
  • Love covers. When God gave us his Son Jesus, who gave his life to pay for our sins, He covered us. It’s the opposite of exposing and shaming. Sadly, it seems to be the opposite of what people often do. And yet this is what God has called us to do for others, in small ways and big ones.

    Join me for a special conversation with my wonderful husband Pastor Gary Coiro as we talk about the difference between cancel culture and cover culture.

    “Above all, love each other deeply because love covers a multitude of sins.” - 1 Peter 4:8

    If you love the podcast you'll love the radio show! We host BRIGHT-FM Mornings on BRIGHT-FM in Baltimore, Maryland. Join us every morning for the perfect blend of music, laughter, and positive vibes — because your mornings deserve a touch of brilliance! If you are in the Baltimore area, listen on your radio at 95.1. Live on the Eastern Shore of Maryland? Check out 103.1. And of course, listen wherever you are at brightfm.com.

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  • Passion City Church has birthed some special artists and music that have been a light to my path. I’m so grateful for them. One of my favorites is Kristian Stanfill. He’s a gifted worship leader, singer/song-writer and he‘s been a part of my regular playlist for years now. But Kristian has been in a personal battle, that until November of last year, was a private one.

    How do you heal from a personal addiction to alcohol, when you’re a public worship leader? Kristian joins me for an encouraging, honest conversation about real life and a real God who helps us in our darkness. He has been sober for 2 ½ years now, but he has learned some important things along the way about healing and the love of God.

    I am so honored to share this important conversation with you and I hope, as I know Kristian does as well, that it helps others who are struggling too. You can make it out alive... and if you trust the process, God will bring healing and joy back into your life.

    If you love the podcast you'll love the radio show! We host BRIGHT-FM Mornings on BRIGHT-FM in Baltimore, Maryland. Join us every morning for the perfect blend of music, laughter, and positive vibes — because your mornings deserve a touch of brilliance! If you are in the Baltimore area, listen on your radio at 95.1. Live on the Eastern Shore of Maryland? Check out 103.1. And of course, listen wherever you are at brightfm.com.

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    Akışı yenilemek için buraya tıklayın.

  • Stacey Loveless has a passion to help people and she’s convinced of the healing power of God’s love to restore lives. She knows because she’s been there.

    On this special episode of the podcast, I am honored to introduce you to my friend Stacey Loveless who is the Director of Love Wins House, a place for women struggling with addiction to find community, hope, and healing. Stacey is on the front lines of this battle that is raging in our country and she shares her wisdom with us.

    If someone you love is battling addiction or in recovery, or, you’re burdened for all who are fighting this battle, this conversation will give you insight and real hope on how we can help.

    If you love the podcast you'll love the radio show! We host BRIGHT-FM Mornings on BRIGHT-FM in Baltimore, Maryland. Join us every morning for the perfect blend of music, laughter, and positive vibes — because your mornings deserve a touch of brilliance! If you are in the Baltimore area, listen on your radio at 95.1. Live on the Eastern Shore of Maryland? Check out 103.1. And of course, listen wherever you are at brightfm.com.

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  • Pat Linnell is a man on a mission... Equipping people to do intentional acts of kindness that implicate Jesus as the source. He’s been at this for a few years and Grace Bomb-the Movement is spreading worldwide.

    If you’ve ever wondered how to share your faith in Christ in a tangible way, or you feel slightly intimidated by talking to your neighbors, Grace Bomb is designed to help you build those connections in a way that’s fun and fruitful.

    I LOVE this concept, I love Pat and his passion for Jesus! He is full of stories that he shares with us in this fun and inspiring conversation about how God is working through people just like us... who are willing to be intentional about the source of their kindness.

    If you love the podcast you'll love the radio show! We host BRIGHT-FM Mornings on BRIGHT-FM in Baltimore, Maryland. Join us every morning for the perfect blend of music, laughter, and positive vibes — because your mornings deserve a touch of brilliance! If you are in the Baltimore area, listen on your radio at 95.1. Live on the Eastern Shore of Maryland? Check out 103.1. And of course, listen wherever you are at brightfm.com.

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  • The one and only Lauren Daigle joins me on the podcast! Lauren is such a lover of people. Even the title song of her latest record, Kaleidoscope Jesus, is about how beautifully God has made people, with different colors and cultures and she loves to see how God reveals Himself through all of his creation.

    The question Lauren loves to pray every day is... Jesus, would you show me something special in someone today? Would you help me to see people through your eyes?

    Join me for this delightful conversation with the free-spirited, kind, and authentic, Lauren Daigle. Oh, how I love her!

    If you love the podcast you'll love the radio show! We host BRIGHT-FM Mornings on BRIGHT-FM in Baltimore, Maryland. Join us every morning for the perfect blend of music, laughter, and positive vibes — because your mornings deserve a touch of brilliance! If you are in the Baltimore area, listen on your radio at 95.1. Live on the Eastern Shore of Maryland? Check out 103.1. And of course, listen wherever you are at brightfm.com.

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  • When Sandy Hartranft’s youngest son Ben was 3 years old, she walked into the dining room and could hardly believe what she saw. Ben had climbed up on the table and was literally swinging from the chandelier! With incredible humor, faith, and wisdom, Sandy shares her story of discovering her son had autism. How this amazing family has navigated the force of energy that is Ben, is inspiring. Ben is now a young man with hopes and dreams and an irresistible joy, and he’s even become a public speaker/advocate for people with autism. But the journey began with a mom who had to let go of what her idea of her family might be and learn to trust God with something even better.

    In this warm and wonderful conversation, Sandy shares her story and her advice to other families on this journey too. I love this family so much and I know you will too.

    You can find joy in the journey of autism. You just might need some help from someone who’s been there.

    If you love the podcast you'll love the radio show! We host BRIGHT-FM Mornings on BRIGHT-FM in Baltimore, Maryland. Join us every morning for the perfect blend of music, laughter, and positive vibes — because your mornings deserve a touch of brilliance! If you are in the Baltimore area, listen on your radio at 95.1. Live on the Eastern Shore of Maryland? Check out 103.1. And of course, listen wherever you are at brightfm.com.

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  • Christy Nockels is one of my favorite singers ever. Period. I fell in love with her voice from her days with Watermark, the popular duo with her husband Nathan. It was in the late 90's/early 2000’s and I was just beginning to really get into Christian music. Christy had this elegant and humble way of inviting me into a sacred space. She never over-sang. She just seemed to know what to do with every song she sang. To connect you to God seemed to be her agenda and for me, it just clicked. That gentle, honest, gorgeous voice has been singing over my life for decades.

    Christy has recorded many solo albums, been a founding member of Passion City Church, and sang with so many artists- you know her voice. You just might know her name. How did she do that?

    I am convinced it’s that unique ability she has to lead people in worship and almost disappear from the spotlight herself. There aren’t many like her...

    Her latest project, “This is the Hour”, is the most beautiful worship album I’ve heard in a long time and is one of my all-time favorite albums. For real.

    I can’t believe I get the honor of talking to Christy... and I get to share this conversation with you! I will try not to fan-girl too much because clearly, Christy is not about that.

    If you love the podcast you'll love the radio show! We host BRIGHT-FM Mornings on BRIGHT-FM in Baltimore, Maryland. Join us every morning for the perfect blend of music, laughter, and positive vibes — because your mornings deserve a touch of brilliance! If you are in the Baltimore area, listen on your radio at 95.1. Live on the Eastern Shore of Maryland? Check out 103.1. And of course, listen wherever you are at brightfm.com.

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  • Does a white man have a voice in the conversation around racial reconciliation?

    How can I be a bridge-builder if I don’t live near people who look different from me?

    What is God calling ME to do to help bring unity and healing to our world?

    20 years ago, Dr. David Anderson introduced the world to the concept of “Gracism-the Art of Inclusion.” Because how we talk about race has changed since 2007, the revised and expanded “Gracism”, has just been released. A mentee of Dr. Anderson, my friend David Heiliger has been learning and joining in this important work around the world.

    Join me and my special guest David Heiliger, Pastor of Multi-Cultural Bridge Building at Bridgeway Community Church for an honest conversation about the racial divide in our world and Jesus’s heart to heal it. We all have a part to play.

    If you love the podcast you'll love the radio show! We host BRIGHT-FM Mornings on BRIGHT-FM in Baltimore, Maryland. Join us every morning for the perfect blend of music, laughter, and positive vibes — because your mornings deserve a touch of brilliance! If you are in the Baltimore area, listen on your radio at 95.1. Live on the Eastern Shore of Maryland? Check out 103.1. And of course, listen wherever you are at brightfm.com.

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  • ...And I hope that failure comes your way

    And shows you there's a limit to your own strength. Til you can't help but offer other people grace, Yeah, I hope that failure comes

    That's what I wish for you

    What I hope you find

    May it all come true

    Knowing sometimes good things come from suffering

    Yeah, sometimes good things can come from suffering..."

    Jason Gray's lyrics for a song he wrote for his kids may make you flinch at first - but he knows the treasures God can bring through our failures. From the complex relationship with his own father to his painful divorce, Jason has found forgiveness and faith coming alive again and the healing that comes when we tend to our wounds.

    Join me for an honest conversation with one of my favorite songwriters. Jason has been through a hard season and God is just showing him more of what love and grace really are.

    If you love the podcast you'll love the radio show! We host BRIGHT-FM Mornings on BRIGHT-FM in Baltimore, Maryland. Join us every morning for the perfect blend of music, laughter, and positive vibes — because your mornings deserve a touch of brilliance! If you are in the Baltimore area, listen on your radio at 95.1. Live on the Eastern Shore of Maryland? Check out 103.1. And of course, listen wherever you are at brightfm.com.

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  • If you saw the movie "Jesus Revolution" chronicling the life stories of Greg Laurie and Chuck Smith, you'll be fascinated to hear how Kathy Gilbert's story intersects.

    Growing up in a conservative Catholic family in Maryland in the late 60's, Kathy was searching for answers to life's deepest questions. She thought the hippies had the answers and she left home to join a commune. Traveling across the country as a teenager, Kathy hitchhiked, experimented with drugs, and stayed at different communes trying to find what her heart was longing for. After a few close calls with danger, Kathy landed at a place called Shiloh in Oregon. It was there the Jesus revolution met her face-to-face and changed her life.

    I can't wait for you to meet this amazing woman! Kathy Gilbert has quite a story to tell of this tumultuous time in our country but also an amazing move of the Holy Spirit to draw young people to Christ.

    If you love the podcast you'll love the radio show! We host BRIGHT-FM Mornings on BRIGHT-FM in Baltimore, Maryland. Join us every morning for the perfect blend of music, laughter, and positive vibes — because your mornings deserve a touch of brilliance! If you are in the Baltimore area, listen on your radio at 95.1. Live on the Eastern Shore of Maryland? Check out 103.1. And of course, listen wherever you are at brightfm.com.

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  • Helen Smallbone is the mother of 7 kids, some of who have become quite famous. Rebecca St. James, her oldest, and Luke and Joel of For King and Country have experienced and are experiencing success in the spotlight.

    But Helen Smallbone is a mom who has more fear of success than failure. Join me for a conversation with a very wise woman who has navigated an unconventional life of faith with her extraordinary family. From times when the family didn’t know how they’d have a roof over their head, food on the table, or how they’d get around, Helen has many lessons to share about trusting God to be our Provider.

    I was absolutely riveted by her memoir, “Behind the Lights” but forever impacted by her faith. I can’t wait for you to meet her!

    If you love the podcast you'll love the radio show! We host BRIGHT-FM Mornings on BRIGHT-FM in Baltimore, Maryland. Join us every morning for the perfect blend of music, laughter, and positive vibes — because your mornings deserve a touch of brilliance! If you are in the Baltimore area, listen on your radio at 95.1. Live on the Eastern Shore of Maryland? Check out 103.1. And of course, listen wherever you are at brightfm.com.

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  • Tasha Layton is passionate about using her voice to give others hope. She knows what it’s like to struggle with depression and she has a heart for those who have experienced trauma and brokenness.

    In this special episode of Your Day Brighter, Tasha shares some of her spiritual practices that keep her mind and spirit healthy, and she tells an incredible story of following the nudge of the Holy Spirit and the life that was forever changed because of it.

    I love her music but I love her heart even more.

    If you love the podcast you'll love the radio show! We host BRIGHT-FM Mornings on BRIGHT-FM in Baltimore, Maryland. Join us every morning for the perfect blend of music, laughter, and positive vibes — because your mornings deserve a touch of brilliance! If you are in the Baltimore area, listen on your radio at 95.1. Live on the Eastern Shore of Maryland? Check out 103.1. And of course, listen wherever you are at brightfm.com.

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  • I host the morning show on BRIGHT-FM and I get to play so much great music. But this song “Build a Boat” by Colton Dixon, is the one I get the most emails and texts about. It has struck a deep chord with our listeners and with me personally.

    The wonderfully gracious and humble Colton Dixon joins me on the podcast this week! We talk about life, being a dad to twin girls, and his music career that God directed in a new way, after a heartbreaking season of disappointment.

    There are those times in our lives when we need the faith and radical obedience of Noah, the kind of crazy faith that makes us build boats when it never rains. Maybe you’re in one too? Join me for this encouraging conversation with Colton Dixon.

    He’s been there too.

    If you love the podcast you'll love the radio show! We host BRIGHT-FM Mornings on BRIGHT-FM in Baltimore, Maryland. Join us every morning for the perfect blend of music, laughter, and positive vibes — because your mornings deserve a touch of brilliance! If you are in the Baltimore area, listen on your radio at 95.1. Live on the Eastern Shore of Maryland? Check out 103.1. And of course, listen wherever you are at brightfm.com.

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  • Meet my friend Eric Buarque. Eric never thought about acting as something he’d want to do until people started mistaking him for a very famous actor. And he wondered, is there something to this connection? Could I leverage how I look to break into the movie business?

    Thirteen films and twenty commercials later, Eric had a long, wonderful run in the industry with the most unique role: Bruce Willis’s body double.

    He shares his fascinating story of what he calls God’s favor... For years, Eric traveled around the world and experienced the thrill of being in big-budget films, acting, and occasionally doing stunts, all as Bruce Willis’s body double.

    With Bruce’s illness recently announced, Eric has nothing but sincere gratitude and prayers for Bruce and his family as they navigate this difficult journey.

    Join me for this fascinating conversation with a man who might look a lot like Bruce Willis on the outside, but on the inside, I think Eric looks like Jesus.

    If you love the podcast you'll love the radio show! We host BRIGHT-FM Mornings on BRIGHT-FM in Baltimore, Maryland. Join us every morning for the perfect blend of music, laughter, and positive vibes — because your mornings deserve a touch of brilliance! If you are in the Baltimore area, listen on your radio at 95.1. Live on the Eastern Shore of Maryland? Check out 103.1. And of course, listen wherever you are at brightfm.com.

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  • Meet Nicole Sherry. She’s only 1 of 2 women in the entire history of major league baseball who has had the title and responsibility of being the Head Groundskeeper. Nicole didn’t set out to be a trailblazer but that’s what she is. With the Baltimore Orioles at Camden Yards for 20 years, Nicole knows every inch of that beautiful field and she knows what it takes to keep it thriving.

    I’m a lifelong Orioles fan and now I have a newfound respect for the knowledge of science and detailed work involved in keeping the most beautiful ballpark in the country healthy.

    Yep. I said it. Camden Yards is the best. And Nicole is the keeper of the Yard.

    Join me for a fascinating conversation with an amazing woman who found her special calling right where her passion for baseball and agriculture came together. God is in the details.

    If you love the podcast you'll love the radio show! We host BRIGHT-FM Mornings on BRIGHT-FM in Baltimore, Maryland. Join us every morning for the perfect blend of music, laughter, and positive vibes — because your mornings deserve a touch of brilliance! If you are in the Baltimore area, listen on your radio at 95.1. Live on the Eastern Shore of Maryland? Check out 103.1. And of course, listen wherever you are at brightfm.com.

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  • Ever had a panic attack? Jeremy Camp knows what it’s like. His new song “Anxious Heart” starts like this:

    Locked up and I'm so in my head

    Heart starts racing and I can't slow it down

    Hands shaking and l'm losing my breath

    Paralyzed with a mind spinning out

    My strength has grown weak

    No words left to speak

    I fell to my knees

    Cause I know what I need.

    It happened on a trip to Israel when Jeremy felt those feelings. He felt like he was dying. What was going on? He had a lot of questions and thankfully, he knew where to take them. The Lord showed Jeremy how he had been hiding fears on the inside that were manifesting in this anxiousness of heart.

    Having dealt with anxiety in my own life, those lyrics hit so close to home. Can you relate? Join me for an unforgettable conversation with singer/songwriter Jeremy Camp who shares how the Lord showed up for him...not with judgment, frustration, or disappointment, but in love.

    If you love the podcast you'll love the radio show! We host BRIGHT-FM Mornings on BRIGHT-FM in Baltimore, Maryland. Join us every morning for the perfect blend of music, laughter, and positive vibes — because your mornings deserve a touch of brilliance! If you are in the Baltimore area, listen on your radio at 95.1. Live on the Eastern Shore of Maryland? Check out 103.1. And of course, listen wherever you are at brightfm.com.

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  • Andrew Ripp is not an overnight sensation. He’s been at this songwriting thing for years now, achieving success in 2005 by co-writing the hit “Shine On” for Ryan Cabrera, and collaborating/ writing for Cory Asbury, The Wait and Ben Rector, The Judds, and others. But success came at a cost. A personal battle with addiction cost Andrew almost everything that mattered to him.

    But God...

    Andrew gave his life to Jesus and his story is just getting started. Celebrating 15 years of sobriety, Andrew has found a new kind of freedom, success, and sweetness in life in this season. His songs like “Fill My Cup” and “Jericho” have become anthems for those of us who have fallen in love with Jesus and are amazed by how He changes everything.

    I am so excited for you to meet Andrew Ripp! He’s my guest on the podcast and he has an amazing story of God’s intervention in his life.

    If you love the podcast you'll love the radio show! We host BRIGHT-FM Mornings on BRIGHT-FM in Baltimore, Maryland. Join us every morning for the perfect blend of music, laughter, and positive vibes — because your mornings deserve a touch of brilliance! If you are in the Baltimore area, listen on your radio at 95.1. Live on the Eastern Shore of Maryland? Check out 103.1. And of course, listen wherever you are at brightfm.com.

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  • She had a greatest hits album at 21 years old! Rachael Lampa is 38 years old now and after taking a break from a flourishing career years ago, she’s making music again that speaks to our souls.

    “Perfectly Loved” came from things she shared in her life group about what God was teaching her through her work at a prison ministry. I can’t wait for you to hear this warm and inspiring conversation with my new friend, Rachael Lampa.

    We talk about life, music, being a mom, and how God often directs us to do things that other people do not understand or approve of. Rachael is a woman who is tuned in to that still small voice of Jesus and a bright light in this world.

    If you love the podcast you'll love the radio show! We host BRIGHT-FM Mornings on BRIGHT-FM in Baltimore, Maryland. Join us every morning for the perfect blend of music, laughter, and positive vibes — because your mornings deserve a touch of brilliance! If you are in the Baltimore area, listen on your radio at 95.1. Live on the Eastern Shore of Maryland? Check out 103.1. And of course, listen wherever you are at brightfm.com.

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  • Princess adores her husband of 31 years, Phillip. And she has gone from fighting with him to fighting for him. I love this lady and her authenticity.

    Join me for a refreshingly candid conversation about marriage and how to see yours from God’s point of view. Princess is a marriage coach and mentor and she’s on a mission to save marriages. She shares her personal journey of discovering it wasn’t all his fault after all.

    With the wisdom that comes from making mistakes, Princess’s new book, “Embracing My Calling: Viewing my Marriage through an Eternal Perspective,” is a must-read for anyone who wants their marriage to be aligned with God’s purposes. This is such good, challenging stuff and comes with a warning: This may change your life.

    If you’re married or even thinking about marriage, there is treasure here. Have a listen and share with someone who needs some encouragement.

    If you love the podcast you'll love the radio show! We host BRIGHT-FM Mornings on BRIGHT-FM in Baltimore, Maryland. Join us every morning for the perfect blend of music, laughter, and positive vibes — because your mornings deserve a touch of brilliance! If you are in the Baltimore area, listen on your radio at 95.1. Live on the Eastern Shore of Maryland? Check out 103.1. And of course, listen wherever you are at brightfm.com.

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  • Esther Brant has been a dedicated nurse for over 30 years and she just glows from the inside! A woman of tremendous faith and joy, with a giggle that bubbles up so easily and often, you’d never guess how much loss she’s suffered or how humble her beginnings were. When a crippling disease devastated multiple members of her family, Esther grieved and discovered God had a purpose for her amid her family’s suffering.

    She knew she had to help. She knew God was calling her to be a nurse. Growing up in a poor undeveloped village in the Bahamas, the odds were stacked against her but Esther prayed... “and I began thinking about all the people in the world I would help”.

    For anyone who has grieved hard and wondered how to hold on to their faith, Esther’s story is a master class in trusting God. I can’t wait for you to meet her on Your Day Brighter™.

    If you love the podcast you'll love the radio show! We host BRIGHT-FM Mornings on BRIGHT-FM in Baltimore, Maryland. Join us every morning for the perfect blend of music, laughter, and positive vibes — because your mornings deserve a touch of brilliance! If you are in the Baltimore area, listen on your radio at 95.1. Live on the Eastern Shore of Maryland? Check out 103.1. And of course, listen wherever you are at brightfm.com.

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