¡No te pierdas todas las aventuras de la pareja ideal de la radio hispana en Estados Unidos! Los reconocidos locutores, Omar Velasco y Argelia Atilano, regresan a los medios a través de un podcast tan único como su gran historia de amor que nació estando “al aire” en la radio. Esta pareja con su chispa mágica logró conquistar el corazón de millones de radioescuchas cada mañana. Su química contagiosa, sencillez, conversaciones reales y transparentes, en un ambiente fresco y relajado, son parte de la fórmula del éxito de este popular y consentido matrimonio. En esta nueva etapa de su vida, los autores del libro Amor al Aire emprenden otra aventura más al entregarnos sus vivencias y experiencias de una manera más íntima y sin reservaciones como esposos y padres de familia. En este su podcast, Omar y Argelia están dispuestos a abrir su alma y corazón al compartir los momentos divertidos, desafiantes y alegres de su vida mientras tomamos una taza de café o una copa de vino. En cada episodio, compartirán su perspectiva, comentarios y opiniones sobre eventos actuales, temas sociales, música popular y una que otra nota de entretenimiento por no decir “chismes”. En otras palabras, si está trending o relevante, lo vas a escuchar con Omar y Argelia con el estilo único, espontáneo y familiar que siempre los ha caracterizado. Así que si extrañabas los berrinches y cantos de Omar, o los lloriqueos y frases profundas de Argelia, ya no hay excusas: los tendrás todos los días cuando quieras y donde te encuentres. ¡Bienvenidos al Diario de Omar y Argelia!
#omaryargelia #siempreenfamilia -
Latino Free Thinking Independent Media – Serving Up Critical Insights on Today’s News. We report Tremendo Bullships. Sometimes we dance.
Sharing co-host duties are ‘The Captain’ Ross Pambrun - CEO of The Memphis Group & Professional Fire Officer along with ‘The President’ Lawrence Gervais - Métis Nation of Alberta - Region 3 Elected Official.
Together we host a weekly video Podcast - (Youtube) and Audio - (Everywhere). We are a positive forward conversation entrenched with our delightful humour. We engage our listeners with guests and up to date information about culture, industry, politics, sports, provincial, national issues and concerns that affect us all.
Look us up at or Ross @
Reach us:
Main: [email protected]
Lawrence: [email protected]
Ross: [email protected] -
THC is an interview-based show that seeks to explore esoteric, bizarre, alternative, and sometimes taboo topics with the best researchers and authors in the game.
The Show About Everything! The Eric Metaxas Show offers compelling perspective on American culture, political life, and stories making news around the corner and across the globe.
Heard on leading radio stations from coast-to-coast, The Eric Metaxas Show taps the unique talent of one of America’s best known authors, commentators, TV personalities and public speakers for radio unlike anything ever heard before: compelling, compassionate and interactive as Eric and his listeners seek answers to life’s toughest questions together.
You can also watch Eric Metaxas on Salem News Channel
On Story of the Week, “journalist” Joel Stein chooses an article that fascinates him, convinces the writer to tell him about it, and then interrupts a good conversation by talking about himself. Sometimes the story will be the one everyone is talking about, like the New Yorker article on smoking hallucinogenic toads. Other times we’ll find a story you might have missed, like the one in the Verge about the rock groupie turned hacker who had huge corporations at her mercy. These are stories you’ll tell your friends about. Stories that stick with you long after you forget whatever headline you just doom-scrolled through.
iHeartMedia is the exclusive podcast partner of Pushkin Industries.
Each week Tyrus and a cast of characters from his former life in the world of wrestling give their hot takes, explore weird headlines, and share amusing stories.
What happens when you cross the 43rd President, late night sketch comedy, and interesting conversation? The inspiration behind The Strategerist– a podcast series highlighting the American spirit of leadership and compassion.
Know A Little About A Lot...The Reed Morin Show is a podcast dedicated to interviewing people with unique experiences and perspectives on the world's most complex and compelling issues. Topics include: Real Stories, Current Events, Geopolitics, Philosophy, Politics, True Crime, Society & Culture, History, Tech, Investigative Journalism and much, much more. If you want to know a little about a lot, you came to the right place.Remember to share with friends and tag us on social media sites! Drop a 5 star review if you enjoy, and follow so you don't miss future episode!
Quick Smart is the show that feeds you big ideas in bite-sized pieces. Get up to speed on some of the biggest issues from psychology, money, health, history, pop culture, in just 10 minutes. Siobhan Marin guides you through!
Technology has made non-fiction film easier to make, more available and more popular than ever before. Here, WNYC selects the best documentaries as they come to screens of any size.
Politics podcast from Brussels
An intelligent conversation about the topics of the day.
The Secret Life of Prisons is produced by a charity, the Prison Radio Association. To make a donation please visit The podcast tells the hidden stories from behind bars. Paula Harriott is Chief Executive of Unlock. She spent time in prison and now works to help those who have been to prison to contribute to the debate around crime and justice. Phil Maguire is the Chief Executive of the Prison Radio Association. He's worked in prisons for two decades and received an OBE for services to radio.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Love Lockdown is a relationship, and marriage podcast hosted by Britney YouTube’s Review Queen (Brit Brat) and Chris owner of Initial Brands Inc. This married couple of almost 5 years come together to give you all the "REAL" opinions and solutions regarding Relationships They don’t always agree, but what healthy couple does!?
A podcast on Polish politics, culture, history and society from the leading English-language source of news and information on Poland.
Elijah Schaffer provides a hilarious yet thought-provoking perspective on the most controversial and relevant stories from around the world with his signature unfiltered commentary — always slightly offensive but completely engaging.
Black Like Me with Dr. Alex Gee is a podcast that invites you to experience the world through the perspective of one Black man, one conversation, one story, or even one rant at a time.
The Ayn Rand Institute Podcast explores pressing cultural issues from the perspective of Rand’s philosophy, Objectivism.
Hosted by Reverend Billy and Savitri D, EARTH RIOT is a comedy-infused, music-filled exploration of humanity’s most urgent issue -- the planet’s Sixth Extinction. Made by "Earth-loving urban activists" from The Church of Stop Shopping, this podcast educates, inspires and urges listeners to embrace reality and take action. Featuring “News From the Natural World,” a weekly gathering of climate change’s latest science, and insightful interviews with radical leaders in environmentalism and activism.