
  • In this episode, Corrine and Keely delve deep into the women’s elite field at the Western States 2024. But first, they discuss the importance of running shorter, harder races and workouts in ultra and trail running. They also talk about some new research on sports bras and the impact of improper fit on breathing mechanics. Then, they delve into how athletes who are mothers, first-timers, and masters athletes may impact the race this year for the infamous cougar in Auburn.

    Sports bras and breathing mechanics:https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/38350462/

    Sports bras and running mechanics: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/19401901/


    This episode is brought to you by Freetrail @runfreetrail

    www.freetrail.com - subscribe and JOIN US IN SLACK


    Our Title Sponsor is The Feed!!! Follow the link to get $20 to spend every quarter ($80 every year!): https://thefeed.com/trailsociety + a cool Trail Society water bottle!

  • In this episode, Corrine, Keely, and Hillary cover some fascinating topics. They start off by discussing the recent UTMB press release about their new drug testing policy and the involvement of WADA. Then, they dive into the importance of maintaining iron stores in athletes for optimal recovery and performance. Finally, they explore the significance of prioritizing recovery after races and how this can vary based on factors such as race effort, season placement, and race result. They also share some uplifting stories about the positive impact of effective post-race recovery, highlighting its essential role in an athlete's success.


    UTMB Drug Testing: https://andorra.utmb.world/races-runners/runners/anti-doping-resources

    Iron Overview in Athletes: Sim M, Garvican-Lewis LA, Cox GR, et al. Iron considerations for the athlete: a narrative review. Eur J Appl Physiol. 2019;119(7):1463-1478. doi:10.1007/s00421-019-04157-y

    Oura Perimenopause study:



    This episode is brought to you by Freetrail @runfreetrail

    www.freetrail.com - subscribe and JOIN US IN SLACK


    Our Title Sponsor is The Feed!!! Follow the link to get $20 to spend every quarter ($80 every year!): https://thefeed.com/trailsociety + a cool Trail Society water bottle!

  • Eksik bölüm mü var?

    Akışı yenilemek için buraya tıklayın.

  • We are officially in trail racing season! This episode contains a lot of valuable information. Keely discusses a couple of recent studies. The first study focuses on master’s level trail runners and body image, while the second covers the performance detriments associated with Low Energy Availability in female athletes. Then Corrine and Hillary delve into race results, covering the Cocodona 250, Tillamook Burn weekend, Transvulcania, and some UTMB races. After that, they all reflect on their respective races at Transvulcania, discussing the highs and lows, mental health going into the race, and fueling wins and losses. Finally, they end with some society slams and advice for female athletes navigating health challenges.

    Sign up for the studies we talked about below!

    FASTR Study for females >18 years old running the 2024 Western States: email [email protected]

    Cycling study: Dr. Shaundre Jacobs (Sport Scientist and athlete manager at Department of cultural affairs and sport at Stellenbauch University) is doing research on elite women road cyclists. Contact her here if you are interested: [email protected]


    This episode is brought to you by Freetrail @runfreetrail

    www.freetrail.com - subscribe and JOIN US IN SLACK


    Our Title Sponsor is The Feed!!! Follow the link to get $20 to spend every quarter ($80 every year!): https://www.thefeed.com/trailsociety + a cool Trail Society water bottle!

    And our newest sponsor is For The Long Run Podcast! Head on over to their page and give them a listen! They deep dive into the mental side of running and have a ton of great interviews!

  • Corrine and Keely recently had a conversation with Katie Schide, a professional runner for The North Face. They discussed Katie's journey into running, which started in New Hampshire's Black Mountains. They also talked about her transition to life as a full-time athlete and how she balances the newfound pressure to perform in a sport she loves. Katie shared her experiences of winning the Canyons 100k race in an impressive manner and also winning UTMB, a 100-mile race, while finishing second at the Western States 100-mile race last year. She also discussed her relationship with a fellow professional athlete and how they balance and support each other's goals. Additionally, they got an explanation about her "Cool Dad" nickname and asked her some rapid-fire questions to get to know her better, including her carbohydrate intake, favorite shoes, geomorphic features, and snacks. You don’t want to miss this!

    Follow Katie here: @katieschide


    This episode is brought to you by Freetrail @runfreetrail

    www.freetrail.com - subscribe and JOIN US IN SLACK


    Our Title Sponsor is The Feed!!! Follow the link to get $20 to spend every quarter ($80 every year!): https://thefeed.com/trailsociety + a cool Trail Society water bottle!

    And our newest sponsor is For The Long Run Podcast! Head on over to their page and give them a listen! They deep dive into the mental side of running and have a ton of great interviews!

  • In Episode 72, we are joined by Dr. Emily Kraus, a Clinical Assistant Professor at Stanford Children's Orthopedic and Sports Medicine Center. She is trained in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (PM&R) sports medicine and is also the director of the FASTR program. FASTR stands for Female Athlete Science and Translational Research, which is dedicated to closing the gender gap in sports science research. The program emphasizes early identification and interventions to prevent injury and optimize performance in female athletes.

    During the episode, we discuss Dr. Kraus's journey to becoming a physician who focuses on female athlete health. We also talk about how the lack of female representation in sports medicine motivated her to pursue this career. We explore how increasing female representation in sports medicine can positively impact athletes.

    Dr. Kraus shares how working as both a clinician and scientist allows her to better understand female athletes and apply findings in the clinic. We delve into coaching female athletes to return to sport from low energy availability and bone stress injuries and how to balance volume and load while also ensuring the athlete's health and safety.


    Opil and WNBA partner up: https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/opill-and-wnba-team-up-for-groundbreaking-partnership-302111916.html

    Updated IOC Consensus statement on RED-S :


    Increasing female representation in sports medicine: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/366536603_Female_Representation_in_Orthopaedic_Surgery_and_Primary_Care_Sports_Medicine_Subspecialties_Where_We_Were_Where_We_Are_and_Where_We_Are_Going?_tp=eyJjb250ZXh0Ijp7ImZpcnN0UGFnZSI6InByb2ZpbGUiLCJwYWdlIjoicHJvZmlsZSJ9fQ


    This episode is brought to you by Freetrail @runfreetrail

    www.freetrail.com - subscribe and JOIN US IN SLACK


    Our Title Sponsor is The Feed!!! Follow the link to get $20 to spend every quarter ($80 every year!): https://thefeed.com/trailsociety + a cool Trail Society water bottle!

    And our newest sponsor is For The Long Run Podcast! Head on over to their page and give them a listen! They deep dive into the mental side of running and have a ton of great interviews!

  • Join Keely, Corrine, and Hillary as they dive into the March Madness that surrounds the women’s NCAA basketball tournament this year. Then they discuss retirement from professional sport and how that may impact mental health, their experience with sport and identity, and how to cope with this loss.

    Then they dive into mistakes and mishaps they have made on the trails fueled by inspiring stories from the audience. They talk about international travel woes, improper apparel and fueling choices, the comparison trap, and close calls in the wild.


    Considerations for the Post Partum Athlete:

    Journal Article: https://bjsm.bmj.com/content/early/2024/03/06/bjsports-2023-107624.long

    Fun summary by bjsm on instagram:: https://www.instagram.com/p/C4XXaZEP4dm/?igsh=MXhsNWg2ZzQxOXM0Mg==


    This episode is brought to you by Freetrail @runfreetrail

    www.freetrail.com - subscribe and JOIN US IN SLACK


    Our Title Sponsor is The Feed!!! Follow the link to get $20 to spend every quarter ($80 every year!): https://thefeed.com/trailsociety + a cool Trail Society water bottle!

    And our newest sponsor is For The Long Run Podcast! Head on over to their page and give them a listen! They deep dive into the mental side of running and have a ton of great interviews!

  • Join Keely, Corrine, and Hillary for an intriguing discussion on how minor changes can create a significant impact on female athletes. They will also discuss the importance of investing in women's sports and how an increase in viewership often follows.

    Moreover, they will delve into a new infographic from the British Journal of Sports Medicine that focuses on post-partum athletes. They will be discussing various aspects such as monitoring mental health and bone health, training load, energy balance, cardiac health, iron status, and seeking help from a pelvic floor PT.

    Lastly, they will be sharing the inside scoop on Keely's recent race at the Chuckanut 50k. You will learn about the significance of mental flexibility during a race, how to tackle early-season races and the pressure of competing at a high level. Trust us, you wouldn't want to miss it


    Considerations for the Post Partum Athlete:

    Journal Article: https://bjsm.bmj.com/content/early/2024/03/06/bjsports-2023-107624.long

    Fun summary by bjsm on instagram:: https://www.instagram.com/p/C4XXaZEP4dm/?igsh=MXhsNWg2ZzQxOXM0Mg==


    This episode is brought to you by Freetrail @runfreetrail

    www.freetrail.com - subscribe and JOIN US IN SLACK


    Our Title Sponsor is The Feed!!! Follow the link to get $20 to spend every quarter ($80 every year!): https://www.thefeed.com/trailsociety + a cool Trail Society water bottle!

    And our newest sponsor is For The Long Run Podcast! Head on over to their page and give them a listen! They deep dive into the mental side of running and have a ton of great interviews!

  • Join Keely, Corrine, and Hillary on an inspiring journey of coaching, mentorship, and advocacy with Carolina Rubio-MacWright! She is an artist, immigration lawyer and activist who fights for immigrant and humanitarian rights. Growing up in Bogota Colombia and then becoming an attorney has opened her eyes to inequities in our laws and racial power struggles and how the two intersect. Carolina has combined her passion for art, legal rights, and running into several projects including teaching about human rights through running and ceramics. Carolina will be running WSER in June with help from HOKA and Gu. Discover how this trailblazer is breaking barriers and paving the way for others in her field. Get ready for an exciting ride filled with insights, learnings, and valuable takeaways. Let's explore together the power of coaching, the importance of mentorship, and the impact of advocacy in creating positive change. Get ready to be inspired!

    Follow Carolina @carustol on instagram

    You can send shoes to the border here:

    CC Respite Center of the Rio Grande Valley
    111 S. 15th Street, McAllen 78501

    This episode is brought to you by Freetrail https://www.instagram.com/runfreetrail/

    www.freetrail.com - subscribe and JOIN US IN SLACK


    Our Title Sponsor is The Feed!!! Follow the link to get $15 to spend every quarter: https://thefeed.com/trailsociety + a cool water bottle!

  • In this episode, Corrine, Keely, and Hillary deep dive into the Black Canyon races. Keely dives into her first race of 2024 and how to ride with the punches and benefit from early season races. She also talks through her fueling and how increasing the amount of carbohydrates she consumed early on helped her to rally later in the race. Then they interview Becca Windell, who most recently secured her golden ticket at the Black Canyons 100km placing 2nd place female after a hard fought race. She is also a PhD student at Colorado State University in the Fish, Wildlife, and Conservation Biology department and co-founder of the Home Range Wildlife Research Non-profit that does research, training, and community science outreach in the Methow valley on the east side of the North Cascades. We talk about her journey into running, eating disorder history in competitive cycling, the importance of fueling on life and performance, and finally, she talks us through her race at the Black Canyons 100km race. We hope you enjoy this as much as we did!

    Follow Becca here: @beccawindell

    This episode is brought to you by Freetrail @runfreetrail

    www.freetrail.com - subscribe and JOIN US IN SLACK


    Our Title Sponsor is The Feed!!! Follow the link to get $15 to spend every quarter: https://www.thefeed.com/trailsociety + a cool water bottle!


    Abstract from: Knowledge on relative energy deficiency in sport among physiotherapists and physicians (Verhoef, et al 2024):


  • Corrine, Keely, and Hillary dive into the Olympic Marathon Trials and Corrine gives an uptdate on UTMB and the Pro Trail Runner Association. Then they dive into a Fact or Fiction discussion around different running topics. They dive into the benefits of downhill running on conditioning the quads for races with a lot of downhills, the importance of mental toughness and when it is advantageous versus dangerous, and the negative health outcomes associated with losing your menstrual cycle and why we should strive to keep our cycle regular even during large training blocks.


    This episode is brought to you by Freetrail @runfreetrail

    www.freetrail.com - subscribe and JOIN US IN SLACK


    The Feed!!! \get $15 to spend every quarter: https://thefeed.com/trailsociety


    Downhill Running:


    Mental Toughness: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/1612197X.2022.2161102

    Amenorrhea in athletes: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2941235/pdf/nihms203828.pdf

    RED-S implications: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9724109/

  • Keely, Corrine, and Hillary start the episode by talking about some recent races and news in womens sports and health, most notably they discuss the recent Colorado bill passed to increase health coverage to those suffering from an eating disorder. Then they interview Rachel Drake. She is a professional trail runner for Nike Trail, a mom to her son Lewis, medical student and scientist, and all around lovely human being. She is known throughout the trail running community for her contagious smile and kind demeanor. They talk about her journey back to running postpartum and what she learned about her body and her needs. She recently finished 5th at the California International Marathon and 1st at the 33km at Hong Kong and is gearing up for the Black Canyons 100k to shoot for that elusive golden ticket and we can’t wait to see how she does! We are SO STOKED to share our interview with you all, enjoy!


    This episode is brought to you by Freetrail @runfreetrail

    www.freetrail.com - subscribe and JOIN US IN SLACK


    The Feed!!! \get $15 to spend every quarter: https://www.thefeed.com/trailsociety


    Colorado Bill on BMI and Eating Disorders: https://www.cohousedems.com/news/laws-to-save-patients-money-on-health-care%2C-protect-coloradans-go-into-effect#:~:text=SB23%2D176%20provides%20health%20care,of%20care%20for%20a%20patient.

    FT profile on Rachel Drake: https://www.freetrail.com/any-surface-any-distance-with-rachel-drake/

    Follow Rachel: @rachelraedrake or Strava

  • In this episode, Corrine, Keely, and Hillary discuss some end of the year stats around women’s sports, and then dive into the TROY. The three then reflect on 2023. They talk about their learnings, challenges, and proudest accomplishments. Then they talk about how to plan out a season and what to prioritize both as an athlete and as a coach when picking races.

    This episode is brought to you by Freetrail @runfreetrail

    Freetrail.com - subscribe and JOIN US IN SLACK


    We are still finalizing our partners for 2024!

    The Feed: https://www.thefeed.com/trailsociety gets you $15 in free credit!

  • In this episode, Hillary, Corrine, and Keely chat with Grayson Murphy. Grayson is a two time World Champion in mountain running, most recently snagging two medals at the 2023 World Trail and Mountain Running Championships in June, and has competed in the Steeple chase at the Olympic trials. A multi-talented athlete and person, Grayson also runs her own business that makes a training journal/planner, is a cat mom, and is engaged to another professional athlete. We discuss how she balances all of this, racing multiple disciplines this year, remaining humble and excited to race, and evaluating her identity as a runner while navigating some challenging health issues. The team starts off by discussing their charities of choice for 2023 and why Trail Society has decided to donate to them and then they dive into some discussions around their plans for 2024 and shout out the winners of golden tickets from DOI Inthanon!

    Follow Grayson here: www.racin-grayson.com

    This episode is brought to you by Freetrail @runfreetrail

    www.freetrail.com - subscribe and JOIN US IN SLACK


    AG1: Go to drinkAG1.com/trailsociety for a FREE 1 year supply of

    immune-supporting Vitamin D AND 5 FREE travel packs

    The Feed: https://thefeed.com/trailsociety gets you $15 in free credit!

  • In this episode, Corrine, Keely, and Hillary digest their respective races in Cape Town and Thailand. They talk through foot trouble in the humid jungles of Thailand and the gnarly trails of DOI Inthanon and how to roll with the race and accept what the day gives you. Corrine talks through her race at Cape Town, changing her mindset midway through, and finishing what she started. Then they all reflect on their 2023 seasons and what they will take into 2024.

    This episode is brought to you by Freetrail @runfreetrail

    www.freetrail.com - subscribe and JOIN US IN SLACK


    AG1: Go to drinkAG1.com/trailsociety for a FREE 1 year supply of

    immune-supporting Vitamin D AND 5 FREE travel packs

    The Feed: https://thefeed.com/trailsociety gets you $15 in free credit!

  • This week on Trail Society, Corrine and Keely chat through an article on the lactating athlete and the overlapping symptoms of RED-S and breastfeeding for athletes. Then they interview Sally McRae, an ultrarunner, mother, podcast host, and public figure who is well-known for her ability to tackle insane challenges with open arms. They talk about her latest project, running the grand slam of 200 mile races, how recovery has gone, and how she was able to finish all of the races. Then they talk about everything from relationships, raising athletic kids, and Sally’s childhood and relationship with her mother. This is an episode you do not want to miss!

    This episode is brought to you by Freetrail https://www.instagram.com/runfreetrail/

    https://www.freetrail.com - subscribe and JOIN US IN SLACK


    AG1: Go to drinkAG1.com/trailsociety for a FREE 1 year supply of

    immune-supporting Vitamin D AND 5 FREE travel packs

    The Feed: https://thefeed.com/trailsociety gets you $15 in free credit!

    Pertinent Articles:

    The Lactating Athlete (BJSM): https://bjsm.bmj.com/content/57/17/1065

    Cool Article on Sally’s project: https://www.womensrunning.com/culture/people/strong-body-strong-mind-strong-love-a-review-of-choose-strong-by-sally-mcrae/

  • Ask us anything (AMA) is back! In this episode, Corrine, Keely, and Hillary discuss the latest trail circuit to launch called the World Trail Majors. Then they chat through some speedy records that went down and the trail half marathon champs. AMA gets started with some questions diving into the mental side of injury and the post race blues. They talk about bathroom stops during races, the worst fuel they’ve ever tried to eat during a race, and how to be a good crew member for your best friend. Thanks to everyone for the questions, if we didn’t answer yours, we will next time!

    This episode is brought to you by Freetrail @runfreetrail

    www.freetrail.com - subscribe and JOIN US IN SLACK


    AG1: Go to https://www.drinkAG1.com/trailsociety for a FREE 1 year supply of

    immune-supporting Vitamin D AND 5 FREE travel packs

    The Feed: https://www.thefeed.com/trailsociety gets you $15 in free credit!

    Pertinent Articles:

    iRunFar On the World Trail Majors: https://www.irunfar.com/world-trail-majors-global-trail-running-series-announced

  • In this episode, Keely, Corrine, and Hillary discuss the latest UTMB scandal and races like Javelina 100 and Big’s Backyard. Then they dive into some research that has been published lately around menstruating and performance, the relationship between menstrual cycle phase to metabolism and sleep. They discuss gaps in the research and where they think the field should go in the future. They also digest the information into recommendations to our listeners who currently menstruate!

    This episode is brought to you by Freetrail @runfreetrail

    www.freetrail.com - subscribe and JOIN US IN SLACK


    AG1: Go to drinkAG1.com/trailsociety for a FREE 1 year supply of

    immune-supporting Vitamin D AND 5 FREE travel packs

    The Feed: https://thefeed.com/trailsociety gets you $15 in free credit!

    Pertinent links:

    Data from the review on nutrition/menstruation


    “How Your Menstrual Cycle Affects Recovery from Training”-Alex Hutchinson


    Menstrual Cycle and brain function: https://www.livescience.com/health/neuroscience/menstrual-cycle-linked-to-structural-changes-across-whole-brain#:~:text=Hormones%20that%20fluctuate%20throughout%20the,women%20throughout%20their%20menstrual%20cycles.

  • In this episode, Keely and Corrine interview Callie Vinson. Callie is a long-time creative who has started to use her great storytelling ability to talk about body image and inclusivity in the sport of ultrarunning. They discuss her journey into ultra running and weight loss and her appreciation for her body and where it has carried her. They also dive deep into her upcoming 250-mile FKT attempt and fueling tips for long races.

    This episode is brought to you by Freetrail @runfreetrail

    Freetrail.com - subscribe and JOIN US IN SLACK


    AG1: Use link https://www.athleticgreens.com/trailsociety for a FREE 1 year supply of

    immune-supporting Vitamin D AND 5 FREE travel packs

    The Feed: https://www.thefeed.com/trailsociety gets you $15 in free credit!

    Pertinent links:

    New article on fueling for female athletes: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10210857/

    Callie on instagram: @callievinson

  • In this episode, Keely and Corrine talk through some recent races and news around the Boston Marathon and Team USA funding. Then they interview Sophie Power. Sophie Power is a long time ultrarunner and mom of three who stepped into a calling when a photo went viral of her breastfeeding her then 3 month old son in the Courmayeur aidstation during the 2018 UTMB. Since then she has become the trustee to the research and insight charity, Women in Sport, as well as launching her own advocacy organization SheRACES which fights to get more women on startlines. They discuss the importance of implementing policies that encourage female participation and how to get more athletes on start lines.

    This episode is brought to you by Freetrail @runfreetrail

    https://www.freetrail.com - subscribe and JOIN US IN SLACK


    AG1: Use link www.athleticgreens.com/trailsociety for a FREE 1 year supply of

    immune-supporting Vitamin D AND 5 FREE travel packs

    The Feed: https://thefeed.com/trailsociety gets you $15 in free credit!

    Pertinent links:

    Team USA funding petition:https://www.change.org/p/fair-access-to-world-championships-make-usatf-fund-their-mut-national-teams?recruiter=1317224710&recruited_by_id=bc3de620-5b18-11ee-9cf6-dbb2927fb2a8&utm_source=share_petition&utm_campaign=petition_dashboard&utm_medium=copylink

    SheRACES website: https://www.sheraces.com/

    SheRACES guidelines for races: https://www.sheraces.com/_files/ugd/06d1c4_1ffdc300551b409c87811f3fa7544716.pdf

  • In this episode, Keely, Corrine, and Hillary talk through the latest updates from the UTMB world series around index scores and policies that provide female specific resources during races. Then they deep dive the race results from the last two weeks, notably the Pikes Peak Ascent, Run Rabbit, and the Rut. Then they talk about the basics of trail running and how to go about planning your first trail run, what to pack, and what to look for in a route.

    This episode is brought to you by Freetrail @runfreetrail

    Freetrail.com - subscribe and JOIN US IN SLACK


    AG1: Use link www.athleticgreens.com/trailsociety for a FREE 1 year supply of

    immune-supporting Vitamin D AND 5 FREE travel packs

    The Feed: https://thefeed.com/trailsociety gets you $15 in free credit!