International commercial terms (Incoterms) are a set of pre-defined rules set by the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) that indicates who bears the costs and risks in an international trade and also brings clarity and transparency in the process....
In this episode, we discuss a topic that's near and dear to every Supply Chain Professionals' heart ; Price Verses Total Cost of Ownership
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In this episode, we throw more light on Reverse Logistics processes, challenges in optimizing the Reverse Logistics processes and actionable take aways given to help Organizations optimize their Reverse Logistics processes
In this episode we briefly talk about negotiations in the supply chain management context, drawing real life experiences to the table and evaluating the key parameters necessary for a successful negotiation
In this episode, we talk about the need to incorporate supplier relationships into your procurement practices to achieve a competitive advantage
This episode focuses on how to effectively discharge contracts with in the supply chain
In this episode of "The Supply Chain Pulse," we delve into the essential components of a valid contract in supply chain management. We'll discuss the key elements that must be present to ensure a contract is legally binding, including offer, acceptance, consideration, capacity, and legality. We'll explore common pitfalls that businesses may face when entering into contracts, and how to avoid them. Join us as we explore the importance of contracts in the supply chain, and how to ensure they are effective in protecting your business interests.
Whether you're a procurement professional, supply chain manager, or just interested in learning more about contract management in the supply chain, this episode of The Supply Chain Pulse is a must-listen. Tune in and join us as we explore the world of contract management in the supply chain.