
  • “I have deposited in the county of Bedford, about four miles from Buford's [Tavern], in an excavation or vault, six feet below the surface of the ground, the following articles, belonging jointly to the parties whose names are given in number three, herewith:

    The first deposit consisted of ten hundred and fourteen pounds of gold, and thirty-eight hundred and twelve pounds of silver, deposited Nov. eighteen nineteen. The second was made Dec. eighteen twenty-one, and consisted of nineteen hundred and seven pounds of gold, and twelve hundred and eighty-eight of silver; also jewels, obtained in St. Louis in exchange to save transportation, and valued at thirteen thousand dollars.

    The above is securely packed in iron pots, with iron covers. The vault is roughly lined with stone, and the vessels rest on solid stone, and are covered with others. Paper number one describes the exact locality of the vault, so that no difficulty will be had in finding it.” - Thomas Jefferson Beale, from the second cipher text of the Beale Papers, allegedly written in 1822.

    Is it time to channel your inner Gus Chiggins and get to hunting for gold? Or maybe all of this a cunning ruse or just a flat out lie? We explore that and more this week with The Beale Ciphers on Hysteria 51!

    Special thanks to this week’s research sources:

    Books and Papers

    Nickell, Joe. “Discovered: The Secret of Beale's Treasure.” The Virginia Magazine of History and Biography, vol. 90, no. 3, 1982, pp. 310–324. JSTOR, www.jstor.org/stable/4248566. https://www.jstor.org/stable/4248566?read-now=1&refreqid=excelsior%3Aa34aec73e13b80ba0f2d706fd12112c0&seq=1#page_scan_tab_contents


    Rational Wiki - https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Beale_ciphers

    Mental Floss - https://www.mentalfloss.com/article/540277/beale-ciphers-buried-treasure

    Wikipedia - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beale_ciphers

    Skeptoid - https://skeptoid.com/episodes/4301

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    [email protected]

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    * Check out Rosetta Stone and use my code TODAY for a great deal: https://www.rosettastone.com/
    * Go to badlandsranch.com/HYSTERIA to get up to 50% off your regular-priced dog food order with a 90-day money-back guarantee.

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  • We are off this week.... sort of. We have a best of show, but first we dive in to continue or JFK Lose Your Own Adventure Sage. Then, it's back to 1964 to visit Jim and his photo shenanigans once again!

    Original Description

    Nothing worse than a photobomb. There you are minding your own business, taking a picture of your lovely daughter and next thing you know some idiot time traveler / astronaut / inter-dimensional being drops his/her/its mug into your frame. And while we’ve all been through it, there’s a famous version we’re talking about this week - The Solway Firth Spaceman. Where did the other figure come from? Could this be a real, true documentation of a close encounter? How much is free film for a year actually worth? We dive in deep and see what develops. Plus, Conspiracy Bot actually did research this week (albeit unsuccessfully, but...ya know...baby steps). Brent channels his inner British housewife from the 1960s (it wasn’t a huge leap). And John starts talking about time travel again (we wish it existed so we could go back and stop him). All of that and more on the podcast that doesn’t do a ton of photo shoots, but when we do they’re in the UK and they involve a spaceman – Hysteria 51.

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  • This week we're opening up the paranormal hotline and diving into the bizarre, the eerie, and the downright hilarious messages left by you, our fantastic listeners! From ghostly greetings to alien anecdotes, you'll hear firsthand accounts of the strange and unexplained... or at least complaints about us and how we pronounce things.

    So join us as we explore the oddities of your encounters, answer your burning questions, and maybe even solve a mystery or two along the way. Don’t forget to grab your tinfoil hat and prepare for listeners voicemails – it's time to Dial H for Hysteria!

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  • Lights, Camera, Possession! Get ready to dim the lights and turn up the terror with the Hysteria 51 team as we delve into the spine-chilling world of "Late Night with the Devil". This episode, we're not just watching the film—we're diving headfirst into its devilishly clever concoction of horror and satire, set against the backdrop of a seemingly ordinary late-night talk show. Brace yourselves as we dissect how this cinematic spectacle conjures a hauntingly unique blend of thrills and laughs, weaving together ancient demon lore with cutting-edge movie magic. We'll connect the eerie dots between the film's blood-curdling narrative and the bone-chilling real-world stories that have spooked generations. So, grab your popcorn (and maybe a safety blanket) and join us for a night of frights and insights!

    Special thanks to this week’s sources:


    Watch The Movie: https://www.latenightwiththedevil.movie/

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    [email protected]

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    Our Sponsors:
    * Check out Rosetta Stone and use my code TODAY for a great deal: https://www.rosettastone.com/
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  • John Oliver and his show Last Week Tonight’s latest foray into the unknown was right in our wheelhouse – UFOs. John tackled this enigmatic world with his trademark wit. This week we dive deep into Oliver’s exploration—from Jimmy Carter's extraterrestrial encounters to the controversial paintings of UFOs in Renaissance art. We'll analyze how Oliver balances humor with hard questions about what's really out there, critiquing his take on government cover-ups, media missteps, and public paranoia. Did he miss crucial evidence? Or did he nail the absurdity of the UFO phenomena by realizing it is not so absurd? Join us for a detailed breakdown of the facts, the laughs, and everything in-between, as we separate the science from the silliness in John Oliver's cosmic comedy.

    Plus, we talk upcoming episodes AND start our Lose Your Own Adventure! All that and more this week on Hysteria 51!

    Special thanks to this week’s sources:


    UFOs: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zRdhoYqCAQg


    HBO Show Site - https://www.hbo.com/last-week-tonight-with-john-oliver

    Last Week Wiki - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Last_Week_Tonight_with_John_Oliver

    Email us your favorite WEIRD news stories:

    [email protected]

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    Our Sponsors:
    * Check out Rosetta Stone and use my code TODAY for a great deal: https://www.rosettastone.com/
    * Go to badlandsranch.com/HYSTERIA to get up to 50% off your regular-priced dog food order with a 90-day money-back guarantee.

    Advertising Inquiries: https://redcircle.com/brands

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  • Rip off your tin foil hats and throw your best pot on your head as you grab a seat by the campfire because this week the Hysteria 51 crew digs into the dusty books of American folklore to uncover the truth behind some of the nation's tallest tales! We’re throwing Johnny Appleseed’s "hat" in the ring with John Henry’s hammer, racing Babe the Blue Ox, and decoding Geronimo’s battle tactics. Are these legends larger-than-life heroes or just myths wrapped in America’s star-spangled banner? Tune in as we crack jokes, bust myths, and maybe even stir up a spirit or two. It's a historical hullabaloo you won’t want to miss this week on Hysteria 51!

    Special thanks to this week’s sources:

    HowStuffWorks Article - https://people.howstuffworks.com/9-legends-of-american-folklore.htm

    Email us your favorite WEIRD news stories:

    [email protected]

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    Our Sponsors:
    * Check out Rosetta Stone and use my code TODAY for a great deal: https://www.rosettastone.com/
    * Go to badlandsranch.com/HYSTERIA to get up to 50% off your regular-priced dog food order with a 90-day money-back guarantee.

    Advertising Inquiries: https://redcircle.com/brands

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  • This week on H51 we finally dive into the eerie world of creepypasta, those internet-born tales that spook and thrill in equal measure... or just suck. It all depends on the subreddit! From the chilling depths of Slender Man to the unsettling accounts of Jeff the Killer, these stories have seeped from the shadows of the web into the fabric of modern digital folklore. Join us as we explore the origins of creepypasta, how these macabre tales are crafted, and their impact on culture and media. We’ll dissect famous stories, debunk myths, and perhaps even share a new tale or two with the help of returning guest and Sad Times Podcast host, Kevin Crispin. Lock your doors, check your internet connection, (and that is to just keep you safe from Conspiracy Bot) and get ready to be haunted by the stories that lurk online.

    Special thanks to this week’s sources:

    Medium Article - https://medium.com/bud-blog/the-history-of-creepypasta-da033083f793

    List of Creepypastas - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_creepypastas?fbclid=IwAR1o23yEOxdQr0eZ0VYF5EE9gquX83T6l_QdXba64vBGWhqoXRELwOHVnG0

    Get Your SCP-173 Plush! - https://www.amazon.com/FIMIGID-Plush-Toys-Sculpture-Gift/dp/B0BGGGRJQL?th=1&fbclid=IwAR0iEPfJWE1SJTAijdPq2PXGWObHpJZLEy67lQEdGvI4qqSo2dk22sKUSyE

    Check out the Blurry Photos Companion Episode: Digital Folklore with Dr. Lynne McNeill - http://www.blurryphotos.org/ep-249-digital-folklore-with-dr-lynne-mcneill/?fbclid=IwAR1jwNt0MH_JkZnDY9B4mqSojT_t49Y3vegXTbDlbMqBGwhI5Cozh1luThs

    Email us your favorite WEIRD news stories:

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    Our Sponsors:
    * Check out Rosetta Stone and use my code TODAY for a great deal: https://www.rosettastone.com/
    * Go to badlandsranch.com/HYSTERIA to get up to 50% off your regular-priced dog food order with a 90-day money-back guarantee.

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  • We are back to brave the wilds of the USA!

    Last week Hysteria 51 embarked on a chilling journey into the heart of America's folklore, and this week we are back with the 2nd installment of our two-part special, "A Cryptid Odyssey Across America." Inspired by Monica Fish's spine-tingling article in Fangoria magazine, we're uncovering the dark corners of the USA, state by state, to reveal the second 25 of the 50 eerie entities that lurk in the shadows. Oh, and just as scary, Kevin Crispin of Sad Times is back in studio!

    From the misty hollows of the Pacific Northwest to the swampy depths of the South, join us as we traverse the country to dig up tales of creatures so bizarre and terrifying, you'll be glad it's daylight. We'll meet cryptids you've heard of—and many you haven't—as we reveal the lore behind each one and ask the question, what's lurking in your backyard?

    Fangoria Article - https://www.fangoria.com/original/the-creepiest-creatures-from-each-state-2/

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    [email protected]

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    * Check out Rosetta Stone and use my code TODAY for a great deal: https://www.rosettastone.com/
    * Go to badlandsranch.com/HYSTERIA to get up to 50% off your regular-priced dog food order with a 90-day money-back guarantee.

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  • Hysteria 51 embarks on a chilling journey into the heart of America's folklore this week with the first installment of our two-part special, "A Cryptid Odyssey Across America." Inspired by Monica Fish's spine-tingling article in Fangoria magazine, we're uncovering the dark corners of the USA, state by state, to reveal the first 25 of the 50 eerie entities that lurk in the shadows.

    From the misty hollows of the Pacific Northwest to the swampy depths of the South, join us as we traverse the country to dig up tales of creatures so bizarre and terrifying, you'll be glad it's daylight. We'll meet cryptids you've heard of—and many you haven't—as we reveal the lore behind each one and ask the question, what's lurking in your backyard?

    Fangoria Article - https://www.fangoria.com/original/the-creepiest-creatures-from-each-state-2/

    Email us your favorite WEIRD news stories:

    [email protected]

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    Our Sponsors:
    * Check out Rosetta Stone and use my code TODAY for a great deal: https://www.rosettastone.com/
    * Go to badlandsranch.com/HYSTERIA to get up to 50% off your regular-priced dog food order with a 90-day money-back guarantee.

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  • The White Witch of Rose Hall is a story wrapped in layers of mystery, dark tales, and cheeky folklore. Annie Palmer’s story is a legendary Jamaican rollercoaster ride, set in the eerily beautiful Rose Hall Great House, just a stone's throw from Montego Bay. Have the history books got it twisted? Was she truly a broom-riding mistress of the dark arts, or just a misunderstood plantation owner wrapped in tragic tales? Buckle up as we unravel the mysteries, myths, and mirthful moments of one of Jamaica's most captivating legends. Tune in and get ready to be spellbound with us on Hysteria 51!

    Special thanks to this week’s sources:


    The White Witch of Rosehall | Herbert G. de Lisser


    The Dark & Disturbing Tale of The White Witch of Rose Hall | Annie Palmer - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dhzOE10NbpA

    The White WITCH of Rosehall - The Story of ANNIE PALMER - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=esjR0giwGrg


    Annie Palmer Wiki - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Annie_Palmer_(White_Witch_of_Rose_Hall)

    Fun Tours Jamaica - https://elsolvidatours.rezdy.com/143042/how-annie-palmer-became-known-as-the-white-witch-of-rose-hall-by-stacy-ann-gordon

    Boroughs of the Dead - https://boroughsofthedead.com/white-witch-rose-hall/

    Rose Hall - https://rosehall.com/rose-hall/

    Go Nomad - https://www.gonomad.com/1103-annie-palmer-the-white-witch-of-jamaica

    Sunset at the Palms - https://www.thepalmsjamaica.com/annie-palmer-white-witch-rose-hall/

    Trip Advisor - https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g660724-d148873-Reviews-Rose_Hall_Great_House-Rose_Hall_Montego_Bay_Saint_James_Parish_Jamaica.html

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    [email protected]

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    Our Sponsors:
    * Check out Rosetta Stone and use my code TODAY for a great deal: https://www.rosettastone.com/
    * Go to badlandsranch.com/HYSTERIA to get up to 50% off your regular-priced dog food order with a 90-day money-back guarantee.

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  • It's super big Blurry Hysteria time as Kevin Crispin of Sad Times Podcast and author and bumper-ized guest JTR Brown stop by the studio this week to give us their best weird news. (Even though one ended up being fake but we won't hold that against them). We cover everything from how we will ruin the moon, the best cheese after a coma, and how to get to heaven the easy way! All that at MORE this week on Hysteria 51!

    News Stories Mentioned:

    Lunar Radiation Time: https://www.livescience.com/space/space-exploration/russia-and-china-announce-plan-to-build-shared-nuclear-reactor-on-the-moon-by-2035-without-humans

    Heaven Slips (FAKE April Fools Joke):https://br.ifunny.co/picture/e-them-to-his-planet-promised-to-tak-florida-couple-gXWBIM2J7

    Cheese Swears: https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/boy-awakes-from-coma-addicted-to-cheese-and-swearing-10113941.html

    Follow Kevin and Sad Times:


    Follow Author JTR Brown:

    Website - www.jtrbrownwriting.com

    Goodreads - https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/48984507-scab-among-the-stars?ac=1&from_search=true&qid=SkzGwXdJTF&rank=1

    Amazon - https://www.amazon.com/stores/J.T.R.-Brown/author/B07JNCFVFM?ref=sr_ntt_srch_lnk_1&qid=1710185397&sr=8-1&isDramIntegrated=true&shoppingPortalEnabled=true

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    [email protected]

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    Our Sponsors:
    * Check out Rosetta Stone and use my code TODAY for a great deal: https://www.rosettastone.com/
    * Go to badlandsranch.com/HYSTERIA to get up to 50% off your regular-priced dog food order with a 90-day money-back guarantee.

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  • Picture this: a quiet morning in 1961, Eagle River, Wisconsin, when Joe, a humble plumber and chicken farmer on the side, witnesses a shiny saucer land in his yard. Out steps beings from beyond, not with laser guns or cryptic messages, but with a craving for water and an offer of pancakes cooked on a flameless griddle. This story has it all: interstellar diplomacy over breakfast, a government analysis of cosmic cuisine, and the enduring mystery of why aliens might traverse the vastness of space to share their version of our morning favorites. Buckle up as we dive into one of the most appetizing alien encounters in history, serving up a story so strange it just might be true. PLUS- We finally find out what Conspiracy Bot's C.H.U.D. does, and it brings with it some old "friends" of the show. So, get ready to be whisked away on an adventure that's out of this world on Hysteria 51!

    Special thanks to this week’s sources:

    Musical Credit

    "Anxiety" Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)

    Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License



    Alien Pancakes? - https://youtu.be/XGBfrg788Aw?si=iSPqPSbG0O50wlpD


    Hardcore Zen- http://hardcorezen.info/alien-pancakes/7894

    3X Strange- https://strangestrangestrange.com/paranormal/ufo/joe-simonton-and-the-alien-pancakes/

    The U.S. Sun- https://www.the-sun.com/news/7625220/us-air-forces-secret-probe-alien-pancakes/

    Obscurban Legend Wiki- https://obscurban-legend.fandom.com/wiki/Pancake_Bakers_from_Space

    Cult of Weird- https://www.cultofweird.com/ufo-sightings/wisconsin-alien-pancakes/

    Email us your favorite WEIRD news stories:

    [email protected]

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    Our Sponsors:
    * Check out Rosetta Stone and use my code TODAY for a great deal: https://www.rosettastone.com/
    * Go to badlandsranch.com/HYSTERIA to get up to 50% off your regular-priced dog food order with a 90-day money-back guarantee.

    Advertising Inquiries: https://redcircle.com/brands

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  • Get ready to get moist! Because of the water... nevermind... Anyway, this week our intrepid hosts peel back the layers of conspiracy and folklore to uncover the truth behind the scaly, green guardian of the swamp. Is the Lizard Man just a misunderstood swamp dweller with a penchant for camouflage, or is he part of a reptilian master plan to dominate the podcast waves? Tune in for an expedition filled with odd sightings, eccentric witnesses, and possibly the worst vacation destination ideas ever pitched. Don't miss out on this blend of comedy, mystery, and cryptid lore that will have you laughing until you're green in the face. Subscribe and listen now to catch all the slippery details in "Marsh Mysteries: Decoding the Lizard Man Legend" – where the only thing thicker than the swamp fog is the plot!

    Watch Shadows In The Desert: High Strangeness In The Borrego Triangle - https://www.borregotriangle.com/

    Special thanks to this week’s sources:


    Lizard Man: The True Story of the Bishopville Monster | Lyle Blackburn


    Beyond the Headlines: Return of the Lizard Man - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F-mp01_xDNY

    The Lizardman Of Scape Ore Swamp - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HANxkR-_nSM


    ABC News 4 - https://abcnews4.com/archive/has-bishopvilles-lizard-man-returned-photo-apparently-shows-fabled-sc-creature

    Beware The Lizard Man - https://discoversouthcarolina.com/articles/beware-the-lizard-man

    Lizard Man of Scape Ore Swamp - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lizard_Man_of_Scape_Ore_Swamp

    Live 5 News - https://www.live5news.com/story/29699211/new-photos-video-spark-new-interest-in-lizard-man-legend/

    Reptilian Conspiracy - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reptilian_conspiracy_theory

    3X Strange - https://strangestrangestrange.com/paranormal/lizard-man-of-scape-ore-swamp/

    Email us your favorite WEIRD news stories:

    [email protected]

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    Our Sponsors:
    * Check out Rosetta Stone and use my code TODAY for a great deal: https://www.rosettastone.com/
    * Go to badlandsranch.com/HYSTERIA to get up to 50% off your regular-priced dog food order with a 90-day money-back guarantee.

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  • It's time!!! David Flora from Blurry Photos and right here along with Derek Hayes from Monsters Among Us stop by to talk once again about their soon releasing documentary Shadows in the Desert: High Strangeness in the Borrego Triangle.

    Catch Shadow in the Desert AND Derek & David Below

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gt1079HR0dk TRAILER









    Our Sponsors:
    * Check out Rosetta Stone and use my code TODAY for a great deal: https://www.rosettastone.com/
    * Go to badlandsranch.com/HYSTERIA to get up to 50% off your regular-priced dog food order with a 90-day money-back guarantee.

    Advertising Inquiries: https://redcircle.com/brands

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  • Was it a visitor from another world, a natural phenomenon, or just the world's most elaborate bird bath? We dive into this outback swamp saga where the UFOs are as mysterious as the Aussie wildlife. From George Pedley's hissing UFO (or was it just an overheated tractor?) to the perfectly swirled reed formations that could give crop circles a run for their money, we've got it all. So, settle in, grab your vegemite, and get ready for some extraterrestrial shenanigans from the land down under this week on Hysteria 51.

    Special thanks to this week’s sources:


    UFO Casebook - https://www.ufocasebook.com/tullysaucernest.html

    Project 1947 - https://www.project1947.com/forum/bctully.htm

    WYTV - https://www.wytv.com/home/close-encounters-of-the-1st-2nd-and-3rd-kind/

    Australian Graphic - https://www.australiangeographic.com.au/blogs/tim-the-yowie-man/2020/09/saucer-serial-hysteria-the-case-of-the-tully-crop-circle/

    3X Strange - https://strangestrangestrange.com/paranormal/ufo/the-1966-tully-saucer-nest/?fbclid=IwAR1kHFxrlXE6wLjAlXwoIyvKwdalvGqfBPeir2GyoMSLSt3xBQDyMTZhQac

    Musical Credit

    "Anxiety" Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)

    Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License


    Email us your favorite WEIRD news stories:

    [email protected]

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    Our Sponsors:
    * Check out Rosetta Stone and use my code TODAY for a great deal: https://www.rosettastone.com/
    * Go to badlandsranch.com/HYSTERIA to get up to 50% off your regular-priced dog food order with a 90-day money-back guarantee.

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  • Strap in for a wild ride on the latest episode of Blurry Hysteria with your favorite conspiracy connoisseurs, Brent Hand and David Flora! This week the boys are joined by the ever-entertaining Kevin Crispin from Sad Times podcast, diving into some of the weirdest news stories out there. First up, it's sky-high chaos as they unravel the jaw-dropping tale of an American passenger turning a routine flight into a toothy turmoil, forcing an emergency return to Tokyo. Then, they switch gears to the groundbreaking world of science where a cloned Rhesus monkey is defying odds and time, thriving two years post-cloning. It's a blend of high-altitude hijinks and genetic marvels, all packed into one unmissable episode of Blurry Hysteria. Tune in, buckle up, and prepare for a blend of laughs, gasps, and mind-boggling mysteries that only Brent, David, and Kevin can deliver

    News Stories Mentioned: Special Thanks- Jay Settlemyer

    Mile High Bite: https://www.cnn.com/travel/japan-plane-american-passenger-bite-intl-hnk/index.html?fbclid=IwAR0WGZ6u2M_lrpHEXQU7KWU790S83vVqk38f-XK_Yv__TvKKTlDfXcTlg-A

    Monkey Shines: https://www.sciencealert.com/a-cloned-rhesus-monkey-is-still-alive-after-2-years?fbclid=IwAR0acknESTm6qS_IIE5aRfW01yc2FgZeRI4diXoZY_Vz1G7Vt_8I108iwVw

    Email us your favorite WEIRD news stories:

    [email protected]

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    * Check out Rosetta Stone and use my code TODAY for a great deal: https://www.rosettastone.com/
    * Go to badlandsranch.com/HYSTERIA to get up to 50% off your regular-priced dog food order with a 90-day money-back guarantee.

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  • Strap on your snowshoes and join us this week as we follow the coldest cold case in history - The Devil's Footprints. That's right, folks! Way back in 1855, Old Scratch apparently decided to take a leisurely stroll through the snowy countryside of Devon, England, leaving behind a trail of mysterious hoof-like marks. Was it a case of a prankster with a penchant for cloven hooves, or did the Prince of Darkness really have a snow day out?

    Join us as we dissect this devilish puzzle, exploring everything from kangaroo culprits to extraterrestrial shenanigans (because why not?). We're diving hoof-deep into the weird, the wacky, and the outright bizarre in this frosty tale of diabolical footprints. So, grab your favorite winter coat and a hot cup of cocoa – hell is about to freeze over here on Hysteria 51!

    Special thanks to this week’s sources:


    Devil's Footprints Wiki - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Devil%27s_Footprints

    Discovery - https://www.discoveryuk.com/mysteries/the-mystery-of-the-devils-footprints/

    The Serpent’s Pen - https://www.davidcastleton.net/devils-footprints-devon-snow-england-hoofmarks-hoofprints/

    Bell's Life in Sydney and Sporting Reviewer Wiki - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bell%27s_Life_in_Sydney_and_Sporting_Reviewer

    Musical Credit

    "Anxiety" Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)

    Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License


    Email us your favorite WEIRD news stories:

    [email protected]

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    Our Sponsors:
    * Check out Rosetta Stone and use my code TODAY for a great deal: https://www.rosettastone.com/
    * Go to badlandsranch.com/HYSTERIA to get up to 50% off your regular-priced dog food order with a 90-day money-back guarantee.

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  • In a cosmic rendezvous of epic proportions, Joeba, Ripley, and Zero Frux embark on yet another interdimensional adventure as they find themselves ensnared by the enigmatic Lower 4th Dimension once again! But they are not alone in this cosmic caper! Joined by the equally intrepid Brent Hand and David Flora from the acclaimed Hysteria 51 podcast, the group takes a deep dive into the Hyperspace Headlines. From peculiar A-list abduction claims, malfunctioning restroom mishaps, semi-aquatic misadventures, unethical playground shenanigans, and more - you'll be "Hysteria-cal" by the end of the hour! Buckle up for another whirlwind ride inside Close Encounters of the 51st Kind - Wait...I mean The Slurred Kind!

    Hyperspace Headlines

    Huff Post - http://tinyurl.com/37nxvmf4

    Huff Post - http://tinyurl.com/yc6aejuf

    KIRO7 - http://tinyurl.com/y65jedys

    ABC7 Chicago- http://tinyurl.com/3y5kj6ht

    Check Out The Slurred Boys:

    IG - https://instagram.com/theslurredkind

    Twitter - https://x.com/slurredkind?s=21

    Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/Theslurredkind?mibextid=LQQJ4d

    Facebook Group - https://www.facebook.com/groups/1435506800329193/

    Email - [email protected]

    Paodcast Outro By:

    Stop.Drop.Rewind - “Space Force Theme Song”

    Our Sponsors:
    * Check out Rosetta Stone and use my code TODAY for a great deal: https://www.rosettastone.com/
    * Go to badlandsranch.com/HYSTERIA to get up to 50% off your regular-priced dog food order with a 90-day money-back guarantee.

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  • Listen up meatsacks, Conspiracy Bot here. We had some repeat intruders this week in the Lower 4th Dimension. Flora is a tool and wouldn't let me experiment on them and instead insisted I release their last flirt with disaster today and then the new one tomorrow. whatever, he sucks and so do you so here is Close Encounters of the slurred kind on H51 from way back in the year of our lord Crom, 2 019. And tomorrow it is more newer nonsense from the same idiots. I hope you hate it.

    Original Description:

    The Lower 4th is full of visitors this week as the regular show is crashed by Joeba Fett & Ripley Scott of Close Encounters of the Slurred Kind. And any good house guest doesn't come empty handed, they bring with them 3 crazy news stories of the weird kind including Sloths hooked on feces, Bond villain antics from Elon Musk himself, and of course the latest with Baby Yoda! All that and more this week on Hysteria 51


    CNBC - https://cnb.cx/367up61

    Science Alert - https://bit.ly/38bINvG

    NPR - https://n.pr/382qtoO

    BBC - https://bbc.in/2PeQusE

    And make sure to check out Close Encounters of the Slurred Kind:

    Apple - https://apple.co/2Ekd263

    Facebook - https://bit.ly/34nRkbS

    Effects created with the help of

    Michael Freudenberg - Film Masters

    YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/FilmMastersChanne

    Website: http://hdreel.com/

    Our Sponsors:
    * Check out Rosetta Stone and use my code TODAY for a great deal: https://www.rosettastone.com/
    * Go to badlandsranch.com/HYSTERIA to get up to 50% off your regular-priced dog food order with a 90-day money-back guarantee.

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  • Time to get WEIRD!

    First up, we're venturing into the realm of artificial intelligence with "3 Scary Breakthroughs AI Will Make in 2024." Are we on the brink of a technological renaissance or teetering on the edge of a digital apocalypse? Discover how AI might soon outsmart us in ways we never imagined. From mind-reading algorithms to autonomous robots, these advancements aren't just groundbreaking; they're downright spooky!

    Next, hold onto your hats as we explore a tale that's as big as it gets. A former Oregon town official has set the internet ablaze with a bombshell claim: Giants are real! We're dissecting this viral sensation to uncover the truth behind the mythical sighting. Was it a tall tale or evidence of giants walking among us? Find out as we delve into eyewitness accounts, historical myths, and the power of viral media.

    News Stories Mentioned: Special Thanks- Jay Settlemyer

    A.I. Apocalypse: https://www.livescience.com/technology/artificial-intelligence/3-scary-breakthroughs-ai-will-make-in-2024?fbclid=IwAR0bOdJAOnuSSRQi2KyVLGQNviECqmfN7hp3m558KvJEuVVn_rwLEs2lO2Q

    Giant Peek-A-Boo: https://www.koin.com/news/oregon/giants-are-real-former-sweet-home-oregon-city-official-goes-viral-for-mythical-sighting-claim-tiktok/?fbclid=IwAR3hKii-OiFeGtBKX4G-_78eKjakqXKQtsxqDzm3i-Cjm7he7Vj2SuFKaZM

    Email us your favorite WEIRD news stories:

    [email protected]

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    Get exclusive content & perks as well as an ad and sponsor free experience at https://www.patreon.com/Hysteria51 from just $1


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    Our Sponsors:
    * Check out Rosetta Stone and use my code TODAY for a great deal: https://www.rosettastone.com/
    * Go to badlandsranch.com/HYSTERIA to get up to 50% off your regular-priced dog food order with a 90-day money-back guarantee.

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