
  • Have you heard mention of the "dark web", but have no idea what that is, where it is or how it's used to purchase your personal information or to defraud your business? In this episode, co-host Brett Johnson provides a comprehensive overview of the dark web; how it's accessed, what it's comprised of and how it's used to defraud consumers and online businesses. He also talks about the most vulnerable victims to identity theft right now: children. Both hosts discuss how it's changed over the years, what types of fraud are being discussed right now and how the dark web has led to the creation of an entire economy based on monetizing stolen consumer data.
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  • On this episode, Brett & Karisse dive in to a topic they get asked about a lot from CNP merchants: Account Takeovers. They start out by defining account takeovers, explaining why it's growing, the evolution of account takeover from both the fraudster and merchant perspective. Brett also shares characteristics of victims that are most attractive to fraudsters like gender, BIN, location, etc. Karisse then talks about how the information targeted for data breaches impacts ATO tactics and targets and both discuss why it's so important (but difficult) for merchants to work together to fight newer fraud tactics, and provide a few examples of how that can be done. They also share:-How fraudsters use proxy servers to commit ATO-The impact of ATOs on merchants and legitimate consumers-Different types of ATOs impacting CNP merchants such as brute force attacks, credential stuffing, using card on file, utilizing account purely for legacy of account & how they impact different types of merchants-Strategies, tools & processes that have been helpful to CNP merchants to reduce & prevent ATOs-Best practices for continually evaluating fraud service providers and ensuring they're helping you fight the current fraud tactics your company is experiencingFollow Online Fraudcast on Twitter, Instagram or Facebook; Follow Brett and Karisse individually on LinkedIn and contact us at [email protected] Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

  • The main topic of this episode is mobile fraud; fraud that occurs on mobile devices, both in-app and mobile web, as well as mobile emulators and a newer method, phone porting. In the "What The Fraud" segment, Brett discusses a new method fraudsters are discussing on private dark web forums using the cardholders e-mail address to bypass some e-mail verification services. Both Brett & Karisse discuss ways to circumvent this fraud tactic.Diving in to mobile fraud, Brett talks about phone porting, how fraudsters are now taking over the phone number of cardholders to place an order. They both discuss the use of mobile emulators, in-app and mobile web fraud and various methods of prevention. Studies mentioned on the episode:Lexis Nexis True Cost of Fraud Study: Mobile Fraud Survey: Fraud Operations Survey Results Webinar: us know what you think and what you hope to hear on a future episode! [email protected] more about your ad choices. Visit

  • On this episode, Brett & Karisse discuss triangulation. A type of fraud that especially impacts event or attraction ticketing companies, online travel agencies, retailers and anyone with giftcards. First, in the What The Fraud segment, Karisse shares a topic a few retailers have shared with her recently: a steep increase in "lost package" claims. Brett discusses what is most likely the root cause of these claims and Karisse follows up with actions merchants can take to reduce the impact of this to your company.
    Triangulation occurs when fraudsters purchase items or services from your company (on a stolen payment method) to resell to a consumer for less than retail. The impact to merchants can result in customer service issues when the customer is impacted negatively (the tickets or giftcards are canceled or the customer can't return the item because there is no purchase history between the consumer and the company). Brett shares why this type of fraud is attractive to fraudsters and several examples of their methods depending on the products that are purchased (and an example of how he unknowingly fell for a triangulation scheme as a consumer). Karisse follows up with the impact to CNP companies and various strategies and process changes merchants experiencing this type of fraud can deploy to reduce the impact to their bottom line and to create policies when consumers contact customer service regarding the purchase of stolen products.
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  • On this episode, Brett & Karisse talk about a topic that impacts almost every CNP merchant: "friendly" fraud. But first, Brett discusses a common fraud tactic shared widely on the dark web. Then, they both describe their own definitions of what friendly fraud is and it's impact on CNP businesses. They also discuss why it's such a problem, the challenges in preventing it and strategies to reduce the impact of friendly fraud in your business, whether it manifests in chargebacks or excessive refunds. 
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  • In this episode, Brett & Karisse take on the topic of "carding", which is the fraudster term for "clean fraud" or standard credit card fraud, to merchants. They start by talking about how each side, fraudster & merchants view this differently and it's impact to merchants. They discuss in-store carding vs. CNP carding and why CNP carding has increased in the US dramatically over the last 3 years. 
    Brett also shares the 9 different tactics he sees carders employ against online merchants including utilizing a drop ship address, re-shipping, triangulation, in-store pick-up, etc. They both discuss various prevention strategies against CNP carding and why it's so important to continually assess your fraud prevention tools and processes. Karisse ends with providing a high level overview of the various different types of fraud prevention tools & how they're best utilized. 
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  • In the first official episode dedicated to online and mobile merchants on fraud prevention, Brett & Karisse start off with a segment called "What The Fraud". Brett talks about a current trend he is seeing discussed on dark web forums and Karisse shares a recent trend that's been reported by several merchants. Brett then goes in to the progression of the career of an online fraudster. Knowing what they start doing and the types of fraud they commit at the beginning, their next steps and where different company types fall within that trajectory. Karisse follows up with the "5 stages of fraud", as she has previously highlighted in an article on, sharing observations she's made when merchants first encounter fraud online.
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