
  • This episode has been waiting in the wings for months (I try to spread out the themes for each episode release) and I’m so excited to finally bring it to your ears today. Emily is a good friend and one of my yoga mentors, and on a beautiful day in April she had me over to her home (which she affectionately calls “the tree house”). We had an amazing conversation underneath her lovely skylights with Mama Kitties keeping watch.

    Emily’s vulnerability and honesty make this episode truly one of the most important I’ve engaged in thus far. She openly shares about her mental health struggles and how she worked through them to come out on the other side resilient and willing to devote her life to supporting others in a healing capacity. And yes, of course we discuss yoga, Reiki, and the magic of TIMBo.

    At the end of the episode Emily mentions workshops that have already passed, and I chose not to edit that out so that you can hear about all the wonderful creative experiences she offers. Check out Coolidge Yoga’s website and Emily’s website to see what she’s up to in the near future, including upcoming Reiki trainings.

    As I mention in the podcast intro, we discuss the seriousness of mental health issues, including suicide. If you (or someone you know) are in crisis or experiencing suicidal thoughts, please don’t hesitate to reach out for help to a close friend of family member, or call or text the Samaritan’s Hotline at (877) 870-4673, the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at (800) 273-8255, or text the Crisis Text Line at 741741. Here’s what to expect if you’ve never called a crisis hotline before.

    *Skip to 8:11min mark to bypass the intro and get to the interview

    In this episode we hear:

    About Emily’s background in Psychology and working in a residential site

    How her past personal experiences influence how she supports the healing of others

    How she models navigating the complexities of grief for her students

    We discuss the importance of reducing shame and our shared need for authenticity

    About the joy of “being a goofball” and ecstatic dance

    How the TIMBo program supports survivors of trauma

    How yin yoga helps the body process and move through emotions

    Her relationship with nature and the universe

    Her growing affinity of divination

    How she melds her background in trauma work, yoga, and Reiki

    A little about astrology and human design

    Mentioned in this episode (aka, the “shotes”):

    Follow Emily on Instagram
    Emily’s Website
    Coolidge Yoga
    the Yogi Therapist website
    the Yogi Therapist on Facebook
    Follow me, the Yogi Therapist, on Instagram

    Hear the episode on these platforms:

    iTunes // Spotify // Google Play // Stitcher

  • Today’s guest is the lovely Denise Hooks, and I’m so grateful to Stacey Mulvey, my guest on episode 14, for connecting us! Denise is an incredible therapist based in Las Vegas, Nevada, where she offers individual therapy, group therapy, and co-owns a consulting agency with her husband.

    We spent like 3 hours on the phone, not even kidding!! I immediately felt comfortable with her, like I know her; she’s so easy to talk to and so smart and articulate. She’s doing such meaningful work with womxn of color and survivors of trauma, two of her main areas of focus.

    As a disclaimer, parts of this episode may be triggering for people as we discuss topics (although not in a very detailed way) like interpersonal violence, suicide, and abortions. If you believe this may impact you, I suggest making a plan for self-care prior to listening.

    Also, we had some sound issues, I hope it’s not too distracting for you! Apologies in advance.

    *Skip to 6:08min mark to bypass the intro and get to the interview

    In this episode we hear:

    How Denise decided to become a therapist and how she decided to work with the population she serves

    How her cultural background and being a black womxn shapes her practice as a therapist

    How she uses Existentialism and Gestalt therapies with clients, and how her theater background helps her help clients more efficiently

    What Narrative therapy is and how she finds it especially useful working with people of color

    How to find your theoretical approach as a therapist

    The importance of boundaries and ethics in therapy

    How to be a competent and inclusive provider

    How to navigate challenging conversations within therapy, specifically when “racial undertones” or racism occurs

    Using Existentialism in working with survivors of trauma

    How memories and emotions are strongly tied together

    How trauma can become trapped in the body, and ways to use different techniques in therapy to release it

    About the stigma that exists for seeking therapy, specifically within communities of color

    About her therapy group for womxn of color “Consciousness Raising”

    About Denise and her husband’s consulting business Elevated Consulting and how they offer Organizational Psychology to businesses

    Mentioned in this episode (aka, the “shotes”):

    Elevate Consulting
    Elevated Therapy by Denise
    Follow Denise on Facebook
    Follow Denise on Instagram
    The Gloria Videos
    Brené Brown’s new video Call to Courage
    Book I’m Ok, You’re Ok
    Justice Resource Institute
    the Yogi Therapist website
    the Yogi Therapist on Facebook
    Follow me, the Yogi Therapist, on Instagram

    Hear the episode on these platforms:

    iTunes // Spotify // Google Play // Stitcher

  • Eksik bölüm mü var?

    Akışı yenilemek için buraya tıklayın.

  • It only took three decades, but I now LOVE going to the dentist. Shocked?! I’m not! Anti-Dentite’s be damned. Dr. Mayr is one of my most favorite people, and he is an incredible dentist. He and his staff are committed to helping patients feel welcomed and comfortable in the office, and he treats everyone with thorough care and respect. Even if your insurance is out-of-network, you should definitely go see Dr. Mayr, his business partner Dr. Yuko, and their incredible team at Harmony!! You’ll leave the office feeling empowered to take care of your oral hygiene and overall health, without feeling ashamed if you admitted that you forget to floss daily.

    This episode will offer you information all about what on earth it means to be a holistic dental practice, as well as how Dr. Mayr balances traditional Western dentistry with holistic/biologic dentistry. He also candidly shares a bit about his personal life, and - dun dun dunnnnnnn - whether or not he flosses daily!!

    *Skip to 4:54min mark to bypass the intro and get to the interview

    In this episode we hear:

    How Dr. Mayr chose to become a dentist

    Balancing traditional dentistry with holistic dentistry, and how holistic living isn’t reinventing the wheel

    The differences between a traditional dentist versus a holistic dentist

    What to expect at an appointment at Harmony 

    How Dr. Mayr and his business partner Dr. Yuko offer thorough care for their clients

    Why it was important for Dr. Mayr to gather information about a patient’s whole health history, versus just their dental history

    The importance of asking questions as a patient 

    Why he wants to do less work on patients than a lot

    Why reading ingredients is so important, even for toothpaste

    How Dr. Mayr balances his job with his own physical health and oral hygiene 

    Mentioned in this episode (aka, the “shotes”):

    Follow Harmony on Facebook
    the Yogi Therapist website
    the Yogi Therapist on Facebook
    Follow me, the Yogi Therapist, on Instagram

    Hear the episode on these platforms:

    iTunes // Spotify // Google Play // Stitcher

  • Let’s get controversiallllllll!!

    I know what you’re thinking: whoa, a therapist is releasing a podcast episode about marijuana?! Relax - I’m not endorsing nor condemning the use of marijuana, but this is a growing industry (punny!) and cannabis yoga is a thing now, just like beer yoga. It’s a controversial topic within the yoga-sphere and in the therapy world. While I am well-aware that research on the effects of cannabis is still young and limited due to federal regulations, more and more people are using it to alleviate symptoms of chronic pain, insomnia, anxiety, epilepsy, to overcome opiate addictions, and the list goes on. I don’t think you can go into any store today without seeing something that has CBD added to it! I know people who swear by it. In addition, I’ve seen first-hand the negative effects of marijuana on young developing brains (e.g., the onset of early psychosis). See what I mean? Controversial! I hope that listeners can come with an open mind and trust their own autonomy. This is a safe and nonjudgmental place, and everyone is absolutely entitled to any opinion they may or may not have.

    I’m very excited to release this episode today, and I know you’re going to dig it as much as I do. I learned so much from my chat with Stacey, and I loved getting to know her and hearing more about her fascinating story. She is a really brave, cool, genuine, and empowered woman, and talking with her was so effortless.

    I know you’ll love this episode, and I promise you don’t need to imbibe in cannabis to appreciate it!

    *Skip to 6:07min mark to bypass the intro and get to the interview

    In this episode we hear:

    about Stacey’s background and how at a young age she broke free from the Mormon culture/religion

    briefly about the research that continues to develop on the impact of marijuana use on mental health

    how she came to teaching yoga through pole dancing, Callanetics and Pilates

    the importance of understanding anatomy in order to teach

    about Stacey’s upcoming yoga teacher training that she created for her company Marijuasana

    recognizing the pros and cons of imbibing in cannabis

    how Stacey created her business Marijuasana

    Stacey’s “coming out” with cannabis

    about Stacey’s experience being a female entrepreneur

    about how yoga can be joyful

    about the power of community with yoga and cannabis use

    about her style of teaching

    about Stacey’s views on cannabis as a drug and a form of medicine

    the difference between Sativa and Indica and how not all marketing of their effects are accurate

    Mentioned in this episode (aka, the “shotes”):

    Naropa University
    Science of Yoga
    Dr. Jared Kass at Lesley University
    Jason Kilmer
    What the heck are terpenes
    Information for Stacey’s YTT that starts June 18th!
    Follow Stacey’s company Marijuasana on Instagram
    the Yogi Therapist website
    the Yogi Therapist on Facebook
    Follow me, the Yogi Therapist, on Instagram

    Hear the episode on these platforms:

    iTunes // Spotify // Google Play // Stitcher

  • We’re having a bit of a testosterone stretch here, eh?! Today’s guest is the magical and incredible meditation teacher Wilhelm, a fellow NSYA-er (keepin’ it in the fam, y’all) and a truly kind soul. While I’ve known Wilhelm for a couple of years now, I knew little of his personal life and experiences growing up in South Africa pre-and-post-Apartheid, and I have a lot of gratitude for all that he shares with us in this episode.

    While I myself practice different forms of meditation, mostly focusing on my breath, I’m no expert nor am I green in my practice. I’ve had some amazing experiences dropping into consciousness under Wilhelm’s guidance - I’m talking images in my mind of smatterings of bright colors, feeling energy flowing, tapping into my inner guide…it’s amazing. He is an incredible teacher who respects how personal the practice is, and aims to break down any barrier one may have to connecting to their own meditation practice.

    If you’re curious to learn more about meditation and live locally, check out his upcoming workshop on May 11th: Beyond the Cushion: Meditations for the Moment workshop at Coolidge Yoga Brookline!

    PS: One quick disclaimer, I meant to say this in the intro - this episode was recorded in early April at the onset of that annoying illness I had that caused me to skip a week of releasing an episode. I definitely sound sick, to me at least!

    *Skip to 5:24min mark to bypass the intro and get to the interview

    In this episode we hear:

    How “where are you from” is a loaded question for him

    How breaking his ankle brought him to yoga and meditation

    How he strayed off the yoga teacher path

    How event planning and meditation are closely related, in Wilhelm’s wise opinion 

    On coming out as a young man in South Africa

    How to reframe your 9-5 when you have a side hustle

    His ritual before he leads meditation

    How to begin meditating

    How making tea can be a meditation

    The importance of having a grounding ritual when you serve others

    How Wilhelm keeps his chill

    About the barriers he experienced when initially practicing meditation

    How meditation aligns the body and the mind

    How he plans his meditation teachings

    Why standing meditations are a supportive option for people fearful of meditating

    How meditation allows one to welcome every part of themselves, even the inner critic or rebel

    How your affinity with Harry Potter can be a meditation

    Using social media mindfully

    Mentioned in this episode (aka, the “shotes”):

    Wilhelm’s Beyond the Cushion: Meditations for the Moment workshop at Coolidge Yoga Brookline on May 11th
    Apartheid in South Africa 
    Episode 1 with Laura Ahrens
    Andrew Tanner
    Rachel Bairstow
    Dr. Lorin Roche and Camille Maurine
    Buddha’s Brain
    The Radiance Sutras
    Nelson Mandela
    Krista Tippet
    Meditation Made Easy
    Harry Potter and the Sacred Text
    Coolidge Yoga
    Wilhelm’s page on Coolidge Yoga’s site
    The Yogi Therapist website
    Follow me, The Yogi Therapist, on Instagram

    Hear the episode on these platforms:

    iTunes // Spotify // Google Play // Stitcher

  • Jeffrey Thomas is living history. This wonderful man is a friend and sangha-mate of mine from my YTT, and I’m so grateful that Jeffrey agreed to allow me to interview him - this is one of the most important interviews I’ve done thus far. Jeffrey shares his experience of being a young Black man growing up in the south in the midst of the Civil Rights movement, and candidly shares how this has shaped his teaching today, as well as how his experience inspired him to create the Mandela Yoga Project.

    It’s an honor to have sat down with Jeffrey, and it is truly an honor to call him a friend; this episode is truly incredible and I’m eternally grateful for Jeffrey’s willingness to share, his vulnerability, and candidness.

    One final note, please consider supporting his Mandela Yoga Project here, any amount helps!!

    *Skip to 6:58min mark to bypass the intro and get to the interview

    In this episode we hear:

    About Jeffrey’s upbringing as a young Black man growing up in the south during the Civil Rights movement

    About his views on the commercialism of yoga and lack of diversity and inclusivity

    How Boston could help make yoga more accessible to low-income and underserved communities 

    How he believes diabetes saved his life

    About his mission to make yoga accessible to everyone with his company The Mandela Yoga Project

    How yoga helps him manage his diabetes and promote his wellbeing

    How he views trauma informed yoga and the importance of it 

    How Jeffrey believes the body can heal itself, as he is living breathing proof

    How he decided to start his non-profit the Mandela Yoga Project, and his plans on bringing free trauma-informed yoga to people of color and underserved communities, led by members of the local community

    About his experience being a black man in a predominantly white yoga community

    Mentioned in this episode (aka, the “shotes”):

    GoFundMe for Mandela Yoga Project
    4 Little Girls film
    Medgar Evers
    Emmett Till
    Yoga Alliance
    Prison Yoga Project
    Five Doors Yoga
    Iyengar Yoga
    Follow Jeffrey on Instagram
    The Yogi Therapist website
    Follow me, The Yogi Therapist, on Instagram

    Hear the episode on these platforms:

    iTunes // Spotify // Google Play // Stitcher

  • And we’re back with episode 11!! My guest this week is a former colleague of mine, Paul Sullivan. He’s a local professor at Quincy College and licensed therapist operating his own private practice. Paul and I worked together last in 2012 or 2013 at a partial adult psychiatric program in Brookline, MA. I’m so grateful that Paul and I have kept in contact over the years as he’s been an important person in my professional career and professional development; he actually offered me some simple advice back when we worked together and I call upon it often, as you’ll hear me explain in the episode.

    We start our conversation where Paul is really selling me on starting a private practice - stay tuned for more on that, hopefully soon! We discuss so many great topics, from building a private practice to meditation for every day modern life to positive psychology. 

    *Skip to 5:26min mark to bypass the intro and get to the interview

    In this episode we hear:

    About Paul’s journey to establishing himself in private practice

    All about Paul’s theoretical approaches, including Positive Psychology (umm hi apparently this is my jam)

    How Paul balances his jobs, spending quality time with family, and making room for play

    Peaceful parenting

    Paul’s interest in sustainability and CSAs

    How Paul helps his clients and students thrive

    Paul’s view of the developmental stages in life

    All about Paul’s mindfulness and meditations practices

    How Paul offers his clients and students tangible and accessible ways to feel happier and live more conscious lives

    Theraveda Buddhism (What? Just listen to the episode!)

    Mentioned in this episode (aka, the “shotes”):

    Paul’s PsychologyToday.com page
    Liberty Wellness
    Quincy College
    The One Thing book
    Sweet Berry Farm in Middleton, RI
    Walden Local Meat Co.
    Common Ground Fair
    Vipassana Meditation Center – Dhamma Dharā
    Theraveda Buddhism
    Northeastern Society for Group Psychotherapy (NSGP)
    The Yogi Therapist website
    Follow me, The Yogi Therapist, on Instagram

    Hear the episode on these platforms:

    iTunes // Spotify // Google Play // Stitcher

  • Shannon Noel is one of those people you meet and you just know she is authenticity and magic. She’s ethereal, thoughtful, empathic, and lovely, and her shop, Noel Herbals, is a hidden zen gem located in one of my favorite neighborhoods, Somerville.

    I had the absolute pleasure of sitting down with Shannon in her shop to discuss all things life, skincare, herbalism, and fuzzy puppy bums. She shares all about her journey to holistic skincare and similarly to our guest for episode 9 she started out pursuing a very different career path in college.

    I couldn’t ask for a better guest to enter into the double digits with on this pod; I know you’re going to love Shannon, and be sure to check out her shop to stock up on some incredible, safe, non-toxic skincare products that your skin will thank you for!

    *Skip to 5min to bypass the intro and get to the interview

    In this episode we hear:

    about Shannon’s career path to skincare therapy

    how college may not be the best path for everyone

    why you should dilute essential oils prior to applying to your skin

    why you should avoid “fragrance” in products

    what a facial entails and how often you should get one

    about natural versus safe skincare products

    about the importance of choosing safe and non-toxic products for your skin and home

    about what on earth is lymphatic drainage

    sorry vegans - we talk about cooking and eating fish

    how Shannon uses social media with intention

    Shannon’s mission to educate people on skincare and skin health, and some exciting new projects she’s working on

    Mentioned in this episode (aka, the “shotes”):

    Noel Herbals
    Follow Shannon on Instagram
    Shannon’s Skin/Food: Spring event on May 4th
    Cambridge Naturals
    The Herbal Academy
    Commonwealth Herbs
    La Bella Figura Découverte Under Eye Repair Serum
    Gua Sha
    Britta Beauty
    Balance Your Hormones, Balance Your Life book
    The Yogi Therapist website
    Follow me, The Yogi Therapist, on Instagram

    Hear the episode on these platforms:

    iTunes // Spotify // Google Play // Stitcher

  • Bron Volney is one of the nicest people I have ever met - he’s a genuine, energetic soul who happens to also be easy on the eyes and can help you become your best physical self. He is a personal trainer and the owner of BronCore Fitness, specializing in an amazing, creative, and challenging workouts designed by Bron himself.

    My husband and I have known Bron for years, and one of my favorite moments from my wedding was doing squats (in my wedding dress) with Bron on the dance floor. Such a priceless memory!

    Bron is an incredible unique and talented trainer who has helped my husband and I achieve our fitness goals over the years. He completely removes the intimidation factor from working out, and offers his clients intentional and challenging programs to help them achieve their pinnacle of physical health. He’s also so passionate about building community and does so with BCF and his BronCore Bootcamps that happen indoors and outdoors all over the city.

    Check out his bootcamps and set up some training sessions with him - you’ll be sore AF but wow, will you look and feel amazing!!

    *Skip to 4:40 to bypass the intro and get to the interview

    In this episode we hear:

    about Bron’s original career plan

    how he decided to create his own business BronCore Fitness

    how he strays from the norm in a creative and efficient way to best support his clients

    how BronCore Bootcamps has evolved and continues to grow and expand

    how Bron continues to churn out creative workouts

    all about Bron’s immense undying love for the Florida Gators (who, I’m sad to say, lost in the NCAA the night we recorded this episode - I blame Bron.)

    the importance of community when maintaining fitness

    how to work with challenging clients and keep folks committed and engaged to their fitness goals

    Mentioned in this episode (aka, the “shotes”):

    BronCore Fitness
    Follow Bron on Instagram
    Bron’s website
    The Yogi Therapist website
    Follow me, The Yogi Therapist, on Instagram

    Hear the episode on these platforms:

    iTunes // Spotify // Google Play // Stitcher

  • Lauren Massalas doesn’t know this, but she has a really special place in my heart as she was the catalyst for my applying for YTT with NSYA at Coolidge Yoga back in 2017. We met at an event at YogaWorks and exchanged info so I could pick her brain about NSYA…and the rest is herstory!!

    Lauren is definitely a super cool and incredibly talented chick. She is a PACU nurse, a yoga teacher, and an Ayurvedic Health Counselor based in Boston, MA. She has a magical way of making Ayurveda, a 5000+ year old medical science, seem completely seamlessly accessible to integrate into a modern lifestyle. As a health practitioner and yoga teacher, she is influenced by western anatomy and physiology, yogic philosophy, and Ayurvedic wisdom, a unique mash-up that allows Lauren to stand out from the crowd in every aspect of her career.

    *Skip to 3:19 to bypass the intro and get to the interview

    In this episode we hear:

    about Ayurveda and what it is, for those outside of the yoga-sphere

    how Lauren took a winding path to Ayurveda

    what to expect from a session with Lauren as an Ayurvedic Health Counselor, and she shares a brief case study

    how Ayurveda and western medicine can work together

    how to avoid dampening your digestive fire and how that fire is “supreme in the long game of longevity”

    about the importance of a morning routine, how to start one, and why you should stop drinking cold water

    how to incorporate Ayurvedic health tips into your daily life

    how Ayurveda helps individuals fully live in their body

    the importance of the body’s elimination process

    Mentioned in this episode (aka, the “shotes”):

    Coolidge Yoga
    Lauren’s Ayurvedic Spring Cleanse workshop
    Goldie Graham
    Vega Vitality
    Follow Lauren on Instagram
    Lauren’s website
    The Yogi Therapist website
    Follow me, The Yogi Therapist, on Instagram

    Hear the episode on these platforms:

    iTunes // Spotify // Google Play // Stitcher

  • Today’s guest is my lovely friend Katherine, a local Maynard-based yoga teacher. I’ve known Katherine for years, as she is married to one of my best friends from high school (Hi Steve!!), and of course we’ve bonded even more over our affinity for yoga!

    I honestly don’t know how to best convey the amazingness that is all that Katherine shares in this episode - she is a lovely, intelligent, strong, beautiful woman who lives fully and consciously in alignment with her yoga. She consistently engages with life in an intentional and authentic way, always finds the good and beauty in others, and embodies the foundational principles of yoga. She’s also got an incredible way with words, as evidenced by her informative posts on her blog! I feel lucky to know Katherine and call her a friend. I know that you’ll love this episode as much as I loved chatting with Katherine! I think we could’ve talked for like, hours more, haha!

    In this episode we hear:

    about Katherine’s view on authenticity in yoga and on social media

    how she came up with her company name “Black Fox Yoga”

    how yoga must celebrate all bodies in yoga

    about Katherine’s views on “yogalebrities”

    about how Katherine approaches teaching beginners in yoga, and why she doesn’t use props in those classes

    how to cue efficiently in a yoga class

    how to stand out as a yoga teacher

    how to identify and manage ego as a yoga teacher

    how to live your yoga with intention and integrity

    Mentioned in this episode (aka, the “shotes”):

    CorePower Yoga
    Elliot of Change.yoga
    Alexandria Crow
    Be the Love Yoga studio, where Katherine teaches
    Ye olde Empath quiz (because clearly I’m on a mission to help people learn that they’re possibly an Empath)
    Katherine’s website Black Fox Yoga
    Follow Katherine on Instagram
    The Yogi Therapist website
    Follow me, The Yogi Therapist, on Instagram

    Hear the episode on these platforms:

    iTunes // Spotify // Google Play // Stitcher

  • Interviewing your friends is way fun and I want to do it all the time.

    My guest for this episode is my good friend Nikki Magliaro, whom I met in grad school back in 2009, and oddly enough we were even in the same group interview at Northeastern University, where we attended our masters in counseling program. Crazy!!

    Nikki is a brilliant clinician who works incredibly hard and pours so much love into all that she does. She and her friend and business partner Megan co-own and built together an incredible practice called Puzzle Pieces, LLC based in Quincy, MA. There, Nikki, Megan, and their team support children and families, treating Anxiety Disorders, ADHD, Adjustment Disorders, Autism Spectrum Disorders, behavioral concerns, developmental delays, coping skills, family relationships, self-esteem,  social skills, and stress. Nikki is also a Feminist therapist, an Expert Certified DIR/Floortime Training Leader, a Gemini, a yoga-lover, and a creative soul who brings so much compassion, knowledge, and authenticity into the work she does. Be sure to check out her wonderful private practice, she will take excellent care of your kiddo!

    In this episode we hear:

    all about Nikki’s journey to becoming a successful therapist and businesswoman

    all about how Nikki built her business

    useful tips for building a business

    important techniques and tips on working with children and families

    how Nikki uses yoga in her practice with her clients

    about promoting Neurodiversity and the current movement toward acceptance

    a bit about finally hearing Autistic voices

    how Nikki engages in self-care and sets boundaries with her work given she’s self-employed

    Mentioned in this episode (aka, the “shotes”):

    Autistic Women & Nonbinary Network
    Autistic Self Advocacy Network (ASAN)
    Interdisciplinary Counsel on Development and Learning (ICDL) - where Nikki completed her DIR/Floortime certification
    Nikki’s yoga training program - Calm Child Workshop by  Flow and Grow Kids Yoga
    Puzzle Pieces, LLC website
    Follow Puzzle Pieces, LLC on Instagram and Facebook
    The Yogi Therapist website
    Follow me, The Yogi Therapist, on Instagram

    Hear the episode on these platforms:

    iTunes // Spotify // Google Play // Stitcher

  • This man saved my life. Basically.

    I’m so happy to be releasing this episode with Dr. Tim Latham, DC MS CSCS, a brilliant jack-of-all-trades. He’s got multiple degrees and areas of expertise, and he continues to learn all that he can about the ever-changing field of integrative health. I was fortunate to have connected with Tim after being diagnosed with a chronic pain + fatigue illness; through testing and non-judgmental conversations, he helped me make easy tweaks to increase my body’s ability to heal, recover, and thrive. I’d honestly never felt better!

    This episode is chock full of great recommendations for anyone to improve their overall health, as Tim shares simple ways to increase one’s quality of life through nutrition and movement. We talk about the body’s resiliency, and challenging false beliefs one has about the body’s durability. Anyone who nerds out over science and health will love this episode!

    Find Tim, his wife Dr. Laura Latham, and other integrative providers at their group practice in Boston at Back Bay Health & Performance, and you can also catch Tim as an adjunct faculty member in the Integrative and Functional Nutrition program at Saybrook University.

    In this episode we hear:

    all about Tim’s educational background and his many health degrees

    about what exactly is an elimination diet and what the heck a FODMAP is

    easy, accessible ways to improve one’s health

    the body’s resiliency

    how to challenge negative beliefs

    what to expect in an appointment with Tim

    how to avoid feeling overwhelmed when in the midst of a health revamp

    how Chiropractic isn’t all about back cracking

    about certain wellness fads and Tim’s thoughts on their validity

    how mindfulness and breath-work are just as important to address as diet

    about Tim’s self-care practice

    some swears - yup, I’ve officially sworn/cussed/cursed on the podcast, folks!

    Mentioned in this episode (aka, the “shotes”):

    Back Bay Health & Performance
    Craig Liebenson, DC
    Dr. Ben House
    Alan Watts
    Sober Curious (book)
    Making Sense Podcast by Sam Harris
    The Runner’s Zone Podcast
    You Are Not So Smart Podcast
    Enlightenment Now (book)
    Behave (book)
    Endure (book)
    Just Breathe (book)
    American Medical Society for Sports Medicine
    National Strength and Conditioning Association
    Institute for Functional Medicine
    Saybrook University’s Integrative and Functional Nutrition Program
    Follow Tim and his wife over at Back Bay Health & Performance on Instagram
    The Yogi Therapist website
    Follow me, The Yogi Therapist on Instagram

    Hear the episode on these platforms:

    iTunes // Spotify // Google Play // Stitcher

  • This. This is why I started podcasting. I’m obsessed with today’s episode!

    Meet my friend Emily, a local Boston-based yoga teacher. She is quite possibly the most authentic, genuine, gracious human I’ve ever met. She is an incredibly teacher in Boston and truly embodies her yoga. She shares so many insightful comments in this episode, wow is she such a wise soul!

    We got to talking about all things yoga, but also life and how living in alignment with your truest self can sometimes be challenging in a day where modern technology drives all. Emily shares so many lovely insightful comments, and I know that anyone and everyone will hear something that resonates with them.

    PS: There’s a *SPOILER ALERT* in this episode for those folks who watch The Great British Baking Show, and it occurs around the 42-min mark. Whoops.

    In this episode we hear:

    how Emily found yoga

    about her journey through yoga teacher training

    about some major decisions that Emily made in her life and how she was able to make said decisions boldly

    how to build a sustainable home practice

    how to sequence a yoga class

    how Emily tapped into her self-worth

    ways to reduce negative self-talk and practice acceptance

    how Emily defines success

    Mentioned in this episode (aka, the “shotes”):

    That hilarious commercial for The Great British Bakeoff
    Boston Yoga School
    North End Yoga
    Medium Well podcast
    Follow Emily on Instagram
    The Yogi Therapist website
    Follow me, The Yogi Therapist on Instagram

    Hear the episode on these platforms:

    iTunes // Spotify // Google Play // Stitcher

  • I’m very grateful that Maggie Battista was able to find time to chat with me one Friday afternoon earlier this month, literally days before her 2nd cookbook launch. As you’ll hear in the episode, I fangirled a bit - she is truly an inspirational woman to me. Maggie has a lovely way of balancing being assertive, grounded, relatable, and kind - she’s truly a warm soul and offers so much to those with whom she works. I met Maggie about four years ago after recipe testing for her first cookbook, Food Gift Love (I still swear by her banana bread recipe!), and we’ve kept in touch sporadically via email over the years. I especially love following her posts on Instagram as she keeps things real and shares intentionally, in an authentic way. Plus, the food pics - YUM!

    Maggie is a wellness and food writer, cookbook author, creative business coach, shopgirl, and professional women’s empowerist (that should be a word!) based in Massachusetts. She’s authored two fabulous cookbooks, one for which I had the honor to recipe test, and another which was just released on February 5th, A New Way To Food. She’s a Jill of all trades balancing writing, hosting gatherings, empowering women in the creative field, and building brick-and-mortars (stay tuned for her permanent Eat Boutique store that will be in Boston!)

    In this episode we hear:

    about Maggie’s brand new “self-help cookbook hybrid,” A New Way to Food: Recipes That Revamped My Pantry & Made Me Love Me, At Last

    about how Maggie learned how to love and appreciate herself and her body

    how Maggie builds and promotes community

    useful life and business tips for entrepreneurs

    what it’s like being a woman in the food and business world

    about Maggie’s creative business coaching

    how yoga influences Maggie’s wellbeing

    how Maggie reframes her thoughts to embody that she is worthy of self-love and good health

    Mentioned in this episode (aka, the “shotes”):

    Maggie’s brand new cookbook A New Way To Food
    Eat Boutique
    Maggie’s creative business coaching services
    The Fresh Collective
    Playing Big by Tara Mohr
    Follow Maggie on Instagram
    The Yogi Therapist website
    Follow me, The Yogi Therapist on Instagram

    Hear the episode on these platforms:

    iTunes // Spotify // Google Play // Stitcher

  • Steve is probably one of the most humble, compassionate, generous, and genuine people I’ve ever known. We worked together several years ago at a behavioral health insurance company and have fortunately kept in touch (ahh the benefits of social!). I’m so grateful that he was my first recorded interview! He is so insightful and shares some brilliant nuggets of wisdom in this episode; I know you’re going to love this episode!

    Steve is a licensed mental health counselor and superhero based in Western Massachusetts specializing in working with people who are actively seeking to make a change in their overall health. He has a background in personal training and utilizes his experiences with mindfulness, meditation, playful movement, and calisthenics to help people tap into their full inner potential. He’s certified in progressive calisthenics, as a Y12SR Instructor, personal trainer, Youth and Group Fitness teacher. He also co-owns The Promethean Project with his wife and siblings, a non-profit practice that approaches health in an all-encompassing, multi-faceted way to empower the individual to have informed ownership over their health. Be sure to check out their website and all of the amazing work they’re doing!

    In this episode we hear:

    about Steve’s own personal health journey

    a bit about imposter syndrome as a therapist

    useful tips for therapists trying to build a private practice or business

    therapeutic tools to use in therapy with children, teens, and adolescents

    all about the great work Steve’s non-profit has done and continues to do

    how to use breath-work and meditation in therapy sessions

    how to overcome negative emotions

    why the Dalai Lama is OK with being bald (I’m totally serious!)

    Mentioned in this episode (aka, the “shotes”):

    Polyvagal Theory
    Brattleboro Retreat
    Yoga of 12 Step Recovery
    The Tim Ferriss Show Podcast
    The Joe Rogan Experience Podcast
    That PESI Nutrition and Mental Health training
    Dr. Judith Orloff’s Empath quiz
    Steve’s website The Promethean Project
    Steve’s Instagram
    Family Care Counseling Associates
    The Yogi Therapist website
    Follow me, The Yogi Therapist on Instagram

    Hear the episode on these platforms:

    iTunes // Spotify // Google Play // Stitcher

  • It’s kismet that the day I’m releasing the first episode of my podcast is one year to the day from when I graduated my 200-hour yoga teacher training! I knew that my first episode had to be with my YTT teacher and good friend Laura Ahrens; my experience with her and the team she’s assembled for the New School of Yogic Arts (aka NSYA) was truly transformative in my life.

    Laura is a yoga teacher in Boston and Brookline, MA. She offers her students a strong, supportive space in which to practice meditative and intentional asana. Not only is she an incredible teacher, she also owns NSYA; leads mentorships and retreats domestically and internationally; and co-owns Miakoda, a sustainable, ethical clothing line with her sister Julia, among many other amazing endeavors.

    In this episode we hear:

    about Laura’s own personal growth on and off the mat

    how she found her voice as a teacher

    what it means to have integrity as a yoga teacher and individual

    how she uncovered her ever-evolving authentic self

    how to balance taking care of one’s self while offering space for others

    We had some technical difficulties toward the end and a small part lost, however that means Laura will definitely be back on again soon!

    Mentioned in this episode:

    The New School of Yogic Arts
    Coolidge Yoga
    Laura’s Yoga Therapy training teacher Sarahjoy Marsh
    A great read: Many Lives, Many Masters
    That Palo Santo scented conditioner
    Laura’s Website
    Follow Laura on Instagram
    The Yogi Therapist website
    Follow me, The Yogi Therapist on Instagram

    Hear the episode on these platforms:

    iTunes // Spotify // Google Play // Stitcher

  • After years of pondering, wishing, hoping, hemming and hawing, The Yogi Therapist Podcast is finally coming to fruition. This is the official teaser for Season 1 of The Yogi Therapist Podcast!!

    Oh, and NBD, also the launch of my website, too!!!

    Hello, I’m Shelby Dwyer, your host and resident health geek. I’m a licensed mental health counselor and certified yoga teacher living in Boston, Massachusetts with my husband and our two cats. I’m passionate about all things health, psychology, and yoga, and strongly identify as an eternal student. As you’ll learn in this quick intro episode, I started this podcast to satiate my curiosity about the evolving wellness world, and because I really love hearing about other people’s experiences pursuing their interests.

    From integrative medicine to yoga, we’ll get cozy and personal with some brilliant folks in the wellness world. We’ll learn realistic ways to maintain a healthy lifestyle, all while being a real humxn IRL.

    Stay tuned for Season 1, launching soon!! (As in, so soon…like, Monday February 4th…! AHH!)

    - S