
  • Ever felt like your mind runs on a different operating system than everyone else's? Discover the powerful connection between neurodiversity and their specific coaching needs with my guests, Kate Arms and Tracy Winter, the dynamic duo behind the Neurodiversity Coaching Academy. As we unpack their personal narratives, we illuminate the emotional rollercoaster of living at the intersection of intense intellect and divergent thinking. Kate and Tracy’s candid sharing reveals the often-overlooked psychosomatic layers of giftedness, and their mission to address the unique coaching needs of this underserved community.

    This episode takes us behind the scenes of the Neurodiversity Coaching Academy, where Kate and Tracy have crafted an inclusive coaching environment that's all about embracing the rapid learning and distinct needs of neurodivergent minds. Their approach, backed by the International Coaching Federation (ICF), is more than just a service—it's a lifeline for those who may have previously encountered the harm of ill-informed professional guidance. From monthly masterclasses to mentor coaching and coaching supervision , we delve into the academy's offerings and discuss the value of our coaching philosophy, designed to resonate with the fabric of neurodivergent thinking.

    As the conversation unfolds, we examine the nuances of coaching neurodivergent clients, from navigating their unique 'stuckness' to leveraging their out-of-the-box solutions. We highlight how coaching diverges from therapy, focusing on the forward momentum and actionable change that clients can enact in their lives. Kate and Tracy also reflect on the profound impact that earlier awareness of gifted complexities could have had and the transformative power of coaching informed by their own journeys. For those eager to learn more about our Neurodiversity Coaching Academy’s resources, the episode wraps up with where to find our masterclasses and how to connect for mentorship opportunities.



    Sign up for the Neurodiversity Coaching Academy Newsletter

    Kate Arms at katearms.com

    Tracy Winter at nerdcoa.ch

    Would you like to work with me 1:1 as your gifted and 2e coach? Please send me an email at [email protected] or find more information about my coaching offer on my website giftedunleashe.com/coaching

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  • When Kaitlin Smith and I sat down to unravel the complex world of giftedness and twice-exceptionality (2e), our conversation ventured deep into the heart of what it means to be labeled 'gifted,' particularly for those navigating the dual challenges of exceptional intellect and being part of a minority. Kaitlin shares her battle against the stereotypes that sought to undermine her journey during her studies in psychotherapy. This episode promises to be a beacon for anyone who's felt too intense, too passionate, or simply too much for the mainstream narrative.

    The path to self-empowerment is often obscured by the fog of cultural misconceptions. A moment of stark confrontation during Kaitlin's psychotherapeutic training brought the issues of race and identity to the forefront, leading to the creation of Our Wild Minds. This venture seeks to celebrate and uplift gifted and BIPOC adults. Our discussion peels back the layers of cultural competency, urging a move beyond broad-stroke assumptions to embrace the unique stories that shape every individual's experience. Join us as we confront these issues head-on, championing the rich interior lives of those who don't fit comfortably into society's predefined boxes (or dare I say stereotypes).

    Our final thoughts cluster around the creation of sanctuaries for underrepresented voices, specifically black adults in the gifted community. Kaitlin shines a light on the Our Wild Minds Community and the Black Brilliant Circle, spaces designed to offer refuge and fellowship for gifted adults of color. Inspired by the work of Dr. Joy Lawson Davis and Dr. Donna Ford, these platforms offer twice-weekly calls, networking opportunities, and a guided journey to help members navigate giftedness and racial trauma. By sharing these stories and resources, we hope to offer a tapestry of support that recognizes the full spectrum of giftedness, fostering inclusive environments where intellectual and emotional growth can thrive.


    Would you like to work with me 1:1 as your gifted and 2e coach? Please send me an email at [email protected] or find more information about my coaching offer on my website giftedunleashe.com/coaching

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  • Feeling misunderstood or out of place can be a common experience for twice-exceptional (2e) individuals. This episode of Gifted Unleashed welcomes Julie Skolnick, author of "Gifted and Distractible," to shed light on the unique challenges faced by this remarkable group. Driven by self-love and understanding, Julie navigates us through the wide spectrum of conditions under the 2e umbrella and the importance of focusing on the strengths of these individuals.

    Through an enriching conversation, we delve into the fascinating concept of 'masking', a coping mechanism often adopted by 2e individuals. Julie generously shares her "cycle for success" and provides a checklist that can help you find professionals who truly understand and support 2e individuals. We also discuss her much-anticipated book dedicated to adults in the 2e community, a beacon of hope and understanding for many.

    Julie's passion for supporting and advocating for 2e individuals is further reflected in her website, withunderstandingcomescalm.com, offering free resources and a membership program for 2e adults. She also shares her upcoming course for parents, a priceless resource for those seeking guidance. As we round off our discussion, Julie emphasizes the importance of validating effort over outcomes or external motivation, a mantra not only for 2e individuals but applicable to all. So, join us on this journey of understanding and loving the twice exceptional individuals in our lives. Don't forget to follow the podcast, leave a review, and stay connected with our newsletter for all things Gifted Unleashed.

    The Hay Stack A community for 2e adults

    Would you like to work with me 1:1 as your gifted and 2e coach? Please send me an email at [email protected] or find more information about my coaching offer on my website giftedunleashe.com/coaching

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  • Ever felt like a square peg in a round hole? Maybe it's not you, maybe it's your giftedness. I, Nadja, once wrestled with this notion, but through my journey of self-discovery, I've come to embrace my giftedness and ADHD, viewing them as unique strengths rather than limitations. Join me on this exciting journey of Gifted Unleashed, where we talk about personal experiences of how we navigate the world as gifted and 2e individuals.

    The Gifted Unleashed podcast is not just about me and my guests sharing our stories. It's a platform for all of us to connect, support, and be our authentic selves. I'm thrilled to announce the relaunch of our space, where we'll explore thought-provoking topics that challenge stereotypes and stigma surrounding giftedness and twice exceptionality. Here's a little teaser for you: the upcoming episodes include an intriguing conversation with Julie Skolnick about her book "Gifted and Distractable". So, gear up for some insightful dialogues that promise to inspire and enlighten your perspectives about giftedness.


    Would you like to work with me 1:1 as your gifted and 2e coach? Please send me an email at [email protected] or find more information about my coaching offer on my website giftedunleashe.com/coaching

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  • Eshwari is a young woman who grew up in India, feeling out of place and intense. She learned about giftedness and Overexcitabilities through the Unleash Monday podcast and got inspired to learn more about the topic and is on her journey of finding her way in the space and field of neurodiversity.


    Your job title doesn't define youCurrently there is no gifted psychologist in India (yet!)(Existential) Depression is not just in your head! And you need support from like minded minded is critical.Gifted brains are not better but they are wired differently from the majority.Overexcitabilites are your supper powers, not a faults!Learning about your own (gifted) needs is essential and existential! Giftedness needs are not about being smarter but it is about being able to live according to your values.Gifted people usually doubt that they are gifted in the beginning. It is not something that is obvious or comfortable to embrace.As a gifted person we try and do a lot of things, make sure you don’t overwhelm yourself with tasks.Take take to recharge! Make sure your energy level as a gifted person does not run low.


    If you would like to send Eshwari a message, you can send it to [email protected], I will pass it forward.

    Julia Cameron’s book The Artist’s Way

    More about Overexcitabilites in episode 33 with Chris Well

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    Would you like to work with me 1:1 as your gifted and 2e coach? Please send me an email at [email protected] or find more information about my coaching offer on my website giftedunleashe.com/coaching

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  • Ludmila N. Praslova, Ph.D., SHRM-SCP uses her extensive experience with global, cultural, demographic, and ability diversity to help create inclusive and equitable workplaces. She is a Professor of Psychology and the founding Director of Graduate Programs in Industrial-Organizational Psychology at Vanguard University of Southern California. Prior to her academic career, she built and led successful intercultural relations programs in global organizations. Her current consulting is focused on supporting organizations in creating systemic inclusion informed by an understanding of neurodiversity. Her other areas of expertise include organizational culture assessment and change, workplace justice and civility, and training and training evaluation. She is a contributor to Fast Company, Harvard Business Review and SHRM blog, the editor of the upcoming book “Evidence-Based Organizational Practices for Diversity, Inclusion, Belonging and Equity” (Cambridge Scholars), and the editor of upcoming special issue of the Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research on Disability inclusion in the workplace: From “accommodation” to inclusive organizational design.


    Diversity at work includes different aspects such as race, gender but also neurodiversity.Autism Autism Doesn’t Hold People Back at Work. Discrimination Does. (HRB)The unemployment rate amongst college graduates with Autism in the US is 85 %! The discrimination might not be intentional but it is systemic!If you met one Autistic person, you have met one Autistic person.There is a misconception that autistic people are not empathic. However, autistic people might be so overwhelmed with empathy that they don’t have energy to express it or it might be too overwhelming to express.Autistic people might develop trauma patterns due to the way people react to them over and over again.Having an Autistic diagnosis can be empowering and helpful for self advocacy.Moral injury can happen at work and we need to address it! This might be more prevalent in neurodivergent people. Sign up for the newsletter to be updated on the results on the study!Even if you didn’t now things earlier, you know now and you can implement and change from this day forward! Your life experience is what it is and now you can move from this point forward!


    Connect and learn more about Ludmila and her work on LinkedIn | Twitter

    Organizational Psychology at Vanguard University

    Read her articles: Autism does’t hold people back at work. Discrimination does. - Harvard Business Review | Neurodivergent people make great leaders, not just employees - Fast Company |

    Would you like to work with me 1:1 as your gifted and 2e coach? Please send me an email at [email protected] or find more information about my coaching offer on my website giftedunleashe.com/coaching

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  • Dr. Sarabeth Berk is the leading expert on hybrid professional identity, and a hybrid professional herself. She was featured in Forbes, and is a TEDx speaker, author of More Than My Title, and recipient of a Colorado Inno on Fire award for her innovative work. Her hybrid title is Creative Disruptor because she works at the intersection of being an artist, researcher, educator, and designer.

    Through groundbreaking research, Sarabeth developed a one-of-a-kind approach that takes personal branding and career development to a whole new level. Today, she helps professionals discover and articulate their hybrid professional identity and unique value in the workforce. As a result, her clients feel more seen, empowered and confident, and teams recognize each other as more than their job titles, valuing the critical yet different roles of experts, generalists, and hybrids in the workforce.


    What is your professional identity? This is different from your job title!There are three different types of worker identities: Singularity: Single professional identityMultiplicity: Having many different but separate professional identitiesHybrid: Having intersections of different professional identities which form a new identity (as a result from reintegration via Debrowski’s positive disintegration)Having a hybrid career personality is common in gifted peopleIt takes a bit of work to identify your primary set of identities vs. your non primary identities (secondary and tertiary identities)Vann Diagrams help to visualize and understand the intersectionalities of your hybrid professional identityYou have the permission to have a hybrid professional identity!We go through multiple cycles of (career) identities throughout our lives: Phases of explorations followed by achievements of a certain identity.a/r/t (artist, researcher, teacher)Hybridity is a choice and it is developmental.Work is like a three legged stool: 1. Knowing your passion 2. Your purpose, why you do what you do 3. Your identity, who are you when you fallow your passion and purpose.You need to make sense of yourself first! No one is going to make sense for you. Especially in the gifted space. Prefixes:Intra discipline = singleCross and multi disciplinary = separateInter (between) and trans (beyond) disciplinary = hybridity


    Learn more about Sarabeth Berk and her work: morethanmytitle.com | TEDx Talk

    Connect on Instagram: @morethanmytitle | LinkedIn

    Venn Diagram

    Learn more about Dabrowski’s theories: Episode 33

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    Would you like to work with me 1:1 as your gifted and 2e coach? Please send me an email at [email protected] or find more information about my coaching offer on my website giftedunleashe.com/coaching

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  • Colin Seale was born and raised in Brooklyn, NY, where struggles in his upbringing gave birth to his passion for educational equity. Tracked early into gifted and talented programs, Colin was afforded opportunities his neighborhood peers were not. Using lessons from his experience as a math teacher, later as an attorney, and now as a keynote speaker, contributor to Forbes and author of Thinking Like a Lawyer: A Framework for Teaching Critical Thinking to All Students and Tangible Equity: A Guide for Leveraging Student Identity, Culture, and Power to Unlock Excellence In and Beyond the Classroom, Colin founded thinkLaw, to help educators leverage inquiry-based instructional strategies to close the critical thinking gap and ensure they teach and reach all students, regardless of race, zip code or what side of the poverty line they are born into. In 2021, Colin launched The BEE Project, a non-profit organization redefining who qualifies as gifted and who gets to teach gifted children by inspiring, training, and certifying Black and Latinx educators to equitably design and lead gifted programs. These programs identify and meet the unique needs of brilliant Black and Latinx children and their families who have been overlooked and underestimated by our current system. When he’s not serving as the world’s most fervent critical thinking advocate, Colin proudly serves as the world’s greatest entertainer to his two young children.


    We are all neurodivergent. But some of us are part of the outliers.Children can have behavioural challenges because they are not being challenged at school! The order of being identified can have a big impact of how we get support! The label doesn’t matter, the support matters!High achieving is not the same as being gifted.It’s not about the achievement, it’s about the performance of the achievement!Critical thinking skills is crucial but we treat it like a luxury good! What if we gave all kids access to critical thinking?Recognising that none of our learning was actually objective.Although brilliance is distributed equally, opportunity is not!Doing right is more important than being right!We came to normalise inequityThere is no master plan.


    Learn more about Coline Seale and ThinkLaw here: thinklaw.us and raisingcriticalthinkers.us

    Follow Colin on Twitter @ColinESeale @thinkLawUS | Instagram @ColinSeale @thinkLawUS | facebook thinklawUS and the facebook group tangibleequity | LinkedIn Colin Seale and his company ThinkLaw

    Colin Seale’s books: Thinking like a Lawyer and

    Would you like to work with me 1:1 as your gifted and 2e coach? Please send me an email at [email protected] or find more information about my coaching offer on my website giftedunleashe.com/coaching

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  • Alice Bauer was born under the zodiac sign of Virgo and she is an orderly and organized type of person by nature. She is curious, inquisitive and likes to develop herself in all areas of life. Her interests are wide-ranging, including yoga, travel, art and music, but she is particularly fond of interior design. Already in her childhood she was constantly browsing through her mother's home magazines only to rearrange and reorganize her room afterwards. In 2007 she graduated university as an interior designer.

    In spring 2017, she had a very enriching, life-changing experience decluttering her life by listening to the audiobook "The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up" by Marie Kondo. While she had a wonderful, beautifully decorated apartment and had accumulated all sorts of possessions from the various decades of her life so far, she still always felt like she was living like a student, not like an adult. She wanted to live the way she had always dreamed of: like a lady. She decided to give her apartment a drastic detox. Within two weeks, she took every single item she owned into her hands and examined it for its importance in her future. She has parted with half of her belongings and it still feels great! She wanted to give others this revelation of satisfaction and order in their lives and therefore she completed the KonMari Consultant Trainee Course in Los Angeles in 2017. She is now officially a Certified Master KonMari™ Consultant and is working in Switzerland and Austria.


    Tidying is an act of self love. The process of tidying can support you to figure out who you want to be and what brings you joy in your life.Tidying can be a form of meditation.Most people do not ask themselves how they want to live in their space. Create a vision to help you stay focused and motivated to get through the tidying festival.The KonMari Method™ is simple but not easy. It follows 6 basic principles: Commit yourself to tidying, start by creating a vision, declutter first, tidy by category not location, follow the right order and always make the decision based on the question does it “spark joy?Tidying helps you to get to know who you are. In order to love yourself you need to embrace all sides of you, the good and the ugly.Tidying can be freeing and empowering.If you need support, hire a tidying coach!Sometimes chaos is needed for a creative process. But sometimes we need to tidy in order to organize our thoughts. Understanding where the balance lies for you is the goal.Only keep in your home and in your life what “sparks joy”, let go of all the rest! Life is too short!


    konali.ch | Alice on instagram

    The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up by Marie Kondo

    Atomic Habits by James Clear | The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron | Bullet Journal by Ryder Carroll

    Messy - How To be Creative and R

    Would you like to work with me 1:1 as your gifted and 2e coach? Please send me an email at [email protected] or find more information about my coaching offer on my website giftedunleashe.com/coaching

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  • Ilana Grostern is a Montreal-based Self-Attunement and Somatic Coach. Her early career took her from graphic design to the launch of a sustainable business venture – a cloth diaper company that she ran for fifteen years. Her sensorial over-excitability attuned her to the needs of the body, leading her to pursue a certification as Canada’s first Whole30 coach.


    People who don’t know about their own giftedness lack information about themselves.Lack of self-understanding leads to frustration and being misunderstood. Therefore, it’s important to know who we are in order to have a better relationship with ourselves but also with others. The giftedness theme is completely missing from the mainstream. The giftedness angle gives a lot of clarity in the coaching realm.Somatic coaching is about healing the somatic-mind (Cartesian) split. No more “I think, therefore I am!”A lot of chronic illnesses in the gifted population due to the resonance between the body and mind.Ilana shows you to value neutral experiences of the body (soma) and map out what’s in the physical realm.The mind is a “meaning making machine”! The mind will jump to mental conclusion about the body from learned paste experiences without actually tuning in. We need to break this jumping to conclusion cycle.You are encouraged to flip the right with the left side! Ilana gives you the space to try new things without making you feel stupid.Coaching is about accepting where you are in this moment and learning a new way of doing something.The parents need to feel and relate to what their children go through. We start with our own healing first before we can support anyone else.People who are in chronic survival mode, are dis-regulated and might feel overwhelmed by this approach. Learning to increase the tolerance in the uncomfortable somatic moments will allow you to learn what the body is trying to tell you.



    Ilana Grostern on instagram | facebook and LinkedIn

    PDF “Gifted people and their problems” by Francis Heylighen

    Overexcitabilities (OEs)

    Mind-body dualism

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    Would you like to work with me 1:1 as your gifted and 2e coach? Please send me an email at [email protected] or find more information about my coaching offer on my website giftedunleashe.com/coaching

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  • Bayo Moses has 8+ years as a Book Coach and Developmental Editor. When he's not looking into manuscripts, you can find him on Google Meet catching fun as a personal development coach. He shares his story growing up neurodivergent in rural Northern Nigeria and how he learned about autism in adulthood.


    Bayo could not connect with his peers in school but was able to connect with older people.Realising there is nothing wrong with yourself but with your audience. Sometimes there is nothing wrong with you but with the teaching method.A hearing issue can be a sensory processing difference.Being neurodivergent is not a curse, being neurodivergent is not a problem that need fixing! It is not a disease that needs curing!Not fitting in socially can be a pain but can also work to your advantage! It depends on how you approach it.Being neurodivergent can be your personal super power!The journey of self-awareness is not about happiness, it is about helping yourself!The presentation of your story needs to be simple and audience centred! The idea might be simple but the impact can be profoundly. We don’t need to balance things! Things are already balanced, we simply need to find what the balance is.You are OK the way you are! There is nothing wrong with you. Your happiness does not depend on social approval. Purpose Driven Self-Awareness: The best way to help yourself is to help others!Social experiences the same but the personal experience is divergent for autistic peopleLet’s Talk 2e adults’ conference is the first of it’s kind you can purchase access forever, use my affiliate link


    Connect with Bayo on LinkedIn

    Book The Gifted Adult by Mary-Elaine Jacobsen

    Join the Let’s talk 2e adult conference with my affiliate link here

    Unleash Monday Community - Join the waitlist to be the first to know when doors open!


    Would you like to work with me 1:1 as your gifted and 2e coach? Please send me an email at [email protected] or find more information about my coaching offer on my website giftedunleashe.com/coaching

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  • John Syc’s background includes his own 2eAm (twice-exceptional autism male) discovery leading to his own call to action for integration and a life commitment to the path of higher levels of consciousness in tandem with psychological wholeness. His lifelong personal journey, a psychological and social work advanced educational background, and over ten years of being a psychotherapist provide insight that he shares with his clients on their journey.

    Presently, John offers 60-minute or 90-minute coaching sessions Internationally through a video-conference-based medium (e.g., Zoom).

    You can reach out to John if you are ready to begin your journey’s call to action at [email protected].


    Neurodivergent children and adults may have a hard time fitting in and might be subject to bulling.Not all gifted people do well on a standardised IQ test. Some people have very spiky gifted profiles.Trauma can mask giftedness and it influences how you present yourself fin the worldAn neurodivergent diagnosis (such as autism) can give answers on why your life is the way it is! The DSM 5 is the standard for mental health and is a pathological assessment. However, not all divergent thinking patterns are pathological.Gifted psychology is not a thing in the mainstream psychology (yet).There is autism burnout and autism fatigue. Energy management is therefore very important for people with autism spectrum disorder (ASD)The world is a socially constructed system. If you do not fit in it doesn’t mean it’s pathological!John created online service to serve 2/e autism male (2eAm). Let’s Talk 2e adults’ conference is the first of it’s kind you can purchase access forever, use my affiliate link


    John’s website: johnsyc.com

    Dabrowski's theory of Overexcitabilities (OEs)


    Join the Let’s talk 2e adult conference with my affiliate link here

    Unleash Monday Community - Join the waitlist to be the first to know when doors open!


    Would you like to work with me 1:1 as your gifted and 2e coach? Please send me an email at [email protected] or find more information about my coaching offer on my website giftedunleashe.com/coaching

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  • As a psychologist, trainer, assessor, writer and advocate, Jennifer Harvey Sallin is dedicated to raising awareness about adult giftedness and twice-/multi-exceptionality (2e/me) and meaningfully supporting gifted/2e/me people in their personal and social development. She has specialized in supporting gifted adults for the last decade, and in 2015, she created InterGifted to allow gifted people to socially engage in meaningful ways and to personally develop in community. Learn more about why Jen here.

    Jen has developed a holistic model of giftedness that is particularly useful for gifted adults in their giftedness (re)discovery, integration and personal and professional development. She uses this model in providing qualitative assessments to gifted adults, as well as in training professional therapists, coaches and other helping professionals to better support their gifted clients.

    Jen has created an initiative for reconnecting with the Earth during this time of global & ecological crisis: I Heart Earth.


    An IQ test measures something but it does not test for the full range of giftedness.There is no consensus to the answer of the question of what intelligence is.Gifted people usually are more intense than non gifted people. However, there is a distinction between complexity (giftedness) and intensity (OEs).Understanding your own giftedness profile and potential twice-exceptionalities helps you understand yourself better and helps supports you in your self developmental journey.Trauma can cause a developmental issues such as shutting down certain parts of your intelligence and playing up for example emotional intelligence in a role as a caretaker.Gifted people have gifted needs and if they don’t get met, life doesn’t feel fulfilled.For a qualitative assessment you need to be in a mental state where you are able to work on yourself in the realm of self-development.


    InterGifted.com and Jen’s model on giftedness, article on High, Exceptional & Profound Giftedness

    Learn more and schedule an assessment with InterGifted

    Jen’s Gifted Trauma Podcast and the previous episode with Jen at Unleash Monday

    Courses for coaches and therapists at InterGifted

    Overexcitabilities (OEs)

    Different models on giftedness

    Difference between OEs & giftedness article

    Let’s talk 2e ad

    Would you like to work with me 1:1 as your gifted and 2e coach? Please send me an email at [email protected] or find more information about my coaching offer on my website giftedunleashe.com/coaching

    Support the Show.


  • Lucy Knight always knew she was different and was finally diagnosed autistic at 31. A lot in her life has changed for the better since she got diagnosed and now she advocates for myself and other autistic people. She has a blog called Autisms Alright where she shares her own story and important resources on the topic of autism.


    Without a diagnosis you might choose a career path not really suited for your needs.Misophonia is a condition in which individuals experience intense anger and disgust when they are confronted with sounds made by other humans.Without a diagnosis, you can't advocate for yourself because as an employee you are not entitled to certain accommodations.A diagnosis can feel like a big relief with finally being able to understand yourself and to have a vocabulary.Unfortunately, no one really tells you how to advocate for yourself once you do get a diagnosis. Nobody actually tells you what to do. It is important that you learn how to advocate for yourself and not wait for employers know what to do.Lucy is able to work and thrive in an open office setting but only because her employer listened to her and incorporated adaptations.People with autism might do to jobs at work: The job you expect of them, but they are also masking and applying learned social skills which might not come naturally to them. Being autistic, Lucy says she can’t tell easily how she feels at any given time. Which she finds really bizarre.Because employment is about the employee as much as the employer it is important to that it works out for both and disclosing your disability can help you advocate for yourself but also gives the employer a chance to make these accommodations.Lucy mentions that because she didn't have a label at school, she believes it helped her improve her social skills. Sometimes when people have a label, it's a bit like we're going to excuse their behavior rather than help them change it. We'll just excuse it, because they have a label. And that’s not really setting someone up for success at employment.Let’s Talk 2e adults’ conference is the first of it’s kind and completely free for the first 24 hours on November 1st, 2021 - you can purchase access forever, use my affiliate link


    Lucy’s blog: Autisms Alright: Disability is not a Dirty Word - Discrimination is! autisms-alright.co.uk

    Connect with Lucy on Instagram @autisms_alright and on LinkedIn

    Join the Let’s talk 2e adult conference with my affiliate link here

    Unleash Monday Community - Join the waitlist to be the first to know when doors open!


    Would you like to work with me 1:1 as your gifted and 2e coach? Please send me an email at [email protected] or find more information about my coaching offer on my website giftedunleashe.com/coaching

    Support the Show.


  • Christiane Wells, PhD, LSW, is the Director of Qualitative Research at the Institute for the Study of Advanced Development. She studies the lived experience of giftedness and emotional development through the lens of Dąbrowski’s theory of positive disintegration and critical psychology. She has investigated the history of Dąbrowski’s constructs and their evolution and also studies Polish in order to read his original works. Her background in qualitative methods includes using text and content analysis techniques to examine and evaluate data and bodies of literature. Chris is also a therapist in private practice with gifted and twice-exceptional adults.


    The DSM does not cover giftedness. You might not get a diagnosis which answers all your questions and covers all your needs.The word gifted is not only a word important for children’s education. Giftedness does not end after school. Gifted programs focus on the academic but not what it means to be gifted.The label gifted can be burdened with high expectations (can lead to gifted trauma).Gifted children not necessarily thrive academically.If you are an extreme outlier, being in a regular school can feel like torture! Parents often learn through their children about their own giftedness and twice-exceptionality (2e).ADHD diagnosis could potentially be a sign of Overexcitabilities (OEs).You can be gifted outside of the stereotypes.Not all of Dabrowski's work has been translated yet.There needs to be respect for the inner experience of giftedness!Let’s Talk 2e adults’ conference is the first of it’s kind and completely free for the first 24 hours on November 1st, 2021 - you can purchase access forever, use my affiliate link


    Learn more from Chris by listening to her and Emma Nicholson’s podcast called Positive Disintegration

    Subscribe to their Positive Disintegration Substack

    Christianewells.com | Twitter | facebook group for parents of gifted and 2e kids

    Chris as keynote speaker at the 15th Dabrowski Congress

    Michael Piechowski | Book Living with Intensity

    Reexamining Overexcitability: A Framework for Understanding Intense Experience by Michael Piechowski and Chris Wells PDF download

    positivedisintegration.com |

    Would you like to work with me 1:1 as your gifted and 2e coach? Please send me an email at [email protected] or find more information about my coaching offer on my website giftedunleashe.com/coaching

    Support the Show.


  • Julie Skolnick is the Founder of With Understanding Comes Calm, LLC, through which she passionately guides parents of gifted and distractible children, mentors 2e adults, trains teachers on how to understand and address 2e strengths and struggles.

    Julie serves as Secretary to the Maryland Superintendent’s Gifted and Talented Advisory Council and is an advisor for “The G Word” film. Julie is the SENG Maryland liaison, a SENG Model Parent Group trained facilitator and on the Simultaneous Supports committee for the National Association for Gifted Children.

    More about Julie in episode 14


    It is important for 2e adults to know who they are, to know their needs of strengths and weaknesses.Until now, very few research has been done on this population of twice-exceptional adults.Twice-exceptional (2e) stands for gifted + a learning difference or learning disability such as Autism, ADHD, dyslexia, etc.Gifted and 2e adults often resist.Giftedness can be described as heightened awareness.Let’s Talk 2e adults’ conference is the first of it’s kind & completely free for the first 24 hours on November 1st, 2021 - you can purchase access forever, use my affiliate linkTalking about 2e is all about positive re-framing! If you are a gifted or 2e adult, work with someone who understands giftedness in addition to anything else you might be experience (anxiety, trauma, depression, autism, ADHD, dyslexia, etc.)Imposter Syndrome is self doubt and is tied to perfectionism & gifted underachievement.To overcome gifted perfectionism understand that you care and give yourself permission to make mistakes, it is how we learn and grow.It’s important to overcome your imposter syndrome so that you can live your life without regrets!


    Join the Let’s talk 2e adult conference with my affiliate link here

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    Let’s Talk 2e | Conference for Educators & Teachers Lounge on facebook

    Sign up to the Gifted & Distractible Newslet

    Would you like to work with me 1:1 as your gifted and 2e coach? Please send me an email at [email protected] or find more information about my coaching offer on my website giftedunleashe.com/coaching

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  • Lotte van Lith is a lecturer, instructor and senior trainer on the psychology, practice and art of personal and creative development (amongst others at the School of Thinking at Free University of Brussels and the Buckminster College). In her own company, A Lot of Complexity, she guides intense and driven adolescents and adults in their personal and creative development and regularly organizes vivid seminars and courses on topics ranging from sense making and creative giftedness to emotional development. She often gives presentations and is known in the Netherlands and Belgium for her work with the theory of positive disintegration. In 2021, her book "Intens mens" is published.


    Gifted people have difficulties working for someone else. They don’t like norms & rules, they need creative spaceGifted children in a non-gifted setting struggle because they don’t receive the educational resources theyGifted children can get disillusioned at school. Gifted children try to understand the environment instead of getting to know themselves and try to cope with the differencesOne big aspect of giftedness is the emotional wellbeing of gifted people . It's part of being human and very important for the creative & personal developmentGiftedness can be described as complex thoughts & thought processes, incl. complex emotionsIf gifted people are in an environment where they are not mirrored there are emotional & motivational consequencesIt is important to know about your own giftedness as you need context to understand your experienceA coach specialized in giftedness is aware of the complexities and neurodiversity which means that this person probably did not receive adequate mirroring and thus may struggle with trying to understand what is happening inside and outside that person as a consequence of being differentDabrowski’s Theory of Positive Disintegration (including the OEs), is about emotional and personality developmentPositive Disintegration comes with an existential crisis which creates the conditions to experience deeper values. It is an individual trajectory about psychological developmentPeople who are gifted, tend to drive towards creativity, a potential to be creative, to think & to act creatively and to find creative solutionsIt's important to have a safe & brave space for gifted people to be vulnerable and to be able to challenged to be moreGive yourself the opportunity to be just a little bit curious about who you are and what your experience entails


    Lotte van Lith’s website: lottevanlith.nl

    Instagram: @levenskunst_volgens_lotte

    alotofcomplexity.com (English) and alotofcomplexity.nl (Dutch)


    Connect with Lotte on LinkedIn and facebook

    Overexcitabilities by

    Would you like to work with me 1:1 as your gifted and 2e coach? Please send me an email at [email protected] or find more information about my coaching offer on my website giftedunleashe.com/coaching

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  • Aileen Kelleher is a licensed clinical social worker and therapist in Chicago. She specializes in working with gifted and twice exceptional children, adults and families.


    Being able to have some distance from your thoughts, being able to not over identify yourself, your sense of self with the thoughts that come into your head and knowing not everything you're thinking is a fact or the truth. Mindfulness practice can help you to start to observe your thoughts without judgment.Giftedness often comes with one, two or more overexcitabilites (OEs) as defined by Dabrowski as intellectual imagination, sensory, psychomotor, and emotional intensities.Children with imagination intensities for example can find an escape in video games where they create whole new worlds.Gifted children often times are treated by adults or by parents as if they are on par with adults. They are being treated as if they have the ability to manage their emotions the way adults do. But they really don't. If anything, as we know, through asynchronous development, gifted kids probably have less capacity than other kids at their age to manage their emotions sometimes.As a gifted adult you sometimes have to peel back the layers or undo some of the things that you've developed as coping mechanisms that are no longer serving you because you had to get through a world and a system that wasn't built for you.Gifted people often set very high standards for how they believe they should perform or how they believe they should act.Gifted kids can feel like they're wrong because they're different as opposed to they're just different.If you're a parent of a gifted kid, get involved in the gifted community because parents are a wealth of information.It is important to get the whole family involved as intensities and sensitivities of all family members should be addressed.When the parents start to heal, the kids start to heal and vice versa and everyone kind of relaxes around one another. It is difficult for 2e children to find an educational fit.The main issue of why this idea of being different is so hard for kids and adults, because we want to fit in. We're wired to connect and to belong.Social perfectionism, means that you feel like you have to look perfect in social situations in order to be accepted. But the way people connect is often through their vulnerabilities.Most of the families don't like the term gifted, it causes an insecurity because what if you don't live up to that standard?Trauma stores and manifests in the body.If you are a gifted adult know that you are worthy of love and belonging the way you are! You don't have to earn it. You don't have to be smart enough. You don't have to be talented enough. You don't have to be creative enough.Show your vulnerability! As your vulnerability is an asset and their sensitivity and intensity are assets. There’s not something wrong with you! 💝


    Aileen Kelleher’s website: aileenkelleher.com and Instagram: @aileen.imagines


    Would you like to work with me 1:1 as your gifted and 2e coach? Please send me an email at [email protected] or find more information about my coaching offer on my website giftedunleashe.com/coaching

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  • Happy Birthday Unleash Monday! Exactly a year ago I launched this podcast on the topic of gifted adults. In this episode I am sharing on how it all started, what I experienced in my own personal gifted journey over the last year and where Unleash Monday is going in year two!

    I would like to use this opportunity of this episode to say thank you to all my past guests who have helped form this show and made it into this incredible resource which it is today. I would also like to thank all of you listening to the show and especially if you have left a review or sent me a message, you made my day and you keep me motivated to show up for you consistency for this amazing community.


    Your giftedness discovery is not linear. There are a lot more components to take into consideration than a single IQ test.You know yourself best! If someone is giving you a diagnosis, take the prognosis with a grain of salt!Do your own reading and inquiries on the topic of giftedness and twice-exceptionality. Do you want to be a part of the founding members to join the upcoming Unleash Monday Community? Send me an email at [email protected] and tell my why you would like to join 🤗


    If you want to join the upcoming Unleash Monday Community, send an email to [email protected]

    Listen to all episodes at UnleashMonday.com


    Would you like to work with me 1:1 as your gifted and 2e coach? Please send me an email at [email protected] or find more information about my coaching offer on my website giftedunleashe.com/coaching

    Support the Show.


  • Natasa Heydra loves working within different areas of art, culture and design. She is a textile artist, teaches Visual Arts at the Kulturskolen in Viborg & curates and organises exhibitions, publications and art-projects. She has always been fascinated by cultural expressions of identity, like fashion, language, behaviour, music and art. The signs, the codes to help you uncover the multiplicity of identities in our society. Where does one end and starts another? The periphery is where the most interesting forms & stories reveal themselves. It is the edge between belonging and being an outcast. She is drawn to these odd-ones-out in society: the subcultures, the underground, the underdogs. These groups are often the most outspoken in their expression of who they are or want to be. "It took a move away from Holland to Denmark to make the link between my fascination with the odds one out and my own feelings of not belonging. From city girl to country girl, from a successful career to starting up from scratch at 45+...'who am i now?' I felt lost. While trying to get a grip on my new environment i started to see how much of my life i have been adapting to my surroundings as a strategy to fit in. That i often follow a self-created expectation of what i believe is expected of me. And now actually being the odd-one-out, the immigrant, it made me realise that the lost, sad and unsatisfied feeling i had carried with me my whole life, came from doing exactly that...adapting and hiding my thoughts, intensities and true self. Exploring and embracing being a gifted adult, ignites listening and looking at myself with clarity, acceptance and love. It is like finding a sense of belonging in myself, that i am 'already' forever grateful for." - Natasa Heydra


    Giftedness is not only about high intellectual intelligence, it is more about how your brain works in a different way from the majority of people.Being gifted can be lonely and be accomplished by feelings anxiety and depression.There is this feeling of something is missing.Finding out about giftedness as an adult, gives a lot of answers to the lifelong feeling of being lost and lonely and the feeling of extreme stress and anxiety. Being mirrored by others is important for wellbeing.Shed your preconceived thoughts of what giftedness is. Giftedness is so much more than what we know from the stereotypes.Knowing about your own giftedness and neurodivergence calms you down!When you don’t realise how your brain works differently, you get hurt by people because there are misunderstandings.As unidentified gifted people, we are not used to fitting into a box.We need to stop feeling ashamed of who we are.


    Natasa Heydra on Instagram @hey_the_thread and website ungirly.com

    Book The Gifted Adult by Mary-Elaine Jacobsen

    The podcast episode with Pascale Coutanceau

    Would you like to work with me 1:1 as your gifted and 2e coach? Please send me an email at [email protected] or find more information about my coaching offer on my website giftedunleashe.com/coaching

    Support the Show.
