
  • Welcome to our ask the herbalist segment! On the show today, Stephanie your host, a board licensed clinical herbalist with an emphasis on Chinese herbs, answers your questions:

    Do you ever think about the soul of a plant? How do we connect etc. with it? Which plants are high in phytoestrogen Is it generally best to take herbs on an empty stomach? Should we drink it like tea or a shot? Are there herbs you should not have in the morning/night? Where to source herbs from? Should we trust Amazon and Google recommendations, and what kind of quality checks should we search for? What is the #1 most versatile herbs to have on hand? Herbs to help nicotine addiction and help with lung health after quitting? Herbs for fertility and to help heal miscarriage

    A special thank you to everyone who shared their questions- if it weren’t for you this episode wouldn’t have come to fruition. Much love!

    Show Notes:

    Estrogen and Progesterone

    Zava DT, Dollbaum CM, Blen M. Estrogen and progestin bioactivity of foods, herbs, and spices. Proc Soc Exp Biol Med. 1998 Mar;217(3):369-78. doi: 10.3181/00379727-217-44247. PMID: 9492350.

    red closer black cohosh/sheng ma hops dong quai/dang gui/angelica sinensis licorice/ gan cao chasteberry/man jing zi fo-ti/ye jiao teng asian ginseng/ren shen north american ginseng/ xi yang shen

    Oerter Klein K, Janfaza M, Wong JA, Chang RJ. Estrogen bioactivity in fo-ti and other herbs used for their estrogen-like effects as determined by a recombinant cell bioassay. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2003 Sep;88(9):4077-9. doi: 10.1210/jc.2003-030349. PMID: 12970265.

    soy, clover, hops, fo-ti <— highest measurable activity of estrogen with methods used




    Gan Mai Da Zao Tang (Wheat and Jujube decoction)

    improves digestion, relaxes tension

    Si Jun Zi Tang (Four Gentlemen) https://www.americandragon.com/Herb%20Formulas%20copy/SiJunZiTang.html

    improves digestion

    Organic Olivia- Glucobitters

    Bao He Wan (Preserve Harmony Pill)

    reduces food stagnation in stomach (greasy, sugar, fatty foods and alcohol)

    Long Dan Xie Gan Tang (Gentiana Decoction to Drain the Liver

    drains “damp heat” and “fire” from the Liver, Gallbladder, and San Jiao Channel

    Classical Pearls

    Golden Flower

    Food Over Drugs

    Mountain Rose Herbs

    Bai He Gu Jing Tang (Lily Bulb Decoction to Preserve Metal)

    nourish lung yin, clears heat, stops cough, transforms phlegm

    Ye M, Lee H, Bae H, Hahm DH, Lee HJ, Shim I.Paecilomyces japonica reduces repeated nicotine-induced neuronal and behavioral activation in rats. BMC Complement Altern Med. 2015 Jul 14;15:227. doi: 10.1186/s12906-015-0739-8. PMID: 26169054; PMCID: PMC4501195.


    Bao Chan Wu Yao Feng (worry free formula to protect birth)

    for pregnancy with history of miscarriage d/t KD deficiency

    Tai Shan Pan Shi San (pwder gives the stability of Mount Tai)

    threatened or habitual miscarriage d/t qi & blood def (SP)

    Sheng Hua Tang

    Invigorates the blood, dispels blood stasis, warm the uterus, nourish blood Postpartum (miscarriage or abortion or full term delivery)

    Related Episode:

    Whispers of My Hapé Practice- Healing with Sacred Tobacco

    If you’d like to connect with Stephanie, whether it’s to chat about life or inquire about working with her, feel free to reach out through either of the following:





    [email protected]

    DISCLAIMER: This podcast is presented for educational and exploratory purposes only. Published content is not intended to be used for diagnosing or treating any illness. Those responsible for this show disclaim responsibility for any possible adverse effects from the use of information presented by Stephanie or her guests.

    --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/schoolofwhispers/support
  • This week’s guest is the lovely and inspiring Joaly Trinidad. She is co-founder of Iboga retreat center and education platform, Root and Wisdom, and non-profit, Sacred Roots Foundation (in two weeks we’ll be publishing an interview wither her co-founder and husband, Troy Valencia).

    Like most guests on this podcast, Jo is someone who is very multifaceted- she has her masters in counseling, she’s a kambo practitioner, sound and energy worker, yoga teacher, breathwork guide, the list goes on. What we really get into on this episode here is her experience of becoming and being a space holder for Iboga, which includes being of service and being initiated into the Bwiti.

    Highlights from this episode:

    - How building a relationship with Blue Lotus guided her to some of first tools of balancing her own field and the energetic fields of others

    - What Iboga is, its roots in Africa, and how Joaly found herself on the path in service of this plant after following her now husband to Costa Rica

    - We touch on her Taino ancestral roots (the historic indigenous peoples of the Caribbean) and how the spirit of her great grandfather, who practiced hands on healing rooted in this culture, guided her to her first conscious communion with psilocybin

    - Jo’s experience of traveling all the way to Africa while five months pregnant to be initiated into the Bwiti, who are the indigenous keepers of Iboga

    Connect with Jo:

    www.rootandwisdom.com for retreats and programs of integrative living

    www.sacredrootsfoundation.com to learn more about her non-profit

    Instagram: jo.trinidad

    If you’d like to connect with Stephanie, whether it’s to chat about life or inquire about working with her, feel free to reach out through either of the following:





    [email protected]

    DISCLAIMER: This podcast is presented for educational and exploratory purposes only. Published content is not intended to be used for diagnosing or treating any illness. Those responsible for this show disclaim responsibility for any possible adverse effects from the use of information presented by Stephanie or her guests.

    --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/schoolofwhispers/support
  • Eksik bölüm mü var?

    Akışı yenilemek için buraya tıklayın.

  • Welcome back to the series on the Whispers of Clarity!

    This week for part two we’re doing a deep dive into qi gong. Qi gong is a practice of cultivating one’s qi, or life force energy. There are literally thousands of different styles but in a nutshell, this is a practice where one performs certain postures and movements which enhance their state of health and well-being.

    Your host, Stephanie, found qi gong form called Falun Gong (or Falun Dafa), during a time she when she was suffering from mold toxicity, extreme exhaustion, and anxiety. Because of her living situation, she was unable to feel herself fully process repressed emotions through her previous practice for clarity, the Dynamic Meditation by Osho (listen to this episode here), which can be loud and explosive.

    Falun Gong, done in virtual silence, was the perfect alternative which still had a profound effect on her state of being. Since finding Falun Gong all those years ago, Stephanie has found herself immersed in the world of qi gong (including medical qi gong) through her studies in Chinese Medicine. It has changed her life, and she knows it can change the life of anyone who is willing to dedicate themself to it.

    Highlights from this episode:

    - the fascinating history of qi gong which has its roots in nature and Chinese shamanism

    - how qi gong and the first masters of this practice influenced Chinese Medicine

    - how and why qi gong forms, such as Falun Gong can help you restore your body and energy field back to its perfect state

    - a deep dive into the 5 exercises of Falun Gong which are set up to restore balance, but also to enhance one’s supernatural abilities

    - details into the most important things to remember when starting your qi gong practice

    Related Episodes:

    Whispers of Clarity p. 1: Dynamic Meditation

    Whispers of Esoteric Acupuncture p. 1

    Whispers of Esoteric Acupuncture (& Qi Gong) p. 2 with Dr. Adamson

    If you’d like to connect with Stephanie, whether it’s to chat about life or inquire about working with her, feel free to reach out through either of the following:





    [email protected]

    DISCLAIMER: This podcast is presented for educational and exploratory purposes only. Published content is not intended to be used for diagnosing or treating any illness. Those responsible for this show disclaim responsibility for any possible adverse effects from the use of information presented by Stephanie or her guests

    --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/schoolofwhispers/support
  • Jazmin Payne is a grief educator, psychedelic integration coach, and massage therapist. On this week’s episode she vulnerably shares her journey of coming to ayahuasca while processing the death of two loved ones, and how this path guided her to be of selfless service to others.

    Through her journey with this plant medicine, she found community and eventually became an events coordinator for ayahuasca ceremonies. She soon found herself helping countless humans make sense of their journey with this plant medicine, and decided to get certified in psychedelic integration to better be of service. She has also dedicated herself to learning to embrace the mysterious process of grief (which is different for everyone) and has since become a certified grief educator.

    Jazmin lives her life guided by her purpose to help others both find themselves again and thrive through all of life’s transitions.

    Highlights from this episode:

    - How the grief of losing her brother and partner shifted her relationship with God, and how ayahuasca brought her back to her spirituality

    - She touches on the dark side of ayahuasca facilitators and “circus sitters” and shares advice on maintaining safety within this space

    - How one can show up for their loves ones in a time of grief, and why sharing the process of grief can be valuable for children

    Connect with Jazmin on Instagram:



    Learn more about how to work with her and her upcoming events:

    ⁠https://www.hummingbirdheart.co/immersion ⁠

    If you’d like to connect with Stephanie, whether it’s to chat about life or inquire about working with her, feel free to reach out through either of the following:


    ⁠@schoolofwhispers ⁠

    ⁠@__steef___ ⁠


    [email protected]

    DISCLAIMER: This podcast is presented for educational and exploratory purposes only. Published content is not intended to be used for diagnosing or treating any illness. Those responsible for this show disclaim responsibility for any possible adverse effects from the use of information presented by Stephanie or her guests.

    --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/schoolofwhispers/support
  • This episode series is about how your host, Stephanie, has found two pivotal methods of finding clarity. On part one, she will discuss the first: Dynamic Meditation. This practice, developed by Osho, is an hour long active meditation which is split into 5 stages. The practice is designed to enable one to bring up and release emotions- and had been especially effect in helping Stephanie let go of those deep, old repressed emotions. Through that release, Stephanie has found profound clarity which has guided her to make decisions that have changed her life for the better.

    A short summary of each stage:

    1: Chaotic breathing: triggering sympathetic response

    2: Explosion/Catharsis: express everything that comes up

    3: “Hoo!” mantra: jump up and down and yell “hoo!”

    4: Freeze: stand in stillness and silence

    5: Celebration


    Playlist on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/album/6JmBFm6Ks0FveiURgkhdd1?si=44MQl9KWQti162kUt1ndTw

    If you’re in Palm Beach county and you’re interested in practicing Dynamic Meditations, reach out!

    If you’d like to connect with Stephanie, whether it’s to chat about life or inquire about working with her, feel free to reach out through either of the following:





    [email protected]

    DISCLAIMER: This podcast is presented for educational and exploratory purposes only. Published content is not intended to be used for diagnosing or treating any illness. Those responsible for this show disclaim responsibility for any possible adverse effects from the use of information presented by Stephanie or her guests.

    --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/schoolofwhispers/support
  • This episode is a conversation about surrender with trauma-informed plant medicine ceremonialist and psychedelic integration guide, Shoval Rose. On the show, Shoval vulnerably shares her experience and the lessons she gained from letting go and letting God during a time of uncertainty and deep, soul-shifting challenges.

    Highlights from this episode:

    - how pain was a teacher for Shoval as she moved from resistance to her life and God towards deeper surrender

    - how a tough bout of insomnia and anxiety brought her to her to a come to God moment during a challenging time in her life

    - why Shoval chose to briefly step into a space of sobriety while unpacking deep dysregulation

    - her experience as a Jewish woman from Israel on being baptized after finding connection with God, Jesus, Mary, etc.

    Connect with Shoval on Instagram: shoval.rose

    If you’d like to connect with Stephanie, whether it’s to chat about life or inquire about working with her, feel free to reach out through either of the following:





    [email protected]

    DISCLAIMER: This podcast is presented for educational and exploratory purposes only. Published content is not intended to be used for diagnosing or treating any illness. Those responsible for this show disclaim responsibility for any possible adverse effects from the use of information presented by Stephanie or her guests.

    --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/schoolofwhispers/support
  • This episode is all about betrayal; and with that comes forgiveness. We all experience it across our lives- whether that’s self betrayal, being on the receiving end of it, or being the one that’s betrayed another. As with most intense emotional events in life, each experience with betrayal comes with a lesson.

    After experiencing some pretty heavy betrayals earlier this year, your host, Stephanie, received some valuable lessons and insights which she shares with you. Through reflection, the letting go process, and using her vast array of tools, she also learned about the art of forgiveness.

    Highlights from this episode:

    - Why betrayal is nobody’s fault

    - Holistic modalities to help restore your body after a strong emotional experience such as betrayal, including a recent experience Stephanie had with a plant called Tepezchoite

    - A little dive into Polyvagal theory, and how one can use it to determine the right support while moving through hard times

    Show Notes:


    Related Episodes:

    Whispers of Shame #50

    Whispers of My Plant Medicine Dieta with Ayahuasca and Ubos #39

    If you’d like to connect with Stephanie, whether it’s to chat about life or inquire about working with her, feel free to reach out through either of the following:




    [email protected]

    DISCLAIMER: This podcast is presented for educational and exploratory purposes only. Published content is not intended to be used for diagnosing or treating any illness. Those responsible for this show disclaim responsibility for any possible adverse effects from the use of information presented by Stephanie or her guests.

    --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/schoolofwhispers/support
  • We are so excited to share the first interview of season 3 with Stephanie’s teacher, Tara Reed. Tara is an acupuncture physician, intuitive coach, herbal pharmacologist, mom, spiritual mentor, reiki master, teacher of the light…the list goes on! A few years ago, Tara was diagnosed with large B cell lymphoma. On this episode she shares her unique and empowering wisdom from this life-changing experience.

    Highlights from this episode:

    - Tara shares special insight into her journey before, during, and after her cancer diagnosis

    - Her experience of combining Western and Chinese Medicine for treatment

    - Food therapy principles for cancer and chemo recovery

    - The important moments in between- such as changing her language around cancer, calling in her angels to arrange her perfect medical team, and being guided by her friend on psychospiritual journeys

    Connect with Tara


    [email protected]

    Show Notes:

    Ma Zi Ren Wan

    Run Chang Wan

    Xiao Yao San

    *please consider researching these powerful herbal formulas and consult with an herbalist/acupuncture physician before ingesting them

    If you’d like to connect with Stephanie, whether it’s to chat about life or inquire about working with her, feel free to reach out through either of the following:





    [email protected]

    DISCLAIMER: This podcast is presented for educational and exploratory purposes only. Published content is not intended to be used for diagnosing or treating any illness. Those responsible for this show disclaim responsibility for any possible adverse effects from the use of information presented by Stephanie or her guests.

    --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/schoolofwhispers/support
  • Welcome back to the School of Whispers Podcast! Season 3 is ready to roll!!

    It’s been 9 months since your host, Stephanie, took a step back from the show to get her life in order. During this time, she’s finished her master’s program, moved back to her hometown of West Palm Beach, officially become a licensed acupuncture physician, and found herself in a massive dark night of the soul.

    Within this, she often found herself experiencing deep shame which had her blocking herself spiritually, creatively, and mentally.

    On this episode, she talks about how she found herself slipping into the arms of shame, and how she’s worked her way through it. In true School of Whispers style, this episode tells a story of the lessons which can come from sitting within the whispers of one’s darkness.


    - A little catch up on the roller-coaster of events which have transpired since season 2

    - How lessons on validation, fully embracing her cringe, and more helped Stephanie transform her life within this darker period

    - Some details into her first time sitting with the plant technology, Iboga

    Show notes:

    Connect with salva.seres

    Letting Go: The Pathway of Surrender by David R. Hawkins M.D., Ph.D.

    Omega Frequency of Emotions

    Connect with Troy and Jo: www,rootandwisdom.com

    If you’d like to connect with Stephanie, whether it’s to chat about life or inquire about working with her, feel free to reach out through either of the following:





    [email protected]

    DISCLAIMER: This podcast is presented for educational and exploratory purposes only. Published content is not intended to be used for diagnosing or treating any illness. Those responsible for this show disclaim responsibility for any possible adverse effects from the use of information presented by Stephanie or her guests.

    --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/schoolofwhispers/support
  • Welcome to the School of Whispers Podcast. Your host, Stephanie Osborne Wright, is a licensed acupuncture physician and herbalist with a background in psychology, health sciences, and exercise physiology. Within her own spiritual awakening, she found herself learning pivotal lessons when she got herself to be in silence. Within that silence, the whispers came through.

    This is her sacred space of vulnerable story telling where she and her guests share about the magic that comes from a life of following these whispers.

    We're very grateful you’ve made your here, and we hope this show inspires you to live a life of following your own whispers.

    --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/schoolofwhispers/support
  • This week’s episode is a solocast and the season finale to season two of the podcast- and it feels kind of like a big deal!

    This is the last time your host, Stephanie will be recording as a student of Chinese Medicine (so a new intro will be in order for season 3!).

    This is also the last time she will be recording while living in Orlando, the podcast’s birth place.

    Stephanie reflects on the journey of moving to Orlando, starting her three year master’s program in Oriental Medicine, and having her world be flipped upside down with a big spiritual awakening.

    She also tells her story of a recent ceremony, which ended up having a very interesting plot twist. Long story short, she learned lessons she will never forget.

    These past two seasons of the show have been the story of someone learning how to step into her power and accept all sides of herself- and we’re so grateful you’ve been here on this beautiful ride with us!

    We’ll be feeling your energy in season 3!

    Related Episodes:

    Whispers of My Devotional Practice to Lakshmi

    Whispers of a Sacred Creative Practice with Summer Thyme

    Whispers of My Master Plant Dieta with Ayahuasca and Ubos

    If you’d like to work with Stephanie, email her at [email protected] to book a session or learn more about her services.


    You can also connect with her on Instagram HERE

    --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/schoolofwhispers/support
  • Today on the show we’re diving into experiencing the mysteries and shadows of divine feminine energy with Jordana Meade.

    Jordana had it all- the job in the big city, the apartment, the clothes, the cars, the vacations, the friends, the boyfriend- and yet, she felt there was something missing.

    On the outside, she looked like the peak of success, but on the inside, she struggled to feel embodied pleasure and fulfillment.

    The feminine urge to live a life of rest, softness, and pleasure pushed her to shift her entire world around.

    Today, Jordana is the founder of her company, Inner Empress, a motivational speaker, and coach who empowers her clients to reclaim their feminine power and birthright to pleasure.


    Her journey from constantly shining, shining, shining on that corporate masculine grind and why she answered the call of her feminine shadow Why integrating feminine energy requires we find comfort and release control within the unknown..something we often see as scary. Jordana covers a few wounded feminine archetypes- the martyr, the perfectionist, and the princess Why taking it slow and testing the waters of discomfort within our healing is practicing true embodiment- and why we don’t have to dive head first into the deep-end every time

    Connect with Jordana on Instagram: jordana_innerempress

    Connect with Stephanie on Instagram: __steef___

    If you'd like to work with Stephanie, you can learn more at www.schoolofwhispers.com

    --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/schoolofwhispers/support
  • Whether you her on Instagram, you’ve attended one of her sanghas or workshops, received her sound healing codes in ceremony, or watched her perform on stage, you’d agree Luana Zehnun carries this pure light and gravitational presence that just pulls you in.

    Today on the show, she shares her journey of stepping into her role as a shamanic sound alchemist; and like most epic tales, it’s been far from a linear path. Despite having a successful career in musical theater for over a decade, Lua hadn’t found her true voice until she stepped away from the rat race and tuned in to her inner world through sound healing and plant medicine.

    Highlights from this episode:

    Her experience of being raised in Brazil by parents who encouraged her artist calling- something rare to find in this modern, capitalistic paradigm we live in the story and creation process behind how she got into creating custom-made, sacred jewelry paired with personal guided mantras How she got into her successful career in musical theater and why she left it all behind in moved to America How finding her voice through various healing modalities enabled her to tap into her true essence Nada yoga- what it is, your host, Stephanie’s, first experience with it while being led by Lua, and how it can help take you deeper into your healing journey

    Connect with Luana on Instagram

    Learn about her offerings, events, Youtube, Spotify, and more HERE

    Connect with Stephanie on Instagram

    If you'd like to work with Stephanie, you can learn more at www.schoolofwhispers.com

    --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/schoolofwhispers/support
  • Ashley Rodriguez is an intuitive and dedicated practitioner and student in energy work, body work, shamanism, and the power of the womb.

    Today on the show, your host and Ashley have a very intimate conversation about her initiation onto this path, they go deeper into the whispers of our wombs, the history and wisdom of Mary Magdalene, and so much more.

    Highlights from this episode:

    Ashley’s initiations into owning her psychic gifts and releasing old religion based-fears Her experience as a clairsentient, and how she clears her energy The story of her first period- one of the most magical ones you'll hear yet! Ways a woman can clear her womb the whispers of menstrual blood- mythology around it, and what yours may telling you the wisdom and history of Mary Magdalene

    If you’d like to learn more from Ashley, you can listen to her podcast, Alma Talks, on Spotify.

    Connect with Ashley on Instragram

    Find all of her other information HERE

    If you'd like to work with Stephanie, you can learn more at http://www.schoolofwhispers.com/

    Connect with Stephanie on Instagram

    --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/schoolofwhispers/support
  • This week’s episode is a raw solocast where your host, Stephanie, shares the interesting and strange spiritual happenings that have taken place since she’s returned from dieta.

    Integration has been a challenge for her, and through that struggle she found herself beginning a devotional practice to the Hindu goddess of wealth, beauty, and abundance, Lakshmi.

    Through learning to exist within a state of abundance, Stephanie has called in new guides, gifts, and challenges.

    Highlights from this episode:

    Vanita’s channeled prophesy from Kali that launched Stephanie into a journey of releasing fear of her gifts and power Stephanie's past life experience of a prophet in the desert who’s journey started with heartbreak, shame, and shaving her head to take her power back- and why this past life keeps coming up for Steph Strides she has made in her beliefs and wounds around money, business, and abundance How to have a devotional practice to a goddess/god and the abundance that’s effortlessly come to Stephanie through this practice Details into a strange, unexpected connection she made with Dhuma, a Hindu deity who represents poverty, widows, and the opposite of beauty... Stephanie’s most recent Golden Needle experience where she was guided by her mentor so much more!

    Related Episodes:

    ⁠Whispers of Celibacy and Channeling Kali with Vanita Budhan⁠

    Whispers of Healing Mother and Father Wounds

    Whispers of My Pre-Dieta Journey

    Whispers of My Master Plant Dieta with Ayahuasca and Ubos

    If you'd like to work with Stephanie, learn more at www.schoolofwhispers.com

    Connect with Stephanie on Instagram

    --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/schoolofwhispers/support
  • When your host, Stephanie, first met Lauren Roberts she was attending an event where Lauren gave a beautiful sound healing. The feeling of bliss and heightened self-love drew Stephanie to learn more about Lauren, so she found her on Instagram.

    Lauren’s creative, ascetically beautiful content centered around her message of self love pulled Stephanie to her even more. Finally, they got time to really talk at a recent circle and Lauren shared her story of growing up with neurodivergence and becoming the successful, inspiring entrepreneur she is today.

    This episode is for anyone who’s felt held back from a diagnosis, especially one of a learning disability. Lauren’s journey will inspire you to acknowledge your gifts and love yourself as you are.


    Lauren’s experience navigating school and relationships after being diagnosed, or as she beautifully put it- had her gifts revealed with dyslexia in 4th grade How the limiting stories from her school days held her back briefly while growing up, but ultimately amplified her gifts as an entrepreneur, space holder, and creative How this spark within has guided her out of stories of victimhood and into spiritual practices of radical responsibility, accountability, and deep honestly Lauren reflects on her twenties and looking ahead at the next decades of her life while asking herself big questions

    Connect with Lauren on Instagram


    Connect with Stephanie on Instagram


    --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/schoolofwhispers/support
  • A few weeks back, you host Stephanie asked the School of Whispers Community to send in their take on spiritual bypassing, a topic that can be equally triggering as it is enlightening.

    And boy, did they deliver!

    A few of the topics we cover:

    Bypassing in the spiritual community- how following any icky feeling bypassing can reveal who’s likely hiding from themselves behind a mask of spirituality How working to prevent negativity, low emotions, and dark nights of the soul can be a form of bypassing Stephanie’s struggle with spiritual bypassing after doing plant medicines such as bufo and ayahuasca The trap of of how spiritual and energetic healing can bypass physical healing Why accountability and forgiveness can be the remedies to spiritual bypassing

    Thank you SO MUCH to all of you who helped create this podcast- literally couldn’t have done it without you beautiful souls!

    ⁠Summer Thyme ⁠

    ⁠Liberation Wellness LLC ⁠

    Tyler Cone

    Chloe Mae

    If you're listening on Spotify and you would love more listener episodes, please be sure to leave your feedback below!

    Related Episodes

    Whispers of Bufo and 5-MeO-DMT with Kasey Rivero

    Whispers of My First Plant Dieta with Ayahuasca and Ubos

    Connect with Stephanie on Instagram

    If you'd like to work with Stephanie, you can learn more at http://www.schoolofwhispers.com/

    --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/schoolofwhispers/support
  • Kelly Dahiana Gómez is an entrepreneur, journalist, speaker, and interior designer. Originally from Colombia, at just 18 she moved to the states with her family to find opportunity. Needless to say, what she found here in Orlando has changed her life forever.

    Fast forward almost ten years later, she and her husband run a very successful real estate and Airbnb business called Ecological Dream.

    On this episode, Kelly gets real about her relationship with money, shadow work, her soul’s true calling and so much more


    How Kelly has stepped into her power within her airbnb/renovation business with her husband how Kelly rewrote her money story after migrating to the states from Colombia with her family to start a better life the story of the unicorn and money Profound moments for Kelly while practicing shadow work Kelly’s soul calling as a creator, and the new paths she’s finding herself within

    Connect with Kelly HERE

    Related Episodes:

    Whispers of My Pre-Dieta Journey

    Whispers of My Master Plant Dieta with Ayahuasca & Ubos

    Stephanie's Instagram HERE

    If you'd like to work with Stephanie, learn more at www.schoolofwhispers.com

    --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/schoolofwhispers/support
  • This week we dive into one of Stephanie’s favorite amazonian plant medicines: hapé (also known as rapé, rapeh, hapeh, etc), which is sacred tobacco snuff.

    This episode feels like a fireside chat as your host sits down and answers all of your questions on this medicine via Instagram.

    As a reminder, all plant medicine is a choice. Moreover, Stephanie is relatively new to hapé- a lot of her research is from books and courses lead by elders of this medicine. While your host is passionate about hapé and her healing with it, she reminds you to use your discernment when deciding to start a practice or not. Always do your own research!

    Highlights from this episode:

    How this medicine can serve you in your life The difference between a tobacco grown for commercial purposes vs for the purpose of a sacred medicine A little dive into nicotine and it’s affect on the brain Tips on how to make sure you’re not setting yourself up for nicotine addiction How to serve for yourself and other The different ways your body may react to hapé- and what this may indicate based on a Chinese Medicine perspective Hapé vs Cacao The different types of blows and how they serve different purposes so much more!

    Related episodes:

    Whispers of My Pre-Dieta Journey ⁠

    Whispers of Mother and Father Energy

    Whispers of Working with My Inner Child


    Four Visions Market

    Lorna Liana of Entheonation’s E-book on Hapeh

    Connect with Stephanie:

    Instagram HERE


    --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/schoolofwhispers/support
  • This week’s podcast is a conversation with artist and creative mentor, Summer Thyme. Your host, Stephanie, met Summer at a clothing swap where Stephanie fell in love with a T shirt that had a print of Summer’s art on it. The image spoke to her soul.

    After they got to talking, Stephanie felt herself pulled to learn more about this artist who was in the middle of a 365 days of art challenge.

    To Summer, everything we experience can be perceived with a sacred lens, and this is the perspective she choses when she’s creating her artwork. As a result, she’s found her creative practice has become an inner journey where she communes with both her darkness and her light.

    Highlights from this episode:

    Summer’s background organizing creative expression events- particularly a multi-artist live art show called Emerge How Summer met her sacred, creative practice during a time of trauma, anxiety, and insomnia Details into what she learned from doing 365 days of art Summer's journey through creative insecurity Details behind her latest painting series on female archetypes- an exploration of various identities within herself (ex. The maiden, the lover, the warrior, and more)

    Connect with Summer HERE

    Summer's Instagram: sum.thyme

    If you'd like to work with Stephanie, you can learn more at www.schoolofwhispers.com.

    Stephanie's Instagram HERE

    If you would like to be featured on Stephanie's episode on spiritual bypassing, you can send her a message via Instagram, email, or audio message.

    Remember: this isn't a moment to put anyone down or rehash drama. This is a safe space without judgement where we can share in our lessons around this topic.

    --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/schoolofwhispers/support