Five burgeoning adventurers explore the Upper Slums of Emon and take a job offered by a mysterious thief, but what they discover may be more dangerous than any of them bargained for...
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Jack Covell joins Brennan to talk about letting go and running campaigns without intense planning.
Siobhan Thompson joins Brennan to generate random characters and talk about The Unsleeping City.
Ivan Van Norman joins Brennan to discuss setting horror expectations and how to play traitorous pcs.
Ify Nwadiwe, Amy Vorpahl, & Erika Ishii join Brennan to discuss the big moves & ships of the season.
Nick Marini joins Brennan to talk about making characters to fit a world and being a flexible PC.
Marisha Ray and Brennan tackle crying during gameplay and players with different ways of listening.
B. Dave Walters and Brennan talk about making twists more twisty and manifesting character traits.
Satine Phoenix and Brennan chat about level splits, bending the rules, and letting your PCs fail.
Matthew Mercer and Brennan get into Harry Potter's rad world building and those tricky NPC accents.
Molly Ostertag and Brennan get into the ethics of fudged dice rolls and why 5e is so queer-friendly.
Amy Vorpahl and Brennan talk antisocial orphans, nine-year campaigns, and babies that ruin games.
Brian Murphy and Brennan discuss when to kill off PCs and reveal what's behind their DM screens. Warning: this episode contains spoilers for the season finale of Fantasy High on DROPOUT.
Lou Wilson joins Brennan for Fantasy High secrets, first-time DM fails, and tips for scary villains.
The Lord of Shadows's council discovers that invoking the apocalypse is harder than they thought.
Wo kommen Glucocorticoide her, was bewirken sie im Körper, was ist die Hypothalamus-Hypophysen-Nebennierenrinden-Achse, wie kann man Glucocorticoide therapeutisch nutzen und was können unerwünschte Nebenwirkungen sein.
Kleiner Ausflug in die Pharmakologie; Was sind nichtsteroidale Antiphlogistika, wofür braucht man sie, was sind die Nebenwirkungen und warum Paracetamol und Co nichts in der Schmerztherapie bei Hund und Katze zu suchen haben.
Eine der bedeutendsten Durchfallerkrankungen bei Hund und Katze; Canines Parvovirus 2 und felines Panleukopenievirus
Eine Erkrankung die gerade in Afrika und Asien noch viele Opfer fordert. Wir erzählen euch etwas zum Auslöser der Tollwut, wie es zur Infektion kommt, wie man sie erkennt und natürlich wie das ganze Seuchenrechtlich geregelt ist. Auch das Thema Impfung kommt natürlich auch nicht zu kurz.
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