Welcome back to wellness shot! Today’s episode is a deep dive comparing ingredients in popular protein bar brands. My sources include health.clevelandclinic.org/what-to-know-about-sugar-alcohols/ . I hope you enjoy!
Today’s episode is a dive into carbs and why they are good for you. Let’s look into how the body uses carbs. We discuss the Keto & Atkins diet. My sources include “physiology of sport and exercise sixth edition” and www.health.Harvard.edu
Eksik bölüm mü var?
Today episode is a look into the reduction of anxiety & stress with yoga. We look at studies that include college students and healthcare workers. Enjoy!My sources include: “impact of yoga and meditation intervention on students stress and anxiety levels” & “the use of yoga to manage stress and burnt out in health care workers: a systematic review” www.pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
Todays episode is diving into brands that market themselves as healthy. We discuss some studies that did research on consumer perspective. We also look at the impact marketing has on children and their food choices. My sources include www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov “healthy/unhealthy food brands influence health, calorie and price ratings of food”
Todays episode is all about my daily foods. I have some favorites and it’s all in this episode. Enjoy!
Today’s episode is all about pre workout. We discuss the benefits and safety considerations of MIPS. Today’s sources include www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov The article titles: MIPS safety implications, and performance outcomes: a brief review. & Effects of two pre workout supplements on concentric and eccentric force production during lower body resistance exercise in males and females: a counterbalanced, double blind placebo, controlled trial
Today’s episode is all about a week in my life! I discuss my meals, workouts and schooling. Enjoy!
Today is a short bonus episode on the Olympics! We discuss how athletes put their bodies through so much and how healthy that is. Go team USA! My sources include www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov “how much is too much, IOC consensus statement on load in sport and risk of illness”
This episode is all about exercise is medicine. Exercise can mimic the effect of medicine in some instances. We also discuss exercise prescription. Enjoy! Today’s sources include www.exerciseismedicine.org and www.pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
Today’s episode is a part 2 of our exercise and mental health discussion. Join me and Riley as we dive into some research articles on the mood boost exercise can offer. Our sources include www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov The article titles are: Physical activity and mental health: the association between exercise and mood. Secondly, Physical activity for cognitive and mental health in youth: a systematic review of mechanics. Finally, Effects of aquatic exercise on mental health, a functional autonomy and oxidative stress in depressed elderly individuals. Enjoy!
This episode is all about body weight vs free weight vs machines. The debate continues as we check out the science behind each type of workout techniques! My sources include ACSM Health and Fitness Journal articles: Utilizing body weight training with your personal training clients as well as Selecting and effectively using free weights. Enjoy!
Today’s episode is all about how to lose and gain weight the healthy way! We discuss popular diets and nutrition tips. My sources for today include www.myplate.gov and www.eatright.org
Today’s episode includes ways to have a better post exercise recovery. We discuss warm ups, cool downs and massage. My sources the acsm road to effective muscle recovery. The research article I used was www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov “an evidence based approach for choosing post exercise recovery techniques”
Today we discuss the 3 main macros: protein, carbs, and fats. We discuss how much protein you need in your diet and how to have a balanced eating plan for exercise. Today’s sources include the academy of nutrition and dietetics as well as www.hsph.harvard.edu
This episode is all about how to incorporate periodization techniques into your training plan. We also discuss the main principles of training. My sources for today include www.acsm.org. The articles I used are from the acsm Health and Fitness Journal. The title is Personalize It: Program Design in Resistance Training... and Periodization: A Thoughtful Approach to Your Exercise Training Program.
May is mental health awareness month. Join me and my special guest Riley as we chat about the benefits of exercise on mental health. We also discuss positive reinforcement, sleep, and how to handle anxiety at the gym. Hope you enjoy! The sources for today include www.cdc.gov, www.acsm.org and www.apa.org
Welcome to the first episode of the podcast! This week we cover getting started on your fitness journey. We discuss how to start a workout plan and the right nutrition to go along! My sources for the week are www.acsm.org and www.cdc.gov