Have you ever thought They sure dont make things like they used to!? Jesus started the movement called the church over 2000 years ago and it is still going strong! It was built to last! This Sunday we will be celebrating 56 years of Gods work in our church and launch some new and exciting things as well!
What does it mean to go deep with God? Is it about learning more theological facts? Or is there more to it than that?
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Ever wondered what it really means to make a difference? Join us for 'The Spark That Ignites' and discover how stepping out to help others can transform your own life. Youll hear a powerful story of someone who hesitated to serve but found purpose and faith through it. Well explore what it means to step out, why it matters, and how small acts of service can bring joy, growth, and deeper meaning. No matter where youre at in life, this message is for you. Ready to take that first step?
How do private disciplines shape your generosity and faith? What if pivotal moments in your life werent obstacles but opportunities for transformation? Join us to discover how 3 principles can strengthen your faith and impact your life.
Today people have lots of reasons for rejecting faith. Sadly, the church can often be a barrier for people deciding to follow Jesus! It doesnt have to be that way. This Sunday we will begin learning how we can be catalyst in an irresistible church!
It is easy to have faith when life is great and things are smooth. But what about when things dont go as expected? How can we have unshakable faith when it seems like God isnt coming through?
Do you think the Bible is boring? This week come along and hear a story about spies and a sex worker and how that fits into unshakable faith!
What do you do when life feels overwhelming, and faith seems hard to hold on to? In this inspiring message, we continue our series on Unshakeable Faith, exploring the powerful lessons from the life of Moses as described in Hebrews 11:23-30. Discover how faith gives us the strength to persevere through trials, empowers us to make bold choices, and calls us to step out of our comfort zoneseven when it seems impossible. Learn how Moses chose to trust God over the fleeting comforts of Egypt and how his faith led him to take courageous steps that changed history. Just like Moses, you can have a faith that endures, no matter what you're facing.
What does trusting God really look like? Abrahams story shows us faith in actionobeying God even when the future is unknown. Join us as we explore Hebrews 11 and discover how obedience can deepen our faith and lead to Gods promises. Dont miss this encouraging message about bold, obedient faith that stands firm no matter the circumstances!
As we embark on a new year together life will have some unexpected opportunities and challenges. You will have a choice to make when that happens do I face them with FEAR or Unshakable Faith? This week we will endeavour to understand how we can build a faith for the future that is unshakable!
No one is perfect! That means that if there was a Naughty List we would all be on it! What if Christmas wasnt about being rewarded for being good but about Gods rescue plan for broken people?
Do you ever feel like your life is a bit mundane or boring just ordinary? Those are exactly the people God is looking for to invite into His extraordinary plans! Find out more about how your ordinary life can accomplish extraordinary things this Sunday!
When life leaves you confused, how do you respond? In this message from Matthew 1:1825, we explore Joseph's journey through a crisis of conscience, a call to confidence, and a commitment to obey, showing how faith requires trust and action. Discover how God can use your obedience to bring His bigger plan to life, even in moments of uncertainty.
We all know what it is like to have plans that get interrupted and take a different turn But what do we do when the unexpected change comes directly from God? The Christmas story has some great answers from Angels! Come hear this Sunday as Pastor Stan helps us discover how we can respond when God does the unexpected.
There are heaps of strange and random facts about Christmas that you can find with a quick internet search. Like did you know where the tradition of leaving cookies and milk for Santa came from? The greatest did you know questions however relate to the fact that Christmas even exists! This Sunday join us for Jingle Jam for lots of fun and you just might discover some things about Christmas that you didnt know!
Over the last decade a new career path has developed! Being an Influencer is near the top of the list of things kids want to be when they grow up! This week we will explore how YOU can be an Influencer You may not get rich but you could change the world!
We have all been let down and hurt when someone breaks our trust. For some, the pain is so great you have decided you will never trust again. You may be someone who has broken trust and feel like there is no way back. Maybe there is a way This Sunday Pastor Stan will answer the question How can I trust again? as we wrap up the realtionslips series!
How do you forgive someone when the hurt runs so deep? This week we will be looking at the challenging topic of Forgiving the Unforgivable. If you have ever struggled to forgive or let go of an offence, this message is for you. Join us we learn how to move from hurt to hope and experience the transforming power of forgiveness.
Is Conflict a bad thing? What if conflict could be useful in our lives and relationships? What if conflict isnt really the problem but the way we handle it is? This Sunday join as Pastor Stan gives us a master class on Fighting Fair!
Ever feel like a juggler in a circus trying to keep all the balls in the air? There is a never ending number of opportunities for how we choose to spend our time. Those choices often impact our relationships! How can we make choices that help our relationships grow rather than becoming relationSLIPS.
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