
  • How much do you need to invest to really enjoy your hobby? Some hobbies cost more than others, and some hobbies have higher costs to entry than others. But to really get the most out of your hobby, how much do you have to spend? Today I am proud to present my Thousand Dollar Theory, which will help you budget for your hobby and save you from sinking your life's savings into a pastime.

  • The first thing I would suggest is to offer multitudes of healthy options at each meal. I can hear you saying, “Yes, but how do I get them to EAT it?” That’s the thing, as long as you’re consistent, meaning, literally every single meal, even breakfast, offering healthy options, eventually the healthy options will get eaten.

  • Eksik bölüm mü var?

    Akışı yenilemek için buraya tıklayın.

  • Video games sometimes get a bad rap. People tend to think of them as a lazy hobby, one which begets slothful character. I disagree with that sentiment, and I'd like to tell you why. When I'm done, I'm sure you'll agree that video games are not only skilled pursuits, but active and creative hobbies that can be enjoyed by a wide audience.

    Feedback: If you're enjoying the podcast, or have a question, concern, or helpful criticism please drop me a line at [email protected].

    Please also share this podcast with your friends! Word of mouth is our biggest source for new listeners, so please share and share alike. Thanks.


    Welcome to What Makes You Happy, the show that explores our hobbies and pastimes and how they delight us. This is episode number #25 and today we’re discussing videogames.


    It seems today like videogames have always been around, and that they’ve always been a central part of popular culture. But that couldn’t be farther from the truth. In fact, did you know that in the 80’s, the video game industry crashed, and almost ended forever? It’s true! Back then, videogames were seen and usually marketed as idle pastimes, not a serious hobby the way they are today. It really was kind of a fad, the way we think of pogs, fidget spinners, or hoverboards. And once that fad was over, the whole industry imploded, putting many game companies into bankruptcy. But along came Nintendo and released the now famous NES. This one console breathed new life into the dying industry. It really took the world by storm, and shocked the detractors when it became the best selling console of all time. Part of its success was probably due their ingenious marketing. Prior to the release of the NES, marketing for games and gaming systems was entirely different in tone, focusing more on families spending an evening together. Nintendo supplanted this with high energy ads that enticed young boys with masculine figures and games themed around defeating villainous foes. While this wasn’t entirely novel, it was a slightly new tack for the industry. In fact, I believe it’s likely they took a page out of comic books and the marketing themes they had used since World War 1.


    Since the reemergence of video games as a powerful media force, some people have criticized the focus video games put on masculine themes of war, and violence. And video games are a powerful media. The industry that was once dead and buried (literally by the way, there are areas of landfill heaped with unsold cartridges) rose from the ashes like a phoenix, and today it is world reknown as a huge economic force. Yearly, the video game industry rakes in more cash than all of the movie and music industries COMBINED. The games being produced today have beautiful graphics, immersive storylines, complex game mechanics, and high skill ceilings. Arenas regularly are filled with fans who come to watch professional gamers in ESports, particularly in countries outside the US.


    There is one thing I’d like to touch on for a moment that I find interesting - the criticism that I was mentioning before, about the industry putting undo emphasis on war and violence, blaming toxic masculinity generally, ignores the largest economic sector within videogames. Mobile Games. Since the advent of the iPhone, mobile games have taken a strong foothold in video games, and today are more profitable, and more popular than console or PC games. Even the idea that gamers are predominantly male is an outdated idea. The statistics are fairly clear that the tide has turned, and you simply can’t assume that anymore. Today, it seems that gamers represent a pretty good cross section of humanity. Every country, old, young, men, women, everywhere are enjoying video games, and more than ever. Which raises the question. What’s the appeal? To those of you in the audience who are now thinking about skipping this episode altogether, keep listening.


  • Sometimes it's hard to find a hobby to really sink our teeth into, to become entirely engrossed. In this episode, a take a long form approach to answering a question I found on Reddit, although it's a question that pops up time and time again.

  • We're all stuck at home during the coronavirus pandemic, and the question we must ask ourselves at this point is: How will we spend our time?

    In this short episode, I argue on the merits of using this time to catch up with our favorite hobbies.

    New Format: In this episode, I'm trying a slightly different tack with regards to the style of the content, and I'd appreciate feedback on it. Do you like the new style? Typically, I outline what I want to say, sit down and talk about it, hitting each point i want to make. I have several sections, including my facts, quotes, and in the past I've done challenges. This episode is somewhat more free-form. I've thought of it as something of a podcast essay. Let me know what you think either with the Feedback form or by sending an email to [email protected]. Thanks!

    Feedback: https://goo.gl/forms/qqH5WMOSKIFBeClA2



    Welcome to What Makes You Happy, the show that explores our hobbies and pastimes and how they delight us. This is episode number #24 (actually 23 - oops) and today we’re discussing hobbies and quarantine.


    I’m going to try a slightly different episode today, giving you an entirely new kind of content from this podcast. I’m trying to put more effort into the project, and I value your feedback. If you can, I’d really appreciate any input you have, even if you just want to tell me how much you love the sound of my voice. Send all messages to [email protected].


    With the state of the global pandemic that is COVID-19, more commonly known as coronavirus, it behooves us to follow the advice of the professionals and practice social distancing, and quarantining where necessary in an effort to flatten the growth curve of the infected population to reduce strain on our hospitals and save lives. But that raises the question: when we’re stuck at home, and many of us are in the position where we must do so without work to keep us occupied, how will we fill our time?


    It would be so easy to spend the next few weeks reverting back to our college years and subsist on a steady diet of ramen and YouTube, but I am here to be the voice of reason and urge you to try more. There has got to be a hobby, some long lost pastime that you put down long ago and have yet to pick back up. As long as you can practice appropriate social distancing, now is the perfect time to reconnect with a previous interest. For some of you, that’s reading a good book, while for others it’s hiking local trails.


    I’ll say this once so I don’t have to repeat myself over and over again, but do follow your local laws. If you have to stay indoors, stay indoors. Here in Ohio, Governor Mike DeWine et al have given us a “Stay at Home” order, that is, work from home if you can, all others stay at home anyway. You can go grocery shopping, and you can go for walks, bike rides, or to a park, but that’s about it. If it’s not an emergency, try not to come into contact with other people. I don’t think that’s terrible advice. The point is, follow the law. Great, it’s out of my system now. Onward.


    I think that people in general are often choosing to see this whole situation as the worst thing that could ever happen to them. And I can see why! Schools are closed, the economy is going to take a major hit, people aren’t getting paychecks. And when people do find the positive in our current situation, it’s an anecdote. A bit of good news to cheer you up. Personally, I try my hardest to see the best in the situation I’m in. Perhaps we should all be trying to see the good in our predicament. For one, we’re spending more time with our children, instead of simply sending them off to a school all day. Sure it’s a break in their routines, but a little extra bonding time with Mom and Dad? I count that as a win. For another, we’re all cooking for ourselves more. In a country where being overweight is considered normal, that’s a huge win!

  • Nutrition is the topic today, and specifically how it can affect our happiness. Dr. David Gutman joins us today to talk about a Whole Food Plant Based Diet.

    Disclaimer: Dr. Gutman is an experienced professional and can give his professional opinion. Dovid Stern, although usually an impartial host, has his own biases, particularly towards the Whole Food Plant Based diet. Please seek medical assistance if you intend to adopt the Whole Food Plant Based diet (you will want to supplement certain vitamins, and some medical conditions will require monitoring by your doctor to prevent overdosing of medication).

    Feedback: https://goo.gl/forms/qqH5WMOSKIFBeClA2

    Table of Contents:
    0:00:00 Intro
    0:00:50 This week's guest - Dr. David Gutman, Founder and Physician of Cleveland Nutrition.
    0:02:30 Icebreaker - The zombie apocalypse is upon us. Who do you have on your team?
    0:04:20 What Makes You Happy?
    0:05:15 We're not talking about a vegan diet.
    0:06:00 Talk to your doctor if you need specific care and want to try a Whole Food Plant Based diet.
    0:06:15 What is the general "correct" diet for human consumption?
    0:09:45 Aren't some people better of with more animal products? How do we know that there is one correct diet?
    0:12:00 Can our diet really make a substantial difference to our mental health?
    0:13:00 The psychology of eating well.
    0:17:00 You don't have to choose between pleasure and happiness. You can have both.
    0:18:20 How much do genetics affect our health?
    0:21:40 The World Health Organization - classifying red meat as a Class 1A carcinogen (along with cigarettes and asbestos)
    0:22:20 How much do genetics play a role in obesity?
    0:28:30 Fad diets
    0:32:00 Calories in/calories out. Is there more to it?
    0:33:50 Diabetes
    0:35:11 What do you wish people realized about their health?
    0:37:00 What to expect upon adopting a Whole Food Plant Based diet.
    0:39:05 Lightning Round Questions
    0:39:20 -Most common questiion you get about a WFPB diet.
    0:41:20 -Single most underrated food?
    0:48:45 -One benefit of a WFPB diet that people don't expect.
    0:52:20 -One book for further reading.
    0:54:50 How to get in touch with Dr. Gutman (www.ClevelandNutrition.com)
    0:57:00 Our forthcoming documentary
    0:57:40 Happiness Fact (1)
    1:01:30 Inspirational Quote (2)
    1:02:30 Something I'm curious about - Archery
    1:03:30 Closing Thoughts


    Eating More Fruits and Veggies May Make You Happier, Agata Blaszczak-Boxe, LiveScience.com, July 14, 2016 https://www.livescience.com/55407-eating-more-fruits-veggies-linked-with-life-satisfaction.html
    "If more of us valued food and cheer and song above hoarded gold, it would be a merrier world." ~J.R.R. Tolkien

    For more What Makes You Happy?, read our blog, www.ClevelandCreativeOutlet.com/wmyh
    What Makes You Happy? is a project by Cleveland Creative Outlet, a video production company. You can learn more and see their work at www.ClevelandCreativeOutlet.com. You can reach out to them on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/ClevelandCreativeOutlet

    Guest: Dr. David Gutman[www.ClevelandNutrition.com]
    Hosted By: Dovid E.Z. Stern [Ph. (216) 526-6641, Em. [email protected], URL www.clevelandcreativeoutlet.com]

    Feedback: https://goo.gl/forms/qqH5WMOSKIFBeClA2

    [L to R] Dovid EZ Stern and Dr. David Gutman, Founder and Physician of Cleveland Nutrition (www.ClevelandNutrition.com)

  • Cycling is one of the most exciting and popular sports for people around the globe. While some utilize bicycles simply as an affordable, green mode of transportation, many others flock to the roads as they push the limits in competition, and enjoy the great outdoors. Here to talk to us today about the many varied joys of cycling is Nosson Spielberg.

    Feedback: https://goo.gl/forms/qqH5WMOSKIFBeClA2

    Table of Contents:
    00:00 Intro
    00:50 This week's guest - Nosson Spielberg, Cleveland Touring Club
    01:10 Getting started in cycling
    03:05 Icebreaker - What is your best knock-knock joke?
    04:00 What Makes You Happy?
    05:00 Spinning Machines
    07:15 What is your counterargument to people who worry about cycling being dangerous?
    13:45 What is the startup cost for a cycling hobby?
    20:00 Saving money by cycling
    23:00 Cycling clubs
    26:00 What goes into a good route?
    33:45 Lightning Round Questions
    33:55 - Long grinding rides vs. Gut-busting sprints?
    35:40 - Road vs. Mountain biking?
    38:45 - Single best piece of kit to buy?
    44:40 How to get in touch with Nosson Spielberg
    49:50 Happiness Fact (1)
    51:35 Inspirational Quote (2)
    52:00 Something I'm Curious About: Learning things super fast (like Mike Boyd on YouTube)
    53:40 Closing Thoughts


    “Everytime I see an adult on a bicycle, I no longer despair for the future of the human race.” - H.G. Wells

    For more What Makes You Happy?, read our blog, www.ClevelandCreativeOutlet.com/wmyh
    What Makes You Happy? is a project by Cleveland Creative Outlet, a video production company. You can learn more and see their work at www.ClevelandCreativeOutlet.com. You can reach out to them on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/ClevelandCreativeOutlet

    Guest: Nosson Spielberg [ClevelandTouringClub.com]
    Hosted By: Dovid E.Z. Stern [Ph. (216) 526-6641, Em. [email protected], URL www.clevelandcreativeoutlet.com]

    Feedback: https://goo.gl/forms/qqH5WMOSKIFBeClA2

    [L to R] Dovid EZ Stern and Nosson Spielberg of the Cleveland Touring Club

  • Raven Carter is an energy healer and massage therapist. We all know massage, and it's widely known that massage can have massive benefits to your health. But what about energy healing? What is it, and how can it be integrated with massage to heal the whole body, mind, and spirit?

    Feedback: https://goo.gl/forms/qqH5WMOSKIFBeClA2

    Table of Contents:
    00:00 Intro
    00:50 This week's guest - Raven Carter, Raven's Ki Alchemy
    01:35 Icebreaker - If your best friend had to pick a tattoo for you, what would they pick?
    01:50 What Makes You Happy?
    02:45 What is Energy Healing? (Reiki)
    05:55 How do you explain to someone that what you do isn't New Age hooey?
    07:30 How does Energy Healing make people happier?
    10:50 Massotherapy
    13:05 Where is the intersection between the Energy Healing and massage?
    16:41 Dovid gets philosophical (he loses track and finds his way again about 28:30)
    22:40 Raven asks, "What piqued your interest in Energy Work?"
    25:00 Lightning Round Questions
    25:17 -One energy related tip for people at home.
    26:17 -Single best success story with a patient.
    30:15 -How you respond when someone balks at the idea of massage therapy.
    31:45 Plug. How you can get in touch with Raven Carter (contact info below).
    32:00 Happiness Fact (1)
    32:50 Inspirational Quote (2)
    33:50 Something I'm curious about: 3D Printing
    34:50 Closing Thoughts


    Long-term yoga practice can boost happiness levels and reduce fear, anger, and fatigue. (“10 Yoga Poses to Feel Happier Fast.” http://www.prevention.com/fitness/yoga-poses-boost-emotional-health Prevention. October 29, 2012. Accessed: January 24, 2016.
    "Tension is who you think you should be, relaxation is who you are." Chinese Proverb

    For more What Makes You Happy?, read our blog, www.ClevelandCreativeOutlet.com/wmyh
    What Makes You Happy? is a project by Cleveland Creative Outlet, a video production company. You can learn more and see their work at www.ClevelandCreativeOutlet.com. You can reach out to them on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/ClevelandCreativeOutlet

    Guest: Raven Carter, Raven's Ki Alchemy [URL ravenskialchemy.com]
    Hosted By: Dovid E.Z. Stern [Ph. (216) 526-6641, Em. [email protected], URL www.clevelandcreativeoutlet.com]

    Feedback: https://goo.gl/forms/qqH5WMOSKIFBeClA2

    [L to R] Dovid E. Z. Stern and Raven Carter, who is the owner of Raven's Ki Alchemy

  • A Cappella is on our minds this week because we're focused on a portion of the Jewish calendar called Sefira, during which Jews try not to listen to live music with instruments. Here to talk about A Cappella is Mordy Weinstein, a member of the popular Jewish A Cappella group, Six13. He joins us today via Skype, please excuse any blips or drops in audio due to connectivity issues (it doesn't happen much).

    Feedback: https://goo.gl/forms/qqH5WMOSKIFBeClA2

    Table of Contents:
    00:00 Intro
    00:50 This week's guest - Mordy Weinstein, A Cappella Singer in Six13
    01:40 What is Sefira? And how does it affect Jewish A Cappella?
    03:43 Icebreaker - Favorite teenage guilty pleasure song you still rock out too?
    05:00 What Makes You Happy?
    06:45 Why is A Cappella still popular?
    11:00 Is A Cappella as a hobby for adults dead?
    15:00 What makes an A Cappella arrangement great?
    18:45 Why do A Cappella groups do so many covers rather than original music?
    20:45 Do you have a pet project you're working on right now?
    23:25 Which of the stereotypes about A Cappella singers ring true?
    24:30 Finding community in a singing group.
    30:45 Lightning Round Questions
    30:50 - Worst choreographed dance move in which you partook?
    32:00 - Which A Cappella song you wish people would give up on?
    32:45 - Is there an A Cappella song that needs a comeback?
    37:50 - Beatboxers. Love them or hate them?
    Plug: Find Mordy's contact info below to get in touch with him and with Six13.
    42:25 Happiness Fact (1)
    44:35 Inspirational Quote (2)
    46:10 Closing Thoughts


    It is known that singing releases endorphins in the brain, which is why it feels so good. What is less widely known is that choral singing is even more effective. Choral singers for example, rated higher life satisfaction than the general public, even when they’re personal problems were worse than the general publics’ (https://www.smh.com.au/national/choral-singing-makes-you-happy-survey-20080710-3cyg.html)
    “The only thing better than singing is more singing.” -Ella Fitzgerald

    For more What Makes You Happy?, read our blog, www.ClevelandCreativeOutlet.com/wmyh
    What Makes You Happy? is a project by Cleveland Creative Outlet, a video production company. You can learn more and see their work at www.ClevelandCreativeOutlet.com. You can reach out to them on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/ClevelandCreativeOutlet

    Guest: Mordy Weinstein [Ph. 1(800) BOOK-613, Em. [email protected], URL www.six13.com]
    Hosted By: Dovid E.Z. Stern [Ph. (216) 526-6641, Em. [email protected], URL www.clevelandcreativeoutlet.com]

    Feedback: https://goo.gl/forms/qqH5WMOSKIFBeClA2

    [L to R] Dovid E. Z. Stern and Mordy Weinstein, who is a member of Six13, a popular Jewish A Cappella group.

  • Zack Raab is a geocacher. He finds hidden "caches" all over the world. Wherever he goes, he can be assured that someone has hidden a small item for him to find. The world's biggest treasure hunt has begun. What will you find? And where will your ventures take you?

    Feedback: https://goo.gl/forms/qqH5WMOSKIFBeClA2

    Table of Contents:
    00:00 Intro

    00:50 This week's guest - Zack Raab, Geocacher

    01:40 Icebreaker - What is the craziest dare you ever took?

    03:00 What Makes You Happy?

    04:25 What is Geocaching?
    08:20 Was Geocaching something you sought out, or did someone introduce you?
    15:49 What makes a good cache?
    23:25 Bonus! Have you ever done Letterboxing?
    28:15 Tell us about the different kinds of Caches.
    32:45 Lightning Round Questions
    33:00 -Hard to find vs. hard to access?
    33:35 -Are you the most hardcore cacher you know?
    33:55 -One request for the Geocaching development team?
    35:05 How to get in touch with Zack Raab.
    37:11 Happiness Fact (1)
    38:25 Inspirational Quote (2)
    39:55 Something I'm curious about: Fantasy Football
    40:45 Closing Thoughts


    The main characteristic that distinguishes the top 10% of the happiest people from everyone else is this: The strength of social relationships. Social support is a greater predictor of happiness than any other factor (Schoch, Richard. The Secrets of Happiness: Three Thousand Years of Searching for the Good Life. New York, NY: Scribner, 2006)
    “Be happy with what you have and are, be generous with both, and you won’t have to hunt for happiness.” - William E. Gladstone

    For more What Makes You Happy?, read our blog, www.ClevelandCreativeOutlet.com/wmyh
    What Makes You Happy? is a project by Cleveland Creative Outlet, a video production company. You can learn more and see their work at www.ClevelandCreativeOutlet.com. You can reach out to them on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/ClevelandCreativeOutlet

    Learn more about Geocaching at www.Geocaching.com

    Guest: Zack Raab [Find him on Facebook at www.facebook.com/zackraab107]
    Hosted By: Dovid E.Z. Stern [Ph. (216) 526-6641, Em. [email protected], URL www.clevelandcreativeoutlet.com]

    Feedback: https://goo.gl/forms/qqH5WMOSKIFBeClA2

    Zack Raab is an avid Geocacher.

  • Christina Hidek is an organizational expert, and today she's going to talk us through some basics in spring cleaning. We all tend to coop ourselves up all winter, and come the sunny season, we just want to throw open our windows, let in the fresh air, and give ourselves a fresh start. Christina has some valuable tips and tricks for us to get started, as the task can seem at times to be entirely overwhelming.

    Feedback: https://goo.gl/forms/qqH5WMOSKIFBeClA2

    Table of Contents:
    00:00 Intro
    00:50 This week's guest - Christina Hidek, Organizational Expert
    02:00 Icebreaker - What is something about you that someone would be surprised to know?
    03:20 What makes you happy?
    04:25 Have you always been tidy?
    09:25 Why is tidiness important?
    10:00 Spring cleaning as a global phenomenon.
    13:35 Where does someone begin with spring cleaning?
    20:45 What are messy people getting wrong?
    25:40 How long does it take to become a tidy person?
    33:30 Trello and organizational systems.
    36:30 Lightning Round Questions
    37:00 -Most important space to declutter.
    37:45 -Least important space to declutter.
    39:05 -One item you know you should throw away but can't.
    40:45 -Most common complaint or excuse from people you help.
    42:30 -Marie Kondo says to organize by category vs. space. What are your thoughts?
    44:45 How to get in touch with Christina Hidek
    45:25 Happiness Fact (1)
    47:50 Inspirational Quote (2)
    48:30 Weekly Challenge is going away! NEW SEGMENT: Something I'm curious about - Economics.
    51:00 Closing Thoughts


    An article from Psychology Today in 2016 linked a bunch of studies showing the positive link between cleanliness and mental and physical health. A study at Indiana University showed that people with clean houses tend to be healthier than those with sloppy houses. The scientific journal “Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin” used linguistic analysis software to show that women who used words like “cluttered” or filled with “unfinished projects” were more likely to be depressed and fatigued than women who called their homes “restful” or “restorative.” There’s more in the article. (https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/the-truisms-wellness/201607/the-powerful-psychology-behind-cleanliness)
    “Coming home to a tidy, pulled together space will help everything in your life feel the same way.” -Bobby Berk of Netflix’s “Queer Eye.

    For more What Makes You Happy?, read our blog, www.ClevelandCreativeOutlet.com/wmyh
    What Makes You Happy? is a project by Cleveland Creative Outlet, a video production company. You can learn more and see their work at www.ClevelandCreativeOutlet.com. You can reach out to them on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/ClevelandCreativeOutlet

    Guest: Christina Hidek [Em. [email protected], URL www.streamlinedlivingoh.com, Facebook Group]
    Hosted By: Dovid E.Z. Stern [Ph. (216) 526-6641, Em. [email protected], URL www.clevelandcreativeoutlet.com]

    Feedback: https://goo.gl/forms/qqH5WMOSKIFBeClA2


    [L to R] Dovid E. Z. Stern and Christina Hidek, an organizational expert.

  • Bladesmithing is an ancient craft and its notoriously technical. For some, it may be a surprise that in today's age of mass produced cutlery and other metal objects, anyone would bother to hand forge these tools. Laevi Susman is here today to talk about the incredible art of blade smithing, and how you can get started as an amateur blacksmith.

    Feedback: https://goo.gl/forms/qqH5WMOSKIFBeClA2

    Table of Contents:
    00:00 Intro
    00:50 This week's guest - Laevi Susman, Artisan Bladesmith
    02:13 Icebreaker - What is your favorite attraction or event at a county fair?
    03:22 What Makes You Happy?
    07:12 How did you get into smithing?
    13:10 Technical jargon and whether it matters.
    21:25 How does a hobbyist get into smithing?
    26:19 What surprised you about smithing when you got into it? (answer at 37:35)
    33:15 Lightning Round Questions
    33:30 -What is your favorite step of smithing a blade?
    34:35 -Practical or ornate. Which do you prefer?
    37:30 -What is your favorite completed project?
    43:10 -Favorite music to hammer to?
    44:40 -BONUS: What do you think of my $7 knife from Amazon?
    47:40 How to get in touch with Laevi Susman
    48:50 Happiness Fact (1)
    52:10 Inspirational Quote (2)
    52:45 This Week's Challenge
    53:45 Closing Thoughts


    The happiest state in the United States is Alaska, followed by Hawaii, South Dakota, Wyoming, and Montana. The saddest states were West Virginia, followed by Kentucky, Indiana, Ohio, and Mississippi. (Willett, Megan. “The 10 Happiest States in America.” Business Insider. February 19, 2015 https://www.businessinsider.com/gallup-healthways-well-being-index-2014-2015-2)
    “Happiness is like a butterfly; the more you chase it, the more it will elude you, but if you turn your attention to other things, it will come and sit softly on your shoulder” - Henry David Thoreau

    For more What Makes You Happy?, read our blog, www.ClevelandCreativeOutlet.com/wmyh
    What Makes You Happy? is a project by Cleveland Creative Outlet, a video production company. You can learn more and see their work at www.ClevelandCreativeOutlet.com. You can reach out to them on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/ClevelandCreativeOutlet

    Guest: Laevi Susman [URL www.Etsy.com/shop/metalsartisan, Instagram @metalsartisan, Facebook www.facebook.com/metalsartisan]
    Hosted By: Dovid E.Z. Stern [Ph. (216) 526-6641, Em. [email protected], URL www.clevelandcreativeoutlet.com]

    Feedback: https://goo.gl/forms/qqH5WMOSKIFBeClA2

    [L to R] Dovid E. Z. Stern and Laevi Susman. Laevi is an artisan bladesmith.

  • Sender Radcliffe joins us today to talk about the exciting world of board games. We'll cover some of his top picks for new gamers, why it entertains him to this very day, and the elements of a good game. Sender is a wealth of information, and he's clearly thought about all of this for quite a while. We are honored to have him on the show today.

    Feedback: https://goo.gl/forms/qqH5WMOSKIFBeClA2

    Table of Contents:
    00:00 Intro
    00:50 This week's guest - Sender Radcliffe, Board Gamer
    01:35 Icebreaker - Do you have a crazy roommate story?
    03:40 What Makes You Happy?
    05:35 What is the appeal of board games?
    10:45 How does the cost of board games compare as a hobby?
    13:15 How long does it take for you to burn through a game?
    14:30 What are you playing right now?
    16:20 Shout out to Dustin Carnish!
    17:25 Misconceptions about board games
    19:00 Games to play if you want to end friendships
    19:45 Are the new games better?
    22:15 Is it better to have one winner or one loser?
    25:45 Who is the optimal audience for board games?
    30:35 (off topic) Are there any open-world video games that you like?
    32:50 Lightning Round Questions
    33:10 -Favorite board game of all time?
    33:35 -Most overplayed or overrated game of all time?
    35:15 -Pet peeve of game design?
    36:30 -Your 3 desert island board games?
    37:50 -BONUS ROUND! What games should a new gamer start with?
    38:45 How to get in touch with Sender Radcliffe
    39:23 Happiness Fact (1)
    42:15 Inspirational Quote (2)
    45:45 Sender's spiel with Settlers of Catan
    47:30 Last Week's Challenge
    49:00 This Week's Challenge
    50:20 Closing Thoughts


    Greater reward means less motivation not more, with poorer performance. In a study at Florida State University, a professor had students play video games. When the students were doing well, another student would enter and compliment the student who was playing the game. The student playing the game would immediately lose the game. From a Newsweek article. (http://blog.newsweek.com/blogs/nurtureshock/archive/2009/12/21/shouldn-t-we-think-about-the-effect-of-praise-and-motivation-when-assessing-kids-too.aspx) and another article on Willpower and reward (https://www.bakadesuyo.com/2014/07/willpower/)
    “The game of basketball has been everything to me. My place of refuge, place I've always gone where I needed comfort and peace. It's been the site of intense pain and the most intense feelings of joy and satisfaction. It's a relationship that has evolved over time, given me the greatest respect and love for the game.” - Michael Jordan

    Games Listed in this Episode:

    (In order of appearance)

    Italic titles are not strictly board games, but were mentioned in the episode.

    Magic the Gathering (card game)
    Pokemon (card game)
    Yu-gi-oh! (card game)
    My Little Pony (card game)
    Stuffed Fables
    Battlestar Galactica: The Board Game
    Resistance: Avalon
    Axis and Allies
    Blackjack (card game)
    Poker (card game)
    Las Vegas (dice game)
    Baron Park
    Dixit (card game)
    Dungeons & Dragons (D&D - Tabletop Roleplaying Game)
    Pathfinder (Tabletop Roleplaying Game)
    Legendary: Marvel (card game, has other themes including: Buffy, Big Trouble in Little China, and others)
    Exploding Kittens (card game)
    Terraforming Mars
    Seven Wonders
    Patchwork for Couples
    Valeria Card Kingdoms (not to be confused with others in the series)
    Settlers of Catan

    For more What Makes You Happy?, read our blog, www.ClevelandCreativeOutlet.com/wmyh
    What Makes You Happy? is a project by Cleveland Creative Outlet, a video production company. You can learn more and see their work at www.ClevelandCreativeOutlet.com. You can reach out to them on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/ClevelandCreativeOutlet

    Guest: Sender Radcliffe [URL www.boardgameco.com]
    Hosted By: Dovid E.Z. Stern [Ph.

  • In this episode of What Makes You Happy? we have the honor and pleasure of speaking with one Larry Josefovitz, a Jewish cantor and professor of classical music appreciation. Classical music is, generally speaking, understood to be more nuanced and pure than most other forms of music. It is something that really needs to be worked at to be truly appreciated. To get us started on the road to understanding, we asked Larry for some insight into classical music.

    Feedback: https://goo.gl/forms/qqH5WMOSKIFBeClA2

    Table of Contents:
    00:00 Intro
    00:50 This week's guest - Larry Josefovitz, Jewish cantor and professor of classical music appreciation
    01:45 What Makes You Happy? (Larry goes into some background here, he answers the question at 04:15)
    05:45 What was the first concert you ever went to?
    08:30 What is it about classical music especially that is so powerful?
    09:40 Which stereotypes about classical music are true?
    11:30 Is there truth to the stereotype about classical music lovers being wealthy?
    16:50 Is the world of classical music struggling to find new fans?
    20:00 How do we get people back into classical music?
    27:45 How do you get started appreciating classical music?
    35:00 Lightning Round Questions
    - 35:05 Favorite Piece
    - 35:28 Most overrated piece
    - 36:00 Personal orchestra pet peeve
    - 37:05 Any composers you despise
    - 38:55 One composer to start your appreciation journey
    45:20 Happiness Fact (1)
    49:50 Inspirational Quote (2)
    50:15 Last Week's Challenge
    51:05 This Week's Challenge (Bach, The Corrals for Keyboard "May the Sheep Safely Graze")
    57:25 Closing Thoughts

    In a study performed on 94 students in their 20’s, 45 minutes of classical music before bed led to deeper, longer sleep. This was above and beyond the effects of mere spoken words, like an audiobook. (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18426457)
    “I know that the most joy in my life has come to me from my violin.” -Albert Einstein

    For more What Makes You Happy?, read our blog, www.ClevelandCreativeOutlet.com/wmyh
    What Makes You Happy? is a project by Cleveland Creative Outlet, a video production company. You can learn more and see their work at www.ClevelandCreativeOutlet.com. You can reach out to them on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/ClevelandCreativeOutlet

    Guest: Larry Josefovitz
    Hosted By: Dovid E.Z. Stern [Ph. (216) 526-6641, Em. [email protected], URL www.clevelandcreativeoutlet.com]

    Feedback: https://goo.gl/forms/qqH5WMOSKIFBeClA2

    [L to R] Dovid Stern and Larry Josefovitz, at the time of recording the episode for What Makes You Happy? on classical music appreciation.

  • In this week's episode, we explore my newest hobby, ham radio. Featuring interviews with ham operators, a prepper, and a podcaster fascinated by hobbies (not me), we will dive in the deep end to discover what ham radio is all about. It may seem like an outdated technology from a bygone era, and like stamp collecting or knitting sweaters, is a pastime that really serves no purpose today beyond some mental stimulation. While this couldn't be further from the truth, we will investigate these topics in depth.

    Feedback: https://goo.gl/forms/qqH5WMOSKIFBeClA2

    Table of Contents:
    00:00 Intro
    00:50 My New Hobby - Ham radio
    01:15 What is ham radio?
    01:30 How did I get into ham radio?
    03:00 Unparalleled communication
    03:15 Jeff Corbett, Prepper
    09:45 Why is it fun?
    14:00 Nets
    14:45 On the air with the weekly CARS (Cuyahoga Amateur Radio Service) net
    18:45 How to get started
    20:00 Elmers
    21:25 Radios
    22:00 Listen a lot (www.webSDR.org)
    23:25 Time for Your Hobby with Alex
    27:30 ARRL
    28:15 Contact Dovid with questions ([email protected])
    28:45 Happiness Fact (1)
    29:50 Inspirational Quote (2)
    30:35 Last Week's Challenge
    31:30 This Week's Challenge
    32:10 Closing Thoughts


    The regret you feel for not taking an action often lasts longer than the regret you feel from taking action and failing. (Markman, Art. "When Do You Regret Actions and Inactions?" Psychology Today. December 30, 2016. https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/ulterior-motives/201612/when-do-you-regret-actions-and-inactions)
    “Happiness lies in the joy of achievement and the thrill of creative effort.” - Franklin D. Roosevelt


    Listen for free - www.webSDR.org
    Baofeng UV-5R - https://goo.gl/2xxjbM
    Time for Your Hobby (podcast) - https://timeforyourhobby.wixsite.com/podcast
    Amateur Radio Relay League (ARRL) - www.arrl.org
    Amateur Radio Subreddit - www.reddit.com/r/amateurradio/

    For more What Makes You Happy?, read our blog, www.ClevelandCreativeOutlet.com/wmyh
    What Makes You Happy? is a project by Cleveland Creative Outlet, a video production company. You can learn more and see their work at www.ClevelandCreativeOutlet.com. You can reach out to them on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/ClevelandCreativeOutlet

    Hosted By: Dovid E.Z. Stern [Ph. (216) 526-6641, Em. [email protected], URL www.clevelandcreativeoutlet.com]

    A wide array of equipment can be used for ham radio.

    The infamous Baofeng UV-5R. Cheap beyond belief, but an inferior product.

    My anniversary photo this year. On the left you can see my the transceiver my father loaned to me.

  • This week, I fell ill with a virus, and as I had planned on editing this week's episode during that time, I decided to record a short episode to deliver quickly rather than throw together a less than optimal product. The question arose in my mind, "Can illness actually make us happier?"

    For more What Makes You Happy?, read our blog, www.ClevelandCreativeOutlet.com/wmyh
    What Makes You Happy? is a project by Cleveland Creative Outlet, a video production company. You can learn more and see their work at www.ClevelandCreativeOutlet.com. You can reach out to them on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/ClevelandCreativeOutlet

    Hosted By: Dovid E.Z. Stern [Ph. (216) 526-6641, Em. [email protected], URL www.clevelandcreativeoutlet.com]

  • This week we've got a special crossover episode, starring Alex of Time For Your Hobby, which is a podcast about peculiar hobbies and pastimes. Much like our own show, What Makes You Happy?, Alex finds friends, neighbors and acquaintances with unusual hobbies and asks them about the specifics of their chosen pursuit. Today he's with us to talk about his own chosen hobby, podcasts themselves. In this rather meta episode of What Makes You Happy?, prepare to learn a little bit about the world of podcasting.Feedback: https://goo.gl/forms/qqH5WMOSKIFBeClA2Table of Contents:00:00 Intro00:50 This week's guest - Alex, Podcaster, "Time For Your Hobby"03:05 What Makes You Happy?04:40 Are we oversaturated with podcasts?08:00 Are we moving away from short form entertainment?10:45 Who should not start a podcast?13:45 Is there a celebrity you would like to interview?17:00 Lightning Round Questions21:00 How to get in touch with Alex21:48 Happiness Fact (1)25:50 Inspirational Quote (2)27:44 Last Week's Challenge29:43 This Week's Challenge30:06 Closing ThoughtsSources: According to a study by Society for Personality and Social Psychology, valuing your time more than you value your money is correlated with greater happiness. They looked at six studies encompassing more than 4,600 participants, and found that there is an almost even split between people who place a higher premium on time, or a higher premium on money. So go ahead and spend time doing what you love, like listening to podcasts about doing what you love. (http://spsp.org/news-center/press-releases/valuing-your-time-more-than-money-linked-to-happiness?utm_source=SAGE_social&hootPostID=2cd8155f181030091e54784421fc199d) “Happiness resides not in possessions and not in gold; the feeling of happiness dwells in the soul.” -DemocritusFor more What Makes You Happy?, read our blog, www.ClevelandCreativeOutlet.com/wmyhWhat Makes You Happy? is a project by Cleveland Creative Outlet, a video production company. You can learn more and see their work at www.ClevelandCreativeOutlet.com. You can reach out to them on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/ClevelandCreativeOutletGuest: Alex [URL https://timeforyourhobby.wixsite.com/podcast]Hosted By: Dovid E.Z. Stern [Ph. (216) 526-6641, Em. [email protected], URL www.clevelandcreativeoutlet.com]Time for Your Hobby is a podcast about unusual or interesting hobbies pursued by ordinary people. It's hosted by Alex, the guest on our podcast this week.

  • We appreciate your feedback. Please let us know your thoughts using the feedback form.

    We all know we need to move more, but not very many of us have explored the ins and outs of exercise and fitness. In particular, we want to answer the question, "How does exercise make us happier?" To help us answer this and other questions, Dustin Carnish of DC Strength Ohio and Ript Fitness joins us. Dustin is a wealth of information on all things fitness.

    Table of Contents:
    00:00 Intro
    01:00 This week's guest - Dustin Carnish, Personal Trainer
    02:10 What Makes You Happy?
    05:45 Icebreaker - What's the crazies thing on your bucket list?
    08:45 Have you always been fit?
    11:35 What do people get wrong?
    13:35 What should people do instead?
    20:00 How does fitness fit into happiness?
    24:20 Why don't people stick to their resolutions?
    39:50 Lightning Round Questions
    40:00 What's your favorite exercise?
    40:30 What's a pet peeve at the gym?
    41:20 Form vs. Intensity?
    42:25 What are the most common excuses and their solutions?
    52:00 How to get in touch with Dustin Carnish (contact info below)
    53:50 Happiness Fact (1)
    54:40 Inspirational Quote (2)
    55:00 Last Week's Challenge
    56:25 This Week's Challenge
    57:10 Closing Thoughts


    Researchers have shown that just 20 minutes of aerobic exercise fights depression and boosts happiness long after the workout. During exercise, “happy” hormones, such as serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine all increase. (Holmes, Lindsay. “27 Things You Need to Know About Happiness.” Huffington Post. March 20, 2014. Accessed: January 19, 2016)
    “Happiness is not something ready-made. It comes from your own actions.” - Dalai Lama

    For more What Makes You Happy?, read our blog, www.ClevelandCreativeOutlet.com/wmyh
    What Makes You Happy? is a project by Cleveland Creative Outlet, a video production company. You can learn more and see their work at www.ClevelandCreativeOutlet.com. You can reach out to them on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/ClevelandCreativeOutlet

    Guest: Dustin Carnish [Ph. (440)773-6498, Em. [email protected], URL www.dcstrengthohio.com and www.riptcleveland.com]
    Hosted By: Dovid E.Z. Stern [Ph. (216) 526-6641, Em. [email protected], URL www.clevelandcreativeoutlet.com]

    Feedback: https://goo.gl/forms/qqH5WMOSKIFBeClA2

    [L to R] Dovid E. Z. Stern and Dustin Carnish.

  • Laura Freiman joins us today to help us get the most out of Valentine's Day this year. She has deep insights into strengthening relationships, romantic gestures, emotional language, and the mistakes we inevitably make. It's a short, informative episode. Don't forget to leave some feedback using the form from the link below. Thanks!

    We'd love to hear what you think! Please tell us using the feedback form.

    Table of Contents:
    00:00 Intro
    01:16 This week's guest - Laura Freiman, Relationship Therapist
    01:55 What Makes You Happy?
    02:39 Icebreaker - What is something you pretend to hate but secretly love?
    03:20 What does a healthy relationship look like?
    06:20 What is a common pitfall when trying to strengthen relationships?
    10:44 What romantic gestures are people using that are not helpful?
    13:45 How do couples continue having fun together?
    14:45 Is one date idea intrinsically better than another?
    16:07 Lightning Round Questions
    16:21 Group vs. Solitary hobbies
    18:25 What is a good group hobby?
    19:00 Is Valentine's Day valuable?
    20:10 One thing successful people do that we should all emulate.
    20:53 How to get in touch with (contact info listed below)
    21:37 Happiness Fact (1)
    24:00 Inspirational Quote (2)
    24:32 Last Week's Challenge
    25:50 This Week's Challenge
    26:45 Closing Thoughts


    Saying thank you has been shown to increase oxytocin levels in couples, further knitting their relationship to each other. This is above and beyond simply saying nice things to your partner. Fascinating article. (https://greatergood.berkeley.edu/article/item/love_gratitude_oxytocin)
    “The greatest happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved; loved for ourselves, or rather, loved in spite of ourselves.” -Victor Hugo

    For more What Makes You Happy?, read our blog, www.ClevelandCreativeOutlet.com/wmyh
    What Makes You Happy? is a project by Cleveland Creative Outlet, a video production company. You can learn more and see their work at www.ClevelandCreativeOutlet.com. You can reach out to them on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/ClevelandCreativeOutlet

    Guest: Laura Freiman [Ph. (917) 407-0057, Em. [email protected]]
    Hosted By: Dovid E.Z. Stern [Ph. (216) 526-6641, Em. [email protected], URL www.clevelandcreativeoutlet.com]

    We'd love to hear what you think! Please tell us using the feedback form.

    [L to R] Dovid E. Z. Stern and Laura Freiman, who is a relationship expert

  • The subject of this episode is cookies. Steven and Elana Perlin join us today to talk about Oreos specifically, and their enjoyment and reviewing process of these ubiquitous treats on their YouTube channel, the [sic.] "Oreo Taste Testers !" Ordinarily, What Makes You Happy? interviews professionals in very deep and technical fields in which amateurs can operate alongside professionals. But when it comes to cookies, it takes no skill or know-how to participate.

    Table of Contents:
    00:00 Intro
    00:50 This week's guests - Steven and Elana Perlin, Oreo Taste Testers !
    03:25 Icebreaker - How would you design the world's worst Oreo flavor?
    05:15 How their channel got started
    07:15 Why Oreos specifically, over say, Ben and Jerry's ice cream flavors?
    09:20 What's the right way to eat an Oreo?
    13:15 Is there an unintended consequence for posting your Oreo obsession to the internet?
    17:40 Lightning Round Questions
    22:20 Where to see more of the Oreo Taste Testers !
    23:35 Oreo Taste Test (1)
    29:00 Happiness Fact (2)
    29:35 Inspirational Quote (3)
    30:10 How many cookies is too many?
    32:30 Last Week's Challenge
    33:35 This Week's Challenge
    33:50 Closing Thoughts


    You can see the episode featured in the podcast here: https://goo.gl/prU1sT
    No surprise, sugar makes us happy. It’ll give your brain a temporary high, and a boosted mood. Some of these findings apply not only to sugar itself, but also other substances, like chocolate, so Oreos are a double whammy. Chocolate and sugar. People who like sweets are more likely to have friendly, sweet personalities. Read more: (https://greatist.com/happiness/can-sugar-make-us-happy)
    “Sometimes, me think what is love, and then me think love is what last cookie is for. Me give up the last cookie for you.” -Cookie Monster

    For more What Makes You Happy?, read our blog, www.ClevelandCreativeOutlet.com/wmyh
    What Makes You Happy? is a project by Cleveland Creative Outlet, a video production company. You can learn more and see their work at www.ClevelandCreativeOutlet.com. You can reach out to them on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/ClevelandCreativeOutlet

    Guests: Steven and Elana Perlin (YouTube Channel "The Oreo Taste Testers !" https://goo.gl/MQzbYz)
    Hosted By: Dovid E.Z. Stern (Ph. (216) 526-6641, Em. [email protected], URL www.ClevelandCreativeOutlet.com)

    Elana tears into her latest cookie victim.

    [L to R] Dovid E. Z. Stern, Steven Perlin, Elana Perlin[L to R] Steven and Elana Perlin, the Oreo Taste Testers ! tasting Oreos, whilst in the middle of recording the podcast.