Welcome to Arts & Culture by Intelligence Squared. Here we delve into the artistic and cultural moments, movements and conversations that have shaped, and are still shaping, our world. In this podcast Intelligence Squared speaks to some of the world’s greatest orators, writers, actors and artists. Guests include Stephen Fry, Margaret Atwood, Bernardine Evaristo, Salman Rushdie, Kate Winslet, Simon Schama, Tom Hiddleston and Marina Abromović. Join us every week as we feature the best of culture today and revisit some of the best live podcasts we have produced over the last twenty years.
For more information head over to -
In the Art During Wartime podcast, we'll be diving deep into the vibrant and diverse world of Ukrainian culture, exploring everything from the traditional to the contemporary and everything in between. The podcast features interviews with leading Ukrainian cultural figures ranging from cinema, art, photography, ballet, opera, pop, hip hop, even comedy. Art During Wartime is your one-stop destination for discovering fascinating aspects of Ukraine, a nation fighting to preserve its culture.
The Riga International Biennial of Contemporary Art (RIBOCA) is an international biennial with a European focus and a strong regional profile, founded in 2016. In expanding conversations around its second edition, RIBOCA has invited thinkers, researchers, and writers from various fields to discuss their work and processes through a series of talks and conversations. For more information visit:
Meninio žodžio mėgėjų laidoje – pokalbiai su rašytojais, jų kūrybos aptarimai ir kūriniai, taip pat įvairių literatūros apraiškų svarstymai. Sekmadieniais 16.03 val. per LRT RADIJĄ.
Как изменится индустрия моды в России и в мире после пандемии? Когда люди снова пойдут в торговые центры и бутики? На что они будут тратить деньги? Обсуждаем в новой серии подкастов GQ о моде и шопинге.
Žmogus yra valgytojas plačiąja prasme - ne tik liežuviu, bet ir akimis, uosle, lytėjimu, visu savo kūnu. Kokie patyrimai, išgyvenimai ir pojūčiai kuria santykį tarp žmogaus ir maisto? Maisto mylėtoja kalbina maisto profesionalus.
19 Podcasts about making the built environment work better in a post-pandemic world, produced by Metropolitan Workshop to celebrate 15 years of practice.
Interviews of Book Authors and Book Reviews
In the light of a Campfire, everything else fades away. We find meaning in the experiences of others. Empathy that previously didn’t exist. Security we didn’t know we had. We discover real, human connection. And it’s in these moments that something magical happens. We’re illuminated by our collective wisdom and uplifted by our shared humanity. What we take away is also what we give in return. And when the Campfire is over, there’s a feeling that outlasts the experience — a warmth we can bring back to the world.Gather around our shared Campfire to hear stories about life and how we live it from the voices already around us. The Campfire Storytelling Podcast is how we bring our live storytelling experience to you, wherever you are.
From my kitchen in Paris, talks with my favorite bakers, cookbook authors, pastry chefs, bartenders, chefs, spirits experts, along with a dose of Paris dining tips and French culinary culture. -
Recorded is a podcast from The National with a collection of topical interviews, interesting discussions and sometimes random stories.
„Tarpinės sąvokos“ – beveik reguliari, pastovaus formato neturinti, namų sąlygomis kurta laida skirta filosofiniam apetitui sužadinti.
Подкаст об искусстве в жизни людей
Интервью с творческими людьми, кто решил связать свою жизнь с искусством. Размышления, эмоции и опыт, с которыми посчастливилось столкнуться.
Автор: Качалина Саша — арт-блогер, начинающий арт-критик, автор статей об искусстве в журнале Cabinet De'l Art и просто впечатлительный человек — @ii_alexandra_ii
Для связи и предложений [email protected]
Visuomenėje kartais vyksta reiškiniai, kurie ilgai ir tyliai bręsta, kol virsta sprogimu. Yra temų, apie kurias ilgai nekalbama, kurių vengiama, kol diskusijos virsta konfliktais. Yra asmenybių, kurios kuria įdomius dalykus, žvelgia į pasaulį giliai ir savitai, tačiau nedažnai kalba viešai.
Laikas apie tai pasikalbėti. -
Ved. Rytis Zemkauskas.
Привет, с вами SLIDER. Добро пожаловать на мой подкаст. И сегодня мы с вами поговорим... ОБОВСЕМ!
The Cambridge Writing Retreat Podcast features interviews with writers who share their thoughts on what inspires them, how they write, and the ups and downs of a writing life. In our first series, 30 Poets, we present a different poem each day - read by the poet themselves - for 30 days throughout June 2020.
The Cambridge Writing Retreat is a beautiful space for writers to progress their work and be inspired. We welcome people at all stages of their creative journey and our goal is to nurture writers in a peaceful, calm and inspiring environment. We offer residential and say writing retreats in our beautiful, self-contained, Shepherd’s Hut and Bothy. We also run tutored fiction, life writing and poetry courses, amongst others. Find out more at
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Zwei Buchhändlerinnen und die Leidenschaft für Bücher ergeben einen abwechslungsreichen Podcast über Literatur und das Leben als Bibliomane.
Alle zwei Wochen versorgen wir – Angelina und Lea – euch mit Gesprächsstoff über Bücher aller Art und liefern spannende Literaturfakten. Von Autorfavoriten über unsere Lieblingsklassiker bis hin zu Themen, die über die Literaturwelt hinausgehen – darüber sprechen wir in »Bibliomanie«. -
A podcast from The Post and Courier about dining in the southeast and beyond. Hosted by Parker Milner and Robert Moss.
A weekly snapshot of creative, inspirational and unique characters carving out their own fascinating paths in their lives.
Artists, healers, shop owners, musicians and MORE!
Join your host Buddy Peace as he ventures into the local networks and emerging creative hubs dotted around the UK and beyond!
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.