
  • Today on the show we are talking with Dena Patton. Dena is the owner of a business coaching and consulting company and the founder of the Girls Rule Foundation, a nonprofit that empowers and advances girls through leadership and empowerment programs. She shares her journey of becoming a go-getter and a go-giver, and how philanthropy became a natural progression for her. Dena emphasizes the importance of teaching girls core skills such as financial literacy and leadership principles at a young age, so they can make informed decisions and have the confidence to pursue their dreams. She introduces the 100 School Initiative, a program that aims to teach these skills to girls and empower them to create a better future.

    On This Episode

    Philanthropy is a natural progression for many entrepreneurs who have achieved success and want to give back. Teaching girls core skills such as financial literacy and leadership principles at a young age is crucial for their personal and professional development. The 100 School Initiative aims to empower girls by teaching them these skills and providing them with the tools to create a better future. Courage is essential in telling our stories and making a positive impact in the world.

    We Discuss

    08:42The Journey to Philanthropy 18:26The Importance of Teaching Girls Core Skills 21:38The 100 School Initiative 28:18Dena Patton's Personal Struggles and Success 32:15The Impact of Teaching Girls Essential Skills 35:23Closing Thoughts and Gratitude
  • On this episode we are talking with Jon Marino about the process of preparing a talk that transformed his business. We discuss our personal connection through a retreat in Hawaii and the importance of storytelling in our work. Jon shares how working with Kyle has helped him improve his communication and teaching skills. We also talk about the power of focusing on the audience and the value of deepening the understanding of customers. Jon introduces his new offering, a deep dive into customer personas, and shares his excitement about helping entrepreneurs find direction and make a bigger impact.

    In This Episode

    Preparing a well-crafted talk can have a transformative impact on a business. Focusing on the audience and their needs is key to effective communication and teaching. Deepening the understanding of customers through personas can help businesses better connect with their target audience. The process of preparing a talk can lead to personal growth and a clearer sense of direction. Working with a skilled mentor or coach can help improve communication and teaching skills.

    We Discuss

    02:32 The Power of Storytelling and Connection 04:24 Enhancing Copywriting and Marketing Skills 09:36 Deep Diving into Customer Personas and Branding Guides
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  • Today in the show we are talking with Trevor Crane. We discuss the power of collaboration and the importance of seeking help and support in achieving success. Trevor shares his personal journey of overcoming challenges and redefining bankruptcy as a turning point in his life. He emphasizes the need to take responsibility and find partners who can help accelerate growth.

    In This Episode

    Collaboration and seeking help are essential for achieving success. Taking responsibility and redefining challenges can lead to personal growth. Storytelling and vulnerability are powerful tools for connecting with clients. Finding partners and support can accelerate growth and help achieve goals. Applying to be a published author and joining the waitlist for 'Collaborate' can provide opportunities for personal and professional development.

    We Discuss

    04:08 The Power of Collaboration 09:44 Defining Your Mission and Target Audience 15:58 Taking Ownership and Seeking Support 23:11 From Bankruptcy to Success 26:14 The Transformative Power of Collaboration 30:34 Living the Dream: Finding Your Happy Place
  • On todays episode we're going to be talking about ticks, particularly verbal and nonverbal ticks and their impact on credibility and audience perception. Verbal tics include filler words like 'um' and 'uh' as well as nonverbal tics like sporadic movements. While these tics may not seem like a big issue on the surface, they can make speakers appear less competent and confident, and even like frauds or liars. I'll provide strategies for reducing verbal tics, including focusing on powerful storytelling, enrolling oneself in the message, and prioritizing the audience.

    In This Episode

    Verbal tics like filler words and nonverbal movements can erode credibility and make speakers appear less competent and confident. Factors like nervousness, being unprepared, and going off script can increase verbal tics. Reducing verbal tics requires focusing on powerful storytelling, enrolling oneself in the message, and prioritizing the audience. Verbal tics take away valuable speaking time that could be used to serve the audience. Practicing content and stories with a strategy can help reduce the reliance on scripts and improve speaking effectiveness.

    We Discuss

    00:00 Verbal Tics and Credibility 03:10 The Subconscious Perception of Verbal Tics 05:03 The Importance of Powerful Storytelling 06:02 Prioritizing the Audience: Cure for Imposter Syndrome
  • This week on the Story Engine podcast I'm talking about Information vs. Clarity. What is the difference between the two, and what do our listeners want? One leads to confusion, the other leads to action. I'll break that down on today's episode and show you exactly a simple shift in perspective in how you approach teaching. On This Episode The intention you bring to your sales process is crucial. Focusing on the listener's needs and removing barriers creates clarity. Excessive information can overwhelm and confuse the audience. Clarity allows for action and lasting change. Prioritizing clarity in presentations leads to better results. We Discuss 00:00 The Importance of Intention in Sales 01:26 Information vs. Clarity in Sales and Public Speaking 03:50 The Negative Effects of Excessive Information 05:15 Creating Clarity for Action and Lasting Change 07:13 Case Study: Shifting from Information to Clarity 08:12 The Freedom and Authenticity of Clarity

  • On this episode we are talking with Krisstina Wise. Krisstina shares her personal journey with money and success, highlighting the importance of addressing money trauma and finding a healthy balance between wealth creation and health/happiness. She emphasizes the need to understand how much money is enough and develop a clear financial plan. Krisstina also introduces her CURBS program, which focuses on teaching individuals how to create wealth and financial freedom. The conversation touches on the significance of addressing limiting beliefs around money and the benefits of gaining clarity and confidence in managing finances. In This Episdoe Addressing money trauma and finding a healthy balance between wealth creation and health/happiness is crucial for financial well-being. Understanding how much money is enough and developing a clear financial plan is essential for financial freedom. Addressing limiting beliefs around money and gaining clarity and confidence in managing finances can lead to a more fulfilling and balanced life. Krisstina Wise's CURBS program focuses on teaching individuals how to create wealth and financial freedom. Money is a tool that can enhance relationships, provide options, and fund experiences.

    We Discuss

    06:57 Finding Balance: Addressing Money Trauma and Prioritizing Health and Happiness 10:57 How Much is Enough? Understanding the Importance of Financial Clarity 15:17 Creating Wealth and Financial Freedom: Introducing the CURBS Program 20:05 Overcoming Limiting Beliefs: Gaining Confidence in Managing Finances 25:27 Money as a Tool: Enhancing Relationships and Funding Experiences
  • Today on the show we have Zipporah. Zipporah is an expert in both the tantric arts and in integrating that with many different kinds of plant medicines. But what makes her stand out is using cannabis in an intentional, clear way to open yourself up to better intimacy in your relationships; your partners first and foremost, but in many other areas of your business. And today we're going to explore that story of how to discuss these somewhat taboo topics and show the productive, powerful ways that they can be applied in many different people's lives.

    In This Episode Start with oneself and cultivate awareness through practices like breathwork, meditation, and yoga. Intimacy blocks can manifest in various areas of life and impact relationships and personal growth. Using plant medicines, such as cannabis, in a conscious and intentional way can enhance intimacy and expand consciousness. Tantra and conscious sexuality can be applied practically in various aspects of life, including relationships and personal development. There is a need to address stigmas and misconceptions surrounding tantra, sexuality, and plant medicines. Creating clear boundaries and open communication are essential for healthy and fulfilling relationships. Embracing one's own desires and fantasies can lead to deeper levels of pleasure and connection. The journey of self-discovery and embracing one's authentic expression can lead to personal growth and transformation. Sharing one's story and experiences can inspire and empower others to explore their own paths of self-discovery and conscious sexuality. Intentions and declarations have the power to manifest desired outcomes and attract aligned experiences and connections. We Discuss 02:50 Cultivating Awareness and Consciousness 07:56 Addressing Stigmas and Misconceptions 09:52 Embracing Desires and Fantasies 13:46 Overcoming Intimacy Blocks 19:55 The Power of Boundaries and Open Communication 30:12 Dispelling Stigmas and Misconceptions 39:52 Sharing Stories and Inspiring Others 44:49 Manifesting Intentions and Attracting Aligned Experiences
  • Today on the show we have Mark Gober. Mark is a deep thinker and author that has made an art and a life out of finding paradigms that need shifting and asking questions where most people wouldn't dare to ask. In this interview today, we're going to attempt to find the golden thread between all of his books and really hone in on his story of why he does what he does and why he's passionate about the way he creates and writes as an author. This is an excellent episode for anybody who is changing the world, changing people's beliefs, writing books, or just following a creative process.

    In This Episode

    Questioning and exploring new ideas and paradigms is essential for personal growth and understanding the world. The writing process helps solidify and crystallize knowledge and ideas. Paradigm shifts can be uncomfortable and may lead to losing alignment with certain people, but they are necessary for personal growth and truth-seeking. The goal of writing books is to present paradigm shifts and encourage individuals to have their own paradigm shifts. Collective paradigm shifts can lead to a better world and a shift in consciousness.

    We Discuss

    02:24 The Journey of Paradigm Shifts 04:30 The Writing Process and Paradigm Shifts 08:11 Research Process and Intuition 10:30 Natural Process vs. Learned Process 12:27 Goals and Impact of Writing Books 15:20 The Importance of Questioning and Opening Up to New Paradigms 16:20 Challenges and Resistance to Paradigm Shifts 21:05 Negative and Positive Reactions to Paradigm Shifts 23:01 The Process of Paradigm Shifting 25:47 Living in an Upside-Down World 26:16 The Importance of Paradigm Shifting in Today's World 29:30 Story: Discovering a New Paradigm 32:48 The Process of Paradigm Shifting and Growth 35:12 Overview of Books and Topics 38:38 Closing Thoughts and Contact Information
  • Today we have Joy Houston, the founder of Healing at a Scale on the show. Joy has an amazing process that connects and solves some of the biggest problems that health practitioners and their clients have. Today we're going to be talking about illness isolation and how difficult that can be for somebody going through some kind of condition and how healthcare practitioners who are often facing burnout and trying to do too much work one -on -one can solve both these problems by bringing together communities and allowing people to connect with each other and learn from each other.

    InThis Episode Illness isolation and practitioner burnout are significant problems in the healthcare industry. Communities can help solve these issues by connecting practitioners and patients. By leveraging time and creating communities, practitioners can provide support, education, and empathy to a larger group of people. Sharing personal stories and values helps build trust with potential clients. We Discuss 01:30 Joy Houston's Background and Mission 03:51 The Importance of Labs and Clarity in Healthcare 05:40 Lead with Labs: A Client Acquisition Tool 07:32 The Synthesis of Practitioner Burnout and Illness Isolation 10:53 The Secret Sauce of Community in Getting Results 14:06 Joy Houston's Personal Experience of Burnout and Isolation 16:01 The Turning Point: Helping Practitioners Like Brooke 21:34 Experiencing Health, Community, and Impact 25:25 The Importance of Sharing Personal Stories 28:50 Closing Thoughts and Invitation
  • On this episode, Kyle Gray shares highlights from his spell book, where he writes out future stories he wants to experience. He discusses the themes of creativity, community, presence, self-acceptance, and recognizing one's own value. Kyle reflects on how these themes have played out in his life and the lessons he has learned. He emphasizes the importance of actively engaging with the community, savoring the present moment, and practicing self-reflection and meditation. Kyle also highlights the power of storytelling in creating the future one desires. On This Episode Writing out future stories can help manifest them in unexpected and fulfilling ways. Having a supportive community fosters creativity and personal growth. Savoring and enjoying the present moment is essential for overall well-being. Recognizing one's own value and power is crucial for personal and professional growth. Engaging with the community and practicing self-reflection can lead to meaningful connections and personal transformation. Storytelling is a powerful tool for creating the future one desires. We Discuss 01:00 The Power of Community 05:18 Savoring the Present Moment 08:05 Recognizing Your Value and Power 09:58 Engaging with the Community 11:53 Storytelling for Creating the Future

  • On this episode Lee Richter shares her journey as a young actress and the moment she realized she wasn't living her own dream. She decided to speak up and make a change, which led her to develop a vision board system. This system helps people clarify their ideas, protect them, and create the life of their dreams. Lee emphasizes the importance of doing the vision board process in community and celebrating the progress and achievements along the way. She invites listeners to connect with her and share their vision board experiences.

    On This Episode Creating a vision board can help clarify your ideas and desires Protect your ideas and creations by learning how to copyright, trademark, or patent them Doing the vision board process in community can be more fun and inspiring Celebrate the progress and achievements that come from manifesting your vision Connect with others and share your vision board experiences We Discuss 02:58 Lee's Journey as an Entrepreneur and Creator 05:03 The Importance of Creating Vision and Taking Action 10:02 The Contrast Between Relaxation and Productivity 13:56 The Perfect Person for the Vision Board System 20:24 Taking Action and Making Vision Boards 23:11 The Power of Community in Vision Boarding 25:21 Reflecting on a Moment of Pain and Challenge 31:37 Crafting a Story from the Moment of Pain 36:58 Closing Thoughts and Where to Learn More
  • On this episode we are talking with Brent Kesler. Brent teaches people how to build, keep, and create wealth by breaking down a concept that the wealthy have been using for over 200 years. He helps individuals break free from the bonds of financial slavery by showing them how to keep money within their family and recapture dollars spent on expenses. The average person is good at making money but struggles to keep it, often due to expenses rising to equal income. Brent emphasizes the importance of recapturing and recycling money to build, keep, and create wealth without working harder or taking on additional risk. Brent Kesler shares his journey of discovering the infinite banking concept and implementing it in his own life. He initially had doubts but took a deep dive into the concept and realized its potential. He faced denial and resistance from his wife, but eventually, they decided to implement the concept and paid off nearly a million dollars in debt in 39 months. This transformation led Brent to change careers and dedicate himself to sharing the concept with others. He emphasizes the importance of mindset, systems, and mentors in achieving financial freedom.

    On This Episode Brent Kesler teaches people how to build, keep, and create wealth by breaking down a concept used by the wealthy for over 200 years. Expenses often rise to equal income, causing people to struggle with keeping money. Recapturing and recycling money is key to building and keeping wealth. It is possible to build wealth without working harder or taking on additional risk. The infinite banking concept can be a powerful tool for building and creating wealth without working harder or taking additional risks. Facing denial and resistance is common when introducing a new financial concept, but persistence and trust can lead to positive results. Having the right mindset, implementing effective systems, and finding mentors are crucial for achieving financial freedom. Surrounding yourself with positive influences and being selective about the advice you listen to can help overcome negative thoughts and beliefs. We Discuss 03:03 Recapturing and Recycling Money 04:51 Questioning Financial Advice 09:44 Turning Liabilities into Assets 12:29 The Impact of Interest on Mortgage Payments 16:24 Adjusting Financial Subluxations 23:09 Implementing the Infinite Banking Concept 26:08 A Career Change and a Mission 29:06 The Power of Mindset, Systems, and Mentors
  • On this episode we are talking with Glen Ledwell. Glen is the founder of MindMovies.com, a personal growth company that aims to change the lives of 100 million people. He also started Flight Club Mastermind, a high-end mastermind for online entrepreneurs, and Sticky's Mastermind, a local meetup connecting entrepreneurs globally. In this conversation, Glen discusses the values and goals behind Flight Club, which focuses on creating a community where members feel safe, connected, and supported. He shares his own experiences of feeling intimidated and unworthy in certain rooms and how Flight Club aims to create a different environment. The conversation ends with a pitch for Flight Club and information on how to learn more. On This Episode Glenn Ledwell founded MindMovies.com, a personal growth company that aims to change the lives of 100 million people. He also started Flight Club Mastermind, a high-end mastermind for online entrepreneurs, and Sticky's Mastermind, a local meetup connecting entrepreneurs globally. Flight Club focuses on creating a community where members feel safe, connected, and supported. Glenn shares his own experiences of feeling intimidated and unworthy in certain rooms and how Flight Club aims to create a different environment. Flight Club offers a strategic fun experience for entrepreneurs and provides a space for meaningful connections and valuable learning opportunities. We Discuss 03:32 Creating Mind Movies and the Law of Attraction 06:19 Building Flight Club and Sticky's Mastermind 09:59 Values and Atmosphere of Flight Club 22:21 Story: The Creation of Flight Club 26:16 Pitch: Flight Club and Strategic Fun

  • In this episode, Kyle Gray reflects on his recent birthday and the challenges he has faced over the past year. He emphasizes the importance of recognizing and appreciating one's own strengths and accomplishments, reframing stories to find meaning and fuel, approaching sales with intention and a focus on serving, and prioritizing creativity, spirituality, and wellness in life. Kyle encourages listeners to own their stories and share them authentically. On This Episode Recognize and appreciate your own strengths and accomplishments. Reframe stories to find meaning and fuel. Approach sales with intention and a focus on serving. Prioritize creativity, spirituality, and wellness in life.

    We Discuss

    02:18 Recognizing and Appreciating Who You Are 06:18 Finding Meaning and Fuel in Stories 10:08 Sales with Intention and a Focus on Serving 13:01 Prioritizing Creativity, Spirituality, and Wellness 15:10 Conclusion and Call to Action
  • On this episode of the Story Engine podcast, we talk to Massimo Backus, author of the book 'I Am Enough.' Massimo shares his personal journey of transformation from being a 'smart jerk' to becoming a better leader through self-love. He discusses the myths and coping mechanisms we develop as children to navigate the world, and how these patterns can hinder our growth as adults. Massimo emphasizes the importance of learning to love ourselves and finding validation from within, rather than seeking external validation. He believes that our universal purpose in life is to learn to truly love ourselves and accept all aspects of who we are.

    On This Episode

    Our childhood experiences shape our beliefs and coping mechanisms, which can hinder our growth as adults. Seeking external validation and constantly striving to be 'enough' can lead to stress, damaged relationships, and a lack of fulfillment. Learning to love ourselves and finding validation from within allows us to be present, experience joy and sadness, and be our best selves in relationships. Self-love is an ongoing practice that requires acceptance of our limitations, mistakes, and strengths. By prioritizing our relationship with ourselves, we can be better leaders and create positive change in the world.

    We Discuss:

    03:48 The Struggle with 'Not Enough' and Defensive Behavior 09:11 The Cost of Seeking External Validation and Control 15:00 The Universal Purpose: Learning to Love Ourselves 28:01 The Transformation: Embracing Self-Acceptance and Authenticity 36:01 The Power of Vulnerability and Human Connection
  • Today we discuss the importance of understanding the underlying question of 'what is this conversation about?' This question determines the course of the conversation and how everyone involved feels understood and respected. I emphasize that this concept applies not only to personal conversations but also to presentations, sales calls, and content creation. By addressing the 'what is this about' question, speakers can connect with their audience on a deeper level and achieve better results.

    On This Episode

    The question 'what is this conversation about?' determines the course of the conversation and how everyone involved feels understood and respected. Understanding the 'what is this about' question is crucial in personal conversations, presentations, sales calls, and content creation. By addressing the 'what is this about' question, speakers can connect with their audience on a deeper level and achieve better results. Consider the deeper meaning and impact of the conversation topic to create a sense of safety, trust, and engagement with the audience.
  • On this episode Sam Anderson shares his journey as an entrepreneur and the various businesses he has built. He emphasizes the importance of taking action and providing value to customers. He also discusses his upcoming entrepreneur conference and the focus on actionable steps and building relationships. The conversation explores the themes of starting from the sidelines, finding a supportive community, and achieving success through hard work and dedication.

    On This Episode Take action and provide value to customers to achieve success Build a supportive community of like-minded individuals Focus on actionable steps and practical advice Invest in relationships and give back to others
  • On this episode we are talking to Anat Peri is a somatic healer and inner child expert who helps coaches, healers, and therapists learn a proven method to get their clients deep results. She is passionate about helping people feel their feelings all the way through and freeing themselves from inherited beliefs and behaviors. Anat discusses how being in business or creating your own venture is a personal development journey that brings up emotions and challenges. She emphasizes the importance of learning to regulate our nervous system and feel our feelings in order to be effective leaders. Anat also shares her own journey of overcoming anxiety and finding alignment in her work.

    On This Episode

    Learning to feel our feelings all the way through is essential for personal growth and effective leadership. Regulating our nervous system and creating a calm, loving space is more important than any tool or method in coaching and healing. Entrepreneurship and creating our own ventures can bring up emotions and challenges, but they also provide opportunities for growth and self-improvement. Anat Peri's training camp for the soul process and methodology helps coaches and healers create transformation in themselves and their clients.
  • Today on the show we are talking with Josh Tapp, founder of the Pantheon mastermind, believes in gathering entrepreneurs to solve problems and make a real impact in the world. He curates rooms of like-minded individuals who can generate business and revenue together. By bringing together non-competing entrepreneurs who serve the same audience, they can cross-sell to each other's clients and vertically integrate their businesses. This not only solves the lead generation problem but also expands their reach and allows them to tackle social issues together. Josh emphasizes the importance of genuine connection and recommends curating smaller rooms for virtual gatherings. He also highlights the power of in-person events and the impact of play in building trust and deepening relationships. The conversation focuses on the challenges and desires of legacy-based thought leaders, who are experienced entrepreneurs looking to leave a legacy and make a difference. The three main challenges they face are being tech-challenged, struggling to find the right audience for their message, and constantly creating new offers instead of focusing on a core strategy. The solutions to these challenges include getting tech support, finding the right people to hear their message, and gaining clarity and focus. The conversation also highlights the importance of connection, support, and being surrounded by the right people. The host shares personal experiences of facing these challenges and finding support in a mastermind group. The conversation ends with a call to stop trying to go it alone and to seek out collaboration and teamwork in entrepreneurship. Keywordsentrepreneurs, gathering, impact, revenue, cross-sell, vertical integration, lead generation, social issues, connection, virtual gatherings, in-person events, play, trust, relationships, legacy-based thought leaders, challenges, desires, tech-challenged, finding the right audience, creating new offers, solutions, tech support, finding the right people, clarity, focus, connection, support, collaboration, teamwork On This Episode
    Gathering entrepreneurs in curated rooms can generate business and revenue through cross-selling and vertical integration. Entrepreneurs can tackle social issues by linking arms and expanding each other's audiences. Virtual gatherings can be effective by curating smaller rooms and focusing on genuine connection. In-person events and play can build trust and deepen relationships among entrepreneurs. Curating rooms of non-competing entrepreneurs who serve the same audience can solve lead generation problems and expand reach. Legacy-based thought leaders are experienced entrepreneurs who want to leave a legacy and make a difference. The main challenges they face are being tech-challenged, struggling to find the right audience, and constantly creating new offers instead of focusing on a core strategy. The solutions to these challenges include getting tech support, finding the right people to hear their message, and gaining clarity and focus. Connection, support, and being surrounded by the right people are crucial for success. Entrepreneurship is a team sport, and collaboration and teamwork are essential.

  • Today on the show we are talking with Dino Watt, a speaker and coach, shares his expertise on creating engaging and impactful presentations. He emphasizes the importance of storytelling, interactive techniques, pattern interrupts, and frameworks to connect with audiences and make a lasting impact. Dino also discusses the need for speakers to narrow the scope of their talks and focus on the desired outcome, rather than overwhelming the audience with too much information. He introduces his Stand and Deliver Boot Camp, which helps speakers improve their enrollment and engagement skills, create congruence between their message and audience perception, and expand their offerings for greater monetization. Dino shares a personal story about finding his authentic voice on stage and the transformative impact it had on his business. In this conversation, Dino Watt discusses the importance of being positive and kind in his speaking engagements. He shares a moment when he realized that his delivery was coming across as mean and how that affected him. He also talks about the power of vulnerability and storytelling, using his own personal story of his first kiss at a junior high school dance to connect with his audience. Dino emphasizes the need to meet the audience where they are and to craft stories that address their specific roadblocks and limiting beliefs. He also highlights the importance of constantly evolving and being open to feedback.

    On This Episode:

    Engaging presentations require storytelling, interactive techniques, and pattern interrupts to captivate audiences. Speakers should focus on creating congruence between their message and how it is perceived by the audience. Narrowing the scope of a presentation and focusing on the desired outcome leads to better results. Frameworks and context help make presentations more memorable and easily understood. Finding and embracing one's authentic voice on stage can have a transformative impact on a speaker's success. Being positive and kind in speaking engagements is crucial for connecting with the audience. Vulnerability and storytelling can create a strong connection with the audience. Crafting stories that address the audience's specific roadblocks and limiting beliefs is essential. Constantly evolving and being open to feedback is important for growth as a speaker.

    Connect with Dino Watt


