Some of us claim to have a great imagination, others claim to have none at all, but the ability to imagine is truly what sets us apart from all the other creatures on Earth.
Today, Michael and Tony discuss how each of us has the ability to imagine, to create and to shape the very world around us.
It's a phrase that's been bandied around for decades: Stop the World - I Want to Get Off!
But why do so many of us feel this way? Today, Michael and Tony discuss the pressures of the outside world and in contrast, explore the notion of a vast inner-world that each of us has access to. An inner sanctum. A place of peace, meditation and restoration. Want to enter? Listen to today's episode to find out how!
Eksik bölüm mü var?
It's no mystery that the majority of us rely heavily on our mobile phones. Gone are the days when phones were used simply for making calls. Modern-day Smart phones are all-consuming and we use them for shopping, travelling, organising, entertainment and so much more.
Michael, admittedly, has never been a fan of mobile phones and refers to them as 'The Devil's Rectangle'. Today, Michael and Tony discuss the negative implications of a device that is a permanent distraction and reminds us that we actually have an built-in mobile device that allows us to connect to something far more important: our higher selves.
It's all too easy to look at the world in its current state and feel absolutely powerless. Where can a single individual even begin to make an impact when there seems to be so much negativity, war and pain?
Today, Michael and Tony want to change your mindset and remind you that you are equal to and have the same potential as every other human on the planet. As a facet of the divine, you have so much more power than you imagine and YOU CAN help transform our world in a loving and uplifting way. Find out how in today's episode.
It's a brand new year and the perfect opportunity for a fresh start, so why continue lugging around all those past hurts, resentments and negative vibrations?
Today Michael and Tony explain how holding on to pain is holding you back. With spiritual insights and practical tips, learn to let go of those energy-sapping negative vibrations and be truly free.
It's almost time to usher in a new year and so we wanted to revisit one of our most listened to episodes about Spirit Guides. We wish you all the best for 2025 and remember, you are not alone...
What are Spirit Guides, and do we all have one? In this episode, Michael and Tony discuss ‘Those who walk the path of our lives with us, unseen’ and the answer might surprise you.
Today we revisit one of our most popular episodes and explore the notion of reincarnation.
Do we really have multiple lives? Can we choose to come back? Michael and Tony discuss this highly debated topic and share their insights on what they have learned.
Those of us around in 1967 may remember the popular Beatles' hit: All You Need is Love.
A very simple message but more difficult to put into practice. Today, Michael and Tony discuss the importance of Love in spiritual terms. How can we really communicate Love and what is the effect of it on us and those around us? Michael shares some tips on how to send out Love and reap the benefits!
Red pill or blue pill?
Many of us remember the blockbuster film of the late 1990s 'The Matrix' - but is it really a fiction? Today, Michael and Tony discuss the film and some of the concepts explored.
Is our reality just an illusion? Listen and find out...
Following on from our last episode in which Michael describes an out of body experience in exquisite detail, today Michael recounts another tale of adventures on the other side of life. Prepare to be amazed by rivers of silver and sentient rocks...
Many of us fear what happens (or what doesn't happen) when we die. In today's episode, Michael, with over 40 years experience as a Trance Medium, explains all the sights and sounds, we can expect to encounter on the other side. An uplifting episode that brings a message of hope and comfort for everyone.
With so much negativity going on in the world around us at the moment, it's time to pause, and take a moment to reflect on the positive things that are happening.
Today, Tony shares a good news story which is nothing short of miraculous! A special thank you goes out to Sue who shared her beautiful story with us.
Does a happier, better version of you seem impossible to attain? Does a peaceful, harmonious world feel out of reach? Fear not, because in this episode Michael and Tony provide three simple steps to help us achieve both.
As a spiritual being, you have the power to shape and control yourself and the world around you - and it really is as easy as 1, 2, 3...
Do you believe that your life is yours to steer or do you believe everything is pre-destined?
In today's episode, Michael explains the delicate balance between having 'free will' but having unchangeable milestones - inevitable challenges that we have to encounter in order to learn and progress spiritually.
After listening to today's episode, you may just find that certain challenges you keep facing time and time again, are happening for a reason.
Shakespeare once wrote the famous line: 'All the world's a stage' - but who actually creates that stage?
Alongside the human spirits on Earth, there are also 'Devas' or Nature Spirits. Acknowledged and revered by the ancient civilisations but largely forgotten about in present times, Devas are the architects of the natural world.
Join Michael and Tony to learn more about this fascinating subject in today's episode.
Spiritual Healing, the application of Light to restore balance to any situation within a person or a world situation that requires adjusting.
In today's episode, Michael and Tony discuss the ancient art of Spiritual Healing and how it works. Learn how to benefit from the perfect form of healing.
One of the major concepts examined by Michael and Tony is 'The Field'. In simple terms, ‘The Field’ is the Earth’s sentient, interactive energy field created and sustained by everyone’s thoughts, feelings and actions. The Field is fed by our thoughts as individuals and as a collective, responding to this input by delivering back to us more of whatever we infuse it with. Unfortunately at the moment, the majority of humanity’s actions and thoughts are negative, and so The Field is negative too.
It can be a challenge to present such an important concept in a way that can be quickly considered and understood by anyone not conversant with the concept. One day, Michael and Tony were discussing this and felt it would be a good idea to create a short animated film to introduce the concept in an entertaining yet highly informative way to souls new to non-denominational spiritual possibilities. As they chatted, key soul group guide ’the Persian Gentleman’ appeared to Michael, saying he would script the film and also suggest the direction the visuals for it might take...
You can watch the film by following the link below. In the meantime, this special bonus podcast features Michael and Tony discussing the details of how 'Wolf at the Door' was made.
Here’s the result: ’Wolf at the Door’… please help to expand spiritual awareness globally by sharing this animation with friends, relatives and any and all souls you feel might benefit from it: https://youtu.be/X1N3V-9aTdw
How do we define family? Mums, dads, aunts and uncles? Do they have to be related by blood?
Today, Michael and Tony talk about our spiritual family, what that means and how we are all linked together, both on Earth and in the spiritual realms.
It's an age-old question - what is time? Does it really exist as we perceive it?
Today, Michael and Tony discuss the past, the present and the future and everything in-between. An enlightening episode which will have you thinking differently about the way you understand time.
A subject close to Michael's heart - Why do messages through Mediums seem so trivial?
Why does your grandad's spirit not like the colour you've used to paint the front door? Why does that even matter? In this episode, Michael - with his 40+ years experience as a Medium - explains all.
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