During these times of uncertainty and stress, it is even more important to practice daily self-care consistently. And part of good self-care is to stop overextending yourself. Often we end up saying “Yes” to requests when we want to say “No.” Learn to stop overextending yourself and find your “No.” It will be one of the most valuable gifts you will give yourself.
Prune Harris is a holistic health expert, medical intuitive and British Shaman, with 20 years experience in private practice and with qualifications in Energy Psychology, Eden Energy Medicine, Reiki, Touch for Health and Shamanism. She is also one of Donna Eden’s core faculty in Europe and America, teaching from foundations year through to advanced level courses.
Since 2012, Prune has taught extensively in the UK and overseas, creating in-person and online courses and workshops for practitioners and the general public, with a primary objective of sharing her knowledge and insights around energy medicine, consciousness and soul care. Through her courses, as well as her extensive library of free videos and articles, she aims to empower others so they can work with their own energies, rediscovering their health, soul-purpose and inspiration for life.
Join Sandra Vesterstein and Prune Harris as they discuss the importance of releasing stress and embracing peace. Prune shares with us
How our energy system holds the balance between our ability to survive or thrive and that the balance is dynamic and can change with every thought or situation. How everything that you experience is already held in your energy patterns. When you can learn to change those patterns, you can truly and deeply heal your physical body, balance your emotions, and change your interaction with your own life. When your energy is coherent, you move through your world feeling guided and able to truly be present to the choices and the grace of your life. The world moves around you and within you effortlessly.If you would like to learn more about Prune and her work please check out
*Releasing Stress, Embracing Peace video *Energy Essentials ebook -
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What lens are you seeing Life through Fear or Love?
Whatever you are looking for you will find!
Fear attracts Fear!
Love attracts Love!
When emotions are bubbling up and making you feel uncomfortable, receive this bubbling as an invitation to heal yourself, thus healing the world. If you are experiencing conflict in your outer world, ask yourself what conflict within me needs to heal so that external conflict can dissolve.
Learn to respond differently in situations where you have been quick to react in ways that make you or someone else feel less than. Listen to the Thriveology of Living latest Podcast – "The Invitation"-Learn to see things from a higher perspective and bring the power of choice back into your life. -
Soul Musing: Finding your way through loss and grief with Sandra Vesterstein
Anna Mancini, of Anna Mancini Coaching, shares with us the power to break habitual patterns by bringing conscious awareness to what is playing in the background of our unconscious mind through the practice of journaling.
For more information about Anna please visit
Gwen Payne, the founder of Inspired Sedona and Breath is Prayer discuss the power of integration and healing. Gwen passionately guides her clients to discover and come home to their true nature through breath, sound, movement, and coaching. Intuitively she employs and weaves together these modalities to assist her clients in embodying and staying consciously connected to their essential truth. For more information about Gwen Payne: https://thrivelearningcollective.com/practitioners/gwen-payne/ www.gwenpayne.com To contact Gwen: 928-451-5020 [email protected] For more information about us please visit: ThriveLearningCollective.com
Effectively and productively working from a home office is all about a strategy. Whether you own your own home-based business, or you are working remotely, attaining the feeling of accomplishment and fulfillment can be elusive. Let’s face it; sometimes, it is hard to turn work off when your office is in your home. Many people, as of late, have been thrown into working from home. A lot of these same people are finding they lack the coping skills and strategies to transition in and out of work and family life successfully while working from home. Whether it is boundaries with your family or colleagues, self-care, or creating rituals to set you up for success, Troy DeSmet knows how to do it, he has personally implemented and guided others to develop their strategies to work from home effectively. Troy of Spark Executive Services has experienced tremendous success in the Organic Industry and as an Executive Coach for over 20 years, all while operating his business from his home. Learn how Troy set himself up many years ago by mindfully designing his home-based business strategy. Listen and Learn how you can develop your strategy to work from home successfully. Click here to access Strategies for Running a Successful Home Based Business