
  • As humans, our brains are embedded with a natural instinct to survive. We constantly check our surroundings for danger and become hyper-vigilant when faced with uncertainty. We want to protect ourselves at all costs and react to perceived threats with a goal of self-preservation.  

    While our survival instinct is necessary to keep us from harm’s way, this drive to survive is not always helpful when it comes to investment decisions. We’re hardwired to panic and pull our money at the first sign of a downturn instead of riding it out and letting the market recover.  

    Rather than letting fear rule your investment strategy, it’s imperative to be realistic about your short-term and long-term financial goals. 

    In this episode, John explores our natural aversion to long-term investments and the importance of understanding which investment tools allow you to build real wealth.  

    In this episode, you’ll also hear: 

    How natural instincts work against investments  Understanding your long-term financial plan  Winning at wealth like Warren Buffet  

    Must-listen moments:  

    [00:02:16] It's a natural drive to react first to protect yourself when faced with an unknown situation. 

    [00:04:08] It's probable that these very instincts that are designed to protect us may actually work against us when making investment decisions. 

    [00:06:33] This is why it's so important to understand your individual goals and to match your chosen investment tools to your unique financial job. If you do this appropriately, the fear of a market downturn affecting your lifestyle in the short term is greatly minimized. 

    Find your path to winning at wealth by visiting https://www.winningatwealth.com and by following us on: 

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/winningatwealthpodcast/ 

    Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100083889685976 

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/winning-at-wealth/ 

    YouTube Channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyP_4AF2aWUaEK-YSLjguvA 





    Disclosure: The preceding program is sponsored by Fourth Avenue Financial, which is solely responsible for its content. Securities offered through J.W. Cole Financial Member FINRA SIPC, Investment advice offered through J.W. Cole Advisors. Fourth Avenue Financial, J.W. Cole Financial, and J.W. Cole Advisors are unaffiliated entities. The opinions expressed by John K. Burdette II should not be construed as specific investment, legal, or tax advice. All economic and performance information is historical and not indicative of future results. Investing may involve the risk of loss of principal. Any Tax advice on this show is not intended to be used by any person for the purpose of avoiding US federal or state tax penalties that may be imposed on such a person, and each listener should seek advice from their tax advisor or legal counsel on topics that arise from the show. John K. Burdette II is not providing legal or tax advice. Nothing should be construed as solicitation of an offer to buy securities. 



  • Rather than focusing on an arbitrary number for your credit score, it’s equally important to focus on the habits that create your financial reality.  

    Your credit score consists of your payment history, credit utilization rate, the length of your credit history, and the various types of credit you have open. Sure, a high credit score can better your chances of getting a loan with lower interest rates, but your score will never increase without intentional action to secure your finances.  

    Following the Winning at Wealth steps makes you more attractive as a borrower to potential lenders. This means you’ve followed the steps consistently and created and followed a budget, established savings and investments, and even have an emergency fund to fall back on. This is the type of financial responsibility that puts lenders at ease.   

    In this episode, John illustrates why good credit is more than just a number and how to become a magnet for money and boost your creditworthiness.   

    In this episode, you’ll also hear: 

    The most important factor in your credit score  Benefits of different credit categories  What lenders look for in borrowers 


    Must-listen moments:  

    [00:01:20] The most common credit score is known as your FICO score. This score is used by approximately 90% of lenders and is the key to receiving the best loan rates and terms. 

    [00:03:32] As you can see, the broad categories that determine your credit score are simply the hallmarks of sound financial management. 

    [00:07:33]  If you're struggling to finance a home or a business, remember to look inward at the things you control rather than blaming the lenders who are denying you credit.  

    Find your path to winning at wealth by visiting https://www.winningatwealth.com and by following us on: 

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/winningatwealthpodcast/ 

    Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100083889685976 

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/winning-at-wealth/ 

    YouTube Channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyP_4AF2aWUaEK-YSLjguvA 





    Disclosure: The preceding program is sponsored by Fourth Avenue Financial, which is solely responsible for its content. Securities offered through J.W. Cole Financial Member FINRA SIPC, Investment advice offered through J.W. Cole Advisors. Fourth Avenue Financial, J.W. Cole Financial, and J.W. Cole Advisors are unaffiliated entities. The opinions expressed by John K. Burdette II should not be construed as specific investment, legal, or tax advice. All economic and performance information is historical and not indicative of future results. Investing may involve the risk of loss of principal. Any Tax advice on this show is not intended to be used by any person for the purpose of avoiding US federal or state tax penalties that may be imposed on such a person, and each listener should seek advice from their tax advisor or legal counsel on topics that arise from the show. John K. Burdette II is not providing legal or tax advice. Nothing should be construed as solicitation of an offer to buy securities. 



  • Eksik bölüm mü var?

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  • Ever think about what you’d do if you won the lottery? Maybe you’ve daydreamed about buying a bigger house, a faster car, or paying off debt for yourself and your family.  

    Chances are you won’t actually win the lottery, but it’s still a good idea to build financial habits that can manage a large windfall of cash instead of blowing through it like so many past lotto winners have done. You might receive an unexpected inheritance or a large financial settlement, so it’s crucial to understand how to handle your money and make it work for you, regardless of where it comes from.   

    It can’t be emphasized enough how much the financial decisions you make today can positively or negatively impact your overall financial future. Even if you never receive a lump sum of money, following the Winning at Wealth steps is still highly beneficial. Adopting a proper money lens, creating an emergency fund, understanding your investment goals, and consistently making sound financial decisions can tremendously pay off in the long run. 

    In this episode, John reveals why windfalls of money don’t always last as long as we think and how to set yourself up for financial success. 

    In this episode, you’ll also hear:

    Understanding the reality of bankruptcy How much one million dollars is really worth Fast money vs. financial success 

    Must-listen moments: 

    [00:01:38] I think you're going to be a little surprised to learn how easy going broke can really be.

    [00:05:33] You can certainly still have a lot of fun with a million dollars. The problem arises when you're focusing on the fun that the million dollars can offer you, yet you still expect it to create an income that lasts over your life. 

    [00:06:17] Usually people that find financial success get there on purpose by practicing sound money habits over long periods of time.

    Find your path to winning at wealth by visiting https://www.winningatwealth.com and by following us on:

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/winningatwealthpodcast/

    Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100083889685976

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/winning-at-wealth/

    YouTube Channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyP_4AF2aWUaEK-YSLjguvA

    Disclosure: The preceding program is sponsored by Fourth Avenue Financial, which is solely responsible for its content. Securities offered through J.W. Cole Financial Member FINRA SIPC, Investment advice offered through J.W. Cole Advisors. Fourth Avenue Financial, J.W. Cole Financial, and J.W. Cole Advisors are unaffiliated entities. The opinions expressed by John K. Burdette II should not be construed as specific investment, legal, or tax advice. All economic and performance information is historical and not indicative of future results. Investing may involve the risk of loss of principal. Any Tax advice on this show is not intended to be used by any person for the purpose of avoiding US federal or state tax penalties that may be imposed on such a person, and each listener should seek advice from their tax advisor or legal counsel on topics that arise from the show. John K. Burdette II is not providing legal or tax advice. Nothing should be construed as solicitation of an offer to buy securities.

  • The key to attaining financial freedom is not a magical secret, but a simple principle you've heard since childhood - consistency. 

    Although it sounds simple enough, keeping a steady and disciplined approach to your financial decisions isn’t always easy, especially when the news cycle is brimming with reasons to trade now instead of invest long term. 

    However, two big reasons to remain consistent are the added bonus of compound interest and the fact you alone wield the power to control your financial outcomes. Using a written budget and investment strategies that match your long-term financial goals will help make consistency more achievable. 

    In this episode, John highlights the power of consistency and how your financial decisions influence your success or failure. 

    In this episode, you’ll also hear:

    Understanding financial success doesn’t happen overnightA systematic approach to investing Main differences between traders vs. investors 

    Must-listen moments: 

    [00:02:12] Approaching your finances in a hot or cold fashion will slow your progress versus staying focused and disciplined toward the goals you've set for yourself.

    [00:03:27] When you're spending money on something that you enjoy but that others may see as frivolous, there's nothing wrong with that, as long as it was properly accounted for within the budget.

    [00:07:47] To do this with your investments, you have to develop a steady temperament where you don't get worked up by the news of the day or the internet clickbait that you encounter.


    Find your path to winning at wealth by visiting https://www.winningatwealth.com and by following us on:

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/winningatwealthpodcast/

    Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100083889685976

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/winning-at-wealth/

    YouTube Channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyP_4AF2aWUaEK-YSLjguvA

    Disclosure: The preceding program is sponsored by Fourth Avenue Financial, which is solely responsible for its content. Securities offered through J.W. Cole Financial Member FINRA SIPC, Investment advice offered through J.W. Cole Advisors. Fourth Avenue Financial, J.W. Cole Financial, and J.W. Cole Advisors are unaffiliated entities. The opinions expressed by John K. Burdette II should not be construed as specific investment, legal, or tax advice. All economic and performance information is historical and not indicative of future results. Investing may involve the risk of loss of principal. Any Tax advice on this show is not intended to be used by any person for the purpose of avoiding US federal or state tax penalties that may be imposed on such a person, and each listener should seek advice from their tax advisor or legal counsel on topics that arise from the show. John K. Burdette II is not providing legal or tax advice. Nothing should be construed as solicitation of an offer to buy securities.

  • If you could travel back in time and give your younger self financial advice, what advice would you offer? 

    Unfortunately, time travel doesn’t exist, so get ready to hear John share three of his biggest financial mistakes from his youth that made for a bumpy financial road and one of the greatest decisions of his life.  

    While it’s admirable to learn from your mistakes, if you can avoid losing years of savings and investment potential, your financial future will undoubtedly be more stable. 

    Thankfully, no matter your age, you can prepare your finances for the long haul by following the 5 Steps to Winning at Wealth:

    To review, the 5 Steps of Winning at Wealth are: 

    Having the proper money lens: Wealth is created in the service of others. Have a workable budget in place to avoid pitfalls like consumer credit card debt.  Ensure you have a fully funded emergency fund to avoid missed payments, late fees, and high-interest rates.  Understand your investments and goals, then allocate your money accordingly.  Consistently focus on these steps to avoid years of struggle!  

    In this episode, John recalls his own financial journey and how it’s never too late to get your finances back on track.  

    In this episode, you’ll also hear:

    What happens when you rush success Reality of zero-interest credit card offers Taking investment risks with no rewards 

    Must-listen moments: 

    [00:03:00] I'm still optimistic and I still want my business endeavors to grow as fast as possible, but before I decide to pursue expansion, I make sure to maximize the potential of every investment that I've already made.

    [00:04:37] We still have credit cards, but we never charge more than can be paid in full at the end of every month.

    [00:06:39] And finally, if I had consistently focused on these steps, I would have avoided the years of struggle, and I would have found myself much further ahead financially than I am today.

    Find your path to winning at wealth by visiting https://www.winningatwealth.com and by following us on:

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/winningatwealthpodcast/

    Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100083889685976

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/winning-at-wealth/

    YouTube Channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyP_4AF2aWUaEK-YSLjguvA

    Disclosure: The preceding program is sponsored by Fourth Avenue Financial, which is solely responsible for its content. Securities offered through J.W. Cole Financial Member FINRA SIPC, Investment advice offered through J.W. Cole Advisors. Fourth Avenue Financial, J.W. Cole Financial, and J.W. Cole Advisors are unaffiliated entities. The opinions expressed by John K. Burdette II should not be construed as specific investment, legal, or tax advice. All economic and performance information is historical and not indicative of future results. Investing may involve the risk of loss of principal. Any Tax advice on this show is not intended to be used by any person for the purpose of avoiding US federal or state tax penalties that may be imposed on such a person, and each listener should seek...

  • Although many believe time is money, time is the one thing money can’t buy. The sooner you pay off your debts and establish an emergency fund, the sooner you can save for long term goals like retirement. 

    To younger generations, retirement often seems too far away, but older generations have expressed their number one regret is waiting too long to start saving for retirement. However, young people tend to worry more about credit card debt, which can hinder progress toward building an emergency fund which helps ensure a strong financial foundation.

    Regardless of age, the best way to prepare for your financial future is to follow the 5 Steps of Winning at Wealth.    

    To review, the 5 Steps of Winning at Wealth are: 

    Understand what money is and how it differs from wealth creation.Learn to control your inflows and outflows with a budget like the 50-30-20 system. Create an emergency fund to avoid liquidating long term investments. Allocate your money in ways to productively grow it through investments. Automate your actions and repeat the process. 

    In this episode, John addresses common financial regrets and why it’s imperative to pay off debt, build an emergency fund, and save for retirement sooner rather than later. 

    In this episode, you’ll also hear:

    Top 3 financial regrets across different generations  The impact of credit card debt on financial goals Advice for making wise financial decisions   

    Must-listen moments: 

    [00:02:21] Clearly, each year you wait makes the job of planning for retirement much more of a struggle.

    [00:04:36] By not having an adequate emergency fund, you're putting yourself at extreme financial risk and often will have no other way to deal with the burden except with high interest, expensive debt.

    [00:10:25] Once you really understand how money works and put the process to work for you, you will begin to make progress faster than you could even imagine. The process of building wealth is extremely simple and largely under your control.

    Find your path to winning at wealth by visiting https://www.winningatwealth.com and by following us on:

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/winningatwealthpodcast/

    Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100083889685976

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/winning-at-wealth/

    YouTube Channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyP_4AF2aWUaEK-YSLjguvA

    Disclosure: The preceding program is sponsored by Fourth Avenue Financial, which is solely responsible for its content. Securities offered through J.W. Cole Financial Member FINRA SIPC, Investment advice offered through J.W. Cole Advisors. Fourth Avenue Financial, J.W. Cole Financial, and J.W. Cole Advisors are unaffiliated entities. The opinions expressed by John K. Burdette II should not be construed as specific investment, legal, or tax advice. All economic and performance information is historical and not indicative of future results. Investing may involve the risk of loss of principal. Any Tax advice on this show is not intended to be used by any person for the purpose of avoiding US federal or state tax penalties that may be imposed on such a person, and each...

  • Money and wealth are not the same thing so it’s important to follow the 5 steps of the Winning at Wealth Program if you want to be financially successful.  

    To review, the 5 Steps of Winning at Wealth are: 

    Develop the proper money lens: Understand money and how it works.Budgeting: Live below your means so you can create savings and investments. Emergency Funds: Have 3-6 months of living expenses saved and readily available.Investing: Match the correct investment tool to your goals. Repeat and refine the process: Build healthy money habits and remember wealth is created in service to others.  

    While it’s tempting to skip steps and jump straight into investing, establishing a solid emergency fund is vital to building your wealth. 

    In this episode, John walks through the benefits of an emergency fund and how to best prepare for life’s unexpected expenses. 

    In this episode, you’ll also hear:

    Why you need an accessible emergency fund Building an emergency fund vs. paying off debt Aligning your emergency fund with your comfort level  

    Must-listen moments: 

    [00:02:36] It's important to understand that the emergency fund is not about growing your money or getting a great return. The emergency fund is there to ensure you have a way to deal with the unexpected things life's sure to throw at us.

    [00:06:03] Be the boss. Remember, you're in charge of your money. Money is under your control, and it will do exactly what you tell it to do. 

    [00:09:03] Again, there's no black and white, right or wrong answer to this question. You have to look at your circumstances and the risks that those may create and align that with your personal comfort level.

    Find your path to winning at wealth by visiting https://www.winningatwealth.com and by following us on:

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/winningatwealthpodcast/

    Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100083889685976

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/winning-at-wealth/

    YouTube Channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyP_4AF2aWUaEK-YSLjguvA

    Disclosure: The following program is sponsored by Fourth Avenue Financial, which is solely responsible for its content. Securities offered through J.W. Cole Financial Member FINRA SIPC, Investment advice offered through J.W. Cole Advisors. Fourth Avenue Financial, J.W. Cole Financial, and J.W. Cole Advisors are unaffiliated entities. The opinions expressed by John K. Burdette II should not be construed as specific investment, legal, or tax advice. All economic and performance information is historical and not indicative of future results. Investing may involve the risk of loss of principal. Any Tax advice on this show is not intended to be used by any person for the purpose of avoiding US federal or state tax penalties that may be imposed on such a person, and each listener should seek advice from their tax advisor or legal counsel on topics that arise from the show. John K. Burdette II is not providing legal or tax advice. Nothing should be construed as solicitation of an offer to buy securities.

    The preceding program is sponsored by Fourth Avenue Financial, which is solely responsible for its content

  • There’s no such thing as a one-size-fits-all investment, so it’s imperative to research which investment tools make the most sense for you, and to recognize you’ll need more than one type of investment. 

    Take time to zero in on your short- and long-term financial goals, and decide whether you need the liquidity cash offers or if you should ride out the inevitable ups and downs of the stock market. Avoid having “lazy money”—make your money work for you by investing in tools where the risk, reward, and time aligns with your goals.    

    Every investment tool carries a mixture of positive and negative possibilities, but remember you have complete control of how much you invest, for how long, and where you invest your money.

    In this episode, John covers different investment categories and the value of allocating your investments to align with your goals.

    In this episode, you’ll also hear:

    Understanding the pros and cons of investments Long term vs. short term investment tools   Focusing on what you can control in your finances  

    Must-listen moments: 

    [00:02:03] Just as you cannot expect to build an entire house with only a hammer, you cannot ask one investment tool to meet all of your planning needs.

    [00:05:55] Again, there's no perfect investment. You have to mix the investment tools together to build your investment portfolio to match your financial planning job.

    [00:09:57] As a long-term investor, your focus should not be on the volatility of the market, but rather on the actions that you control and need to take to be successful. 

    Find your path to winning at wealth by visiting https://www.winningatwealth.com and by following us on:

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/winningatwealthpodcast/

    Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100083889685976

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/winning-at-wealth/

    YouTube Channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyP_4AF2aWUaEK-YSLjguvA

    Disclosure: The following program is sponsored by Fourth Avenue Financial, which is solely responsible for its content. Securities offered through J.W. Cole Financial Member FINRA SIPC, Investment advice offered through J.W. Cole Advisors. Fourth Avenue Financial, J.W. Cole Financial, and J.W. Cole Advisors are unaffiliated entities. The opinions expressed by John K. Burdette II should not be construed as specific investment, legal, or tax advice. All economic and performance information is historical and not indicative of future results. Investing may involve the risk of loss of principal. Any Tax advice on this show is not intended to be used by any person for the purpose of avoiding US federal or state tax penalties that may be imposed on such a person, and each listener should seek advice from their tax advisor or legal counsel on topics that arise from the show. John K. Burdette II is not providing legal or tax advice. Nothing should be construed as solicitation of an offer to buy securities.

    The preceding program is sponsored by Fourth Avenue Financial, which is solely responsible for its content

  • If you want to win at wealth, you must always live within your means, whether you’re making $50,000 a year or $5 million a year. Finding a balance between how you want to live today and how you want to live in the future is key.  

    Using a budget can be helpful to ensure you’re not overspending and that your money is working for you. The “50-30-20” budgeting approach suggests that you spend 50% of your money on your needs, 30% on your wants, and 20% should be marked for savings and investments.  

    Budgets aren’t all about restricting, but rather can provide a sense of freedom and empowerment once you know where your money is going. You can pay off debt, build an emergency fund, and determine which investments work best for you.  

    In this episode, John explains how to take control of your finances with a budgeting system. 

    In this episode, you’ll also hear:

    Making sustainable changes when it comes to your financesBreaking down the 50-30-20 budgeting method  Tips for maintaining an adequate emergency fund

    Must-listen moments: 

    [00:00:51] A budget is just as much about saying yes to the things you desire in your life, as it is about saying no. It's about being empowered to take control of your finances and make deliberate decisions to move your life in the direction you want to take it.

    [00:07:13] Again, this is not an exercise to deny yourself of every desire you have. It's simply a way for you to clearly see where your money is going and the choices that you can make to take back control.

    [00:12:37] With an emergency fund, you have to accept that you're not going to earn high rates of return with this money. But the fund will allow you to treat your long-term investments as long-term investments.

    Find your path to winning at wealth by visiting https://www.winningatwealth.com and by following us on:

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/winningatwealthpodcast/

    Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100083889685976

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/winning-at-wealth/

    YouTube Channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyP_4AF2aWUaEK-YSLjguvA

    Disclosure: The following program is sponsored by Fourth Avenue Financial, which is solely responsible for its content. Securities offered through J.W. Cole Financial Member FINRA SIPC, Investment advice offered through J.W. Cole Advisors. Fourth Avenue Financial, J.W. Cole Financial, and J.W. Cole Advisors are unaffiliated entities. The opinions expressed by John K. Burdette II should not be construed as specific investment, legal, or tax advice. All economic and performance information is historical and not indicative of future results. Investing may involve the risk of loss of principal. Any Tax advice on this show is not intended to be used by any person for the purpose of avoiding US federal or state tax penalties that may be imposed on such a person, and each listener should seek advice from their tax advisor or legal counsel on topics that arise from the show. John K. Burdette II is not providing legal or tax advice. Nothing should be construed as solicitation of an offer to buy securities.

    The preceding program is sponsored by Fourth Avenue Financial, which is solely responsible for its content

  • Saving for retirement in the future doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy today. However, there’s a level of discipline required around your decisions when it comes to how you spend your money now to ensure you have the retirement you want later. 

    Little decisions add up and it’s important to know how to make your money work for you so it will compound itself and grow over time. 

    In this episode, John explains the give and take of planning for retirement and why finding a balance between how you want to live today and in the future is key. 

    In this episode, you’ll also hear:

    Understanding compound interest and the Rule of 72Making tomorrow a deliberate part of your decision making Recognizing financial security is based on your decisions

    Must-listen moments: 

    [00:03:32] There's a little math trick we use called the Rule of 72, and you take the rate of return that you're going to receive, and you divide that into the number 72, and that roughly tells us how long it takes for money to double.

    [00:05:52] The answer is not necessarily denying yourself everything, it's finding a balance where you're living for today, but also putting away for tomorrow, and making that a deliberate part of your life and your decision making.

    [00:07:58] The market will do its thing over time. You have to do your thing. You have to make the proper decisions. You have to be disciplined and save and invest. 

    Find your path to winning at wealth by visiting https://www.winningatwealth.com and by following us on:

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/winningatwealthpodcast/

    Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100083889685976

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/winning-at-wealth/

    YouTube Channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyP_4AF2aWUaEK-YSLjguvA

    Disclosure: The following program is sponsored by Fourth Avenue Financial, which is solely responsible for its content. Securities offered through J.W. Cole Financial Member FINRA SIPC, Investment advice offered through J.W. Cole Advisors. Fourth Avenue Financial, J.W. Cole Financial, and J.W. Cole Advisors are unaffiliated entities. The opinions expressed by John K. Burdette II should not be construed as specific investment, legal, or tax advice. All economic and performance information is historical and not indicative of future results. Investing may involve the risk of loss of principal. Any Tax advice on this show is not intended to be used by any person for the purpose of avoiding US federal or state tax penalties that may be imposed on such a person, and each listener should seek advice from their tax advisor or legal counsel on topics that arise from the show. John K. Burdette II is not providing legal or tax advice. Nothing should be construed as solicitation of an offer to buy securities.

    The preceding program is sponsored by Fourth Avenue Financial, which is solely responsible for its content

  • It’s never too early to start saving for retirement, but it can be challenging if you have debt, expenses that drain your income, or have no idea how much you’re saving from year to year.

    A good rule of thumb suggested by a recent Fidelity study is to have one time your income in savings by age 30. By age 40, that savings should increase to three times your annual salary. By age 50, six times. By age 60, eight times, and by age 67, 10 times your annual income.  

    It’s important to remember benchmarks set by age are a good way to check in on your savings but are not rules set in stone. Your income greatly influences how much you can save and can fluctuate over time, so make sure you adjust as needed and save enough money now to have the lifestyle you want when you’re older. 

    In this episode, John shares tips for how to know if you’re on the right track for retirement. 

    In this episode, you’ll also hear:

    Saving for retirement based on age and salary  What young people need to know about saving for retirementOption to delay retirement and why it pays to participate in the market  

    Must-listen moments: 

    [00:04:25] The thing that can rob you the most, when you're young particularly, is if you have debt. I would focus on getting rid of that consumer debt as soon as possible.

    [00:07:15] Owning a home is a wonderful thing but you need to be careful that you're not buying too much home because your home is not a retirement asset.

    [00:09:36] You also have to keep in mind your income rises through the years and that factors heavily in these numbers that you're looking at for the benchmark. As far as making up the gap, you could be more aggressive…the stock market over time tends to provide the best long-term rate of return. 

    Find your path to winning at wealth by visiting https://www.winningatwealth.com and by following us on:

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/winningatwealthpodcast/

    Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100083889685976

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/winning-at-wealth/

    YouTube Channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyP_4AF2aWUaEK-YSLjguvA

    Disclosure: The following program is sponsored by Fourth Avenue Financial, which is solely responsible for its content. Securities offered through J.W. Cole Financial Member FINRA SIPC, Investment advice offered through J.W. Cole Advisors. Fourth Avenue Financial, J.W. Cole Financial, and J.W. Cole Advisors are unaffiliated entities. The opinions expressed by John K. Burdette II should not be construed as specific investment, legal, or tax advice. All economic and performance information is historical and not indicative of future results. Investing may involve the risk of loss of principal. Any Tax advice on this show is not intended to be used by any person for the purpose of avoiding US federal or state tax penalties that may be imposed on such a person, and each listener should seek advice from their tax advisor or legal counsel on topics that arise from the show. John K. Burdette II is not providing legal or tax advice. Nothing should be construed as solicitation of an offer to buy securities.

    The preceding program is sponsored by Fourth Avenue Financial, which is solely responsible for its content

  • Knowing where to invest your money is a critical component of winning at wealth. There's no one "right" way to invest and no perfect investment vehicle, but with a long-term perspective and patience, you can build wealth with very little effort.

    In this episode, John breaks down his personal investments and shares a reminder that investments require hard work to get the return you want.   

    In this episode, you’ll also hear:

    Two hats small business owners must wear Why investing in real estate yields better returns Set it and forget it approach to investing in stocks

    Must-listen moments: 

    [00:04:00] You have to have success in some way in earning income to be able to generate the capital necessary to invest in other places.

    [00:5:40] In real estate, I expect to get a better return because of the fact that it is not a passive investment. I expect a better return because I'm putting some of my time into it to make that investment pay off, and I want a return for my time. 

    [00:16:40] It is not get rich quick. It is get rich slow, and it's get rich with putting some work and labor into it. There's no magic bullet in winning at wealth. 

    Find your path to winning at wealth by visiting https://www.winningatwealth.com and by following us on:

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/winningatwealthpodcast/

    Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100083889685976

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/winning-at-wealth/

    YouTube Channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyP_4AF2aWUaEK-YSLjguvA

    Disclosure: The following program is sponsored by Fourth Avenue Financial, which is solely responsible for its content. Securities offered through J.W. Cole Financial Member FINRA SIPC, Investment advice offered through J.W. Cole Advisors. Fourth Avenue Financial, J.W. Cole Financial, and J.W. Cole Advisors are unaffiliated entities. The opinions expressed by John K. Burdette II should not be construed as specific investment, legal, or tax advice. All economic and performance information is historical and not indicative of future results. Investing may involve the risk of loss of principal. Any Tax advice on this show is not intended to be used by any person for the purpose of avoiding US federal or state tax penalties that may be imposed on such a person, and each listener should seek advice from their tax advisor or legal counsel on topics that arise from the show. John K. Burdette II is not providing legal or tax advice. Nothing should be construed as solicitation of an offer to buy securities.

    The preceding program is sponsored by Fourth Avenue Financial, which is solely responsible for its content

  • Knowing your short and long-term needs is crucial to maintaining financial stability regardless of what the market does.  

    In this episode, John discusses tangible and intangible investment options and why a market downturn doesn’t automatically mean bad news. 

    In this episode, you’ll also hear:

    Recognizing the unpredictability of market downturns Comparing real estate vs. stock investments  Understanding long-term vs. short-term needs and investment tools  

    Must-listen moments: 

    [00:04:17] The best way to participate in the market is to treat it like the investment it is—a long-term investment. 

    [00:09:27] Do little incremental things and use this [downturn] as an opportunity rather than looking at it as doom and gloom, because long term, it certainly is an opportunity. History bears that out very, very, very clearly over time.

    [00:10:08] When you're drawing money out, you're no longer a long term investor with all of your money…it’s important to remember when you’re dealing with that, to allocate your money properly.

    Find your path to winning at wealth by visiting https://www.winningatwealth.com and by following us on:

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/winningatwealthpodcast/

    Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100083889685976

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/winning-at-wealth/

    YouTube Channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyP_4AF2aWUaEK-YSLjguvA

    Disclosure: The following program is sponsored by Fourth Avenue Financial, which is solely responsible for its content. Securities offered through J.W. Cole Financial Member FINRA SIPC, and Investment advice offered through J.W. Cole Advisors. Fourth Avenue Financial, J.W. Cole Financial, and J.W. Cole Advisors are unaffiliated entities. The opinions expressed by John K. Burdette II should not be construed as specific investment, legal, or tax advice. All economic and performance information is historical and not indicative of future results. Investing may involve the risk of loss of principal. Any Tax advice on this show is not intended to be used by any person for the purpose of avoiding US federal or state tax penalties that may be imposed on such a person, and each listener should seek advice from their tax advisor or legal counsel on topics that arise from the show. John K. Burdette II is not providing legal or tax advice. Nothing should be construed as a solicitation of an offer to buy securities.

    The preceding program is sponsored by Fourth Avenue Financial, which is solely responsible for its content.

  • There's a distinct difference between the definition of money and what it means to have wealth. Distinguishing between those two concepts and each one's overall impact on your personal finances is most important.

    If you want to increase your wealth, you must understand the relationship between money, service, and wealth creation.  

    In this episode, John explains the distinction between money and wealth and reveals the benefit of being valuable to others.   

    In this episode, you’ll also hear:

    Defining money and wealth in terms of service and tradeRespecting the elegant system of the service and wealth relationship How making yourself more valuable leads to more wealth 

    Must-listen moments: 

    [00:03:01] Wealth is the ability to serve someone…the ability to serve someone, if you have the ability to meet somebody else's needs, to solve someone else's problems, if you're valuable to someone else, that's what wealth is.  

    [00:08:10] If you're not earning enough money to purchase the things you want in your life, do you know what you must do? You have to serve more people, and you can do that by improving your skills, or you can do that by leveraging yourself through investments and other entities that are serving people.

    [00:10:48] Make yourself more valuable, serve more people, and you'll create more wealth.

    Find your path to winning at wealth by visiting https://www.winningatwealth.com and by following us on:

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/winningatwealthpodcast/

    Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100083889685976

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/winning-at-wealth/

    YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyP_4AF2aWUaEK-YSLjguvA

    Disclosure: The following program is sponsored by Fourth Avenue Financial, which is solely responsible for its content. Securities are offered through J.W. Cole Financial Member FINRA SIPC, and Investment advice is offered through J.W. Cole Advisors. Fourth Avenue Financial, J.W. Cole Financial, and J.W. Cole Advisors are unaffiliated entities. The opinions expressed by John K. Burdette II should not be construed as specific investment, legal, or tax advice. All economic and performance information is historical and not indicative of future results. Investing may involve the risk of loss of principal. Any Tax advice on this show is not intended to be used by any person for the purpose of avoiding US federal or state tax penalties that may be imposed on such a person, and each listener should seek advice from their tax advisor or legal counsel on topics that arise from the show. John K. Burdette II is not providing legal or tax advice. Nothing should be construed as a solicitation of an offer to buy securities.

    The preceding program is sponsored by Fourth Avenue Financial, which is solely responsible for its content.

  • In this show, independent financial advisor John K. Burdett II will cover everything from financial habits to investment vehicles to practical tips for winning at wealth. 

    In this episode, you’ll also hear:

    John’s personal financial track record Importance of having a positive perspective Details about the Winning at Wealth Podcast  

    Must-listen moments: 

    [00:00:58] It hasn't always been easy…back in the early days of starting the business, there were many times I'd come home from work and wonder if the electric would still be on at the house. Truly, I'm a case of going from broke to winning at wealth.

    [00:01:28] Bad news has always been around and it's how you choose to approach it and view it that I believe is most important.

    [00:02:40] It’s almost a magical time. The opportunities that are afforded to us today that other generations did not have when it comes to retirement and investing and participating in the progress of man in the innovations of mankind, as an investor, as owners of the companies— common folks weren't able to do that a few generations ago. 

    Be sure to share the Winning at Wealth Podcast with your friends and family and let them know they can listen on Apple, Spotify, and check out our YouTube Channel! 

    Find your path to winning at wealth by visiting https://www.winningatwealth.com and by following us on:

    Instagram: www.instagram.com/winningatwealthpodcast

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyP_4AF2aWUaEK-YSLjguvA

    Disclosure: The following program is sponsored by Fourth Avenue Financial, which is solely responsible for its content. Securities offered through J.W. Cole Financial Member FINRA SIPC, Investment advice offered through J.W. Cole Advisors. Fourth Avenue Financial, J.W. Cole Financial, and J.W. Cole Advisors are unaffiliated entities. The opinions expressed by John K. Burdette II should not be construed as specific investment, legal, or tax advice. All economic and performance information is historical and not indicative of future results. Investing may involve the risk of loss of principal. Any Tax advice on this show is not intended to be used by any person for the purpose of avoiding US federal or state tax penalties that may be imposed on such a person, and each listener should seek advice from their tax advisor or legal counsel on topics that arise from the show. John K. Burdette II is not providing legal or tax advice. Nothing should be construed as solicitation of an offer to buy securities.

    The preceding program is sponsored by Fourth Avenue Financial, which is solely responsible for its content