Are Christians required to love everyone equally? This question has recently become a matter of public and even political debate. So how should we answer? It seems necessary to ask what “loving thy neighbor” means in practice; for example is the love between friends, the love between spouses, the love within a family, the love among compatriots, and even the love of an enemy all the same kind of love? Do these relationships all entail the same kinds of moral responsibilities? Might it be reasonable to say, for example, that we have a greater obligation to care for our own children over others’ children, our own friends over strangers, and our own country over other countries? If so, however, how can Christians coherently claim that we love all people equally?
A listener asks how to forgive and let go of bitterness. I help my kids return to church?
00:00 | Introduction
Links: Ordo amoris article: https://www.wordonfire.org/articles/first-love-locally-jd-vance-and-ordo-amoris/ Word on Fire Institute: https://institute.wordonfire.org/
01:43 | Bishop Barron’s recent trip to London
02:08 | Understanding love in the great commandments
03:50 | Love for specific relationships
06:13 | Properly framing love of self
06:58 | Love your enemies
08:03 | Critiquing love as granting another’s desires
09:07 | The distinct love for God
11:17 | Who is my neighbor?
12:55 | Ordo amoris: the order of love
17:52 | Equal regard vs. equal treatment
20:36 | Is it ever okay to circumvent ordo amoris?
22:20 | Does the Good Samaritan counter ordo amoris?
23:40 | Does Luke 9:60 counter ordo amoris?
26:52 | The evangelical impact of understanding love
27:43 | Listener question
29:54 | Join the Word on Fire InstituteNOTE: Do you like this podcast? Become a Word on Fire IGNITE member! Word on Fire is a non-profit ministry that depends on the support of our listeners . . . like you! So become a part of this mission and join IGNITE today to become a Word on Fire insider and receive some special donor gifts for your generosity.
We bring you the tenth lesson of Bishop Barron’s lecture series on one of the most important and influential Catholic theologians of the twentieth century, Han Urs von Balthasar. We will come to understand his life, his theology, and his ongoing impact on the Church and our work to evangelize the culture. Enjoy!
Links: Full lecture series available at the Word on Fire Institute: https://institute.wordonfire.org/ Podcast: WOF 149: Who Was Hans Urs von Balthasar? More Resources: https://www.wordonfire.org/topics/hans-urs-von-balthasar/NOTE: Do you like this podcast? Become a Word on Fire IGNITE member! Word on Fire is a non-profit ministry that depends on the support of our listeners . . . like you! So become a part of this mission and join IGNITE today to become a Word on Fire insider and receive some special donor gifts for your generosity.
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Today we continue with lesson nine on our walk through Bishop Barron’s lecture series on one of the most important and influential Catholic theologians of the twentieth century, Han Urs von Balthasar. We will come to understand his life, his theology, and his ongoing impact on the Church and our work to evangelize the culture. Enjoy!
Links: Full lecture series available at the Word on Fire Institute: https://institute.wordonfire.org/ Podcast: WOF 149: Who Was Hans Urs von Balthasar? More Resources: https://www.wordonfire.org/topics/hans-urs-von-balthasar/NOTE: Do you like this podcast? Become a Word on Fire IGNITE member! Word on Fire is a non-profit ministry that depends on the support of our listeners . . . like you! So become a part of this mission and join IGNITE today to become a Word on Fire insider and receive some special donor gifts for your generosity.
Depression and anxiety have exploded in the past decade in the United States, especially, though not exclusively, among young people. Tragically, anxiety and depression frequently contribute to suicide and suicide attempts, with young men in particular taking much of the brunt of this epidemic of self-harm. Many suffer in silence, with neither family members nor friends aware of their mental, spiritual, and sometimes even physical anguish. What can we do to reintroduce hope, purpose, peace, and perhaps even joy into the lives of those who are feeling lost? What can both Catholic belief and practice offer in particular?
A listener asks: How can I help my kids return to church?
00:00 | Introduction
Links: Anxiety and depression stats: https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/data/nhsr/nhsr213.pdf Suicide stats: https://wisqars.cdc.gov/fatal-injury-trends/ Word on Fire Institute: https://institute.wordonfire.org/
01:51 | Bishop Barron visits Catholic schools
02:56 | Addressing the US depression epidemic
07:57 | The insufficiency of non-spiritual tools for depression
14:02 | Secularism’s role in depression
17:32 | 1) Faith frees us from the illusion of control
19:09 | 2) Faith offers us metaphysical hope
20:38 | A Christian response to hopeless feelings
21:46 | 3) Faith moves us to focus on the here and now, not on future worries
25:25 | 4) Faith helps us live for the good of the other
28:07 | 5) Faith liberates us from fear of death and the insignificance of labors
30:18 | Distinguishing dark nights of the soul from depression
32:37 | Practical advice for those in the dark
34:33 | Listener question
37:20 | Join the Word on Fire InstituteNOTE: Do you like this podcast? Become a Word on Fire IGNITE member! Word on Fire is a non-profit ministry that depends on the support of our listeners . . . like you! So become a part of this mission and join IGNITE today to become a Word on Fire insider and receive some special donor gifts for your generosity.
We continue our walk through Bishop Barron’s lecture series with lesson eight on one of the most important and influential Catholic theologians of the twentieth century, Han Urs von Balthasar. We will come to understand his life, his theology, and his ongoing impact on the Church and our work to evangelize the culture. Enjoy!
Links: Full lecture series available at the Word on Fire Institute: https://institute.wordonfire.org/ Podcast: WOF 149: Who Was Hans Urs von Balthasar? More Resources: https://www.wordonfire.org/topics/hans-urs-von-balthasar/NOTE: Do you like this podcast? Become a Word on Fire IGNITE member! Word on Fire is a non-profit ministry that depends on the support of our listeners . . . like you! So become a part of this mission and join IGNITE today to become a Word on Fire insider and receive some special donor gifts for your generosity.
A debate has been raging on social media recently about the role work should play both in our individual and communal lives. One side argues that Americans are not only spending too few hours at work, but at a deeper cultural level, they believe the United States and much of the West has become lazy and prone to immediate gratification that undermines efficiency, personal wealth, and national power and prosperity. The other side maintains that, although work is good and necessary for individual and societal wellbeing, time spent at work also compromises individuals’ creativity and ingenuity. This debate is not only rhetorical; how we conceive of the relationship between work and leisure has very real cultural, economic, and even political consequences. What principles should we appeal to to get the balance right?
A listener asks: Does Jesus have a last name?
00:00 | Introduction
Links: Word on Fire Institute: https://institute.wordonfire.org/
01:36 | Word on Fire turns 25!
02:54 | What is work?
04:53 | Understanding work within a fallen world
09:46 | Connecting human dignity and the dignity of work
12:59 | Prosperity vs. the prosperity gospel
15:28 | Is intellectual work better than manual, or vice versa?
17:37 | What if I’m unwilling to work?
20:50 | What if I’m unable to work?
21:35 | Understanding leisure
25:38 | How the Mass relates to play
29:57 | Relating work to leisure
32:24 | Listener question: Does Jesus have a last name?
33:50 | Join the Word on Fire InstituteNOTE: Do you like this podcast? Become a Word on Fire IGNITE member! Word on Fire is a non-profit ministry that depends on the support of our listeners . . . like you! So become a part of this mission and join IGNITE today to become a Word on Fire insider and receive some special donor gifts for your generosity.
Today we present the seventh lesson of Bishop Barron’s lecture series on one of the most important and influential Catholic theologians of the twentieth century, Han Urs von Balthasar. We will come to understand his life, his theology, and his ongoing impact on the Church and our work to evangelize the culture. Enjoy!
Links: Full lecture series available at the Word on Fire Institute: https://institute.wordonfire.org/ Podcast: WOF 149: Who Was Hans Urs von Balthasar? More Resources: https://www.wordonfire.org/topics/hans-urs-von-balthasar/NOTE: Do you like this podcast? Become a Word on Fire IGNITE member! Word on Fire is a non-profit ministry that depends on the support of our listeners . . . like you! So become a part of this mission and join IGNITE today to become a Word on Fire insider and receive some special donor gifts for your generosity.
What is the nature and purpose of prayer? The question may sound simple, but it unearths some complex philosophical and theological issues. If God is omniscient, what is the point of speaking with him, either out loud or in our thoughts if he already knows what we have to say? If God is all good and all powerful, why does it sometimes appear that our prayers go unanswered? More practically, what are we to make of the great diversity of prayers—liturgical prayer, petitionary prayer, worship prayer, the Rosary? Are some forms of prayer more efficacious than others? Here are some tips on how we can understand and grow in our prayer life.
A listener asks why Catholics pray for the dead and if we should pray for the souls of non-Catholics too.
00:00 | Intro
Links: An Introduction to Prayer by Bishop Robert Barron: https://bookstore.wordonfire.org/products/an-introduction-to-prayer Word on Fire Institute: https://institute.wordonfire.org/
01:34 | Bishop Barron’s holiday season recap
02:45 | What prompted the publication of An Introduction to Prayer?
03:37 | What does it mean to pray?
05:31 | If God knows everything, why do we pray?
07:38 | If God is unchanging, how does prayer change things?
15:53 | If God is all-good, why do prayers go unanswered?
18:40 | How is prayer different for the Christian?
21:56 | The importance of liturgical prayer
23:47 | Understanding contemplative prayer
28:24 | Properly understanding the intercession of the saints
31:25 | Practical principles for growing in prayer
33:41 | Forgiveness as a prerequisite for answered prayers
35:07 | Listener question
37:31 | Join the Word on Fire InstituteNOTE: Do you like this podcast? Become a Word on Fire IGNITE member! Word on Fire is a non-profit ministry that depends on the support of our listeners . . . like you! So become a part of this mission and join IGNITE today to become a Word on Fire insider and receive some special donor gifts for your generosity.
We bring you the sixth lesson of Bishop Barron’s lecture series on one of the most important and influential Catholic theologians of the twentieth century, Han Urs von Balthasar. We will come to understand his life, his theology, and his ongoing impact on the Church and our work to evangelize the culture. Enjoy!
Links: Full lecture series available at the Word on Fire Institute: https://institute.wordonfire.org/ Podcast: WOF 149: Who Was Hans Urs von Balthasar? More Resources: https://www.wordonfire.org/topics/hans-urs-von-balthasar/NOTE: Do you like this podcast? Become a Word on Fire IGNITE member! Word on Fire is a non-profit ministry that depends on the support of our listeners . . . like you! So become a part of this mission and join IGNITE today to become a Word on Fire insider and receive some special donor gifts for your generosity.
A cultural shift seems to be underway, at least within the United States, that is potentially making society more open—perhaps even more positively disposed—to the wisdom of the Catholic social thought tradition. If there is an opportunity for Catholic teachings to have more cultural and political traction now, how should the Church take advantage of it? What counsel can the Church give on complex policy issues like education, immigration, the economy, and foreign policy? Today we discuss the Catholic understanding of the common good and how it is especially relevant in this moment.
A listener asks, what is the kingdom of God?
00:00 | Intro
Links: Word on Fire Institute: https://institute.wordonfire.org/
01:41 | Bishop Barron visits a mentor
02:52 | Religion: public or private?
06:56 | Assessing recent shifts in culture
08:09 | Common good vs. utilitarianism
10:49 | Dignity vs. autonomy
14:35 | Common good vs. social justice
18:37 | Common good vs. generic conservatism
21:25 | Nonnegotiable moral principles vs. variable prudential judgments
24:27 | Common good and education
28:23 | Common good and the economy
30:30 | Common good and immigration
33:38 | Common good and foreign policy
35:38 | Listener question: What is the kingdom of God?
37:38 | Join the Word on Fire InstituteNOTE: Do you like this podcast? Become a Word on Fire IGNITE member! Word on Fire is a non-profit ministry that depends on the support of our listeners . . . like you! So become a part of this mission and join IGNITE today to become a Word on Fire insider and receive some special donor gifts for your generosity.
Today we share the fifth lesson of Bishop Barron’s lecture series on one of the most important and influential Catholic theologians of the twentieth century, Han Urs von Balthasar. We will come to understand his life, his theology, and his ongoing impact on the Church and our work to evangelize the culture. Enjoy!
Links: Full lecture series available at the Word on Fire Institute: https://institute.wordonfire.org/ Podcast: WOF 149: Who Was Hans Urs von Balthasar? More Resources: https://www.wordonfire.org/topics/hans-urs-von-balthasar/NOTE: Do you like this podcast? Become a Word on Fire IGNITE member! Word on Fire is a non-profit ministry that depends on the support of our listeners . . . like you! So become a part of this mission and join IGNITE today to become a Word on Fire insider and receive some special donor gifts for your generosity.
One of the defining features of the Christian moral and spiritual life is the supernatural virtue of hope. What is hope? What makes hope more than a mere superstition? How does hope help us live both individually and in community? Can hope have negative consequences, like motivating people to remain passive in the face of injustice? And what, if any, evangelical significance does hope have? Bishop Barron gives us five reasons why we should be hopeful in the new year.
A listener asks how he can find the strength to pray again.
00:00 | Intro
Links: Article on Bible sales: https://www.foxnews.com/media/bible-sales-surge-thanks-fresh-editions-new-buyers-looking-things-feel-more-solid-report-finds Word on Fire Institute: https://institute.wordonfire.org/
01:14 | Bishop Barron’s 2024 highlights
02:47 | The Christian concept of hope
04:15 | Hope’s relationship to reason
05:12 | Hope’s practical value in life
06:24 | Distinguishing hope from faith
08:27 | Distinguishing hope from optimism
10:21 | Responding to critiques of hope
15:37 | Reason 1: Bible sales increase while “nones” appear to have peaked
19:53 | Reason 2: Woke ideology is losing its grip on the culture
23:27 | Reason 3: Protestants and Catholics have increased cooperation
25:36 | Reason 4: The public response to the reopening of Notre Dame Cathedral
30:01 | Reason 5: The Church continues to grow
31:27 | Listener question
33:53 | Join the Word on Fire InstituteNOTE: Do you like this podcast? Become a Word on Fire IGNITE member! Word on Fire is a non-profit ministry that depends on the support of our listeners . . . like you! So become a part of this mission and join IGNITE today to become a Word on Fire insider and receive some special donor gifts for your generosity.
We bring you the fourth lesson of Bishop Barron’s lecture series on one of the most important and influential Catholic theologians of the twentieth century, Han Urs von Balthasar. We will come to understand his life, his theology, and his ongoing impact on the Church and our work to evangelize the culture. Enjoy!
Links: Full lecture series available at the Word on Fire Institute: https://institute.wordonfire.org/ Podcast: WOF 149: Who Was Hans Urs von Balthasar? Article: “Just a Little Stone in God’s Mosaic” More Resources: https://www.wordonfire.org/topics/hans-urs-von-balthasar/NOTE: Do you like this podcast? Become a Word on Fire IGNITE member! Word on Fire is a non-profit ministry that depends on the support of our listeners . . . like you! So become a part of this mission and join IGNITE today to become a Word on Fire insider and receive some special donor gifts for your generosity.
Despite the enduring, progressive narrative that society favors and privileges men, the sociological data reveals men have and continue to experience devastating declines in education, earning power, economic mobility, relationship stability, and physical and mental health. Often vilified by secular culture as “toxic” merely for existing, men are often far sicker, poorer, more addicted, more depressed, more incarcerated, and more likely to commit suicide than women.
However, more men than women now regularly go to church; numerous religious movements have been founded with the aim of helping men to overcome their spiritual, mental, and even physical weaknesses; and a new class of Christian men have been emerging on the political and cultural scene unapologetically calling for a return to traditional biblical values. How should we interpret this apparent masculinization of the faith and its effect on revitalizing the role of men in society? What insights does the Church offer, and what can we all learn from this to better evangelize both men and women?
A listener asks why—procreation aside—God created a woman for Adam as opposed to another man.
00:00 | Intro
Links: Article on book about issues facing men: https://www.independent.ie/entertainment/books/book-reviews/of-boys-and-men-by-richard-v-reeves-males-face-bigger-issues-than-toxic-masculinity/41990575.html E&C Online article: https://www.wordonfire.org/articles/richard-v-reeves-and-jocko-willink-take-on-male-malaise/ NYT article: https://www.nytimes.com/2022/09/29/opinion/crisis-men-masculinity.html Prison Stats: https://www.bop.gov/about/statistics/statistics_inmate_gender.jsp Word on Fire Institute: https://institute.wordonfire.org/
01:49 | Bishop Barron back from Rome
02:25 | Assessing grim statistics about men
04:27 | Contributing cultural movements to masculine discouragement
11:04 | Channeling masculine aggression
14:47 | A complementary view of male and female
17:52 | The return of men to the Church
22:35 | Resources for recovering masculinity from its shadow side
25:21 | Holy male exemplars
27:15 | What the Church offers for masculine vision
28:49 | Listener question
30:53 | Join the Word on Fire InstituteNOTE: Do you like this podcast? Become a Word on Fire IGNITE member! Word on Fire is a non-profit ministry that depends on the support of our listeners . . . like you! So become a part of this mission and join IGNITE today to become a Word on Fire insider and receive some special donor gifts for your generosity.
Today we bring you the third lesson of Bishop Barron's lecture series on one of the most important and influential Catholic theologians of the twentieth century, Han Urs von Balthasar. We will come to understand his life, his theology, and his ongoing impact on the Church and our work to evangelize the culture. Enjoy!
Links: Full lecture series available at the Word on Fire Institute: https://institute.wordonfire.org/ Podcast: WOF 149: Who Was Hans Urs von Balthasar? Article: “Just a Little Stone in God’s Mosaic” More Resources: https://www.wordonfire.org/topics/hans-urs-von-balthasar/NOTE: Do you like this podcast? Become a Word on Fire IGNITE member! Word on Fire is a non-profit ministry that depends on the support of our listeners . . . like you! So become a part of this mission and join IGNITE today to become a Word on Fire insider and receive some special donor gifts for your generosity.
After spending nearly a month in Rome, Bishop Barron has just returned from the concluding session of the Synod on Synodality. However, numerous basic questions remain among the faithful: What challenges were discussed during this synod and what solutions, if any, did the attendees reach? What impact, if any, does either the structure or content of the synod have on the Church’s ability to evangelize effectively both in the US and abroad?
A listener asks how parishes should adapt to today’s needs.
00:00 | Intro
Link: EWTN article: https://www.ewtnvatican.com/articles/synod-on-synodalitys-final-document-what-you-need-to-know-3645 E&C Online article: https://www.wordonfire.org/articles/barron/some-thoughts-upon-returning-from-the-second-session-of-the-synod/ Word on Fire Institute: https://institute.wordonfire.org/
01:27 | A visit to the Czech Republic
03:10 | What is synodality?
06:58 | The Instrumentum Laboris and its role in the synod
07:56 | Who attended the synod?
09:14 | Relating 2023’s synodal gathering to 2024’s
11:09 | Bishop Barron’s daily routine in Rome
16:20 | Communio theology as represented at the synod
19:27 | The teaching status of the recent synodal document
21:01 | Assessing the synod’s benefit to the Church
22:35 | Limitations of synodality as a ruling principle
25:23 | The question of women’s ordination
28:00 | Concerns for the authority of the local bishops’ conferences
29:41 | Has this synod perennially changed the Church?
31:15 | The possibility of future synods
32:01 | Listener question
34:04 | Join the Word on Fire InstituteNOTE: Do you like this podcast? Become a Word on Fire IGNITE member! Word on Fire is a non-profit ministry that depends on the support of our listeners . . . like you! So become a part of this mission and join IGNITE today to become a Word on Fire insider and receive some special donor gifts for your generosity.
Today we bring you the second lesson of Bishop Barron’s lecture series on one of the most important and influential Catholic theologians of the twentieth century, Han Urs von Balthasar. We will come to understand his life, his theology, and his ongoing impact on the Church and our work to evangelize the culture. Enjoy!
Links: Full lecture series available at the Word on Fire Institute: https://institute.wordonfire.org/ Podcast: WOF 149: Who Was Hans Urs von Balthasar? Article: “Just a Little Stone in God’s Mosaic” More Resources: https://www.wordonfire.org/topics/hans-urs-von-balthasar/NOTE: Do you like this podcast? Become a Word on Fire IGNITE member! Word on Fire is a non-profit ministry that depends on the support of our listeners . . . like you! So become a part of this mission and join IGNITE today to become a Word on Fire insider and receive some special donor gifts for your generosity.
Through a litany of trials and grace, Tammy Peterson found her way to the Catholic Church. We bring you the second half of an hour-long conversation she had recently with Bishop Barron. The two explore transubstantiation, the power of prayer, grace in suffering, and more.
00:00 | Intro
Link: Word on Fire Institute: https://institute.wordonfire.org/
00:28 | Prayer as sustenance and as intercession across space and time
06:00 | What is transubstantiation?
11:50 | Praying Scripture
13:30 | Prayerful examination of a day
18:33 | Examining Dante’s Divine Comedy
20:08 | Dark nights of the soul
23:31 | Grace in suffering
31:27 | Remembering the body
32:58 | Singing and prayer
34:16 | Join the Word on Fire InstituteNOTE: Do you like this podcast? Become a Word on Fire IGNITE member! Word on Fire is a non-profit ministry that depends on the support of our listeners . . . like you! So become a part of this mission and join IGNITE today to become a Word on Fire insider and receive some special donor gifts for your generosity.
Today we bring you the first lesson of Bishop Barron's lecture series on one of the most important, intriguing, strange, and influential Catholic theologians of the twentieth century, Han Urs von Balthasar. We will come to understand his life, his theology, and his ongoing impact on the Church and our work to evangelize the culture. Enjoy!
Links: Podcast: WOF 149: Who Was Hans Urs von Balthasar? Article: “Just a Little Stone in God’s Mosaic” More Resources: https://www.wordonfire.org/topics/hans-urs-von-balthasar/ Full lecture series at the Word on Fire Institute: https://institute.wordonfire.org/NOTE: Do you like this podcast? Become a Word on Fire IGNITE member! Word on Fire is a non-profit ministry that depends on the support of our listeners . . . like you! So become a part of this mission and join IGNITE today to become a Word on Fire insider and receive some special donor gifts for your generosity.
Through a litany of trials and grace, Tammy Peterson found her way to the Catholic Church. Today we bring you the first half of an hour-long conversation she had recently with Bishop Barron. The two explore the call of God, the power of the Rosary, the wisdom of Thomas Merton, and more.
00:00 | Intro
Link: Word on Fire Institute: https://institute.wordonfire.org/
01:24 | Relating to God as a called child
06:25 | Attracting people into community
10:16 | Understanding true love
13:20 | Begin with prayer
14:19 | Prayer: sacred, centering, habitual, and “useless”
20:43 | The beauty of monastic life and practice
22:34 | The wisdom of Thomas Merton
24:18 | Distinguishing a natural spirituality from a properly supernatural one
28:05 | Learning to pray the Rosary
38:18 | Join the Word on Fire InstituteNOTE: Do you like this podcast? Become a Word on Fire IGNITE member! Word on Fire is a non-profit ministry that depends on the support of our listeners . . . like you! So become a part of this mission and join IGNITE today to become a Word on Fire insider and receive some special donor gifts for your generosity.
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