
  • "Storytelling is about a lot of honesty and being aware that your audience, depending upon who they are and where they're from, when you say a word or a phrase, they may interpret that differently than what you think you heard." —Nelson Farris

    In this episode of The Storytelling Lab, Nelson Farris, the Chief Storyteller at Nike, shares his 50 years of experience and insights on effective storytelling, collaboration, and embracing change.

    With a background as an athlete and a liberal arts major, Farris emphasizes the power of personal experience and the abundance of stories in sports, offering valuable lessons for marketers and content creators.

    His deep understanding of storytelling and communication, coupled with his role in Nike's internal culture, highlights the timeless importance of storytelling in shaping brand narratives.

    His journey from a runner in Southern California to becoming Nike's first chief storyteller showcases his unique perspective and the transformative power of collaboration, making this episode a must-listen for storytellers, content creators, and marketers seeking to foster trust and drive innovation through effective storytelling.

    In this episode, you will learn to:

    Uncover the powerful impact of storytelling in sports marketing and learn how it can elevate your brand's message.Explore the evolution of Nike's marketing strategy and gain inspiration for refining your own marketing approach.Embrace the pivotal role of trust and innovation in driving career growth and success.Learn effective strategies for adapting to technological change in business and staying ahead in a competitive market.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • "Persuasion is ultimately about convincing others that change is possible." —Neil Gordon

    Want to captivate your audience with compelling storytelling and persuasive communication?

    You're about to discover a game-changing solution that will elevate your ability to engage and persuade.

    Are you ready to transform your communication game and leave a lasting impact? Let's dive in and unlock the power of persuasive storytelling.

    This episode's guest is Neil Gordon, a public speaking expert, author, and content creator.

    Neil brings a wealth of experience in cultivating persuasive communication, formerly working with best-selling authors at Penguin Random House.

    He now focuses on helping speakers find their "silver bullet" that elevates them among the other thought leaders and experts in their space.

    In this episode, you will learn how to:

    Captivate an audience with effective public speaking techniques.Unlock the secrets to crafting content strategies that persuadeDevelop a compelling elevator pitch that leaves a lasting impression and opens doors to new opportunities.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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  • "If you can't sell your story to somebody else, you're not buying it yourself. You're trying to create stories that are valuable, and if they're not valuable to anybody else, they're not really that valuable." —Jay Aedo

    Have you found yourself questioning the impact of historical stories on your beliefs and spiritual growth, but unsure of where to start? 

    If you're feeling hesitant to challenge the stories you've been told and rewrite your own narrative, then you are not alone!

    This episode's guest is Jay Aedo, the author of Conscious Bible Stories.

    Rooted in a Christian upbringing, Jay embarked on a journey to dissect and reconstruct traditional stories, seeking to empower individuals through a reevaluation of their beliefs. Through his work on Conscious Bible Stories, Jay aims to provide a fresh perspective on historical tales, guiding listeners towards increased self-awareness and personal reflection.

    His candid approach and transformative experiences offer valuable insights into the evolution of personal narratives and the profound influence of historical stories on our lives.

    In this episode, you will learn how to:

    Explore the path to spiritual growth by questioning and reevaluating religious stories and teachings.Unlock the transformative role of storytelling in achieving spiritual enlightenment and self-discovery.Learn the art of creating children's books with conscious and empowering messages that inspire young minds.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • "Negotiating is easy when everybody wins. So if you can create a win-win-win story in the minds of your clients or your potential clients, it is going to help you convert sales every time."

    Do you ever feel like you're stuck in a negotiation, trying to get the best deal for your sales but ending up feeling frustrated?

    You may have been told to stick to your price, but deep down, you know it's not working. And you also don't want to miss out on a good gig.

    So you go back and forth with offers and counteroffers and ultimately someone feels like they've "lost." But what if I told you there's a better way to negotiate?

    It's all about changing perspectives and crafting compelling narratives in the minds of your potential clients.

    Let's dive into the power of storytelling to create win-win-win situations in negotiations and elevate your success in securing better deals and partnerships.

    In this episode, you will learn how to:

    Master the art of creating win-win situations in negotiations and elevate your deal-making game.Harness the power of storytelling to captivate your audience and boost your sales success.Uncover effective strategies for increasing your speaking fees and maximizing your earning potential.Strengthen client relationships through collaborative approaches, leading to long-term partnerships and increased sales opportunities.Learn the secrets of converting potential clients through the persuasive force of storytelling, unlocking new business prospects.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • "The most important part of a conversation happens when you're not talking. You know what you believe. If you're talking to someone and you're constantly repeating what you already know, you're doing it wrong." — Riaz Patel

    Have you ever been told to just put yourself out there in order to overcome judgment and vulnerability, only to end up feeling more alone and disconnected?

    Today, we dive into the transformative power of authentic storytelling and entertainment to cultivate genuine connections and embrace vulnerability. It's time to rewrite the narrative and find hope in true human connection.

    This episode's guest is Riaz Patel, the creator of ConnectEffect.

    Riaz Patel is an entertainment and television producer who has created an interactive live experience designed to address loneliness and polarization.

    Patel's initiative caters to diverse audiences, including colleges, conferences, and community health programs, aiming to combat the prevailing mental health crisis and foster intergenerational connections. With a strategic focus on leveraging entertainment as a catalyst for emotional shifts and enhancing human connections, Patel has created something truly unique that shrinks the gap between the "screen world" and the "real world."

    In this episode, you will learn how to:

    Master the art of connecting through entertaining interactions.Discover the antidote to isolation and loneliness through live experiences.Unlock the untold advantages of intergenerational connections.Conquer judgment and vulnerability in social interactions.Harness the power of storytelling for personal and societal transformation.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • "You don't learn by thinking and reading. You learn by doing."

    If you're feeling overwhelmed by the endless debate between learning and doing in creative storytelling, then you are not alone!

    The struggle to balance theory and action can leave you feeling stuck, constantly questioning where to begin and how to make progress.

    It's time to break free from this cycle and find a more effective approach to enhance your storytelling skills.

    In this episode, you will learn how to:

    Conquer analysis paralysis and unleash your creativity to produce compelling stories and content.Ignite your creative journey by learning why taking action is crucial for your growth as a storyteller.Strike the perfect balance between structure and creativity to craft impactful and engaging stories.Discover how to find your unique voice and captivate your audience through the art of storytelling.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • "When you tell a story and there's no old you versus new you, you don't have a story." — Sun Yi

    Want to captivate your audience with compelling storytelling that leaves them hanging on your every word? Learn the powerful secret to crafting engaging stories that will have your listeners hooked from start to finish. Get ready to transform your storytelling abilities and deepen your human connection like never before.

    This episode's guest is Sun Yi, founder of the brand agency Night Owls and the storytelling community Night Owl Nation.

    With over 20 years of experience in web design, Sun Yi has honed a diverse skill set encompassing coding, design, film, photography, and copywriting.

    Despite not initially identifying as a storyteller, Sun's innate talent led her to develop a successful course on storytelling for freelance creators and freelancers, attracting over 28,000 students. His dedication to ongoing learning and enthusiasm for teaching make him a valuable asset for personal brands looking to elevate their storytelling capabilities, particularly within the marketing domain.

    In this episode, you will learn how to:

    Discover the power of vulnerability in storytelling to create deeper human connections and resonate with your audience on a new level.Explore effective techniques for teaching in online communities, unlocking the potential to engage and inspire your learners in a virtual setting.Uncover the distinctions between personal and corporate storytelling, revealing how each approach can uniquely impact your audience and message.Learn how to capture and leverage personal moments for storytelling, and use the "Myth/Truth Sandwich" to change with way people think.Avoid common beginner mistakes in storytelling, gaining insight into pitfalls to sidestep and setting yourself on the path to impactful and authentic storytelling.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • "Your voice is the thing about you that's so unique, that's going to make people crave the things that you're making. It's like a fingerprint. Nobody can replicate it."

    If you're feeling overwhelmed and stuck in a never-ending cycle of overthinking your first draft, and you're struggling to make progress on your book, then you are not alone!

    It's time to break free and find a writing routine that works for your real life. Let's get you on track to finish that first draft and move closer to your goal of becoming a successful author.

    Ally Fallon is a prolific author and writing coach, with a passion for helping aspiring writers bring their stories to life.

    As a self-starter who's navigated the challenges of the publishing world 14 times herself, Ally offers practical insights and actionable tips for first-time authors. Her journey from being an introverted journal writer to a published author is both inspiring and relatable, making her the perfect guest to share valuable strategies for developing a clear controlling idea and establishing a consistent writing routine.

    In this episode, you will learn how to:

    Unleash your unique writing style with effective voice-finding techniques.Discover the powerful mental health benefits of writing and how it can transform your well-being.Learn how to balance a full-time job while writing your book and make progress towards your dream.Master practical strategies tailored for first-time book authors to overcome common hurdles and achieve success.Create a nurturing and inspiring environment to fuel your creativity as an artist and bring out your best work.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Are you tired of being told that you have to be a master storyteller to succeed in business?

    You've probably been feeling the pressure to craft the perfect story, follow the hero's journey, and do everything the gurus say, only to end up with lackluster results. 

    Guess what? Your business communication can thrive without being a storytelling genius.

    Let's flip the script and what you thought you knew about storytelling for marketing!

    In this episode, you will learn how to:

    Uncover simple yet effective storytelling techniques that will elevate your business's communication strategy.Learn how to use storytelling to create a loyal community around your brand and foster meaningful connections.Master a long-term content strategy that will fuel sustainable growth for your business or brand.Find and embrace your authentic voice in storytelling to stand out and resonate with your audience.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Want to immerse your audience into your story, making them feel like they're living it rather than just reading about it?

    If you're a writer looking to enhance your storytelling skills, I've got the solution for you.

    Listen to this episode to steal shot styles from cinematographers to improve the imagery of your writing.

    Let's make your stories come to life!

    In this episode, you will learn how to:

    Master visual storytelling techniques to captivate your audience and bring your stories to life.Harness the power of cinematography in your writing to create vivid and immersive narratives that resonate with readers.Unlock the secrets of crafting impactful establishing shots to set the stage for compelling storytelling.Elevate your content creation skills to engage and enthrall your audience with every word.Seamlessly transition between scenes in your storytelling to keep readers hooked and eager for more.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • "I'm a business owner, not an influencer. So I'm not trying to just have random stories out there for no reason. I need to market myself in a way that grows my business in a way that my business is what I want it to be."

    Do you wish you understood how to create simple content that actually SELLS? Then you need to listen to this social media storytelling creator.

    Mackenzie Heflin is a content creator specializing in building online communities through strategic storytelling. With a background in network marketing, she gained valuable experience in community development and the impact of authentic storytelling. Mackenzie's transition across different social media platforms, from Facebook to TikTok, exemplifies her versatility in effectively applying storytelling methods to written and video content.

    In this episode, you will learn how to:

    Understand how to create content like a business owner should, instead of an influencerUse psychological hacks in your stories to keep your followers engagedLearn how to actually sell to the community that you've cultivated

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • The hardest part of creating a powerful story is knowing what to keep and what to cut?

    If you lose your audience's attention for just a second, most likely they are gone. But you also have to fight against a daily decreasing budget, and creative teams disagreeing, and all the other things that a business owner has to deal with when it comes to marketing.

    So what if I told you that I have an easy little technique you can use that I stole from a Pixar storyboard artist? Would you listen?

    And guess what... you can just as easily apply it to your written stories as your visual ones!

    In this episode, you will learn how to:

    Determine the most important scene, shot, or sentence of your story.Understand how to choose secondary and tertiary information to complement the most important contentSequence your story in a way that maximizes contrast and conflict, and therefore maximizes engagement of your audience

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • "Your book is your movie. Your query is your movie trailer. Both of those things have to be super engrossing, hook you in, keep you moving, have a point, leave you somewhere. Beginning, middle, end."

    Do you want to know how to turn your big idea into a compelling book that sells and get signed by an agent? I've got the solution to help you achieve that. Let's dive into the process and make your writing dreams a reality. It's like having a friend guide you through the exciting world of book publishing and agent signing.

    Lucinda Halpern is a literary agent with over 15 years experience in book publishing, and the founder of Lucinda Literary, based in New York.

    In this episode, you will learn how to:

    Understand the benefits of traditional and self-publishing to make an informed decision about your book's future.Learn how to navigate the process of finding the right literary agent to represent your work effectively.Master the art of crafting a compelling query letter that captures the attention of literary agents and publishers.Explore strategies for building a strong author platform to effectively market your book and connect with readers.Discover techniques for writing memoirs with universal appeal that resonate with a wide audience.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • What if I told you that turning case studies into compelling case stories could be the key to converting leads into enthusiastic clients?

    And what if I also shared a simple, four-step process to help you do just that? But here's the thing, it's not just about storytelling; it's about strategically guiding your audience through a journey that leaves them eager to take the next step with you.

    Join me as I reveal the secrets to transforming mundane case studies into captivating case stories that drive conversions.

    In this episode, you will learn how to:

    Master the art of transforming case studies into captivating case stories that drive engagement.Identify which case studies in your client base will produce the best results and understand how to target a specific marketing persona.Learn how to skillfully integrate data into your storytelling, transforming it into a persuasive force that resonates with your audience and drives action.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Have you been told to take big, overwhelming actions to make a difference, only to feel like nothing's really changing? If you're a filmmaker or content creator wanting to make an impact, you know how crucial those tiny actions by large groups are. Let's talk about how you can use those moments to not only tell inspiring stories but also drive real action. It's time to turn those tiny moments into big change.

    Zach Green is an environmental storyteller with a strong focus on rivers and their impact on the natural world. Through his work at Rivers Are Life, Zach seeks to raise awareness about the critical role of rivers in sustaining life on our planet. By crafting character-driven narratives, he aims to educate, inspire, and entertain audiences, shedding light on the work of individuals and organizations dedicated to the protection of our freshwater ecosystems.

    In this episode, you will learn how to:

    Master the art of impactful storytelling to create positive change.Unlock the potential of corporate sponsorship in funding creative projects to create impact.Discover how to use media to influence the powerful resource of community to support your purpose-driven mission.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Ever wonder how a laid-back, casual chat with a friend could skyrocket your storytelling game and transform your customer connections? Listen to this podcast to uncover the unexpected secret to possessing the power of a master storyteller and creating genuine connections with your audience.

    Neal Foard, a 30-yr advertising industry veteran, shares a touching journey of personal discovery and connection through the power of storytelling. His foray into TikTok was not a calculated business move, but a heartfelt endeavor to ensure his children knew their grandfather through captivating narratives. Neal's viral success on TikTok, with millions of views and subsequent shares, speaks volumes about the universal appeal of genuine, nostalgic stories. 

    In this episode, you will learn how to:

    Unleash effective storytelling strategies to elevate your communication and influence.Conquer stage fright and deliver compelling presentations that leave a lasting impact.Forge deeper connections through storytelling and enrich your personal and professional relationships.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • If you're feeling frustrated because your branding efforts aren't getting the results you want, and you're stuck in a cycle of imitating big brands without success, then you are not alone! And this episode is going to help you.

    Bill Harper, an experienced branding strategist, emphasizes the emotive aspect of marketing and the importance of prioritizing the audience. His valuable insights on understanding customer needs and delivering genuine value without self-promotion provide a unique perspective on strategic storytelling. As a prominent figure in the industry, his expertise in empowering brands to craft authentic and engaging narratives makes him an influential voice in the entrepreneurial and business sphere.

    In this episode, you will learn how to:

    Craft a powerful brand strategy to elevate your business.Develop compelling and unique value propositions for your products.Ignite emotional connections with your audience through strategic storytelling.Implement strategies for sustainable, long-term business growth.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Did you know that the key to creating a strong and authentic brand essence is like finding your soulmate?

    Yes, just like finding that perfect match, your brand essence is what will make your audience fall head over heels for your business.

    Let's dive in and uncover the magic behind building a brand that leaves a lasting impression. Get ready to unlock the power of your brand essence and create a loyal community that will sing your praises for the long-term.

    In this episode, you will learn how to:

    Uncover the secrets to creating a captivating personal brand essence.Demystify the difference between branding and marketing for your business's success.Define your brand's core values and watch your business thrive.Discover the power of emotional and functional benefits in building a lasting brand.Learn effective strategies for differentiating your brand in competitive markets.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Want to unlock the key to overcoming your internal creative resistance and achieving your desired success?

    Discover the surprising connection between the four characters that appear in every story and how to use them to navigate your own journey.

    Once you do, you'll operate and move forward with an enhanced self-awareness to overcome internal obstacles and achieve creative success.

    In this episode, you will learn how to:

    Discover the impact of character roles in narratives.Conquer internal resistance to unleash your creativity.Uncover the transformative power of storytelling in your life.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • What if I told you there's a secret to captivating your audience and making your brand truly stand out? It's a game-changing strategy that will help you overcome the villain of boredom and enliven your communication. If you're curious to unlock this powerful tool and make your stories unforgettable, visit businessofstory.com/abt.

    With nearly 40 years of experience in advertising, branding, and marketing, Park Howell is a seasoned expert in the storytelling arena. As the founder of an ad agency for two decades, Park has mastered the art of intuitive storytelling, recognizing its pivotal role in audience connection. Park's practical insights into storytelling structures and his development of the ABT (And, But, Therefore) agile narrative framework provide valuable tools for business professionals and marketers aiming to elevate their communication strategies.

    In this episode, you will learn how to:

    Master the Evolution of Storytelling in Marketing to stay ahead of the game.Implement the ABT Framework for Effective Communication and see your message resonate.Achieve Differentiation through Clarity and Authenticity to stand out in a crowded market.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.