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    Here's a short poem to help you practice S, Z, and SH sounds.

    Dessert Time at the Zooquarium.

    A zebra sipped a milkshake.
    A serpent swam in cream.
    Hippos splashed and frolicked.
    In a gurgling chocolate stream.

    The zoo was full of visitors
    who buzzed like busy bees.
    And watched the sharks swim lazily
    through orange soda seas.

    The sounds were like an orchestra.
    As creatures chewed and slurped.
    At closing time, the whole place shook.
    An elephant had burped.

    © 2024 Barry Kahn

    Permission is hereby granted to use this poem for educational purposes only with attribution to the author.

    Please see the transcript for the full podcast text.

    Intro & Outro Music: La Pompe Du Trompe by Shane Ivers - https://www.silvermansound.com

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    English has V sounds and W sounds. But some languages only have one or the other. If your native language is missing one of these sounds, you need to learn it. Otherwise we won’t know if you want to say “wet” or “vet”. To help you practice, I wrote this poem:

    Mind Your Vs and Ws

    Our teacher is a vampire,

    He wobbles when he walks

    His voice is kind of funny

    But we like the way he talks.

    “I want to drink your blood,” he says,

    “It’s so invigorating.”

    But he says ‘vant’ instead of ‘want’

    And so ‘inwigerating’.

    “Mind your Vs and Ws,”

    We tell him with regret,

    “It’s ‘while’ and ‘went’ and ‘west’ and ‘wary’

    And ‘whale’ and ‘worse’ and ‘wet’.”

    “Just so!” he says, “I see, I see,

    I’ll get them right I bet:

    It’s ‘vile’ and ‘vent’ and ‘vest’ and ‘vary’

    And ‘veil’ and ‘verse’ and ‘vet’.”

    “No!” We shout, and laugh and yell

    And act like we will riot

    Until he shows his shiny fangs—

    And then—like graves—we’re quiet.

    © 2024 Barry Kahn

    Permission is hereby granted to use this poem for educational purposes only with attribution to the author.

    Intro & Outro Music: La Pompe Du Trompe by Shane Ivers - https://www.silvermansound.com

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    Let's continue with English reductions where the pronunciation of the word "and" changes to ’n.

    Here’s another example: “She’s out and about, shopping at the mall,” changes to …”out ’n about”…

    11. Our cat wandered off again but she’ll come home by and by.

    12. Now and then we like to eat dinner at a fancy restaurant.

    13. In this day and age, buying a house at the beach is asking for trouble.

    14. We have an off and on friendship.

    15. I explained the homework over and over again.

    16. After he fought with an alligator, he was black and blue all over his body.

    17. I’m willing and able to move to London for the right job.

    18. My brother arrived home safe and sound after six months traveling around Africa.

    19. The boat went up and down and up and down until everyone was seasick.

    20. He’s an up and coming young artist.

    Intro & Outro Music: La Pompe Du Trompe by Shane Ivers - https://www.silvermansound.com

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    English is full of reductions. We write “going to” but we say “gonna” for example.

    The conjunction “and” is often reduced to an /n/ sound. So “hot and cold” becomes “hot ’n’ cold” and so on. Here are ten sentences to practice with.

    These phrases are sometimes called “fixed” and phrases. Ask any American to finish these:

    “Rock and _____.”

    “Bright and ______.”

    “Pros and ______.”

    Yes, they are effectively collocations.

    1. She often listens to rock and roll.

    2. My grandson like to eat bread and jam.

    3. “I now pronounce you man and wife.”

    4. They got up bright and early.

    5. She cared for her grandmother night and day.

    6. He wasn’t interested in the ins and outs of local politics.

    7. Professor Jones studied the rise and fall of ancient empires.

    8. It was a matter of life and death.

    9. I need to think about the pros and cons before I decide.

    10. There’s too much hustle and bustle in a big city. I prefer living in the country.

    Intro & Outro Music: La Pompe Du Trompe by Shane Ivers - https://www.silvermansound.com

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    Regular verbs in English add “ed” to show past tense.

    So “walk” becomes “walked”, “cook” becomes “cooked”, etc.

    There are three ways the “ed” can be pronounced. In this podcast we will—again—practice verbs where the past tense ends with the /t/ sound. So in #1, look becomes looked [lookt] and drop becomes dropped [drohpt].

    Note: this podcast includes several synthetic voices. (Due to a bad cold and sore throat, my voice is on vacation.)

    If you need to practice this podcast, then you should also practice this one with the /d/ sound.

    1 . I looked for my phone but apparently I had dropped it into the lake.

    2 . We baked an apple pie and I brushed some butter on the crust.

    3 . I cracked some eggs into the pan and we cooked breakfast.

    4 . I kissed her hand and she dropped me a curtsy.

    5 . He finished work at six and then hiked home.

    6 . The prisoner jumped out the window and escaped.

    7 . I guessed what was wrong and then I fixed his car.

    8 . My uncle laughed as he smoked a cigar.

    9 . My sister and I talked as we shopped.

    10 . The man stopped and looked out the window.

    11 . Mr. Jones slipped on the ice, fell down, and knocked himself out.

    12 . He picked some flowers for his mother and pressed them into her hand.

    13 . We locked the door and hoped there were no burglars around.

    14 . The ballerina danced like an angel.

    15 . His car crashed into a tree.

    16 . What a crowd of people! The room was packed.

    17 . I missed the bus so I walked home from work.

    18 . I pushed the baby carriage. We passed lots of other carriages. So many babies!

    19 . He joked with me as he dressed in a tuxedo.

    20 . I relaxed and watched the men working across the street.

    21 . I thanked the doctor for his help.

    22 . She peeked into the oven. The cake was not baked yet.

    23 . I touched him on the shoulder and he jumped.

    24 . I passed him my binoculars so he could look at the lion.

    25 . Our websites are now linked.

    If you're listening to this, I assume you've practiced most or all of the sentences in this podcast. And if you've done that, you must believe it's helping you to improve your English. That's great!

    But Barry has a question for you: should this podcast be free? It's not free for him to create: it takes time to write and record, often 2-3 hours per podcast. He pays monthly fees to the company that hosts the podcasts. He pays monthly fees for the software that he uses to record and edit the software.

    As a business, this podcast is a failure. The money it costs Barry is much greater than the few dollars he gets every month from supporters. And that’s why he’s thinking of stopping. If you care, become a supporter or at least donate by buying the occasional cup of coffee. If you don’t care, then stopping the podcast won’t make any difference—except that Barry will have more free time.

    If you’d like to share your thoughts, please use the link at the top of the podcast text. And if you’re wondering why Barry didn’t record this in his own voice, it’s because he has a terrible cold and no voice to record with.

    Intro & Outro Music: La Pompe Du Trompe by Shane Ivers - https://www.silvermansound.com

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    Final consonant clusters with "r"
    What's a consonant cluster? Simple: take the "r" sound, combine it with another consonant like "d", as in the word "yard" and you have a small group or cluster of two consonants. In the sentences below you'll find words like these: hard, guard, stirred, part, third, park, clerk, etc. Depending on your native language these may be easy to pronounce, or sometimes quite difficult. (In another podcast we'll practice some of the longer, harder clusters. Can you say "desks" for example?)

    1- English is not so hard to learn.

    2- The guard watched us as we approached the door.

    3- My mother stirred the pot of soup.

    4- My brother gave me part of his sandwich.

    5- Please spell the third word in that sentence.

    6- She parked her car in the dark.

    7- I work as a clerk.

    8- Slurp is a verb.

    9- The horse ran around the race course.

    10- The nurse was carrying a purse.

    11- There are no cars on Mars.

    12- My cat purrs all the time.

    13- His dog snarled at me.

    14- I called her the ‘Girl with the pearl earrings.’

    15- Did you hear the alarm at the farm?

    16- I warned them of the approaching storm.

    17- She lives on a farm.

    18- He walked away from the accident unharmed.

    19- My friends got divorced last year.

    20- My first job was the worst.

    21- The horse was pulling a cart full of garbage.

    22- I like the girl with the curly hair.

    23- She poured out her heart to her sister.

    24- The world is warming.

    25- How much is that diamond worth?

    Intro & Outro Music: La Pompe Du Trompe by Shane Ivers - https://www.silvermansound.com

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    See the transcript for the text of part 2.

    Intro & Outro Music: La Pompe Du Trompe by Shane Ivers - https://www.silvermansound.com

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    Click on the transcript link to read the text as you listen. Enjoy!

    Intro & Outro Music: La Pompe Du Trompe by Shane Ivers - https://www.silvermansound.com

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    Syncope (loss of unstressed vowels after a stressed syllable.)

    Example “chocolate” [CHAWK-uh-luht] becomes [CHAW-kluht]

    1- I like to eat chocolate. [CHAW-kluht]

    2- She visits her mother every weekend. [EV-ree]

    3- He bought a new camera. [KAM-ruh]

    4- We go for a walk in the evening. [EEV-niŋ]

    6- Are you interested in ancient history? [HIS-tree]

    7- We have a vegetable garden. [VEJ-tuh-buhl]

    8- Those two ideas are not comparable. [KOM-pruh-buhl]

    9- She works in a laboratory. [LAB-ruh-tor-ee]

    10- What an interesting person he is. [IN-truhs-tiŋ]

    11- I got the flu last week. I felt so miserable. [MIZ-ruh-buhl]

    12- Generally I only drink coffee in the morning. [JEN-ruh-lee]

    13- I have a headache. I’m going to take an aspirin.

    14- Mexican Spanish is different from Argentinian Spanish.

    15- What is your favorite flavor of ice cream?

    16- Let’s go to a restaurant for dinner.

    17- Is coffee your beverage of choice?

    18- I’d like to introduce you to my family.

    19- That seems like a reasonable solution to our problem.

    20- Ireland is nicknamed the “Emerald” Isle.

    Intro & Outro Music: La Pompe Du Trompe by Shane Ivers - https://www.silvermansound.com

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    One of the science podcasts I listen to regularly is Astronomy Cast hosted by Fraser Cain and Dr. Pamela Gay. In today’s lesson, you’ll hear a short excerpt from Episode 705: Water Worlds - Looking for Life Beyond Earth. First you’ll hear a clip from their podcast, and then I’ll break their speech into shorter fragments so you can listen and repeat. You’ll hear that Fraser Cain in particular speaks quite rapidly. It would be hard to repeat at his speed!

    1- Wherever we find liquid water on Earth, we find life.

    2- So it makes sense to search for water across the universe, and hopefully, we can find evidence of life.

    3- But what about worlds which are completely covered in water?

    4- Oceans, hundreds of kilometers deep. Can there be too much water?

    5- So this idea of water worlds, I mean, we learned everything we needed to know from that Kevin Costner movie, right?

    6- No, no, one of the things that I was thinking about preparing for this show

    7- is just how magnificently wrong in pretty much every way that movie appears to have been,
    8- except from a climate change perspective.

    9- And really, if you want one thing to be wrong, you want it to be the climate change part that's wrong.

    10- Yeah, but climate change causes sea levels to rise by a couple of hundred feet in the worst case scenario.

    Let's listen to the original podcast excerpt again.

    11- Right, no, that's true. It won't eat the entire planet. There will still be soil.

    12- The coastlines will be roughly where they were, especially in places that are very mountainous.

    13- So it won't be hard where you're trying to find evidence of islands.

    14- No, no. But this idea of water worlds, we know they exist here in the solar system, and so we assume that they're out there.

    15- So give us sort of like an idea, what is the quintessential water world here in the solar system?

    You've listened to the original speakers, you've listened to me, and you've had a chance to listen and repeat. Now listen to the original one more time. Remember: you can't listen too much when you're studying a new language!

    Intro & Outro Music: La Pompe Du Trompe by Shane Ivers - https://www.silvermansound.com

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    The phone rings and it's a stranger trying to sell you something. This is part one of a multi-podcast series based on a real script. Have fun!

    Hi, this is Barry calling from Scam-O-Rama Car Services. I’m calling regarding your 2016 Chevrolet Survivor. How is your 2016 Chevy Survivor running? Do you know the approximate current mileage? Great! I’m calling because the original factory warranty that was on your vehicle has expired. We're running a promotion today for reinstating your original factory coverage. We're going to add 12 months of service at no additional cost. You can take your vehicle to the DownTown HotShot dealership. Are you familiar with them? Do you know where they're located? For the next 12 months you'll take your vehicle there for all your service needs, all your oil changes, tire rotations, and they will also provide you with roadside assistance.

    1- Hi, this is Barry calling from Scam-O-Rama Car Services.

    2- I’m calling regarding your 2016 Chevrolet Survivor.

    3- How is your 2016 Chevy Survivor running?

    4- Do you know the approximate current mileage? Great!

    5- I’m calling because the original factory warranty that was on your vehicle has expired.

    6- We're running a promotion today for reinstating your original factory coverage.

    7- We're going to add 12 months of service at no additional cost.

    8- You can take your vehicle to the DownTown HotShot dealership. 9- Are you familiar with them? Do you know where they're located?

    10- For the next 12 months you'll take your vehicle there for all your service needs, all your oil changes, tire rotations, and they will also provide you with roadside assistance.

    Intro & Outro Music: La Pompe Du Trompe by Shane Ivers - https://www.silvermansound.com

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    This is the first in a series of lessons about connected speech. One of the ways in which we link syllables and words together is with "glides" -- for example a Y sound is added between "be" and "able" so it sounds like "bee yable". Listen to the sentences and you'll get the idea of these glides.

    Y glides:


    1) I would like to be able to speak fluent English.

    2) Will you be able to come?

    3) She likes to create small sculptures.

    4) Let’s create something new.

    5) My dog loves being in the house.

    6) Mary is seeing her French cousin for the first time.


    5) Please say it again.

    6) Lay it down over there.

    7) He’s paying for the new table.

    8) We’ll be staying at a hotel.

    9) Don’t stay up too late.

    10) She’s praying for her father.


    11) She’s in her room crying.

    12) I can hear him sighing.

    13) My son is trying out for the basketball team.

    14) She is very naive.

    15) I will bring my own soup.

    16) He will be flying here from Naples.

    17) The cat is eyeing my dinner. It’s fish.


    18) He has a new toy airplane.

    19) The cat was toying with the mouse.

    20) His name is Roy Adams.

    21) He has a boyish face.

    22) My sister is annoying me.


    W glides:

    23) His car is a bluish color.

    24) Where are you going?

    25) However, she does speak Hungarian.

    26) You should do it now.

    27) I wish that dog would go away.

    28) Now is the time for us to leave.


    29) I’ll sign my name in blue ink.

    30) Are you in the kitchen?

    31) His name is Stuart.


    32) There’s no art in that room.

    33) The word “Noel” is often heard in Christmas songs.

    34) No one is listening to us.


    35) How is it going?

    36) We need some more flour.

    37) How’re you doing?

    Intro & Outro Music: La Pompe Du Trompe by Shane Ivers - https://www.silvermansound.com

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    Here are some sentences with six-syllable words.

    1- In the 1960s people experimented with hallucinogenic drugs.

    2- Covid 19 has resulted in the hospitalization of too many people.

    3- Please do NOT eat mushrooms which are not identifiable as safe and harmless.

    4- Alien organisms might not be easily categorizable.

    5- After lengthy reconsideration of your proposal, my answer is still NO.

    6- I was the beneficiary of my late uncle’s largesse. He was a generous man.

    7- I would like to study extraterrestrial biodiversity.

    8- She is planning to write a lengthy autobiography.

    9- Please show us your identification.

    10- Is it possible to be a humanitarian revolutionary?

    11- Deep sea creatures often exhibit bioluminescence.

    12- Sometimes people overgeneralize when they telecommunicate.

    13- I am studying the electromagnetic spectrum.

    14- Lack of precipitation is leading to the desertification of the American southwest.

    15- She was easily identifiable by her short purple hair and long pointy nose.

    Intro & Outro Music: La Pompe Du Trompe by Shane Ivers - https://www.silvermansound.com

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    Crazy English. We pronounce "ough" in too many ways...

    I thought microbiology was a tough course, but my professor was a thorough teacher. I studied hard throughout, and in the end I learned what he taught even though it was a challenge.

    1- I thought microbiology was a tough course…

    2…but my professor was a thorough teacher.

    3- I studied hard throughout…

    4…and in the end I learned what he taught…

    5…even though it was a challenge.

    You did it! Good job.

    Intro & Outro Music: La Pompe Du Trompe by Shane Ivers - https://www.silvermansound.com

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    1- Do you think you know what a parachute looks like?

    2- Guess what: There are tons of parachute types out there, and you probably don’t know ’em all!

    3- Here’s a rundown of several of the normal and not-so-normal types of parachutes…

    3a- …that help skydivers (and far-flung cargo) make their way softly back down to terra firma.

    4- Round parachutes were the first tools for fabric descent.

    5- If your mental image of a parachute involves a big, inverted pouch of fabric…

    5a-…suspended over a helpless jumper, then it’s a round parachute you’re thinking of.

    6- Round parachutes served a purpose for a very long time (and still do, in some very specific circumstances)…

    7-…but there were a few issues with this design that caused them to eventually fade from regular use.

    Commercial break ! Do you ever wonder what it costs to produce and share a podcast like wadjasay? Let me tell you. Putting my podcasts online so you can listen and download them costs $12 per month for up to 3 hours. If I want to go over 3 hours, It costs more. The software I use for recording and editing costs about $16 per month. So my current cash out-of-pocket expenses total $28 dollars per month.

    Then there’s my time. Each recorded hour of the podcast requires on average two to three hours of time for research, preparation, recording, editing, and uploading the finished podcast. So if I upload three hours of podcasts each month, and pay myself an imaginary $20 per hour, and I’m very efficient so it only takes me 6 hours to make the 3 hours of podcasts, I owe myself $120 per month. So the grand total? I’m investing at least $150 per month in cash and my time to keep wadjasay running.

    In the first week after I upload a new podcast, it is usually downloaded between 50 and 100 times. I am recording this on March 16th, and I presently have two monthly subscribers to wadjasay. (Thank you, and thank you!) But what about everyone else? If you take the time to download the podcast, I can only conclude that you find it helpful. If that’s true, please help support it. A few dollars a month would tell me that I’m not wasting my time and that my efforts are worth continuing.

    Thank you! Now back to practicing English.

    8- First off: They’re (gulp!) unsteerable. Secondly, they’re (double gulp!) not super-likely to land lightly.

    9- Cruciform parachutes can be seen as kinda-sorta a subset of round parachutes.

    10- They’re not round, per se, but they’re certainly not the square modern parachutes we use for most purposes today.

    11- The difference is this: their squared-off profile decreases oscillation

    12- …and ends up resulting in fewer landing injury rates for the jumpers and cargo that dangle helplessly below.

    13- The bump at the end is about 25% softer than the cruciform’s rounder cousin,

    14-…but it’s still nowhere near as good an idea as the modern skydiving parachute, so this one also stays firmly in the military world.

    Intro & Outro Music: La Pompe Du Trompe by Shane Ivers - https://www.silvermansound.com

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    What parachute types are there? Do you think you know what a parachute looks like? Guess what: There are tons of parachute types out there, and you probably don’t know ’em all! Here’s a rundown of several of the normal and not-so-normal types of parachutes that help skydivers (and far-flung cargo) make their way softly back down to terra firma.
    Round parachutes were the first tools for fabric descent. If your mental image of a parachute involves a big, inverted pouch of fabric suspended over a helpless jumper, then it’s a round parachute you’re thinking of. Round parachutes served a purpose for a very long time (and still do, in some very specific circumstances), but there were a few issues with this design that caused them to eventually fade from regular use. First off: They’re (gulp!) unsteerable. Secondly, they’re (double gulp!) not super-likely to land lightly.
    Cruciform parachutes can be seen as kinda-sorta a subset of round parachutes. They’re not round, per se, but they’re certainly not the square modern parachutes we use for most purposes today. The difference is this: their squared-off profile decreases oscillation and ends up resulting in fewer landing injury rates for the jumpers and cargo that dangle helplessly below. The bump at the end is about 25% softer than the cruciform’s rounder cousin, but it’s still nowhere near as good an idea as the modern skydiving parachute, so this one also stays firmly in the military world.
    You’ll pretty much never see a rogallo parachute in the sport skydiving world — but you just might see one in paragliding, where they’re commonly used as rescue parachutes. The wing design is highly recognizable: two partial conic surfaces with both cones pointing forward, vaguely triangular or hang-glidery in appearance. Springy and flexible, the Rogallo wing is most often seen in toy kites, but has been used to construct descent parachutes for spacecraft, as well as provide an airfoil for ultralight powered aircraft like trikes.
    So what are you most likely to see on a skydiving dropzone? Far and away, you’ll be looking at the venerable ram air parachute. As a matter of fact, just about everyone in the sky today uses ram air canopies to get down. You’ll recognize them instantly: a square or rectangular fabric wing, wherein a top and bottom sheet of nylon are attached by a set of fabric ribs between them.
    That’s the magic, right there: The ribs divide the parachute into a set of individual cells that inflate when fast-moving air is pushed in through the front, and inflates the parachute all the way to the back. When that inflation happens, the wing inflates to the point that it becomes a steerable airfoil. Bingo! A stable flying machine that slows you down, steers like a dream and “flares” to land you as softly as a pretty little fairy princess.
    My thanks to the folks at Long Island Skydiving for permission to share this information. To learn more about skydiving, please visit their website.
    To see the page on their blog about parachute types, click he

    Intro & Outro Music: La Pompe Du Trompe by Shane Ivers - https://www.silvermansound.com

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    1 - Gymnasts have broad, muscular backs.

    2 - I worked in the garden all morning and now my back aches.

    3 - He broke his back in a terrible car accident.

    4 - Have you ever read The Hunchback of Notre Dame?

    5 - My dog always stretches his back and yawns when he wakes up.

    6 - My cat arched his back and hissed loudly at the neighbor’s dog.

    7 - She leaned her back against the door and looked at me suspiciously.

    8 - He patted and scratched his dog’s back affectionately.

    9 - Tall people are prone to back trouble.

    10 - I need an office chair with good back support.

    11 - If there’s a problem, please tell me to my face. Don’t go behind my back.

    12 - He got a bad case of Covid and was flat on his back for weeks.

    13 - What are you carrying on your back?

    14 - She stood with her back to the fire, sipping hot chocolate.

    15 - Watch your back—there are people who would like to get you fired.

    16 - The boss gave me a slap on the back and told me I was going to get a raise soon.

    17 - The children were sitting back to back in a large cardboard box.

    18 - We could only get seats at the back of the stadium for the Taylor Swift concert.

    19 - I prefer to sit near the front of the bus, not at the back.

    20 - The dog wasn’t out front, so we went around back and looked for him there.

    Intro & Outro Music: La Pompe Du Trompe by Shane Ivers - https://www.silvermansound.com

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    There are some words in English which change their meaning when you change the stress. Here’s an example:

    Perfect - free of mistakes, problems, errors.

    1 - The teacher said my homework was perfect. (PER-fect)

    2 - She got a perfect score on the exam.

    3 - Your pronunciation is perfect.

    4 - It’s hard to be perfect all the time.

    5 - That painting looks just like my grandmother. It’s a perfect likeness.

    6 - The forger copied my signature perfectly. Uh oh!

    7 - What a smile! She has perfect teeth.

    8 - The criminal had a perfect alibi.

    9 - The doctor said I was in perfect health.

    10 - This is the perfect place to begin our discussion of aliens.

    To perfect something: per-FECT - to make something or do something as well as you can

    11 - It took her years of practice to perfect her violin technique.

    12 - I have tried for years to perfect my pronunciation of French.

    13 - The car company is trying to perfect a new type of engine.

    14 - The chef has perfected his recipe for chicken Kiev.

    15 - My wife goes ice skating every day, but she has not yet perfected her jumps.

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    Intro & Outro Music: La Pompe Du Trompe by Shane Ivers - https://www.silvermansound.com

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    1 - I enjoyed myself when I visited Mexico.

    2 - She hurt herself playing basketball.

    3 - You’re working too hard. Don’t kill yourself!

    4 - John is going to make himself a sandwich.

    5 - We encourage ourselves to practice English every day.

    6 - I own my own small company. I pay myself four thousand dollars per month.

    7 - It is important for children to learn to behave themselves.

    8 - If you get hungry please help yourself to anything in the refrigerator.

    9 - He entertained himself by playing chess against a computer.

    10 - She likes to do things herself and not ask other people for help.

    11 - The cat scratched itself and then ran away.

    12 - My dog looked in the mirror and barked at itself.

    13 - The food was delicious so we helped ourselves to more.

    14 - I was chopping carrots in the kitchen when I cut myself.

    15 - When you play violin, you have to listen carefully to yourself.

    Some sentences with “yourself”

    Before you buy a new car, ask yourself if you really need it.

    When you go to a job interview, just be yourself.

    Did you cook dinner all by yourself?

    The accident wasn’t your fault, so don’t blame yourself.

    So a flying saucer landed in front of your house? I think I need to see that for myself.

    Intro & Outro Music: La Pompe Du Trompe by Shane Ivers - https://www.silvermansound.com

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    The full text of this podcast along with additional information about job scams can be found on the US Federal Trade Commission website.

    Here are some sentences to use for pronunciation practice. They are at the end of the podcast.

    1- Scammers advertise jobs the same way honest employers do — online (in ads, on job sites, and social media), in newspapers, and sometimes on TV and radio.

    2- They promise you a job, but what they want is your money and your personal information.

    3- Here are some examples of jobs scams and advice on how to avoid them.

    4- Scammers place ads, often online, claiming that they have jobs where you can make thousands of dollars a month working from home with little time and effort.

    5 - Sometimes the scammers try to get you interested by saying that you can be your own boss, start your own business, or set your own schedule.

    6 - But instead of making money, you end up paying for starter kits, so-called training, or certifications that are useless.

    7 - You might also find that your credit card is charged without your permission.

    8 - Or you get caught up in a fake check scam, where you deposit a check from your new employer.

    9 - The employer then asks you to send some money back due to “overpayment,” but the check will ultimately bounce, and the bank will want you to repay the full amount of the fake check, while the scammers keep the real money you sent them.

    Intro & Outro Music: La Pompe Du Trompe by Shane Ivers - https://www.silvermansound.com

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