
  • Episode 52 is an interview with Joe Friel. Joe Friel is a life-long athlete and has a masters degree in exercise science. He has trained and conferred with amateur and professional endurance athletes from a wide variety of sports since 1980. Based on this experience he cofounded TrainingPeaks.com in 1999 with son Dirk Friel and friend Gear Fisher. He currently coaches only a few athletes. He mostly focuses on training emerging top-level coaches on best practices in preparing endurance athletes for competition. This regularly takes him to coaching seminars around the world. He also consults with corporations in the sports and fitness industry and with national Olympic governing bodies worldwide. His Training Bible books for road cyclists, mountain bikers, and triathletes are used by several national sports federations to train their coaches.
    Friel’s philosophy and methodology for training athletes was developed over more than 40 years and is based on his strong interest in sport science research and his experience training hundreds of athletes with a wide range of abilities. His views on matters related to training for endurance sports are widely sought and have been featured in such publications as VeloNews, Bicycling, Outside, Runner’s World, Women’s Sports & Fitness, Men’s Fitness, Men’s Health, American Health, Masters Sports, The New York Times, Triathlete, 220, and many more. Many years ago, as a mountain biker, his book ‘cyclists training bible’ was mandatory reading. His book ‘fast after 50’ breaks down societal norms that we should get old and slow. Sure, aging has an effect on the body, but there are many examples out there of older athletes smashing it. And it’s never to early to plan for that inevitable time in our future!
    Are injuries or persistent niggles ruining your enjoyment of running and hindering your performance? Get on top of these now so that you can get back to the simple joy that is running!! Come in and see the specialists at Health and High Performance where they utilise the latest in technology, and experience, to help you get back to your running best. So to be at your running best go to www.healthhp.com.au/run to book an appointment and remember how good it feels to just run!!
    Let me know your thoughts about the podcast either in the comments about this interview on the  Instagram page podcast or DM me.
    Joe can be found here: https://joefrielsblog.com/
    Thank you so much for supporting my podcast! I really appreciate the people who take the couple of minutes out of their day to get onto Apple Podcasts to rate and review me. I read all of my reviews and they sure do inspire me to keep working on this podcast!
    Next week’s interview is with Ricardo Da Costa, who has studied nutrition in ultra-running, and has looked at GI distress in ultra-runners. A must-listen!!
    Make sure you stay committed and consistent with your training. If you are focused on improving as an athlete, email me [email protected] to organise an individualised training plan.
    Have a great week of training!

  • Episode 38 is an interview with Michael Wardian. Michael Wardian  is an American marathoner and ultra-marathoner. He won the 2008, 2009 and 2010 US 50 km championships and the 2011 US 50 mile championship. In 2008, he won the U.S. National 100 km championship. Mike is known for the large number of marathons and races he participates in, often with little to no recovery time. During a 45-day span in 2006, he won four out of five marathons he raced. In 2007, he ran 13 marathons (not including ultra-marathons), and seven marathons in a span of nine weeks (winning three).] March 2008 Mike won the National Marathon in Washington D.C. on a Saturday, and then finished third at a marathon in Knoxville, Tennessee the very next day. In 2008, Michael ran a total of 53 races. He set the world record for fastest marathon while pushing a jogging stroller from May 2007 to November 2009. In January 2017, Mike ran seven marathons in seven days on seven continents in a record average speed of 2:45. He is also a former record holder of the fastest Marathon on a treadmill, as well as setting the record for fastest indoor 200-meter track marathon record, with a time of 2:27:21 in 2010.
    To this unbelievable list of achievements (and believe me there are many more I didn’t mention) Michael can also add being the winner of the Quarantine backyard Ultra. He completed 63 laps in 63 hours with a total of 262.5 miles (which is 422.625 kms for those of us in Australia!!) Mike shares with us the details of the race, and how he is dealing with quarantine in general. 
    Mike on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/michaelwardian/
    Mike on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mikewardian/ 
    Don’t forget to get on over to apple podcast to rate and review! Thanks for your support. 
    I really think this quarantine time is a great time to do for some self-reflection. In spite of everything feeling out of control in this moment of COVID, you are actually in a position of power within yourself and how you react to this situation. As they always say, control the controllables. You can do this with structured and well-planned training with Peak Endurance Coaching. Email me at [email protected] and lets get your training moving in the right direction. Have a great week of training, stay safe, stay fit, look after your loved ones, and remember; we are all in this together.

  • Episode 48 is an interview Kelly Starrett. Kelly is a coach, physical therapist, author, and speaker. Along with his wife Juliet, Kelly is co-founder of The Ready State. The Ready State began as Mobility|WOD in 2008 and has gone on to revolutionize the field of performance therapy and self-care. Kelly received his Doctor of Physical Therapy degree in 2007 from Samuel Merritt College in Oakland, California.
    Kelly’s clients include professional athletes in the NFL, NBA, NHL, and MLB. He also works with Olympic gold-medalists, Tour de France cyclists, world-and national-record-holding Olympic lifting and power athletes, CrossFit Games medalists, ballet dancers, military personnel, and competitive age-division athletes.
    Kelly is the author of the New York Times and Wall Street Journal bestsellers

    Becoming A Supple Leopard

    Ready to Run
    Kelly and his work have been featured on 60 Minutes, The View, The Joe Rogan Experience, CBS Sports, Outside Magazine, Men's Health, Men's Journal and dozens of other podcasts, magazines, and books — including Tim Ferriss' The 4-Hour Body and Tools of Titans. In this podcast, Kelly and I discuss the importance of mobility, hydration and sleep.
    Are injuries ruining your enjoyment of running and hindering your performance? Utilizing the latest in technology, and with a wealth of experience, the team at Health & High Performance can assist you with all your running injury & performance needs. So to get back to enjoying your running and achieving the results you are capable of, head to www.healthhp.com.au/run
    Enjoy my chat with Kelly!
    I think Kelly has really shown how important it is to work on mobility and range of motion. I also found it interesting how important he finds hydration and sleep, all things I know myself and many other runners can improve on. These are all things that we think we can get away with not worrying about, but they all catch up with us eventually. I do know when I don’t sleep or hydrate enough I feel it when I’m running the next day. I also think the longer I’ve been running, the more that mobility work is vitally important, especially if I want to keep running for years to come! Listeners can access a FREE 14-day trial to Kelly’s flagship program called Virtual Mobility Coach (which is like having a virtual Kelly Starrett in your pocket) Go to: https://thereadystate.com/peakendurance/ Where to Find The Ready State. Kelly on Social:
    YouTube -

    Thank you to those people who have taken the time and effort to subscribe, rate and review this podcast on apple podcasts, or on your favourite podcast player. I really do appreciate your support.
    I don’t know about you, but I am already planning the races I want to do in the quickly approaching next few months. If you are too, email me [email protected] to organise an individualised training plan.
    Have a great week of training and spending time with friends and family!

  • Episode 49 is an interview Trang Nguyen, physio and strength and conditioning coach at the Motion Mechanic. In this conversation, we discuss how to periodise your strength training, what are the best types of exercises, how many reps and sets you should do for different outcomes, and whether or not you will bulk up. I am a big proponent of strength training, and I think this podcast is full of information that will hopefully convert you all to agreeing with me! Are injuries ruining your enjoyment of running and hindering your performance? Utilizing the latest in technology, and with a wealth of experience, the team at Health & High Performance can assist you with all your running injury & performance needs. So to get back to enjoying your running and achieving the results you are capable of, head to www.healthhp.com.au/run On instagram @healthhighperformance
    Enjoy my chat with Trang! I think Trang has really shown how important it is to work on strength for runners. I also found it interesting how important she developing mobility alongside strength. I think this conversation was a great complement to my chat with Kelly Starrett. Check that one out too if you haven’t heard that yet. I would love to see all runners working on developing strength as this can only help reduce injuries and enable us to stay strong for life as well as for running. Thank you to those people who have taken the time and effort to subscribe, rate and review this podcast on apple podcasts, or on your favourite podcast player. I really do appreciate your support. Leticia, a runner/swimmer from Brazil, wrote ‘Isobel, thank you so much for all the knowledge, experience and inspiration you share in your podcast, I really admire your work.’ Thank you Leticia for your kind words, they mean a lot to me!
    I don’t know about you, but I am already planning the races I want to do in the quickly approaching next few months. If you are too, email me [email protected] to organise an individualised training plan. Have a great week of training and spending time with friends and family!

  • This podcast is the third in a series on the different physical therapies that runners can use to help keep them running. Today I am talking to Stuart Hinds, a leading Australian soft tissue therapist with over 27 years’ experience in professional practice. He regularly lectures on remedial soft tissue techniques at Victoria University (Melbourne, Australia), and is internationally recognized for his work with the Australian Olympic Teams (Sydney 2000, Athens 2004, Beijing 2008 and London 2012). Stuart has pioneered his own technique for treating hip pain and dysfunction (the NAT Hip Technique) and regularly publishes articles in local and international industry journals and mainstream publications relating to soft tissue treatments and musculoskeletal dysfunction. In 2016, Stuart was awarded a lifetime membership with Massage & Myotherapy Australia for his significant support and contribution to the industry.
    A big take away for me was that Stuart does not think massage rollers are the best alternative for massage. Spiky balls are much more effective. However, in this time of COVID-19, anything is better than nothing. Stuart can be found for massage here: http://www.bstt.com.au 
    I hope you are all coping well with Quarantine. These are difficult times. Keep up your training to ensure you are healthy, both phycially and mentally.  If you’re thinking of getting coaching for your next race or adventure, shoot me an email at [email protected]  I know it feels like things will never return to normal, but before you know it, races will start up again. You don’t want to be behind the 8-ball and have to work on your base from scratch. A well-planned program will ensure you are ready to get race ready! We can work together to help you reach your goals and be the fittest, happiest runner you can be!
    Don’t forget to get on over to apple podcast to rate and review! Thanks for your support.  
    Stay safe, look after your loved ones and have a great week of training! Remember, we are all in this together!

  • Episode 37 is another Coaches Roundtable. We really tried to avoid Coronavirus talk too much (as I think we’ve all heard enough) but it truly is hard to avoid, so you will hear some references to it. This episode we focused on goal setting for short and long term, as well as looking at rest/recovery again, especially in relation to these times. I really hope you enjoy the podcast!
    I really enjoyed this discussion, and it was interesting that it helped Daniel feel better; I hope it did the same for you.
    Now I know I said last podcast that my next podcast would be an interview with Mike Wardian. The sound quality was not so good so I will be re-recording the interview with him this week and putting it out on Friday. I’m sure it will be worth the wait! If you have any questions you would like me to ask him, DM me on socials or send me an email [email protected] would love your input.
    Please, don’t forget to get on over to apple podcast to subscribe, rate and review! It really helps the podcast to become more visible and helps me attract more high-profile guests. Thanks for your support.

    I really think this quarantine time is a great time to do a life audit. How long have you been telling yourself you’re going to focus on your training, become more committed and focused? How often have you thought about how much you want to do a certain race, but haven’t because you don’t feel you would be able to manage it? Well, if this quarantine has taught me anything is that we can’t take anything for granted, and it can all be taken away from us in the blink of an eye. This will end, so start planning for the future now. Actually get committed and focused in your training now, decide to do that challenging race (next year obviously!!). You can do this with structured and well-planned training with Peak Endurance Coaching. Email me at [email protected] and lets get your training moving in the right direction.
    Have a great week of training, stay safe, stay fit, look after your loved ones, and remember; we are all in this together.

  • Episode 41 is with Travis Macy, a finisher of over 120 ultra endurance events in 17 countries. Travis is a speaker, author, coach, and professional endurance athlete. He is the author of The Ultra Mindset: An Endurance Champion's 8 Core Principles for Success in Business, Sports, and Life, and he set a record for Leadman, an epic endurance event consisting of a trail running marathon, 50-mile mountain bike race, Leadville 100 Mountain Bike Race, 10k road run, and Leadville 100 Run, in the Rocky Mountains. About 18 months ago, I read his book ‘The Ultra Mindset’, which outlines his 8 core principles for the ultra mindset. I thought it would be interesting to go through them with Travis in relation to ultra- running and also to life during COVID. I hope you enjoy our discussion. Travis on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/travismacypublicfigure/ Travis on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/travismacy/ Travis website: http://www.travismacy.com/ Don’t forget to get on over to apple podcast to rate and review! Thanks for your support. I really think this quarantine time is a great time to do for some self-reflection. In spite of everything feeling out of control in this moment of COVID, you are actually in a position of power within yourself and how you react to this situation. As they always say, control the controllables. You can do this with structured and well-planned training with Peak Endurance Coaching. Email me at [email protected] and lets get your training moving in the right direction. Have a great week of training, stay safe, stay fit, look after your loved ones, and remember; we are all in this together.

    Link to Travis' book here