Arts – Macaristan – Yeni podcastler
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A weekly watch along of the hit CW series Supernatural hosted by two lifelong friends who grew up loving the series. Hop into the Impala with us as we rediscover a series that meant so much to us growing up and determine how well it all holds up today. As well as dive into many corners of the extended Supernatural franchise, including comics, anime, spin-offs, and more! Now buckle up and let’s get hunting!
New Episodes out Tuesdays!
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
I work at a bookstore and read a lot of books, so I'm going to review all of the books I read. Let's do this!
In this podcast we discuss Stephen King and his related multiverse, including characters, connections, mythology and other authors. None of us has ever done this before, so we are learning as we go. What fun! We are already tittering. Come join us along the Beam today, where it's always 19 and 99!
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Az undergroundban rengeteg információ, tudás és élmény van felhalmozva. Szeretnénk ezeket tematikusan feldolgozni, rögzíteni és megosztani. A hippik azt mondták 67-ben, ha nincs helyünk a társadalomban, akkor teremtsük meg a helyünket a társadalmon kívül. A punkok azt mondták 77-ben, hogy csináld magad. Mi most elkezdjük.
Wir sind Künstler - Schauspieler, Musiker. Und für möchten Euch zu jeder Zeit unterhalten. Euch zum Lachen und zum Weinen bringen, Euch anregen und Euch zum Nachdenken bewegen. Kunst berührt Herz und Intellekt zugleich.
Gerade wandelt sich unsere Zeit und somit auch die Formen, die Kunst annehmen kann.
Frei nach Shakespeare: „Die ganze Welt ist Bühne“ laden wir Euch auf unsere BEYOND THE STAGE Podcastbühne ein. Lesungen, Stücke in kleiner Besetzung und Musik für Groß und Klein auf die Ohren. Willkommen! Bienvenue! Welcome! -
Was ist Schauspielen? Wie bereitet man einen emotionalen Ausdruck vor? Und wie lernt man eigentlich den ganzen Text?
Diese und viele weitere Fragen rund um das Schauspiel und Theater behandeln wir in unserem Podcast. Dabei werden wir grundlegend, persönlich und immer auch ein wenig neckisch.
Die Bühne ist unser Leben, und sie spiegelt es auch, unterhält, bildet, lenkt ab oder informiert. In jedem Fall aber macht Theater Spaß.
Bei Fragen und Anmerkungen, Feedback oder Ideen für Themen, schreibt uns an [email protected] -
A show brought to you by KYRIAKI Katie Elizabeth Chonacas. Each episode will inspire you to live your creative life through the arts, entertainment, the blockchain, minimalistic luxury lifestyle, education, and mental wellness.
In this podcast series, Durham-based theatremaker Tamara Kissane chats with artists about their work, their plans, and their manifestos. This interview series is part of Tamara’s quest to learn more about audio drama by speaking with the people who are working in the medium.
Thermal Soundwaves is the Natural Alternative to fast food media. Your hosts C.Truth and Kev Lawrence provide the talent and fun for this entertainment variety program. We cover music, TV, film, sports, arts, food and health. Support this podcast:
The goodvibepeople podcast dives into the world of arts, music and culture and talks with creators, cultural entrepreneurs, and free thinkers to share experiences and knowledge on creative pursuits and alternative lifestyles.
Hosted by Sacha Jones, Producer and Creative Director at Good Vibe People -
Sleuths Mystery Entertainment presents original Interactive radio mystery-comedies. Listen to the show and play along at home. At Sleuths Mystery Radio you hear the show, play the game, and solve the mystery. Support this podcast:
Our story. Forever known solely in the telling. As always.
By recounting their solitary narration each adds voice to the many we hear daily, till they all melt into one.
Such are the isolated voices of a shared story, yours and mine. -
Musings on juggling, performing, training, and everything in between.
Shakespare and Queen Elizabeth travel in time to 2021
Theatre, Ideologies, culture and more...
Emerging from the same unapologetically irreverent tone of the Metal Inquisition Blog, this podcast discusses, criticizes, judges, dissects, mocks, but ultimately loves 80s and 90s metal, its scene and all that it was. A journey of memories, awesome music and horrible album covers.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Mad with jealousy, King Leontes of Sicilia orders his best friend Polixenes killed, his child abandoned, and his wife put on trial for adultery. Sixteen years later, Perdita, raised as a shepherd's daughter, falls in love with Polixenes's royal son and returns to her father's kingdom. (Summary by Arielle Lipshaw)
Antigonus: John Doyle
Archidamus: David Nicol
Autolycus: Algy Pug
Camillo: mb
Cleomenes: Vicente Costa Filho
Clown: Baggz
Dion: Robert Fletcher
Dorcas: Patti Cunningham
Emilia: Laurie Anne Walden
First Gentleman: Skythrock
First Lady/Servant/Third Gentleman: musicalheart1
First Lord: Guero
First Servant: Sweetlilbirdy
Florizel: Mark F. Smith
Gaoler: Dennis D.
Gentleman/Narrator: Jo Karabasz
Hermione: Arielle Lipshaw
Leontes: Bruce Pirie
Lord: Rat King
Mamillius: Susanna
Mariner: David Lawrence
Mopsa: Availle
Officer: Bellona Times
Old Shepherd: om123
Paulina: Elizabeth Klett
Perdita: Karen Savage
Polixenes: David Goldfarb
Second Gentleman: Martin Geeson
Second Lady: Maria Therese
Second Servant: Lucy Perry
Time: Philippa
Audio edited by: Arielle Lipshaw - Daha fazla göster