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In this episode Rachel reflects on her latest weekend trip to LA to teach a yoga class at a fitness festival. She talks about the different mindset she had being separated from her baby girl compared to previous solo trips, and how this allowed her to turn on the fiery side of her personality so she could tackle an intense weekend with a strict run of show. She shares how staying in the here and now reminded her why she travels to teach yoga for a living – to have fun and connect with her community. Rachel then dives into discussing the flight home, how exhausted she was, and how she lost connection to the here and now. Realizing that her softer side emerged just as she was reuniting with her husband and baby girl, Rachel comes to an epiphany that everything happens in perfect timing.
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In this weeks episode Rachel talks about her experience with death and loss. After losing her best friend, her grandmother and her dog within the span of just a few months, her entire life was turned upside down. In this episode she shares little pieces of her experience and talks about emotional healing and how it’s not a linear process. She shares her experience writing her second book - on the topic of grief and death - and how it’s bringing to surface a pain she has been running from for a long time. She also talks about growing up with a suicidal mother and how always waiting for the other shoe to drop is causing a lot of fear and pain to show up in her own experience of motherhood.
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Terve, pahoittelut että viime podcastista on vierähtänyt hetki. Kiertue on vienyt kaikki resurssit ja olen halunnut myös laittaa siihen kaikki paukut.
Vietettiin illallista meillä muutamien mestareiden kanssa, vietettiin aikaa ja vaihdettiin kuulumisia. Nämä ovat todella tärkeitä kaikille meille.
Siinä lomassa otin nauhurin esiin. Painoin RECCIÄ ja juteltiin asioista jotka olivat keskusteluissa pinnalla.
Mukana ovat Ilkka Koppelomäki, Aaro Helander ja Olli Posti.
Spontaanit setit ovat parhaita ja puhutaan tärkeistä aiheista kuten oppimisesta ja itsensä kehittämisestä.
Mukavaa päivää.