
  • Join Rachel and Lucy for Episode 18 of The Skies We’re Under podcast.

    They are joined by the wonderful Caro Giles who reflects on navigating systems where we don’t fit, home education and finding connection with others in an isolating world.

    You can find more of Caro’s writing here:

    Rachel and Lucy cover a broad range of themes, the ramifications of being forever ‘on-edge’ (getting videos whilst you’re at a comedy gig), the need to cry, the ways we keep a lid on our feelings, and how we sometimes just need to let it all out.

    There’s also lots of reflection collectively on the joy that is connection with others, be that like minded parents, or those around us who don’t live it, but just get it.

    We celebrate the joy of books you can pick up and put down (like Caro’s book Twelve Moons) and also podcasts like our own. Speaking of which, you can officially now nominate The Skies We’re Under under the Listener’s Choice category at: The British Podcast Awards

    We’d love to hear from you – we love sharing stories, we love hearing how things are going, the good, the bad, the snotty-crying ugly.

    You can leave a message with us in a number of ways:

    Firstly you can leave a message using speakpipe here: SpeakpipeTSWU

    (Please note calls need to be limited to 90 seconds)

    You can send us a voice note from your phone to our email address at [email protected] Or, if the thought of hearing your own voice gives you ‘the ick’, then send us an email to [email protected]

    Whatever way you choose to get in touch, we really want to hear your thoughts, views, musings, rants and confessions (we love a confession!) .

    Thanks for listening and being a part of our podcast community -It would make our day if you could like, follow and review the podcast wherever you listen.

    Follow us on Instagram @BornatRightTime. Head to www.bornattherighttime.com to find a parent workshop or CPD-certified training for practitioners in communication, collaboration and personalised care with parents/carers.

  • It is not long until we get the chance to vote in the general election and this week on the podcast we chat about how we might be able to raise our collective voices with Rina and Lauren from the brilliant F**king Normal Podcast. They imagine what they’d like to say to the powers that be, how invisible the lives of disabled people are, and the need for accessible child care for working parents (especially mothers who still carry the majority of the mental load). As we’re cheering podcasts - can you cheer for us? You can nominate The Skies We’re Under as a listener’s choice NOW at The British Podcast Awards We’d love to hear from you – we love sharing stories, we love hearing how things are going, the good, the bad, the snotty-crying ugly.You can leave a message with us in a number of ways:· Firstly you can leave a message using speakpipe here: SpeakpipeTSWU (Please note calls need to be limited to 90 seconds)· You can send us a voice note from your phone to our email address at [email protected]· Or, if the thought of hearing your own voice gives you ‘the ick’, then send us an email to [email protected] way you choose to get in touch, we really want to hear your thoughts, views, musings, rants and confessions (we love a confession!) .Thanks for listening and being a part of our podcast community -It would make our day if you could like, follow and review the podcast wherever you listen. Follow us on Instagram @BornatRightTime. Head to www.bornattherighttime.com to find a parent workshop or CPD-certified training for practitioners in communication, collaboration and personalised care with parents/carers.

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  • Join Rachel and Sarah for Episode 15 of The Skies We’re Under. They’re joined by the super cool Rina and Lauren from the brilliant F**king Normal Podcast

    as they celebrate the awesomeness of our wonderful collective community. It’s a bit of a love in for the fantastic podcasting community we’re part of (shout out to SendCast and Stories About Autism)

    There’s plenty of catch up time with Rachel and Sarah: Sarah has just about survived a hen weekend, they’re both full of the lurgy, feeling feverish, and dreaming of a life like Downton Abbey… Upstairs not downstairs!

    As we’re cheering podcasts - can you cheer for us - you can nominate The Skies We’re Under as a listener’s choice NOW at The British Podcast Awards

    We’d love to hear from you – we love sharing stories, we love hearing how things are going, the good, the bad, the snotty-crying ugly.

    You can leave a message with us in a number of ways:

    Firstly you can leave a message using speakpipe here: SpeakpipeTSWU

    (Please note calls need to be limited to 90 seconds)

    You can send us a voice note from your phone to our email address at [email protected] Or, if the thought of hearing your own voice gives you ‘the ick’, then send us an email to [email protected]

    Whatever way you choose to get in touch, we really want to hear your thoughts, views, musings, rants and confessions (we love a confession!) .

    Thanks for listening and being a part of our podcast community -It would make our day if you could like, follow and review the podcast wherever you listen. That way we don’t have to bribe our children to review!

    Follow us on Instagram @BornatRightTime. Head to www.bornattherighttime.com to find a parent workshop or CPD-certified training for practitioners in communication, collaboration and personalised care with parents/carers.

  • Join Rachel and Sarah for Episode 15 of 'The Skies We’re Under' podcast.

    Rachel and Sarah reflect on the complexity of life, the contradictory emotions, conflicting demands and false eyelashes that look just like flies that need to be swatted.

    There is however, a bucketful of practical tips and suggestions in this week’s episode, from Canvas and Campfires, to hoist hire to Rachel letting you into her top-secret genius invention which will make her millions one day!.

    Also featuring Sam Millican-Smith as he introduces Hibi, a free app to support families of children with developmental differences & health conditions to manage, coordinate & navigate care. They designed the app with hundreds of families and care organisations, including Mencap & Parent Carer Forums across the country. Available for download here.

    Finally - please please please can you all head over to the

    British Podcast Awards and nominate 'The Skies We’re Under' for the Listener’s Choice Award? - We’d love it oh so much!

    We’d love to hear from you – we love sharing stories, we love hearing how things are going, the good, the bad, the snotty-crying ugly.

    You can leave a message with us in a number of ways:

    Firstly you can leave a message using speakpipe here: SpeakpipeTSWU

    (Please note calls need to be limited to 90 seconds)

    You can send us a voice note from your phone to our email address at [email protected] Or, if the thought of hearing your own voice gives you ‘the ick’, then send us an email to [email protected]

    Whatever way you choose to get in touch, we really want to hear your thoughts, views, musings, rants and confessions (we love a confession!) .

    Thanks for listening and being a part of our podcast community -It would make our day if you could like, follow and review the podcast wherever you listen.

    Follow us on Instagram @BornatRightTime. Head to www.bornattherighttime.com to find a parent workshop or CPD-certified training for practitioners in communication, collaboration and personalised care with parents/carers.

  • Join Rachel and Lucy for episode 14 of The Skies Were Under podcast. We’re joined again by Jo Holmes (Mummy Vs AAC) discussing how to find ways for meaningful connection with your child (which doesn’t necessarily need to involve a laminator).

    TRIGGER WARNING - Please note - right from the start, we have discussions around end of life care plans and DNACPR. If this is something that will be upsetting and triggering to you please skip this episode, or fast forward to 7 minutes.

    To find out more about Jo, and the resources she’s passionate about please go to:

    Mummy Vs AAC About Jo

    Resource Bank

    HOP | Hanging Out Program Interaction for People at Risk of Isolation

    Rachel and Lucy also discuss life when you’ve got too many tabs open.

    We’d love to hear from you – we love sharing stories, we love hearing how things are going, the good, the bad, the snotty-crying ugly.

    You can leave a message with us in a number of ways:

    Firstly you can leave a message using speakpipe here: SpeakpipeTSWU

    (Please note calls need to be limited to 90 seconds)

    You can send us a voice note from your phone to our email address at [email protected] Or, if the thought of hearing your own voice gives you ‘the ick’, then send us an email to [email protected]

    Whatever way you choose to get in touch, we really want to hear your thoughts, views, musings, rants and confessions (we love a confession!) .

    Thanks for listening and being a part of our podcast community -It would make our day if you could like, follow and review the podcast wherever you listen.

    Follow us on Instagram @BornatRightTime. Head to www.bornattherighttime.com to find a parent workshop or CPD-certified training for practitioners in communication, collaboration and personalised care with parents/carers.

  • Join Rachel and Lucy for Episode 13 of 'The Skies We’re Under' podcast. They are joined by the always insightful Jo Holmes, who talks about her life as a recovering Speech and Language Therapist. Rachel and Jo reflect on the impact of life changing moments where we go from one side of the fence to ‘the life we didn’t order.’

    In addition to talking about what we’re qualified in, Rachel also takes on something she’s totally NOT qualified for, and her amazing efforts at the best not trying too hard/trying my best World Maths Day outfit.

    You can find out more about Jo at: Mummy vs AAC

    We’d love to hear from you – we love sharing stories, we love hearing how things are going, the good, the bad, the snotty-crying ugly.

    You can leave a message with us in a number of ways:

    Firstly you can leave a message using speakpipe here: SpeakpipeTSWU

    (Please note calls need to be limited to 90 seconds)

    You can send us a voice note from your phone to our email address at [email protected] Or, if the thought of hearing your own voice gives you ‘the ick’, then send us an email to [email protected]

    Whatever way you choose to get in touch, we really want to hear your thoughts, views, musings, rants and confessions (we love a confession!) .

    Thanks for listening and being a part of our podcast community -It would make our day if you could like, follow and review the podcast wherever you listen.

    Follow us on Instagram @BornatRightTime. Head to www.bornattherighttime.com to find a parent workshop or CPD-certified training for practitioners in communication, collaboration and personalised care with parents/carers.

  • Rachel and Sarah are joined by the absolutely awesome Dr. Mazal Tasgal as they talk about all things communication. They dare to go off the ‘middle of the road’ pathways to explore the ways to nurture and develop communication, building on our innate ability to communicate with our child, right from the start.

    You can learn more about Mazal’s work here, and also the wonderful charity who supported her family at the start of their journey at special effect.

    Rachel and Sarah also share their To-Do lists (even their secret ones!) and Rachel finally figures out what Number 5 actually meant - (it was Turtle Braces)

    We’d love to hear from you – we love sharing stories, we love hearing how things are going, the good, the bad, the snotty-crying ugly.

    You can leave a message with us in a number of ways:

    Firstly you can leave a message using speakpipe here: SpeakpipeTSWU

    (Please note calls need to be limited to 90 seconds)

    You can send us a voice note from your phone to our email address at [email protected] Or, if the thought of hearing your own voice gives you ‘the ick’, then send us an email to [email protected]

    Whatever way you choose to get in touch, we really want to hear your thoughts, views, musings, rants and confessions (we love a confession!) .

    Thanks for listening and being a part of our podcast community -It would make our day if you could like, follow and review the podcast wherever you listen.

    Follow us on Instagram @BornatRightTime. Head to www.bornattherighttime.com to find a parent workshop or CPD-certified training for practitioners in communication, collaboration and personalised care with parents/carers.

  • Join Rachel, Sarah and Lucy for Episode 11 of The Skies We’re Under Podcast as they share their top tips for Hospital stays. From Apocalypse Grab-bags, to hospital passports, to looking after yourself (and your bowels). We’ve got it covered.

    We also reflect on when care is not how it should be, (See also Martha's Rule)

    In addition to those top tips, we reflect on hopeful news for Lucy, Sarah’s ‘shit-tip for sale’ and Rachel’s ‘small puddle of patience’.

    We’d love to hear from you – we love sharing stories, we love hearing how things are going, the good, the bad, the snotty-crying ugly.

    You can leave a message with us in a number of ways:

    Firstly you can leave a message using speakpipe here: SpeakpipeTSWU

    (Please note calls need to be limited to 90 seconds)

    You can send us a voice note from your phone to our email address at [email protected] Or, if the thought of hearing your own voice gives you ‘the ick’, then send us an email to [email protected]

    Whatever way you choose to get in touch, we really want to hear your thoughts, views, musings, rants and confessions (we love a confession!) .

    Thanks for listening and being a part of our podcast community -It would make our day if you could like, follow and review the podcast wherever you listen.

    Follow us on Instagram @BornatRightTime. Head to www.bornattherighttime.com to find a parent workshop or CPD-certified training for practitioners in communication, collaboration and personalised care with parents/carers.

  • Pull up a chair to the table with Rachel and Lucy, as they reflect on some thought provoking words from the inimitable Elly Chapple. Elly talks through her own story, as well as encouraging us to listen to and value the stories of everyone, no matter how different they may at first appear.

    You can find out more about Elly (and Ella) at Can Do Ella

    You can also see her TedX talk here: Elly Chapple Tedx

    Lucy and Rachel also reflect on the competing versions of themselves that they have: Evening Rachel is not currently getting on with Morning Rachel.

    We also have a caller to the show - and we’d love to hear from you too! We love sharing stories, we love hearing how things are going, the good, the bad, the snotty-crying ugly.

    You can leave a message with us in a number of ways:

    Firstly you can leave a message using speakpipe here: SpeakpipeTSWU

    (Please note calls need to be limited to 90 seconds)

    You can send us a voice note from your phone to our email address at [email protected] Or, if the thought of hearing your own voice gives you ‘the ick’, then send us an email to [email protected]

    Whatever way you choose to get in touch, we really want to hear your thoughts, views, musings, rants and confessions (we love a confession!) .

    Thanks for listening and being a part of our podcast community -It would make our day if you could like, follow and review the podcast wherever you listen.

    Follow us on Instagram @BornatRightTime. Head to www.bornattherighttime.com to find a parent workshop or CPD-certified training for practitioners in communication, collaboration and personalised care with parents/carers.

  • Sarah and Rachel hear from the absolutely spectacular Charlie Beswick (Our Altered Life, Facebook, Instagram @ouralteredlife).

    The podcasting equivalent of quadruple strength cordial Charlie covers the mental health advice we all need. From self compassion, patience, perfectionism through to celebrating our achievements. (TRIGGER WARNING - DISCUSSIONS OF SUICIDAL THOUGHTS)

    Rachel and Sarah also talk hair-envy, read some lovely feedback and big up the BAPS awards.

    Charlie’s Newsletter is available to subscribe at: https://subscribepage.com/oalupdates

    We’d love to hear from you – we love sharing stories, we love hearing how things are going, the good, the bad, the snotty-crying ugly.

    You can leave a message with us in a number of ways:

    Firstly you can leave a message using speakpipe here: SpeakpipeTSWU

    (Please note calls need to be limited to 90 seconds)

    You can send us a voice note from your phone to our email address at [email protected] Or, if the thought of hearing your own voice gives you ‘the ick’, then send us an email to [email protected]

    Whatever way you choose to get in touch, we really want to hear your thoughts, views, musings, rants and confessions (we love a confession!) .

    Thanks for listening and being a part of our podcast community -It would make our day if you could like, follow and review the podcast wherever you listen.

    Follow us on Instagram @BornatRightTime. Head to www.bornattherighttime.com to find a parent workshop or CPD-certified training for practitioners in communication, collaboration and personalised care with parents/carers.

  • Join Rachel and Sarah for Episode 8 of ‘The Skies We’re Under’ podcast as they do the best they can until they know better (Maya Angelou). They are joined this week by Shurron Rosales, who reflects on ableism, and the ways she has worked through the trauma of her past experiences, at the same time as becoming a better ally for her child and other disabled people.

    See Shurron's list of disabled influencers at the bottom of these show notes.*

    We also have a caller with a question for Rachel and Sarah…

    We’d love to hear from you – we love sharing stories, we love hearing how things are going, the good, the bad, the snotty-crying ugly.

    You can leave a message with us in a number of ways:

    Firstly you can leave a message using speakpipe here: SpeakpipeTSWU

    (Please note calls need to be limited to 90 seconds)

    You can send us a voice note from your phone to our email address at [email protected] Or, if the thought of hearing your own voice gives you ‘the ick’, then send us an email to [email protected]

    Whatever way you choose to get in touch, we really want to hear your thoughts, views, musings, rants and confessions (we love a confession!) .

    Thanks for listening and being a part of our podcast community -It would make our day if you could like, follow and review the podcast wherever you listen.

    Follow us on Instagram @BornatRightTime. Head to www.bornattherighttime.com to find a parent workshop or CPD-certified training for practitioners in communication, collaboration and personalised care with parents/carers.

    *Disabled Influencers

    Nina Tame (@nina_tame) • Instagram photos and videos

    Dr Amit Patel (@blinddad_uk) • Instagram photos and videos

    Gem Turner (@gem_turner) • Instagram photos and videos

    Tom Nash (@djhookie) • Instagram photos and videos

    Alice Wong (@disability_visibility) • Instagram photos and videos

    Jessica Jordan Ping (@therollingexplorer) • Instagram photos and videos

    Deaf Twins • Hermon & Heroda © (@being__her) • Instagram photos and videos

    Lost Voice Guy (@lostvoiceguy) • Instagram photos and videos

    Inclusion + Accessibility Specialist | Dr Shani Dhanda (@shanidhanda) • Instagram photos and videos


    The Valuable 500 (@thevaluable500) • Instagram photos and videos

    Scope (@scopecharity) • Instagram photos and videos

    Mencap (@mencap) • Instagram photos and videos

  • Join Rachel, Sarah and Lucy for episode 7 of 'The Skies We’re Under', as they navigate one plumbing disaster after another.

    Life can throw both figurative and literal sh*t our way sometimes. The trio reflect on this with their usual good humour and lack of filter.

    It’s also friends and family day today, with not one, but two cameos from our family members! We talk about how we cope with helpful comments that aren’t so helpful, and how to appreciate those around us who try and understand the skies we’re under, even if they aren’t under the same rain cloud (or sh*t storm - whatever you prefer.)

    We’d love to hear from you – we love sharing stories, we love hearing how things are going, the good, the bad, the snotty-crying ugly.

    You can leave a message with us in a number of ways:

    Firstly you can leave a message using speakpipe here: SpeakpipeTSWU

    (Please note calls need to be limited to 90 seconds)

    You can send us a voice note from your phone to our email address at [email protected] Or, if the thought of hearing your own voice gives you ‘the ick’, then send us an email to [email protected]

    Whatever way you choose to get in touch, we really want to hear your thoughts, views, musings, rants and confessions (we love a confession!) .

    Thanks for listening and being a part of our podcast community -It would make our day if you could like, follow and review the podcast wherever you listen.

    Follow us on Instagram @BornatRightTime. Head to www.bornattherighttime.com to find a parent workshop or CPD-certified training for practitioners in communication, collaboration and personalised care with parents/carers.

  • Learning disability health checks, Rachel - you will go on my first whistle… Sarah… you will go on my second whistle… 3.2.1…

    Join our two contestants in this week’s episode of 'The Skies We’re Under' podcast, as they discuss half term envy, realising it’s time to move, and the best show on Saturday Night.

    Rachel is joined by the recently appointed TSWU Resident GP: Dr. Tim Wright (just don’t tell him) as he talks through all you need to know about Learning Disability Annual Health Checks, how to make sure you can access them, and what a good Health Check should look like.

    We’d love to hear from you – we love sharing stories, we love hearing how things are going, the good, the bad, the snotty-crying ugly.

    You can leave a message with us in a number of ways:

    Firstly you can leave a message using speakpipe here: SpeakpipeTSWU

    (Please note calls need to be limited to 90 seconds)

    You can send us a voice note from your phone to our email address at [email protected] Or, if the thought of hearing your own voice gives you ‘the ick’, then send us an email to [email protected]

    Whatever way you choose to get in touch, we really want to hear your thoughts, views, musings, rants and confessions (we love a confession!) .

    Thanks for listening and being a part of our podcast community -It would make our day if you could like, follow and review the podcast wherever you listen.

    Follow us on Instagram @BornatRightTime. Head to www.bornattherighttime.com to find a parent workshop or CPD-certified training for practitioners in communication, collaboration and personalised care with parents/carers.

  • Join Rachel and Sarah as they receive not-so constructive feedback on snoring from their offspring, complete ‘To Do or Not To Do’ lists and find the Good Fairies in life.

    In this episode we learn all about PATHs - Sarah expertly takes us through the PATH process, how to get the best out of it, and how it can help inject some much needed hope in a really practical way. Jon Ralph helped illustrate ‘Bee’s Best Life’ as part of her PATH.

    We’d love to hear from you – we love sharing stories, we love hearing how things are going, the good, the bad, the snotty-crying ugly.

    You can leave a message with us in a number of ways:

    Firstly you can leave a message using speakpipe here: SpeakpipeTSWU

    (Please note calls need to be limited to 90 seconds)

    You can send us a voice note from your phone to our email address at [email protected] Or, if the thought of hearing your own voice gives you ‘the ick’, then send us an email to [email protected]

    Whatever way you choose to get in touch, we really want to hear your thoughts, views, musings, rants and confessions (we love a confession!) .

    Thanks for listening and being a part of our podcast community -It would make our day if you could like, follow and review the podcast wherever you listen.

    Follow us on Instagram @BornatRightTime. Head to www.bornattherighttime.com to find a parent workshop or CPD-certified training for practitioners in communication, collaboration and personalised care with parents/carers.

  • Join Rachel, Sarah and Lucy on Episode 4 of "The Skies We’re Under" podcast as they debate prioritising your own food or your family’s faces and Lucy has another top titty tale.

    We also hear Part 2 of Rachel’s discussion with the superb Joanna Grace (Joanna Grace (@jo3grace), Instagram Sensory Projects.) We are thinking about the professionals who stick it out and those who go rogue for the sake of families. And as ever, we hear from another listener of the podcast.

    We’d love to hear from you – we love sharing stories, we love hearing how things are going, the good, the bad, the snotty-crying ugly.

    You can leave a message with us in a number of ways:

    Firstly you can leave a message using speakpipe here: SpeakpipeTSWU

    (Please note calls need to be limited to 90 seconds)

    You can send us a voice note from your phone to our email address at [email protected] Or, if the thought of hearing your own voice gives you ‘the ick’, then send us an email to [email protected]

    Whatever way you choose to get in touch, we really want to hear your thoughts, views, musings, rants and confessions (we love a confession!) .

    Thanks for listening and being a part of our podcast community -It would make our day if you could like, follow and review the podcast wherever you listen.

    Follow us on Instagram @BornatRightTime. Head to www.bornattherighttime.com to find a parent workshop or CPD-certified training for practitioners in communication, collaboration and personalised care with parents/carers.

  • Bring your tissues this week as we feel utterly seen by the wonderful Joanna Grace (Joanna Grace (@jo3grace), Instagram Sensory Projects.) Her wisdom, wit and general wonderfulness. We are so grateful to also hear from our fantastic listeners.

    Also includes talk of top titties, wimping out and attempting to gain work/life balance.

    We’d love to hear from you – we love sharing stories, we love hearing how things are going, the good, the bad, the snotty-crying ugly.

    You can leave a message with us in a number of ways:

    Firstly you can leave a message using Speakpipe here: SpeakpipeTSWU (Please note calls need to be limited to 90 seconds) You can send us a voice note from your phone to our email address at [email protected] Or, if the thought of hearing your own voice gives you ‘the ick’, then send us an email to [email protected]

    Whatever way you choose to get in touch, we really want to hear your thoughts, views, musings, rants and confessions (we love a confession!) .

    Thanks for listening and being a part of our podcast community -It would make our day if you could like, follow and review the podcast wherever you listen.

    Follow us on Instagram @BornatRightTime. Head to www.bornattherighttime.com to find a parent workshop or CPD-certified training for practitioners in communication, collaboration and personalised care with parents/carers.

  • Join Lucy and Rachel on Episode 2 of 'The Skies We’re Under' podcast as they ride the waves of frustration, rage, broken systems, unhelpful comments and hormonal imbalance on the good ship HTS Rifton.

    Rachel talks about continence systems and products (Uribag, Rifton) and the continued challenges of transitioning from Childrens' to Adult Services

    Lucy and Rachel reflect that as awesome as we are, we are not Superhuman, and that the decisions we’re forced to make and the comments we hear build an unhelpful myth of resilience.

    HRT patches are praised for helping navigate the stormy waters, and also, helpfully, not killing your families… Menopause

    We’d love to hear from you – we love sharing stories, we love hearing how things are going, the good, the bad, the snotty-crying ugly.

    You can leave a message with us in a number of ways:

    Firstly you can leave a message using speakpipe here: SpeakpipeTSWU

    (Please note calls need to be limited to 90 seconds)

    You can send us a voice note from your phone to our email address at [email protected] Or, if the thought of hearing your own voice gives you ‘the ick’, then send us an email to [email protected]

    Whatever way you choose to get in touch, we really want to hear your thoughts, views, musings, rants and confessions (we love a confession!) .

    Thanks for listening and being a part of our podcast community -It would make our day if you could like, follow and review the podcast wherever you listen.

    Follow us on Instagram @BornatRightTime. Head to www.bornattherighttime.com to find a parent workshop or CPD-certified training for practitioners in communication, collaboration and personalised care with parents/carers.

  • For our first episode of season 3 Rachel, Sarah and Lucy have a long overdue catch up on where life has taken them since the end of Season 2 and the biggest items on their ‘F**k That Lists.’

    In our new ‘What do you need to know’ section Lucy helpfully takes us through everything you need to know about Universal Provision and EHCPs (IPSEA, SENDIASS )

    Finally Rachel rounds things off, with our first caller to the podcast, and an open invitation to our lovely listeners to ‘join in’.

    We’d love to hear from you – we love sharing stories, we love hearing how things are going, the good, the bad, the snotty-crying ugly.

    You can leave a message with us in a number of ways:

    Firstly you can leave a message using speakpipe here: SpeakpipeTSWU

    (Please note calls need to be limited to 90 seconds)

    You can send us a voice note from your phone to our email address at [email protected] Or, if the thought of hearing your own voice gives you ‘the ick’, then send us an email to [email protected]

    Whatever way you choose to get in touch, we really want to hear your thoughts, views, musings, rants and confessions (we love a confession!) .

    Thanks for listening and being a part of our podcast community -It would make our day if you could like, follow and review the podcast wherever you listen.

    You can find the transcripts for each episode on our website.

    Follow us on Instagram @BornatRightTime. Head to www.bornattherighttime.com to find a parent workshop or CPD-certified training for practitioners in communication, collaboration and personalised care with parents/carers.

  • Bonus episode about:

    Finding a therapist on the Affinity Hub website focused on Parent/CarersWriting an ‘If I die” bookSpinning plates and choosing to drop themLife As-Pland fantastic resource for equipping parent carers with brilliant planners, journals and stickers https://lifeas-pland.com/Being an employer and recruiting PAs – If you would like to see some some of the policies and contract documents that Rachel uses with her son’s PAs, please email [email protected] Puberty and keeping our young people clean and tidy - plus periodsFinishing off the podcast with sex

    We recorded this Live Podcast event with special thanks to questions from listeners and people attending the event.

    We love creating The Skies We’re Under podcast and want to continue. You could help us by liking, following and reviewing the podcast wherever you listen.   Maybe even share an episode with a friend or in social media

    Email your stories, comments and questions to [email protected] to join in or follow us on Instagram @BornatRightTime.  

    Head to www.bornattherighttime.com to find a parent workshop or CPD-certified training for practitioners in communication, collaboration and personalised care.

  • For our final episode of Season 2 we have the trio back together. Rachel, Sarah and Lucy reflect on life and;

    our need for counselling (hint you can find therapists focused on parent carer well-being at Affinity Huband Lapis)the awesomeness of Acute Liaison Nursesthe gap between our capability and capacityknowing what we need to let go of and what we should hold ontoknowing when we need help in our next stephow society’s ableist thinking is so engrained we don’t even notice it

    All this is sandwiched between a Shitometer and Camel Toe.

    It would make our day if you could like, follow and review the podcast wherever you listen.

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    Head to www.bornattherighttime.com to book into one of our parent workshops or CPD-certified training for practitioners in communication, collaboration and personalised care with parents/carers.