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Title: The Expat Pod: Francesco Baldini
Subtitle: An Italian in Ireland
Episode Number: 26
Release Date: [10/12/2023]
Duration: [00:52:09]
Welcome to The Expat Pod, the podcast where we explore the ins and outs of living abroad, embracing new cultures, and navigating life as an expat. I'm your host, James Doran, and today, we're diving into leaving an italian upbringing to explore. Francesco initially took a working travel visa to move to Toronto in Canada, making use of connections he already had in that city.
He then moved to Ireland where he feels is the city which moulded the man he is today, meeting his wife and having a family, making some amazing friends, and enjoying some pints of Guinness.
Now Francesco is living in Chester in the north-west of England!
Join us for the stories he tells!
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Title: The Expat Pod: Lucy Jeon
Subtitle: Leaving Korea to grow a career
Episode Number: 24
Release Date: [26/11/2023]
Duration: [01:13:50]
Welcome to The Expat Pod, the podcast where we explore the ins and outs of living abroad, embracing new cultures, and navigating life as an expat. I'm your host, James Doran, and today, we're diving into leaving South Korea for studies in Sweden, working in Singapore, The Netherlands and Canada! We talk all about the different cultures and working environments, bonding on our struggles with learning Swedish, and excitement for future travel.
Lucy runs Hey Globally... go and check it out!
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Website: https://www.tallmantravels.co.uk/the-expat-pod
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Title: The Expat Pod: Matthew Bliss
Subtitle: Moving from a land down under
Episode Number: 23
Release Date: [19/11/2023]
Duration: [01:10:41]
Welcome to The Expat Pod, the podcast where we explore the ins and outs of living abroad, embracing new cultures, and navigating life as an expat. I'm your host, James Doran, and today, we're diving into what it takes to move from Australia to the UK, back again, then to Ireland. Matthew Bliss our guest is originally from Australia, he moved to the UK, and experienced life as a teacher, before moving back to Australia.
Now Matthew and his Irish wife live in Ireland and have their own podcast "From My Home to Yours" (Link below). Matthew shares his struggles with life moving, how they have worked together to thrive in their new location, and some amazing tips on managing expectation and finances when moving from Australia to Ireland, which do transfer to many other destinations.
Connect with Us:
Website: https://www.tallmantravels.co.uk/the-expat-pod
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100089327439022
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/the.expat.pod/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ExpatPod
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/the-expat-pod/
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Episode Number: 22Release Date: [12/11/2023]Duration: [00:49:33]Welcome to The Expat Pod, the podcast where we explore the ins and outs of living abroad, embracing new cultures, and navigating life as an expat. I'm your host, James Doran, and today, we're diving into studying in the US and Taiwan. This week I am joined by the incredible Alexandra who is from Sweden but is very close to her Serbian heritage from her parents and grandparents. Alexandra works in global mobility and actually helped me move back from Sweden to the UK this year. I would go so far as to say she is an expert! She has had experiences living abroad, going to San Francisco to study English, before doing a semester abroad in Taiwan while at university. As always if you found something interesting in the video, please do get in touch, like and subscribe for more amazing stories from incredible people who have moved abroad. Connect with Us:Website: https://www.tallmantravels.co.uk/the-expat-pod Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100089327439022 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/the.expat.pod/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/ExpatPodLinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/the-expat-pod/ Subscribe, Rate, and Review:If you enjoyed this episode of The Expat Pod, please subscribe, rate, and leave us a review on your favourite podcast platform. Your support helps us reach more listeners like you and continue to deliver valuable content on life as an expat.