One of the most amazing stories in ET literature is The Legend of Valiant Thor also reported in The Stranger At the Pentagon. Tune in to Supernatural Girlz Radio to hear expert Frank Chille share the true story of aliens working with our government. Did it really happen? Oh yes, it certainly did! Frank Chille has been a self-proclaimed seeker of Arcane Knowledge for the past 45 years. He is a student of metaphysics, ancient civilizations, comparative religions and has firsthand knowledge of little known contactee experiences & unpublished manuscripts. He has known individuals with unique talents and abilities doing advanced work (both openly & quietly) on this planet to accelerate consciousness and awareness. He has had exposure to advanced technology products and has traveled extensively throughout the US & lived abroad. Frank has spoken publicly & conducted seminar on diverse subjects on both coasts as well as for the military on subjects including energy studies and lighting effects on health.