
  • I greet you in Jesus’ precious name! It is Tuesday morning, the 7th of January, 2025, and this is your friend, Angus Buchan, with a thought for today. 

    We start in the Book of Romans 1:21:

    “…became futile in their thoughts, and their foolish hearts were darkened.” 

    We are talking about vain imaginations, thinking things that aren’t true. Then we go to 2 Corinthians 10:5:

    “…casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ,…”

    Oh my dear friend, we really need to be careful what we are thinking about. What am I talking about? We get an attitude against somebody because when we drove past them on our way to work and we waved to them, they did not respond, so we thought, “Oh, they are too good to speak to a humble person like me!” Okay, but what actually happened was, the sun was in their eyes and they didn’t see you. And that other time, you were in the shops and greeted that man who was walking right in front of you, “Hello John,” and he never responded but what you don’t realise is, John left his hearing aids at home and he can’t hear too well, so he never heard a word you said.

    I really want to say to you that we need to capture those vain imaginations because they pull you down and start arguments and thoughts that have no foundation, no meaning at all, just the devil trying to cause trouble. So I want to say to you today, read books that are solid, that are encouraging, that are true. Watch movies that have solid backgrounds. Don’t watch rubbish, don’t make your mind like a garbage pit but rather think about things that are pure and good and what the Lord says about you and your neighbour, and you will live a much more pleasant and positive life for Jesus Christ.

    God bless you and goodbye. 

  • I greet you in Jesus' precious Name. It is Monday morning, the 6th of January, 2025, and this is your friend Angus Buchan with a thought for today.

    We start in 1 Kings 17:12:

    So she said, "As the Lord your God lives, I do not have bread, only a handful of flour in a bin and a little oil in a jar."

    That's what the widow told Elijah, the prophet when he asked her to make him a small biscuit. Then we got to Mark 6:37:

    But He answered and said to them, "You give them something to eat."

    Now, there was a large crowd of people, and they were hungry. Jesus says, "You, give them something to eat." You do it. "But you know, I'm an old-aged pensioner, I really don't have much income." or "I'm just a working man or a working woman. I'm a widow, I don't have much. I can't help..." But the Lord says that we are to use what we have. 

    Remember, the Lord took two fishes and five barley loaves and fed 5000 men, not including women and children. This morning, God is looking for willing hearts who are prepared to step out with raw faith and obey the word of God. That widow did what the prophet said, and her flour and oil never ran out until the drought was over. If she had refused to make that biscuit, it would have been the last biscuit she and her little son would have eaten. It's in giving that we receive.

    What do you have in your hand? Give it to the Lord, and He will multiply it for you.
In 2008, many of you will remember that we had the biggest tent in the world on this farm. Oh yes. We were expecting 23,000 men and 60,000 men arrived. The tent was full - 30,000 seats inside the tent and 30,000 men outside the tent. But listen to this. We also told them that we would feed them. Well, folks, I want to tell you something now. We slaughtered 40 oxen for one meal. Then we had those foot-longs, which we call footlong sausages, like hot dogs, and we fed those men. Then we gave them bunny chow, the famous Natal bunny chow. Where you take half a loaf of bread, take the inside out, and fill it up with stew. We fed them the whole weekend, and we never ran out of food.

    Today, give the Lord what you've got. He says we must give them something to eat and let him do the rest.

    Jesus bless you, and good

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  • I greet you in Jesus’ precious name, it is Sunday morning, the 5th of January, 2025, and this is your friend Angus Buchan with a Thought for Today.

    We go to Mark 16:18:

    “They will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover.”

    Can you imagine the hands of Jesus being laid upon you, my dear friend, to take away all your sickness, all your pain, all your suffering, all your fear and all your anxiety, those beautiful, beautiful hands. Of course, you know they will have a hole through them. They have been pierced by nails when the Lord was nailed to the cross for our sins, but what beautiful hands.

    Early this morning I was repairing a fence the back of our garden, and because I'm a preacher now and not a farmer, I must confess, my hands are very soft. I was quite embarrassed. I just remember my dear old Dad. Man, he had hands like you can't believe. He was a blacksmith, and he used tongs and 14-pound hammers, standing next to that fiery furnace and heating up that steel and banging it. He had the most incredibly powerful hands, yet they were so gentle - I never once saw him try to break a man's hand. He would shake your hand and it was like it was in a vice. It was firm, it was secure! Hands, hands are so important.

    I remember, one day, going to the chemist's shop and as I was paying for something I said to the lady, look at my hands. I've got hands and like a woman now that I don't farm actively anymore. She looked at me and she said, “Don't insult women's hands.”
Now, when I speak to farmers, I have to put my hands in my pockets because when they see those hands, they'll say those aren’t a farmers hands. But you know, on a serious note, the Lord tells us to lay our hands upon the sick and to pray for healing over them. To get a touch from the Lord is so beautiful and so precious. I love to stop and pray for somebody in the street and I will put my hand on their shoulder; sometimes I don't even pray and they start to weep. It's the love of Christ in us that people need to experience, so it doesn't matter whether your hands are strong or soft. 

    I think of the hands of that incredible neurosurgeon, Dr. Carson, who had the gift of separating Siamese twins with one operation taking something like 48 hours. Those were hands of compassion and hands that are strong. Remember, folks, people love a handshake, they love a hug, and it doesn't matter whether your hands are rough, or whether they’re smooth but make sure they're always clean. My Dad had the cleanest hands of a man I've ever seen. He made sure that when he went out, his hands were clean. There might be rough and gnarled, but clean, and most of all filled with the love of Jesus.

    Have a blessed day.
    God bless you, and goodbye.

  • I greet you in Jesus’ precious name! It is Saturday morning, the 4th of January, 2025, and this is your friend, Angus Buchan, with a thought for today. We go to the Old Testament to the Book of Jeremiah 4:22:

    “For My people are foolish,
    They have not known Me.
    They are silly children,
    And they have no understanding.
    They are wise to do evil,
    But to do good they have no knowledge.”

    What a sad verse! And then we go to the Book of Hosea 4:1:

    “There is no truth or mercy
    Or knowledge of God in the land.” 

    Another very sad scripture!  As we start the new year of 2025, we have to teach the children of God carefully to do good and not evil. These comments have been made, not to unbelievers - no, but to the Body of Christ! We have got to get back to basics. 

    John 17:17, Jesus says:

    “Sanctify them by Your truth. Your word is truth.”

    Because I can hear somebody saying, “Yes, but what is truth?” Well, the word is truth. We need to teach our children, teach our loved ones, about the knowledge of God. That is what will set us free, and the knowledge of God is the undiluted word of God. It’s not about our opinions, it is God’s opinion that counts. 

    One of my sons met a a new farmer in the district in the local farmer’s co-op, some months back. A very, very successful farmer who had been farming up-country, and he relocated and bought a new farm not too far away from us, and they got talking in the co-op, a good place to talk! This man was devastated. He said, “I have lost almost sixty head of cattle. Sixty cows have died from red water” (which is a tick-born disease). And my son said, “What are you doing about it?” And he said, “No, the vets have told us, the experts have told us to leave the cattle and they will become immune in time.” My son is from the old school. He said, “Sir, I would advise you to dip your cattle regularly.” Well, of course, he got back to the basics and he dipped his cattle. We saw that gentleman in church a few weeks later. His face was beaming. He said, “I have not lost one cow since then.” We have got to do the basics right. There is a lot of theory going on. At the end of the day, it is what Jesus says that counts. 

    What am I talking about? 

    Husbands, love your wives - that is what the Bible says, unconditionally. 
    Wives, submit to your husbands - it’s what the Bible says. 
    Children, honour your parents - it’s what the Bible says. 
    Parents, do not provoke your children. Love one another unconditionally.
    That is wisdom.

    Jesus bless you and have a lovely day,

  • I greet you in Jesus’ precious name! It is Friday morning, the 3rd of January, 2025, and this is your friend, Angus Buchan, with a thought for today.

    We start off in the Gospel of Mark 6:20:

    “…for Herod feared John, knowing that he was a just and holy man, and he protected him. And when he heard him, he did many things, and heard him gladly.”

    Then we go to the Book of Acts 26:28:

    "Then Agrippa said to Paul, “You almost persuade me to become a Christian.”

    People don’t have to like us but they must respect us. You see, even though John openly rebuked King Herod for taking his brother’s wife and living an ungodly lifestyle, Herod still respected John and admired him. There are many people on the verge of giving their lives to Jesus, and your lifestyle and my lifestyle will determine whether they come through or not. You see, the truth of God draws people to Jesus, just like a light draws a moth in the middle of the night - it’s irresistible. King Agrippa said to Paul, “You almost persuade me to become a Christian.”

    We must never lower our standards because if we do, people will simply despise us and say, “You see, they are a bunch of hypocrites!” We need to stand tall, we need to speak the truth, and God will bring those people to Himself. When they see your peace, your purpose, your joy, they will come to you and say, “I want what you have got.” So young lady, you don’t have to throw your virginity away just to please people. Young man, you don’t have to bend the rules, put your fingers in the till, as they say, and take money that is not yours, just to keep up with other people. It doesn’t work and it does not last. We really need to stand up for what we believe in.

    There is a young man who I love very dearly. I have known him for many years and I keep saying to him, “When are you coming to have a cup of tea with me?” I say to him, “I have got the kettle on, I am waiting for you.” But he knows what we are going to talk about and I am firmly believing by faith that one day, I will get that phone call where he will say, “Angus, I am coming to have that cup of tea.” And that will be the day that he will fully commit his life and his lifestyle to Jesus Christ. But until then, by the grace of God, we continue like John the Baptist to speak the truth in love - in love - and God will do the rest.

    Jesus bless you and have a wonderful day,

  • I greet you in Jesus’ precious name! It is Thursday morning, the 2nd of January, 2025, and this is your friend, Angus Buchan, with a thought for today.

    We go straight to the Gospel of Matthew 6:8. Jesus said:

    “Therefore do not be like them. For your Father knows the things you have need of before you ask Him.” 

    Now just before that, the Lord tells us that He is not interested in vain repetition when you pray, not fancy words. I love what C H Spurgeon says. He talks about “homemade prayers”.  If there is one thing I really desire for you as we go into the new year, is that this year be a year where you learn to speak daily to the Lord Jesus Christ, prayers which come straight from the heart, speaking straight to Jesus Christ - no flowery Christianese, but honest day to day language. The Lord understands it, just that ordinary layman’s language to a Carpenter, just tell Him exactly how you are feeling, tell Him how things really are, and ask Him to help you. It is not so much about the words even, is it? It is more about the heart of the prayer. 

    We need to speak to Jesus through the Holy Spirit, just as you would speak to your workmate in the office, in the field, in the workshop. David Wilkerson, in his book, The Cross and The Switchblade, said sometimes, when he would pray the Sinner’s Prayer with those young gangsters from the ghettos of New York, their vocabulary was non-existent. Every second word was a swear word and they prayed the Sinner’s Prayer in blasphemous language, they were unaware of that, but their heart was pleading with God.

    I remember, just after I had given my life to Christ, we were sitting in a circle in a prayer meeting, probably the first one I had ever been to, and each one of us had to pray. The leader said, “Just pray” and we had never prayed out loud. The turn came to one old gentleman, his name was John, and I have never forgotten his prayer. His prayer came from the depths of his heart. He was in big trouble and he said, “Oh God, please help me!” And the Lord helped him. 

    As you go into this new year, make prayer a priority in your life, every single morning and right through the day, and last of all at night, before you go to sleep. Speak to Him in homemade prayers.

    Jesus bless you and goodbye.

  • I greet you in Jesus' precious Name. It is Wednesday morning, the 1st of January, 2025, and this is your friend Angus Buchan with a Thought for Today. Happy New Year! Many of us didn't think we'd make it this year, did we? But God, in His grace and love, has seen fit for us to face another brand-spanking New Year - Happy New Year to you!

    We start in Philippians 3:10, Paul says:

    "That I may know Him and the power of His resurrection, and the fellowship of His sufferings, being conformed to His death..."

    Paul waited 13 years before the disciples accepted him and commissioned him to go out and preach the gospel to this dying world. We look forward to a new year; some qualified students are ready to face the world. Some others have just got their papers: qualified tradesmen and women. Children are going into their final year at school, and we are so excited, but I want to say something to you, first to us and then to the whole world.

    We've got to get it into our souls first before we take the message to a dying world. My dear friend, there is a time for us to get qualified, yes, there is an apprenticeship that we have to serve before we go out and tell others how to live. Yes, the gospel is for all people, and Jesus said go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. That was the last thing He said to the disciples before He went home to be with His Father in heaven. We mustn't forget that those disciples had walked with the Son of God for at least three years, night and day, before he commissioned them to go into the world.

    We face a brand new year with wonderful opportunities and an exciting year. I've never been so excited in my life! This past year, the Lord has told me to spend time in solitude and quietness. I have not stood on a platform or preached from a pulpit for a whole year, and I am starting this year. We need to understand before God sends us out, our hearts and souls must be prepared for the gospel. You can't tell others how to live and what to do if it is not good in your heart. Spend time preparing your heart for the great commission, wherever that might lead you, and then when you are equipped and qualified, go out and tell the good news to every soul.

    Jesus bless you, and once again, I pray that God will give you your heart's desire this year, 2025, and you delight yourself in Him. (Psalm 37:4)

    God bless you and goodbye

  • I greet you in Jesus' precious Name. It is Tuesday morning, the 31st of December, 2024. It is the last day of this year - for some of us, we're saying, "Wow, we made it," Others are saying, "Man, it's been tough!"

    But I want to speak to you about something very special today if we go to John 11:35 - two words:

    "Jesus wept."

    Jesus cried - I want to say today that we must feel free to cry. Some of you listening to this have lost a loved one in 2024. You are going into 2025 very shortly without that person. Others are facing unemployment; maybe your business is going bankrupt, yes, and I encourage you to feel free to cry tears. Graham Lacey, a man I respect a lot, said: "Tears are words that the heart cannot say." Isn't that beautiful? When a person is struggling, put your arm around them and weep with them. That will minister to them more than a big sermon, I can tell you right now.

    "Tears are the silent language of grief." - Voltaire.

    I've been through some tough times myself, and the people who have ministered to me the most when I've been in the deepest depths of despair are those who sit and look at me with tears running down their faces. They don't have to say anything more. "Tears can be trusted more than a smile." You know, you can smile and people say: "How are you?" "No, I'm fine, thank you..." But you're not okay. When the tears flow, then you make your feelings evident.

    "Weeping may endure for a night, But joy comes in the morning."
    Psalm 30:5

    Share tears with other people. Lastly, Graham was saying that God harvests our tears; he keeps them in a bottle. As you face the new year, I encourage you to be honest with yourself and others. I also want to remind you there will be no tears in Heaven, none at all. The Lord will wipe away every tear we've ever cried (Revelation 21:4). Remember the founder of the Salvation Army, General William Booth when his soldiers wrote back to him and said, "We're having no joy." He sent back a letter with two words on it: Try tears. That great evangelist, Charles Finney, said that where there are no tears and no amens, there will be no revival. Peter went out and wept bitterly, as the Bible says in Luke 22:62 after he betrayed his Master no less than three times. Yes, we all make mistakes. We've made plenty in 2024. Let's attempt not to do so in 2025. Let's shed a tear instead of making a noise. Let us rather put our arms around those suffering and learn to weep with them sincerely.

    God bless you, and have a wonderful day.

  • I greet you in Jesus' precious Name. It is Monday morning, the 30th of December 2024, and this is your friend Angus Buchan with a Thought for Today. We go to Mark 4:34:

    "And when they were alone, He explained all things to His disciples."

    It is vital to spend time alone with our Lord Jesus Christ. As we look forward now, in a day or so, we will be facing 2025. Now, I'm looking forward to it with great excitement, but I know some people are looking forward to it with trepidation, not knowing what the future holds. But if you spend time alone with the Lord Jesus Christ, He will comfort you, direct your path, give instructions, show you which way to go, and show you what to do and what not to do. He is the ultimate Council; my dear friend, it is vital that we spend time alone with the Lord Jesus Christ every morning.

    I want to tell you a simple story; many of you were there. I'm talking about the big tent we hired in 2008 for The Mighty Men Conference at Shalom. That tent was gigantic! It was the biggest tent in the world at that time. It could seat 30,000 people inside, and we filled it with men. 30,000 men inside, but we had 30,000 men outside - Making a total of 60,000 men. Can you believe it? I find it hard to believe myself! Do you know that it took three weeks to erect with professional riggers? No farmers were allowed to touch it, and between 15 and 17, 40-tonne trucks brought it here to the farm. It even had a built-in weather station because those guy ropes, about an inch thick steel cable, had to be tensioned according to the weather. It was the size of 4 rugby fields, end-to-end. It was amazing.

    The event was incredible, and we gave God all the glory. We saw men changed forever - maybe you were one of them. Now, this is where it's very important to hear God's voice and be alone with the Lord: After the event, a group of businessmen, well-meaning, godly businessmen from Johannesburg, contacted our office and said they wanted to buy the tent for us. Now, who has to pray about that? Well, I did. I asked if I could get back to them. It's very kind of you, but I need to pray and be alone with Jesus. When I went before the Lord, I was quite shocked; He said, do not touch it. I said thank you so much for the kind offer, but I can't accept it. They said well, that's up to you.

    But you see, folks, that tent cost a million Rand just to erect, and then it would cost another million Rand to take it to the next destination. The following year, 2009, we had over 120,000 men at the Mighty Men Conference. That tent wouldn't have even housed a quarter of them.

    Today, listen to the word of the Lord and obey only Him.

    Jesus blessed you and goodbye.

  • I greet you in Jesus' precious Name. It is Sunday morning, the 29th of December, 2024, and this is your friend Angus Buchan with a Thought for Today. We start with Daniel 10:19:

    "And he said, "O man greatly beloved, fear not! Peace be to you; be strong, yes, be strong!"

    Then we go to Ephesians 6:10:

    "Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might."

    Be strong in the Lord! Things are very tough; I'm not gonna tell you a lie. We have been experiencing a terrible drought everywhere we look in South Africa. Things are really not looking good with the naked eye. We look at the wars that have taken place in the Middle East, Russia, and Ukraine. We look at the immorality, which is at an all-time high, and we say, "Lord, where are you?" and the Lord says: "Be strong." The Lord says: "Stand, the battle is the Lord's." You'll see that in Ephesians 6:14 (& 2 Chronicles 20:15). We are not to do the fighting; the Lord is fighting for you, young lady and young man. No, the fight is not yours. You cannot make this your battle. It's God's battle, and He wants you to stand. You know those two words, "But God." When people say there's no future for this country, you say: "But God." When they say, "These young people will never amount to anything." You say: "But God."

    I want to encourage you as we come to the close of 2024 and look forward to 2025; we need to understand the battle is the Lord's. He has promised us with that beautiful word in Daniel that we need to stand. Folks, when God confronted Moses at the Burning Bush, Moses was a broken man. He had fled from Egypt. He had murdered a slave driver and was at an all-time low. The Lord said to him, "I want you to go and tell my people that I'm going to set them free", and God said to Moses in Exodus 3:14:

    "I AM WHO I AM." And He said, "Thus you shall say to the children of Israel, "I AM has sent me to you."

    That was it. I want you to say today when you look at that mountain and think, "I'll never get over it..." I AM says: "You will." and I AM says: "I'll be with you for the whole of 2025." All you need to do is to stand and be strong. The Lord will do it!

    Jesus bless you, and have a wonderful day.

  • I greet you in Jesus’ precious name! It is Saturday morning, the 28th of December, 2024, and this is your friend, Angus Buchan, with a thought for today.

    We go to the Book of Daniel 9:4:

    “O Lord, great and awesome God, who keeps His covenant and mercy with those who love Him, and with those who keep His commandments,…” 

    Then we go to the Gospel of John 14:14-15. The Lord says:

    “If you ask anything in My name, I will do it.”

    Wow! Did you hear that? But this is a condition involved here. Verse 15:

    “If you love Me, keep My commandments.”

    You see folks, if we are going to be serious about God and we are going to keep the covenant that we have made with the Lord, then He says He will do whatever you ask Him to do, but He will not do it if we are not keeping His covenant with us and His commandments. What am I saying? What I am saying is that if you are married and your husband leaves you or has an affair, he has broken his side of the covenant, the covenant he made on your wedding day, therefore the covenant is no longer valid. You can’t keep half a covenant. When you promise the Lord Jesus Christ that you are going to serve Him and walk in His ways, He will keep His side of the covenant because He never breaks His side of the covenant but the covenant will not be fulfilled if we break our side. That is why when it comes to a thing like marriage which is sacred, we need to understand, He will never break His side of the deal as long as you keep your side of the deal.

    When we walk with the Lord and we obey His commandments, He will give us whatever we ask. I have experienced it in my own life. But when we disobey Him, we go our own way and then we cry out, “Lord, where are You?” He says, “I am here but I cannot honour My side of the covenant if you continue to wilfully sin when you know it is wrong." Today, come on, let’s repent, let us say sorry. Come on, let’s do it!


    In Jesus’ name, we want to ask You to forgive us for always crying out, “Lord, where are You? Why are You not keeping Your side of the covenant?” when we know wilfully, we are going against what You called us to. We repent of that today and we start afresh.

    In Jesus name, Amen.

    God bless you and have a wonderful day,

  • I greet you in Jesus’ precious name! It is Friday morning, the 27th of December, 2024, and this is your friend, Angus Buchan, with a thought for today.

    We go to the Gospel of Mark 4:14:

    “The sower sows the word.” 

    That is what Jesus said. The seed of life, but it is not the responsibility of the sower for the growth. No, he plants the seed but the seed must do the rest of the work. Now, the Lord doesn’t say, “the sower sows the seed”. He says, “The sower sows the word.” He plants the word into our hearts, but it is not the preacher’s responsibility to see that word grow, that is our responsibility. So, today, as we draw near to the end of the year, 2024, we have a responsibility. Are we going to receive the word of life that the Lord has been sowing into our hearts for many, many years, or are we going to reject it? That is quite simply the difference between life and death. We are going to go into a new year in a few day’s time, and how are we going to approach the new year? Are we going to live it the same as we did last year or are we going to draw a line in the sand and say, “This far, devil, and no further.”? 

    I had the privilege of speaking to a group of people just a short while ago. These people have been through a very rough time in their lives. Many of them are struggling with addictions in their lives. I asked them a question. “Are you going to make a difference? Are you going to change? Are you going to receive God’s Holy Word, what He says about you, or are you going to continue to listen to the lies of the devil over your life? It’s your choice." With my cowboy boot, I drew a line in the sand and I said, “I want to encourage you, get up out of your seat and come and step across the line and say, “This day I am going to receive the word that the Lord Jesus Christ has sown in my life, and I am no longer going to listen to the accusations of the devil and of other people who have no love for me. I am a child of God and I am starting again.”

    I would encourage you to do the same today. The sower sows the word, we must receive it. 

    Jesus bless you and have a wonderful day,

  • I greet you in Jesus’ precious name! It is Thursday morning, the 26th of December, 2024, and this is your friend, Angus Buchan, with a thought for today.

    We go straight to the Book of James 4:14:

    “For what is your life? It is even a vapour that appears for a little time and then vanishes away.” 

    Oh folks, we are coming to the end of 2024. Can you believe it? You know, it is not just older people I am talking to. When I speak to young people they say, “Where is the time going?” Just the other day I had the privilege of going to an old age home, and I sat there and I spoke to the old folk and I greeted them one by one. Some were smiling, some were tearful, some seemed to be in another place - they were daydreaming, and I just thought, “Lord, each one of these precious souls has got such a story to tell.” They have walked such a long road. The one old lady was about to celebrate her 90th birthday.

    This life is so short, it is like a vapour. I sat there and I remembered all the people that have gone home to be with Jesus, and were in that old age home that I visited, wonderful people with incredible testimonies and stories. Then this morning, I read this beautiful reading that I want to share with you. You have probably heard it before. It goes like this: “Only one life, it will soon be past, Only what’s done for Christ will last.” Isn’t that so profound?

    I was telling them that story of an old man who came to me many years ago and I now am also becoming an old man. I know! It’s a fact, you cannot get away from it. He said to me with tears in his eyes, “Angus, I cannot go down the well anymore, I am too old, but I can stand at the top and hold the rope for you.” So precious, and that rope is prayer.  And I encouraged those old folks, some of them can’t walk, some of them need to be assisted, “You can still participate, you can still serve Christ, and probably in the most valuable way of all, and that is by praying and interceding for others, especially for the young people who have still got to run the race and walk the road that they are walking."

    Today, let us not waste any more time.

    Jesus bless you and have a wonderful day,

  • I greet you in Jesus’ precious name! It is Christmas Day, 25th of December, 2024, and this is your friend, Angus Buchan, with a thought for today. I want to wish every single one of you, my dear friends, a very blessed Christmas.

    We start today in the Book of Isaiah 7:14:

    ”Therefore the Lord Himself will give you a sign: Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a Son, and shall call His name Immanuel” 

    What a beautiful word! I went to school with a young man named Emanuel, who was from a Portuguese background -  Emanuel Da Silva. Maybe he’s listening to this message on this Christmas Day. That was about 60 years ago. Folks, I want to say to you that that Scripture was prophesied about Jesus about 700 years before it took place because if we go to Matthew 1:23, it’s the exact same Scripture. What a day Christmas Day is for us as believers all over the world. 

    Jesus Christ said to His Father, ”My people are struggling, Father. I’m going down to earth and I’m going to help them.” And because of that little innocent helpless baby born in that little manger, a feed trough in that stable in Bethlehem, you and I have hope. We have hope to get up again, dust ourselves off and keep up the good work for the Lord. We have hope in Jesus!

    Folks, you know we used to do a lot of campaigns in the early days, in the 1980’s and we called it, “Hope in Jesus”. I want to encourage you today, whatever you do, wherever you go, encourage people and tell them there is hope in a hopeless situation because the Babe from the little manger in Bethlehem has told us it’s going to be alright. I have come that you might have life and that you might have it abundantly.

    I want to pray for you as we close: 

    Heavenly Father, 

    I thank you for my dear friends who have been with me this past year, 2024. I pray that they’ll have a blessed day today with their loved ones, with their children, their grandchildren, and their families, and they will celebrate the birth of the greatest Person who has ever walked on the face of the earth, our beloved Lord Jesus Christ. 


    God bless you and happy, prosperous and peaceful Christmas be to you and yours, 

  • I greet you in Jesus’ precious name! It is Christmas Eve, the 24th of December, 2024, and this is your friend, Angus Buchan, with a thought for today.

    Now folks, it is probably the most important evening of the whole year! This is the night that we celebrate the birth of our beloved Saviour, dearest Friend, Jesus Christ. We go straight to the Gospel of Matthew 1:21:

    “And she (Mary) will bring forth a Son (Jesus), and you shall call His name JESUS, for He will save His people from their sins.”

    I want us to have just a little bit of a cautious thought about things. I know it is very hectic, especially for mothers in the home, making sure that the food is all prepared; the decorations have been put up; the extra beds have been made because Aunty and Uncle are coming to spend Christmas Eve with you; and the Christmas presents for the children for tomorrow, are all being wrapped up. In the hectic attitude of this season, do not forget the baby!  Do not forget that beloved baby -  it makes me want to cry. You know, behind me in my prayer room, I have a beautiful picture of the nativity, of Joseph, of Mary and of that little Darling, from Heaven, Jesus Christ. In the busyness of our lives, let us never forget the main thing. The main thing is, our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. It is so easy to get so busy that we forget the main reason for Christmas Eve.

    I want to tell you a little story. I was sitting right here in the same chair in my prayer room, and I heard little footsteps coming through the door of my prayer room, where nobody comes except my immediate family, and I looked around and there was my little granddaughter, she is only about five or six years old. She looked very shy because she knew I was busy, but praise God, she felt she could come and approach her grandfather, and she said, “Kulu”, with those big eyes. She was holding a tube, a bicycle tube in her hand, and I said, “What’s wrong?” She said, “My bicycle has got a puncture, and my cousin (who lives over the road) is coming to see me and we are going to go for a ride but my bicycle is not working. Could you help me?” (I am getting emotional!) I said, “Of course.” I stopped everything. I went out, I fixed the puncture at the back but there was also a puncture at the front. I fixed that. Then she had no oil for her chain, so we put oil on the chain. Then the seat was just a little bit high because it used to belong to her big brother, so I adjusted the seat. Then her cousin arrived and that little thing, if I had bought her a Lear Jet, it would not have meant the same, and off they went cycling together.

    Please look after your children, especially the smallest ones. Do not neglect them at this time. Jesus loves the little children. 

    Have a very precious Christmas Eve,
    God bless you and goodbye.

  • I greet you in Jesus’ precious name! It is Monday morning, the 23rd of December, 2024, and this is your friend, Angus Buchan, with a thought for today.

    We go to the Gospel of Mark 3:35, Jesus says:

    “For whoever does the will of God is My brother and My sister and mother.”

    Do you remember the story? Jesus was speaking to the multitude and they came and interrupted Him. They said, “Your mother and Your brothers are outside and they are waiting for You.” And that is when He said, “Who is my mother and my brothers?”

    You know, I read a beautiful testimony of a young Muslim schoolgirl. She must have been a teenager, and she found Jesus Christ as her personal Lord and Saviour. She was absolutely elated, but she came from a strong, devout Muslim family. She was given a little Gideon’s Bible, a little blue one, and she used to hide it under her pillow. At night, before she went to sleep, she would read it and pray to her Jesus, and in the morning, early before the family got up, she would have her devotions again and then hide the Bible under her pillow when she went to school.

    One day, her dad came home in the middle of the day, he needed something and went into her room and found her Bible. When she came home from school, he was furious and told her that unless she repented and stopped this nonsense and started to follow Allah and become a good Muslim girl, he would disown her. She said, “I cannot because I am part of His family now.” So her father threw her into the street, literally, with nothing and she had an extremely tough time. Eventually, Christians brought her into their family, and she grew up and went to Bible College. I believe she is even a teacher of the Word at this time. But you know, the amazing thing is, she never, ever denied Christ. Her mother used to meet her under a bridge somewhere quietly where none of the family knew about it and they used to cry together, and she would bring her some food and she would bring her clothes. After many years, her father saw that she was not turning her back on Jesus and she definitely was part of His family, and by her lifestyle, eventually, she was allowed to come home and visit her father. She had the privilege of leading her dad and her mother and siblings to Jesus Christ.

    I want to say to you today, my dear friend, your father, your brother and your sister, are those who worship and live according to the principles of Jesus Christ. There is no doubt about that! Yes, we have got to love our biological family, but we must not be restricted because they do not want to follow Jesus. Every single one of us need to meet Him in a personal way. Why don’t we do what that beautiful Muslim lady has done? By her lifestyle, she introduced her whole family to Jesus Christ.

    God bless you and have a wonderful day,

  • I greet you in Jesus’ precious name! It is Sunday morning, the 22nd of December, 2024, and this is your friend, Angus Buchan, with a thought for today. 

    We go to the Book of Psalms 19:14: 

    “Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart
    Be acceptable in Your sight,
    O Lord, my strength and my Redeemer.”

    Yes, a very special scripture to me personally, I pray it every time before I preach, whether it be a large gathering or a small one. On that point, I want to tell you, folks, I am so proud of my grandson, 17 years old, yes - he has been on missions with a spiritual son of mine who is 50 years old, and their small team. They walked along the foothills of the mighty Himalaya Mountains, where Mount Everest is situated. Over 5000 metres above sea-level they walked. They walked sometimes up to 20 km a day, eating very, very meagre diets, maybe a little plate of rice if they were blessed to get that from some small cottage. And what were they doing? They were taking the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the lost.

    I heard that there was an old person, I can’t remember whether it was a lady or a gentleman, something like over 80 years old and they wanted to hear the Gospel. These boys walked 20 kms to go to this little cottage to pray the sinner’s prayer. I can just imagine them as they were walking along those steep paths, struggling for oxygen, probably praying this prayer: 

    “Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart 
    Be acceptable in Your sight,
    O Lord, my strength and my Redeemer.”

    Can you imagine them praying the sinner’s prayer with that older person? They came from the other side of the world to take the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and by the way, no - they were not speaking in any big stadiums, no - they were not on television, not at all, but I want to tell you they were surrounded by a great cloud of witnesses. We find that in Hebrews 12, and I want to tell you something now folks, they have totally humbled me. 

    Thank You, Lord, for faithful people who are prepared to take the Gospel to the ends of the world. Maybe today you need to go next door. That’s right, 50 metres, and knock on the door and say, “I want to speak to you. Can I have a cup of tea with you?” And tell them about the Saviour of the world!

    Jesus bless you and goodbye.

  • I greet you in Jesus’ precious name! It is Saturday morning, the 21st of December, 2024, and this is your friend, Angus Buchan, with a thought for today.

    We go to the Gospel of Matthew 25:40:

    “And the King will answer and say to them, ‘Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these My brethren, you did it to Me.’”

    We want to speak today about the microscope of little things. I want to read something to you from that wonderful hymn-writer, by the name of Frances Ridley Havergal. She said: ”We talk about the telescope of faith but I think we want even more the microscope of watchful and grateful love. Apply the little bits of our daily lives in the light of the Spirit, and how wonderfully they will come out.” We need to remember the little things. 

    Now, I have had the privilege, and it has been a great privilege, to meet many great leaders, kings - yes, prime ministers - absolutely, leaders of great companies, international sportsmen, I have met wonderful people all of them, but I want to tell you, and I honestly mean this, in my little prayer room, I have got some momentoes, and one of them is a sucker stick. I am telling you, a little sucker stick with little writing saying, “Jesus bless you”, given to me by a little boy. This little boy can hardly read or write, he is probably 3 or 4 years old. He came to me one day, very bashfully, at church, and he gave me this as a book marker. Well, I want to tell you, it is up on the wall. Oh yes! 

    I have a photo of a little boy kneeling in the sand, his little bare feet put carefully behind him, his little hat off his head, his head bowed, and he is praying to Jesus. That brought many tears to my eyes. I have framed that photograph, someone sent it to me. It was taken at one of our large meetings where we were praying for the nation and there were thousands and thousands of people there, but that little photograph touched me so deeply, more than all the dignitaries who attended that great meeting, Governors of the different provinces, Representatives of the President, but that little boy touched me.

    Today, remember, it is the microscope of little things that will touch Jesus’ heart.

    God bless you and have a wonderful day,

  • I greet you in Jesus’ precious name! It is Friday morning, the 20th of December, 2024, and this is your friend, Angus Buchan, with a thought for today.

    We go to the Gospel of Mark 14:50 -  It says that all of His disciples abandoned Him and fled. They all deserted Him, all of them.

    James Hudson Taylor, the founder of the China Inland Mission, was a wonderful man of God who took the Gospel to China in the early days. He lived with the Chinese people and brought a revival which I think has been unparalleled. Even today, China is a communist country, it is not a friend of Jesus Christ, and yet the underground church is flourishing like never before. They say there is something like over 60 million believers in China! James Hudson Taylor said, ”Separation never comes from His side”. Separation never comes from Jesus’ side. We are the ones that leave Him, He never leaves us. He said that to us: “I will never leave you nor forsake you.” (Hebrews 13:5), and He means it, my dear friend. Many a time, people write to me and they say, “Where is God? Angus, when I was calling for Him, He wasn’t there.” Oh yes, He was, my dear friend. He will never leave you and He will never separate Himself from you. That is why I love Him so much.

    I have been through many things in my life as I am sure you have as well, but I want to tell you, when the going gets really tough, He gets in even closer with us. Remember the story of the footsteps in the sand? Lord, every time things got tough, there were only one set of footsteps in the sand. Where were You, Lord?”  

    “Oh My son, oh My daughter, I was carrying you on My shoulders.” 

    Yes, Jesus Christ will never leave you and that is good news for you today. Go out and tell the world that many may betray you but Jesus, never.

    “Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one’s life for his friends”.
    John 15:13

    Does that sound like betrayal? Does that sound like separation, my dear friend? No! Today, draw close to Him and He will walk with you through the fire.

    Jesus bless you and have a wonderful day,

  • I greet you in Jesus’ precious name! It is Thursday morning, the 19th of December, 2024, and this is your friend, Angus Buchan, with a thought for today.

    We start off in the Gospel of Matthew 16:24:

    ”Then Jesus said to His disciples, “If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me.”

    Then we go to the Gospel of John 3:3:

    ”Jesus answered and said to him (to Nicodemus) ”Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.” 

    What are we talking about today?  We are talking about dying to self; we are talking about denying ourselves. You see the symbol of the Christian is the cross. I love to see young ladies with beautiful crosses hanging around their necks. It looks beautiful, but I wonder if many of them know what it actually stands for. It stands for dying to self and following Jesus. Jesus never promised you or me a bed of roses. No, but He did promise that He would walk with us, right through all our trials and our hardships.

    The other day I was listening to a song, a beautiful country and western song. I love country music, oh yes, I am a cowboy, and I really love American Country Western music. I heard this song and some of the lyrics go like this: “Everyone wants to go to heaven but no-one wants to die”. Wow, what does that mean? Well, it means you can’t have your cake and eat it. It means is you want to follow Jesus Christ you have to walk the Christian road. It means you cannot live like the devil and expect to go to heaven, it doesn’t work like that. If you’ve given your life to Christ, Jesus says you must be born again and if you do not give your life to Christ you are not going to heaven. It’s very simple.

    Now, I want to say to you today, we need to check ourselves and we need to say, “Lord,” like Paul said, ”For me to live is Christ and to die is but gain.”

    Jesus bless you and have a wonderful day, 