
  • What is the best way for you to use your energy? How should you make important decisions? It turns out, it might be different for each person.

    Dale and I are big fans of learning about things outside of our industry and what we do day to day. You never know how these lines of curiosity will end up improving your skills or help with making connections.

    Recently I've been learning about something called Human Design. Human Design (or HD for short) is a way to understand how you're uniquely wired. I've found it very helpful with picking what projects to focus on and the best way for me to get work done.

    In this episode I take a look at Dale's HD chart and we find his type and inner authority.

    Through trial and error Dale is doing a pretty good job already of living his design, but once we reach the way he makes decisions, we find a few things he can work on.

    I hope you'll enjoy this very different (yet still Kyle and Dale style) episode of the Dale & Kyle Show.

  • In today’s episode we’re talking about discounting your prices. Should you do it? And if so how?

    We're approaching the biggest sale day of the year. So big that it's spread from it's originating country and is now being observed by retailers around the world.

    I'm of course talking about Black Friday (and Cyber Monday).

    Dale and I discuss when you should discount and when you shouldn't. Also how much to discount and how to use bundles as a way to not cheapen your services.

    Links to things we mentioned:

    Website: Create & SellDale’s website: Energetic EducationKyle’s website: Bootcamp Ideas
  • Eksik bölüm mü var?

    Akışı yenilemek için buraya tıklayın.

  • In today's episode we're talking about stress, uncertainty and the ways we avoid it.

    (You may notice a new show format: We're shedding the 'business' style podcast name so we can get more personal. We hope these conversations between two father, business men and friends are valuable in your own lives as a parent, business owner and human being.)

    Dale was feeling a bit flat a the start of this session so we decided to use a bit of a trick that can help you feel better: asking questions and being interested in someone else.

    Kyle had recently had some insights about keeping busy in order to avoid his emotions so the pair kick off talking about that and Kyle shares what has been helping him be more present.

    If you're feeling stressed, anxious or uncertain about the state of the world right now, this one is for you.

    Links to things we mentioned:

    Website: Wade BrillWebsite: Andy HobsonApp: Insight TimerMeditation: Peace Walking MeditationDale’s website: Energetic EducationKyle’s website: Bootcamp Ideas
  • In today's episode we've been inspired by R U OK? Day to talk about how we check-in with our friends.

    (You may notice a new show format: We're shedding the 'business' style podcast name so we can get more personal. We hope these conversations between two father, business men and friends are valuable in your own lives as a parent, business owner and human being.)

    Before we hit record, we were talking about that fact that R U OK? Day is great for spreading awareness about mental health, but what if we practiced it every week?

    What are you currently doing to check-in with those around you?

    Dale has four different ways to check-in for you to try, plus a little gift for you too.

    Here they are for your reference:

    The Emoji Check-In – Message: Can you send me 3 emojis and explain them? I will do it back.1 to 10 Scale – Message: On a scale of 1-10, how are you feeling? I just want a number back. Then: How can I take that 6 and turn it into an 8?The PAL Message – Each morning pick one person and send the message: I’m proud of you because… I admire this about you… I love this about you…Handwritten Note in a Book – Buy a book, write a note in the cover and mail it to someone.


    If you need help with number 4, perhaps you can't afford doing this right now, you're in luck. Simply email Dale the name of a person and why you are grateful for them and he’ll send a copy of his book book to someone on your behalf (limited to the first 5 people).

    Links to things we mentioned:

    Website: RUOK DayDale’s book: All Work No Play: A Surprising Guide to Feeling More Mindful, Grateful and CheerfulDale’s website: Energetic EducationKyle’s website: Bootcamp Ideas
  • Selling is merely helping someone change their point of view. From convincing your partner that there is a right way to stack the dishwasher to selling what you do to your potential customers.

    One way leads to an argument or flat our dismissal, the other way leads to them seeing your point of view.

    The key is starting with understanding that persons world view right now. How can we see things they way they see things?

    That's what we talk about in today's episode.

    Links to things we mentioned:

    Cards: Daily Mission CardsCommunity Platform: CircleWebsite: BootCraftDale’s website: Energetic EducationKyle’s website: Bootcamp Ideas
  • Having known Dale for some time I've been struck by his ability to not only move through challenging times, but also be a beacon to of support and understanding to those around him.

    Whenever we talk about it one book often comes up: The Go-Giver.

    Struggling with the current lockdown I bought myself a copy on a whim and read it that week (it's nice a short). It challenged me so much that I knew I needed to talk to Dale about it.

    This is that conversation, recorded for you to hear. We go through the different sections of the book and Dale shares how each section effected him with real-world examples.



    We avoid using ads on Lead Your Tribe. Instead we focus on building our own products and services for you. If you’d like to support us check these out:

    BootCraft provides a library of creative workout ideas and drills for smart group fitness trainers. Smart because they save time and create better workout their campers love. Check it out.

    Fitness Game Zone is the place to go for Connection Before Content. Start every workout, workshop or class by getting people engaged and having fun. Hundreds of plans to choose from. Check it out.

    Links to things we mentioned:

    Book: The Go-Giver by Bob Burg and John David MannDale’s website: Energetic EducationKyle’s website: Bootcamp Ideas
  • We can accomplish much more than we think in a year. And much less than we think in a day.

    Recently Kyle heard Charles Duhigg say this on a podcast:

    Throughout history, there’s only been one killer productivity app, and it is, thinking more deeply, training ourselves to think more deeply about the choices that we are making, to make sure that what I am doing right now, aligns with what I think is most important, and acknowledging that it might be different yesterday and it might be different tomorrow, but at least right now, I’m thinking about that and I’m making a choice to get closer to it.

    Charles Duhigg, on Dare to Lead

    It sparked today's conversation where we explore how productivity isn't always about doing more work, but rather knowing what you need to do in that moment.

    Some days we need to allow space and time. Other days we need to prioritise something else. Sometimes it's cleaning the house, sometimes going for a walk. Sometimes just putting on our boots and wading in.

  • Ever look at someone else's business and think:

    'Wow, they get so much done!'

    What you're probably seeing is the result of lots of tiny experiments.

    Experiments help us discover if there is a need for our idea. Some work out and some fail. By making them a habit we can stave off stagnating or losing too much when one thing fails.

    This week on Lead Your Tribe, Dale and I share some of our current experiments to give you a few examples.

  • In this episode I find out how Dale managed to go from teacher and PT to a full-time speaker and presenter.

    As Dale mentions early on, getting into that line of work is 'not for the faint hearted'. Luckily, Dale shares with us what he learned along the way from doing workshops for free to five-figure bookings.


    We avoid using ads on Lead Your Tribe. Instead we focus on building our own products and services for you. If you’d like to support us check these out:

    BootCraft provides a library of creative workout ideas and drills for smart group fitness trainers. Smart because they save time and create better workout their campers love. Check it out.

    Fitness Game Zone is the place to go for Connection Before Content. Start every workout, workshop or class by getting people engaged and having fun. Hundreds of plans to choose from. Check it out.

    Links to things we mentioned:

    Video: Dale’s TEDx TalkWebsite: The PE GeekBook: Talk like TED by Carmine GalloDale’s website: Energetic EducationKyle’s website: Bootcamp Ideas
  • Do you suffer from anxiety? Or are you someone who doesn't? Either way we hope this episode will help you understand your anxiety or that of those around you better.

    In this episode Kyle talks about the severe anxiety he experienced around a recent trip. Over the course of his conversation with Dale (and Dale listening and asking good questions) you'll get to hear Kyle find some revelations around why he was feeling so anxious.

    Dale also shares his insights from having today's conversation and they share some of their go-to methods for helping deal with anxiety in day to day life.


    We avoid using ads on Lead Your Tribe. Instead we focus on building our own products and services for you. If you’d like to support us check these out:

    BootCraft provides a library of creative workout ideas and drills for smart group fitness trainers. Smart because they save time and create better workout their campers love. Check it out.

    Fitness Game Zone is the place to go for Connection Before Content. Start every workout, workshop or class by getting people engaged and having fun. Hundreds of plans to choose from. Check it out.

    Links to things we mentioned:

    Dale’s book: All Work No Play: A Surprising Guide to Feeling More Mindful, Grateful and CheerfulDale’s website: Energetic EducationKyle’s website: Bootcamp Ideas
  • This week on Lead Your Tribe, Kyle Wood interviews Andrea Hayes!

    Andrea is the Managing Partner at Change Maker Academy, working alongside Dr. Berardi to help change makers turn their passion for health & fitness into a powerful purpose and a wildly successful career.

    She’s also the Program Manager at the University of Victoria’s Innovation Centre, where she teaches, mentors, and establishes key connections for budding entrepreneurs.

    Over the last 10 years, she’s started several companies inside — and outside — of the health and fitness space.

    I know what it’s like to succeed at something I didn’t love, to fail at something I was deeply passionate about, and to finally win at something I love with people I love working with.

    There’s a difference between building a career or a business, and building a life that you love. I find a deep sense of meaning supporting other health and fitness professionals on their journeys as they find success, based on their own success

    She currently lives in British Columbia, Canada with her fiancé and their massive cat, Jerry. When she’s not mentoring other
    entrepreneurs, she enjoys taking bike rides to the local coffee shops, hiking, and laughing so loud that her friends can detect where she

    In this episode we talk about:

    What Andrea’s middle initial ‘D’ stands for and why.Why Andrea’s response to the pandemic impacted fitness industry was to create a Book Club.Why you should show up even when you might fail.How having a team forces you to lift your game.Which personality assessments we love and how they’ve helped our personal and business lives.
  • What happens when we try to do something that’s outside our comfort zone?

    Inevitably, there will be moments of failure. Things outside of our control will happen. And we’ll have to deal with the disappointment.

    What’s in our control is how we deal with it.

    Dale and Kyle share how they’ve dealt with recent disappointments and moved on from them. From recent pandemic related disappointments to past disappointments (because when we feel new disappointments, it brings up those from the past too), they hold nothing back.


    We avoid using ads on Lead Your Tribe. Instead we focus on building our own products and services for you. If you’d like to support us check these out:

    BootCraft provides a library of creative workout ideas and drills for smart group fitness trainers. Smart because they save time and create better workout their campers love. Check it out.

    Fitness Game Zone is the place to go for Connection Before Content. Start every workout, workshop or class by getting people engaged and having fun. Hundreds of plans to choose from. Check it out.

    Links to things we mentioned:
    Podcast episode on PTSD and the Coronavirus pandemic: Vulnerability with Brigadier General Michael “Johnny Bravo” Drowley | A Little Bit of Optimism

    Instagram: @Phillip Island Fire BrigadeDale’s book: All Work No Play: A Surprising Guide to Feeling More Mindful, Grateful and CheerfulSpotify Playlist: Kyle’s Crying PlaylistPodcast episode on the stress cycle: Brené with Emily and Amelia Nagoski on Burnout and How to Complete the Stress Cycle | Unlocking UsWebsite: The Ready StateVideo: Best bloke in the world – Hamish and AndyBook: Burnout: The Secret to Unlocking the Stress CycleDale’s website: Energetic EducationKyle’s website: Bootcamp Ideas
  • Show Notes:

    Questions we cover in this week's episode:

    Is connecting on social media the same as connecting offline?What benefit am I getting from social media? How can I be more purposeful?What about a daily phone call instead of a daily post?What are some ways to connect offline?How to set up a ‘connection exchange’.Is time spent connecting ‘work’?

    At the end of the episode I warp things up with 3 tips we recommend to help you feel more connected through this time:

    Unscheduled commute or walk and talk time.Weekly scheduled calls and catch ups instead of leaving to chance.Instead of posting on social media, reach out personally.


    We self sponsor Lead Your Tribe. If you'd like to support us check these out:

    BootCraft provides a library of creative workout ideas and drills for smart group fitness trainers. Smart because they save time and create better workout their campers love. Check it out.

    Fitness Game Zone is the place to go for connection before content. Start every workout, workshop or class by getting people engaged and having fun. Hundreds of plans to choose from. Check it out.

    Links to things we mentioned:

    BCI Boost: Relationships and RetentionDocumentary: The Social DilemmaPodcast epside: Creative/Curious Work – Jim Collins on Brené BrownApp: Marco PoloArticle: 36 Questions That Lead To LoveApp: VoxerMovie: WantedDale’s website: Energetic EducationKyle’s website: Bootcamp Ideas
  • Last week we talked a lot about adversity so this week it felt natural to continue that conversation on and talk about drive.

    Drive. Willpower. Motivation. Gumption. That thing that helps us achieve big goals and ride through the tough times.

    Here are some of the questions we cover in this episode:

    What drives us?How can I get motivated?What’s the slump that comes after a big project is finished?How hard should we push ourselves?Can we use goals and bucket lists to motivate us?How do I keep up my long-term drive?How do I start my day on the right foot?Is being selfish okay?How can I build my self-esteem and self-belief?

    Link to things we mentioned:

    Dale’s book: All Work No Play: A Surprising Guide to Feeling More Mindful, Grateful and CheerfulDale’s website: Energetic EducationKyle's website: Bootcamp Ideas
  • A quick announcement: Dale’s new book All Work No Play: A Surprising Guide to Feeling More Mindful, Grateful and Cheerful is now out. Keep an eye out for it in your local bookstore or online.

    We touch on the vulnerability of writing a book and putting something permanent out there and then I dive into some surprising things I learned about Dale while reading the book.

    Some of the other topics we discuss are:

    Is it okay to see a therapist?How do we find our way out of terrible work situations?Why you’ve got to build a connection before you can teach anything.How do I create space to think and feel?In what ways do I avoid thinking and feeling?What does resilience mean? Is it different to stubbornness?

    Show notes: https://www.bootcampideas.com/podcast/

  • In today's episode of Lead Your Tribe we talk about boundaries.

    As trainers we're often the type of people who give a lot of ourselves to others. Because of that it can be hard to create a work schedule that suits our needs.

    We talk about the power of saying no and using boundaries as an opportunity to listen and learn. We also talk about working out your 'magic' time which is your best time of day to do work.

    Other things we touch on are how to block out distractions, designing your life and why you should regularly throw out your checklist.

    Listen in above or in your favourite podcast app.

  • With so many ideas and opportunities available to you, it can be overwhelming and difficult to know which one's to put your precious time into. In this episode we show you a simple way to get focused.

    If you’re just joining us in this 3-part series on reviewing your year and planning this year, pop back to part 1: how to do a yearly review that rocks.

    This week we’re going to look at…

    What exactly do you want to do this year?

    I’ve based this method off one I learnt from the guys at Fizzle. It worked really well for me and I hope it does for you too.

    In today’s task we are going to make a big list of everything you want to do in the next 3-12 months.

    I bet you already have a bunch of ideas bouncing around in your head. Fighting each other for your attention.

    Maybe they come out at night when you are ready to go to sleep. Maybe when you sit down to do some work and are trying to work out what to do first. Maybe I’ll just go wash the dishes instead.

    Time for a brain vomit

    Your ideas are no good to you in your head. We need to get them out so we can look at them.

    Plus you will find that once you write them down, the ideas will cease their battles in your head which is nice.

    Let’s get into today’s assignment.

    Find the assignment and discussion in this episodes show notes: https://leadyourtribe.co/worth-doing/

  • Welcome to the first part of our 21 Day Planning Program. Read this online.

    Before I get into today’s assignment (yes, there will be homework for this week) I want to give you an outline of what you can expect over the next 3 weeks.

    New assignments and lessons will come out every 3-4 days along with the weekly overview on the podcast. I’ve tried to time the more introspective tasks at the start of the week so, if you can, take some time out to really think about these.

    We’ll update this page with links as the course unfolds so keep this one bookmarked if you want a reference during the week.

    Week 1 – How to do a yearly review that rocks (Part A and Part B)Week 2 – How to decide which ideas you have are the best to pursue (Part A and Part B)Week 3 - How to actually get stuff done and not get distractedEnd of Week 3 - Program wrap up

    We’ve tried to break down the homework into manageable chunks so you don’t get overwhelmed with too much at once. Or if you fall behind you can catch up easily.

    Week 1 - Part A

    While it’s not a great idea to spend a lot of time dwelling on the past, it is useful in small doses.

    So before we kick things off with planning out 2017, I want to to go back and look at 2016.

    Specifically I want you to look at what went well and what didn’t go so well?

    Starting with what went well (so we can be in a positive attitude for when we hit what didn’t go so well) have a look across the entire spectrum of your life. It may have been a crappy year business wise but you did have a child so that’s a pretty big win there.

    Also, I bet you will be amazed at all the things you did achieve this year. Sometimes a bad week or even just a bad day can make us feel lose perspective and feel like we are spinning our wheels. Use this weekend to take a step back, and remember all the things you did do.

    After you have done this, it’s time to look at things that didn’t go well. By this I mean things that you quit, projects that fizzled out or failed, disasters, illness and even heartbreak.

    For now just take some time this week to make a list. Later in the week we’ll go further with Part B.

    Note: In the podcast episode you'll hear Part A and B. For today you can just do A and then later in the week we'll email you written instructions for Part B.


    In something like Google Docs or Evernote make four lists.

    For list 1 answer this question:

    What successes and things to celebrate happened in your business in 2020?

    Repeat the question thinking about your personal life too.

    Small wins should be included as well as the completion of any long term goals. Lucky situations are allowed too. Write it all down.

    For list 3 answer this question:

    What failures did you have in your business in 2020?

    Again turn this question to your personal life – go as deep as you can. You aren’t sharing this part with anyone so be honest with yourself.

    Don’t forget about resolutions you had from last New Years, or things you tried to start but couldn’t get going.

    This entire task of writing the two lists should take about 20-30 minutes. If it takes longer then that you’re overthinking it.

    Once you are done

    Come here and share with us all in the comments one thing your business what was a success last year and one thing that was a failure.

    It doesn’t matter how big or small it is. We’re looking forward to reading them!

  • In this special and final episode of Lead Your Tribe, we take a moment to look back at 2020.

    We cover the highs and lows, bushfires and pandemics, pivoting and name changes, a TEDx talk, a book deal, celebrating milestones and how important it is to take a moment to appreciate the hard work of merely surviving this year.

    Stay tuned during January as we play back to you our process for doing your own annual review and how to choose what to work on next year.

    Links to things we mention:

    You helped us raise $9,946.50 | Australian Bushfire Relief Fundraiser ResultsThe Trainers Tribe | The Old PodcastThe Trainers Tribe Is Getting A New Name And Focus | The Trainers Tribe name changeNarcissistic To Nice | Dale Sidebottom’s TEDx TalkWiley Book Publishers | Dale’s PublisherLuna Tractor | Dale’s Mentor

    Full show notes: https://leadyourtribe.co/2020-review/

  • Dressed in scrubs and a gown, Dale and his wife eagerly awaited the arrival of their first child. This moment was 9 months in the making and the day was finally here.

    Pregnancy complications meant the baby would be arriving via a scheduled C-Section. After arriving at the hospital for a morning surgery they had now been waiting for 8 hours as other surgeries pushed back the C-Section.

    At the last moment the surgeon arrived to tell them that they had run out of time and that they needed to come back in two days.

    Two more days of waiting. Soul. Crushed.

    This was Dale's experience the very day before we recorded this podcast. Coming off the back of a year of incredible uncertainty and change, we thought it would make a great topic to dive into for our second last podcast of the year.

    We answer some common questions around uncertainty like:

    What can I do to guarantee success with my new project or idea?
    How can I change someone’s mind?
    What do I do when the situation is out of my control?

    Also Dale shares with us a framework he uses with organisation to help them with uncertainty:

    Choose to be positiveEat - Move - SleepSocialiseBe gratefulPlay to your strengthsBe kindGet organisedWork sensible hoursBe your own best mateTalk - reach out and ask for help

    Full show notes: https://leadyourtribe.co/uncertainty/

    Audio credit: How to start a movement | Derek Sivers’ TED Talk (shared under CC 3.0)