
  • Today is the final episode of The Toxin Terminator with Aimee Carlson. Listen in as she discusses:


    Why she created the Toxin Terminator What it’s meant to be the Toxin Terminator Her recommendations of people to follow to continue learning about a Toxin-Free Lifestyle


    "For the past year I have been moving closer and closer to retirement. It was never a thought when we sold our businesses several years ago. But as time has moved forward and the state of our current affairs makes it harder and harder to be the voice of reason, I realize the importance of relationships and family. I am seeing how things can change in a heartbeat. It is time for me to put my husband, my family and my friends as my number one priority.

    I have thoroughly enjoyed the role of podcast host. I have had the opportunity to meet the most brilliant minds in natural health and wellness. I have been blessed with the ability to reach thousands with encouraging words, the truth about our health, and words that empower each of us to walk on our own health journey!

    Over the past several years and especially this past one, these words shared have been censored. Any knowledge that goes against the status quo is being silenced. And to your detriment. I encourage you all to be active in gaining knowledge from all sources before making your decisions. Get off mainstream media and realize this world is beautiful and filled with loving kind people!

    This is exactly what I am doing. I am unplugging from all social media (this will be a difficult one, but I know a great one!). I had already stopped watching television and I plan to travel with my husband exploring this beautiful nation of ours!

    Thank you for listening to me through the years and I encourage you to continue making daily choices that fill your cup!” - Aimee

    “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:6

    Links for recommendations of people to follow:

    Sinclair Kennally: https://detoxrejuvenation.com/ Wendy Myers: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/myers-detox-podcast/id1021418457 Jenn Malecha: https://wholistichealthboss.com/ Dr. Evan Hirsch: https://www.fixyourfatigue.com/ Lindsey Elmore: https
  • In today’s episode of Toxin Terminator, we are joined by Nick Pineault! Nick is sometimes also known as “The EMF Guy” — “EMF” meaning electromagnetic fields, or simply put the electromagnetic “pollution” that we’re being exposed to and that’s currently steadily increasing. He’s the author of one of the best-rated books on the topic of how EMFs impact human health and what to do about it — it’s called “The Non-Tinfoil Guide to EMFs.” Judging by the 600+ 4.5-star average review it has on Amazon stores worldwide, people think it’s a good book. His professional background is in communications, copywriting and journalism — and he has been publishing writings about health for more than 10 years. Since late 2016, he has been a passionate advocate for safe technologies, raising awareness around the EMF problem on well over a hundred combined podcasts, Facebook lives, radio shows, TV shows, and stages all around the world. His biggest goal is to incentivize tech companies, governments, regulators and consumers alike to demand and develop technologies that are supporting the life of humans, animals and the planet.

    The solution to the problem is not going back to the Stone Age, or becoming anti-technologists. But it will require a bit of work on your part — and you’ll have to change a few key habits around how you use your wireless gadgets.

    I had the honor of visiting with Nick at the Bio-Hacking conference in September and he shared his top tips on EMF! I loved his approach because he is not telling you to avoid this pollution, but teaching us how we can coincide with technology in a safe way!

    In today's episode Nick shares with us:

    -What exactly is EMF

    -How science has proven this to be a class B carcinogen

    -What is ALARA?

    -What happens to the body with too much exposure

    -Who is responsible for our safety?

    And check out his protocol for reducing your exposure in his 3 D's:




    Connect with Nick:

    Website: https://theemfguy.com




    Schedule Your Vitality Code Call:


    Sign-up For The Workshop:

    Aimee and Naomi teach the vitality code, to help heal your body. In this workshop, learn step one; removing the vitality blockers: www.transformingwomenshealth.com

  • Eksik bölüm mü var?

    Akışı yenilemek için buraya tıklayın.

  • In today’s episode of Toxin Terminator, we are joined by Daniel DeBaun! Daniel is an internationally recognized and influential expert in Electromagnetic Radiation (EMF) and shielding electronic emissions, with a particular focus on the effect of exposure from mobile devices such as laptops, tablets and cell phones. Daniel’s concern regarding the health impact of electronic radiation emissions grew from over 30 years of engineering experience in the telecommunications industry, where he held a variety of leadership and executive positions at Bell Labs, AT&T, SAIC and Telcordia.

    Through the course of his career, Daniel has created requirements for large telecommunication systems, led technical divisions responsible for establishing industry standards and formed analysis adherence testing for next-generation digital transmission systems. Daniel also oversaw laboratories which analyzed Electromagnetic Radiation (EMF) interference, electrical signals and digital formats. He and the teams he led were looked upon as industry authorities.

    Daniel is the inventor of DefenderShield®, the most effective EMF radiation protection technology for mobile devices ever developed. In addition to his work with DefenderShield®, Daniel is a highly regarded author, industry consultant, writer, and speaker as well as a frequent guest on national radio and television programs discussing EMF health issues.

    Daniel is co-author of the bestselling EMF book, Radiation Nation: The Fallout of Modern Technology, the complete guide to EMF radiation safety and protection.

    In this episode we are learning about the invisible toxin-EMF! When I was at the Bio-Hacking conference in September, this is the number one thing that was talked about by many of the experts on hand. And every single one of them said it's our biggest threat that we need to be aware of for ourselves and our families!

    Daniel DeBaun walks us through why EMF's are toxic, what no one is talking about as well as showing us the many products that his company DefenderShield has created to provide us all with the best protection. As Daniel state, it's not going away, so we have to learn how to work within the toxicity!

    Connect with Daniel:

    Website: www.defendershield.com





    Schedule Your Vitality Code Call:


    Sign-up For The Workshop:

    Aimee and Naomi teach the vitality code, to help heal your body. In this workshop, learn step one; removing the

  • In today’s episode of Toxin Terminator, we are joined by Melissa Wolak! She is a change-maker, speaker and fierce advocate for cultivating resilience, presence and alignment professionally and personally. The foundation of her work with clients over the past 20 years connects science and soul by incorporating powerful mindset shifts, sustainable lifestyle tools and research based self-care practices. She believes in the value of intentionally choosing your habits, thoughts and beliefs allowing you to evolve and create a life of fulfillment, impact and vitality.

    As we head into another holiday season, let's take a look at how we can incorporate some healthy boundaries!

    In today's episode, Melissa will be sharing her thoughts and ideas on mindset work to support healing and alignment; trusting your inner wisdom. She'll also teach us how we can confidently and respectfully communicate our needs, realizing our deepest self-love and our love for others!

    Make sure to check out the Boundary Setting Guide offered from Melissa for free!

    Connect with Melissa:

    Grab your FREE Boundary Setting Guide: https://melissawolak448.lpages.co/phrases-to-support-in-performing-optimally/




    Schedule Your Vitality Code Call:


    Sign-up For The Workshop:

    Aimee and Naomi teach the vitality code, to help heal your body. In this workshop, learn step one; removing the vitality blockers: www.transformingwomenshealth.com

    Connect with Aimee:






    Disclosure: Some of the links in this post are affiliate links and if you go through them to make a purchase I will earn a commission at no cost to you. Keep in mind that I link these companies and their products because of their quality and not because of the commission I receive fro

  • In today’s episode of Toxin Terminator, we are joined by Tim O’Brien. Tim has extensive experience in the health and wellness industry. He began his career in 2003 at GNC franchises, then became District Manager in 2005. In 2008, he became the manager of Elite Nutrition. During those years, he built a solid foundation of knowledge and expertise. His passion and success gave him the vision to open his own business, The Healthy Place in 2010.

    Tim believes in educating and empowering individuals to make lifelong, healthy choices and changes. His desire is to help each person reach their health potential. His energy is contagious, and he’s excited about helping YOU.

    In Tim's experience he sees people everyday that are wanting to get healthier, and every one has the same questions:

    I don't know where to start? There's a million different supplements, what do I take? What are the most important supplements to take?

    There are 5 foundational supplements that everyone should be taking! Listen in as Tim breaks them down and gives you tips on what to be looking for in your supplement company! Plus, hear what Tim has to say about stress.

    Connect with Tim:


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    Schedule Your Vitality Code Call:


    Sign-up For The Workshop:

    Aimee and Naomi teach the vitality code, to help heal your body. In this workshop, learn step one; removing the vitality blockers: www.transformingwomenshealth.com

    Connect with Aimee:






    Disclosure: Some of the links in this post are affiliate links and if you go through them to make a purchase I will earn a commission at no cost to you. Keep in mind that I link these companies and their products because of their quality and not because of the commis

  • In today’s episode of Toxin Terminator, we are joined by Sue Heil and Barb Hagge. Barb Hegge and Sue Heil are certified clinical thermographers who founded and own Lighthouse Health and Thermography. Through Lighthouse they offer medical thermography screening at their primary office in St. Michael, MN as well as servicing multiple locations throughout the Twin Cities area.

    Growing up, Barb’s interest in holistic and alternative health was fostered by her family’s integrative, natural health clinic. Her background is in education and health where she has spent the majority of the last couple decades teaching and promoting the power of prevention and alternative health care options. Helping clients see the connection and impact between different areas of the body as well as understanding what options are available for living a vibrant, healthy life is the focus of her work.

    Sue’s upbringing was in that of a traditional healthcare family. Her father was a medical doctor and Sue followed her own interest in health into the field of dietetics where she spent her time assisting patients with dietary changes to try to improve their conditions. Her understanding of how the body works when given proper nutrition, brought her to the preventative side of medicine where she has now spent the last decade assisting people before they have serious conditions and improving families’ health wherever they are at in their journey.

    Barb and Sue worked closely in the preventative side of health education for years before deciding to become clinical thermographers. Seeing a growing need for thermography screening services and knowing the power of prevention and early detection, they now offer men, women, and children the option of safe, effective screening. As they have found, a picture truly does say a thousand words and can be absolutely life-saving.

    In today's episode we are learning:

    -what is thermography

    -common uses for thermography

    -why breast thermography is so popular

    -what thermography can find

    -the connection of oral health and breast health

    And finally Sue and Barb give us their top recommendations for breast health based on their years of working with women!

    Connect with Sue:

    Website: http://www.lighthousehealthandthermography.com/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/lighthousethermography

    Email: [email protected]

    Schedule Your Vitality Code Call:


    Sign-up For The Workshop:

    Aimee and Naomi teach the vitality code, to help heal your body. In this workshop, learn step one; removing the

  • In today’s episode of Toxin Terminator, we are joined by Robyn Towt! She is a former teacher and three-time cancer survivor who was harmed by a medical device. In 2017 she was diagnosed with breast cancer and had a double mastectomy and reconstruction with silicone breast implants that made her horribly ill. She had them removed after just 4 months and all of her symptoms went away. She was shocked that none of her doctors told her that this could happen. This led to a passion for advocacy in medical device safety. She is a co-founder of GPAC Global Patient Advocacy Coalition, as well as co-founder of BISA, Breast Implant Safety Alliance. She is also an administrator of multiple patient advocacy groups. She has testified twice at the FDA in support of patient safety and proper informed consent. Collaborative efforts with industry and medical societies have led to progress in finding solutions for increasing awareness and patient safety. She has worked extensively with Arizona legislators in passing an informed consent law for breast implant surgery and her GPAC team is currently working on similar legislation in several other states. She is committed to ensure that what happened to her will not happen to other breast cancer patients.

    In today's episode, we learn the very personal story of Robyn and how that set her into motion to not only change the laws in her own state, but advocating for all women and working in all states to pass legislation! Robyn shares with us the list of questions you should be asking your surgeon and what the surgeon should be telling you so you have proper informed consent.

    Electing to have reconstructive surgery is a very personal choice and both Robyn and I advocate for you to have all the information you need to make the best decision for yourself!

    Connect with Robyn:

    Website: https://www.gpacunited.org

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/GPACUnited

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/gpacunited/

    Email: [email protected]

    Schedule Your Vitality Code Call:


    Sign-up For The Workshop:

    Aimee and Naomi teach the vitality code, to help heal your body. In this workshop, learn step one; removing the vitality blockers: www.transformingwomenshealth.com

    Connect with Aimee:





  • In today’s episode of Toxin Terminator, we are joined by Dr. Nasha Winters! Picture this: can you imagine hearing the news that you have cancer at the age of 19, and being told you have 3-6 months to live?!! That is exactly what Dr. Nasha Winters ND, FABNO heard and why she's been on a personal journey for 27 years! Her quest to save her own life has transformed into a mission to support others on a similar journey.

    Dr. Nasha travels the world to explore integrative cancer clinics, vet cancer protocols for research projects, speak at conferences, and meet with colleagues to help them apply metabolic approaches with their patients.

    She states it clearly and loudly: CANCER WILL TAKE ROOT IN HALF OF ALL MEN AND ONE-THIRD OF ALL WOMEN IN THEIR LIFETIME. If this doesn't make you want to wake up and take ownership of your health, I am not sure what will! Let's get empowered by her personal story and her wisdom!!!

    In this episode:

    -learn who you need to have by your side if you are going through your own diagnosis

    -what three questions you should ask yourself

    -what does a jar of marbles have to do with your well-being

    Connect with Dr. Nasha:

    Website: https://www.drnasha.com





    Schedule Your Vitality Code Call:


    Sign-up For The Workshop:

    Aimee and Naomi teach the vitality code, to help heal your body. In this workshop, learn step one; removing the vitality blockers: www.transformingwomenshealth.com

    Connect with Aimee:






  • In today’s episode of Toxin Terminator, we are joined by Kitty Martone. Kitty, AKA, Healthy Gut Girl is the creator of The Total Gut Makeover, Author of “The Gut Health Diet for Beginners” & “The 4-Week Gut Health Plan” and host of the podcast, ‘Stuff Your Doctor Should Know’. Kitty is a holistic health educator and investigative health journalist. She has a background as a nutritional consultant and chef, working alongside nutritional giants such as Dr. Robert Marshall and author Donna Gates.

    On today's episode with our guest Kitty Martone, aka the Healthy Gut Girl, we are taking a deep dive into estrogen dominance. We look at the top 3 contributors:

    -hormone imbalance

    -gut imbalance

    -toxic burden

    Kitty walks us through her top tips to work in each one of these three key areas to achieve optimal health. And stay til the end, because you know it's my favorite time of the podcast where I get my guests to give me their top, best, most favorite preventative lifestyle tip!! This one has to do with Mt Everest???!!!

    And check out the free gifts from Kitty: https://healthygutgirl.com/gift

    Connect with Kitty:

    Website: https://healthygutgirl.com

    instagram @healthygutgirl_

    Schedule Your Vitality Code Call:


    Sign-up For The Workshop:

    Aimee and Naomi teach the vitality code, to help heal your body. In this workshop, learn step one; removing the vitality blockers: www.transformingwomenshealth.com

    Connect with Aimee:






    Disclosure: Some of the links in this post are affiliate links and if you go through them to make a purchase I will earn a commission at no cost to you. Keep in mind that I link these companies and their products because of their quality and not because of the commission I receive from your purchases. The decision is yours, and whether or not you decide to buy something is completely up to you.

    --- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/aimee-carlson0/message
  • In today’s episode of Toxin Terminator, we are joined by Sinclair Kennally, CNC! She is a toxicity specialist and detox expert, CEO of DetoxRejuveNation.com, host of Detox to Thrive Podcast, and survivor of complex chronic illness.

    She and her partner Michael Spandel specialize in resolving the 7 root causes behind complex chronic digestive issues. Together, they've helped thousands of chronically ill people to get their lives back.

    In today's episode we're taking you from awareness to empowerment by looking at how the lymphatic system works and ways we can support this system in our body! Sinclair has such a natural way of walking us through making simple changes that can have huge impacts on our overall health. Remember, all these tiny changes we make, create a ripple effect on our whole body!

    Check out what Sinclair has to say is the number one thing we should be focused on in living a healthy preventative lifestyle!

    Connect with Sinclair:

    Optin: Do you need to detox? Quiz https://quiz.detoxrejuvenation.com/detox-quiz

    Website: https://detoxrejuvenation.com

    Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/detox-to-thrive/id1568959944

    Schedule Your Vitality Code Call:


    Sign-up For The Workshop:

    Aimee and Naomi teach the vitality code, to help heal your body. In this workshop, learn step one; removing the vitality blockers: www.transformingwomenshealth.com

    Connect with Aimee:






    Disclosure: Some of the links in this post are affiliate links and if you go through them to make a purchase I will earn a commission at no cost to you. Keep in mind that I link these companies and their products because of their quality and not because of the commission I receive from your purchases. The decision is yours, and whether or not you decide to buy something is completely up to you.

    --- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/aimee-carlson0/message
  • In today’s episode of Toxin Terminator, we are joined by Jane Hogan! She is “The Wellness Engineer”, founder and CEO of the ReDesign Wellness Blueprint.

    For 30 years, she was a design engineer and college instructor until joint pain left her nearly disabled. Using engineering problem solving, extensive research and experimentation, she found a beautiful path back to strength and vitality. She hung up her hard hat and followed her heart.

    As a Functional Medicine Certified Health Coach, her mission is to teach others how to release pain naturally using her ReDesign Wellness Blueprint.

    In today's episode we are focusing our attention on breast cancer and how our energy is blocked. Jane walks us through how we can go from victim mentality to empowered. Our genes are always responding to our environment:

    -Our thoughts

    -Our food

    -Our feelings

    -Our interactions with others

    -And the toxins we come in contact with.

    The fastest way to change our gene expression is to get at the energetic level. Jane walks us through tools that will help us do just that with 2 breathing exercises.

    Connect with Jane:




    Schedule Your Vitality Code Call:


    Sign-up For The Workshop:

    Aimee and Naomi teach the vitality code, to help heal your body. In this workshop, learn step one; removing the vitality blockers: www.transformingwomenshealth.com

    Connect with Aimee:






    Disclosure: Some of the links in this post are affiliate links and if you go through them to make a purchase I will earn a commission at no cost to you. Keep in mind that I link these companies and their products because of their quality and not because of the commission I receive from your purchase

  • In today’s episode of Toxin Terminator, we are joined by Julie Michelson! She is a board certified Functional Medicine Health coach and a certified AIP coach.

    As a single mother of three young children, she didn't know what was more painful; the physical pain in her joints or the emotional pain of not being able to provide and care for her kids… Julie was diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis in 2004.

    Through the next decade, her disease progressed, and she accumulated three more autoimmune diagnoses, while eventually increasing her prescription count to ten! She had to stop working and had to quit graduate school as well. Her brain fog made it too hard to retain the information she was learning.

    When she was just 46, she feared she wouldn’t live to see 50. In fact her doctors told her they would keep her as comfortable as possible for as long as possible. The doctors had told her that there was nothing she could do to slow her disease process except take her medications. She just knew that couldn't be all!

    In today's episode Julie shares the 5 things she did that improved her life, got her reduced to just one medication and allows her to freely take care of her family, her acreage and the 6 horses she has! Today, she lives a fully energized life and now has turned her healing journey into her passion as she coaches people to live without pain and more energy!

    Connect with Julie:





    Schedule Your Vitality Code Call:


    Sign-up For The Workshop:

    Aimee and Naomi teach the vitality code, to help heal your body. In this workshop, learn step one; removing the vitality blockers: www.transformingwomenshealth.com

    Connect with Aimee:







  • In today’s episode of Toxin Terminator, join the Toxin Terminator, Aimee Carlson, as she shares her daily routines!

    With the help of my Oura Ring, I can now track how my daily habits are affecting my sleep. I'm pleased to report that I am getting on average:

    ~ 8 hours of sleep every night

    ~ 2 hours of REM sleep every night

    ~ and 1 and a half to almost 2 hours of DEEP sleep each night AND GETTING BETTER!

    I'm sharing with you all today what I do every morning and every night that sets myself up to have those good quality sleep numbers! Did you know that your morning routine is just as important for your sleep as your night time one?


    * how to set up your bedroom to optimize your sleep

    * how to engage the parasympathetic system first thing in the morning

    * what to drink first to help support your detox system

    Check out more information on the Oura Ring here: https://ouraring.com/

    Grab my FREE Morning Routines eBook: https://transforming-women-s-health.mykajabi.com/morning-routines

    Make sure to register for More Than Pink Ribbons! Our annual event to provide education around breast cancer. This year's theme is "Awareness to Empowerment"!

    Schedule Your Vitality Code Call:


    Sign-up For The Workshop:

    Aimee and Naomi teach the vitality code, to help heal your body. In this workshop, learn step one; removing the vitality blockers: www.transformingwomenshealth.com

    Connect with Aimee:






    Disclosure: Some of the links in this post are affiliate links and if you go through them to make a purchase I will earn a commission at no cost to you. Keep in mind that I link these companies and their products because of their quality and not because of the commission I receive from your purchases. The decision is yours, and whether or not you decide to buy something is comple

  • In today’s episode of Toxin Terminator, we are joined by Dr. Aajay Shah! As a board certified cardiologist, board certified lifestyle medicine, life coach, and motivational speaker, Dr. Aajay Shah is passionate and dedicated to help people live a healthier and happier life. His focus is on the 6 Pillars of a Healthy Lifestyle.

    In today's episode we learn:

    - why Dr. Shah is moving into lifestyle medicine

    - why the healthcare system is broken in America

    - how doctors are incentivized in this broken system

    - what are the six pillars

    - what are the top recommendations for each one

    We know living a healthy lifestyle will prevent and reverse chronic disease and promote longevity. Dr. Aajay Shah is breaking down the pillars in bite size steps that anyone can begin right now. Find out how to create a sleeping environment that will have you falling asleep quickly and staying asleep and how to take distress and turn it into eustress. And hear what the doctor has to say about the ways these pillars work and his number one toxin-free lifestyle tip!


    Connect with Dr. Aajay Shah:

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HealthyLivingwithDrAajayShahLLC
    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCl3w3yO_Zq6T5Rpv6SKc_VQ

    Schedule Your Vitality Code Call:


    Sign-up For The Workshop:

    Aimee and Naomi teach the vitality code, to help heal your body. In this workshop, learn step one; removing the vitality blockers: www.transformingwomenshealth.com

    Connect with Aimee:






    Disclosure: Some of the links in this post are affiliate links and if you go through them to make a purchase I will earn a commission at no cost to you. Keep in mind that I link these companies and their products because of their quality and not because of the commission I receive from your purchases. The decision is yours, and whether or not you decide to buy

  • In today’s episode of Toxin Terminator, we are joined by Coach Ashleah Bechtel. She is an entrepreneur, certified health & wellness coach, holds a degree in journalism, a masters in counseling, is an associate professor & course director in Department of Behavioral Science and Leadership, and a 20 year army officer!

    She is well versed in human behavior and most passionate about helping people move through loss related transitions and finding new purpose.

    In today's episode we are looking at how the current state of the world and our communities are affecting our overall health; physically, mentally and spiritually. We are living in times that are unprecedented and having a significant effect on our mental health. Our mental health numbers, addiction numbers, abuse numbers and suicide numbers are at all time highs. Ashleah shared that in the Army there are 24 service men committing suicide every single day.

    So what can we do? How do we take us from the sick place mentally and create a healthy environment for ourselves so we can then make impacts in our families, our communities and the world?

    Ashleah walks us through the buckets of where we might be mentally right now and the steps to take to make corrections. Simple questions we can ask ourselves that can lead us into more self awareness as well as the 2 things you must do right now!

    And make sure to check out her number one toxin-free lifestyle tip!

    Mental Health is very serious and if you are a loved one are spiraling downward please reach out for help! If you are in immediate danger please call the Suicide Prevention number here :800-273-8255

    You can get professional help from Ashleah by reaching out here: https://www.facebook.com/ashleah.bechtel


    Connect with Coach Ashleah:



    Schedule Your Vitality Code Call:


    Sign-up For The Workshop:

    Aimee and Naomi teach the vitality code, to help heal your body. In this workshop, learn step one; removing the vitality blockers: www.transformingwomenshealth.com

    Connect with Aimee:





  • In today’s episode of Toxin Terminator, we are joined by Allison Melody. She is an eco-entrepreneur with a passion for film, fitness and food. As a Podcast Host, Film Producer, Author & International Speaker, Allison’s mission is to inspire people to the body’s incredible ability to heal itself when given the tools it needs to do so.

    Allison is Host of The Food Heals Podcast. Being hailed as “Sex and the City for Food,” Food Heals brings together experts in the field of nutrition, health and healing to teach you the best-kept natural secrets to being a hotter, healthier, happier YOU!

    As a filmmaker for the past fifteen years, Allison has directed and produced documentary films, PSA’s, commercials and music videos on the topics of social justice, human rights and public health. In 2019, her documentary Powered By Plants debuted at The French Riviera Fest in Cannes, France.

    Additionally, Allison consults with small businesses and brands to help successful wellness entrepreneurs build wellness empires and create more impact, influence, and income in their business.

    You can get her brand new book, Food Heals: Physical, Emotional & Spiritual Stories to Nourish Your Soul and Transform Your Health on Amazon.

    In today's episode we are learning:

    ~ the heart-wrenching story that led Allison to look into health and the creation of Food Heals

    ~ what is the best way to eat to truly inspire a healthy body and avoid chronic disease

    ~ what the role of emotions have on our physical health

    ~ what steps we should take to begin our journey into a healthy way of eating for our bodies

    ~ Allison's 3 recommendations to release emotions

    ~ mood boosting foods

    ~and our top tips to make eating healthy affordable!

    Connect with Allison:




    Schedule Your Vitality Code Call:


    Sign-up For The Workshop:

    Aimee and Naomi teach the vitality code, to help heal your body. In this workshop, learn step one; removing the vitality blockers: www.transformingwomenshealth.com

    Connect with Aimee:



  • In today’s episode of Toxin Terminator, we are joined by Megan Robitaille! She is a wellness and life coach focusing on functional movement of the body, optimizing that, as well as opening movement of energy and emotion through the body in order to create space, congruence, and rebuild habits.

    Megan used these principles herself to develop long-term habits, physical and environmental change! Listen in as she shares her story of being near death at such an early age and releasing emotions to find true healing.

    You will learn:

    What is an emotion?

    What is emotional constipation?

    What are some common symptoms that you might be emotionally constipated?

    What are the top 6 emotions that must be dealt with first?

    Megan shares with us the simple steps to release and rebuild so that you can overcome pain, fatigue, anxiety, stress, autoimmune diseases and behaviors that are not matching with your desires.

    "All is within you that you need to heal". Megan Robitaille

    Connect with Megan:

    email: [email protected]

    FaceBook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1124660206

    Instagram: https://www/instagram.com/megan.robitaille

    Schedule Your Vitality Code Call:


    Sign-up For The Workshop:

    Aimee and Naomi teach the vitality code, to help heal your body. In this workshop, learn step one; removing the vitality blockers: www.transformingwomenshealth.com

    Connect with Aimee:






    Disclosure: Some of the links in this post are affiliate links and if you go through them to make a purchase I will earn a commission at no cost to you. Keep in mind that I link these companies and their products because of their quality and not because of the commission I receive from your purchases. The dec

  • In today’s episode of Toxin Terminator, we are joined by Peter Koshland! He is a graduate of Georgetown University and the University of California at San Francisco School of Pharmacy. Peter opened his compounding pharmacy, Koshland Pharm, in 2009 in San Francisco, and has continued to work with doctors and patients on individualized, integrative therapies that make a difference in the quality of patients’ day-to-day lives.

    Peter leads a dedicated team of healthcare professionals at Koshland Pharm and oversees pharmacy operations in order to support the health and healing of patients. In his twenty-year career as a pharmacist, Peter has seen the profound impact high-quality compounded medicine can have on the lives of patients. Because of this, producing the absolute best patient outcomes is what drives his decisions as CEO of Koshland Pharm. When he is not in the pharmacy, Peter spends his time consulting with and educating doctors about the multiple applications of compounded medicine in their respective fields.

    In today's episode we are looking at the compounding industry as a whole and why it is an intricate piece of our healthy puzzle and can be a valid approach. Peter talks about the players we use when living a healthy lifestyle and how just as there is no single right medication for all, nor is there a single right person for each of us to have in our playground when we are choosing to dive into a healthier life.

    Compounding has been so important in treating many conditions and as women we know the most of compounded hormone replacement. This is an area Peter is passionate about and has seen the changes occur over the years. He's sharing his thoughts on this topic, what are xenoestrogens, as well as the important role hormones play in the body, well beyond what many of us think! Did you know beyond pharmaceuticals being a synthetic man-made drug, they are often full of toxic fillers and dyes.

    Compounding can be a valid option to remove these as well as customizing doses just for you. And of course we hear what Peter's top toxin-free lifestyle tip is! Check out great resources at www.compounding.com to learn more about this industry!


    Connect with Peter:




    Schedule Your Vitality Code Call: https://calendly.com/vitality-code/discovery-call

    - Sign-up For The Workshop: Aimee and Naomi teach the vitality code, to help heal your body. In this workshop, learn step one; removing the vitality blockers: www.transformingwomenshealth.com -

    Connect with Aimee: http://aimeecarlson.com/ https://www.facebook.com/groups/TheToxinFreeLifestyle/ https://www.instagram.com/aimeecarlson6/ https://twitter.com/AimeeCa44250287 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXz7-0umMiF7jxrw_fiVEmA/featured


    Disclosure: Some of the links in this post are affiliate links and if you go through them to make a purchase I will earn a commission at no cost to you. Keep in mind that I link these companies and their products because of their quality and not because of the commission I receive from your purchases. The decision is yours, and whether or not you decide to buy something is completely up to you.

    --- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/aimee-carlson0/message
  • In today’s episode of Toxin Terminator, we are joined by Barton Scott!

    He is a chemical engineer, a nutritionist, and the Founder of Upgraded Formulas. Barton is passionate about helping people combat the stressors of daily life, the toxicity of the modern world, the utter lack of nutrients, and the mineral absorption issues that we all face, and he has made it his mission to reduce suffering by increasing the public’s understanding of the human body’s interrelationships. As a successful chemical engineer and nutritionist, Barton Scott had always possessed a sharp mind and ease of recall. However, around the time he lost his mother, Barton also suffered from memory loss. He realized that the two events were linked and set out on a journey to discover all he could about the human body and how it functions.

    Barton discovered how mineral supplements lacked effectiveness and absorption into the body, rendering most products in the market useless. With his knowledge of industrial processes as well as the typical gaps in nutrition, Barton created a new and patent-pending category of supplementation, Liquid Nano Minerals. With these supplements, he was able to solve his short term memory loss! Barton, with the creation of Upgraded Formulas, has chosen to focus his life’s work on an area of health optimization that impacts all the rest, nutrient deficiency. He is passionate about helping people combat the stressors of daily life, the toxicity of the modern world, and the utter lack of nutrients and mineral absorption issues that we all face, and he has made it his mission to reduce suffering by increasing the public’s understanding of the human body’s interrelationships.

    Learn: how you can easily test your body for heavy metal toxicity, what the top symptoms of chemical imbalance in our bodies looks like and what are the common imbalances we have in our bodies.

    Barton Scott has provided a coupon for all of you to use to save 15% off your first purchase with the code: toxinfree

    Check out his supplement line and testing!

    Connect with Barton:





    Schedule Your Vitality Code Call: https://calendly.com/vitality-code/discovery-call

    Sign-up For The Workshop: Aimee and Naomi teach the vitality code, to help heal your body. In this workshop, learn step one; removing the vitality blockers:


    Connect with Aimee:






    Disclosure: Some of the links in this post are affiliate links and if you go through them to make a purchase I will earn a commission at no cost to you. Keep in mind that I link these companies and their products because of their quality and not because of the commission I receive from your purchases. The decision is yours, and whether or not you decide to buy something is completely up to you.

    --- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/aimee-carlson0/message
  • In today’s episode of Toxin Terminator, we are rejoined by Naomi Damask! It seems that 2020 just keeps going and there is no end in sight. What does this mean for you and me? Are you at risk? In today's episode we're looking at the data over the last year and what the European nations have seen and are seeing to date. 1st-what research is showing about the Delta variant. 2nd-the CDC is pushing out the same restrictions as last year. 3rd - the people who are at most risk are those that cannot mount a proper immune response. We are looking at what causes the body to not be able to mount a proper immune response and honestly...all of them are GREAT news to all of us and we explain why! If you are serious about wanting to make changes in your life, let's talk. This one discussion will absolutely change your life whether you work with us or not! Schedule Your Vitality Code Call: https://calendly.com/vitality-code/discovery-call Sign-up For The Workshop: Aimee and Naomi teach the vitality code, to help heal your body. In this workshop, learn step one; removing the vitality blockers: www.transformingwomenshealth.com Connect with Aimee: http://aimeecarlson.com/ https://www.facebook.com/groups/TheToxinFreeLifestyle/ https://www.instagram.com/aimeecarlson6/ https://twitter.com/AimeeCa44250287 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXz7-0umMiF7jxrw_fiVEmA/featured Disclosure: Some of the links in this post are affiliate links and if you go through them to make a purchase I will earn a commission at no cost to you. Keep in mind that I link these companies and their products because of their quality and not because of the commission I receive from your purchases. The decision is yours, and whether or not you decide to buy something is completely up to you.

    --- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/aimee-carlson0/message