Žiadne nebíčko v papuľke... Tento podcast budete žrať! Robo a Tono sú kuchári, ktorí si do podcastu volajú kuchárov, čašníkov, barmanov a majiteľov reštaurácií.
Zaujíma ťa dizajn a umenie? 🎙 Pozývame si hostí z rôznych oblastí kreatívneho priemyslu aby sme sa spoločne dozvedeli o ich bežnom dni, skúsenostiach a failoch 🇸🇰🇨🇿
🎥 Video s vizuálmi, o ktorých sa rozprávame s hosťom nájdeš vždy na Youtube:
Podcast TalkFlow ti prináša dizajnové štúdio
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Svoje tipy na slovenských a českých kreatívcov, ktorých by sme podľa teba mali osloviť nám pošli cez Instagram alebo mailom [email protected]
Ďakujeme! -
Hýb sa. Dobre jedz. Spi. Toto je podcast o zdravom životnom štýle. To, čo ješ, či športuješ a dokonca aj či dobre spíš má vplyv na tvoje telo, zdravie, či náladu. Vypočuj si náš pohľad na veci podložený najnošími poznatkami. Milovníčka zdravého životného štýlu a advokátka Silvia Makovníková, ktorá sa vzdeláva online na Shaw academy a novinárka Katarína Korecká.
A podcast for tea nerds both seasoned and aspiring. We drink different specialty teas and talk about where the tea is from, how to brew it, and where you can find the best tea in the world. Support this podcast:
Twelve year old foodie interviews culinary experts to learn more about his favorite thing on earth - FOOD!
@hudithefoodie -
Hey! We’re Kris and Donna, and we love having honest, open conversations about running a graphic design business.
We’ve been graphic designers and educators for the past 2 decades and have both run multiple-six figure graphic design businesses. We have Experienced. It. All—the highs and the lows of success. In this space, we will share all things Graphic Design business. The do’s, the don’ts, tips, secret sauces, and a whole lot more. Bottom line—we are on a mission to help Graphic Designers thrive in business.
Our aim with this podcast is to provide valuable insights and strategies so you can take them and apply them to build your own successful graphic design business.
If you have a graphic design business problem that you'd like us to unpack in a future episode, email us at [email protected]. We'd love to hear from you. -
The Photo Forward Podcast explores the stories BEHIND some of the greatest visual storytellers in the world. From their photographic origins, to finding work-life balance as creative professionals, to how to actually make a living as a photographer, videographer, or multimedia creator — we uncover what makes them tick and their shutters click.
Gastrolovetalks sú rozhovory s osobnosťami (nielen) slovenskej gastronómie. Určené pre študentov, začínajúcich podnikateľov, ale aj ostrieľaných harcovníkov.
Sú o tom, ako žiť (a prežiť) v gastronómii s láskou. -
Artist Entrepreneurship
Romanov family
Makanan untuk refreshing
Every taste has a tale; every ingredient a story. Pasta carbonara’s origins provoke speculation and debate, Tiramisù has a sultry past, Parmigiano and Prosciutto have been engrossed in fraud and scandal. Join me as I explore these food fables and share a few of my own.
The Young Director Award podcast series hosted by King She is a no-holds-barred deep dive into all things filmmaking. Eavesdrop on intimate conversations between rising and established directors as they share their take on filmmaking craft, navigating the business of making short form content, and overcoming the hurdles that developing new talent face. Listen in as each guest share their experience and insights around breaking new ground and bringing fresh perspectives to the craft.
Any follow-up questions can be directed to
Volám sa Jozef, objavil som kúzlo čaju, pred pár rokmi. Rád sa rozprávam o čaji.
Preto som sa rozhodol začať nahrávať rozhovory o čaji pri čaji a nielen to 🫖
Každá osoba, ktorá začala z čajom má svoj vlastný príbeh. -
Restaurant Idea Factory is a new media company that brings together three of the top minds and content creators in modern hospitality to help break down ways to improve the restaurant industry.Tip of the spear is a weekly news, tech, innovation, education and entertainment series, Co-Hosted by Shawn Walchef of Restaurant Influencers & Digital Hospitality; Kyle Inserra, The National Restaurant Owners Podcast; and Jensen Cummings, Best Served Podcast. The three hosts come together from across the country (San Diego, Denver, New York City)
Interviews with vegan entrepreneurs and members of the vegan community.