Endometriosis is a chronic health condition that causes unimaginable pain and suffering that takes an average of seven years to get diagnosed. Because of a huge long term lack of understanding of what it is and how it works, especially in the medical community, sufferers struggle to get support and help for their pain, let alone to have understanding and empathy and support, even by doctors, friends and family and in the workplace, this causes major consequences for sufferers quality of life.
This women's health week, Amy Russell a menstrual cycle coach and certified First Moon Circle Facilitator at Sacred Flow Coaching, shares her experience of reclaiming her endometriosis by meeting, loving and nurturing her body and her womb, instead of battling against the medical system and herself. Whether you have endometriosis yourself, think you might, know or support someone who does, or you're having challenging experiences with your any chronic health condition I highly recommend tuning in.
Tune in to hear:
Amy's journey from discovering that she has endometriosis and what it's been like for her to try to get help through the system, How Amy discovered alternative approaches that work in the body, mind and spirit plane to healing including Menstrual Cycle Awareness, and Amy's method for supporting women to reclaim their endometriosis and heal their relationship with their body and cycle to minimise symptoms.Text us with your questions, feedback and just to say hey!
Thank you for listening, I love receiving your ratings, reviews, and stories of how this podcast inspires and supports you to embrace your cycle. Keep sharing and subscribe to the show to never miss a new episode.
FREE QUIZ to discover your Secret Cycle Superpower! Blood Magick: Honour your bleed in my guided shamanic menstrual ritual! On pre-sale now! Cyclical Business Mastermind for soulful women to harness the power of your cycle and feminine business strategies and embodiment tools to grow and flow in business. Ready to level up? Apply now! Become a First Moon Circle Educator or find parent resources to support your child.
Ready for more? Deepen with me!Big love,
Charlotte xxx -
Growing up in the Mormon Church meant Elizabeth believed she was responsible for males' thoughts about her body, that her body was unsafe, and her cycle was taboo. When she broke away from the Church she had to leave behind her faith and her tight-knit community, but in doing so, she found her authentic power, a truer community of ex-Mormon women, and best of her, she found a deep reverence for her own body and cycle that was all her own. She became sovereign.
Nowadays, Elizabeth Tidwell is a womb guide, menstrual cycle coach and First Moon Circle Facilitator who helps women and children learn vital body literacy and facilitates a deeper relationship between menstruators and their cycles, bodies, and whole selves. She prioritizes nervous system regulation and personal agency, empowering her clients in a trauma-informed environment. She’s also a mom and the founder of My Club Red, a hormone-friendly period self-care subscription box designed to transform menstruators' periods into a time of self-nurture, radical rest, and self-connecting ritual.
Tune in to be inspired and activated! We covered:
Growing up Mormon disconnected her from her body and cycle,Breaking out of the Church and what this looked like,Having eyes opened by discovering menstrual cycle awareness and witchery, Community-building in a culture that opposes your work and beliefs, Supporting children, parents, and women to learn menstrual cycle knowledge and wisdom through First Moon Circles and Elizabeth's Sovereign group programTips to start reconstructing a relationship with your body after being so disconnected.If you're detangling from religion, discovering your menstrual cycle as a portal to wholeness, or calling in more fearlessness to confidently speak about your purpose this is an inspiring listen.
Connect with Elizabeth on IG @myclubred Her next First Moon Circle is Sep 21 in Provo Utah USAText us with your questions, feedback and just to say hey!
Thank you for listening, I love receiving your ratings, reviews, and stories of how this podcast inspires and supports you to embrace your cycle. Keep sharing and subscribe to the show to never miss a new episode.
FREE QUIZ to discover your Secret Cycle Superpower! Blood Magick: Honour your bleed in my guided shamanic menstrual ritual! On pre-sale now! Cyclical Business Mastermind for soulful women to harness the power of your cycle and feminine business strategies and embodiment tools to grow and flow in business. Ready to level up? Apply now! Become a First Moon Circle Educator or find parent resources to support your child.
Ready for more? Deepen with me!Big love,
Charlotte xxx -
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Ever feel like you struggle with speaking your truth authentically, or being able to express your thoughts, feelings, beliefs and needs to others? How about speaking confidently out as a guide for others, showing up to share your gifts and magick in the world? Are you a confident speaker, or does the thought of being heard and seen scare you?
If any of this feels hard, I hear you, but speaking with confidence doesn’t need to always be hard.
A lot of my life I struggled to speak up, I was afraid of being judged, timid, a wallflower. I’d get so nervous, go bright red, and stumble over myself a lot in a work place, and I’d be spoken over, misheard, or dismissed in my personal life.
Stepping into a line of work that requires you to speak up, share your left of field perspectives, being a beacon of hope and healing for others requires you to be able to speak up. Reclaiming my power through reclaiming my voice has been a hell of a process for me over 2 decades, I’ve been pushed and nudged to dig so much deeper into owning my truth and cultivating self- trust to speak it.
Your voice is your power but so many of us have lost it, until we take it back. My guest on Wild Flow Podcast Michaela @michaelasound is a voice coach guiding us to speak up, speak well, and heal our throat chakras.
This conversation dives into:
•How many of us learn from a young age to keep quiet, not express our feelings or needs, and how we survive by being inauthentic.
•How hormones influence our voice from the time of day, to nervous system state such as when we're in fear, fight and flight mode.
•The throat, womb, cervix, Yoni connection and how our voice can change when we're bleeding.
•Practices and exercises to help us to connect with our voice, discover our voice, find tension that's there in our throat and our tongue, and get used to hearing ourselves and our expression once again.Text us with your questions, feedback and just to say hey!
Thank you for listening, I love receiving your ratings, reviews, and stories of how this podcast inspires and supports you to embrace your cycle. Keep sharing and subscribe to the show to never miss a new episode.
FREE QUIZ to discover your Secret Cycle Superpower! Blood Magick: Honour your bleed in my guided shamanic menstrual ritual! On pre-sale now! Cyclical Business Mastermind for soulful women to harness the power of your cycle and feminine business strategies and embodiment tools to grow and flow in business. Ready to level up? Apply now! Become a First Moon Circle Educator or find parent resources to support your child.
Ready for more? Deepen with me!Big love,
Charlotte xxx -
Did you know that mental health is affected by your menstrual cycle? And have you ever felt like you keep returning to the same mental health issues again and again, when you thought you'd dealt with it already? It was this repeating struggle that led today's guest Addy Buck @addy.innerrhythm to recognise how her mental health and inner healing follows a cyclical path, unlike the the once-done-and-dusted linear approach that the mainstream health system takes.
Addy is a Certified Menstrual Cycle Coach with a Bachelor in Psychology & Counselling, who loves supporting women to lean into their cyclical powers in a linear world, guiding her clients to become comfortable and empowered in their ever-changing cyclical bodies.
In this episode we explored:
How Addy discovered her mental health was cyclical and her experiences of feeling that something was wrong with her when her conditions and symptoms resurfaced again over time,How the menstrual cycle can affect mental health, How healing is cyclical (or a spiral!) and why this is a good, powerful thing to appreciate,How Addy supports women at the intersection of mental and menstrual health, How to discern the difference between common pre-menstrual mindset challenges and mental health conditions that require help. Connect with Addy on IG at @Addy.InnerRhythm
Previous episodes for you:
The Myth of the Inner Critic Cyclical Nature of Female ADHD Healing PMDD holisticallyGrief and Pleasure AlchemyText us with your questions, feedback and just to say hey!
Thank you for listening, I love receiving your ratings, reviews, and stories of how this podcast inspires and supports you to embrace your cycle. Keep sharing and subscribe to the show to never miss a new episode.
FREE QUIZ to discover your Secret Cycle Superpower! Blood Magick: Honour your bleed in my guided shamanic menstrual ritual! On pre-sale now! Cyclical Business Mastermind for soulful women to harness the power of your cycle and feminine business strategies and embodiment tools to grow and flow in business. Ready to level up? Apply now! Become a First Moon Circle Educator or find parent resources to support your child.
Ready for more? Deepen with me!Big love,
Charlotte xxx -
How do you manifest with your menstrual cycle? What about if you don't have a menstrual cycle and want to work with the moon? How do you manifest in a cyclical, feminine way?
How the Menstrual cycle is a map for manifestating,How to know what you want, and then how to actually let yourself receive it, How to attune your energy to be a match for your desire,How to increase your nervous system's capacity and safety to hold what you're manifesting (no more self-sabotaging getting what you want!),How to let go of timelines and trust the process - especially when it feels like nothing is happening,And how to work with the Moon Cycle if you don't menstruate.
If you love manifesting or want to start, but would prefer a cyclical, feminine flowing way of attracting your highest potential instead of hustling to force what you want, I'm breaking down the what, the why and the how of I manifest with my cycle in this episode of Wild Flow.
I believe that manifesting can be gross when we try to force, hustle and seize what we want, instead of really tuning in to what is right for us and our highest good. I also think it's misleading and privileged to suggest that we can just sit back and let it land in our lap, without needing to take any aligned and healthy action towards our desires. I believe its in the union of the masculine and feminine approaches that creates the best outcomes for all. Tune in to learn:Text us with your questions, feedback and just to say hey!
Thank you for listening, I love receiving your ratings, reviews, and stories of how this podcast inspires and supports you to embrace your cycle. Keep sharing and subscribe to the show to never miss a new episode.
FREE QUIZ to discover your Secret Cycle Superpower! Blood Magick: Honour your bleed in my guided shamanic menstrual ritual! On pre-sale now! Cyclical Business Mastermind for soulful women to harness the power of your cycle and feminine business strategies and embodiment tools to grow and flow in business. Ready to level up? Apply now! Become a First Moon Circle Educator or find parent resources to support your child.
Ready for more? Deepen with me!Big love,
Charlotte xxx -
Today's beautiful conversation with medicine woman Davina @divineconnections.love, about how she helps women heal menstrual shame and body shame, especially relating to our yonis, vulvas wombs, cyclical nature and menstrual blood. Divina talks with us about:
What menstrual shame is and all the ways that it disconnects us from our power and stops us from really being our full self in lots of different ways. Tantric de-armouring bodywork such as internal yoni massage, and how that can help us to release trauma from the pelvis. How plant medicines can support our womb healing and health. Favourite blood rituals to honour and reclaim the sanctity of menstrual blood.Davina's story of identifying and healing her own menstrual shame with South American Shamans.Text us with your questions, feedback and just to say hey!
Thank you for listening, I love receiving your ratings, reviews, and stories of how this podcast inspires and supports you to embrace your cycle. Keep sharing and subscribe to the show to never miss a new episode.
FREE QUIZ to discover your Secret Cycle Superpower! Blood Magick: Honour your bleed in my guided shamanic menstrual ritual! On pre-sale now! Cyclical Business Mastermind for soulful women to harness the power of your cycle and feminine business strategies and embodiment tools to grow and flow in business. Ready to level up? Apply now! Become a First Moon Circle Educator or find parent resources to support your child.
Ready for more? Deepen with me!Big love,
Charlotte xxx -
The Witch Wound lives in the collective and within ourselves, keeping us small, scared and silent by default, and in need of having to do so much work to show up as our full leader selves. If you're a coach, a healer, space holder, or wellbeing practitioner in any way, you would have been labelled a Witch in the past, and whether this is an identity you hold or not, we all hold energy (and often deep-seated fears) around what it means to show up, speak our truth, share our wisdom, and be of service to reclaiming the feminine. As such we have lost our voices, afraid to be our full selves, afraid to lead, to be seen, in case we get taken down and harmed, just as Witches were.
I believe a Witch is a person at home in nature, who honours the seasons and cycles of the earth, her body and our life cycle, and is here to do magick for the highest good of all. She isn't to be feared like Patriarchy would have us believe, but she does hold the frequency of a woman being her full authentic self, working with her powerful gifts, and being unashamed of who she is. There is so much we can learn from meeting our inner Witch!Tune in to hear:
What a witch is, and why Samhain is celebrated as the Witches New Year and how you can celebrate it too,How we lost our voices and were silenced by the label ‘Witch’, and how it still affects us to this day,How we can heal our Witch Wound and the Sister Wound (the fear of being outed and harmed by other women) to help us grow our businesses,How me and my client lost our voices as an energetic manifestation of the Witch Wound, A practice to find and reclaim your voice through embodied energetic work,How I’ve worked through fears of being a leader myself to cultivate leadership through voice work and having the right support.If you know you need to work on your reclaiming your voice and leadership, if you know the Witch Wound lives on in you, I would love to support you with this!
Our magickal new container, the Cyclical Business Mastermind, is a place where we can heal this wound, and the sister wound, to be held, heard, championed, inspired and deeply supported by other aligned soul sisters, to help you step into leadership, work on implementing aligned strategies that support ease and flow in your business and life, and to do the deeper embodiment work that will serve you for a life time.Right now, until 5th May, I've got an epic early bird offer that's all yours if you apply and accept your place by then. Get the details and the application form at http://bit.ly/
Text us with your questions, feedback and just to say hey!
Thank you for listening, I love receiving your ratings, reviews, and stories of how this podcast inspires and supports you to embrace your cycle. Keep sharing and subscribe to the show to never miss a new episode.
FREE QUIZ to discover your Secret Cycle Superpower! Blood Magick: Honour your bleed in my guided shamanic menstrual ritual! On pre-sale now! Cyclical Business Mastermind for soulful women to harness the power of your cycle and feminine business strategies and embodiment tools to grow and flow in business. Ready to level up? Apply now! Become a First Moon Circle Educator or find parent resources to support your child.
Ready for more? Deepen with me!Big love,
Charlotte xxx -
I'm diving deep and sharing all the juice on what your relationship with your period says about your business. In this episode I'm teaching you how to bring in cyclical business strategy that goes beyond cycle syncing biz tasks to the different energy phases of your menstrual cycle, so you operate on a timeline that honours your phase of life, your body's rhythm, and your desire to be grounded, sustainable, embodied and liberated in how you work.
If you're here to grow a serious business and make an impact and income, but are here to live and be well over being busy, then you'll want a pen and paper to capture all the practical steps you can take to call in more ease and flow.
Here's what you can expect:
Understanding what your attitude towards having a period has to do with how you run your business,Identifying scarcity patterns, fears, feelings of unworthiness and how that keeps you out of your power, Bringing in structure to hold your creative, expressive and connecting flow energy that's cyclical - instead of having a rigid daily schedule that doesn't acknowledge your changing energy and mindset, Mapping a year's worth of program launches and delivery around school holidays and menstrual cycles,How to get the juice out of each phase of your menstrual cycle by aligning the right business tasks to the right phase, How to show up as a coach for your clients on your period and when pre-menstrual,The mindset, energy and embodiment work required to do cyclical business,How and why I do concrete business tasks in a cyclical manner instead of daily. I am also sharing the goss on what the Cyclical Business Mastermind is, who its for, why I created it (hint: because it's what I've needed these past few years when growing my biz) with guidance on how to get the very best support from me at the very best price.
Told you it's a potent episode! If you're a rebel heart who is here to go big and bold on your soul-work whilst saying staying true to your cyclical nature and deep authenticity, this is an ep to set sacred time aside to listen to today.
Cyclical Business Mastermind: Waitlist and detailsYour business your super power ($50 class)Text us with your questions, feedback and just to say hey!
Thank you for listening, I love receiving your ratings, reviews, and stories of how this podcast inspires and supports you to embrace your cycle. Keep sharing and subscribe to the show to never miss a new episode.
FREE QUIZ to discover your Secret Cycle Superpower! Blood Magick: Honour your bleed in my guided shamanic menstrual ritual! On pre-sale now! Cyclical Business Mastermind for soulful women to harness the power of your cycle and feminine business strategies and embodiment tools to grow and flow in business. Ready to level up? Apply now! Become a First Moon Circle Educator or find parent resources to support your child.
Ready for more? Deepen with me!Big love,
Charlotte xxx -
Comparisonitis is the thief of joy, it's the energy of unworthiness, as compared to others or to where we think we should be, and it's a huge problem when it comes to stepping forward into your power in life and business.
We all do it - but what can we do about it? I'm talking this through because it's something I see in clients and women I have been journeying with in my own studies, and it's origin and impact can be subtle, yet run deep. It can stop us believing in ourselves, trusting ourselves, and fulfilling the soul purpose we're here to live out. It can keep us poor, stifled, unfulfilled, and afraid. And it's time we cut through the BS to be more of our wild, powerful selves, so we can be the leaders we need to be, and be supported to do what we're here to do.
I'm talking through:
Why we compare ourselves as a root cause and some of the common triggers that paralyse us,How it shows up in my menstrual cycle, and how I can watch out for this in my life and biz,The harmful effects of comparing ourselves to others, and the ways it keeps us small and scared, Embodied, cyclical and energetic strategies for breaking free from this energy when it strikes, so we can step forward and own our individual worth, magick and power.Tune in for a pep talk, self-awareness, and tools to shift from stuck to sovereign leader!
Cyclical Business Mastermind Waitlist UK: Cyclical Business 1-day Retreat tickets (18th May 24)Class: Your Cycle, Your Business Super Power
LinksFind the full show notes including links and transcript here >
Text us with your questions, feedback and just to say hey!
Thank you for listening, I love receiving your ratings, reviews, and stories of how this podcast inspires and supports you to embrace your cycle. Keep sharing and subscribe to the show to never miss a new episode.
FREE QUIZ to discover your Secret Cycle Superpower! Blood Magick: Honour your bleed in my guided shamanic menstrual ritual! On pre-sale now! Cyclical Business Mastermind for soulful women to harness the power of your cycle and feminine business strategies and embodiment tools to grow and flow in business. Ready to level up? Apply now! Become a First Moon Circle Educator or find parent resources to support your child.
Ready for more? Deepen with me!Big love,
Charlotte xxx -
Hustle is the energy of fear and scarcity, and results in burnout, and distracts you from your values and vision and the impact you're here to make. If you've been hustling, or feeling like it's the only way to succeed, and you're so ready to life and business on your terms, and at your pace, then I'm here to share that its more than possible to thrive by taking a different approach.
Being embodied and honouring your cycle in your business allows you to stop operating from a place of fear and scarcity. Instead you can tap into a deep well of inspiration, creativity, and alignment with your clients, allowing you to both manifest your desires, and magnetise the right people and opportunities towards you.
In this episode of Wild Flow I dive into:
What hustle culture is, where it originated and it keeps us small and sick.Why manifesting can also be a BS and disempowering approach, How embodiment and cycle wisdom is us the perfect sweet spot from which to grow an aligned and sustainable business, and the many benefits of choosing a cyclical approach serves you and your clients,How to break up with hustle, and how to integrate a cycle approach into your business,How I bring work with and teach both cyclical business strategy and menstrual cycle wisdom as the killer combo to create more ease, flow, pleasure, alignment and sustainable energy as you lead, serve, and grow. Hear how I'm calling in an intimate circle of women devoted to this way of living and working in my upcoming Cyclical Business Mastermind, and get a sneak peek as to what's inside!CYCLICAL BUSINESS MASTERMIND
If you're feeling lost, confused or worn out, and want to be in a space with other women committed to living and working in this slower, gentler, cyclical and embodied way, put your name down here on the waitlist for my upcoming Cyclical Business Mastermind here. Applications open at the end of April 2024
Find the full show notes including links and transcript here >Text us with your questions, feedback and just to say hey!
Thank you for listening, I love receiving your ratings, reviews, and stories of how this podcast inspires and supports you to embrace your cycle. Keep sharing and subscribe to the show to never miss a new episode.
FREE QUIZ to discover your Secret Cycle Superpower! Blood Magick: Honour your bleed in my guided shamanic menstrual ritual! On pre-sale now! Cyclical Business Mastermind for soulful women to harness the power of your cycle and feminine business strategies and embodiment tools to grow and flow in business. Ready to level up? Apply now! Become a First Moon Circle Educator or find parent resources to support your child.
Ready for more? Deepen with me!Big love,
Charlotte xxx -
Seed cycling is a hot topic, a menstrual bio-hacking practice that's existed for aeons and handed down as women's wisdom, but not until recently have the many benefits and healing potential of seed cycling been evidenced through scientific research, Backing up what we've known works for a long time.
I'm chatting with the founder of Aussie family business The Seed Cycle all about this menstrual health practice that gets to the root cause of hormone imbalances, to learn more about exactly how it works and what it can do for us.
What is seed cycling, how it works, and what the benefits are,How seed cycling supports hormones to be in balance, treating the root cause of menstrual cycle symptoms,How seed cycling can support you at every stage of your menstrual cycle and menstrual cycling years, whether puberty, coming off the Pill, having irregular or painful cycles, PCOS and endometriosis, fertility and pregnancy, and peri-menopause.Sharing seed cycling with your child to help them love their cycle, see food as medicine and balance their hormones during puberty,Mel's story of supporting women to improve their hormone health through taking food as medicine in her functional nutrition and EFT work, and when she starting teaching her clients to daily seed cycle, client results really began to stack up.And how seed cycling supports your cyclical living practice beyond menstrual health, so you remember to embrace times of doing and rest, so you nourish and nurture yourself and love all sides of who you are.
We covered:
Find all the links, resources and transcript in the full show here. Discover the range at www.theseedcycle.com.au - use code Charlotte15 to save 15% on products.Text us with your questions, feedback and just to say hey!
Thank you for listening, I love receiving your ratings, reviews, and stories of how this podcast inspires and supports you to embrace your cycle. Keep sharing and subscribe to the show to never miss a new episode.
FREE QUIZ to discover your Secret Cycle Superpower! Blood Magick: Honour your bleed in my guided shamanic menstrual ritual! On pre-sale now! Cyclical Business Mastermind for soulful women to harness the power of your cycle and feminine business strategies and embodiment tools to grow and flow in business. Ready to level up? Apply now! Become a First Moon Circle Educator or find parent resources to support your child.
Ready for more? Deepen with me!Big love,
Charlotte xxx -
Did you know that Autumn Equinox is linked to PMS and Menopause, and how you experience one is a mirror of how you expereince them all? This week in the southern hemisphere it's Autumn Equinox, also known as Mabon, on 21st March. I'm sharing the traditional and spirutual meaning of equinox, and how gives us clues to have better pre-menstrual and peri-menopause experiences, and how to live cyclically.
Autumn is a season of letting go - which we might be fully ready to embrace, or be fearful or reticent of it's approach. All clues! Tune in for what opportunities Autumn brings us to live a more wholesome, cyclical and sustainable life, as well as the deeper clues to come into right relationship with our body, our cycle, our truth and our power as wild feminine queens.
I'm detailing:
What Autumn Equinox is and means,How its traditionally celebrated and honoured, How to work out how you feel about Autumn and why its important to understand this if you're trying to heal your cycle especially,The problems that can come up for us around Autumn time, both in the year, pre-menstrual time and peri-menopause from a whole cycle point of view,Reflections to sit with for self-enquiry, and how to set intentions for healing this season, andTips, rituals and resources for helping you to embrace your Autumn and Challenger self in your life, health, relationships and business.I mention the Your Cycle, Your Biz Super Power class in this episode, its just $50 and is PACKED with tips, strategies and practices for embodying and embracing your inner Challenger in life and cyclical business (as well as the other 3 seasonal archetypes!). Enjoy!!
Want to come to my in-person Autumn Equinox Women's Ceremony this Saturday 23rd March? Grab your ticket hereIf you struggle with your Autumn energy this is one for you, and if its one you embrace - I hope this helps you love it and ritualise it even more.
Blessings on this equinox!
Text us with your questions, feedback and just to say hey!
Thank you for listening, I love receiving your ratings, reviews, and stories of how this podcast inspires and supports you to embrace your cycle. Keep sharing and subscribe to the show to never miss a new episode.
FREE QUIZ to discover your Secret Cycle Superpower! Blood Magick: Honour your bleed in my guided shamanic menstrual ritual! On pre-sale now! Cyclical Business Mastermind for soulful women to harness the power of your cycle and feminine business strategies and embodiment tools to grow and flow in business. Ready to level up? Apply now! Become a First Moon Circle Educator or find parent resources to support your child.
Ready for more? Deepen with me!Big love,
Charlotte xxx -
I took summer off running my business and guess what, my business didn’t break. In fact I had a huge money month whilst doing the minimum because of the way I’ve set up my business to operate seasonally, cyclically, and without me being ON all the time.
Why I took the summer off, How a cyclical and seasonal approach to business has served me to do this, Why we need to vary strategy, mindset and business tasks by menstrual cycle season, and season of life, How the same approach doesn't keep serving as you grow if you're multipassionate, and as you and your clients evolve. The foundational tasks I have been focused on this season to help me get the right base established, before diving into creation / launch / growth season.
In business taking time off feels scary in case we drop the ball and fall behind. Yet I believe that taking a whole season off growing my business is helping me leap forward faster and stronger in my business than if I'd soldiered on. I took the entire summer away from working on on my business, and found that by stepping out, I could gladly spend my energy with my family where its needed, and trust that my business won't collapse in the meantime. I've set up structures to allow my income to keep flowing, clients to be served and my own health prioritised so I don't need to be on all the time. This allowed me the chance to re-evaluate the work I am doing, ensure its deeply aligned and of the highest service, so I can work smarter this year and grow sustainably - instead of grinding myself into burn out. This is cyclical business.
Tune in as I share how my intention this year to go bold not hard has looked in quarter 1 of 2024 so far:Here's why, and how you can too.
Take the Cyclical Leadership Style quiz to grab your free, detailed playbook on how to work with your archetype in your cyclical bizDiscover the Your Cycle, Your Biz Super Power Class and learn how all 4 archetypes show up in each season of your cycle, and learn the mindset and strategy to best work with all of them. It's only $50 and you get this back if you join the Cyclical Biz Mastermind!Join the Waitlist: Cyclical Business Mastermind!!!UK Events this May 2024: Cyclical Sacred Biz Retreat - Saturday 18th May and Wild Womb Retreat - Sunday 19th May
Hot links:Text us with your questions, feedback and just to say hey!
Thank you for listening, I love receiving your ratings, reviews, and stories of how this podcast inspires and supports you to embrace your cycle. Keep sharing and subscribe to the show to never miss a new episode.
FREE QUIZ to discover your Secret Cycle Superpower! Blood Magick: Honour your bleed in my guided shamanic menstrual ritual! On pre-sale now! Cyclical Business Mastermind for soulful women to harness the power of your cycle and feminine business strategies and embodiment tools to grow and flow in business. Ready to level up? Apply now! Become a First Moon Circle Educator or find parent resources to support your child.
Ready for more? Deepen with me!Big love,
Charlotte xxx -
How are painful periods linked to our traumas? Lisa de Jong reveals the wisdom of our bodies, and the tools she used to holistically heal chronic pain and tend to our nervous systems in her trauma-informed approach to menstrual cycle coaching.
As a health coach and educator Lisa works 1:1 with women, focusing on pain through a really trauma informed approach means that she's really considering what pain is, what it's manifesting from, and what these deeper inner conflicts might be, so she doesn't just help people find relief from their pain, but to do that inner work as well to transform pain into power.
In this week's episode of Wild Flow Lisa and I had a big chat about our cycle coaching businesses, pain, trauma and nervous system healing approaches:
Lisa's journey from corporate to discovering menstrual cycle awareness and growing a really successful and thriving professional business in the menstrual cycle space and what that was like for her. Her menstrual cycle experiences and her pain, and how she found relief. What pain is, where it originates, how we inherit perceptions that periods are going to be painful. Why Lisa takes a trauma informed approach to her menstrual cycle work and how trauma can be involved in our experience of the menstrual cycle and any challenges and pain that can be coming up. Her top tips for quickly relieving pain, and how to start with the deeper inner dive to transform pain to power long-term.Get the full show notes here
Text us with your questions, feedback and just to say hey!
Thank you for listening, I love receiving your ratings, reviews, and stories of how this podcast inspires and supports you to embrace your cycle. Keep sharing and subscribe to the show to never miss a new episode.
FREE QUIZ to discover your Secret Cycle Superpower! Blood Magick: Honour your bleed in my guided shamanic menstrual ritual! On pre-sale now! Cyclical Business Mastermind for soulful women to harness the power of your cycle and feminine business strategies and embodiment tools to grow and flow in business. Ready to level up? Apply now! Become a First Moon Circle Educator or find parent resources to support your child.
Ready for more? Deepen with me!Big love,
Charlotte xxx -
The Moon cycle is universal, whether you have a menstrual cycle or not, whatever your gender or identity and wherever you are in the world: we are all under the same lunar phase at any time. Today's guest Nadiah, Founder of @tune_to_the_moon lunisolar menstrual diary is here to guide us to have awareness of the moon's energy as it cycles around us, to embody lunar living practices for ourselves, and then to share that with our loved ones and communities.
My guest is my local friend Nadiah who comes to my Southern Highlands seasonal women's circles, she is mama, creative and founder of Tune to the Moon, a lunar- menstrual diary that allows you to tap into the benefits of living by cycles to connect to cycles; moon, menstrual and seasons and plan for a year that honours your body, energy, mind and spirit.
Nadiah worked as a creative director in the apparel industry for almost two decades, having founded a men’s underwear brand in 2006. Prior to that she worked as a graphic designer in both Sydney and London. After decades of combining being a mum, running a business and running a home, Nadiah became sick and burnt out. This lead her to begin questioning the modern concept of time and a culture that promotes continuous productivity and growth.
In this episode we chat about:
What cycle wisdom means,Why Nadiah loves working with the lunar cycle even more so than with the menstrual cycle, The history of the lunar cycle as an ancient calendar, and how we use in modern times for better wellbeing, productivity and connection,Nadiah's story growing up with strong women, to having painful periods, to burnout, to letting her old lifestyle die, to discovering the lunar rhythm and creating Tune to the Moon diaries and journals. How the diary is a powerful support for attending women's circles, setting new moon intentions, charting menstrual cycles and bringing your family on board,and where you can get hold of your 2024 diary!Connect with Nadiah at @tune_to_the_moon and purchase your diary at www.tunetothemoon.com.au now.
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Thank you for listening, I love receiving your ratings, reviews, and stories of how this podcast inspires and supports you to embrace your cycle. Keep sharing and subscribe to the show to never miss a new episode.
FREE QUIZ to discover your Secret Cycle Superpower! Blood Magick: Honour your bleed in my guided shamanic menstrual ritual! On pre-sale now! Cyclical Business Mastermind for soulful women to harness the power of your cycle and feminine business strategies and embodiment tools to grow and flow in business. Ready to level up? Apply now! Become a First Moon Circle Educator or find parent resources to support your child.
Ready for more? Deepen with me!Big love,
Charlotte xxx -
What does money have to do with the menstrual cycle? It's surprising how much! This week's guest Cathy Lemire, The Menstrual Money Coach, is here to help us connect the dots between how our menstrual cycle influences our relationship, behaviours and attitudes around money, understand how our money stories play up across the phases of our cycle, and to take charge of our wealth!
Cathy is a financial coach for women who know their menstrual cycle is wreaking havoc on their life and are struggling to manage their energy, she teaches women to embrace their cycle as their superpower, so they can stop the monthly PMS fight over money with their spouse, the emotional spending splurge followed by regret and feelings of self sabotage. Cathy loves talking about how we can embrace our cycle through cycle syncing to help us reach her goals, specifically with money. I really loved reflecting on how my own money mindset changes by inner season, and hearing how it can show up differently for others based on our money archetypes - it's super fascinating!
Tune in for a great episode where you'll hear about:
How Cathy become the Menstrual Money Coach, and what she did when she realised she was sabotaging her money and relationship in her inner autumn,The origins of money shame and taboo and how money and the menstrual cycle are both sources of power that we have been actively disconnected from,The temperamental nature of our money mindset across our cycle, and the main ways her clients get stuck with money,How our money stories are formed, How to communicate our cyclical needs to partners - especially if they don't have a menstrual cycle.Cathy also offers you a quiz to take to find out if your cycle is impacting your money management. Take it here. Connect with Cathy at www.themenstrualmoneycoach.com and on IG at @themenstrualmoneycoach
Text us with your questions, feedback and just to say hey!
Thank you for listening, I love receiving your ratings, reviews, and stories of how this podcast inspires and supports you to embrace your cycle. Keep sharing and subscribe to the show to never miss a new episode.
FREE QUIZ to discover your Secret Cycle Superpower! Blood Magick: Honour your bleed in my guided shamanic menstrual ritual! On pre-sale now! Cyclical Business Mastermind for soulful women to harness the power of your cycle and feminine business strategies and embodiment tools to grow and flow in business. Ready to level up? Apply now! Become a First Moon Circle Educator or find parent resources to support your child.
Ready for more? Deepen with me!Big love,
Charlotte xxx -
This week we're myth-busting! The Inner Critic is a popular name for that inner voice who is known to tear us down when we're 'PMNS-ing', but Melanie Swan, womb medicine woman at @the_sacred_womb wants to realise this isn't normal, its not something we should learn to work with, but is in fact one way trauma shows up in our menstrual cycle.
Melanie and I are talking about this myth of the inner critic: why it happens, how to heal it, and Melanie shares an easy, practical, beautiful exercise that you can do straight away towards the end of this episode to connect in with your womb and this voice.
Melanie goes deep on:
How this inner critic has evolved into being, and why we relate to this voice as an inner critic, How it's related to trauma that's held in the body, and How we can work through patterns that are coming up in this lifetime and past lifetimes as well to understand the origin of this inner critic,As well as how to release it's hold from our lives and cycles.So if you experience what you call an inner critic voice, particularly in the pre-menstrual phase of your cycle - or at any other phase as well - then this is going to be a really great one to listen to.
Come find me on Instagram and leave a comment! How does your inner critic show up? Can you connect with it as trauma? Has it felt like something you just have to accept and live with? Are you curious about past life healing through the womb?
Let me introduce Mel. Besides being a Midland gal from the UK like me, Melanie is a Womb Medicine Woman and Multi-dimensional trauma healer who helps women to come home to their true nature by embodying the multi-faceted menstrual cycle, healing multi-dimensional trauma & co-creating with the divine through the portal of the Womb. Ooh how amazing does that sound.
Connect with Mel at https://www.thesacredwomb.com, and tune into her podcast here.
Happy listening! Don't forget to subscribe and please share with a cycle sister, leave a rating, or even better yet, a review.Thank you!
Charlotte xxx
Text us with your questions, feedback and just to say hey!
Thank you for listening, I love receiving your ratings, reviews, and stories of how this podcast inspires and supports you to embrace your cycle. Keep sharing and subscribe to the show to never miss a new episode.
FREE QUIZ to discover your Secret Cycle Superpower! Blood Magick: Honour your bleed in my guided shamanic menstrual ritual! On pre-sale now! Cyclical Business Mastermind for soulful women to harness the power of your cycle and feminine business strategies and embodiment tools to grow and flow in business. Ready to level up? Apply now! Become a First Moon Circle Educator or find parent resources to support your child.
Ready for more? Deepen with me!Big love,
Charlotte xxx -
When you're becoming conscious of your menstrual cycle, and how much it influences you, and how much healing there is possible when we reclaim our cycle, it's entirely normal to want a better experience for your child when they start their periods. You don’t want her to have to wait until she’s this age to figure it all out piece by piece, and you hope she doesn’t feel disconnected, distrusting or even disgusted by her body and cycle.
But since you weren’t given much support or empowering information when you had your menarche (first period), you’re at a loss at to how to really talk to your child in advance, so she is supported, prepared and confident in advance, and never has to struggle or suffer alone.
So to support you to have conversations with your child at any age, I'm sharing a lot of tips, knowledge and wisdom that you need to know to support your child - as well as ways to support yourself as a parent. I want you to feel so confident and at ease to have what are traditionally uncomfortable conversations, and turn them into beautiful healing and bonding opportunities for you and your child.
Inside I'm walking you through ways to share with children of different ages from young children, tweens and pre-pubescent children, through to pubescent children and teens.
I hope this helps you turn what’s been traditionally uncomfortable conversations into beautiful moments of bonding, and learning and healing for yourself as well as your child.
Making HerStory, the one-moon self-healing menarche and womb journey,Subscribe for your free adult cycle guide,First Moon Guide ebook: download and print this colourful, illustrated age-appropriate resource your child can refer to again and again, First Moon Circle Facilitator Training: join the waitlist now.
Prefer to read the blog post? Visit the show notes here
Here's the links and next steps to go deeper:
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Thank you for listening, I love receiving your ratings, reviews, and stories of how this podcast inspires and supports you to embrace your cycle. Keep sharing and subscribe to the show to never miss a new episode.
FREE QUIZ to discover your Secret Cycle Superpower! Blood Magick: Honour your bleed in my guided shamanic menstrual ritual! On pre-sale now! Cyclical Business Mastermind for soulful women to harness the power of your cycle and feminine business strategies and embodiment tools to grow and flow in business. Ready to level up? Apply now! Become a First Moon Circle Educator or find parent resources to support your child.
Ready for more? Deepen with me!Big love,
Charlotte xxx -
Joss Golden is a Trauma Informed Parenting Consultant and Level Two Aware Parenting Instructor who is certified with the Aware Parenting Institute. Joss is a mother of two children aged 19 and 17, and she's really passionate about supporting parents to raise children who are deeply connected to their authentic selves so they can process and heal from our trauma and so that we can be the parents that we want to be.
I absolutely love this conversation with Joss. She shares so much wisdom that is really suitable for parents but also people who are likely to be parents in the future. Joss invites us to let go of guilt and shame when we don't need to hold it, and instead, to bring so much compassion to ourselves as we learn to be the parents that our children need us to be and to flow with the changes as our children develop and move into new stages of life and surprises.
We talked about:
What Aware Parenting is and how Joss found it, and why its different to other parenting frameworks,How we can be with ourselves and our feelings as we parent developing children, and are triggered by our children's feelings and behaviours,How to honour our changing capacity for listening to feelings and doing life as our energy and resources wax and wane.Being with what comes up for us in our Inner Spring of the menstrual cycle, which is a mirror of the Maiden time of our lives, as well as the Inner Summer, which is a reflection of the Mother season of life, and how our children and menstrual cycle can show us where their is room for healing and growth. How Joss held a beautiful Menarche celebration for her daughter when she had her first period, and how she educated and supported both of her children through puberty. What Joss believes children should know beyond just the facts of life, so that they can become their most wise, joyful, connected, self aware and compassionate young people they can be.Whether you have children now or not this is a really great listen as we're talking about reparenting ourselves and inner child healing as well as supporting children through puberty adolescence and their rites of passages.
Joss's website with free articles, courses and community www.awareparenting.com.auInstagram @AwareparentingwithJossMy chat with Joss on her Aware Parenting Stories PodcastBooks byText us with your questions, feedback and just to say hey!
Thank you for listening, I love receiving your ratings, reviews, and stories of how this podcast inspires and supports you to embrace your cycle. Keep sharing and subscribe to the show to never miss a new episode.
FREE QUIZ to discover your Secret Cycle Superpower! Blood Magick: Honour your bleed in my guided shamanic menstrual ritual! On pre-sale now! Cyclical Business Mastermind for soulful women to harness the power of your cycle and feminine business strategies and embodiment tools to grow and flow in business. Ready to level up? Apply now! Become a First Moon Circle Educator or find parent resources to support your child.
Ready for more? Deepen with me!Big love,
Charlotte xxx -
Today we're talking womb wisdom, womb healing through massage and menstrual cycle awareness. Today's guest Alisha Rose Kruger is a holistic menstrual cycle coach and womb healing guide. She supports women in discovering the wisdom of their menstrual cycles and deepening into reverent relationship with their wombs.
Alisha's personal healing journey, what helped her have better periods, and her advice for mothers who want to support their children with similar symptoms,Healing the ancestral experiences of menstrual cycles in your lineage, What womb wisdom is and how to tap into it,Being realistic about your cycle awareness practice and rituals, How womb massage and healing can be a nourishing addition to our menstrual cycle awareness journey,How massage can support reproductive health overall, and the menstrual cycle more specifically,How massage can support emotional, energetic and ancestral healing that is stored within the womb,What to expect during a womb hara massage, and how to find a practitioner, andHow to begin a simple self-massage practice at home
In our conversation we're chatting:Alisha is passionate about teaching women how to align with their cyclical nature to enrich every area of their lives, including their physical health, emotional wellbeing, self-care rituals, spiritual practice, creative expression and leadership. She also guides shamanic womb healing journeys for both groups and individuals, and offers womb massage sessions on the Gold Coast, Australia. Alisha is a certified Menstruality Mentor, Women’s Hormonal Health Coach, Integrative Womb Hara Massage therapist, Holistic Pelvic Care™ practitioner and yoga teacher. She works with clients both online and in-person.
Text us with your questions, feedback and just to say hey!
Thank you for listening, I love receiving your ratings, reviews, and stories of how this podcast inspires and supports you to embrace your cycle. Keep sharing and subscribe to the show to never miss a new episode.
FREE QUIZ to discover your Secret Cycle Superpower! Blood Magick: Honour your bleed in my guided shamanic menstrual ritual! On pre-sale now! Cyclical Business Mastermind for soulful women to harness the power of your cycle and feminine business strategies and embodiment tools to grow and flow in business. Ready to level up? Apply now! Become a First Moon Circle Educator or find parent resources to support your child.
Ready for more? Deepen with me!Big love,
Charlotte xxx - Daha fazla göster