
  • Episode Summary:

    In this episode, I wanted to share with you what brought me to the place where I knew this book was needed, where I knew God was calling me to share my own sacred scars, why I’ve written the book Sacred Scars for you, and what I hope you’ll get out of it.

    Quotables from the episode:

    Sometimes our wounds come at the hands or wounds of others; sometimes we behave in a way that causes or contributes to our wounds; and sometimes there is no obvious explanation for them. But the hope that we have in Jesus is that when we will take our painful wounds and surrender them to the creator of the universe, the very One who knit us in our mother’s womb, we can experience a redemptive scar, a beautiful sacred scar in place of our wounds when we allow God to heal what has hurt us. The Hem of His Garment: Reaching Out to God When Pain Overwhelms is about how we hold onto our faith while we are waiting on God for our healing. Sacred Scars picks up where The Hem of His Garment left off. Sacred Scars is for those who think, I’ve gone through something so bad that it disqualifies me from living the abundant life that Christ came to give; I’ve gone through something so bad or I’ve done something so bad that it disqualifies me from being loved and valued; or I’ve gone through something so bad that it disqualifies me from service to God. Sacred Scars was written for that reader, to assure them that there is nothing they have gone through that is beyond the hands of a redemptive God. Jesus never gave up, so as a child of God, it’s not in my DNA to give up. The thing that drives me the most is that I’m just not going to let the enemy have that much satisfaction. The lies of the enemy is what produces guilt, shame, regret, remorse, isolation, fear. As long as he can take us there because of the wounds that we’ve gone through, as long as we listen to those lies, we will live a defeated life, but Jesus came so we can have victory. The only way to experience that victory is to recognize the lies of the enemy and to determine that I’m willing enough to feel the pain to get healing. In over 30 years in private practice, I’ve had thousands of people come into my private practice ashamed to share their deep, dark secret because they feared I would reject them or abandon them or give them a strange look like, “I can’t believe what you just said.” But nothing surprises me anymore. What I found, is that when people will share that secret that they are so embarrassed and ashamed of, it doesn’t hold power anymore. Once they bring it out into the light, the enemy loses. Wounds are open assaults either on the body or the mind. They are those things that have been injured, abraded, or infected and leave us in a state of pain. When we are wounded, we need healing. I love what God does: in the physical body, when you get a scratch or a burn, or an infection, your body automatically sends cells to try to produce collagen to produce a scar. This book is focusing on scars, because once we have a scar, that wound, that painful experience (whether it’s physical, emotional, relational, spiritual) doesn’t hold the same pain that it did when it was an open wound. When we will take our wounds to God and let Him heal the wounds, because He’s such a good and redemptive God, He will bring beautiful sacred scars as a reminder not just of the pain we’ve gone through, but of the healing that’s taken place if we’re willing to go on that healing journey. God never pries our heart or our hands open. He’s always waiting for us to say, “Okay, Lord, I’m ready.” Too often, we’re afraid of the pain of the unknown more than we are the pain of the current discomfort of our injured situation. If you will step out and entrust your pain to God, He can bring a beautiful sacred scar. We’re all familiar with physical scars but I think it’s also important to recognize that we all carry invisible scars from emotional wounds, relational wounds, spiritual wounds, grief or loss. I mistakenly thought that being a doctor would protect me or insulate me from depression or any other mental health disorder, but it doesn’t. Neither does being a Christian. The Lord taught me that there was a spiritual root to depression. Previous to that, I had been addressing the physical, the emotional, and the mental, but not the spiritual, because I didn’t know there was one. What initially felt like forced rest, I hated, but over time, on bed rest, I came to appreciate that time because it was like my cocooning time alone with God. I didn’t want that time to end. She said to me, “Thank you. Thank you for sharing out of your pain, so that I would know that I’m not alone and that if you could make it through your ordeal, I can too.” That is a beautiful sacred scar for a physically and emotionally devastating time in my life. But that is the essence behind the message of Sacred Scars. Having gone through depression, I thought that disqualified me from any future ministry for the Lord but He was the one who prompted me to share with others. Sacred scars are when God takes our most devastating circumstance, that we think discounts us or disqualifies us, primarily because we are listening to the lies of the enemy who is the accuser of the brethren and the father of lies, but if we will bring it into the light, into God’s truth, we will realize that what looks impossible to us is not impossible for the God of the universe. I pictured Jesus in his resurrected body as whole without scars, but the Lord showed me the passages where Jesus appeared to his disciples he had his scars in his hands and feet. Jesus kept his scars and they served such a redemptive purpose. His scars prove that he was who he said he was and that he had done what he said he would do. That was such a lightbulb moment for me because I felt like God said, “Just as I have redeemed Jesus’s scars, your scars will have a redemptive purpose too.” Now I look at scars differently because scars attest to the healing that has taken place and our scars are an opportunity to share with others the goodness and faithfulness of God. More than anything, what I want you to know is that those things in your past that you are so ashamed of, embarrassed of, feel guilty about or remorseful, that cause you to isolate and hide from other people, those are the very things that God wants to come in and heal and show you that he not only wants to but is capable of bringing beauty for your ashes and sacred scars for your wounds. What you have to recognize is that we have to be willing to feel the pain to heal it, and we have to be willing to step forward and say “I want that healing” because God isn’t going to pry it out of our hands or our hearts, but if we will surrender to Him, He will bring a redemptive purpose for your wounds and beautiful sacred scars.

    Scripture References:

    John 16:33 NIV “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”

    Recommended Resources:

    Sacred Scars: Resting in God’s Promise That Your Past Is Not Wasted by Dr. Michelle Bengtson The Hem of His Garment: Reaching Out to God When Pain Overwhelms by Dr. Michelle Bengtson YouVersion 5-Day Devotional Reaching Out To God When Pain Overwhelms Today is Going to be a Good Day: 90 Promises to Start Your Day Off Right by Dr. Michelle Bengtson, winner of the AWSA 2023 Inspirational Gift Book of the Year Award, the Christian Literary Awards Reader’s Choice Award in four categories, and the Christian Literary Awards Henri Award for Devotionals YouVersion 7-Day Devotional, Today is Going to be a Good Day YouVersion 7-Day Devotional, Today is Going to be Another Good Day Breaking Anxiety’s Grip: How to Reclaim the Peace God Promises by Dr. Michelle Bengtson Breaking Anxiety’s Grip Free Study Guide Free 7-Day YouVersion Bible Reading Plan for Breaking Anxiety’s Grip Hope Prevails: Insights from a Doctor’s Personal Journey Through Depression by Dr. Michelle Bengtson, winner of the Christian Literary Award Reader’s Choice Award Hope Prevails Bible Study by Dr. Michelle Bengtson, winner of the Christian Literary Award Reader’s Choice Award Trusting God Through Cancer 1 Trusting God Through Cancer 2 Revive & Thrive Women's Conference Subdue Stress and Anxiety: Fifteen Experts Offer Comprehensive Tools in Ten Minutes a Day. Use my link plus discount code BENG99 to save $90 on course (course will be $99.) Free Download: How To Fight Fearful/Anxious Thoughts and Win

    Social Media Links for Guest and Host:

    Connect with Carolyn Freeman:

    Website / Facebook / Podcast

    For more hope, stay connected with Dr. Bengtson at:

    Order Book Breaking Anxiety’s Grip / Order Book Hope Prevails / Website / Blog / Facebook / Twitter (@DrMBengtson) / LinkedIn / Instagram / Pinterest / YouTube


    Carolyn Freeman is the Founder and President of Impact Coaching Ministries. She’s a Certified Professional Life Coach, author, speaker, former nurse and counselor. Her life verse is Jeremiah 29:11. She calls it a privilege and joy to walk with others into God’s healing just as others walked with her into healing, wholeness, and a whole new purpose and passion.

    Hosted By: Dr. Michelle Bengtson
    Audio Technical Support: Bryce Bengtson

  • Episode Summary:

    With one in five mobile searches being for pornography, it may be more prevalent than you think. Jody Allen shares her story, her pain, her wounds, and her sacred scars that resulted from her husband’s addiction to pornography. Tune in as Jody offers hope and strategies for overcoming the deep wounds caused by porn addiction.

    Quotables from the episode:

    Pornography can create emotional, relational, and spiritual wounds. I felt betrayed because I was living with someone who’s behavior was inconsistent with who he was. I lived a constant cycle of regret, apology, relapse, and feeling unimportant which created emotional wounds. Nothing can prepare a person for the breakup of the family. When God didn’t answer my prayers the way I wanted him to answer, that brought about spiritual wounds. Because when the God of the universe, the one who hates divorce, doesn’t answer your prayers in a way that is consistent with his will and pro-marriage, it leads to disappointment. One in five mobile searches is actually for pornography. My husband’s pornography addiction caused me so much shame. We answered all the “what if” questions, and came to the conclusion that we would ultimately be okay if we trusted God. Guilt, shame, and condemnation does not come from our Heavenly Father but from the Father of Lies. Shame made me believe that people were judging me and left me feeling like I wasn’t good enough. The wound is the open painful place that is festering and hurts so bad. But once we have a scar, it doesn’t hurt as much. It’s the place where healing has taken place. It doesn’t mean we forget the pain of the wound, it just means that it doesn’t have the same hold on us. As part of my role as a women’s ministry leader, I didn’t feel I could expect other women to share their story if I wasn’t willing to share my own story. Those hard years were preparation for my future ministry. The enemy wants to isolate us from others to shut us up. Satan is an equal opportunist. He is so sly and wants us to believe in any area of sin that “just once” doesn’t matter. We don’t have to squeak by. We don’t have to get to the other side of our pain and just survive. We can thrive. We can get to the other side of our pain and heartache and flourish. Pain doesn’t have to win. Pornography doesn’t have to win. Divorce doesn’t have to win. Let us take the best things from our time of pain and suffering…maybe it’s a fresh perspective, new skills, or a fresh start. If we know Jesus, we have the potential to get to the other side of our heartache and be whole and even be happy on the other side of it.

    Scripture References:

    Proverbs 3:5 “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.”

    2 Timothy 1:7 “For God hath not given you the spirit of fear, but of power, love, and sound mind.”

    Genesis 50:20 “You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives.”

    Exodus 12:36 “The Lord caused the Egyptians to look favorably on the Israelites, and they gave the Israelites whatever they asked for. So they stripped the Egyptians of their wealth!”

    Recommended Resources:

    Sacred Scars: Resting in God’s Promise That Your Past Is Not Wasted by Dr. Michelle Bengtson The Hem of His Garment: Reaching Out to God When Pain Overwhelms by Dr. Michelle Bengtson YouVersion 5-Day Devotional Reaching Out To God When Pain Overwhelms Today is Going to be a Good Day: 90 Promises to Start Your Day Off Right by Dr. Michelle Bengtson, winner of the AWSA 2023 Inspirational Gift Book of the Year Award, the Christian Literary Awards Reader’s Choice Award in four categories, and the Christian Literary Awards Henri Award for Devotionals YouVersion 7-Day Devotional, Today is Going to be a Good Day YouVersion 7-Day Devotional, Today is Going to be Another Good Day Breaking Anxiety’s Grip: How to Reclaim the Peace God Promises by Dr. Michelle Bengtson Breaking Anxiety’s Grip Free Study Guide Free 7-Day YouVersion Bible Reading Plan for Breaking Anxiety’s Grip Hope Prevails: Insights from a Doctor’s Personal Journey Through Depression by Dr. Michelle Bengtson, winner of the Christian Literary Award Reader’s Choice Award Hope Prevails Bible Study by Dr. Michelle Bengtson, winner of the Christian Literary Award Reader’s Choice Award Trusting God Through Cancer 1 Trusting God Through Cancer 2 Revive & Thrive Women's Conference Subdue Stress and Anxiety: Fifteen Experts Offer Comprehensive Tools in Ten Minutes a Day. Use my link plus discount code BENG99 to save $90 on course (course will be $99.) Free Download: How To Fight Fearful/Anxious Thoughts and Win

    Social Media Links for Guest and Host:

    Connect with Jody Allen:

    Website / Facebook / Instagram

    For more hope, stay connected with Dr. Bengtson at:

    Order Book Breaking Anxiety’s Grip / Order Book Hope Prevails / Website / Blog / Facebook / Twitter (@DrMBengtson) / LinkedIn / Instagram / Pinterest / YouTube


    Jody Allen serves as the Director of Women’s Ministry at her church, where she offers hope and a dose of humor to women in her church and community. Ten years in ministry has allowed her the opportunity to teach workshops, lead small groups, speak at women’s events, and walk alongside women in crisis. Jody’s goal is to point women to Jesus in a relatable and authentic way.

    Hosted By: Dr. Michelle Bengtson
    Audio Technical Support: Bryce Bengtson

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  • Episode Summary:

    In this episode, I chat with Jill Savage of “No More Perfect Marriages.” She shared her story of infidelity in her marriage, and how God has since healed her marriage so that she and her husband, Mark, now have a beautiful sacred scar and are able to minister to other married couples in despair.

    Quotables from the episode:

    The normal trials of life is the stuff that ultimately leaves us with sacred scars. Painful trials are part of our normal experience this side of heaven. Our marriage experienced a slow-fade while we both had huge responsibilities outside the home. The downward spiral started with an emotional affair and then resulted in a physical affair. The enemy took a direct hit to our greatest area of ministry. I began a one year process of standing for my marriage. “Standing for Your Marriage” is when one spouse believes and contends for the marriage while the other spouse checks out. The most painful thing I have ever experienced was my husband’s betrayal. I had a ministry based on authenticity and I determined to be open and honest about my pain. I didn’t cause my husband’s infidelity, but I did contribute to the dysfunction in my marriage. It’s important that we build a supportive community outside of times of tragedy because when we’re in a crisis, we don’t have the energy to do that. We can use our hard times as fertilizer for growth! As I began to change, my husband started seeing that as his own personal seeds of growth. God can turn our pain into his purposes. God forgives us the first time we ask—when are we going to forgive ourselves? Nothing is impossible with God. The God of the universe wants to do his best work in the cracks of your life. It takes two to build a marriage, but it takes one to divorce. It takes two to restore a marriage, but it takes One to restore a life.

    Recommended Resources:

    How to Rebuild Trust After Cheating Rebuilding Trust: The Only Time Words Don’t Matter in Marriage My Heart is Broken: Your Next Steps for When Your Spouse is Unfaithful by Jill Savage and Joss Cambridge Your Next Steps: What to Do When Your Spouse is Unfaithful by Jill Savage No More Perfect Marriages: Experience the Freedom of Being Real Together by Mark and Jill Savage FREE Rebuilding Trust Guide Rebuilding Trust Course The Wait Is Not Wasted Course Sacred Scars: Resting in God’s Promise That Your Past Is Not Wasted by Dr. Michelle Bengtson The Hem of His Garment: Reaching Out to God When Pain Overwhelms by Dr. Michelle Bengtson YouVersion 5-Day Devotional Reaching Out To God When Pain Overwhelms Today is Going to be a Good Day: 90 Promises to Start Your Day Off Right by Dr. Michelle Bengtson, winner of the AWSA 2023 Inspirational Gift Book of the Year Award, the Christian Literary Awards Reader’s Choice Award in four categories, and the Christian Literary Awards Henri Award for Devotionals YouVersion 7-Day Devotional, Today is Going to be a Good Day YouVersion 7-Day Devotional, Today is Going to be Another Good Day Breaking Anxiety’s Grip: How to Reclaim the Peace God Promises by Dr. Michelle Bengtson Breaking Anxiety’s Grip Free Study Guide Free 7-Day YouVersion Bible Reading Plan for Breaking Anxiety’s Grip Hope Prevails: Insights from a Doctor’s Personal Journey Through Depression by Dr. Michelle Bengtson, winner of the Christian Literary Award Reader’s Choice Award Hope Prevails Bible Study by Dr. Michelle Bengtson, winner of the Christian Literary Award Reader’s Choice Award Trusting God Through Cancer 1 Trusting God Through Cancer 2 Revive & Thrive Women's Conference Subdue Stress and Anxiety: Fifteen Experts Offer Comprehensive Tools in Ten Minutes a Day. Use my link plus discount code BENG99 to save $90 on course (course will be $99.) Free Download: How To Fight Fearful/Anxious Thoughts and Win

    Social Media Links for Guest and Host:

    Connect with Jill Savage:

    Website / Facebook / Instagram / Twitter / Tiktok / Pinterest

    For more hope, stay connected with Dr. Bengtson at:

    Order Book Breaking Anxiety’s Grip / Order Book Hope Prevails / Website / Blog / Facebook / Twitter (@DrMBengtson) / LinkedIn / Instagram / Pinterest / YouTube


    Jill Savage is an author and speaker who is passionate about relationships.
    She has been called one of today’s most exciting female speakers. Her honest, engaging communication is strengthened by her ability to make her audience laugh while they learn.

    Jill is the host of the No More Perfect Podcast and the author of fourteen books including Empty Nest, Full Life, Real Moms ... Real Jesus, the best-selling No More Perfect Moms, No More Perfect Kids, Better Together, and No More Perfect Marriages. Jill and her husband, Mark, live in Illinois and have five children and eight grandchildren. You can find Jill online at www.jillsavage.org.

    Hosted By: Dr. Michelle Bengtson
    Audio Technical Support: Bryce Bengtson

  • Episode Summary

    Join me with Dr. Mel Tavares as we discuss how painful trials can not only challenge us but also lead to profound spiritual healing and growth. Dr. Mel shares her personal journey of overcoming a series of devastating setbacks, including a severe injury and job loss, by employing three key strategies. Learn how these strategies help turn what the enemy intended for harm into beautiful marks of victory and testimony forming sacred scars.

    Quotables from the Episode

    "I spent the fall trying to rehab it... and they said, there's no fixing this and you have to have a total knee replacement." "I forgot everything I teach other people... and then coming out on the other side, I began to see the good." "The Lord already knows and it helps others when we are transparent about our struggles." "God's ways are higher and his ways are better than ours, and I was able to see that as time went on, but not in the beginning." "You went from a place of striving to get it all done to just looking and saying, what can I do today? And that's two different mindsets." "I put earbuds in and played worship music... it kept my mind filled with the positive, and as I listened, I began to rise up."

    Scripture References

    Jeremiah 29:11 - "For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope." Romans 8:28 - "And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose."
    Matthew 6:25-33 - Discusses not worrying about life's material needs, emphasizing trust in God's provision.

    Recommended Resources:

    Sacred Scars: Resting in God’s Promise That Your Past Is Not Wasted by Dr. Michelle Bengtson The Hem of His Garment: Reaching Out to God When Pain Overwhelms by Dr. Michelle Bengtson YouVersion 5-Day Devotional Reaching Out To God When Pain Overwhelms Today is Going to be a Good Day: 90 Promises to Start Your Day Off Right by Dr. Michelle Bengtson, winner of the AWSA 2023 Inspirational Gift Book of the Year Award, the Christian Literary Awards Reader’s Choice Award in four categories, and the Christian Literary Awards Henri Award for Devotionals YouVersion 7-Day Devotional, Today is Going to be a Good Day YouVersion 7-Day Devotional, Today is Going to be Another Good Day Breaking Anxiety’s Grip: How to Reclaim the Peace God Promises by Dr. Michelle Bengtson Breaking Anxiety’s Grip Free Study Guide Free 7-Day YouVersion Bible Reading Plan for Breaking Anxiety’s Grip Hope Prevails: Insights from a Doctor’s Personal Journey Through Depression by Dr. Michelle Bengtson, winner of the Christian Literary Award Reader’s Choice Award Hope Prevails Bible Study by Dr. Michelle Bengtson, winner of the Christian Literary Award Reader’s Choice Award Trusting God Through Cancer 1 Trusting God Through Cancer 2 Revive & Thrive Women's Conference Subdue Stress and Anxiety: Fifteen Experts Offer Comprehensive Tools in Ten Minutes a Day. Use my link plus discount code BENG99 to save $90 on course (course will be $99.) Free Download: How To Fight Fearful/Anxious Thoughts and Win

    Social Media Links for Guest and Host:

    Connect with Dr. Mel Tavares:

    Website / Instagram / Facebook / Pinterest

    For more hope, stay connected with Dr. Bengtson at:

    Order Book Breaking Anxiety’s Grip / Order Book Hope Prevails / Website / Blog / Facebook / Twitter (@DrMBengtson) / LinkedIn / Instagram / Pinterest / YouTube


    Dr. Mel has a unique 35-year concurrent background in church ministry, writing, publishing, counseling, and education. She holds a Doctorate of Ministry in Pastoral Care and Counseling. She is an award-winning author who has written four books penned under her name, is a contributing writer to several books including the (August 2021) DaySpring release “Sweet Tea for the Grieving Soul”, contributes to several online magazines including CBN and Inspiration Ministries, has served as a ghostwriter for ministry leaders, and coached dozens of published authors. Mel passion for equipping and teaching has led her to found a local ACW Chapter, teach at Writers Conferences, as well as Bible courses.

    Hosted By: Dr. Michelle Bengtson
    Audio Technical Support: Bryce Bengtson

  • Episode Summary:

    We discuss the principle that we all endure experiences in our lives that produce wounds, but when God heals those wounds, sacred scars result. Join me with Jessica Van Roekel as we share how to transform the wounds of rejection into sacred scars. We dissect the deep emotional and spiritual impacts of rejection, reveal how these healed wounds can be converted into powerful testimonies, and demonstrate how sharing these stories empowers and uplifts others. Learn to overcome fears, recognize the importance of scripture in healing, and discover God's transformative role in turning past pains into triumphs. This episode is a beacon of hope for anyone grappling with past hurts and seeking God’s help on their path to recovery.

    Quotables from the Episode:

    They triumphed over him by the blood of the lamb and the word of their testimony Personal histories don't need to define the present or determine the future A scar is a healed wound We have to feel it to heal it God set me free, and then I prayed a dangerous prayer, 'Lord, teach me how to walk in this freedom.' Rejection doesn't have to stop their life. It doesn't have to train wreck their life. But how about this? How about if we go through it so that we have a story of God's faithfulness on the other side of it.

    Scripture References:

    Revelation 12:11 – “They triumphed over him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony;” Psalm 147:3 - He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.

    Recommended Resources:

    Reframing Rejection: How Looking Through a Different Lens Changes Everything By Jessica Van Roekel Sacred Scars: Resting in God’s Promise That Your Past Is Not Wasted by Dr. Michelle Bengtson The Hem of His Garment: Reaching Out to God When Pain Overwhelms by Dr. Michelle Bengtson YouVersion 5-Day Devotional Reaching Out To God When Pain Overwhelms Today is Going to be a Good Day: 90 Promises to Start Your Day Off Right by Dr. Michelle Bengtson, winner of the AWSA 2023 Inspirational Gift Book of the Year Award, the Christian Literary Awards Reader’s Choice Award in four categories, and the Christian Literary Awards Henri Award for Devotionals YouVersion 7-Day Devotional, Today is Going to be a Good Day YouVersion 7-Day Devotional, Today is Going to be Another Good Day Breaking Anxiety’s Grip: How to Reclaim the Peace God Promises by Dr. Michelle Bengtson Breaking Anxiety’s Grip Free Study Guide Free 7-Day YouVersion Bible Reading Plan for Breaking Anxiety’s Grip Hope Prevails: Insights from a Doctor’s Personal Journey Through Depression by Dr. Michelle Bengtson, winner of the Christian Literary Award Reader’s Choice Award Hope Prevails Bible Study by Dr. Michelle Bengtson, winner of the Christian Literary Award Reader’s Choice Award Trusting God Through Cancer 1 Trusting God Through Cancer 2 Revive & Thrive Women's Conference Subdue Stress and Anxiety: Fifteen Experts Offer Comprehensive Tools in Ten Minutes a Day. Use my link plus discount code BENG99 to save $90 on course (course will be $99.) Free Download: How To Fight Fearful/Anxious Thoughts and Win

    Social Media Links for Guest and Host:

    Connect with Jessica Van Roekel:

    Website / Instagram / Facebook

    For more hope, stay connected with Dr. Bengtson at:

    Order Book Breaking Anxiety’s Grip / Order Book Hope Prevails / Website / Blog / Facebook / Twitter (@DrMBengtson) / LinkedIn / Instagram / Pinterest / YouTube


    Jessica Van Roekel is a worship leader, speaker, and writer who believes that through Jesus, personal histories don’t need to define the present or determine the future. She inspires, encourages, and equips others to look at life through the lenses of hope, trust, and God’s transforming grace. Jessica lives in rural Iowa surrounded by wide open spaces which remind her of God’s expansive love. She loves fun earrings, good coffee, and connecting with others.

    Hosted By: Dr. Michelle Bengtson
    Audio Technical Support: Bryce Bengtson

  • Episode Summary

    Join me for healing pain and the power of Sacred Scars. Discover how personal hardships and emotional wounds can lead to spiritual and emotional growth. Gain insights on accepting your scars, finding purpose in pain, and realizing that your past struggles are not wasted. Hear inspiring stories that demonstrate resilience and hope, along with practical advice on how to view your scars through a lens of thanksgiving and healing.

    Quotables from the Episode

    Trusting God's promise that your past is not wasted. No matter what wound you've experienced, God can and will create a beautiful sacred scar from it if you offer it up to Him. Once he gave me some healing and once he showed me purpose in the pain, it changed my perspective. If we seek Him with our whole heart, we will find Him. There is healing for your pain and God can take your wounds and create beautiful healing. God shapes your scars and shapes you in the process.

    Scripture References

    Psalm 147:3: "He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds."

    Recommended Resources:

    Sacred Scars: Resting in God’s Promise That Your Past Is Not Wasted by Dr. Michelle Bengtson The Hem of His Garment: Reaching Out to God When Pain Overwhelms by Dr. Michelle Bengtson YouVersion 5-Day Devotional Reaching Out To God When Pain Overwhelms Today is Going to be a Good Day: 90 Promises to Start Your Day Off Right by Dr. Michelle Bengtson, winner of the AWSA 2023 Inspirational Gift Book of the Year Award, the Christian Literary Awards Reader’s Choice Award in four categories, and the Christian Literary Awards Henri Award for Devotionals YouVersion 7-Day Devotional, Today is Going to be a Good Day YouVersion 7-Day Devotional, Today is Going to be Another Good Day Breaking Anxiety’s Grip: How to Reclaim the Peace God Promises by Dr. Michelle Bengtson Breaking Anxiety’s Grip Free Study Guide Free 7-Day YouVersion Bible Reading Plan for Breaking Anxiety’s Grip Hope Prevails: Insights from a Doctor’s Personal Journey Through Depression by Dr. Michelle Bengtson, winner of the Christian Literary Award Reader’s Choice Award Hope Prevails Bible Study by Dr. Michelle Bengtson, winner of the Christian Literary Award Reader’s Choice Award Trusting God Through Cancer 1 Trusting God Through Cancer 2 Revive & Thrive Women's Conference Subdue Stress and Anxiety: Fifteen Experts Offer Comprehensive Tools in Ten Minutes a Day. Use my link plus discount code BENG99 to save $90 on course (course will be $99.) Free Download: How To Fight Fearful/Anxious Thoughts and Win

    Social Media Links for Host:

    For more hope, stay connected with Dr. Bengtson at:

    Order Book Breaking Anxiety’s Grip / Order Book Hope Prevails / Website / Blog / Facebook / Twitter (@DrMBengtson) / LinkedIn / Instagram / Pinterest / YouTube


    Dr. Michelle Bengtson is an international speaker, a national and international media resource on mental health, and the bestselling, award-winning author of Hope Prevails, the Hope Prevails Bible Study, Today Is Going to Be a Good Day, Breaking Anxiety’s Grip, and The Hem of His Garment. Her latest book, Sacred Scars, releases on 6-25-2024. She is also the host of the award-winning podcast Your Hope-Filled Perspective. A board-certified clinical neuropsychologist in private practice for more than twenty years, Dr. Bengtson blogs regularly and offers a wide variety of resources on her website, DrMichelleB.com.

    Hosted By: Dr. Michelle Bengtson
    Audio Technical Support: Bryce Bengtson

  • Episode Summary:

    In moments of pain and suffering, we often find the deepest appreciation for acts of love and care from those around us. It is during our pain when we are most in need and perhaps most receptive to when others serve like Jesus. But when the tables are turned, we may struggle to know what to do for others. Join me with Michele Howe as we explore how to embrace service through pain and grace, learning how to serve like Jesus.

    Quotables from the episode:

    Just as we are blessed, encouraged, and discipled by others, we likewise grow in grace and maturity when we use our gifts to serve others. The whole principle of serving like Jesus means being on the receiving end of others God-given gifts and talents, while we serve others using our own. God is faithful. He never calls us to a task without equipping us with everything we need to complete it. Serving like Jesus requires intentionality, counting others higher than ourselves, and giving without reservation or expectation. When we are on the receiving end of service as fellow believers obeying Jesus by using the gifts and talents given them by God, we are deeply impacted and can grow in wisdom, Bible knowledge, understanding, and application. When we obey the Lord's command to serve others through his grace and strength, we in turn build up and strengthen our fellow believers so that the entire body of Christ can come to maturity. We are called to serve--everyone of us, every day. There are no exceptions to this high calling. We are saved by grace and in dwelled by the Holy Spirit, who teaches us, comforts us, chastises us, and compels us to serve. Serving like Jesus means offering kindness and mercy to those who don't deserve it. Before speaking the truth in love, bathe the conversation in prayer in order to help ensure that you approach the conversation with humility, grace, and compassion.

    Scripture References:

    Philippians 2:3-8 “Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others. Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus, who, though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied himself, by taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men. And being found in human form, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross.” 2 Timothy 1:7 “For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline.” Galatians 5:13-14 “For you were called to freedom, brothers. Only do not use your freedom as an opportunity for the flesh, but through love serve one another. For the whole law is fulfilled in one word: “You shall love your neighbor as yourself.”

    Recommended Resources:

    Serving as Jesus Served: Practical Ways to Love Others by Michele Howe Grace & Gratitude for Everyday Life by Michele Howe Empty Nest: What’s Next? Parenting Adult Children Without Losing Your Mind by Michele Howe Finding Freedom and Joy in Self-Forgetfulness by Michele Howe Sacred Scars: Resting in God’s Promise That Your Past Is Not Wasted by Dr. Michelle Bengtson The Hem of His Garment: Reaching Out to God When Pain Overwhelms by Dr. Michelle Bengtson YouVersion 5-Day Devotional Reaching Out To God When Pain Overwhelms Today is Going to be a Good Day: 90 Promises to Start Your Day Off Right by Dr. Michelle Bengtson, winner of the AWSA 2023 Inspirational Gift Book of the Year Award, the Christian Literary Awards Reader’s Choice Award in four categories, and the Christian Literary Awards Henri Award for Devotionals YouVersion 7-Day Devotional, Today is Going to be a Good Day YouVersion 7-Day Devotional, Today is Going to be Another Good Day Breaking Anxiety’s Grip: How to Reclaim the Peace God Promises by Dr. Michelle Bengtson Breaking Anxiety’s Grip Free Study Guide Free 7-Day YouVersion Bible Reading Plan for Breaking Anxiety’s Grip Hope Prevails: Insights from a Doctor’s Personal Journey Through Depression by Dr. Michelle Bengtson, winner of the Christian Literary Award Reader’s Choice Award Hope Prevails Bible Study by Dr. Michelle Bengtson, winner of the Christian Literary Award Reader’s Choice Award Trusting God Through Cancer 1 Trusting God Through Cancer 2 Revive & Thrive Women's Conference Subdue Stress and Anxiety: Fifteen Experts Offer Comprehensive Tools in Ten Minutes a Day. Use my link plus discount code BENG99 to save $90 on course (course will be $99.) Free Download: How To Fight Fearful/Anxious Thoughts and Win

    Social Media Links for Guest and Host:

    Connect with Michele Howe:

    Website / Facebook / Instagram / Twitter

    For more hope, stay connected with Dr. Bengtson at:

    Order Book Breaking Anxiety’s Grip / Order Book Hope Prevails / Website / Blog / Facebook / Twitter (@DrMBengtson) / LinkedIn / Instagram / Pinterest / YouTube


    Michele Howe is the author of many books and has published over 2500 articles and reviews on parenting, women’s issues, and the empty next. Some of her books include Empty Nest: What’s Next? Parenting Children without Losing Your Mind, and Finding Freedom and Joy in Self-Forgetfulness.

    Hosted By: Dr. Michelle Bengtson
    Audio Technical Support: Bryce Bengtson

  • Episode Summary:

    The numbers don’t lie. 2.8 million adolescents between 12-17 had at least one major depressive episode. This is changing and it’s not all related to the pandemic. There is increase in drug use, sexual activity, addiction to phones, gaming, and social media. Today’s kids function more emotionally than they do logically. This is the reason that the information we give them, the decisions we desire for them to make and the boundaries we employ seem to bounce off their forehead. Join me with Jeff Schadt for how to overcome parent-child relationship problems and tackle the emotional minefield.

    Quotables from the episode:

    2.8 million adolescents between 12-17 had at least one major depressive episode. We need to step out of fear as parents because fear typically leads to negative reactions and poor decisions. Love is the best boundary that parents can instill. Love is the one boundary that opposes evil while producing a sense of safety that results in openness, listening, learning, growth, faith, and true fellowship. We need to reevaluate the externally focused outcomes-based approach to parenting that relies on external motivation to move kids in the right direction. Research suggests that consequences for negative behavior motivates children to lie to cover up their mistakes. In the Bible, the term discipline has its root in teaching and training, not punishing. The number one complaint about the family from kids today is that they don’t feel loved by their parents. Negative core beliefs begin in children by the age of three, four, or five years of age. Love trumps the power of temptation. If enough of us caught onto the power of love, we could see a generation raised up that would not succumb to temptation but transform the nation. Far too many of us, kids included, carry what I have deemed as emotional road rash in our hearts. Parents tend to parent from either of two extremes: avoiding conflict by trying to be their child’s friend and enable their behavior OR parenting using high control and fear through rules and consequences. Since kids cannot assign fault to parents, they internalize all the shortcomings and behavioral issues that are thrust upon them as being their fault, which is why they often take responsibility when their parents divorce. You need to focus on and celebrate the progress rather than seek perfection…our focus on behavior versus healing is at the core of the weakness in how we raise our kids.

    Scripture References:

    John 15:5 “Apart from me you can do nothing.”

    Recommended Resources:

    The One Rule Home: Destroy the World’s Influence in Your Kid’s Life by Jeff Schadt Sacred Scars: Resting in God’s Promise That Your Past Is Not Wasted by Dr. Michelle Bengtson The Hem of His Garment: Reaching Out to God When Pain Overwhelms by Dr. Michelle Bengtson YouVersion 5-Day Devotional Reaching Out To God When Pain Overwhelms Today is Going to be a Good Day: 90 Promises to Start Your Day Off Right by Dr. Michelle Bengtson, winner of the AWSA 2023 Inspirational Gift Book of the Year Award, the Christian Literary Awards Reader’s Choice Award in four categories, and the Christian Literary Awards Henri Award for Devotionals YouVersion 7-Day Devotional, Today is Going to be a Good Day YouVersion 7-Day Devotional, Today is Going to be Another Good Day Breaking Anxiety’s Grip: How to Reclaim the Peace God Promises by Dr. Michelle Bengtson Breaking Anxiety’s Grip Free Study Guide Free 7-Day YouVersion Bible Reading Plan for Breaking Anxiety’s Grip Hope Prevails: Insights from a Doctor’s Personal Journey Through Depression by Dr. Michelle Bengtson, winner of the Christian Literary Award Reader’s Choice Award Hope Prevails Bible Study by Dr. Michelle Bengtson, winner of the Christian Literary Award Reader’s Choice Award Trusting God Through Cancer 1 Trusting God Through Cancer 2 Revive & Thrive Women's Conference Subdue Stress and Anxiety: Fifteen Experts Offer Comprehensive Tools in Ten Minutes a Day. Use my link plus discount code BENG99 to save $90 on course (course will be $99.) Free Download: How To Fight Fearful/Anxious Thoughts and Win

    Social Media Links for Guest and Host:

    Connect with Jeff Schadt:


    For more hope, stay connected with Dr. Bengtson at:

    Order Book Breaking Anxiety’s Grip / Order Book Hope Prevails / Website / Blog / Facebook / Twitter (@DrMBengtson) / LinkedIn / Instagram / Pinterest / YouTube


    Hosted By: Dr. Michelle Bengtson
    Audio Technical Support: Bryce Bengtson

  • Episode Summary:

    Join me for finding hope in God’s promises in the midst of depression. Did you know God places spiritual limits on the influences of depression and the enemy? We’ll discuss how these boundaries can empower you to find hope and worth through your faith, even when facing the darkest moments of despair. Drawing from my personal experiences and biblical stories, such as that of Job, I’ll share how our worth and destiny are defined by God, not our circumstances or the lies of the enemy.

    Quotables from the Episode:

    The thief comes only to steal, kill, and destroy, but I have come that they might have life and have it to the full. The enemy tries to steal our joy and kill our peace and destroy our identity. But there are limits to what the enemy can do. Depression doesn’t define our worth, God does. God already defined our worth when he sent his son to die on the cross for us. Your past doesn’t predict your future. God does. Our destiny is secure if we are a Christ follower. Depression doesn't separate us from God's love. Jeremiah 31:3 - I have loved you with an everlasting love. We must recover ourselves by recognizing that we have cooperated with the enemy, repented to God, and renounced and rejected the enemy’s lies.

    Scripture References:

    John 10:10: “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” John 3:16: “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” John 8:36: “So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.” Romans 5:6: “You see, at just the right time, when we were still powerless, Christ died for the ungodly.” Jeremiah 31:3: “The LORD appeared to us in the past, saying: ‘I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with unfailing kindness.’” 2 Corinthians 10:5: “We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.” Isaiah 43:18-19: ““Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.” 3 John 1:2: “Dear friend, I pray that you may enjoy good health and that all may go well with you, even as your soul is getting along well.”

    Social Media Links for Host:

    For more hope, stay connected with Dr. Bengtson at:

    Order Book Breaking Anxiety’s Grip / Order Book Hope Prevails / Website / Blog / Facebook / Twitter (@DrMBengtson) / LinkedIn / Instagram / Pinterest / YouTube

    About Dr. Michelle Bengtson:

    Dr. Michelle Bengtson is an international speaker, a national and international media resource on mental health, and the bestselling, award-winning author of Hope Prevails, the Hope Prevails Bible Study, Today Is Going to Be a Good Day, and Breaking Anxiety’s Grip. She is also the host of the award-winning podcast Your Hope-Filled Perspective.

    A board-certified clinical neuropsychologist in private practice for more than twenty years, Dr. Bengtson blogs regularly and offers a wide variety of resources on her website, DrMichelleB.com.

    Hosted By: Dr. Michelle Bengtson
    Audio Technical Support: Bryce Bengtson

  • Episode Summary:

    Nobody is immune to depression. Even a seasoned neuropsychologist treating patients with a wide range of medical health issues can fall prey to depression. Join me as we shatter myths and offer powerful insights to help defeat depression by addressing the spiritual roots of disease. #replay

    Quotables from the Episode:

    If you were at a restaurant having dinner with some folks, if you stretch out your arms, you would be able to reach somebody who's been impacted by depression. If we don't treat this disorder, it truly is a deadly condition. Every year, over 45,000 people die by suicide. Unless we're willing to address the spiritual roots of disease, it's like putting a band-aid on an infection and hoping it'll get well. Anxiety is a misappropriation of our attention. It means that we are looking somewhere other than God. The enemy destroys our view of ourselves, and part of the way that he does this is first by tempting us to do that which we already know is wrong.

    Scripture References:

    Ephesians 6:12: "We are not fighting against flesh and blood armies, no, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers of the dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places." John 10:10: "The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. But I have come that they might have life and have it to the full." Isaiah 26:3: "You will keep in perfect peace all who trust in you, all whose thoughts are fixed on you." Romans 8:1: "Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus." John 15:11: "I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete." Psalm 30:5: "Weeping may last for the night, but joy comes in the morning."

    Social Media Links for Host:

    For more hope, stay connected with Dr. Bengtson at:

    Order Book Breaking Anxiety’s Grip / Order Book Hope Prevails / Website / Blog / Facebook / Twitter (@DrMBengtson) / LinkedIn / Instagram / Pinterest / YouTube

    About Dr. Michelle Bengtson:

    Dr. Michelle Bengtson is an international speaker, a national and international media resource on mental health, and the bestselling, award-winning author of Hope Prevails, the Hope Prevails Bible Study, Today Is Going to Be a Good Day, and Breaking Anxiety’s Grip. She is also the host of the award-winning podcast Your Hope-Filled Perspective.

    A board-certified clinical neuropsychologist in private practice for more than twenty years, Dr. Bengtson blogs regularly and offers a wide variety of resources on her website, DrMichelleB.com.

    Hosted By: Dr. Michelle Bengtson
    Audio Technical Support: Bryce Bengtson

  • Episode Summary:

    We all want to help. When we hear someone whose been given a devastating diagnosis, we want to try to help make things better. Or, at least make things less bad. But, sometimes, inadvertently, we can say and do things that cause more harm than good. Through my history with cancer and my husband's history with cancer, we've learned a few things. So in this replay of a conversation I had with Amy Connell, I'm going to share some insights that I think you'll find helpful so you can know how best to help a friend with cancer.

    This episode not only sheds light on the emotional and physical challenges of cancer but also on how friends can effectively and sensitively be a source of comfort and strength during such trying times.

    Quotables from the Episode:

    Keep your questions to a minimum. (It can be exhausting answering everybody's questions. It's even nicer to listen to an audio text or to read a prayer because I can hold on to that and pull it out again when I'm at a loss for words Don't just throw scripture at them. We want to have the right thing to say, and we want to do something to take their pain away, but we don't know what that is. So we fill it in with a Bible verse. Ask permission before giving advice. We want to help, but unsolicited advice can sometimes backfire. Consider tangible expressions of your support... something as simple as clean sheets can be deeply meaningful.

    Scripture References:

    Romans 8:28: "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose."

    Social Media Links for Guest and Host:

    Connect with Amy Connell:

    Website / Instagram / Facebook / YouTube

    For more hope, stay connected with Dr. Bengtson at:

    Order Book Breaking Anxiety’s Grip / Order Book Hope Prevails / Website / Blog / Facebook / Twitter (@DrMBengtson) / LinkedIn / Instagram / Pinterest / YouTube

    About Amy Connell:

    Amy Connell is a certified personal trainer and nutrition coach who is passionate about equipping women to find balanced, sustainable ways of taking care of their uniquely created bodies. Amy helps women realize that their eating and the way they move their body doesn’t have to be perfect, and that the reason we take care of our body is so we can do what we are called by God to do. She does this through a variety of platforms, including her Graced Health podcast, books, social media education, and one-on-one coaching.

    About Dr. Michelle Bengtson:

    Dr. Michelle Bengtson is an international speaker, a national and international media resource on mental health, and the bestselling, award-winning author of Hope Prevails, the Hope Prevails Bible Study, Today Is Going to Be a Good Day, and Breaking Anxiety’s Grip. She is also the host of the award-winning podcast Your Hope-Filled Perspective.

    A board-certified clinical neuropsychologist in private practice for more than twenty years, Dr. Bengtson blogs regularly and offers a wide variety of resources on her website, DrMichelleB.com.

    Hosted By: Dr. Michelle Bengtson
    Audio Technical Support: Bryce Bengtson

  • Episode Summary:

    In a world bent on touting certain diets and restrictive eating, our guest, Amy Connell, desires we learn about our core strength. After releasing her book Your Worthy Body, written for women over 40, she had moms approach her saying “I need something like this for my daughters!”

    Her hope is to be a conduit between mom and daughter to help them both foster a healthy relationship with food, exercise and their body so they can grow in their relationship with each other. She does this through her new book Your Core Strength: A Christ-Centered, Diet-Culture-Free book for young women. Today we are going to be talking about How Your CORE Strength can bring freedom and empowerment in your health.

    Quotables from the episode:

    91% of women report being unhappy with their bodies. Our C.O.R.E. strength refers to our calling, our originality and uniqueness, our relationships with others and with God, and everything that contributes to our holistic well-being in our health journey. Practically speaking, prioritize sleep. We can optimize and manage our overall mental and physical health when we have rested our brain and body. If you have children, model this for them. Spiritually speaking, I cling to 2 Corinthians 10:5: We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ. If what I’m thinking isn’t of God, then I follow the guidelines I offer in the book. Spot it, Lock it, Speak it. I have to notice the enemy’s lies, lock them away and then speak God’s truth.

    Scripture References:

    Romans 12:2 NIV Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will. Genesis 1:29 NIV I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food. Genesis 9:3 NIV Everything that lives and moves about will be food for you. Just as I gave you the green plants, I now give you everything.

    Recommended Resources:

    Free download of the Introduction and Chapter 1 to Your CORE Strength as well as a 5-minute “Wake Up and Warm Up” video Your CORE Strength: A Young Woman’s Guide to Eating, Exercise and Empowered Health by Amy Connell Your Worthy Body by Amy Connell Sacred Scars: Resting in God’s Promise That Your Past Is Not Wasted by Dr. Michelle Bengtson The Hem of His Garment: Reaching Out to God When Pain Overwhelms by Dr. Michelle Bengtson YouVersion 5-Day Devotional Reaching Out To God When Pain Overwhelms Today is Going to be a Good Day: 90 Promises to Start Your Day Off Right by Dr. Michelle Bengtson, winner of the AWSA 2023 Inspirational Gift Book of the Year Award, the Christian Literary Awards Reader’s Choice Award in four categories, and the Christian Literary Awards Henri Award for Devotionals YouVersion 7-Day Devotional, Today is Going to be a Good Day YouVersion 7-Day Devotional, Today is Going to be Another Good Day Breaking Anxiety’s Grip: How to Reclaim the Peace God Promises by Dr. Michelle Bengtson Breaking Anxiety’s Grip Free Study Guide Free 7-Day YouVersion Bible Reading Plan for Breaking Anxiety’s Grip Hope Prevails: Insights from a Doctor’s Personal Journey Through Depression by Dr. Michelle Bengtson, winner of the Christian Literary Award Reader’s Choice Award Hope Prevails Bible Study by Dr. Michelle Bengtson, winner of the Christian Literary Award Reader’s Choice Award Trusting God Through Cancer 1 Trusting God Through Cancer 2 Revive & Thrive Women's Conference Subdue Stress and Anxiety: Fifteen Experts Offer Comprehensive Tools in Ten Minutes a Day. Use my link plus discount code BENG99 to save $90 on course (course will be $99.) Free Download: How To Fight Fearful/Anxious Thoughts and Win

    Social Media Links for Guest and Host:

    Connect with Amy Connell

    Website / Instagram / Facebook / YouTube

    For more hope, stay connected with Dr. Bengtson at:

    Order Book Breaking Anxiety’s Grip / Order Book Hope Prevails / Website / Blog / Facebook / Twitter (@DrMBengtson) / LinkedIn / Instagram / Pinterest / YouTube


    Amy Connell is a certified personal trainer and nutrition coach who is passionate about equipping women to find balanced, sustainable ways of taking care of their uniquely created bodies. Amy helps women realize that their eating and the way they move their body doesn’t have to be perfect, and that the reason we take care of our body is so we can do what we are called by God to do. She does this through a variety of platforms, including her Graced Health podcast, books, social media education, and one-on-one coaching.

    Hosted By: Dr. Michelle Bengtson
    Audio Technical Support: Bryce Bengtson

  • Episode Summary:

    Some pro-life advocates mistakenly assume that once a pregnant woman has chosen life for her baby, the battle has been won. However, the truth is that for mothers living in poverty, especially generational poverty, the battle has only begun. These women lack resources, support, finances, and hope. While pregnancy centers succeed in leading women to choose life and providing aid through the baby's first year, impoverished mothers are then left to fight a solitary battle for the life of their child every day. Join me with Marisol Maldonado Rodriguez as we talk about hope for breaking the cycle of generational poverty.

    Quotables from the episode:

    Our lifesaving efforts should not end with the saved life of the baby. We need to look at the bigger picture of the woman's life and her baby's future and seek to understand her context, the circumstances that make her abortion-vulnerable, and what she needs after she says yes to her baby's life.' Living in poverty does not merely mean struggling to provide basic needs due to a lack of financial stability. It is an all-encompassing condition that affects how a person feels, how they think, how they form relationships, how they function as parents, how they practice self-esteem, how they view their own future and the future of their families, and how others view them. We as the church have the opportunity to tell this woman that there's an option where she can choose life and her dreams as well... When we show her that we are guardians of her dreams and the shepherds of her soul, we show her that we love her, her baby, and their future. They all matter to God and us. Through social service referrals, meaningful relationships, and committed discipleship, we can work with families to help them build a sustainable future... Without the hands on support of committed and caring believers- something my mother and I received- women in poverty aren't able to carve a new path for their families. We need humility and grace to seek to understand what life looks like in this context and in the culture and communities we are serving so that we can approach them with awareness and understanding.

    Recommended Resources:

    Beyond Her Yes: Reimagining Pro-Life Ministry to Empower Women and Support Families in Overcoming Poverty by Marisol Maldonado Rodriguez Sacred Scars: Resting in God’s Promise That Your Past Is Not Wasted by Dr. Michelle Bengtson The Hem of His Garment: Reaching Out to God When Pain Overwhelms by Dr. Michelle Bengtson YouVersion 5-Day Devotional Reaching Out To God When Pain Overwhelms Today is Going to be a Good Day: 90 Promises to Start Your Day Off Right by Dr. Michelle Bengtson, winner of the AWSA 2023 Inspirational Gift Book of the Year Award, the Christian Literary Awards Reader’s Choice Award in four categories, and the Christian Literary Awards Henri Award for Devotionals YouVersion 7-Day Devotional, Today is Going to be a Good Day YouVersion 7-Day Devotional, Today is Going to be Another Good Day Breaking Anxiety’s Grip: How to Reclaim the Peace God Promises by Dr. Michelle Bengtson Breaking Anxiety’s Grip Free Study Guide Free 7-Day YouVersion Bible Reading Plan for Breaking Anxiety’s Grip Hope Prevails: Insights from a Doctor’s Personal Journey Through Depression by Dr. Michelle Bengtson, winner of the Christian Literary Award Reader’s Choice Award Hope Prevails Bible Study by Dr. Michelle Bengtson, winner of the Christian Literary Award Reader’s Choice Award Trusting God Through Cancer 1 Trusting God Through Cancer 2 Revive & Thrive Women's Conference Subdue Stress and Anxiety: Fifteen Experts Offer Comprehensive Tools in Ten Minutes a Day. Use my link plus discount code BENG99 to save $90 on course (course will be $99.) Free Download: How To Fight Fearful/Anxious Thoughts and Win

    Social Media Links for Guest and Host:

    Connect with Marisol Maldonado Rodriguez:

    Website / Instagram Marisol / Instagram Renew Life / Facebook / Twitter

    For more hope, stay connected with Dr. Bengtson at:

    Order Book Breaking Anxiety’s Grip / Order Book Hope Prevails / Website / Blog / Facebook / Twitter (@DrMBengtson) / LinkedIn / Instagram / Pinterest / YouTube


    Marisol Maldonado Rodriguez the cofounder of RENEW life center, which seeks to pick up where pregnancy resource centers leave off in order to support women and help them overcome generational poverty. Born to a single mother and raised in generational poverty, Marisol has a deep experiential understanding of the women she serves. She has worked in pregnancy resource ministries for over 20 years, first as a volunteer and then as an urban center director. She is the parent of four adult children and lives with her husband in New Jersey.

    Hosted By: Dr. Michelle Bengtson
    Audio Technical Support: Bryce Bengtson

  • Episode Summary:

    Join me with Melissa Heiland as we talk about an important but sensitive topic: what is sexual abuse, and how we can offer hope for sexual abuse survivors.

    In the US, 10% of all children experience some form of sexual abuse before they turn 18. These numbers are likely low since sexual abuse is underreported. The victims are most likely to be female (75%), but these numbers are rapidly changing as boys are increasingly the targets of molesters. A whopping 90% of the children who are abused know their abuser which often points to a family member, teacher, scout leader, or coach.

    With an American sexually assaulted an average of every 68 seconds not enough attention is given to the survivors. Most feel a sense of shame, confusion, and condemnation. They think, how could this have happened to me? But God still has a plan for your life despite the abuse.

    While sexual abuse within the Catholic Church has been well publicized, evangelical churches have started to draw up policies and abuse reforms the problem is not the sole dominion of it any single church or institution. Can happen anywhere, in families, in schools, and even in church organizations survivors of abuse hear a lot of messages that condemn, confuse, and wound. This should never happen but often does.

    Quotables from the episode:

    God still has a plan for your life despite the abuse. Your hopelessness in the present does not change God's plan for you to prosper and give you a hope for the future. After experiencing sexual abuse, it’s important to separate the lies we’ve believed from God’s truth. Your experience of sexual abuse does not determine who you are. God calls you loved, worthy, and accepted.

    Scripture References:

    Isaiah 61:7 “Instead of your shame you will receive a double portion, and instead of disgrace you will rejoice in your inheritance. And so you will inherit a double portion in your land, and everlasting joy will be yours.” Romans 12:19 “Do not take revenge, my dear friends, but leave room for God's wrath, for it is written: ‘it is mine to avenge; I will repay,’ says the Lord.”

    Recommended Resources:

    National Sexual Assault Hotline: 1-800-656-4673 No Shame: A Devotional for Survivors of Sexual Abuse by Melissa Heiland Sacred Scars: Resting in God’s Promise That Your Past Is Not Wasted by Dr. Michelle Bengtson The Hem of His Garment: Reaching Out to God When Pain Overwhelms by Dr. Michelle Bengtson YouVersion 5-Day Devotional Reaching Out To God When Pain Overwhelms Today is Going to be a Good Day: 90 Promises to Start Your Day Off Right by Dr. Michelle Bengtson, winner of the AWSA 2023 Inspirational Gift Book of the Year Award, the Christian Literary Awards Reader’s Choice Award in four categories, and the Christian Literary Awards Henri Award for Devotionals YouVersion 7-Day Devotional, Today is Going to be a Good Day YouVersion 7-Day Devotional, Today is Going to be Another Good Day Breaking Anxiety’s Grip: How to Reclaim the Peace God Promises by Dr. Michelle Bengtson Breaking Anxiety’s Grip Free Study Guide Free 7-Day YouVersion Bible Reading Plan for Breaking Anxiety’s Grip Hope Prevails: Insights from a Doctor’s Personal Journey Through Depression by Dr. Michelle Bengtson, winner of the Christian Literary Award Reader’s Choice Award Hope Prevails Bible Study by Dr. Michelle Bengtson, winner of the Christian Literary Award Reader’s Choice Award Trusting God Through Cancer 1 Trusting God Through Cancer 2 Revive & Thrive Women's Conference Subdue Stress and Anxiety: Fifteen Experts Offer Comprehensive Tools in Ten Minutes a Day. Use my link plus discount code BENG99 to save $90 on course (course will be $99.) Free Download: How To Fight Fearful/Anxious Thoughts and Win

    Social Media Links for Guest and Host:

    Connect with Melissa Heiland:


    For more hope, stay connected with Dr. Bengtson at:

    Order Book Breaking Anxiety’s Grip / Order Book Hope Prevails / Website / Blog / Facebook / Twitter (@DrMBengtson) / LinkedIn / Instagram / Pinterest / YouTube


    Melissa Heiland holds a Master of Education from Central Missouri State University. She has worked in pregnancy care ministry for over 25 years and served as Executive Director and Board Member. She served as a full-time missionary with the International Mission Board and has led volunteer mission teams since 2000. She is the founder of Beautiful Feet International, a mission organization that has planted more than 70 pregnancy centers in over 20 nations. Melissa trains pregnancy center staff and volunteers throughout the U.S.

    Hosted By: Dr. Michelle Bengtson
    Audio Technical Support: Bryce Bengtson

  • Episode Summary:

    Dr. Michelle Bengtson joins David Robison of LifeToday to explore the challenging journey of maintaining faith during periods of waiting for healing. Drawing from her personal struggles and professional insights as a neuropsychologist, Dr. Bengtson shares about the emotional, physical, and spiritual pain that tests our faith. Through her new book, "The Hem of His Garment," she offers hope, encouragement, and practical advice to those navigating the complexities of pain and waiting. Join us as we discuss the importance of pressing into faith, the biblical examples of those who waited on God's timing, and how we can find strength and hope in the midst of suffering. This is a replay of a LifeToday interview.

    Quotables from the Episode:

    "In our pain, we have a choice. We can either retreat from God and blame Him, or we can lean in and continue to enact our faith, waiting for His healing in His perfect time and way." "God never withholds anything good from His children. If my physical healing today was in my best interest, I know He would do it." "Walking by faith sometimes comes by crawling by faith." "Getting out of bed or just breathing, sometimes, that is victory." "God can handle our honesty. It's our flesh speaking, but it's honest and it's real." "The pain of childbirth is so great... But when you get the joy that comes out of it, it makes it all worthwhile."

    Scripture References:

    The story of the woman with the issue of blood who touched the hem of Jesus' garment and was healed, illustrating the journey of faith and waiting for healing. [No specific verse cited, but the story is found in Mark 5:25-34, Luke 8:43-48, and Matthew 9:20-22.]

    Recommended Resources:

    Sacred Scars: Resting in God’s Promise That Your Past Is Not Wasted by Dr. Michelle Bengtson The Hem of His Garment: Reaching Out to God When Pain Overwhelms by Dr. Michelle Bengtson YouVersion 5-Day Devotional Reaching Out To God When Pain Overwhelms Today is Going to be a Good Day: 90 Promises to Start Your Day Off Right by Dr. Michelle Bengtson, winner of the AWSA 2023 Inspirational Gift Book of the Year Award, the Christian Literary Awards Reader’s Choice Award in four categories, and the Christian Literary Awards Henri Award for Devotionals YouVersion 7-Day Devotional, Today is Going to be a Good Day YouVersion 7-Day Devotional, Today is Going to be Another Good Day Breaking Anxiety’s Grip: How to Reclaim the Peace God Promises by Dr. Michelle Bengtson Breaking Anxiety’s Grip Free Study Guide Free 7-Day YouVersion Bible Reading Plan for Breaking Anxiety’s Grip Hope Prevails: Insights from a Doctor’s Personal Journey Through Depression by Dr. Michelle Bengtson, winner of the Christian Literary Award Reader’s Choice Award Hope Prevails Bible Study by Dr. Michelle Bengtson, winner of the Christian Literary Award Reader’s Choice Award Trusting God Through Cancer 1 Trusting God Through Cancer 2 Revive & Thrive Women's Conference Subdue Stress and Anxiety: Fifteen Experts Offer Comprehensive Tools in Ten Minutes a Day. Use my link plus discount code BENG99 to save $90 on course (course will be $99.) Free Download: How To Fight Fearful/Anxious Thoughts and Win

    Social Media Links for Guest and Host:

    Connect with David Robison of LifeToday:

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    For more hope, stay connected with Dr. Bengtson at:

    Order Book Breaking Anxiety’s Grip / Order Book Hope Prevails / Website / Blog / Facebook / Twitter (@DrMBengtson) / LinkedIn / Instagram / Pinterest / YouTube

    Hosted By: Dr. Michelle Bengtson
    Audio Technical Support: Bryce Bengtson

  • Episode Summary:

    All moms worry, right? Motherhood tempts many moms to worry, especially about the wellbeing of their children. Are they breathing? How can I keep them healthy? What if they don’t make friends at school? But for moms who experience anxiety, worry quickly elevates into debilitating overwhelm, fear, and doubt. This can make normal tasks of motherhood overwhelming and joy-less. Courtney Devich and I share the truth about anxiety in motherhood and how to overcome overwhelm and fear.

    Quotables from the episode:

    Many moms believe the adage, “I’m a mom, it’s my job to worry.” If not addressed, anxiety will dictate your decisions. My experience with mental health issues drew me closer to God. Anxiety does not mean that moms can’t experience joy in their parenting!= God’s going to support you and take care of you if you feel like you’re slipping into the depths of your anxiety. If you’re experiencing anxiety or depression as a mom, have honest conversations with your spouse about how to best support you.

    Scripture References:

    Psalm 94:19 NIV When anxiety was great within me, your consolation brought me joy. 1 Peter 5:7 NIV Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you. Psalm 56:3 NIV When I am afraid, I put my trust in you.

    Recommended Resources:

    Mama’s Got Anxiety: But It’s Not Going to Steal Her Joy by Courtney Devich Your Rx: 40 Scriptures that Combat Worry, Fear, Anxiety and Panic
    Where Do Anxiety, Worry and Fear Come From?
    Anxiety Attack vs. Panic Attack: Key Differences and Symptoms
    Coping with Anxiety {7 Steps}
    God and Anxiety: God’s Answer to Moses is the Same for Today
    Beating Anxiety: The Thief of Peace
    How to Get Rid of Worry, Fear, and Anxiety
    It Is Finished: What Jesus Would Say About Anxiety
    What is the Difference Between Worry, Fear, and Anxiety?
    Hope for Helping Your Child Overcome Anxiety, Depression and Suicidal Ideation – Episode 127
    How We Fight Against Worry, Fear, and Anxiety – Episode 25
    Sacred Scars: Resting in God’s Promise That Your Past Is Not Wasted by Dr. Michelle Bengtson The Hem of His Garment: Reaching Out to God When Pain Overwhelms by Dr. Michelle Bengtson YouVersion 5-Day Devotional Reaching Out To God When Pain Overwhelms Today is Going to be a Good Day: 90 Promises to Start Your Day Off Right by Dr. Michelle Bengtson, winner of the AWSA 2023 Inspirational Gift Book of the Year Award, the Christian Literary Awards Reader’s Choice Award in four categories, and the Christian Literary Awards Henri Award for Devotionals YouVersion 7-Day Devotional, Today is Going to be a Good Day YouVersion 7-Day Devotional, Today is Going to be Another Good Day Breaking Anxiety’s Grip: How to Reclaim the Peace God Promises by Dr. Michelle Bengtson Breaking Anxiety’s Grip Free Study Guide Free 7-Day YouVersion Bible Reading Plan for Breaking Anxiety’s Grip Hope Prevails: Insights from a Doctor’s Personal Journey Through Depression by Dr. Michelle Bengtson, winner of the Christian Literary Award Reader’s Choice Award Hope Prevails Bible Study by Dr. Michelle Bengtson, winner of the Christian Literary Award Reader’s Choice Award Trusting God Through Cancer 1 Trusting God Through Cancer 2 Revive & Thrive Women's Conference Subdue Stress and Anxiety: Fifteen Experts Offer Comprehensive Tools in Ten Minutes a Day. Use my link plus discount code BENG99 to save $90 on course (course will be $99.) Free Download: How To Fight Fearful/Anxious Thoughts and Win

    Social Media Links for Guest and Host:

    Connect with Courtney Devich:

    Website / Facebook / Instagram

    For more hope, stay connected with Dr. Bengtson at:

    Order Book Breaking Anxiety’s Grip / Order Book Hope Prevails / Website / Blog / Facebook / Twitter (@DrMBengtson) / LinkedIn / Instagram / Pinterest / YouTube


    Courtney Devich is a mama relying on Jesus and reheated coffee every day. Using humor, honesty, and relatability, she writes with a heart for the mom struggling with anxiety or depression. Courtney is a former human resources professional, using her leadership skills to manage kids as a stay-at-home mom. You can find her in the Starbucks line at her local Target, binge-watching TV with her husband, or chasing after a kid (or two) at her home in Michigan.

    Hosted By: Dr. Michelle Bengtson
    Audio Technical Support: Bryce Bengtson

  • Episode Summary:

    Relationship conflict can be difficult. Can good come from broken relationships? How do deal with mutual friends after a breakup? How do we get over the pain of friendships that end? And how does Jesus teach us to be a good friend? Join me with Jessica Van Roekel for Lessons You Can Learn from Broken Friendships.

    Quotables from the episode:

    It could be safe to say we become God’s enemy when we harbor the sin of unforgiveness in our heart, which is why we must be careful not to point fingers at our ex-friend. Jesus tells us to take care of the log in our own eye before we point out someone’s splinter. It’s in this vulnerable moment when we hold our pain in all its throbbing mess where we discover the power of God to connect our pain with his suffering and see his glory in our lives through the healing he brings to our hurting heart. This truth remains: our reputation is in God’s hands, not man’s. God’s justice aligns with His character and attributes, and the beautiful things He says about us also apply to our friend. We don’t hold the market on being His most beloved child. God loves her as much as he loves us. When we demand God choose between the two of us, we lose sight of the overwhelming gift of reconciliation Jesus purchased for us when He died on the cross and rose three days later, conquering death and throwing open the doors to relationship with God the Father. Jesus’ death leveled the playing ground and made us equal in His sight. Friendship end stirs feelings of insecurity. Insecurity–can drive us to make our friends choose, to call us to question the security of other relationships, and to even behave in a way that hurts other relationships before we give them a chance to hurt us. We need our security grounded in who God says I am and his faithfulness as a friend. We may not have any say when a friend decides to discontinue the friendship, but we are responsible for our response. Regardless of how we are treated, we are to continue loving each other. Jesus identifies with all our struggles including friendship relationships. God can use our pain and healing to make us a friend like Jesus. Friendship pain can teach us what it truly means to forgive.

    Scripture References:

    Matthew 5:43-44 (NIV) “You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbor i and hate your enemy.’ But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be children of your Father in heaven. He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous.” John 13:34-35 (NLT) reminds us “So now I am giving you a new commandment: Love each other. Just as I have loved you, you should love each other. Your love for one another will prove to the world that you are my disciples.” 2 Thessalonians 2:16-17 (NIV) May our Lord Jesus Christ himself and God our Father, who loved us and by his grace gave us eternal encouragement and good hope, encourage your hearts and strengthen you in every good deed and word.

    Recommended Resources:

    Reframing Rejection: How Looking Through a Different Lens Changes Everything By Jessica Van Roekel Sacred Scars: Resting in God’s Promise That Your Past Is Not Wasted by Dr. Michelle Bengtson The Hem of His Garment: Reaching Out to God When Pain Overwhelms by Dr. Michelle Bengtson YouVersion 5-Day Devotional Reaching Out To God When Pain Overwhelms Today is Going to be a Good Day: 90 Promises to Start Your Day Off Right by Dr. Michelle Bengtson, winner of the AWSA 2023 Inspirational Gift Book of the Year Award, the Christian Literary Awards Reader’s Choice Award in four categories, and the Christian Literary Awards Henri Award for Devotionals YouVersion 7-Day Devotional, Today is Going to be a Good Day YouVersion 7-Day Devotional, Today is Going to be Another Good Day Breaking Anxiety’s Grip: How to Reclaim the Peace God Promises by Dr. Michelle Bengtson Breaking Anxiety’s Grip Free Study Guide Free 7-Day YouVersion Bible Reading Plan for Breaking Anxiety’s Grip Hope Prevails: Insights from a Doctor’s Personal Journey Through Depression by Dr. Michelle Bengtson, winner of the Christian Literary Award Reader’s Choice Award Hope Prevails Bible Study by Dr. Michelle Bengtson, winner of the Christian Literary Award Reader’s Choice Award Trusting God Through Cancer 1 Trusting God Through Cancer 2 Revive & Thrive Women's Conference Subdue Stress and Anxiety: Fifteen Experts Offer Comprehensive Tools in Ten Minutes a Day. Use my link plus discount code BENG99 to save $90 on course (course will be $99.) Free Download: How To Fight Fearful/Anxious Thoughts and Win

    Social Media Links for Guest and Host:

    Connect with Jessica Van Roekel:

    Website / Instagram / Facebook

    For more hope, stay connected with Dr. Bengtson at:

    Order Book Breaking Anxiety’s Grip / Order Book Hope Prevails / Website / Blog / Facebook / Twitter (@DrMBengtson) / LinkedIn / Instagram / Pinterest / YouTube


    Jessica Van Roekel is a worship leader, speaker, and writer who believes that through Jesus, personal histories don’t need to define the present or determine the future. She inspires, encourages, and equips others to look at life through the lenses of hope, trust, and God’s transforming grace. Jessica lives in rural Iowa surrounded by wide open spaces which remind her of God’s expansive love. She loves fun earrings, good coffee, and connecting with others.

    Hosted By: Dr. Michelle Bengtson
    Audio Technical Support: Bryce Bengtson

  • Episode Summary:

    The contributors to a friendship breakup are varied and as individual as the parties involved. A spectrum of relationship commitments falls under the umbrella of friendship. Friendships can range from acquaintances, colleagues, familial, casual, close, or intimate. The type of friendship prior to a breakup affects the depth of the wound. Many questions exist around friendship breakups ranging from “why do friendships end?” to “what does this say about me?” and even “what do we need when friendships end?” In the last episode, Jessica Van Roekel and I talked about how to repair a friendship. But what about in situations where a friendship can't be repaired? In this episode, we talk about how to heal after a friendship breakup.

    Quotables from the episode:

    Some of the most common reasons why friendships end are: perceived offense, jealousy, feelings of inferiority, grief, major life transitions, and unresolved personal issues that come to a head. A friendship breakup is not always a bad thing, even when it feels bad. Often, the strong desire to belong creates people-pleasing tendencies and makes an “idol” of relationships. God values friendships, but if our relationship with Him isn’t our top priority, our focus on an earthly friendship, no matter how close, can usurp His position in our hearts. The depth of intimacy in our friendships can become misguided or one-sided. That can lead to unfulfilled expectations, selfishness, manipulation, insensitivity, a mismatch of give-and-take, or unappreciation. Women have a more difficult time healing from a broken friendship than men because, in general, women are more emotionally invested in friendships. When we’ve lost a relationship, we must give ourselves space to grieve, to fully feel the shock, anger, sadness, frustration, betrayal, and disappointment. To heal after a friendship breakup, we need God’s guidance in how to respond, the encouragement that He sees our pain, the hope that He would deal with our friend’s heart as well as our own, and His reminder not to let hurt and anger create bitter roots of resentment. Before healing can begin, we need to acknowledge our pain. When we no longer know who the safe people are in our lives, we need to share our pain with Jesus. He does not break confidences or judge us for our grief. Forgiveness begins as an act of obedience and becomes the first step we return to again and again as the pain from friendship losses resurge. Healing takes time—it’s not a one and done prayer or conversation. Remember, as much as you hurt, God hurts for you.

    Scripture References:

    Psalm 34:18(ESV) “The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit.” Matthew 11:28-30 (NIV) “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”

    Recommended Resources:

    Reframing Rejection: How Looking Through a Different Lens Changes Everything By Jessica Van Roekel Sacred Scars: Resting in God’s Promise That Your Past Is Not Wasted by Dr. Michelle Bengtson The Hem of His Garment: Reaching Out to God When Pain Overwhelms by Dr. Michelle Bengtson YouVersion 5-Day Devotional Reaching Out To God When Pain Overwhelms Today is Going to be a Good Day: 90 Promises to Start Your Day Off Right by Dr. Michelle Bengtson, winner of the AWSA 2023 Inspirational Gift Book of the Year Award, the Christian Literary Awards Reader’s Choice Award in four categories, and the Christian Literary Awards Henri Award for Devotionals YouVersion 7-Day Devotional, Today is Going to be a Good Day YouVersion 7-Day Devotional, Today is Going to be Another Good Day Breaking Anxiety’s Grip: How to Reclaim the Peace God Promises by Dr. Michelle Bengtson Breaking Anxiety’s Grip Free Study Guide Free 7-Day YouVersion Bible Reading Plan for Breaking Anxiety’s Grip Hope Prevails: Insights from a Doctor’s Personal Journey Through Depression by Dr. Michelle Bengtson, winner of the Christian Literary Award Reader’s Choice Award Hope Prevails Bible Study by Dr. Michelle Bengtson, winner of the Christian Literary Award Reader’s Choice Award Trusting God Through Cancer 1 Trusting God Through Cancer 2 Revive & Thrive Women's Conference Subdue Stress and Anxiety: Fifteen Experts Offer Comprehensive Tools in Ten Minutes a Day. Use my link plus discount code BENG99 to save $90 on course (course will be $99.) Free Download: How To Fight Fearful/Anxious Thoughts and Win

    Social Media Links for Guest and Host:

    Connect with Jessica Van Roekel:

    Website / Instagram / Facebook

    For more hope, stay connected with Dr. Bengtson at:

    Order Book Breaking Anxiety’s Grip / Order Book Hope Prevails / Website / Blog / Facebook / Twitter (@DrMBengtson) / LinkedIn / Instagram / Pinterest / YouTube


    Jessica Van Roekel is a worship leader, speaker, and writer who believes that through Jesus, personal histories don’t need to define the present or determine the future. She inspires, encourages, and equips others to look at life through the lenses of hope, trust, and God’s transforming grace. Jessica lives in rural Iowa surrounded by wide open spaces which remind her of God’s expansive love. She loves fun earrings, good coffee, and connecting with others.

    Hosted By: Dr. Michelle Bengtson
    Audio Technical Support: Bryce Bengtson

  • Episode Summary:

    What do you do when your friend walks away from your relationship without explanation or chance for reconciliation? Guilt and shame keep Christian women from talking about it. It’s embarrassing, confusing, and often heartbreaking. In this episode, Jessica Van Roekel and I talk about a common event, that few in Christian circles discuss openly.

    Misunderstandings happen and disagreements occur even in the healthiest of relationships. In a world that seems to thrive on discord, it can be tempting to run from conflict in a friendship. But conflict can bring about growth if we don’t fear or avoid it. Lack of communication, pride, fear, misunderstanding, careless words, being quick to pick up an offense lead to cracks in a friendship. These cracks can potentially lead to broken friendships. Stay tuned for how to repair a friendship with grace to move from hurt to healing.

    Quotables from the episode:

    Lack of communication, pride, fear, misunderstanding, careless words, being quick to pick up an offense lead to cracks in a friendship. Sometimes pursuing “why?” postpones our healing, because for some things we will never receive an answer; but “what?” can be a more productive question. What does God want to reveal about himself? What does God want to reveal within me? What does God want me to learn? What does God want me to change? Repairing a friendship begins with a posture of humility and self-reflection; aiming to understand rather than being right. Practical ways to offer grace include expressing interest in another, declaring gratitude for the positive traits and contributions of another, speaking a kind word in response to receiving a critical word, seeking to live unoffended, and assuming the best while forgiving the rest. We understand the pain of a broken relationship and we know the power of the healing work God does in our hearts even if a relationship can’t be healed.

    Scripture References:

    Ephesians 4:32 “Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.” Hebrews 12:14 “Make every effort to live in peace with everyone and to be holy; without holiness, no one will see the Lord.”

    Recommended Resources:

    Reframing Rejection: How Looking Through a Different Lens Changes Everything By Jessica Van Roekel Sacred Scars: Resting in God’s Promise That Your Past Is Not Wasted by Dr. Michelle Bengtson The Hem of His Garment: Reaching Out to God When Pain Overwhelms by Dr. Michelle Bengtson YouVersion 5-Day Devotional Reaching Out To God When Pain Overwhelms Today is Going to be a Good Day: 90 Promises to Start Your Day Off Right by Dr. Michelle Bengtson, winner of the AWSA 2023 Inspirational Gift Book of the Year Award, the Christian Literary Awards Reader’s Choice Award in four categories, and the Christian Literary Awards Henri Award for Devotionals YouVersion 7-Day Devotional, Today is Going to be a Good Day YouVersion 7-Day Devotional, Today is Going to be Another Good Day Breaking Anxiety’s Grip: How to Reclaim the Peace God Promises by Dr. Michelle Bengtson Breaking Anxiety’s Grip Free Study Guide Free 7-Day YouVersion Bible Reading Plan for Breaking Anxiety’s Grip Hope Prevails: Insights from a Doctor’s Personal Journey Through Depression by Dr. Michelle Bengtson, winner of the Christian Literary Award Reader’s Choice Award Hope Prevails Bible Study by Dr. Michelle Bengtson, winner of the Christian Literary Award Reader’s Choice Award Trusting God Through Cancer 1 Trusting God Through Cancer 2 Revive & Thrive Women's Conference Subdue Stress and Anxiety: Fifteen Experts Offer Comprehensive Tools in Ten Minutes a Day. Use my link plus discount code BENG99 to save $90 on course (course will be $99.) Free Download: How To Fight Fearful/Anxious Thoughts and Win

    Social Media Links for Guest and Host:

    Connect with Jessica Van Roekel:

    Website / Instagram / Facebook

    For more hope, stay connected with Dr. Bengtson at:

    Order Book Breaking Anxiety’s Grip / Order Book Hope Prevails / Website / Blog / Facebook / Twitter (@DrMBengtson) / LinkedIn / Instagram / Pinterest / YouTube


    Jessica Van Roekel is a worship leader, speaker, and writer who believes that through Jesus, personal histories don’t need to define the present or determine the future. She inspires, encourages, and equips others to look at life through the lenses of hope, trust, and God’s transforming grace. Jessica lives in rural Iowa surrounded by wide open spaces which remind her of God’s expansive love. She loves fun earrings, good coffee, and connecting with others.

    Hosted By: Dr. Michelle Bengtson
    Audio Technical Support: Bryce Bengtson

  • Episode Summary:

    Do you ever feel uncomfortable praying in public? Do you ever envy the prayer-life or prayer style of others after you hear them pray? Do you ever feel guilty for not praying more like those you admire? What if I assured you that God is more interested in your heart and in having a relationship than he is the eloquence of your prayers? Join me with Janet McHenry to discover how your personality influences your prayer life and learn practical ways to pray so that you find your natural prayer style.

    Quotables from the episode:

    I started prayerwalking in the fall of 1998, and as I began to see answers to my prayers for the people in my little town, I started a search through God’s Word to understand more about prayer. As I read from Genesis to Revelation each year, I marked up references to prayer with a circled P. Those two practices—prayerwalking and studying prayer—led me to begin writing about prayer. Perhaps how we pray most naturally has something to do with our personality. We can shed the guilt about what we’re doing or not doing about prayer by understanding what might be our natural prayer style. Problem-Solvers like multi-tasking, so you might consider prayerwalking or praying as you exercise—and putting sticky note reminders around your home to pray. What I call “Friends of God” might find singing along to worship music or praying with your family daily brings joy into your life. Organized Pray-ers (also called Lamenters) prefer organized systems, so they enjoy keeping lists or writing out their prayers or creating a special prayer closet for their quiet time with God. Peace Makers seek prayer as a respite from the world. They are an informal sort who might need prayer books or prayer apps to jump-start their prayer time with a cuppa coffee. The important thing to remember is that we commit to spending time with our Father God, who has initiated the conversation with us. Prayer is more about access than answers.

    Scripture References:

    1 Thessalonians 5:17 “Pray without ceasing.” Luke 11:9 “’Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.’” Matthew 6:10 “Your kingdom come, Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.”

    Recommended Resources:

    Praying Personalities: Finding Your Natural Prayer Style by Janet McHenry Praying Personality Quiz Prayer Helps: Scripture-Based Prayers When You Don’t Know How to Pray . . . when listeners sign up for my monthly mini-magazine, Looking Up! at JanetMcHenry.com PrayerWalk by Janet McHenry The Complete Guide to the Prayers of Jesus by Janet McHenry Sacred Scars: Resting in God’s Promise That Your Past Is Not Wasted by Dr. Michelle Bengtson The Hem of His Garment: Reaching Out to God When Pain Overwhelms by Dr. Michelle Bengtson YouVersion 5-Day Devotional Reaching Out To God When Pain Overwhelms Today is Going to be a Good Day: 90 Promises to Start Your Day Off Right by Dr. Michelle Bengtson, winner of the AWSA 2023 Inspirational Gift Book of the Year Award, the Christian Literary Awards Reader’s Choice Award in four categories, and the Christian Literary Awards Henri Award for Devotionals YouVersion 7-Day Devotional, Today is Going to be a Good Day YouVersion 7-Day Devotional, Today is Going to be Another Good Day Breaking Anxiety’s Grip: How to Reclaim the Peace God Promises by Dr. Michelle Bengtson Breaking Anxiety’s Grip Free Study Guide Free 7-Day YouVersion Bible Reading Plan for Breaking Anxiety’s Grip Hope Prevails: Insights from a Doctor’s Personal Journey Through Depression by Dr. Michelle Bengtson, winner of the Christian Literary Award Reader’s Choice Award Hope Prevails Bible Study by Dr. Michelle Bengtson, winner of the Christian Literary Award Reader’s Choice Award Trusting God Through Cancer 1 Trusting God Through Cancer 2 Revive & Thrive Women's Conference Subdue Stress and Anxiety: Fifteen Experts Offer Comprehensive Tools in Ten Minutes a Day. Use my link plus discount code BENG99 to save $90 on course (course will be $99.) Free Download: How To Fight Fearful/Anxious Thoughts and Win

    Social Media Links for Guest and Host:

    Connect with Janet McHenry:

    Website / Quiz / Looking Up! Mini-Magazine / Facebook / Twitter / Pinterest / LinkedIn / Instagram

    For more hope, stay connected with Dr. Bengtson at:

    Order Book Breaking Anxiety’s Grip / Order Book Hope Prevails / Website / Blog / Facebook / Twitter (@DrMBengtson) / LinkedIn / Instagram / Pinterest / YouTube


    Janet McHenry and her rancher husband Craig live in the Sierra Valley, where they raised their four kids. She is a national speaker and the author of 27 books, including the bestselling PrayerWalk, The Complete Guide to the Prayers of Jesus, and her new release, Praying Personalities. Janet directs the prayer ministries at The Bridge Church in Reno and serves on the California leadership team for the National Day of Prayer. The leader of the hundreds-strong Bible Girls and a prayerwalker, Janet has helped others foster a hope-filled, purposeful lifestyle built on prayer and God's Word for more than two decades.

    Hosted By: Dr. Michelle Bengtson
    Audio Technical Support: Bryce Bengtson