
  • In this series, we’ve been looking at a simple formula that will serve you well no matter your level of income. GIVE. SAVE. LIVE on the rest.

    Taking our cues from God’s Word we’ve seen that we need to GIVE to God first. Then we should SAVE.

    To then “LIVE ON THE REST” not only implies a prioritization of these first two actions but also a limitation of your spending. Another way to say it is “living within your means.”

    Living within one’s means is not spending money you don’t have.

    The issue isn’t that we don’t get that. The issue is that all too many don’t do that.

    We all have a limited income. When we spend more than that we are forced to borrow, and borrowing always comes at a cost. That cost is called “interest.” Lenders get a cut of your money for letting you use their money.

    If you can keep this under control and pay the lender off quickly, such borrowing is manageable. The problem comes when this is not kept under control and the lenders aren’t paid off quickly. Eventually, things begin to collapse.

    If your outflow exceeds your income your upkeep will be your downfall.

    The Bible speaks quite clearly about borrowing and lending. In Deuteronomy 28, Moses makes it clear that the preferred place is to be in the position of being able to lend, not in the position of having to borrow. He calls it being the head, not the tail.

    In contrast, when you are in debt, you are the tail and that carries more costs than you might realize. Proverbs 22:7 puts it this way, “…the borrower is servant to the lender.”

    Now, the Bible doesn’t say it’s a sin to borrow. Debt is warned against, but it is not prohibited.

    Living within one’s means requires two things: conviction and planning.

    If you want to climb out of the hole of debt, know this. It is possible to change your reality! It will take planning. It will require sacrifice. It will demand discipline…but it can be done.

    Here are 5 keys for getting out of debt:

    Learn what God has to say about the danger of debt.Recognize the desire to acquire and determine to incur no new debts.Pay off your credit cards and use them in the future only when necessary.Get on a budget and follow it faithfully.Seek counsel from a reputable advisor who has biblical convictions.

    Text: Prov. 22:7; Deut. 28:12-13, 43-44

    Originally recorded on January 22, 2012, at Fellowship Missionary Church, Fort Wayne, IN

  • If I were to ask, “Do you think that consistently putting some of your income into a savings plan is a wise financial strategy?” Most people would say yes.

    But if I were to ask, “Are you doing that?” Far fewer would say yes.

    Why don't we save? There are many reasons, some of them valid. But for all too many of us, we don’t save because we let present realities overshadow future possibilities. All we can see is “now.” What I want now. What I need now. The future is too far off.

    As a result, in the event of a loss of income, the average American family is only 3-6 weeks away from bankruptcy.

    But there is a simple formula that can help you get a handle on your finances, both now and in the future. First, you GIVE…then you SAVE…then you LIVE on the rest.

    Out of every $10 you make, we GIVE the first dollar to the Lord. The Bible is clear on this. It’s called a tithe.

    Though the Scriptures make no such demand on what we are to save, I suggest that a wise strategy is to pay God first, then pay yourself second. If God gets the first dollar, you SAVE the second dollar, setting it aside for future needs.

    The Bible speaks of the value of saving. Proverbs 21:20 says, “The wise man saves for the future, but the foolish man spends whatever he gets.”

    We also see the example of Joseph in the OT, who for years wisely reserved a portion of Egypt’s reserves thus saving his people when the years of famine came.

    The NT also speaks of the value of providing financially for one’s family’s future. (1 Tim. 5:8)

    Now there’s a difference between saving and hoarding. James warns of hoarding in his letter, talking about the folly of clinging to resources that could and should be put to Kingdom use.

    Why do we hoard? Because of fear or pride. Fear of not having enough or pride that flaunts your wealth. The foolishness of hoarding is that it will all be destroyed one day. We can’t keep it.

    GIVE, SAVE, and then LIVE on the rest. This simple formula has served us well for years.

    By giving first, we’ve not only kept our "desire to acquire" in check and invested in God’s Kingdom, but we've also brought His supernatural power to bear upon our finances.

    By saving second, we have acquired a nest egg of sorts for our retirement and put some margins in place so that when we need to replace or fix something, we can.

    That means we’ve had to adjust our lifestyle to live on the rest. It’s the idea of living within our means and keeping debt in check. And that’s what we’re going to talk about next week.

    Text: Prov. 6:6-8; 21:20; I Tim. 5:8

    Originally recorded on January 15, 2012, at Fellowship Missionary Church, Fort Wayne, IN

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  • Our culture is driven by the desire to acquire. We see something, then we find ourselves wanting that thing, and before we know it, we convince ourselves that we need it. And in order to buy this stuff, we need MONEY.

    Fueled by our acquisitive culture, few, if any, escape the Money Monster’s grasp.

    But I want to share with you a simple yet practical formula for handling your money that has its foundations in God’s Word. A plan that can help you to be freed from the Money Monster and the regrets that come from caving in to him.

    Here it is: Give. Save. Live on the rest.

    The formula begins with GIVE. The only way to keep your balance in this culture of consumerism is to give first.

    The Bible speaks clearly about this: “Honor the Lord with your wealth, with the first fruits of all your crops.” (Proverbs 3:9)

    Way back in the O.T. God’s people were challenged to give Him the first and the best of their resources before making any other investments or doing any other spending. This idea of giving first was noted in the Law and a percentage was noted: a tithe – 10%. This was God’s strategy for financing His Kingdom.

    The tithe was non-negotiable. The Bible never talks about “giving” a tithe. It refers to the tithe being “brought” or “presented” or even “paid” – but not “given.”

    It was the free will offerings on top of the tithe which were “given.” As people were especially moved with gratitude or saw a particularly great need they would give offerings.

    Jesus also spoke of the giving first because He recognized that it not only honors God, but it also puts our stuff into perspective.

    When we give first, not only can God do something for us, He can do something in us.

    God’s approach to money is counter-intuitive to the world’s. That way is to LIVE first, then SAVE if you can, and if there’s any leftover, GIVE. But the Bible calls us to GIVE first, then SAVE, and then LIVE on the rest. Not simply for God’s glory – but for our good.

    Text: 1 Tim. 6:6-7, 9-10; Prov. 3:9; Mal.3:6-9

    Originally recorded on January 3, 2012, at Fellowship Missionary Church, Fort Wayne, IN

  • In describing the journey of faith, the Bible uses the metaphor of a race. Each of us is running with the goal of finishing well. But though we are responsible for running our own race, we can’t ignore the fact that there are other runners around us. And if one of them falls, what should we do?

    As James closes his letter, he calls us to look out for our fellow runners and to go after those who “wander from the truth.”

    Such wandering can take many forms:

    theological: led astray by false teachingsituational: the hardships of life or disappointment with Godcareless: drifting into lukewarmnessmoral: sinful behaviors, character issues

    Whatever the reason, people who had once been running well can and do go down and it is our responsibility to go to them and try to help them get back in the race.

    How do you do that? There’s a story in the O.T. that gives us some great guidelines.

    In 2 Samuel 11, we read of how King David had an affair with the wife of one of his best soldiers. When she revealed that she was pregnant, David began a cover-up effort that ended with her husband’s death at David’s command.

    For a year, David lived with the guilt of his actions. Psalm 32 describes the misery and physical anguish he felt.

    David had gone down and left on his own, he wasn’t going to get up. It took the love and courage of a fellow runner to come back after him.

    David’s friend, Nathan, went to him and told a story that pierced through the hardness of David’s heart, and David broke. He confessed.

    Here are a few observations that might serve you well when you have to play the part of Nathan.

    The timing was right. In confronting someone with their sin, the timing is as important as the wording.

    The person was appropriate. An individual’s capacity to receive truth is directly proportionate to the depth of relationship they have with the truth-teller.

    The words were wise. Rather than going in with accusation, try starting with humble curiosity and tender concern.

    The truth was spoken. Call it “the last 10%” – the tough stuff we tend to dance around, but the truth they desperately need to hear.

    The runner was restored. In this case, David got up and back in the race.

    I wish that was always the case, but it’s not. But that doesn’t mean you were wrong in trying. Moreover, it doesn’t mean that God is done. It might well be that you are only part of the process. And maybe...as you keep praying...someone else will say the right words at the right time and this time the downed runner will be restored.

    Text: James 5:19-20; Psalm 32; 2 Samuel 11-12

    Originally recorded on June 20, 2010, at Fellowship Missionary Church, Fort Wayne, IN

  • Does God still heal? Can we...should we... pray for it? And, if so, just how much faith does it take to get the miracle you’re looking for?

    Here in James 5, we come to the topic of sickness and healing. And while I can’t give a comprehensive teaching on the subject in one message, we do get some insight from this passage that can help us.

    Before we talk about healing, we need to lay a foundation by discussing sickness.


    These reasons can be categorized under three headings:

    1. The fall of man. Sickness and death were never part of God’s “very good” original creation. But because of their sin, deterioration came to the human race. We get sick, weaken, and eventually die simply because we are human.

    2. An attack of Satan. Though he was rendered a death blow at Calvary, the Evil One still prowls this earth and there are occasions when his attack comes in the form of sickness.

    3. One’s personal sin. Some sickness is part of God’s judgment or discipline for unconfessed sin.

    Returning to James’ instruction, we find some…


    Verse 14 begins, “Is anyone among you sick?” James is not speaking of a lightweight ailment here – a headache or a cold or the flu. Praying about that sort of thing might fall under the instruction of verse 13. What he has in mind here is a sickness or disease that incapacitates.

    In such serious situations, you should…

    1. Call for the elders or other spiritual leaders.

    This first step appears to be an act of faith and point of submission. The person who is sick takes the initiative: “I’m in trouble and I want to bring God’s power to bear upon this by asking His people for help.”

    2. Take a thorough spiritual inventory.

    We noted earlier that personal sin can be a reason for sickness. Unconfessed sin robs prayer of its power. Is there any sin that would preempt what God might want to do? Are there any relational breakdowns that need to be addressed? Are there any behaviors that need to be confessed?

    God desires our spiritual healing much more than our physical healing. Once the sin is dealt with, healing can flow.

    3. Receive anointing and prayer.

    When the elders are called for, the text says they are to “pray over” the person. This could imply that the elders are to lay their hands on the person as they pray.

    They are also to “anoint them with oil.” To anoint a sick person with oil might be a way of setting them apart for God’s special touch. It’s a way of saying, “Lord, give this person to You asking for their healing. Most of all may this situation result in Your glory.”

    The elders are also to pray “in the name of the Lord.” To do something “in the name of “ a person invokes the authority and the will of that person.

    Thus, to pray “in the name of the Lord” not only calls upon the power of Jesus to heal, but it also surrenders to the prerogative of Jesus’ purposes. Whether the person is healed or not is a matter of His will, not ours.

    4. Leave the results in God’s hands.

    Does God heal? Yes! Does He sometimes do it through medical means? Yes! Does He sometimes do it supernaturally as we pray? Yes!

    Does God always heal? No – not always in this life.

    But no matter what the outcome, can we trust Him and the way He runs His business?

    Text: James 5:13-18

    Originally recorded on June 13, 2010, at Fellowship Missionary Church, Fort Wayne, IN

  • Do you know what it’s like to endure mistreatment? Whether because of your race, gender, age, position, or experience, someone in authority or power treated you in a way that was unjust, unfair, or uncalled for.

    When that happens everything within you cries out for vindication or vengeance. That’s human nature. But Jesus shows a different way to respond when you’ve been done wrong.

    The Apostle Peter wrote to people who were facing mistreatment. In 1 Peter 2, he says it’s one thing to bear up under punishment you deserve. It’s something else to endure mistreatment you don’t deserve. To do right when done wrong is commendable before God.

    He then offers the example of Jesus that we might “follow in His steps.” Jesus did not retaliate when He suffered mistreatment. Instead, “He entrusted Himself to Him to judges justly.” (v. 23)

    Forbearance when being mistreated is rooted in the unshakeable assurance that God is in control.

    James picks up this theme in chapter 5. He says, “Be patient…until the Lord’s coming.” (v. 7)

    This is the second time James calls us to patience. In 1:3-4, he uses the Greek word hupomone, which means “to patiently endure difficult circumstances.

    Here in chapter 5, the word is macrothumeo. It speaks of “patiently enduring difficult people.” Other translations render this word as “longsuffering.”

    Longsuffering is “self-restraint in the face of provocation which does not hastily retaliate.” It’s the opposite of anger and despondency and is associated with mercy and hope.

    What is the hope that allows us to endure mistreatment? The hope that “the Judge is standing at the door.” (Jms. 5:9) Three times in these verses James reminds us that Jesus is coming again and this time it will be as King and Judge. In that day, all wrongs will be made right.

    But don’t forget. There is only one King…and you’re not Him. There’s only one Judge…and you're not Him. Only His timing is perfect and only His actions just. When you try to even the score or make someone pay, all you ever do is cause more damage and disrupt the plans that He had.

    So be prayerful and patient. “The Judge is standing at the door.” (v. 9)

    Text: James 5:7-11

    Originally recorded on June 6, 2010, at Fellowship Missionary Church, Fort Wayne, IN

  • Money does funny things to people, doesn’t it?

    Sometimes, however, what it does isn’t funny at all. That’s why James offers some stern warnings to the wealthy.

    Before you dismiss his words as not applying to you thinking, “I’m not rich!” Keep in mind that 1 in 11 people globally live on less than $2.15/day. If you live on more than that, you are richer than you think.

    James addresses three sinful behaviors people with resources are prone to.

    1. Hoarding treasures

    Let me offer 2 disclaimers here. It's not wrong to have resources. Neither is it wrong to save or invest those resources. The Bible talks about both.

    What James is speaking of in these opening verses of chapter 5 is “hoarding.” It’s the folly of wasting resources that could have and should have been put into play to advance the Kingdom. Instead, they are taken out of circulation for two reasons: fear and pride. Either a scarcity mindset or a prestige outlook.

    James tells the rich to “Weep...wail...” Why? Because one day those who have so much and yet hoarded it will have to give account to the One who had trusted them with those resources. Jesus Himself gives a sobering word regarding that: “To whom much is given...much is required.”

    Don’t hoard your wealth foolishly. Use it wisely.

    2. Defrauding measures

    To defraud is to fail to pay what you owe because you want to keep your wealth.

    In James’ day, the wealthy often failed to pay the day laborers that worked in their fields. Their cries of injustice reached the ears of God Almighty, he says in vs. 4.

    In our day, we defraud employees or people we hire to do a job by failing to pay a fair wage in a prompt manner. Even if you’re not a business owner, do you pay your bills fully and on time?

    Don’t increase your wealth sinfully. Earn it and spend it honestly.

    3. Indulging pleasures

    Is God opposed to pleasure? Is He against us having nice things? No. In fact, Paul wrote of “...God, who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment.” (1 Timothy 6:17)

    There’s a difference between the “enjoyment” that Paul speaks of and the “self-indulgence” that James speaks of. Enjoyment moves to self-indulgence when living the good life becomes your entire life.

    There’s an old saying that helps me stay in balance: “You will have all eternity to celebrate your dividends. You will only have a few years to make your investments.”

    Don’t spend your wealth thoughtlessly. Invest it strategically.

    Someone who understood this was the martyred missionary Jim Elliot who wrote these powerful words: “He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose.”

    Text: James 5:1-6

    Originally recorded on May 23, 2010, at Fellowship Missionary Church, Fort Wayne, IN

  • What are your plans for the future?

    In James 4, the author uses the illustration of business people who make plans that will make them a lot of money. The problem James is addressing isn’t that they’d strategized or made plans. Indeed, the Bible speaks about the value of planning. (see Prov. 21:5)

    Rather James reveals three mistakes people commonly make when it comes to navigating the future.

    Mistake #1: Making plans without God.

    All too often we make plans without ever consulting God and then ask Him to bless them!

    There are three ways we can respond to God’s role in navigating our lives:

    We can show INDIFFERENCE to it: Simply ignoring God as we make plans.We can make REFERENCE to it: Giving God mere lip service. We can give PREFERENCE to it: Take the time and make the effort to seek Him before making this decision or taking this step.

    The Bible tells us that God needs to be in the forefront of our plans, not an afterthought. Foolishly thinking we know best, we fail to see that not only does He has the last word, He has the best word.

    Mistake #2: Taking tomorrow for granted.

    This type of thinking has two faulty assumptions:

    Life is predicatable. I am invulnerable.

    James says that our lives are like mist, here for a moment then gone. You are not promised tomorrow. Don’t say, “I’ll get right with God someday.” Now is the time. Today is the day of salvation.

    Mistake #3: Failing to do the good you can do now.

    James is talking about sins of omission – things we should do, but don’t do.

    What has God been asking you to do...yet you have not responded?

    Text: James 4:13-17

    Originally recorded on May 16, 2010, at Fellowship Missionary Church, Fort Wayne, IN

  • All of us have taken on the role of judge. We’re not elected by the citizens or confirmed by the congress. We are self-appointed judges. We place ourselves on the bench and proceed to pass judgment on the observed behaviors of our family, friends, and fellow believers.

    James has some strong words to say about this tendency, giving a blunt warning to all of us.

    First, he speaks against slander. ( vs. 11a). The Greek word is...katalaleo = to talk down.

    Slander is careless, critical, demeaning, derogatory speech directed against others. It impugns another’s character and smears their reputation, lowering them in the eyes of others.

    Then James warns against judging others. (vs. 11b). Slander is spoken, but judgment is in your heart. Judgment snubs, ignores, dismisses, and ultimately, judgment condemns.

    The Greek word used here for “judge” is krino = to assume the office of a judge. But James makes is clear in vs. 12 that there is only one judge and that’s God Himself. To judge another is to assume a role that is reserved for God alone.

    In verse 11, James states that when we judge, we “speak against the law.” What law is that? He tells us earlier in his letter: “ If you really keep the royal law found in Scripture, ‘Love your neighbor as yourself,’ you are doing right.” (2:8)

    We might not think that to slander or judge our neighbors or brothers and sisters in the faith is such a big deal. But James would suggest that it is one of the most damnable of all sins in that we violate the royal law and infringe upon the privilege that is God’s alone.

    Alan Redpath developed what he called his “code of conversation.” When you’re tempted to speak in slander or judgment, stop and THINK.

    T - Is it true?

    H - Is it helpful?

    I - Is it inspiring?

    N – Is it necessary?

    K – Is it kind?

    Text: James 4:11-12

    Originally recorded on May 9, 2010, at Fellowship Missionary Church, Fort Wayne, IN

  • It’s one thing to have knowledge – it’s something else to possess wisdom.

    Knowledge is the accumulation of information.
    Wisdom is the application of insight.

    Knowledge provides you with the facts of life.
    Wisdom gives you the ability to live.

    Knowledge is measured by degrees acquired.
    Wisdom is measured by deeds accomplished.

    James begins verse thirteen by asking the question, “Who is wise and understanding among you?” Our natural response is, “I am!” But James says, in effect, “Not so fast.”

    “Let them show it by their good life, by deeds done in the humility that comes from wisdom.” (vs. 13)

    Mark it well. The qualifications for being wise have nothing to do with your I.Q. or even your Bible knowledge. Wisdom is a function of a good life lived with humility. Grace then truth.

    James refers to two kinds of wisdom: that which is from above and that which is from below.

    So how can you tell the difference? In verse 14 the apostle describes Unholy Wisdom as that which is characterized by two things:

    Bitter Envy

    Perhaps a more accurate translation would be “prickly zeal.” James is speaking about an enthusiasm that’s gotten out of hand. Where you’re right and everyone who disagrees with you is wrong.

    Selfish Ambition

    The Greek here has to do with having a “party spirit.” Not like a birthday party but a political party. The idea is that if you’re not of my party... if you’re not doing it my way... then we can’t be real partners.

    When a prickly zeal or a party spirit is seen, when sides are taken and shots are fired at others, the wisdom being touted isn’t God’s wisdom at all. Such unholy wisdom may claim to be from God, but its source is...well...otherwise. (vs. 15-16)

    In contrast to this, vs.17 describes godly or Holy Wisdom as:

    Pure: free from contamination or defilement

    Peaceable: the desire to get along and work together with others

    Considerate: being reasonable

    Submissive: willing to yield

    Full of mercy: going the extra mile; not demanding its own way

    Impartial: doesn’t favor some at the expense of others

    Sincere: No deception, manipulation, or maneuvering

    So, are you wise or otherwise?

    Text: James 3:13-18

    Originally recorded on April 18, 2010, at Fellowship Missionary Church, Fort Wayne, IN

  • “Sticks and stones may break my bones...but words will never hurt me.”

    We’ve all heard those words and maybe even said them ourselves. But as catchy as they might be, they’re just not true.

    Words are extremely potent and can mark a person for life.

    The writer of the book of Proverbs recognized this when he wrote: “The power of life and death is in the tongue.” (Proverbs 18:21)

    Now James picks up that theme in his letter. He has just spoken about how faith needs to be seen in our works. Now he continues that thought noting that among these “works” is the issue of how we use our “words.”

    First of all, he notes...

    The tongue is small but very significant.

    He uses the illustrations of a bit in a horse’s mouth and the rudder of a great ship to show how something relatively small can control something much larger. These are both positive examples of the tongue’s capacity for good.

    Words of encouragement and blessing can be life-giving and healing.

    But the flip side is also true.

    The tongue is delicate but very dangerous.

    Spoken words can burn deeply into a person, many times scarring them for life. Whether it’s sarcasm, mockery, accusation, ridicule, or rage, your words can burn deeper than you could ever know.

    The tongue is restless and resistant.

    Like a wild animal resists being restrained, so the tongue resists our human efforts to tame it.

    James exposes the inconsistencies he has seen among believers. One minute your tongue is praising God and the next that very same tongue is cursing people. How can this be?

    The tongue is a symptom, not the source

    James asks a couple of rhetorical questions. “Can both fresh and saltwater flow from the same spring?” Of course, the answer is, “No.” The water that comes out of a spring is determined by the subsurface nature of the spring.

    “Can a fig tree bear olives or a grapevine bear figs?” he asks. Again the obvious answer is, “No.” The fruit is a function of the root.

    James’ point? What comes out of your mouth is illustrative of a deeper issue: the state of your heart.

    We must freshly present ourselves to the Lord and regularly ask the Spirit of God to control our tongues.

    Text: James 3:12

    Originally recorded on April 11, 2010, at Fellowship Missionary Church, Fort Wayne, IN

  • The Apostle Paul declared that we are saved by faith alone. James agreed but noted that the faith that saves is never alone.

    Paul's teaching is consistent with James': “For it is by grace, you have been saved, through faith – and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God – not by works, so that no one can boast. For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works...” (Eph. 2:8-10)

    There are three important phrases in this passage: “by grace,” “through faith,” “unto good works.” If you get those out of order, you’re in trouble. If you think works save you, you’re back into the “performance plan.” Salvation is by grace through faith. But, if you don’t recognize that good works are to follow, you’re also in trouble.

    This is James’ focus. According to James...

    Real faith is not just something you say.

    All too many who call themselves Christians are all talk. Oh, they may be religious. They may even be active in their churches. But as it relates to a walk that’s “beyond belief’ – that just isn’t there.

    Real faith is not just something you feel.

    A lot of people confuse emotions and sentiment with faith. You can go to church and get a "quiver in your liver" but it may never make any difference in how you live.

    Becoming a part of God’s family means more than enjoying the privilege of sharing the family name. It also includes embracing the responsibility of bearing the family burdens.

    Real faith is not just something you believe.

    In James’ day, as in ours, a lot of people have great thoughts about and even a strong belief in God. James says in effect, “That’s all well and good, but the fact is Satan and his minions know theology backwards and forwards.” No one believes in God more than they do. But that “belief” is a far cry from saving faith because they’re still in rebellion.

    The belief God is looking for isn’t mere mental assent. Faith means to trust in, to rely on, and commit oneself to completely.

    Real faith is something you act on.

    James then gives two examples of a faith that works: Abraham and Rahab. You couldn’t find two more opposite characters, yet each of them possessed a faith that went beyond words and into action.

    While we are saved by faith alone, the faith that saves is never alone.

    Text: James 2:20-26

    Originally recorded on March 28, 2010, at Fellowship Missionary Church, Fort Wayne, IN

  • Over the centuries, humankind has passed along a lot of wisdom from generation to generation through truisms or proverbs. But many of these “words to the wise,” while they seem to contradict each other, are both true, such as:

    “Look before you leap” and “He who hesitates is lost.”“Better to be safe than sorry” and “Nothing ventured, nothing gained.”

    While we can easily overlook the apparent contradiction of proverbs by saying their interpretation depends on the context, the tension can be much harder to overlook when it’s in an area as fundamental as the doctrine of salvation.

    For example, Paul writes in Romans 3:28, “For we maintain that a man is justified by faith apart from observing the law.”

    But in James 2:24 we read: “You see that a person is justified by what he does and not by faith alone.”

    At first blush, these statements seem to be quite contradictory. But rather than contradict one another, the teachings of Paul and James actually complement one another.


    Stresses the root of salvation / Stresses the fruit of salvationWorks are not in order to / Works are because ofFocuses on God’s declaration / Focuses on our validationWe are saved by faith alone! / The faith that saves is never alone!

    Paul wanted to get people out of the “performance plan” – a faulty theology that believed if they fulfilled enough religious rituals and kept enough of the rules that God would sort of weigh the good versus the bad and judge them accordingly.

    But the “performance plan” simply doesn’t hold water. Our sinfulness is SO profound and God’s standards have been SO mocked that no amount of doing rituals or obeying rules after the fact can erase that.

    God’s Word is very clear on this: “The soul that sins shall die.” “The wages of sin is death.”

    This is why Jesus voluntarily stepped up on our behalf. Though totally sinless, He incurred our judgment, paid our penalty, and died in our place.

    This act opened the door of salvation for us, but only if we respond to God’s offer of grace and by faith embrace Jesus as our Savior.

    James’ audience was facing a different challenge. Though they had heard the gospel message and even responded to it, their lives had not changed. There was no evidence of the transformational power of Jesus.

    How many times, when pressed about their faith, do people say, “I believe in God!” But James says, “Good for you. So do the demons. They believe and tremble.”

    The fact is no one believes in God more than Satan and his demons. But they aren’t part of God’s family. Why? Because belief that doesn’t result in repentance is worthless.

    While we are in fact saved by faith alone, the faith that saves is never alone. Genuine faith not only should but will produce the fruit of good works.

    When that fruit, over time, isn’t seen...when there is no change in values, attitudes, or behaviors... when there are no “good works” then, according to James, you need do some serious soul-searching.

    Text: James 2:14-19

    Originally recorded on March 21, 2010, at Fellowship Missionary Church, Fort Wayne, IN

  • In the book that bears his name, James challenges us to be hearers and doers of God’s Word. If we fail to do so, we will eventually end up “being polluted by the world.” And one way that will be manifested is that we will speak and relate to others with prejudice and partiality.

    In Chapter 2, James takes on this problem within the church.

    The Principle Stated

    In verse 1, he takes it head on: “My dear brothers and sisters, how can you claim to have faith in our glorious Lord Jesus Christ if you favor some people over others?” (NLT)

    James states in no uncertain terms that... faith in Christ and favoritism are incompatible.

    Favoritism comes from two Greek words which, when put together, mean “to receive by face.” It’s the idea of judging a person by face value, first impressions, or outward appearances: the clothes they wear, the car they drive, the color of their skin.

    Can you see how deadly such thinking can be to a community?

    The Principle Illustrated

    James then gives an illustration of the way a wealthy person might be welcomed to a church versus the way a poor person might be treated. He then challenges his readers, if you show such favoritism, “Have you not discriminated among yourselves and become judges with evil thoughts?” (v. 4)

    James now explains why such thinking and behavior are inconsistent for a Christ-follower.

    The Principle Explained

    He begins by reminding his readers that throughout redemptive history, God has always shown special concern to the deprived and downtrodden. Jesus Himself declared that He had come to preach the good news to the poor.

    The gospel of the Kingdom ever and always had a special message for and appeal to the poor. Why? Because it clearly stated that those who mattered to no one else mattered intensely to God.

    James says that prejudice and favoritism are no different than murder and adultery. All of them break God’s law. In fact, prejudice and favoritism actually break the highest level of God’s law: “Love your neighbor as yourself.”

    The Principle Applied

    James makes it clear that these issues of favoritism and prejudice are really serious – not only because they will affect the community of faith in the present, but because they will be issues at the time of judgment.

    God is watching whether we are people of mercy or people of judgment, and He will reward accordingly.

    Text: James 2:1-13

    Originally recorded on March 14, 2010, at Fellowship Missionary Church, Fort Wayne, IN

  • God’s Word is timeless and transformational. Through its inspired words, the Holy Spirit will mark those of us who live in the 21st century just as He did those disciples who lived in the 1st century.

    However, that will only happen if we are not only hearers of the Word, but we are also doers of the Word. In other words: it’s one thing to be open to what the Bible has to say, it’s another thing to be obedient to what the Bible has to say.

    James uses the illustration of a mirror. The person who is a hearer but not a doer of the Word is like someone who looks in the mirror but then walks away and forgets what he sees. The purpose of a mirror is to help us “face” the truth about ourselves so we can make the necessary changes.

    God’s Word is like that mirror. But unlike a literal mirror, which only reflects outward appearance, the Scriptures reveal our inner character and call us to change.

    The Greek word for “hearers” in vs. 22 is “akroates”: one who sits passively in an audience. Today it could be used for those who audit a college class. They come and listen, but they don’t have to “do” anything - no papers, no tests.

    As with James’ audience, in all too many churches today there are a lot of “auditors” – people who attend and even listen a bit. But when it comes to acting upon what they’ve heard...when it comes to obeying what’s been taught... well, that’s optional.

    Friends, we have been given the very Word of God. Hearing it, reading it, studying it, and discussing it are good things. But that’s not the ultimate purpose of this Book. The purpose of this Book is to help us to live in the way of Jesus. And that will necessitate applying the Word of God.

    The goal isn’t information – it’s transformation.

    James then moves on to some practical illustrations of where hearing must become doing. First, he speaks of the need to keep a tight rein on your tongue. Next, he moves to the issue of caring for widows and orphans, those who are the most vulnerable.

    Finally, James notes that if you’re a doer of the Word you will keep from being polluted by the world. More than just moral purity, this has to do with not letting worldly values drive our thinking and actions - such as: looking out only for yourself; doing whatever it takes to get ahead; living only for this world and not the next.

    Making the commitment to move from merely hearing to doing won’t be easy. But you’re not on your own. God will help you. Scripture promises that: “The eyes of the Lord range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to Him.” (II Chronicles 16:9)

    Text: James 1:22-27

    Originally recorded on March 7, 2010, at Fellowship Missionary Church, Fort Wayne, IN

  • This message is about divorce. Not the kind that separates husbands and wives. Rather, it’s the divorce between hearing the Word of God and doing it. Between believing and behaving. Putting our faith into practice is at the heart of the Book of James.

    In 1:19, James says, “Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to become angry.” Though this is great relational advice, the context makes it clear that James is talking about how we relate to the Word of God. Verse 21 has the key phrase: “humbly accept the word planted in you, which can save you.”

    James is telling us to be quick to listen to the Word, slow to speak against the Word and slow to anger at the Word. It’s all about the Word.

    Tragically, all too many Christians are spiritually malnourished, failing to feed themselves on the “pure milk of the Word” (1 Pet. 2:2). The Word of God is given to us not only for our “health” but also for our success and training (Josh. 1:8; 2 Tim. 3:16-17).

    If we are going to “accept the Word…which can save you,” there are four necessities.

    1. You need an open ear. “…be quick to listen.”

    People are much more interested in talking to God than listening to Him. But taking the time to listen to what God has to say is the only way any of us can walk in the way of Jesus and know the blessed life that He promised.

    2. You need a controlled tongue. “be…slow to speak.”

    Isaiah 45:9 says, “Woe to him who quarrels with his Maker.”

    Do you ever argue with God? We read His Word but we don’t like what we hear. Our reply is… “yeah, but…!”

    “Love your enemies” – Yeah, but you don’t know what they did to me.“Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse” – Yeah, but these are hard times.“Refrain from sexual impurity” – Yeah, but we love each other!

    Don’t look for ways the Word can’t apply to you. Look for ways you can put it into practice… even if you don’t like it. That’s why…

    3. You need a submissive spirit. “be…slow to become angry.”

    A submissive spirit receives correction and accepts rebuke.

    4. You need a clean heart. “get rid of all moral filth...”

    Continuing that which is filthy or evil can actually hinder your reception of God’s Word as surely as if your ears were blocked by wax.

    Text: James 1:19-22

    Originally recorded on February 28, 2010, at Fellowship Missionary Church, Fort Wayne, IN

  • Our culture tends to believe that a person is lucky if they’re wealthy and unlucky if they’re not.

    But in these verses, James is saying that the true status of God’s people cannot be determined simply by their finances.

    The poor are richer than they think if they trust Christ and the rich are poorer than they think if they trust anything else

    James first addresses “the brother in humble circumstances” (1:9) – the poor man. There are two kinds of poverty: generational poverty and situational poverty. Both of them are exceedingly difficult to overcome.

    But, according to experts, one of the keys for a person to get out of poverty is that the individual who is poor needs to rethink his/her identity.

    All too often we measure what we are and what we have by earthly standards. James makes it clear that’s tragically short-sighted. Rather, it’s who you are in Christ and what you possess because of Him that puts poverty and even suffering into perspective.

    Next James addresses “the rich” (1:10-11). He likens them to a fragile wildflower. A scorching heat blows through and the beautiful blossom withers and dies.

    James’ point is to warn those who would consider themselves rich merely because they have beautiful resources just how fragile and temporary those things are. To glory in your riches, to trust in your resources is ultimately a losing proposition.

    James is not making a value statement regarding the rich and poor. He is not saying, “God loves the poor and hates the rich.” Nor is he saying that one cannot be wealthy and godly. Some of the greatest heroes of the faith were people of great means.

    But they saw themselves as rivers, not reservoirs. They understood that “to whom much is given, much is required.”

    However, for most, having much – whether it’s beauty, talent, or wealth – can blind a person to what’s truly important and what’s really needed. They can all too easily deny their need of a Savior and end up “fading away” just like flowers.

    Bottom line? This world is not the ultimate. Our life here is short. So, if you are a “poor man,” one without many resources, remember: if you know Christ, you are richer than you think. We

    If you’re a “rich man,” one who has resources, yours perhaps is the greater danger. What you have can deceive you into putting your trust in the wrong place. Remember: if you don’t have Christ, you are poorer than you could ever know.

    Text: James 1:9-11

    Originally recorded on February 7, 2010, at Fellowship Missionary Church, Fort Wayne, IN

  • There’s a big difference between faith and foolishness. That is why we need wisdom.

    How do we get wisdom? James says: “If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all…” (vs. 5)

    Of course, the primary source of wisdom is God’s Word. But God can also lead and guide His children by giving them direct insight regarding situations that they are facing. He can impart wisdom to us apart from His written Word but never at variance with His written Word.

    But James goes on to give a qualifier to receiving wisdom. He says we must “believe and not doubt.” That doesn’t mean if you have one shred of doubt God won’t answer. Rather, you must be open to the possibility that God can speak before you'll ever hear Him speak.

    If you aren’t even open to the possibility of God giving you wisdom, then such unbelief will be a self-fulfilling prophecy. And as a result, in your “double-mindedness,” you will bounce around from here to there on the waves of human opinion.

    God is ready, willing, and able to speak wisdom to us. Our challenge is learning to listen.

    There’s an intriguing Old Testament story that gives us some insight into how to listen to God. It’s found in 1 Samuel 3.

    Here we have young Samuel – probably about 12 years old. He was living in the Tabernacle under the tutelage of the priest Eli.

    One night, Samuel hears a voice calling his name. Assuming it’s his guardian, he runs to Eli and says, “Here I am.” Eli replies, “I didn’t call you. Go back to bed.”

    This happens again, and again Eli sends Samuel back to his bed. The third time it happens, Eli realizes it must be the Lord calling him. He tells the boy to go back to bed and if the voice calls again to say, “Speak, Lord, for your servant is listening.”

    When the Lord called again, Samuel replied as Eli taught him, and thus began a lifetime of listening to God.

    What can we learn from Samuel’s experience that can give us insights for listening to God?

    1. Listen expectantly.

    If you’re convinced that God can’t or won’t speak to you, then guess what? You won’t hear anything. The starting place for anyone in this whole area of listening to God for wisdom is being open to its possibility.

    2. Listen quietly.

    In our day, that’s no small challenge. In the midst of all the noise, it’s next to impossible to hear God’s voice. That’s why the Psalmist wrote in Ps 46:10, “Be still and know that I am God.”

    3. Listen patiently.

    Psalm 62:1 says, “My soul waits in silence for God only.”

    While wisdom sometimes comes quickly, many times God does not tell us what we want to know instantaneously. He doesn’t speak on demand. We must persevere in seeking Him.

    4. Listen submissively.

    Samuel’s reply to God’s call was, “Your servant is listening.” It was a posture of total submission. “Just say the word, God, and I’ll act on it.”

    Many people do not really want to know God’s guidance for their lives. They want “inside information” to make their lives easier.

    The wisdom that God wants to give is for us to live for Him, not for ourselves. And until we come to grips with that, He may not have much to say.

    5. Listen corporately.

    There is untold value in being part of a community that can help you process what you think God might be saying to you.

    Text: James 1:5-8

    Originally recorded on January 31, 2010, at Fellowship Missionary Church, Fort Wayne, IN

  • The book of James was written to followers of Jesus who had been “scattered” by the threat of persecution. They were facing tough times and James knew that unless he helped these young believers gain a different perspective on their trials and tribulations, they might very well compromise their commitment if not bail out altogether.

    That’s why he begins his letter with this striking statement: “Consider it pure joy…whenever you face trials of many kinds.” (vs. 2)

    From these words, we learn some…


    1. They are inevitable.

    James doesn’t say “Consider it pure joy…IF you face trials.” He says “WHEN you face trials.” The Bible is very clear that trials are simply part of life – and believers aren’t exempt.

    These inevitable trials come in “many kinds.” We can expect our lives to be spattered with trials of all shapes and sizes.

    2. They are purposeful.

    Trials are in reality “gifts” – severe gifts to be sure – but still gifts that God gives for our good. Moreover, these gifts are custom-designed with our unique developmental needs in mind.

    How then do we move from trials to triumph?


    1. Keep a joyful attitude.

    The word “count” in vs. 2 was a financial term and meant “to evaluate properly.” James is calling us to maintain an attitude of joy by evaluating our trials accurately.

    2. Have an understanding mind.

    Why can we count it all joy when we face trials? “Because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance.” (vs. 3)

    More than mere patience, perseverance is an inner quality of strength to press onward and upward no matter what the challenge.

    3. Maintain a submissive will.

    I like The Message paraphrase of verse 4: “So don’t try to get out of anything prematurely. Let it do its work so you become mature and well-developed, not deficient in any way.”

    That’s what it means to have a submissive will. To persevere so that the trial can do its job...so the refining the Master had planned can happen.

    Text: James 1:2-4

    Originally recorded on January 24, 2010, at Fellowship Missionary Church, Fort Wayne, IN

  • Our world is weary of “noun” Christians. It’s looking for “verb” Christians – people who will walk the walk, not just talk the talk. But how can you move to a life that goes beyond belief?

    The Bible is filled with counsel toward that end, but one of the most practical texts is the N.T. book of James. We were made for more than “easy chair living.” We were called to a life “beyond belief.” And that is what James addresses in his remarkable epistle.

    1. WHO was James?

    Most biblical scholars agree that the writer of this letter is not James the brother of John, one of Jesus’ original 12 disciples. This James was martyred in A.D. 44, so the timing doesn’t work.

    They also don’t believe the author was another one of the 12 – James, the son of Alphaeus.

    The person most scholars believe penned this letter is James, the brother of Jesus. Now some religious traditions claim that Jesus did not have any literal brothers, that the brothers mentioned in the gospels (see Matt. 13:53-57) were cousins. However, the Greek word used here means blood brother, not cousin. So, Scripture seems to indicate that after Jesus’ miraculous birth, Joseph and Mary went on to have several other children, including James.

    But James and his siblings struggled to believe that their big brother was the Messiah. They thought He’d gone crazy! (see Mk. 3:20-21; Jn. 7:5) So what changed?

    Jesus made a special post-resurrection appearance to, of all people, his little brother. And, in light of that, James came to a point of unshakable belief and total commitment.

    James rose to a place of prominence. In Gal. 2:9 he’s described as a “pillar” in the church. And by the time we get to Acts 15, he is the leader of the church at Jerusalem.

    2. WHEN did he write the letter?

    Though there is some debate, many scholars date the epistle from James at around A.D. 48. It is believed that this was the first N.T. book to be written, pre-dating all 4 of the gospels.

    3. WHERE was this letter addressed?

    James sent this letter to Jewish Christians who had been scattered throughout the Roman world following an outpouring of persecution. He was responding to reports that many were living lives of comfort and compromise. So, as leader of the church, James writes this letter to be shared among the diaspora – and he doesn’t hold any punches.

    4. WHAT is the content of this letter?

    In short, James asks his audience then and us today, “If you say that you believe as you should, then why do you behave as you shouldn’t?

    5. Why should we rise to the challenge?

    The answer is seen in how James saw himself. He opens his letter by calling himself “a servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ.” The Greek word he uses to identify himself is “doulos.” Literally, it means “slave.”

    The title of “slave” implies:

    Absolute obedience. Total humilityComplete loyaltyUltimate identity

    Far from being a title of dishonor, “slave” was the title by which the greatest figures of the O.T. were known. Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob were called the doulos of God. So were Job, Moses, and Joshua, as well as the prophets Amos and Zechariah.

    By referring to himself this way, James recognized that there was an identity that went beyond being Jesus’ brother or the Jerusalem church’s pastor. He recognized that the greatest name by which he could ever be known was a doulos of the Lord.

    Text: James 1:1

    Originally recorded on January 17, 2010, at Fellowship Missionary Church, Fort Wayne, IN