
  • Women have long been called to the Moon, drawn by its powerful influence on our inner cycles and its ancient wisdom. The Moon's energy offers us a unique pathway to reconnect with our intuitive nature and feminine essence.

    Whether you're a seasoned Moon-follower or just beginning your journey, this episode invites you to dive deep into the mystical connection we share with the lunar rhythms.

    In this episode I'll walk you through:

    Why connecting to the Moon is more than just a 'manifestation' technique Essential tools and practices for tracking the Moon's phases, with guidance on where to begin Powerful rituals to foster a direct communion with lunar energy Practical steps to cultivate a meaningful and tangible relationship with the Moon


    Full Moon Phase app

    Mysteries of the Dark Moon by Demetra George


    Dropping in one week inside the Soul Weavers Membership (jump inside for a month, soak up every class I've taught and dive deeper into moon-wisdom!)

    If you enjoy this episode, be sure to share it and tag your host @therachelhodgens

    Don't forget to leave a rating and review!

  • Settle in for a soft and deep conversation weaving ancestral healing, feminine sensual power and sexual healing within the maternal lineage - also known as the Motherline.

    Rachel interviews Nuria Reed - a certified sex coach, anthropologist, animist practitioner, and professional in transformation and liberation.

    Nuria's approach is trauma-informed somatic-based coaching specifically for sexuality, spiritual awakening, and ancestral healing and her philosophy is planted in the reclaimed animist traditions of her ancestors and the Tantra of her yogic lineage. With 10,000 hours of teaching and training experience and two decades of transformative personal work, Nuria lives, breathes, and embodies liberation through pleasure.

    In this episode we talk about:

    - The threads that combine ancestral connection and sexual healing

    - The memory of the Motherline & how ancestral stories play out physically, emotionally and energetically.

    - Why the wombspace holds energy

    - My own personal experience of sexual healing and thawing constriction within my own body

    - Powerful suggestions and somatic practices to begin this work of sensual and ancestral healing


    The Great Cosmic Mother by Monica Sjoo & Mor


    On Instagram @nuriareed

    Free resources, courses & offerings


    On Instagram @therachelhodgens

    Get my FREE Womb Clearing Guide

    Join the Soul Weavers Membership

    Dive into self-paced courses

  • Eksik bölüm mü var?

    Akışı yenilemek için buraya tıklayın.

  • Come dive into the rich, fertile earth of Taurus season with me.

    In this episode, we'll explore the major themes and activations for the coming weeks.

    You'll feel ready, steady and excited by the deliciousness of life again.

    In this episode we'll cover:

    - Taurus themes and energy

    - Why your inner worth and finances are going to be highlighted right now

    - The major planets activating throughout Taurus season (and what you can expect)

    - How to live a SENSUAL life and the trick to experiencing deeper presence in your life

    Plus SO MUCH more!

    Remember to share this episode and rate & review the show!


    Instagram @therachelhodgens

    Dive deeper with my self-paced Courses & Classes

    Access the Soul Weavers Membership Portal

  • In this conversation, we're diving into what it really means to experience Aries Season and the Astro New Year in the southern hemisphere as we are shifting into Autumn.

    Originally recorded as an IG Live, this conversation with Kerryn was too good not to share on the podcast and she graciously allowed me to repost it ♡


    - Autumn/Harvest season energy

    - Aries energy & giving it an autumnal overlay

    - How Aries is likely speaking to you right now

    - New cycles & the dark half of the year

    - The crucial step of 'Digest & Compost'

    - How to make good soil in your life

    - The importance of celebration

    And so much more!

    Be sure to share this episode with someone you think would enjoy listening!

    We LOVE when you screenshot and tag us on Instagram!

    Find Rachel @therachelhodgens

    Find Kerryn @Kerryn.Trisha


    Thank you for listening beautiful soul xx

  • Dive into a very special episode where I'm unlocking an exclusive monthly energy reading for the month of March from inside the Soul Weavers Membership.

    In this episode I'm covering:

    ~ Pisces energy and the REAL act of surrender

    ~ Aries season and the gift that is coming

    ~ Eclipse season and how Libra is preparing us for April

    ~ Collapsing timelines & timeloops

    ~ Equinox magick and aligning with the earth

    ~ Sooo much more...


    Access the 21 Days of Self Care inside the membership now!

    Head the Episode Shownotes for all resources, links, etc.

    Don't forget to hit the rating and review button!

  • Saige is a High Priestess, a mother, designer and legacy guide who’s on a mission to raise consciousness through amplifying beauty.
    She supports soulful women in unfolding their legacies in ways that honor their life force energies and nourish on all levels. From designing sacred sanctuary spaces to facilitating transformational inner alchemy — her work exists to inspire, uplift and open doorways to magical realities.
    In our conversation together, we talk about:
    ➳ Living life through The Beauty Way
    ➳ How beauty affects the nervous system
    ➳ Why 'frequency first' - and how to shift the lens of the 'fixing' mentality WITHOUT bypassing
    ➳ The morning ritual that's become one of the most beautiful moments of my day
    ➳ How to begin choosing your most aligned life, raise the standard of what you prioritise and WHY we do this incrementally
    ➳ Re-establishing 'organic templates' in our life, relationships, work and motherhood
    ☾ Plus so much more ☾

    ⁠Head to the Episode Shownotes⁠ ⁠for all resources and links mentioned!

    Dive further into the breadth and depth of feminine wisdom inside the ⁠Wilde Woman Trove⁠.

    Remember to subscribe for the next potent episode drop of Weaving the Wild wisdom!

    And if you're feeling generous, drop the show a rating and review!

  • This episode we're deep diving into the energy of the Leo Full Moon and all that it's stirring in our lives.

    In this episode we cover:

    + How to effectively work with the Leo full moon to clear, release and expand

    + Aquarius energy - and how this Leo full moon is helping you align with its highest expression

    + Leo's shadow and highest expression

    + What Uranus stationing direct and Jupiter squaring this moon will mean

    + The three planets that are supporting and grounding your work at this time

    + A MAJOR ANNOUNCEMENT you're going to want to get ready for

    Plus so much more woven inside!

    Be sure to tag me and share if this episode helped you feel clarity or more aligned with this moon!

    Find me on Instagram @therachelhodgens


    Be sure to get yourself inside the membership BEFORE JAN 31 in order to lock in the current price before we relaunch in February and the price rises!

    Join before Jan 31 to get exclusive access to guides, tools and pre-launch access to the brand new membership portal!


  • Brittany Jane Laidlaw is a Somatic Ecologist, Rewilding Mentor, and Accredited Wayapa Practitioner with over 11 years of experience leading embodied nature-connection programs.

    Britt also holds a Masters of Environment in Somatic Ecology, and various certifications in rewilding, permaculture, village building, and the women’s mysteries.

    Today, Britt offers various programs that specifically focus on midwifing the dormant potential within women by re-membering the wild feminine. Her work guides women through The EARTHED Framework, an experiential map for conversing with the body, soul, and nature, based on her PhD research.

    The framework integrates comprehensive knowledge from somatics, neuroscience, ecology, and mythology, as well as first-hand experience that Brittany has gained working with Indigenous knowledge keepers and world-renowned experts within the rewilding movement.

    In our conversation together, we talk about:

    ➳ Eco-somatics - it’s roots in Deep Ecology, animism and the somatic approach to the body as a source of wisdom

    ➳ The EARTHED Framework as a pathway to ‘coming home’ and conversing with body, soul and nature

    ➳ What it really means to live with Purpose

    ➳ Death as the greatest experience of belonging (and Britt’s experience on a solo camping trip that cracked her open)

    ➳ The 4 ancestral skills to learn within the sacred order of survival

    ➳ Why fire-making is the most powerful skill women learn within Britt’s rewilding programs

    ➳ Your relationship to light as an eco-somatic practice of earth connection and belonging as well as personal vitality

    ☾ Plus so much more ☾

    Head to the Episode Shownotes ⁠for all resources and links mentioned!

    Dive further into the breadth and depth of feminine wisdom inside the Wilde Woman Trove.

    Remember to subscribe for the next potent episode drop of Weaving the Wild wisdom!

    And if you're feeling generous, drop the show a rating and review!

  • In this episode we're going old school for a chatty dive into the wisdom and energies of the Capricorn New Moon.

    I'll be covering:

    - The significance of beginning a 'new year' in Capricorn season

    - Why this new moon is the 'real' new year portal

    - Why slow & steady is the name of the game right now

    - How to begin to find clarity & direction if you're feeling lost or unmotivated

    - How to align with Capricorn season

    - The shadow side of Capricorn you want to be clearing right now

    - And how to effectively work with the energy of this new moon

    Be sure to tag me and share if this episode helped you feel clarity or more aligned with this moon!

    Head to the Episode Shownotes for all resources and links mentioned!



    You'll get access to the Goal Setter class (plus all past classes!), the New Moon Deep Dive (plus a dedicated ritual and journal prompts) AND the 2024 Visionbook & Womb Visioning Meditation.

    Join today, cancel any time, stay as long as you like ♥︎

  • Britt Johnson is an evolutionary astrologer, womb healer, plant medicine and birth doula.

    Her work is to help women map cycles of ancestral trauma and shift patterns INTO wisdom through intelligent communication, astrology, womb healing and cycle mapping so they can remember their full potential.

    Hold onto your hats guys, because 2024 is going to be one wild ride, with big BIG change ready to ruffle your feathers. And Britt takes us through it all.

    In this episode we talk about:

    ➳ Why 2024 promises to be a year of change, disruption and personal and collective revelation

    ➳ The cosmic energies that are carrying us into the new year, including Mercury and Jupiter’s role in January

    ➳ Why the astrology of April 2024 is going to be such an important month on a personal AND collective level

    ➳ What the 2024 eclipse seasons have in store for us

    ➳ Britt speaks on some of the massive societal shifts and collective consciousness that she anticipates seeing this year

    ➳ You’ll find out what’s going down with Pluto, Saturn, Jupiter, Neptune and more in their 2024 astrological transits

    ☾ Plus so much more ☾Head to the Episode Shownotes for all resources and links mentioned!

    Remember to subscribe for the next potent episode drop of Weaving the Wild wisdom!

    And if you're feeling generous, drop the show a rating and review!

  • As we welcome in a fresh new year, I'm sharing exactly how I've been preparing for 2024.

    You’ll get all my tips for preparing and cultivating your energy for 2024, so that when the time comes you are ready to take action and begin creating.

    (And that time is not too far away for many of us!)In this episode, I'm covering:

    ➳ Why I still love 'new year energy' as a seasonal being
    ➳ Why you may not feel super motivated right now (and some dates to look forward to)
    ➳ Six practices that I'm implementing NOW in order to step into 2024 feeling grounded, fresh and clear on my directionHead to Episode Shownotes, including resources & links right here.Get your 2024 Visionbook hereORGet instant access to 2024 Vision Bundle (2024 Visionbook AND the Womb Vision Journey) inside the Cosmic Weavings Membership

    Remember to subscribe for the next drop of Weaving the Wild wisdom!

  • Join me down memory lane...

    Haley Nichole is a holistic womb healer, feminine embodiment guide, the creatress of Root & Womb Collective and host of the Root & Womb Collective podcast.

    In this episode we dive into:

    ➳ The Feminine rites of passage + how Haley re-initiated herself

    ➳ The power AND shadows of Menstruation and Ovulation energies

    ➳ Womb health + how to decipher the physical messages that your body and womb are sending you

    ➳ What the Feminine teaches us about the Void and how we can engage with this energy

    ➳ I share a story around my GP and my cervix which I've never told before

    ➳ Experience of abortion, the Rite of Passage surrounding pregnancy termination and the importance of integration within Feminine Initiations

    ☾ Plus so much more ☾

    ⁠Head to the Episode Shownotes⁠ for all resources and links mentioned in this episode!

  • Join me down memory lane...

    Torie Feldman is an Ancestral Healing Guide and Legacy Mentor. She guides women through ancestral connection practices to heal their lineages so they can embody the wisdom of their ancestors and tap into their unique feminine magic.

    Torie specializes in the intersection of ancestral healing, legacy work, and ceremony — and she is passionate about helping women to connect to their ancestors, trust their magic, and embody their full-spectrum spiritual gifts.

    In this episode we dive into:

    ➳ Earth & Water as Ancestors

    ➳ Torie guides us in two quick meditations to connect to both Earth and Water

    ➳ Connecting to the rhythms of the earth - and how to find that connection when we feel so overwhelmed by the hardship that we’ve experienced or are experiencing

    ➳ Ancestral womb work

    ➳ Lineage as a 'Place' and the journey of the soul incarnating into its body

    ➳ How personal healing is ancestral healing, especially as women (regardless of whether you intend to have children)

    ➳ Ancestral work is Earth work and the significant repercussions of IGNORING this work

    ➳ Torie shares several personal and intimate experiences that have moved her, cracked her open and deepened her work both personally and beyond

    ☾ Plus so much more ☾

    For all episode resources, links & more head here to the Episode Shownotes.

  • Emmie Rae is the founder of The Daily Rest Studio, a Soft Business mentor and an 'over-enthusiastic writer'.

    She is forever falling in love with life and holding tight to the belief that it's not only okay, but essential, to practice living and working gently in a fast paced world.

    In this conversation:

    ➳ Soft Business & Cycles of Growth

    ➳ Slow living, self-honesty and self-trust

    ➳ Intuition, Navigating the In-Between and Trusting the unknown

    ➳ What is a 'Well-Rested Life' and what does 'empty space' look like

    ➳ Cultivating Beauty & Romance within your life, and how this is overlooked as a means of accessing a spiritually embodied experience

    And so much more!

    «««« ⎊ »»»»


    Your map and compass to each new/full moon, monthly energies and seasonal celebrations.

    OCTOBER CLASS: Eclipse Energy Hygiene

    ⁠Sign up to Cosmic Weavings here!⁠

    «««« ⎊ »»»»


    Immerse yourself in the full depth and breadth of feminine wisdom.

    One-time purchase, life-time access to the wealth of knowledge and wisdom your were always MEANT to have.

    ⁠Find the Trove here.⁠

    «««« ⎊ »»»»


    Find her on Instagram @thedailyrest

    The Daily Rest Membership - A Spa for Your Spirit

    Visit Emmie's website for 1:1 Soft Business Coaching, Human Design Sessions and more


    ⁠Download my FREE Womb Clearing Guide⁠

    ⁠Follow me on Instagram⁠

    ⁠Work with me⁠

    «««« ⎊ »»»»

    Rate + review on Apple Podcasts to support the show even further!

    I'll send you a special thank you gift (one of my FAVOURITE guided meditations!).

    Simply send a screenshot of your review to ⁠[email protected]⁠.

    Remember to share this episode with a friend, loved one or on social media to spread to love ♥︎

  • Meghan Rhodes is a qualified herbalist who helps women start living herbalism, making healthier, safer solutions for themselves and their families a reality.

    Meghan’s herbalism practice is rooted in the belief that we must remember, reclaim and relearn our knowledge of our bodies, our autonomy and how to work with plant medicine to bring the power of our health and wellbeing back into our own hands.

    In this conversation, you’ll find:

    ➳ Practical & tangible tips, suggestions and practices to start working with herbs

    ➳ Herbal allies to invite into your kitchen & home

    ➳ How to learn about a plant's medicinal properties through YOUR OWN sense of taste (before you open a book!)

    ➳ Our ancestral memory of plants is physiologic

    ➳ The evolutionary relationship between humans and plants (and the wider eco-systems we are a part of)

    ➳ Addressing our cultural fear Sensation in the body (particularly discomfort & pain) as we reclaim sovereign health & wellness

    And so much more!


    The Flowering Wand by Sophie Strand

    Becky Cole episode: Slow Living & Seasonal Earth Connection on a Regenerative Farm

    «««« ⎊ »»»»


    Your map and compass to each new/full moon, monthly energies and seasonal celebrations.

    OCTOBER CLASS: Alchemy (Scorpio Season)

    Sign up to Cosmic Weavings here!

    «««« ⎊ »»»»


    Immerse yourself in the full depth and breadth of feminine wisdom.

    One-time purchase, life-time access to the wealth of knowledge and wisdom your were always MEANT to have.

    Find the Trove here.

    «««« ⎊ »»»»


    Find her on Instagram @rhodesrootsandremedies

    Access her free class on Bitter Taste/Herbs

    AWAKEN HERBAL WISDOM waitlist (intensive herbalism course - enrols annually!) or DM Meghan the word ACCESS for the link.


    Download my FREE Womb Clearing Guide

    Follow me on Instagram

    Work with me

    «««« ⎊ »»»»

    Rate + review on Apple Podcasts to support the show even further!

    I'll send you a special thank you gift (one of my guided meditations!) if you screenshot and send me your review!

    Simply send your pic to [email protected] OR dm it to me on instagram @therachelhodgens

    Remember to share this episode with a friend, loved one or on social media to spread to love ♥︎


    Deep dive mentorship into feminine wisdom - living by the earth, moon, blood and womb.

    Ready to devote the rest of this year to walking the womb-path and coming into deeper communion and alignment?

    Click here for more details.

    Let's explore the cosmic and earthly energies moving and shaking throughout the month of September.

    In this episode we cover:

    ➳ Virgo season themes & new moon

    ➳ Aries full moon & clearing the path to desire

    ➳ Earth wisdom & shifting seasons

    ➳ Retrograde energies & Mercury in Virgo

    ☾ Plus so much more ☾

    «««« ⎊ »»»»


    Your map and compass to each new/full moon, monthly energies and seasonal celebrations.


    Sign up to Cosmic Weavings here!

    «««« ⎊ »»»»


    Immerse yourself in the full depth and breadth of feminine wisdom.

    One-time purchase, life-time access to the wealth of knowledge and wisdom your were always MEANT to have.

    Find the Trove here.

    «««« ⎊ »»»»


    Download my FREE Womb Clearing Guide

    Follow me on Instagram

    Work with me

    «««« ⎊ »»»»

    Rate + review on Apple Podcasts to support the show even further!

    I'll send you a special thank you gift (one of my guided meditations!) if you screenshot and send me your review!

    Simply send your pic to [email protected] OR dm it to me on instagram @therachelhodgens

    Remember to share this episode with a friend, loved one or on social media to spread to love ♥︎

  • Let's explore the cosmic and earthly energies moving and shaking throughout the month of August.

    In this episode we cover:

    ➳ Where I've been for the last 2 months!

    ➳ Aquarius super full moon

    ➳ Leo season & new moon

    ➳ Pisces super blue moon

    ➳ Imbolc/Lammas & transitional seasons

    ➳ Venus and retrograde energies

    ➳ Virgo season gifts

    ☾ Plus so much more ☾

    «««« ⎊ »»»»


    Your map and compass to each new/full moon, monthly energies and seasonal celebrations.


    Sign up to Cosmic Weavings here!

    «««« ⎊ »»»»


    Get word when doors first open by jumping on my email list here.

    «««« ⎊ »»»»


    Download my FREE Womb Clearing Guide

    Follow me on Instagram

    Work with me

    «««« ⎊ »»»»

    Rate + review on Apple Podcasts to support the show even further!

    I'll send you a special thank you gift (one of my guided meditations!) if you screenshot and send me your review!

    Simply send your pic to [email protected] OR dm it to me on instagram @therachelhodgens

    Remember to share this episode with a friend, loved one or on social media to spread to love ♥︎

  • DOORS OPENING for the Grounded Feminine MentorshipApplications are open now for June!Learn more here.

    «««« ⎊ »»»»

    If you've ever found yourself feeling a bit lost or at a standstill in you life - lacking clarity, direction or purpose - this episode is for you.

    In this episode we talk about:

    ➳ Experiencing uncertainty, endings, feeling unclear, lacking direction

    ➳ Dissolving our discomfort around The Void

    ➳ Why it's less about finding your way OUT and more about learning how to be IN the void

    ➳ The MOST important thing to be doing while your navigating this energy in your life

    ➳ The potent step to start practicing to activate desire / Purpose once more

    ☾ Plus so much more ☾

    «««« ⎊ »»»»


    Your map and compass to each new/full moon, monthly energies and seasonal celebrations.

    MAY'S CLASS: THE COSMIC WEEK - Align with the planetary days of the week for cyclical flow & feminine structure.

    Sign up to Cosmic Weavings here!

    «««« ⎊ »»»»


    Download my FREE Womb Clearing Guide

    Follow me on Instagram

    Work with me

    «««« ⎊ »»»»

    Rate + review on Apple Podcasts to support the show even further!

    I'll send you a special thank you gift (one of my guided meditations!) if you screenshot and send me your review!

    Simply send your pic to [email protected] OR dm it to me on instagram @therachelhodgens

    Remember to share this episode with a friend, loved one or on social media to spread to love ♥︎

  • This episode we're exploring the potent Scorpio Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse.

    In this episode we cover:

    ➳ Scorpio's profound activation this moon

    ➳ Alchemic shadow work (esp around the feminine/power)

    ➳ Samhain/Beltane energy

    ➳ Lunar eclipse turbulence

    ➳ Powerful practices + rituals

    ☾ Plus so much more ☾

    «««« ⎊ »»»»


    Your map and compass to each new/full moon, monthly energies and seasonal celebrations.

    MAY'S CLASS: CELESTIAL RHYTHMS - Align with the planetary days of the week for cyclical flow & feminine structure.

    Sign up to Cosmic Weavings here!

    «««« ⎊ »»»»


    Download my FREE Womb Clearing Guide

    Follow me on Instagram

    Work with me

    «««« ⎊ »»»»

    Rate + review on Apple Podcasts to support the show even further!

    I'll send you a special thank you gift (one of my guided meditations!) if you screenshot and send me your review!

    Simply send your pic to [email protected] OR dm it to me on instagram @therachelhodgens

    Remember to share this episode with a friend, loved one or on social media to spread to love ♥︎

  • Book a one-time session together - spaces limited!

    Head here and select Soul Session to book!

    «««« ⎊ »»»»

    This episode we're exploring the upcoming Aries New Moon and Solar Eclipse

    In this episode we cover:

    ➳ The significance of TWO Aries new moons in a row

    ➳ Understanding the power of Eclipse energy

    ➳ New moon / solar eclipse wisdom

    ➳ The path of Desire

    ➳ Powerful practices + rituals

    ☾ Plus so much more ☾

    «««« ⎊ »»»»


    Your map and compass to the new/full moon, monthly energies and seasonal celebrations.

    NEW: Access monthly soul expanding calls and recordings!


    Sign up to Cosmic Weavings here!

    «««« ⎊ »»»»


    Download my FREE Womb Clearing Guide

    Follow me on Instagram

    Work with me

    «««« ⎊ »»»»

    Rate + review on Apple Podcasts to support the show even further!

    I'll send you a special thank you gift (one of my guided meditations!) if you screenshot and send me your review!

    Simply send your pic to [email protected] OR dm it to me on instagram @therachelhodgens

    Remember to share this episode with a friend, loved one or on social media to spread to love ♥︎