Pete and Andrew have gone fishin'? But they're fishing with their...hands!? Well, paws, I guess. In this new 2-player board game from Osprey Games, it's that time of year again: time for the bears to come to Brooks River in Alaska to catch and eat as many salmon as they can before their long sleep. Does this game fill our bellies? Listen to find out!
Plus, Mike Fitz, the originator of Fat Bear Week, former National Park worker and current Naturalist for Explore.org joins to talk all things bears!
Check out what Explore.Org has to offer by clicking here
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Come get this Rainbow connection! Andrew & Pete cover Rainbow from Matthias Spaan and Outset games on this episode, and see how quickly they can fly their colors!
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Eksik bölüm mü var?
Where there's smoke, there's fire. So where Pete and Andrew release a bunch of hot air jabbering on, is there a fire game? Find out on this month's thrilling episode covering Dangerous Games' upcoming release Siberian Manhunt! And once you're done listening to what we think of this two-player game of survival and espionage....
Sign up for the game's kickstarter here, launching on Feb. 11th: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/dangerous-games/siberian-manhunt
And don't forget to follow our guest Joel on the Diced Onion! https://www.instagram.com/thedicedonion/
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Hear ye, hear ye! On this episode, Andrew and Pete cover the Capstone Games hidden identity game Pagan: Fate of Roanoke! A cat-and-mouse game that's more of a witch-and-witch hunter game, as the players race to either kick off their witchy ritual or find and exterminate the witch.
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Y'all ready for this? (Music drop) Ba da da, dun dun, da da da da da. Turn up the jock jams and listen to Andrew and Pete dig into PickUp from GameFlo (you'll need two separate audio players to play both at the same time). This deck-building dice roller all about a game of pickup basketball packs a lot of fun into a small amount of components! Where will it land on our leaderboard? Listen to find out!
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'Tis the season for giving....a bonus episode! Join Andrew and Pete as they recount their whirlwind Saturday at the 2025 PAX Unplugged board game convention in Philadelphia. You're gonna wanna hear all about these new games they discovered, and the fun they had.
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Andrew and Pete are on the lam! And the coppers are hot on their tail. In order to escape this one, they'll have to put out a great episode all about Getaway Driver from Jeff Beck and Uproarious Games. Cut it any closer....
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Andrew and Pete are giving you the Go to listen to this episode about Cribbage! That...that's a Cribbage play on words....Okay, well, listen. We can't say we get it, either. Just listen and make up your own mind!
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No land lubbers! Only seamen! We get down to commercial fishing with Steve Finn's fun sailing game. Will Andrew and Pete be switching careers, donning the....fishing....suit? Only one way to find out. Listen now!
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From a parallel dimension where Andrew and Pete have four other friends comes...Six Can Play That Game. And on today's episode, they cover Bat Flip Dynasty, a new game from Scorelander Games which launches on Kickstarter on October 1st! A card-drafting, dice-drafting, tableau-building, rip-roaring good time was had by all! Click the link below to support it!
Bat Flip Dynasty on Kickstarter
Time to go deep. Pete and Andrew jump into Kinfire Delve from Incredible Dream, a card-based dungeon crawler with deep lore. Is it enough to leave them entranced? Listen to find out!
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Wet, wild fun! I mean, we can't guarantee this episode will give you that, but the game we cover sure will! Join Andrew and Pete as they review Fortify from Barrel Aged Games, and don't forget to grab the hose and arm yourself!
Wow! Not only do Andrew and Pete cover another Dr. Finn game, they were also given the opportunity to interview one of the most (in)famous celebrity authors ever! Truly a magical episode, pun intended.
Fall in, soldiers! It's time to slap a green helmet on, grab a rifle and go see what's going on in Europe. Andrew and Pete have played a lot of this WWII version of Richard Borg's Command & Colors system, and it's about time they talked about it.
Plus, they are joined by beloved designer of the Undaunted series, War Chest and more, David Thompson! War, D&D, input and output randomness. The three of us cover it all.
Follow David on Twitter here
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This is for the Bakula-heads. The Bakula draculas. Slam in the back of my, Bakulaaa. A Quantum Leap-inspired two-player role-playing game? Hoo boy. Is it fun, though? Tune in to find out if this thin booklet from Nerd Burger Games in full to the brim with adventure!
Nerd Burger Games
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Well, it was really only a matter of time before Andrew and Pete faced off once and for all, in a duel to the death. In a card game! In this episode, the fellas cover Kiri-Ai: The Duel from Lucky Duck and Mugen Gaming, a game of two samurai locked in a dance of blades. And they're joined by Kris Darby from the Staying In Podcast to talk swords, duels and more!
Staying In Podcast
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FIGHT! Well, actually, just listen. No need to fight. But the game Andrew and Pete cover this week, Pocket Paragons from Solis Games Studios, will have you harkening back to the days of Street Fighter, Mortal Kombat and more!
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Ahoy thar! Join Andrew and Pete on the poop deck and raise the...thing you raise. Because Sail from AllPlay is being reviewed in this episode. And, spoiler alert, a pretty big thing happens in this episode. You're gonna wanna listen.
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For our opening move of 2024, we're moving our new episode to T2 (Tuesday the 2nd). That's right, we're covering a game that is chess-adjacent! Capstone Games' new Match of the Century is an entry in their 2-player card-driven historical games, this time dealing with the 1972 World Championship chess match between Bobby Fischer and Boris Spassky. It's a story full of fascinating tidbits of real occurrences, but does it make for the inspiration of a good game? Hit play to find out!
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Ho ho ho! While our bellies are like bowls full of jelly, let's tuck in to a bonus episode! Andrew and Pete attended PAX Unplugged 2023 in Philadelphia, caught up with some old acquaintances, and even met some new ones!
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