9 newbies. 3 miniseries. One crazy experience.
Like the saying goes, sharing is caring, and it pretty much applies to our experiences too, so ahead and listen to all of the crazy, behind-the-scene stories that we have for you!
See you later, Alligator!
Eksik bölüm mü var?
According to the World Economic Forum, "It will be 118 years before women have the same career prospects as men." In our fourth episode, we discussed what patriarchy is and how far we are from putting an end to it. Now, we are going to talk about how it has been affecting the workforce of women and our national economy.
Women have to fight for their rights, for equal income on every scale in their everyday life.
Tune into our fifth and final episode to find out more.
Thank you for listening to Obstacles To Progression. We have enjoyed this experience a lot and we hope you did too!
Ever wondered how companies like Hotmail and Airbnb became worth billions of dollars without having to do advertising? Ever wondered how every other person knows about Instagram when Instagram doesn't even directly market itself? Well then, allow us to introduce you to the world of Growth hacking.
"The end goal of every growth hacker is to build a self-perpetuating marketing machine which reaches millions by itself"
Links Mentioned in the Episode
Andrew Chen’s essays
Noah Kagan’s blog
Patrick Vlaskovits
Jesse Farmer
Sean Ellis
Paul Graham’s essays
Aaron Ginn
Josh Elman
On a scale of 1 to 10, how much have you been missing concerts lately? How much do you sacrifice on little things to save up for that one concert ticket? What's a concert ticket worth? What do you think makes these concert tickets so pricey?
Too many questions? Pretty sure This Is ‘not’ What You Came For!
Just head on to the episode, There’s Nothing Holding you Back!
Reference - Rockonomics: Book by Alan Krueger
Women's horizons are limited by the idea that their primary responsibility is domestic work.
This is the truth.. but wait.. don't make up your mind just yet. We have another bitter truth coming your way.
Women do cooking at home, But all professional chefs are male. So when something gets professionalised, then the men get monopoly.
So, in both cases who's paying the price? Women!
In our fourth episode we are going to talk about patriarchy in India. Join Ananyaa, Sanjeet and our guest speaker Sunita ma'am to unravel the bitter truth and various aspects of The Patriarchal Problem..
Ever find yourself buried in the deep, dark hole of thoughts about how everything is fake and how nothing really matters and how existence is a scam?
Well, turns out, it might not be as bad as it sounds!
Wanna find out how?
Tune into the fourth episode of Too Long; Didn’t Read, where we’re taking you all on a small philosophical joyride!
References :
Not much for you to read here today except, just go to this Youtube link - https://youtu.be/6FURuLYrR_Q and take a look at the title of the video.
Turn on your desi mode as in this episode, we go Bollywood style!
- https://vidiq.com/blog/post/cover-songs-on-youtube/
- https://ccs.instructure.com/courses/1428874/pages/lecture-2-bollywood
- http://edition.cnn.com/2011/SHOWBIZ/Music/04/08/bollywood.playback.singers/index.html
- https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/home/sunday-times/now-bollywoods-playback-singers-get-payback/articleshow/63765379.cms
- https://www.ndtv.com/entertainment/decoding-the-process-involved-in-the-making-of-a-bollywood-song-779112
- https://open.spotify.com/episode/29epLzqicuj7OTj5whxs7A?si=de9b55286b494390
Right from a black cat crossing your way might ruin your day to not cutting your hair on the day of eclipse, we’ve all been around people who believe in superstition.
But does this superstition affect different aspects of the economy?
Tune in to the third episode of OTP, where Mukta and Kalyani will try to answer this question, by analysing it's role in trade, businesses and various industries.
References :
Do discounts mitigate numerological superstitions? Evidence from the Russian real estate market
The rising need for anti-superstitious laws in India
Superstitions and stock trading: some new evidence: Journal of the Asia Pacific Economy: Vol 19, No 4
Why Superstition Works in Business
ThrowbackThursday: 10 Superstitions that Make Small Businesses Thrive
13 Crazy Facts About Stock Markets
Ever wonder why you chose Spotify even though you have an Amazon Prime membership that includes music?
Well it's all about a way a product is designed that makes you want to chose it over it's competition. Tune in this podcast to learn about UX design and how it bridges the gap between machines and human beings
Links of resources mentioned:
Imagine spending weeks creating a piece of music and posting it on social media, only to find that it has been used as a background score in a high-budget movie. Neither were you asked for permission nor were you given due credits!
How’d you feel? Robbed? Devastated? Angry?
In a world where piracy and theft have become the new normal, you should, rather, you MUST know about copyrights.
Tune in to our latest episode to know more about it.
- Rockonomics: Book by Alan Krueger
- https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.insider.com/ariana-grande-7-rings-royalties-rodgers-and-hammerstein-my-favourite-things-sample-2019-3%3famp
- https://help.songtrust.com/knowledge/what-is-the-difference-between-a-sample-and-interpolation
- https://www.billboard.com/articles/news/73635/indian-composer-sues-over-truth-hurts-sample
Are beggars forced into the practice of beggary? Why don't beggars look for employment? What is the government doing about this?
On the second episode of Obstacles To Progression - Beggary Booming (Part 2), Kalyani and Sanjeet discuss the practice of beggary in India in further detail and try to figure out possible solutions for the same. Tune in!
The Economics of Begging! (linkedin.com)
Beggar's banquet - Society & The Arts News - Issue Date: Feb 4, 2008 (indiatoday.in)
You keep hearing so much about Crypto and Blockchain but still don't know what it exactly is? Or You're just an enthusiast who doesn't know how to approach this topic and are looking for an easy way into it?? DO NOT WORRY! You've come to the right place!
Tune into this 10 mins episode of tl;dr where we're talking about the basics about Blockchain and Cryptocurrency.
And most importantly tell you how to go about investing in it .
Take a look at the cover art of our mini-series. Who do you think actually owns it, the artist behind it or The Undismal Paradox?
Now, think about your favourite song. Who do you think it belongs to? The answer is definitely not the voice you hear!
Okay, enough with the guessing games. Tune in to our latest episode to know how the music industry is blinded by the rights.
- https://youtu.be/iExPc11FWUc
- https://www.thefruitfulfirm.com/post/differences-between-music-publishing-record-label-deals-contracts-agreements
- https://www.allkpop.com/article/2020/01/kpop-idols-who-own-the-most-copyrights-updated-in-january-2020
- https://www.audiomentor.com/businessmoney/k-pop-collaboration-k-tune/
- https://www.gemtracks.com/guides/view.php?title=how-does-the-kpop-industry-work&id=460
- https://www.billboard.com/articles/columns/pop/9485702/everyone-taylor-swift-said-re-recording-her-songs
- https://www.instagram.com/p/CLJzk9MjcCe/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link
- https://youtu.be/ZVpkFb9-fts?t=526
- https://taylorswift.tumblr.com/post/185958366550/for-years-i-asked-pleaded-for-a-chance-to-own-my
Economic theories stem from the study of society, people and culture. The topics we discuss in this series pertain to unavoidable parts of Indian society. In today’s episode, Ananya and Mukta take up beggary, and simply dissect how it interacts and interlinks with economics - obstacles and all.
This series is for anyone who has an urge to understand how far the reach of economics goes and witness the application of it to important issues in our country.
Ever log into an online class, hear the teacher ask a question and bask in the nice awkward silence that follows?
Ever rage about how apathetic the mankind has become, filming accidents and mishaps rather than helping the people?
These two things may not be as different as you think they are…
Wanna know how? Tap play and find out in our first episode of Too Long; Didn’t Read, where we talk about Smokey rooms and sannata in online classes!
Are you one of those devoted fans that listen to their idols' music for the first 24 hours after it is released?
Do you know how much money they make when you listen to a single song on repeat?
Press play and listen to our first episode to learn how streaming has transformed the music industry. Stream now!
• Rockonomics: Book by Alan Krueger
• https://www.billboard.com/articles/news/9580407/taylor-swift-evermore-record-breaking-vinyl-album-sales-week/
• https://soundcharts.com/blog/music-streaming-rates-payouts#not-all-streams-are-created-equal
• https://loudandclear.byspotify.com/?question=how-is-stream-share-calculated
Note: Taylor Swift wrote the op-ed to Apple in 2015, not 2014. Kindly excuse the error.
Does the lockdown make you contemplate everything that’s wrong with the world? Have you ever wondered how various social issues that you observe and encounter in your day-to-day activities affect the country as a whole?
Join Ananya, Mukta, Sanjeet, and Kalyani on this journey as they discuss various obstacles on the way of our country's economic development and what we can do about it.
This is an OTP which can be used again and again!
2.5 seconds! Just 2.5 freakin’ seconds. This is the average attention span of humans, which means that this is exactly the time taken by your brain to skip an article that has a lotta bombastic words in it which might make it boring. As scary as this statistics may seem to you, don’t worry we’ve got you covered!! Our podcast, Too Long; Didn't Read is designed for all those who wish to get the basic idea about any topic that you find hard to understand and are trying to avoid reading more about it just because you thought it was too complex.
We bring new episodes every Wednesday..so go mark your calendars!
Welcome to the 9th episode of The Undismal Paradox Season 2!!
In this episode, Prof. Ashish Kulkarni chats up with Jubin Daniel, an alumnus of GIPE.
Jubin Daniel is a Co-Founder at TravelnGo, a travel startup. He is also a Co-Founder at Onlybook Technologies, an edutech startup that aims to build a marketplace for study content with a focus on text content. He completed his MSc in Financial Economics at GIPE and also works as a Freelance Educator at Preply.
Ashish Kulkarni is an Assistant Professor at Gokhale Institute of Politics and Economics. He is also the host of this podcast, and likes to chat up with people from different fields on their experiences in college.
Ashish blogs daily at https://econforeverybody.com/
They talk about several topics: exchanging stories on how relevant their education was when it came to professional life, maintaining peer networks, getting internships online, rigorousness of the Masters course in Financial Economics, utility of Gap Year and finally, what should ideally be changed about the model of higher education that we follow.
Notes: Bloomberg Quint- https://www.bloombergquint.com/
Aswath Damodaran’s Blog- http://aswathdamodaran.blogspot.com/
Connect with us:
Jubin- https://www.linkedin.com/in/jubin-dan...
Ashish - https://twitter.com/ashish2727?s=20
Find us on:
Spotify- https://open.spotify.com/show/0E5PReA...
Google Podcasts- The Undismal Paradox (google.com)
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