
  • Hello from the U.S. state of Arkansas, where fall weather has finally arrived! Many people like the fall, but I like hot weather, not cold weather. Fortunately, it's only cool now, not cold. Here's another podcast episode from 2 1/2 years ago. I think I talk about my YouTube channel in this. Ignore it. I haven't done anything with my YouTube channel in a couple of years. I started a series called "Ask Miss Buswell", but it only lasted three days! I didn't follow up on it. I tend to procrastinate on some kinds of work. "Procrastinate" means to delay, to do something later.

    LnR 102 (Casual Language) Fast Food (Replay)

    Listen and Repeat: A simple dialogue between a customer and a cashier at McDonalds

    A: Welcome to McDonalds! How may I help you?

    B: Hi, I'd like a double cheeseburger.

    A: Would you like the combo or just the burger?

    B: Pardon?

    A: The combo includes fries and a drink.

    B: Oh, OK. Just the burger. And something to drink. What do you have?

    A: The drinks are listed right here. We have Coke, Diet Coke, Sprite and Fanta.

    B: I'd like a Sprite. A medium one. No ice.

    A: No ice, sure. That'll be $2.75.

    B: Here you go.

    A: And 25 cents is your change. Here's your order. Have a nice day!

    B: Thanks. Say, where is the WC?

    A: The what?

    B: Uh, the bathroom.

    A: Oh, it's around the corner and down the hall.

    B: OK. Thanks a lot.

  • In this episode, I talk about Donald Trump and the fact that he is now the presumptive nominee for the Republican Party. He has been winning primary after primary, but he remains a controversial figure. Many Americans are shocked that he has garnered so much support. How has he done it? Why are so many Americans voting for him? What are his plans? I address these and other questions in the podcast. This podcast will help you better understand just what is has been happening over the past few months regarding the primary/caucus electoral process. You will learn tons of useful vocabulary and expressions that will help you better understand the news. To get the Lesson Guide with the complete transcript and more, go to www.englishfluencynow.com

  • Welcome to the LME Podcast! Thank you for listening.
    In this podcast:

    HELLO—Get well Megumi^^ & WHY did Coach Shane join the army?
    NEWS: Less Than a Second
    Country Shane’s FACT!
    Your questions…

    How to start a Chinese podcast?
    When to use “This was a good idea” or “That was a good idea”?

    This week in LME

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    Let’s Master English PODCAST 56 is UP and READY for YOU!! Less Than a Second! #LearnEnglish #ESL #Twinglish #LME #English