
  • Do you know a child who has difficulty spelling or sounding out words? Maybe they feel stressed or anxious when it comes to reading, or they try to avoid it altogether?

    These symptoms could be a sign of a reading disorder, which is the most common form of a learning disability.

    In this episode, we discuss the prevalence and impact of reading disorders, what scientists are learning about the genetic links, and what that could mean for new approaches and treatments in the future.

    Dr. Cathy Barr – Senior Scientist with UHN’s Krembil Brain Institute and the Hospital for Sick Children. Her research focuses on genetic links to neurodevelopmental disorders, such as childhood depression, Tourette’s syndrome, ADHD and reading disabilities. Dr. Barr’s team has identified genes that may contribute to these disorders. They’re now focusing on understanding how those changes in DNA could influence genes, and contribute to risk.

    Dr. Maureen Lovett – Senior Scientist Emeritus in Neurosciences and Mental Health at The Hospital for Sick Children, where she founded and directed the hospital’s Learning Disabilities Research Program for more than 35 years. Since 2020, Dr. Lovett has served as Associate Director of the Haskins Global Literacy Hub at Yale University and the University of Connecticut.

    Matthew Cote – Teacher and advocate for those living with learning disabilities, including reading disabilities. Matthew has lived experience with learning disabilities.

    Additional resources:
    Dr. Cathy Barr’s UHN Research website
    UHN Foundation story featuring Dr. Cathy Barr – “Reading the Genome”
    Sick Kids Empower Reading & Learning Group
    Learning Disabilities Association of Ontario

    The Your Complex Brain production team is Heather Sherman, Jessica Schmidt, Dr. Amy Ma, Kim Perry, Sara Yuan, Meagan Anderi, Liz Chapman, and Lorna Gilfedder.

    The Krembil Brain Institute, part of University Health Network, in Toronto, is home to one of the world's largest and most comprehensive teams of physicians and scientists uniquely working hand-in-hand to prevent and confront problems of the brain and spine, such as Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, epilepsy, stroke, spinal cord injury, chronic pain, brain cancer or concussion, in their lifetime. Through state-of-the-art patient care and advanced research, we are working relentlessly toward finding new treatments and cures.

    Do you want to know more about the Krembil Brain Institute at UHN? Visit us at: uhn.ca/krembil

    To get in touch, email us at [email protected] or message us on social media:
    Instagram - @krembilresearch
    Twitter - @KBI_UHN
    Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/KrembilBrainInstitute

    Thanks for listening!

  • Have you ever heard of a genetic condition called neurofibromatosis, also known as NF?

    It’s one of the most common genetic disorders, affecting about 1 in 3000 people globally. NF causes different types of tumours to form in various parts of the body. Because so little is known about the condition, it’s often misdiagnosed, or not diagnosed at all.

    UHN is home to the Elisabeth Raab Neurofibromatosis Clinic, the only adult NF clinic in Canada. We discuss the clinic and the exciting research happening in the field of NF. But, for many people living with the condition, the stigma is often as challenging as the illness.

    Dr. Suganth Suppiah – Surgeon-scientist at UHN’s Krembil Brain Institute and Assistant Professor at the University of Toronto. Dr. Suppiah also leads the nerve surgery program at the Elisabeth Raab Neurofibromatosis Clinic, Canada’s only adult NF clinic, based at UHN.

    Dr. Ryan Thomas – Family physician and Clinical Associate who works with patients at the Elisabeth Raab Neurofibromatosis Clinic. Dr. Thomas lives with neurofibromatosis himself.

    Additional resources:
    Canadian first: UHN Opens Multidisciplinary Clinic on Genetic Disorder
    Elisabeth Raab Accelerator of Science to End Neurofibromatosis
    Neurofibromatosis Ontario
    Dr. Gelareh Zadeh’s lab – link to more info about the Elisabeth Raab Neurofibromatosis Clinic
    Children’s Tumour Foundation

    The Your Complex Brain production team is Heather Sherman, Jessica Schmidt, Dr. Amy Ma, Kim Perry, Sara Yuan, Meagan Anderi, Liz Chapman, and Lorna Gilfedder.

    The Krembil Brain Institute, part of University Health Network, in Toronto, is home to one of the world's largest and most comprehensive teams of physicians and scientists uniquely working hand-in-hand to prevent and confront problems of the brain and spine, such as Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, epilepsy, stroke, spinal cord injury, chronic pain, brain cancer or concussion, in their lifetime. Through state-of-the-art patient care and advanced research, we are working relentlessly toward finding new treatments and cures.

    Do you want to know more about the Krembil Brain Institute at UHN? Visit us at: uhn.ca/krembil

    To get in touch, email us at [email protected] or message us on social media:
    Instagram - @krembilresearch
    Twitter - @KBI_UHN
    Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/KrembilBrainInstitute

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  • Parkinson’s disease is the fast-growing neurological condition in the world. In Canada, more than 100,000 people are currently living with Parkinson's and 12,000 new cases are diagnosed every year.

    In this episode of Your Complex Brain, we discuss the latest science surrounding the benefits of exercise for Parkinson’s, including whether exercise can alleviate some of the symptoms of Parkinson’s or slow the progression of the disease.

    Dr. Lorraine Kalia is a Neurologist & Senior Scientist at UHN’s Krembil Brain Institute and the Wolfond-Krembil Chair in Parkinson’s Disease Research at UHN. She is also an Associate Professor at the University of Toronto.

    Steve Iseman is currently living with Parkinson’s. He is co-founder of the ‘Rigid Riders,’ a Toronto-based cycling group for people living with Parkinson’s, and an avid cyclist & skier.

    Additional resources:
    UHN Movement Disorders Clinic website
    Kalia Labs website
    Dr. Lorraine Kalia on why she studies Parkinson’s (video)
    The Rigid Riders Story (video)
    Spinning Wheels Cycling Tour

    The Your Complex Brain production team is Heather Sherman, Jessica Schmidt, Dr. Amy Ma, Kim Perry, Sara Yuan, Meagan Anderi, Liz Chapman, and Lorna Gilfedder.

    The Krembil Brain Institute, part of University Health Network, in Toronto, is home to one of the world's largest and most comprehensive teams of physicians and scientists uniquely working hand-in-hand to prevent and confront problems of the brain and spine, such as Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, epilepsy, stroke, spinal cord injury, chronic pain, brain cancer or concussion, in their lifetime. Through state-of-the-art patient care and advanced research, we are working relentlessly toward finding new treatments and cures.

    Do you want to know more about the Krembil Brain Institute at UHN? Visit us at: uhn.ca/krembil

    To get in touch, email us at [email protected] or message us on social media:
    Instagram - @krembilresearch
    Twitter - @KBI_UHN
    Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/KrembilBrainInstitute

    Thanks for listening!

  • In 1995, actor Christopher Reeve was injured in a horseback riding accident, leaving him quadriplegic - paralyzed from the shoulders down. He became a tireless advocate and a passionate supporter of research.

    Christopher’s dream was for those living with spinal cord injuries to have a better quality of life, and one day to walk again.

    More than 25 years later, thanks to advances in surgical approaches, neuroprotective drugs, and gene therapy using stem cells, that dream is becoming closer to reality.

    Dr. Laureen Hachem is a Senior Neurosurgery Resident and PhD Candidate at UHN’s Krembil Brain Institute and the University of Toronto.

    Dr. Michael Fehlings is a Neurosurgeon and Senior Scientist at UHN’s Krembil Brain Institute and a Professor of Neurosurgery at the University of Toronto. Dr. Fehlings also holds the Campeau-Tator Chair in Brain and Spinal Cord Research at UHN.

    John Ruffolo is the Founder and Managing Partner of Maverix Private Equity, a private equity firm focused on technology-enabled growth and disruption investment strategies. He is currently living with a spinal cord injury.

    Additional resources:
    UHN’s Spinal Cord Injury Clinic
    Dr. Fehlings’ Laboratory for Neural Repair and Regeneration website
    Dr. Fehlings interview on Season 1 of Your Complex Brain, ‘Revolutionary Advances in Spinal Cord Injury
    PSI Foundation feature story on Dr. Laureen Hachem
    Toronto’s Top Grad Dreams Big – Toronto.com feature story on Dr. Laureen Hachem as a high school student
    The Globe and Mail feature story on John Ruffolo

    The Your Complex Brain production team is Heather Sherman, Jessica Schmidt, Dr. Amy Ma, Kim Perry, Sara Yuan, Meagan Anderi, Liz Chapman, and Lorna Gilfedder.

    The Krembil Brain Institute, part of University Health Network, in Toronto, is home to one of the world's largest and most comprehensive teams of physicians and scientists uniquely working hand-in-hand to prevent and confront problems of the brain and spine, such as Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, epilepsy, stroke, spinal cord injury, chronic pain, brain cancer or concussion, in their lifetime. Through state-of-the-art patient care and advanced research, we are working relentlessly toward finding new treatments and cures.

    Do you want to know more about the Krembil Brain Institute at UHN? Visit us at: uhn.ca/krembil

    To get in touch, email us at [email protected] or message us on social media:
    Instagram - @krembilresearch
    Twitter - @KBI_UHN
    Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/KrembilBrainInstitute

    Thanks for listening!

  • In the time that it takes to say this sentence – three seconds – someone in the world will develop dementia, a group of symptoms impacting memory, thinking, mood, behaviour and the ability to complete everyday tasks. Alzheimer’s is the most common form of dementia.

    With people living longer, even into their 90s and beyond, dementia is becoming the biggest and most consequential global health threat of our time. But, according to a landmark study in The Lancet medical journal, there are 12 modifiable risk factors that can reduce your chances of getting dementia at any age – by up to 40%.

    In this episode of Your Complex Brain, we discuss which of those risk factors are most impactful to lower – or even reverse – your risk of dementia, with a focus on the latest science looking at the benefits of exercise.

    Maria Martinez has been a social worker nearly 25 years. Most recently, she has worked with the team at UHN’s Memory Clinic, helping patients living with Alzheimer’s and dementia, and their families, navigate their diagnosis and community supports.

    Dr. Carmela Tartaglia is a Neurologist and a Clinician Scientist with UHN’s Krembil Brain Institute, as well as co-Director of UHN’s Memory Clinic and an Associate Professor at the University of Toronto.

    Dr. Laura Middleton is an associate professor and the Schlegel Research Chair in Dementia and Active Living, at the University of Waterloo. She is also an Affiliate Scientist at KITE, the research arm of UHN’s Toronto Rehabilitation Institute.

    Additional resources:
    Dr. Carmela Tartaglia’s interview on EP 1 of Your Complex Brain – ‘The Quest to Solve the Concussion Problem’
    Risk Factors for Alzheimer’s and Dementia (video)
    UHN Memory Clinic
    Schlegel-UW Research Institute for Aging (RIA)
    Dr. Laura Middleton’s research project - DREAM (Dementia Resources for Eating, Activity, and Meaningful Inclusion
    Dr. Laura Middleton’s research project - DICE (Dementia Inclusive Choices for Exercise)

    The Your Complex Brain production team is Heather Sherman, Jessica Schmidt, Dr. Amy Ma, Kim Perry, Sara Yuan, Meagan Anderi, Liz Chapman, and Lorna Gilfedder.

    The Krembil Brain Institute, part of University Health Network, in Toronto, is home to one of the world's largest and most comprehensive teams of physicians and scientists uniquely working hand-in-hand to prevent and confront problems of the brain and spine, such as Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, epilepsy, stroke, spinal cord injury, chronic pain, brain cancer or concussion, in their lifetime. Through state-of-the-art patient care and advanced research, we are working relentlessly toward finding new treatments and cures.

    Do you want to know more about the Krembil Brain Institute at UHN? Visit us at: uhn.ca/krembil

    To get in touch, email us at [email protected] or message us on social media:
    Instagram - @krembilresearch
    Twitter - @KBI_UHN
    Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/KrembilBrainInstitute

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  • In a sweeping 2023 report, the US Surgeon General, Vivek Murthy, declared loneliness an epidemic and a public health emergency.

    According to the report, loneliness and isolation can lead to a significant increase in mental health disorders, such as anxiety and depression, as well as a nearly 30% increased risk of heart disease, stroke and among older adults, a 50% risk of dementia.

    Around the world, there are efforts to help people cope with loneliness. In the Netherlands, one grocery store chain has introduced ‘chat check outs’ where customers can take their time and socialize – part of a government initiative to address the growing issue of isolation.

    There are also a number of apps to help introduce you to your neighbours anywhere you live in the world.

    And a recent story in The Globe and Mail profiled a woman who rents her time out to those needing a dinner companion, a study buddy, or a listening ear. She’s seen more than 60 clients so far.

    Today’s episode focuses on the health impact of loneliness on the brain, why social media seems to be making us lonelier even as it’s meant to connect us, and how each of us can learn to exercise our social muscle, and improve our overall health.

    Dr. Jaideep Bains – Director of the Krembil Research Institute at UHN and co-Director and Senior Scientist with UHN’s Krembil Brain Institute.

    Dr. Hayley Hamilton – Associate Director and Senior Scientist with the Institute for Mental Health Policy Research at the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH).

    Additional resources:
    UHN’s Krembil Brain Institute
    Dr. Jaideep Bains’ public talk – ‘Is My Stress Your Stress?’
    The Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH)

    The Your Complex Brain production team is Heather Sherman, Jessica Schmidt, Dr. Amy Ma, Kim Perry, Sara Yuan, Meagan Anderi, Liz Chapman, and Lorna Gilfedder.

    The Krembil Brain Institute, part of University Health Network, in Toronto, is home to one of the world's largest and most comprehensive teams of physicians and scientists uniquely working hand-in-hand to prevent and confront problems of the brain and spine, such as Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, epilepsy, stroke, spinal cord injury, chronic pain, brain cancer or concussion, in their lifetime. Through state-of-the-art patient care and advanced research, we are working relentlessly toward finding new treatments and cures.

    Do you want to know more about the Krembil Brain Institute at UHN? Visit us at: uhn.ca/krembil

    To get in touch, email us at [email protected] or message us on social media:
    Instagram - @krembilresearch
    Twitter - @KBI_UHN
    Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/KrembilBrainInstitute

    Thanks for listening!

  • We are once again bringing you inside UHN’s Krembil Brain Institute, one of North America's largest and most innovative neurological centres, to meet the scientists & physicians advancing discovery, the patients who inspire us, and the care teams who support them.

    This season, we’re exploring some big new research in brain health, including: What young women need to know about preventing a stroke, Can loneliness re-wire your brain? And how YOU can reduce YOUR chances of Alzheimer’s.

    We’ll also take you to the forefront of AI powered brain science, dive into the link between genetics and reading disabilities and find out why getting a good night’s sleep is crucial for brain health.

    There are a million amazing things to know about your complex brain – and we couldn't be more excited to explore them with you. Season 3 launches March 19, with episodes every other Tuesday. Subscribe to Your Complex Brain so you don’t miss a thing.

    The Your Complex Brain production team is Heather Sherman, Jessica Schmidt, Dr. Amy Ma, Kim Perry, Sara Yuan, Meagan Anderi, Liz Chapman, and Lorna Gilfedder.

    The Krembil Brain Institute, part of University Health Network, in Toronto, is home to one of the world's largest and most comprehensive teams of physicians and scientists uniquely working hand-in-hand to prevent and confront problems of the brain and spine, such as Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, epilepsy, stroke, spinal cord injury, chronic pain, brain cancer or concussion, in their lifetime. Through state-of-the-art patient care and advanced research, we are working relentlessly toward finding new treatments and cures.

    Do you want to know more about the Krembil Brain Institute at UHN? Visit us at: uhn.ca/krembil

    To get in touch, email us at [email protected] or message us on social media:
    Instagram - @krembilresearch
    Twitter - @KBI_UHN
    Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/KrembilBrainInstitute

    Thanks for listening!

  • Breathing exercises are simple techniques can help improve your overall well-being by promoting relaxation, reducing stress, and increasing mindfulness. Listen to this original 5-minute 'Breathing Space' practice created by Dr. Kathryn Curtis for listeners of Your Complex Brain.

    Dr. Kathryn Curtis is a clinical psychologist at the Comprehensive Integrated Pain Program at UHN, where she provides psychological services to individuals living with chronic pain. Dr. Curtis' research evaluates mind-body interventions, such as yoga and mindfulness, for populations experiencing chronic pain and mobility restrictions. She is a long-term student of eastern philosophy, meditation, and Vedic studies at Vidya Institute and integrating these eastern teachings into her clinical and research work is a passion of hers. In her spare time, Dr. Curtis enjoys spending time in nature with her family.

    The Your Complex Brain production team is Heather Sherman, Jessica Schmidt, Dr. Amy Ma, Kim Perry, Sara Yuan, Meagan Anderi, Liz Chapman, and Lorna Gilfedder.

    The Krembil Brain Institute, part of University Health Network, in Toronto, is home to one of the world's largest and most comprehensive teams of physicians and scientists uniquely working hand-in-hand to prevent and confront problems of the brain and spine, such as Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, epilepsy, stroke, spinal cord injury, chronic pain, brain cancer or concussion, in their lifetime. Through state-of-the-art patient care and advanced research, we are working relentlessly toward finding new treatments and cures.

    Do you want to know more about the Krembil Brain Institute at UHN? Visit us at: uhn.ca/krembil

    To get in touch, email us at [email protected] or message us on social media:
    Instagram - @krembilresearch
    Twitter - @KBI_UHN
    Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/KrembilBrainInstitute

    Thanks for listening!

  • Harry Forestell is a journalist with CBC Television. In 2013, he noticed a tremor in his right hand and was unsure what it was. It was later determined to be Parkinson's disease. He was referred to Dr. Tony Lang and the team at Toronto Western Hospital, a movement disorder clinic. They confirmed the diagnosis and began treatment. The symptoms of the disease began to worsen, and he was frustrated by the amount of focus and attention it took to walk normally.

    His doctor suggested deep brain stimulation (DBS) as a potential treatment option. He was hesitant at first, but as the symptoms worsened, he decided to explore the option further. He spent a weekend in November going through a series of tasks to see if he would be a good candidate for DBS. He was delighted to pass and was excited about the prospect of another treatment option. He spent a month in Toronto having the procedure done and was impressed by how quickly and with little fuss the surgery was completed.

    He was back at work and was able to return to his regular social life and work obligations. The impact of the DBS was immediate and very pleasing. His tremors and shakes abated, and he didn't have to experience dyskinesia anymore. He was able to return to work and even appear on camera, which was a huge bonus for him.

    The Your Complex Brain production team is Heather Sherman, Jessica Schmidt, Dr. Amy Ma, Kim Perry, Sara Yuan, Meagan Anderi, Liz Chapman, and Lorna Gilfedder.

    The Krembil Brain Institute, part of University Health Network, in Toronto, is home to one of the world's largest and most comprehensive teams of physicians and scientists uniquely working hand-in-hand to prevent and confront problems of the brain and spine, such as Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, epilepsy, stroke, spinal cord injury, chronic pain, brain cancer or concussion, in their lifetime. Through state-of-the-art patient care and advanced research, we are working relentlessly toward finding new treatments and cures.

    Do you want to know more about the Krembil Brain Institute at UHN? Visit us at: uhn.ca/krembil

    To get in touch, email us at [email protected] or message us on social media:
    Instagram - @krembilresearch
    Twitter - @KBI_UHN
    Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/KrembilBrainInstitute

    Thanks for listening!

  • Fran Ryder is the president of the Ontario Women's Hockey Association and has been involved in women's hockey for many years. She has played and volunteered in various capacities in the sport. She has also been involved in research and initiatives related to spinal injuries and concussions in hockey, working closely with Dr. Charles Tator, a world-renowned neurosurgeon and researcher, on these initiatives.

    Dr. Tator has been a mentor and inspiration to her. She has also been a champion of the importance of brain donations for research and has donated her brain to Dr. Tator's research. She is passionate about the sport and the importance of safety and prevention of injuries in addition to advocating for the recognition and treatment of concussions and other brain injuries in sports.

    The Your Complex Brain production team is Heather Sherman, Jessica Schmidt, Dr. Amy Ma, Kim Perry, Sara Yuan, Meagan Anderi, Liz Chapman, and Lorna Gilfedder.

    The Krembil Brain Institute, part of University Health Network, in Toronto, is home to one of the world's largest and most comprehensive teams of physicians and scientists uniquely working hand-in-hand to prevent and confront problems of the brain and spine, such as Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, epilepsy, stroke, spinal cord injury, chronic pain, brain cancer or concussion, in their lifetime. Through state-of-the-art patient care and advanced research, we are working relentlessly toward finding new treatments and cures.

    Do you want to know more about the Krembil Brain Institute at UHN? Visit us at: uhn.ca/krembil

    To get in touch, email us at [email protected] or message us on social media:
    Instagram - @krembilresearch
    Twitter - @KBI_UHN
    Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/KrembilBrainInstitute

    Thanks for listening!

  • Natalie Ladly is the president and fundraising chair for CDKL5 Canada. She lives in Heathcoate, a town outside of Collingwood, Ontario, with her husband Eric and their three children: Brynn, Reece, and Cullen. Brynn has CDD, a rare disease that prevents the brain from developing normally. She was diagnosed with the disease at nine months old, and since then, Natalie has been dedicated to raising awareness and funds for research.

    Natalie is also a member of the CDKL5 Canada board, which gives her a sense of purpose and the ability to make a difference. Natalie is grateful for the support of Dr. Eubanks, a scientist who is dedicated to researching CDD and making a real impact in the lives of those affected by the disease. She believes that collaboration between the scientific community and patient advocacy groups is crucial for rare diseases, as it allows for a more holistic approach to treatment and care. Overall, Brynn's journey with CDD has taught Natalie to take things one day at a time and to cherish the silver linings in life.

    The Your Complex Brain production team is Heather Sherman, Jessica Schmidt, Dr. Amy Ma, Kim Perry, Sara Yuan, Meagan Anderi, Liz Chapman, and Lorna Gilfedder.

    The Krembil Brain Institute, part of University Health Network, in Toronto, is home to one of the world's largest and most comprehensive teams of physicians and scientists uniquely working hand-in-hand to prevent and confront problems of the brain and spine, such as Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, epilepsy, stroke, spinal cord injury, chronic pain, brain cancer or concussion, in their lifetime. Through state-of-the-art patient care and advanced research, we are working relentlessly toward finding new treatments and cures.

    Do you want to know more about the Krembil Brain Institute at UHN? Visit us at: uhn.ca/krembil

    To get in touch, email us at [email protected] or message us on social media:
    Instagram - @krembilresearch
    Twitter - @KBI_UHN
    Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/KrembilBrainInstitute

    Thanks for listening!

  • Jack Conway, a 19-year-old from Toronto, Canada, is a huge fan of video games and roller coasters. His family includes his mom, Kim, his dad, Steve, and his older brother, Brian. Jack plays a variety of video games, from Call of Duty to Minecraft, and he loves roller coasters.

    He also has a vision impairment due to a brain tumor he had when he was a baby. He was one of the first children in the world to receive a certain treatment for the tumor, and he spent a lot of time at SickKids hospital. School can be challenging for him because of his vision, but he tries not to let it get the better of him.

    He has done a vision study using virtual reality goggles, and it has improved his vision and quality of life. He is excited about the potential for technology to restore vision and is happy to have been accepted into all six college programs he applied for.

    The Your Complex Brain production team is Heather Sherman, Jessica Schmidt, Dr. Amy Ma, Kim Perry, Sara Yuan, Meagan Anderi, Liz Chapman, and Lorna Gilfedder.

    The Krembil Brain Institute, part of University Health Network, in Toronto, is home to one of the world's largest and most comprehensive teams of physicians and scientists uniquely working hand-in-hand to prevent and confront problems of the brain and spine, such as Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, epilepsy, stroke, spinal cord injury, chronic pain, brain cancer or concussion, in their lifetime. Through state-of-the-art patient care and advanced research, we are working relentlessly toward finding new treatments and cures.

    Do you want to know more about the Krembil Brain Institute at UHN? Visit us at: uhn.ca/krembil

    To get in touch, email us at [email protected] or message us on social media:
    Instagram - @krembilresearch
    Twitter - @KBI_UHN
    Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/KrembilBrainInstitute

    Thanks for listening!

  • Lindsay's mother Barbara had Alzheimer's disease. Lindsay, her brothers, and her father noticed changes in her mid-sixties. They started noticing her repeating herself and she stopped coming to the pool with them when they went to visit her and their dad in Florida. She also forgot where she parked her car and had to ask for help. Her memory was not what it used to be and she started to withdraw from social events.

    Lindsay and her brothers decided they needed to talk to her doctor about these memory issues. They decided as a family that it was time to look into homes for her. They did not want to wait until it was an emergency and they had to put her into a home. They found a home that was dedicated to people with dementia and they were able to get her a room there. It was a very hard decision for Lindsay and her family. They had to depend on each other to take care of her.

    Lindsay visited her every day and she felt like she was doing this for herself as well. It was very hard for Lindsay to see her mother like this. She missed being able to call her and tell her about her life. She wished her mother could see her kids grow up and experience life without her.

    The Your Complex Brain production team is Heather Sherman, Jessica Schmidt, Dr. Amy Ma, Kim Perry, Sara Yuan, Meagan Anderi, Liz Chapman, and Lorna Gilfedder.

    The Krembil Brain Institute, part of University Health Network, in Toronto, is home to one of the world's largest and most comprehensive teams of physicians and scientists uniquely working hand-in-hand to prevent and confront problems of the brain and spine, such as Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, epilepsy, stroke, spinal cord injury, chronic pain, brain cancer or concussion, in their lifetime. Through state-of-the-art patient care and advanced research, we are working relentlessly toward finding new treatments and cures.

    Do you want to know more about the Krembil Brain Institute at UHN? Visit us at: uhn.ca/krembil

    To get in touch, email us at [email protected] or message us on social media:
    Instagram - @krembilresearch
    Twitter - @KBI_UHN
    Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/KrembilBrainInstitute

    Thanks for listening!

  • Lara Pingue shares her story about living with chronic back pain and the challenges of getting a diagnosis and finding effective treatment. She describes the initial onset of her pain and the various treatments she tried, including physical therapy, chiropractic care, and prescription medications.

    She also discusses the impact of the pain on her daily life and the frustration of not being able to find a lasting solution. Eventually, she decided to pursue surgery and was able to get a referral from her doctor. The surgery was not without complications, but it did provide some relief from her pain.

    Since then, she has focused on managing her pain through a combination of movement and over-the-counter pain medication. She emphasizes the importance of believing people with chronic pain and destigmatizing treatment for it.

    The Your Complex Brain production team is Heather Sherman, Jessica Schmidt, Dr. Amy Ma, Kim Perry, Sara Yuan, Meagan Anderi, Liz Chapman, and Lorna Gilfedder.

    The Krembil Brain Institute, part of University Health Network, in Toronto, is home to one of the world's largest and most comprehensive teams of physicians and scientists uniquely working hand-in-hand to prevent and confront problems of the brain and spine, such as Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, epilepsy, stroke, spinal cord injury, chronic pain, brain cancer or concussion, in their lifetime. Through state-of-the-art patient care and advanced research, we are working relentlessly toward finding new treatments and cures.

    Do you want to know more about the Krembil Brain Institute at UHN? Visit us at: uhn.ca/krembil

    To get in touch, email us at [email protected] or message us on social media:
    Instagram - @krembilresearch
    Twitter - @KBI_UHN
    Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/KrembilBrainInstitute

    Thanks for listening!

  • As a child, Nikki experienced seizures that she did not realize were seizures. She would feel "other" and disconnected from the world. Her earliest seizure memory is from when she was six years old, triggered by looking out the window of her parent's house. She would sometimes go to the window to see if she would have a seizure.

    Today, her seizures are still the same as when she was a child. They last about a minute and are triggered by being outside. They start with a warming sensation in her lower abdomen and a feeling of over-familiarity. Then, she gets a radiating heat and nausea, which makes her cough. She then feels like she is being taken up a roller coaster and dropped. She can calculate how many seconds she has left in the seizure based on where the heat is in her body. After the seizure, she is fatigued but not confused.

    She accepts the differences in her body and does not let them affect her daily life. She is grateful to not have to deal with the struggles that other people with epilepsy face. Having focal aware seizures has allowed her to learn more about herself and her brain.

    The Your Complex Brain production team is Heather Sherman, Jessica Schmidt, Dr. Amy Ma, Kim Perry, Sara Yuan, Meagan Anderi, Liz Chapman, and Lorna Gilfedder.

    The Krembil Brain Institute, part of University Health Network, in Toronto, is home to one of the world's largest and most comprehensive teams of physicians and scientists uniquely working hand-in-hand to prevent and confront problems of the brain and spine, such as Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, epilepsy, stroke, spinal cord injury, chronic pain, brain cancer or concussion, in their lifetime. Through state-of-the-art patient care and advanced research, we are working relentlessly toward finding new treatments and cures.

    Do you want to know more about the Krembil Brain Institute at UHN? Visit us at: uhn.ca/krembil

    To get in touch, email us at [email protected] or message us on social media:
    Instagram - @krembilresearch
    Twitter - @KBI_UHN
    Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/KrembilBrainInstitute

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  • Farrah Schwartz is the manager of Patient Education and Engagement at UHN. Her work entails assisting patients in actively participating in their care and improving organizational processes. The Patient Education and Engagement program provides resources, training, and coaching to help Team UHN engage patients in their care. They are also working on patient engagement within organizational improvement and partnering with equity-seeking groups to ensure that health information is inclusive and non-stigmatizing.

    Farrah has experienced stress throughout her life, including during the pandemic. She had a laser focus on her work and was able to channel her stress into something productive. Stress comes in many forms, and it is important to recognize and manage it.

    Farrah recommends tuning into your mood, practicing self-compassion, and finding gratitude in small things. She has learned that it is not possible to do everything and that it is important to set realistic expectations.

    The Your Complex Brain production team is Heather Sherman, Jessica Schmidt, Dr. Amy Ma, Kim Perry, Sara Yuan, Meagan Anderi, Liz Chapman, and Lorna Gilfedder.

    The Krembil Brain Institute, part of University Health Network, in Toronto, is home to one of the world's largest and most comprehensive teams of physicians and scientists uniquely working hand-in-hand to prevent and confront problems of the brain and spine, such as Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, epilepsy, stroke, spinal cord injury, chronic pain, brain cancer or concussion, in their lifetime. Through state-of-the-art patient care and advanced research, we are working relentlessly toward finding new treatments and cures.

    Do you want to know more about the Krembil Brain Institute at UHN? Visit us at: uhn.ca/krembil

    To get in touch, email us at [email protected] or message us on social media:
    Instagram - @krembilresearch
    Twitter - @KBI_UHN
    Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/KrembilBrainInstitute

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  • In the second season of Your Complex Brain, join us on a thrilling journey as we delve into the boundless realm of neuroscience, brain health, and ground-breaking research and its impact on our lives. Through thought-provoking discussions, expert interviews, and captivating patient stories, we unravel the mysteries of our brain.

    The Your Complex Brain production team is Heather Sherman, Jessica Schmidt, Dr. Amy Ma, Kim Perry, Sara Yuan, Meagan Anderi, Liz Chapman, and Lorna Gilfedder.

    The Krembil Brain Institute, part of University Health Network, in Toronto, is home to one of the world's largest and most comprehensive teams of physicians and scientists uniquely working hand-in-hand to prevent and confront problems of the brain and spine, such as Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, epilepsy, stroke, spinal cord injury, chronic pain, brain cancer or concussion, in their lifetime. Through state-of-the-art patient care and advanced research, we are working relentlessly toward finding new treatments and cures.

    Do you want to know more about the Krembil Brain Institute at UHN? Visit us at: uhn.ca/krembil

    To get in touch, email us at [email protected] or message us on social media:
    Instagram - @krembilresearch
    Twitter - @KBI_UHN
    Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/KrembilBrainInstitute

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  • From new Alzheimer’s drugs, to novel treatments for brain cancer, to chronic pain, many of us feel overwhelmed by the sheer volume of health news in the media and confused about what to believe - and how it applies to our own health.

    In this special episode of Your Complex Brain - our last of the season - we bring back five of our featured UHN brain experts to weigh in on the top, science-based, evidence-backed tips for keeping your brain fit and healthy as you age (and some of their answers may surprise you!)

    Host Heather Sherman also introduces the Your Complex Brain production team and asks what they each do to keep their brains happy and healthy.

    Drs. Andrea Furlan, Jaideep Bains, Mary Pat McAndrews, Donald Weaver and Aleksandra Pikula.

    Additional resources (5-6):
    Dr. Andrea Furlan’s YouTube Channel
    Dr. Jaideep Bains’ public talk – ‘Is My Stress Your Stress?’
    Dr. Mary Pat McAndrews’ discussing her science journey & why she studies memory
    Dr. Donald Weaver’s Your Complex Brain Season 1 podcast episode – ‘What’s it Going to Take to Solve Alzheimer’s?’
    Dr. Aleksandra Pikula’s Your Complex Brain Season 1 podcast episode – ‘The Rise of Stroke in Young Adults’

    The Your Complex Brain production team is Heather Sherman, Jessica Schmidt, Dr. Amy Ma, Kim Perry, Sara Yuan, Meagan Anderi, Liz Chapman, and Lorna Gilfedder.

    The Krembil Brain Institute, part of University Health Network, in Toronto, is home to one of the world's largest and most comprehensive teams of physicians and scientists uniquely working hand-in-hand to prevent and confront problems of the brain and spine, such as Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, epilepsy, stroke, spinal cord injury, chronic pain, brain cancer or concussion, in their lifetime. Through state-of-the-art patient care and advanced research, we are working relentlessly toward finding new treatments and cures.

    Do you want to know more about the Krembil Brain Institute at UHN? Visit us at: uhn.ca/krembil

    To get in touch, email us at [email protected] or message us on social media:
    Instagram - @krembilresearch
    Twitter - @KBI_UHN
    Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/KrembilBrainInstitute

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  • More than eight million Canadians are currently living with the effects of debilitating chronic pain.

    In this episode, we discuss the connection between chronic pain and the brain, including the latest & most effective treatments, the stigma - how do you study and treat something that you often can’t see? And, is there a way to build ‘pain resilience’?

    We’ll speak with Dr. Andrea Furlan, a senior scientist & physiatrist with the KITE Research Institute and Dr. Anuj Bhatia, an anesthesiologist and clinician investigator with the Krembil Brain Institute.

    We’ll also hear from Lara Pingue, about her personal experience living with chronic pain.

    Dr. Anuj Bhatia - Anesthesiologist and pain medicine physician who is the Director of the Comprehensive Integrated Pain Program at UHN, a clinician investigator with the Krembil Brain Institute, and a Professor at the University of Toronto.

    Dr. Andrea Furlan - Senior Scientist at The KITE Research Institute and a physiatrist with the Toronto Rehabilitation Institute, at UHN.

    Lara Pingue - Editor for the Globe and Mail. She lives with her husband and children in Toronto.

    Additional resources:
    Comprehensive Integrated Pain Program at UHN
    ‘The Krembil Brain Institute’s chronic pain experts are using novel treatment approaches – and returning people to meaningful lives’ – Article in 2021 KBI Magazine, featuring Drs. Anuj Bhatia & Hance Clarke
    Dr. Andrea Furlan’s KITE Research Institute page
    Dr. Andrea Furlan’s Youtube Channel
    Dr. Andrea Furlan interviewed on UHN’s ‘Behind the Breakthrough’ podcast
    The Krembil Brain Institute’s ‘Your Complex Brain’ podcast episode about Trigeminal Neuralgia – ‘The Most Painful Brain Disease You’ve Never Heard Of’ featuring Dr. Mojgan Hodaie

    The Your Complex Brain production team is Heather Sherman, Jessica Schmidt, Dr. Amy Ma, Kim Perry, Sara Yuan, Meagan Anderi, Liz Chapman, and Lorna Gilfedder.

    The Krembil Brain Institute, part of University Health Network, in Toronto, is home to one of the world's largest and most comprehensive teams of physicians and scientists uniquely working hand-in-hand to prevent and confront problems of the brain and spine, such as Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, epilepsy, stroke, spinal cord injury, chronic pain, brain cancer or concussion, in their lifetime. Through state-of-the-art patient care and advanced research, we are working relentlessly toward finding new treatments and cures.

    Do you want to know more about the Krembil Brain Institute at UHN? Visit us at: uhn.ca/krembil

    To get in touch, email us at [email protected] or message us on social media:
    Instagram - @krembilresearch
    Twitter - @KBI_UHN
    Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/KrembilBrainInstitute

    Thanks for listening!

  • When Brynn Ladley was born, she was a smiling, happy and healthy baby, hitting all of her developmental milestones. Then, at six weeks old, she began having seizures and eventually was diagnosed with CDKL5, a rare and debilitating genetic disorder that has no cure.

    Upon Brynn’s diagnosis, her mother Natalie became an advocate and connected with Dr. James Eubanks, a Senior Scientist at the Krembil Brain Institute, who has made it his life’s mission to pioneer advanced research looking at how brain function is altered in specific rare, neurodevelopmental conditions, such as CDKL5 and Rett Syndrome

    He is also developing new therapeutic strategies to better treat, or one day even cure, these diseases.

    We’ll also hear from Brynn’s mother Natalie and from Richard Logan, Dr. Eubanks’ long-time lab manager, who are optimistic about advances in this research, in the years to come.

    Dr. James Eubanks – Senior Scientist and Research Division Head at the Krembil Brain Institute, part of UHN.

    Natalie Ladly – President of CDKL5 Canada and mother to seven year-old Brynn Ladly, who is living with CDKL5.

    Richard Logan - Lab manager and senior technologist for Dr. Eubanks’ lab at the Krembil Brain Institute.

    Additional resources:
    CDKL5 Canada
    Ontario Rett Syndrome Association
    Krembil Brain Institute magazine article featuring Dr. Eubanks
    UHN Foundation’s ‘Know Your Heroes’ article featuring Dr. Eubanks
    Collingwood Today article about Bryn Ladley & her family
    Canadian Organization for Rare Disorders

    The Your Complex Brain production team is Heather Sherman, Jessica Schmidt, Dr. Amy Ma, Kim Perry, Sara Yuan, Meagan Anderi, Liz Chapman, and Lorna Gilfedder.

    The Krembil Brain Institute, part of University Health Network, in Toronto, is home to one of the world's largest and most comprehensive teams of physicians and scientists uniquely working hand-in-hand to prevent and confront problems of the brain and spine, such as Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, epilepsy, stroke, spinal cord injury, chronic pain, brain cancer or concussion, in their lifetime. Through state-of-the-art patient care and advanced research, we are working relentlessly toward finding new treatments and cures.

    Do you want to know more about the Krembil Brain Institute at UHN? Visit us at: uhn.ca/krembil

    To get in touch, email us at [email protected] or message us on social media:
    Instagram - @krembilresearch
    Twitter - @KBI_UHN
    Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/KrembilBrainInstitute

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