
  • Summary
    Rachel Romer, the founder of Guild, discusses the company's mission to unlock opportunities for the American workforce through education, skilling, and career mobility. She shares insights on the challenges and successes of building the company, including fundraising, leadership, and company culture. The conversation also delves into the impact of COVID-19 on the company's growth and development. Rachel discusses the impact of COVID on her business, the challenges faced, and the importance of vulnerability and empathy in leadership. She also emphasizes the need to democratize entrepreneurship and offers insights into career mobility.

    Guild's mission is to unlock opportunities for the American workforce through education, skilling, and career mobility.
    The company faced challenges in fundraising and early-stage growth, but ultimately achieved significant success.
    Rachel Romer's leadership journey involved a shift towards authenticity and vulnerability, leading to a more influential role in shaping the company's culture.
    COVID-19 brought unique challenges and opportunities for Guild's growth and development. The impact of COVID on businesses and HR teams was significant, leading to a period of uncertainty and change.
    Vulnerability and empathy are essential qualities in leadership, contributing to a more authentic and effective leadership style.
    Democratizing entrepreneurship and creating opportunities for career mobility are crucial for building a more inclusive and diverse business landscape.


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  • Summary
    Financial freedom is attainable through planning and creating multiple streams of income. The concept of 'freedom day' is about reaching a point where work becomes optional. Jeff Kikel shares his expertise in achieving financial freedom and introduces the 5 by 10 technique. This technique involves creating five revenue streams that generate $10,000 per month or more. The key to success is having a plan, retraining your brain, networking, and continuously learning.

    Financial freedom is achievable through planning and creating multiple streams of income.
    The concept of 'freedom day' is about reaching a point where work becomes optional.
    The 5 by 10 technique involves creating five revenue streams that generate $10,000 per month or more.
    To succeed, it is important to have a plan, retrain your brain, network with successful individuals, and continuously learn.


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  • Summary
    Guido Meardi, CEO of V-Nova, discusses the importance of data compression in digital technology and its impact on various industries. He explains how V-Nova's compression technology enables more efficient use of data, leading to better quality and cost savings. Meardi also shares the exciting future of volumetric movies and immersive entertainment, where viewers can be inside the movie and experience it firsthand. He highlights the role of AI in data compression and its potential to enhance machine intelligence. Meardi's journey from being a management consultant at McKinsey to becoming an entrepreneur is also explored. Guido Meardi discusses the importance of mentors and self-confidence in entrepreneurship. He shares his experience of transitioning from a successful career at McKinsey to starting his own company, V-Nova. He emphasizes the challenges of securing funding for innovative ventures and the need to balance self-confidence with listening to feedback. Meardi also highlights the importance of surrounding oneself with mentors and a supportive team. He discusses the ongoing challenges of driving adoption and expanding into new markets. His dream is to fulfill the promise of V-Nova's technology and make a significant impact in the field of video compression.

    Data compression plays a crucial role in digital technology, enabling more efficient use of data and leading to better quality and cost savings.
    V-Nova's compression technology, such as MPEG-5 LCVC, allows for significant reductions in data transmission and processing power while maintaining quality.
    The future of entertainment includes volumetric movies, where viewers can be inside the movie and experience it firsthand.
    AI can enhance data compression and improve machine intelligence, leading to more efficient processing and analysis of data.
    Guido Meardi's journey from being a management consultant at McKinsey to becoming an entrepreneur highlights the importance of driving positive change and making a difference in the world. Choosing mentors and having multiple mentors is crucial for personal growth and success in entrepreneurship.
    Balancing self-confidence with the ability to listen to feedback is essential for making informed decisions.
    Securing funding for innovative ventures can be challenging, especially when the idea is unconventional.
    Surrounding oneself with a supportive team and mentors is important for navigating the entrepreneurial journey.
    Driving adoption and expanding into new markets are ongoing challenges for technology companies.
    The dream is to fulfill the promise of innovative technology and make a significant impact in the industry.


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  • Summary
    Referrals can supercharge a business and lead to more customers and increased revenue. Brandon Barnum, author of 'Raving Referrals,' shares his expertise on building a referral engine. He emphasizes the importance of thanking and updating the people who give referrals, as well as creating strategic alliances with others who serve your target audience. Barnum also discusses the 'art of the ask,' which involves setting the stage, listening for referral triggers, and asking for referrals. He recommends tracking and measuring referrals, rewarding referrers, and creating a referral partner blueprint. Building relationships and investing in a referral network can also be beneficial.

    Referrals are more effective than leads and can supercharge a business.
    Thank and update the people who give you referrals to show appreciation and build trust.
    Create strategic alliances with others who serve your target audience to generate more referrals.
    Use the 'art of the ask' to set the stage, listen for referral triggers, and ask for referrals.
    Track and measure referrals, reward referrers, and create a referral partner blueprint.
    Invest in building relationships and a referral network to grow your business.


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  • Summary
    Justin Donald shares his journey from making mistakes early in his investment and entrepreneurship career to becoming a successful entrepreneur and investor. He emphasizes the importance of learning from mistakes and developing systems and processes to scale a business. Justin also discusses the mindset shift he had to make to prioritize his family and create a life of financial freedom. He shares his strategies for finding and attracting the best people and the importance of building passive income streams. In this conversation, Justin Donald discusses the importance of having the right mindset and taking action to achieve financial independence. He shares his journey of transitioning from entrepreneurship to investing and teaching others to do the same. Justin emphasizes the need to diversify investments and protect against downside risk. He also highlights the upcoming wealth transfer from baby boomers to millennials and the opportunities it presents. Justin's book, 'The Lifestyle Investor,' provides 10 commandments for cashflow investing and financial freedom.

    Learn from mistakes and use them to define and create a path for success.
    Develop systems and processes to scale a business and create more freedom.
    Prioritize family and create a life of financial freedom.
    Invest in the best people and build a team that can operate at a high level.
    Create passive income streams to have more control over your time and pursue your passions. Having the right mindset is crucial for achieving financial independence.
    Diversifying investments and protecting against downside risk is important.
    The upcoming wealth transfer from baby boomers to millennials presents opportunities for investors.
    Justin Donald's book, 'The Lifestyle Investor,' provides valuable insights and strategies for cashflow investing and financial freedom.


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  • Summary
    In this conversation, Mike Kaeding interviews JCron, the former partner and president of Kajabi, a knowledge commerce platform. JCron shares his journey from bankruptcy to building a $2 billion enterprise. He emphasizes the importance of authenticity and human connection in the digital age. He also discusses the power of being broke and the freedom it brings. JCron highlights the significance of conversations at inflection points and the need to redefine success. He shares his experiences in the world of online marketing and software development. In this conversation, JCron shares his journey in the world of marketing and entrepreneurship, particularly his experience with Kajabi. He emphasizes the importance of relationships and the power of copywriting in marketing. JCron also discusses the challenges and successes of scaling Kajabi, and the impact the platform has had on its users' lives. He offers advice for aspiring entrepreneurs and highlights the need for creativity and grit in pursuing opportunities.

    Authenticity is a currency in the digital age, and people want to learn from real people with real stories.
    Experiencing failure and hitting rock bottom can be freeing and provide an opportunity for reinvention.
    Being broke can lead to creativity, innovation, and taking risks.
    The fear of failure is often worse than the failure itself.
    Success should be defined multidimensionally, not just by financial wealth.
    The quality of conversations at inflection points can have a significant impact on one's life.
    Caring too much about what others think can hold you back from taking risks and making tough decisions.
    Failure is not a label, but a choice to not try again.
    The journey from bankruptcy to success often involves learning from mentors and immersing oneself in new industries.
    Starting from zero can provide a clean slate and the opportunity to build something new and meaningful. The power of relationships in entrepreneurship and the role they play in success
    The importance of mastering copywriting as a foundational skill in marketing
    The challenges and successes of scaling a company like Kajabi
    The impact of Kajabi on its users' lives and the stories of transformation
    The need for creativity and grit in pursuing entrepreneurial opportunities


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  • Summary

    Crafting a compelling message is essential for conveying your dream to others. It requires understanding the needs of your audience and packaging your ideas in a way that resonates with them. Danny Brassel, an expert in crafting messages, shares valuable insights on how to create impactful introductions, make the customer the hero, establish a human connection, and leverage the power of storytelling. He emphasizes the importance of delivering value and building trust throughout the message. Additionally, he highlights the role of coaching in refining and improving your message. Ultimately, success lies in serving the core issue of your audience and providing support and service.


    Craft your message to support and help your audience through their problems.Create a powerful introduction that establishes your authority while showing relatability.Make the customer the hero of your message.Establish a human connection by sharing personal stories and struggles.Utilize the power of storytelling to engage and captivate your audience.Focus on delivering value and building trust throughout your message.Consider the beginning and the end of your message as the most memorable parts.Seek coaching to refine and improve your message.Remember that success comes from serving the core issue of your audience.


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  • Summary

    Building a personal brand is key to achieving success and making connections. It involves showcasing your expertise, sharing your story, and being authentic. Steps to building a personal brand include identifying your subject matter expertise, developing thought leadership, sharing your passions and values, highlighting what makes you different, and defining your legacy and impact. It's important to be consistent, engage with your audience, and build relationships. To take your personal brand to the next level, you can consider hiring a publicist, pitching to journalists, getting on podcasts, and providing value to reporters. Avoid speaking on topics you're not knowledgeable about to protect your brand.


    Building a personal brand is essential for success and making connections.Steps to building a personal brand include showcasing expertise, sharing your story, and being authentic.Consistency, engagement, and building relationships are key to a strong personal brand.To take your personal brand to the next level, consider hiring a publicist, pitching to journalists, getting on podcasts, and providing value to reporters.Avoid speaking on topics you're not knowledgeable about to protect your brand.


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  • Summary
    Nicky Billou shares insights on how to earn $30,000 in 30 days by having the right mindset and focusing on serving people. He emphasizes the importance of caring about people and solving acute problems for them. Nicky also highlights the need to think like a business person and not just focus on the technical aspects of a skill. He advises charging appropriately for your services and valuing yourself. Additionally, he suggests finding a niche by identifying who is hurting and if you have the skill set to solve their pain. Nicky recommends various strategies for reaching people, including warm market, referrals, podcasts, and strategic partnerships.


    To earn $30,000 in 30 days, focus on serving people and solving acute problems for them.Think like a business person and charge appropriately for your services.Find a niche by identifying who is hurting and if you have the skill set to solve their pain.Use strategies like warm market, referrals, podcasts, and strategic partnerships to reach people.


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  • Summary
    Chad Hufford, owner of Veritas Wealth Management, discusses the importance of having a strategic long-term financial plan and avoiding common mistakes made by investors. He emphasizes the need to focus on income rather than principle, and to have a target for retirement income needs. Hufford recommends owning a diversified portfolio of equities to provide steady income growth over time. He also highlights the importance of working with a financial planner who prioritizes the client's goals and objectives.

    A portfolio is not a plan; it's important to have a strategic long-term financial plan that focuses on income.
    Having a target for retirement income needs is crucial to determine the amount of invested capital required.
    Owning a diversified portfolio of equities provides the best chance for steady income growth over time.
    Avoid making emotionally-driven decisions based on fear or greed; stick to the long-term plan.
    Work with a financial planner who prioritizes your goals and objectives.

    Chad's new book - https://rb.gy/gduu12

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  • A serial entrepreneur, Darius Mirshahzadeh knew he'd never have a 'job'. Instead Darius dedicated himself on a different path, one that would lead to success and happiness.

    *Show notes currently unavailable.


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  • Summary

    Dov Baron shares his journey from a challenging childhood to becoming a successful entrepreneur and polymath. He grew up in poverty and took on adult responsibilities at a young age. Despite facing adversity, he had a strong ambition to create a different life for himself. Dov started a freelance hairdressing business, which allowed him the freedom to travel and study different spiritual and psychological disciplines. He delved into neuroscience and addiction, exploring the impact of stress and the addictive process on human behavior. Dov's curiosity and polymathic mindset have driven his personal and professional growth. In this conversation, Dov Baron discusses the concept of subjective trauma and how individuals cope with pain. He explains the role of the opioid system in managing pain and the different coping mechanisms people use. Dov shares his personal experience of trauma and how it led him on a journey of recovery and self-discovery. He also talks about his work consulting with powerful people and the biases that can hinder understanding. Dov emphasizes the importance of seeing people beyond our biases and treating everyone with dignity and compassion.


    Adversity can fuel ambition and drive individuals to create a different life for themselves.Having the freedom to explore different disciplines and study diverse topics can lead to personal and professional growth.Understanding the impact of stress and addiction on human behavior can provide insights into personal development and well-being.Curiosity and a polymathic mindset can lead to a deeper understanding of oneself and the world. Subjective trauma is a form of trauma that is experienced subjectively and can lead individuals to cope using various mechanisms, such as the opioid system.The opioid system can be activated as a coping mechanism for pain, leading individuals to engage in activities that release neurochemicals to lower stress levels.Self-actualization involves addressing emotional pain and understanding one's own emotional source code to create a path towards healing and personal growth.Recovery from trauma involves a journey of self-discovery and letting go of old identities and coping mechanisms.Consulting with powerful individuals requires breaching biases and seeing people beyond their external status, treating everyone with dignity and compassion.


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  • This is 'Entrepreneur's Edge' - a Norhart podcast. In these episodes, we aim to help budding entrepreneurs on their journey to success, with tips, advice and fun along the way.

    Ryan Atkinson, co-founder of Spacebar Visuals and Magic Media, shares his journey of starting his own businesses while working full-time. He discusses the challenges of getting the first client and the strategies he used, such as email automation and LinkedIn outreach. Ryan emphasizes the importance of having a clear plan and hitting specific metrics before quitting a full-time job to focus on the business full-time. He also highlights the benefits of having a co-founder and the day-to-day ups and downs of running a business. Ryan concludes by sharing his contact information and offering a special discount for listeners.

    Starting a business while working full-time requires effective time management and organizational skills.
    Email automation and LinkedIn outreach can be effective strategies for getting clients.
    Setting specific metrics and goals can help determine when to quit a full-time job and focus on the business full-time.
    Having a co-founder with complementary skills and experience can be beneficial for the success of the business.
    Running a business involves both ups and downs, but a passion for the business can make the journey rewarding.


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  • This is 'Entrepreneur's Edge' - a Norhart podcast. In these episodes, we aim to help budding entrepreneurs on their journey to success, with tips, advice and fun along the way.


    In this conversation, Roy Osing shares his secrets to building a billion-dollar sales force. He emphasizes the importance of creating a just-about-right strategy that focuses on execution rather than theoretical perfection. Osing discusses the three key questions to ask when defining a strategy: determining growth objectives, identifying customer segments, and understanding how to compete and win. He also highlights the significance of leadership by serving around and translating strategy for every function in the organization. Osing explains the need to shift from a product-focused approach to problem-solving and building long-term customer relationships. In this conversation, Roy Osing shares insights on differentiating a business through behavioral factors and building authentic relationships with customers. He emphasizes the importance of hiring employees who genuinely love people and creating a recruitment process that identifies this trait. Roy also discusses the role of marketing in creating personalized experiences and driving customer cravings. He shares his experience transitioning from voice to data services and the importance of releasing latent power in employees to drive execution and excitement.


    Building a successful sales force requires a just-about-right strategy that prioritizes execution over theoretical perfection.To define a strategy, ask three key questions: determine growth objectives, identify customer segments, and understand how to compete and win.Leadership by serving around and translating strategy for every function in the organization is crucial for success.Shifting from a product-focused approach to problem-solving and building long-term customer relationships is essential for sustainable growth. Differentiate your business through behavioral factors and authentic relationships.Hire employees who genuinely love people and create a recruitment process that identifies this trait.Marketing should focus on creating personalized experiences and driving customer cravings.Transitioning from one service to another requires a focus on retaining and growing existing customers.


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  • Leemon Baird might be a genius but one thing is for sure...

    Leemon Baird is a professor, inventor, and entrepreneur, who operates in the space between dreams and reality. A down-to-earth guy with a hugely positive demeanor, you might not expect Leemon to be the smiling face behind the mathematical algorithms that are changing the world that we live in... but he is.

    Delve into the mathematics that makes up the universe and at the center you will find the type of person it takes to change the world.

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  • This is 'Entrepreneur's Edge' - a Norhart podcast. In these episodes, we aim to help budding entrepreneurs on their journey to success, with tips, advice and fun along the way.

    In this conversation, David Pearce shares insights on how to earn more money while taking more time off. He emphasizes the importance of leverage and mindset, suggesting that revenue is not tied to time but to the volume of work per unit of time. He advises optimizing business hours, delegating tasks, and adding more services to increase revenue. Pearce also discusses the process of hiring staff and the importance of investing in oneself. He highlights the significance of defining the purpose and values of a business and learning from successful individuals who have achieved similar goals.

    Leverage is key to earning more money while taking more time off. It can be achieved through time, money, or any asset available.
    Revenue is not dependent on time but on the volume of work per unit of time.
    Optimize business hours and focus on production per hour rather than per week or month.
    Invest in yourself and continuously learn to improve your skills and add value to your business.
    Identify successful individuals who have achieved similar goals and learn from them.


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  • They say, "If it wasn't for people, business would be easy."

    Deke Copenhaver knows this better than most. As the former Augusta, Georgia mayor for over nine years, Deke managed to bring people together people on both sides of the racial divide to secure 67% of the vote; Deke is not simply a politician, he’s the ‘Changemaker’.

    Find out what it takes to bridge massive divides and win in politics.

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  • This is 'Entrepreneur's Edge' - a Norhart podcast. In these episodes, we aim to help budding entrepreneurs on their journey to success, with tips, advice and fun along the way.


    In this conversation, Liz Elting, the founder of a billion-dollar business, shares her journey and insights. She emphasizes the importance of surrounding yourself with high-caliber people who challenge you to think differently. Liz discusses how she built her billion-dollar business by following her passion for languages and providing exceptional service to clients. She highlights the need to overcome doubts and naysayers and find the energy and inspiration to move forward. Liz also shares strategies for growing a company in a competitive space and differentiating from competitors. She discusses the challenges of scaling and the importance of learning from mistakes. Finally, Liz talks about her foundation and the importance of giving back, as well as the lessons she would share with her younger self.


    Surround yourself with high-caliber people who challenge you to think differently.Follow your passion and provide exceptional service to clients.Overcome doubts and naysayers by finding the energy and inspiration to move forward.Differentiate from competitors by offering unique services and solutions.Give back and support causes that align with your values.


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  • There is an adage that says, “if you don’t succeed, try, try again.” But what happens if you do succeed, do you continue to succeed again and again?

    Blake Johnson has the distinction of being one of those guys who seems to turn everything he touches into gold. A visionary and serial founder, Blake built his companies to over a billion-dollar valuation. In fact, it doesn’t seem to matter the industry, whatever Blake sets his mind on becomes the next big thing.

    Discover what it takes to make a billion-dollar exit from a company and uncover what it feels like to become the accidental entrepreneur.

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  • This is 'Entrepreneur's Edge' - a Norhart podcast. In these episodes, we aim to help budding entrepreneurs on their journey to success, with tips, advice and fun along the way.

    In this conversation, Mike Kaeding interviews Dai Manuel, a former partner and CEO of a multimillion-dollar retail company, about the challenges of scaling a small business. Dai shares his experiences and lessons learned in scaling up his business, including the importance of solving systems and infrastructure issues to maintain productivity. He discusses the challenges of expanding too quickly and the need for careful market research and lease negotiation. Dai also highlights the significance of inventory management and the impact of marketing and targeting the right customers. He emphasizes the importance of finding and retaining the right team and trusting the mentorship process for personal and professional growth.

    Scaling a small business requires solving systems and infrastructure issues to maintain productivity.
    Expanding too quickly can lead to challenges in inventory management and cash flow.
    Market research and lease negotiation are crucial when choosing the right locations for expansion.
    Marketing and targeting the right customers is essential for success.
    Finding and retaining the right team is key to scaling a business.
    Trusting the mentorship process can lead to personal and professional growth.


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