, beyond a shadow of a doubt, makes me a much better person. That said, it doesn’t mean that it’s always easy!

    On the 98th edition of The Richard Robbins Show, I sat down with an amazing, spirited, high-energy person named Annie Lalla.

    For the past 15 years, Annie has been a cutting-edge Relationship Coach who maps the complex emotional landscape of relationships.

    “Relationships are the hardest thing there is for humans to do,” Annie confesses and I think we can all agree with that statement. She helps clients cultivate romantic esteem and develop collaboration skills that go beyond shame, blame & power struggles.

    “Conflict is not an indicator that something is wrong,” Annie explains during our chat and tells me that, “I teach people how to fight in a way that is healthy.”

    In this episode of The Richard Robbins Show, Annie and I talk about how to create better relationships in our lives with the people that we love the most. Annie talks about how to optimize relationships in your life, offers some conflict resolution tips and brings a roadmap for creating evolutionary relationships that last a lifetime.

  • My next guest on The Richard Robbins Show is a familiar voice on the podcast scene but with an exciting and new story to tell.

    Mark Faris has had tremendous success in the real estate industry. After only 7 years in real estate, he became Royal LePage’s #1 agent in the country and held that distinction for 5 consecutive years before opening his own brokerage, The Faris Team Real Estate Brokerage.

    To listen to this awe-inspiring interview with Mark, check out episode #34 from The Richard Robbins Show.

    Today’s interview, however, touches on the possibilities this industry can offer you.

    Mark revealed that his ‘why’ and his motivation for success have constantly changed. “It was a matter of just putting food on the table, we had our credit cards with $10,000 in debt. My ‘why’ at that point was to put food on the table and, as a husband, provide.”

    Mark explains that after all of his success, the thought that constantly came to him was - What If?

    “What if I could create a company that I could really be proud of? That idea was extremely motivating,” Mark tells me which led to the creation of Faris Capital Partners.

    Faris Capital Partners focuses on getting premium returns for their Canadian and American investors by investing in multifamily apartments in Florida. His investors see a 15-20% annual return on their money and the goal is to raise over $200 million in capital by 2025.

    In this episode of The Richard Robbins Show, Mark and I discuss how he has gone from selling real estate in Ontario to operating an investment firm in Florida. Mark talks about how to balance your life goals (family, friends, health) with your business goals, he explains the process to opening a new company in a different country and talks about how to continuously motivate yourself.

  • On the 96th episode of The Richard Robbins Show, I sit down with a former RRI Coaching Member and the President of RE/MAX Canada, Christopher Alexander.

    Right from the age of 13, Christopher, in one way or another, was working within the family business. Whether it was at the front desk or the accounting department, he has seen every level of the RE/MAX ladder.

    He started selling real estate in January of 2010 and although he had grown up in the industry, he didn’t realize how hard it actually was. “I did 3 deals right out of the gate,” Christopher tells me, “And thought to myself, ‘Wow this is easy’! I didn’t do another sale for the rest of the year. It was a really valuable lesson and, in my second year, I really got serious.”

    His experience selling real estate isn’t unique. Christopher tells me that he sees a lot of people enter the industry with a false perception of what it really takes to succeed.

    “What I’ve seen, especially in the last two and a half years, [is] a tremendous amount of salespeople getting their license for the first time, that got into it for the wrong reasons…they see the glamour. I think that’s going to wash away because it’s a tough business.”

    In this episode of The Richard Robbins Show, Christopher and I discuss the past, present and future of RE/MAX and the entire real estate industry. Christopher stresses the importance of practising the real estate basics in order to find success in any market, he offers some insight into the future of real estate and tells us why it’s important to start today instead of waiting for tomorrow.