Cavalry Audio and Executive Producer OSCAR ISAAC bring you a new true crime podcast...
Join writer and narrator, EDGAR CASTILLO, a first generation Guatemalan American, as he explores the byzantine true story of the bizarre assassination of Rodrigo Rosenberg — an influential Guatemalan lawyer who was gunned down while on his Sunday morning bike ride in May of 2009. At his funeral, he posthumously released a YouTube video that declared, “If you’re seeing this video, it means that I've been murdered by President Alvaro Colom,” Guatemala's sitting President. The Rosenberg video unleashed a major political upheaval and one of the most unpredictable murder investigations in history, but that was only the beginning. You won't believe the conspiracy Edgar uncovers from interviews of those close to the case - including the person who hired the hitmen...
Listen to episodes a week early and ad free by subscribing to Cavalry+ on Apple Podcasts. -
This show discusses heinous crimes from the past and current cases, taking a true look at how these types of cases impact our society and our expectations of truth. Richard Decker, MSPSCJ, PhD is an expert on investigative processes and human behavior, he is a semiretired investigator, an active sociologist and criminalist, cognitive behavioral coach and he is published and recognized internationally for his contributions in criminal justice and social behaviors.
Links to contact the show, or to donate are on the shows webpage. -
Hosted by Ash Kelley and Alaina Urquhart from the hit show Morbid.
When 90-year-old Laurence Pilgeram drops dead on the sidewalk outside his condo, you might think that’s the end of his story. But, really, it’s just the beginning. Because Laurence and others like him have signed up to be frozen and brought back to life in the future. And that belief will pull multiple generations of the Pilgeram family into a cryonics soap opera filled with dead pets, gold coins, grenades, fist fights, mysterious packages, family feuds, Hall of Fame baseball legends, and frozen heads — lots of frozen heads. From Wondery, comes a story about life, death, and what comes next.
Binge all episodes of Frozen Head exclusively and ad-free by joining Wondery+ in Wondery App, Apple Podcasts or Spotify. Start your free trial by visiting now.
We are a new podcast based on crimes in rural America.
What if the world isn’t what it seems? Icke Land dives deep into the wild and fascinating theories of David Icke, blending humor with a thoughtful look at his impact on modern conspiracy culture.
Join host Thomas as he unpacks Icke’s boldest claims—think reptilian overlords and hidden global agendas—while exploring the ecosystem of ideas and influencers that surround him. With sharp wit and a critical eye, Icke Land doesn’t just dissect the theories; it examines how they’ve shaped the way we think, question, and spread information today.
Whether you’re a skeptic, a believer, or just here for the laughs, Icke Land offers a funny, insightful journey through the strange and surprisingly influential world of conspiracy thinking. -
Imagine boarding a flight thinking you’re heading on holiday, but instead you get taken hostage by Saddam Hussein. It might sound far-fetched, but in August 1990 this really happened to the passengers and crew of BA Flight 149. Journalist Stephen Davis has been reporting on this extraordinary story for the past three decades. This series features the hostages themselves - the men, women and children used as human shields by the Iraqi regime. It also features voices from the world of politics and intelligence agencies who were active during the crisis, to put the human stories in a wider context.
At the heart of the series is a key question - why was the plane allowed to land at all, putting so many lives at risk? Was it a terrible accident, or was there a political objective? Either way, the lives of the human shields themselves have been forever changed, and they are still living with the consequences.
Since launching on February 7th 2022, the series has had over 300,000 downloads (up to the time of writing). Some selected listener reviews include: “This is an incredible piece of journalism…listened to 7 episodes in a day as I was so engrossed”; and “A gripping tale told beautifully and bravely by the victims”.
Ultimately this series aims to give the human shields a platform to tell their story - a story that has been buried over the decades. -
Dead River is the story of Brazil's worst environmental disaster — the Mariana dam collapse — that claimed the lives of 19 people. This isn't just a tale about the tragedy itself; it's a narrative that resonates with the pursuit of happiness, the impact of greed, and the overnight disappearance of centuries-old traditions. Hosted by biologist and wildlife broadcaster Liz Bonnin, this six-part series explores the profound connection people share with the land along the River Doce — a connection shattered by the tragic events of the Mariana dam collapse. As we hear about the aftermath, we encounter heroes and villains, witnessing the resilience of communities torn apart. Liz Bonnin uncovers the intricate threads of belonging, the devastating consequences of deception, and the ongoing pursuit of justice eight years after the catastrophe.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Schließe ein Abo ab: to "THINK NOW" podcast, where we explore the power of the mind and how to harness it to achieve our goals and desires. In this episode, we'll be diving deep into the concept of "Your Wish Is Your Command" and how it can help you manifest the things you want in your life. We'll be discussing the various techniques and approaches for programming your subconscious mind, such as visualization, affirmations, and suggestions.Help us to make this knowledge available for everyone by donating here:
У подкасті «Вулиця Степана Бандери» розкажемо як творилася наша історія та ідентичність впродовж століть. Поговоримо про креативних українців, які боролися за незалежну Україну та українську мову. Спробуємо з’ясувати, чи потрібні нам історичні знання, щоб знайти себе як націю та «горіти надзвичайним світлом» на міжнародній арені.
Рассказываю тру крайм истории. Жестокие убийства, интересные кейсы.
Врываемся в третий сезон с нетипичным контентом. Меньше мейнстрима, больше оригинального локального контента.Если вы хотите поддержать моё творчество, но по каким-то загадочным причинам не знаете как, то вот ссылка на Boosty и DonationAlerts:
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Приятного прослушивания!
Ежедневные утренние новости России с сибирским акцентомЭто первое шоу студии «Осторожно: подкасты!». События прошедшей ночи и анонсы на текущий день обсуждают ведущие Иван Притуляк из Омска и Арина Тарасова из Красноярска. Начните свой день с самых важных новостей — подкаст выходит каждое утро по будням.
Ведущие — Арина Тарасова, Иван Притуляк
Продюсер — Даша Данилова
Редакторы — Сергей Простаков, Вероника Дёмина
Монтажеры — Марина Теренжева, Михаил Бень
Дизайнеры — Александра Филиппова, Екатерина Коновалова
SMM — Дарья Паяcь, Константин Сперанский
(с)Студия «Осторожно: подкасты!», 2021-2022
C'è una malattia molto diffusa di cui non si sente mai parlare. Nasce come una grande passione amorosa e porta persone insospettabili, apparentemente molto forti e sicure di sé, a cadere in una spirale di autodistruzione che sembra inarrestabile. Si chiama dipendenza affettiva. Selvaggia Lucarelli racconta la sua storia di caduta e rinascita, e quelle di persone che come lei sono state vittime di una dipendenza affettiva, hanno toccato il fondo e hanno poi ricostruito la propria vita.
Proprio a me è una serie di Selvaggia Lucarelli, prodotta da Chora Media.
Realizzata con la collaborazione di Debora Campanella. Il sound design e la sigla sono di Luca Micheli. La finalizzazione di Guido Bertolotti. La supervisione editoriale è di Pablo Trincia e la producer è Valentina Meli. Il fonico di studio è Pietro Bozzini. -
Olen Sinu taskusõbranna Kati ja mõtisklen koos Sinuga teemadel nagu tervis, suhted, raha, elu ja ilu! Astume koos samme oma unistuste elu suunas! Toredat kuulamist ja saame koos paremaks! :)
"Regilaulu Podcastid", ehk maakeelse nimega "taskuhäälingud", on ellu kutsutud Eesti Pärimusmuusika Keskuse poolt, et pakkuda kuulajaile ning lauljatele ehedas esituses eesti iidseid regilaule. Et juhtida tähelepanu nende laulude poeetilisele vormile ja laulukõlale. Tuua tagasi lauldud regivärsi kaduma kippuvat funktsiooni.
Regilaul on Eesti kultuuri tüvitekst ja väärib kindlasti laiemat kasutamist, siia on kätketud meie rahva tuhandete aastate vältel korjunud ellujäämisstrateegia ja maailma mõistes eriline kunstiline omapära.
Eesti Rahvaluule Arhiivis säilitatakse sadu tuhandeid rahvalaule ja tänu arhiivi fanaatilistele ning südamlikele teaduritele on välja antud trükiseid, albumeid ja võrguandmebaase, kust iga huviline võib leida tuhandeid viise ja tekste. Nimetatud võimalused sarnanevad siiski pigem muuseumi külastusele kui elavas traditsioonis olevale laulukutuurile. On aga lihtsaid ning karismaatilisi eesti inimesi, kelle jaoks need iidsed laulud on väga tähenduslikud oma elulisuses ning ilulisuses. Otsekui värske kodueesti õhk, milleta kodu ei oleks kodu.
Nõu ja jõuga oli abiks Eesti Kirjandusmuuseumi Eesti Rahvaluule Arhiivi vanemteadur Janika Oras.
Podcastide kunstiline juht on Lauri Õunapuu.
Eesti Kirjandusmuuseumi Eesti Rahvaluule Arhiiv:;
Eesti Kultuurkapital;
Eesti Pärimusmuusika Keskus: -
Harri Tiido pakub lühilugude sarjas sissevaadet rahvusvahelisse poliitikasse ning avab maailmas toimuvate sündmuste ja protsesside taustu. "Harri Tiido taustajutud" on eetris teisipäeviti ja neljapäeviti Vikerraadio saates "Uudis+"
Septembri lõpus 2020 liitus Vikerraadioga kogenud diplomaat Harri Tiido, kes kaks korda nädalas pakub lühilugude sarjas sissevaadet rahvusvahelisse poliitikasse. Maailma eri nurkades toimuvat võib selgitada lokaalsete juhustega, kuid taustad on enamasti sügavamad ja mitmekihilised. Saatesarjas avab Harri Tiido maailmas toimuvate sündmuste ja protsesside taustu ning tagamaid."Harri Tiido taustajutud" on eetris teisipäeviti ja neljapäeviti saates "Uudis+". -
Meelelahutuslik ja ehk isegi hariv podcast, kus ma räägin iseenda tegemistest ja kohtun enda sõprade ning teiste huvitavate inimestega, et elu saaks lahedam, efektiivsem ja tähendusrikkam meil kõigil. Teemaks tuleb tihti jalgrattasport, aga palju filosofeerin ka teemade üle mis mul igapäevaselt peas on.
Kasutan seda platvormi ka enda isikliku audiopäevikuna. -
Candid stories and reflections of an Australian Hotwife in her early 30s
To connect with The Authentic Hotwife and other listeners, visit
You can also reach out by email: [email protected] -
“Miks me oleme idioodid?” on meelelahutusportaali podcast, kus saatejuhid Brit Suurraid ja Taavi Libe arutavad koos külalistega, miks ja milliseid rumalusi meie ühiskonnas leidub ning kuidas neid välja juurida. Vaatame üheskoos otsa inimkonna lollustele ja mõtleme, miks me oleme sellised, nagu me oleme?
After 5 years of creating content in the paranormal realm at some of the most well known locations around the world, we've created this podcast to fully dedicate it to all things that live in the night.